
CharminTheMooseikonia, I perhaps misworded that.. rather doing 'cat [files] > /dev/null' writes the info to the buffers in memory.. Just seems strange to me that the hdd can fall asleep and you can access the file without it waking up again.. Like as if it checks the RAM first, then the hdd00:00
ikoniayour disk will never fall asleep so it's a pointless process00:00
CharminTheMooseikonia, it'll never fall asleep/spin down?00:01
EmiruSo any way to access windows 7 files from ubuntu ? like on the same network00:01
ikoniacorrect unless your whole OS and all the files are loaded into RAM00:01
ikoniaEmiru: samba00:02
Guphi all, after suspend my cpu scaling governor seems to be random!!  for example, if before sleep its on 1GHZ, after wake its sometimes the same,  or 2GHZ, or performance,  or on demand, it just seems random.  How is it meant to work and where can I change the defaults?00:03
Emiruikonia does it require any installation from the windows computer ?00:04
ikoniaEmiru: no00:04
zachanimahello; I am trying to install ubuntu on a RAID0-configuration, but I keep getting the error "Executing 'grub-install /dev/mapper' failed." when the installer tries to install grub. The partition I'm using for / is logical. Any hints?00:04
Emiruikonia alright thanks ill try it out00:04
ikoniazachanima: you can't install /boot to raid 000:04
CharminTheMooseikonia, so the harddisk is basically never idle? What process would be writing/reading from disk.. if we discard X for a sec.00:04
ikoniaCharminTheMoose: syslog, kswapd, many processes00:05
zachanimaikonia: so ... I need to have a non-raid0 drive in the machine?00:05
ikoniazachanima: partition00:05
zachanimaikonia: is that possible in 'the middle' of the drive? Ie. the first three partitions are spoken for, the fourth is an extended partition with / and swap ... hrm.00:06
ikoniaput it where you want00:06
reflexrgMy Encrypted home partition is now causing my system to crash sometimes how to I remove encryption from my home without repartitioning?00:07
reflexrgwell I am assuming that is the cause because I get a black screen and it shows a bunch of text about encrypt00:08
slgmaman unity fuckin sucks, but atleast you used to be able to use gnome00:09
machiolatewhat apps can i use to open a .txt file on ubuntu?00:09
socky_Hey guys.  I just upgraded from maverick to natty and now my linux server boots to grub>  normally it just boots right up to the login prompt, but not anymore.  Any ideas?00:09
slgmanow i got gnome and it looks nothing like it used to00:09
slgmahow do i downgrade gnome?00:09
ikoniaslgma: tone the language down00:09
ikoniaslgma: you can't downgrade gnome00:09
slgmathat is terrible00:10
ikonianot really00:10
slgmafirst they ruin ubuntu with unity00:10
slgmaand let you choose between it and gnome00:10
slgmathen they ruin gnome also00:10
ikoniaslgma: gnome 2 is dead - it's nothing to do with ubuntu00:10
slgmaim stuck using xfce00:10
zachanimaikonia: is there anything in particular I need to do to set up a non-raid0 partition in, say, gparted, or should I just create an extended -> logical 4th partition?00:10
ikoniaslgma: the gnome team killed gnome 200:10
ikoniazachanima: nothign special00:10
willwhslgma: stuck?! :[00:10
willwhxfce ftw00:10
reflexrgxfce sucks too00:10
slgmaits nice willwh00:10
zachanimaikonia: neat, I shall try it - thanks00:10
ikoniazachanima: as long as it's not part of your raid disk, you are fine00:10
slgmabut i miss some stuff about gnome panel00:10
reflexrgLXDE FTW!!!!00:11
willwhslgma: awn?00:11
willwhnonoi, awn is right :P00:11
zachanimaikonia: it is on the physical drive (I am not quite into the possibilities of raid yet), and I thought you were either raid0-ing the whole disk, or none of it?00:11
robin0800! notunity | slgma00:11
ubottuslgma: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:11
fellayaboyhow can i edit/bring up the edit option for my application, places, system bar???00:12
fellayaboythru terminal!00:12
ikoniazachanima: you dn't have to raid the whole disk, but you can't partition a raid 0 disk and put /boot on it00:12
reflexrglxde fast gnome slow00:12
zachanimaikonia: well, I have 2x128gb physical drives configured as raid0. How would I go about creating a non-raid partition while retaining the raid0-ness of the rest of the drive(s)?00:13
