
Milos_SDis there any news about fglrx in xorg-edgers ppa? :)12:04
ricotztseliot, ^ ;)12:21
tseliotricotz: I know...12:22
ricotztseliot, sorry for bugging you again12:23
tseliotricotz: I need to deal with broadcom first, as users with 3.2 are left with broken wireless...12:24
tseliotbut I'll try to do everthing today12:24
ricotztseliot, ok :)12:27
Milos_SDI have one more question :)12:29
Milos_SDon that laptop with Sandy Bridge graphics and ATI (disabled right now from BIOS), there is some bug that just restarts Xserver (trow me back to log in screen) when using xorg-edgers (and there is no way to get back to ubuntu's default because ppa-purge is not working with multiarch...12:30
Milos_SDis there some workaround for this bug?12:31
Milos_SDI noticed that almost every laptop with intel graphics, old or new does this with xorg-edgers... and there is no problems with ATI OSS and nvidia binary using xorg-edgers.12:32
Milos_SDdoesn anyone else has this problem?12:48
bjsniderricotz, http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16894014:47
ricotzbjsnider, i know ;)14:48
ricotzbjsnider, should be available soon in edgers15:19
bjsnideryeah, i just wanted to update you because i was putting it into x-updates15:19
ricotzbjsnider, alright15:20
ricotzbjsnider, please make it so that the edgers version is higher15:21
bjsniderricotz, i think edgers should be higher because they're both tagged ~distro~ppa, and i use ~xup, where you probably use ~edgers, although there's no excude for using both ppas at the same time. that's nuts16:30
Sarvattricotz: ~zedgers it is? :P16:37
SarvattMilos_SD: remove the :i386 packages first16:39
Sarvattits a pain in the butt because you'll have to reinstall things but thats the only way at the moment16:39
SarvattMilos_SD: dpkg -l | grep sarvatt | grep :i386 ; dpkg -l | grep ricotz | grep :i38616:44
Sarvattpurge all those, keep track of whats uninstalled (most likely ia32-libs-multiarch and wine), then you can ppa-purge and reinstall those16:44
ricotzbjsnider, right, the xorg-server dep should manage this two perhaps16:46
ricotzSarvatt, hmm, purging "| grep ricotz |", hopefully it doesnt use a ppa of mine!16:47
ricotzbetter "dpkg -l | grep 0sarvatt | grep :i386 ; dpkg -l | grep 0ricotz | grep :i386"16:47
bjsnidercool, we now have a "cancel build" option for ppas19:17
bjsniderfirst i've noticed it anyway19:17
brycehbjsnider, yep they added it a week or two ago19:46
ricotzbjsnider, could you update nvidia-settings in x-updates too? for 290.x there are some needed changes20:19
bjsnideryeah, i was going to, but there's such a huge build queue right now that i wasn't worried about it20:20
bjsnidergood thing there are 20 idle armel builders though20:20
bjsniderwe've on top of the armel issue for sure20:20
ricotzbjsnider, yeah, but they will takes long time too20:21
dzanhi, I added the repo ( linux mint 11 ) and did an update, then tried: apt-get install nvidia-graphics-drivers but that came up empty, ideas?20:25
ricotzdzan, as i wrote "apt-get install nvidia-current" ;)20:30
Sarvattdon't know what ppa you added or what ubuntu release linux mint maps to (hope you added the right one..) but its nvidia-current20:31
dzanSarvatt, thx I got it, ricotz helped me :)20:32
brycehi've run into that bug where you upgrade oneiric -> precise with nvidia installed and then X doesn't start due to nvidia failing20:43
ricotzbryceh, a dkms problem?20:47
brycehricotz, yeah nvidia kernel module missing (apparently didn't build?)20:47
ricotzSarvatt, you probably noticed ;)20:47
ricotzbryceh, i read about it, but havent ran into myself20:47
brycehoh wait, I said this was an upgraded machine, actually it was a fresh install20:47
brycehI wasn't expecting nvidia to get installed; I guess it did due to having 'third party sources' checkmarked or some such20:48