fellayaboywhats the command to bring up main menu options00:13
fellayaboyor to edit them00:13
ikoniazachanima: depends on how you radied it00:13
zachanimait was raided by default from the factory, the entirety of both physical drives are (as I understand it) configured as raid0. Where would I be able to see information on _how_ it is raided?00:14
zachanimaikonia: ^ for you :)00:15
ikoniazachanima: game over then00:15
zachanimaikonia: heh, alright ... hmm.00:15
zachanimaikonia: so my option is to pretty much remove all partitions and raid0 from scratch?00:15
ikoniazachanima: is it hardware, software or fakeraid00:15
slgmarobin0800, i dont see fallback mode in the list00:16
slgmaid be happy with my current xfce setup00:16
slgmaif it wasnt for certain windows not being themd00:16
fellayaboydoes anyone iknow how i can edit the panel menu bar from the terminall>>>00:16
zachanimaikonia: so I am guessing hardware means 'oh bugger', software means 'I can start from scratch', and fakeraid means ... what, exactly?00:16
ikoniazachanima: hardware is a true hardware raid controller independant of the OS, fakeraid is host raid, where it's a hardware controller, but the OS is the raid host, software raid is just that, raid controlled/managed by the OS00:17
OldOneEyei command u all to read my poetry   http://fecal-matters.mooo.com00:17
zachanimaikonia: will any of them make it completely impossible in any way to create a non-raid0 /boot? Will all of them?00:17
ikoniazachanima: what is YOUR setup00:18
slgmaim using xfce, but some programs (brasero for example) arent themed like the rest of my windows00:18
slgmahow would i correct that?00:18
zachanimaikonia: I have no idea how to find out, actually :/00:18
ikoniazachanima: what model machine is this ?00:18
LucidGuyKVM issue: Ubuntu 11.10 - W7 vm using virtio disk bus and qcow2 storage format.  Windows 7 install extracting process took hours reached 20%.  Disk IO was high also..  Anyone experience this?   Maybe I should try raw instead of qcow2?00:19
zachanimaikonia: Sony Vaio Z (VPCZ2290X-LBOM)00:19
zachanimaikonia: all I can find is '256GB (128GB x2) solid state drive with RAID 0'00:20
ikoniazachanima: ok, so that's host raid, so bascially you need to dump raid00:20
zachanimaikonia: and just have a 'regular' partition table with no raid at all?00:20
DaghdhaIn Ubuntu is there an application to see what port is being used by what app/servcie?00:20
ikoniazachanima: correct00:20
EmiruWill installing Win7  in virtualbox from restore DVDs delete my files on ubuntu ? The Acer recovery tool says all the C: drive will be deleted, but obviously, there is no C: on ubuntu00:20
nbros652does anyone here know of a way to impose file size limits on a per user basis other than limits.conf? Limits.conf doesn't work with samba.00:21
slgmaemiru the c drive is just a parttion00:21
ikoniaEmiru: no00:21
slgmahowever it will overwrite grub00:21
slgmaand lock you out of ubuntu00:21
zachanimaikonia: that is duable. Thank you, I will look into this and consider whether it's worth doing. I presume it is possible to revert to a raid0-setup again, should I ever want to?00:21
ikoniazachanima: sure00:21
zachanimaikonia: neat. I should be able to figure things out from here, I think. Thanks again, you have been instrumental in shedding light on this problem :)00:22
ikoniano problem00:22
socky_Im stuck in grub mode after upgrading from maverick to natty.  I am trying to do the fix listed here http://aaron-kelley.net/blog/2011/04/grub-prompt-after-upgrade-to-ubuntu-11-04/ BUT I dont know what my root is.  My server is installed in a VM.  How do I find out?00:22
Emiruslgma any way to install windows then and keeping ubuntu like it is then ?00:23
slgmatheres tutorials that let you reinstall grub once you reinstall windows00:23
Daghdhasocky_ : Super grub bootdisk?00:23
tonyyarussoDaghdha: netstat will show a listing of ports in use with processes, yes.00:23
stryke297Is there a way to disable authentication so that I don't have to enter my password all the time?00:24
tonyyarusso!grub | Emiru00:24
ubottuEmiru: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:24
socky_Daghdha, whats that00:24
Daghdhatcp6       0      0 :::4626                 :::*                    LISTEN00:24
DaghdhaSocky: Super grub bootdisk boots from CD and fixes the grub, i used it once. It savedme.00:25