brycehaha, bug #87649920:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 876499 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Incorrect Nvidia driver installed by checking 3rd party box (affects: 4) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87649920:49
Sarvattbryceh: file bug fast against nvidia-graphics-drivers, move to ubiquity?20:49
brycehwait, no not that bug20:49
Sarvattwas saying fast because logs might get overwritten, not sure :) ubiquity would probably have good logs from the start20:49
Sarvattyou already know the kernel module didnt get built20:49
Sarvattricotz: you upload it to edgers or something?20:50
brycehgood idea; filing bug20:50
brycehooh, my apport hook prompts are kinda fun from the console20:50
ricotzSarvatt, no, just saying there is finally a first 1.12 pre-release20:50
Sarvattbryceh: /var/lib/dkms/whatever have a build recorded for your current kernel?20:53
Sarvattmodinfo nvidia (or is it nvidia-current) say anything?20:54
ricotz"modinfo nvidia_current" ;)20:55
Sarvattcan tell i haven't used the blob in almost a year :)20:56
brycehsorry had to type the ridiculously long bug filing url into firefox on another computer20:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 893760 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Could not start graphical session by checking 3rd party box; nvidia kernel driver failed to build (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]20:57
bryceh*** Unable to determine the target kernel version. ***20:57
brycehmodinfo nvidia_current just says can't find it20:58
Sarvattyeah it never got built20:58
brycehwhat else would be worth testing?20:59
Sarvattit did install nvidia-173 too20:59
Sarvatt2011-11-21 19:42:40 configure nvidia-173 173.14.30-0ubuntu8 <none>20:59
brycehlsmod is showing no nv*21:00
brycehbut you're right, -173 is installed21:00
brycehso, guess it is a dupe of 876499 after all21:01
Sarvattyuck this is a problem in 11.10 too??21:01
brycehhmm, possibly although I don't recall seeing it myself or running across bug reports other than this one21:02
brycehalthough I was only looking at nvidia bug reports superficially last release21:03
brycehSarvatt, you thinking it's ubiquity rather than dkms?21:03
Sarvatti'm looking at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/83010560/UbiquitySyslog.txt from the other bug now, all kinds of weird21:04
Sarvattcan you get that same log from your system?21:04
Sarvattubiquity is loading the nvidia driver right after the build for some strange reason, of course that doesnt work21:04
brycehwhere can I find this UbiquitySyslog?  no 'ubiquity' in syslog, and no *ubiquity* in /var/log either21:07
brycehah /var/log/installer/syslog maybe?21:07
Sarvattdarn, i have absolutely no idea21:07
Sarvattoh that sounds right21:07
brycehwow it's humongous21:08
Sarvatti'd just save all those logs for later and fix it up yourself, purge nvidia-173 see if nvidia-current is offered in jockey (might be a missing pci id from -current?)21:09
brycehwell, the entire purpose of setting up this system is to find bugs, so given that it's at 'mission accomplished' at the moment, no need to work around the problem ;-)21:11
Sarvattthat was freaking fast :)21:11
brycehI know, I'm pleased in fact21:12
brycehthis is one of the three bugs we have open right now against precise - http://www.bryceharrington.org/Arsenal/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/totals-precise-workqueue.svg21:12
Sarvattwonder if nvidia-current nvidia-current-updates being the same thing is throwing off ubiquity, no nvidia-173-updates21:12
Sarvattthen again why isn't this more common..21:12
* Sarvatt has been living off in kernel land, 3 more oneiric SRUs today :(21:13
Sarvattyeah not seeing any other related bugs so far21:15
brycehThe bug report says '11-10' in the description but the apport spew says 12.04, so maybe the bug was described incorrectly.  At this point evidence only supports this being a precise-only bug.21:16
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