DaghdhaIt doesn't list a application though tonyyarusso00:25
sickn3ssQuick question, how can I send a reverse shell or create a bind shell with the netcat-openbsd package from Ubuntu :-? the other ones have -e flag which allow me to do so. Also I only want to use this netcat and not mknod or telnet00:25
tonyyarussoDaghdha: Check out the -p switch in the man page.00:26
stryke297so no way to disable authentication?00:26
stryke297how about this one; ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa          ?00:27
SolarisBoysickn3ss: nc -L -d -p <port> -t -e /bin/sh00:27
Emiruubottu I didnt installed Windows yet, it says all the C: data will be gone and the computer will be back to original state, but since its in VirtualBox I thought I could get away with it00:27
ubottuEmiru: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:27
SolarisBoysickn3ss: try that00:27
stryke297how do I edit ubuntu software center?00:28
SolarisBoysickn3ss: actually nc -nvv -l -p -e /bin/sh00:28
tonyyarussostryke297: what do you mean by edit it?00:28
FireBeardso, what if you want to record the radio station you are listening to? [Rhythmbox]00:29
SolarisBoyplacing port as argument to -p00:29
stryke297tonyyarusso: to install WINE I was supposed to open up the edit option for Software Center and add ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa to some part...but it doesn't have such a feature.00:30
stryke297tonyyarusso; actually I'm supposed to open software sources....oops00:30
kernel^klinkhi there00:30
kernel^klinkI have a ? if anyone is free00:31
tonyyarussokernel^klink: Just ask your question.00:31
stryke297Which actually brings me back to my first question, is there a way to disable authentication00:32
socky_thanks, that worked great00:32
kernel^klinkOn my Asus eeepc 1005ha if I turn off wifi using the fn key I must reboot to re-enable wifi. is there a workaround besides re-enabling wifi via the cli00:32
Daghdhasocky_: I have a burned copy of it on my server :)00:33
FireBeardoh my god, once, this channel had tens of users :o00:34
stryke297$sudo psswd root will make it so I an always root user and won't have to authenticate?00:35
FireBeardI think you need to login as admin00:36
stryke297I only have my user.00:36
FireBeardI might be very very wrong tho00:36
stryke297I just hate that I have to type my password like 50 times a session.00:37
FireBeardyes, Ubu creates two users at default00:37
FireBeardan admin and a user00:37
stryke297so how would I login as the admin00:37
FireBeardby logging in as one?00:38
FireBeardonce your pc is booted, you can 'log out' [via the menu] and login again as root00:39
xanguathere is no root on ubuntu FireBeard stryke29700:40
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:40
FireBeardUbuntu does NOT log you in as an admin/root for a reason00:40
slgmaanyone know why some windows arent themed in XFCE (like brasero for example)00:41
FireBeardxangua: explain yourself00:41
celthunderxangua: just because there is no root password doesn't mean there is no root00:41
FireBeard..there IS a root password00:41
FireBeardit's just called an admin password00:42
Artemis3slgma, perhaps its using gtk3? you should avoid brasero and use xfburn... seriously.00:42
FireBeardis all00:42
celthunderFireBeard: it's commented out i believe by default00:42
slgmaxfburn doesnt work for me00:42
slgmajust spins my disk really loudly and doesnt ever stop00:42
slgmai prefer gnome programs Artemis00:42
slgmathunar isnt bad00:42
FireBeardcelthunder: what about sudo then00:42
Artemis3slgma, your call, my experience with brasero has been the complete opposite.00:42
FireBeardyou can login as an admin00:43
slgmabrasero is extremely stable for me00:43
slgmararely ever fails00:43
slgmaxfburn sounded like it was gonna burn up my disk drive00:43
celthunderFireBeard: what about it00:43
FireBeardnever mind00:43
|Slacker|brasero worked like crap here too00:43
thornhillstaffI'm using Lubuntu, how do I change the name of a desktop shortcut or make a new one?00:44
|Slacker|it never finds my cd drive00:44
slgmagnome-baker is good too00:44
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:44
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo00:44
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro00:44
Artemis3slgma, should be a problem with wodim, after all xfburn is a simple front end, much like gnomebaker used to be. brasero on the other hand... takes over the drive, if brasero ever crashes, goodbye to burning (or reading) until restart, that was my experience with it. Oh, and doesn't play along with k3b either00:45
FireBeardgheh, the password for ubottu  is secretyo00:45
slgmaso how do i change the gtk theme from xfce? i want brasero and nautilus to look the same as everything else00:45
slgmai hate k3b00:45
slgmaand all things KDE00:45
zachanimaikonia: Hmm. Considering the host raid nature, would it be possible to have a (small) boot partition out of the raid configuration, and then have the rest of the drive space in raid0 (obviously not being able to use the /boot size on the second physical drive)?00:45
slgmaKDE is the worst thing to happen to linux since unity00:45
stryke297So if sudo is all I need why even have a password, and what of the function $sudo psswd root ?00:45
slgmaeven though KDE was first00:45
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pepeei love k3b00:45
ubottuChocolate! And Strawberries! And ICE CREAM! Ooo! and 60 minutes +m!00:46
Artemis3slgma in Appearances you change the gtk2 theme...00:46
slgmadoesnt work for me00:46
FireBeardKDE used to be friggin cool00:46
pepeegnome is ugly00:46
FireBearddid I sleep for a couple of years?00:46
pepeeuse lxde00:46
suboneI am having intermittent network issues. Sometimes I can reach my server on my local network, sometimes I can't. If I ping it from another machine it says pinging and then says host unreachable. Where did this 99 ip come from?00:47
stryke297:~$ $sudo passwd root00:47
stryke297passwd: You may not view or modify password information for root.00:47
pepeesubone, wifi?00:47
slgmaArtemis3, it doesnt effect the gtk apps when im using xfce00:47
slgmait did in ubuntu 11.0400:48
slgmaever since unity became part of ubuntu, upgrades have been hell00:48
subonepepee, yes00:48
slgmaall kinds of stuff messes up and stops working00:48
FireBeardI don't see how updates would be different with another DE00:48
pepeesubone, may be a rogue AP?00:49
Artemis3slgma, are you sure its not only a few apps like you said? is leafpad and friends not changing appeareance?00:49
stryke297So what's up if I go to Displays and it just says "unknown"00:49
slgmaleafpad appears to be themed00:49
subonepepee, i am not configured to connect to unknown open networks00:49
slgmanautilus and brasero are among those that dont theme00:49
subonepepee, both computers are connected to the correct network and subnet00:50
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FireBearddid one check what is supported?00:50
pepeesubone, strange. I once had similar problems, but no idea what is the problem00:51
Jasminhii friends00:51
suboneAnyone else? I've had this problem for a long time00:51
Jasminwhere do i download jperf pkg00:52
Jasminn how do i install00:52
FireBeardyou can't google?00:52
slgmahow do you run settings manager from terminal?00:52
|Slacker|slgma, settings-manager i guess00:53
FireBeardsomething with alt-f200:53
FireBeardI need to get out of here..00:53
nbros652does anyone here know of a way to impose file size limits on a per user basis other than limits.conf? Limits.conf doesn't work with samba.00:53
slgmanope |Slacker|00:53
|Slacker|slgma, gimme a sec00:53
slgma|Slacker|, k00:54
FireBeardget rid of the |00:54
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almoxarifenbros652: samba is a method to share, I don't see how it would run file size limits00:55
nbros652almoxarife: right. I was wondering if there's a way to impose limits similar to using quotas, which does work.00:56
almoxarifenbros652: the share could be limited at the local level00:56
JasminFireBeard, hii is thr any network performance measurement graphical tool in linux00:56
|Slacker|slgma, you're not in X there?00:56
slgmawhat do you mean00:56
nbros652almoxarife: when you say "local" are you referring to client side or server side?00:56
almoxarifenbros652: sounds more like you want upload/download ratios00:57
|Slacker|just can't remember the friggin' it ain't system settings either00:57
FireBeardJasmin: wha?00:57
slgmaits xfce4-settings-manager in xfce00:57
slgmai was wondering what it is in gnome00:57
Jasmin any network performance measurement graphical tool in linux00:57
FireBeardwait, I need to kick my fucking cat's ass00:57
BPowerHey all.  I want to have a 3-monitor setup (which is practically impossible natively in Ubuntu, right now).  SO, I'm trying to find hardware to do the trick. Let's say I have two 800x600 monitors. I connect the monitors to the box, then the box to the computer. The box reports to the computer that it has one monitor with a res of 1600x600, then splits the computer output between the two monitors.00:57
almoxarifenbros652: shared folder is owned by some local account, it would define the quota00:57
nbros652almoxarife: basically, I want  to limit uploads to a maximum of an arbitrary size, say 15MB00:57
pangolin!language | FireBeard00:58
ubottuFireBeard: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:58
|Slacker|oh i see...just can't remember...I thought it was system settings in gnome, but it isn't00:58
fellayaboywhats the command to open the panel main menu to edit it from terminale?l..anyone knows?? anhyone anyon00:58
almoxarifenbros652: perhaps you need something like FTP then? and I am not a FTP expert00:58
nbros652almoxarife: the quotas are all in place and working. I want to prevent large files from filling the directory too quickly.00:58
BPowerI have no idea what that name of these are or how to search for them online.  I keep coming up with splitters (mirrored) -- can anyone help me with this?00:58
MonkeyDustfellayaboy  try alacarte00:58
fellayaboyMonkeyDust, perfect00:58
fellayaboythank you00:58
nbros652almoxarife: so you don't know of any way to do this with smb?00:59
JasminFireBeard,  i searching tool for network performance measurement graphical tool00:59
almoxarifenbros652: samba no00:59
fellayaboyhow did u find out the command?00:59
fellayaboyMonkeyDust, how did u know or find out the command00:59
nbros652almoxarife: thanks anyway01:00
MonkeyDustfellayaboy  known it since the beginning of time01:00
fellayaboyhow can i find out all these commands?..say if i wanted to edit another component..is their a easy way?01:00
FireBeard[01:59:51] <Jasmin> FireBeard,  i searching tool for network performance measurement graphical tool01:01
suboneI am having intermittent network issues. Sometimes I can reach my server on my local network, sometimes I can't. If I ping it from another machine it says pinging and then says host unreachable. Where did this 99 ip come from? This problem has been affecting me for a long time over many updates. From the server machine I can still access the internet during these times.01:02
T3LL0I have a problem with ubuntu 11.1001:02
T3LL0everytime I put it in suspend mode01:02
T3LL0it freeze when trying to wakeup01:02
T3LL0it just show me a black screen and I cannot even go to TTY1 o any other01:02
JasminFireBeard, can u help me01:02
T3LL0Ctrl+Alt+Del do not work either01:02
T3LL0I have to hard reset it, pressing power button a few seconds01:02
T3LL0can somebody help with this? cuz I realy preffer suspend it to shut it down01:03
FireBeardJasmin: yes of course mouse can help keyboard mobile basket :)01:03
|Slacker|T3LL0, you're using gnome?01:04
pepeeT3LL0, are you sure the desktop environment doesn't work?01:04
T3LL0|Slacker|: I'm using KDE, but with gnome same think happened01:05
JasminFireBeard, :(01:05
pepeeI have the same problem, but I know for sure that lxde works: if I press ctrl+esc, the menu is opened, and then I can reboot my machine from there01:05
almoxarifeT3LL0: has suspend ever worked on this machine?01:06
T3LL0pepee: DE is working01:06
|Slacker|T3LL0, I ask because I had similar problems in kde01:06
pepeeT3LL0, try rebooting the machine from the menu01:06
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T3LL0almoxarife: it works before01:06
|Slacker|I had to deactivate something about a cpu on demand thing01:07
almoxarifeT3LL0: when did it stop working?01:07
FireBeardJasmin, I have NO idea what you are talking about, but you might want to try MoonOS.01:07
Joshr1Hello, I want to create a softlink to the terminal on my desktop to make the terminal easier to get to.  I am unsure of what the terminal programs name is though.01:08
ermosubone: try 'ifconfig' and note if .99 is your own ip?01:08
|Slacker|Joshr1, gnome-terminal i guess01:08
T3LL0almoxarife: it never work. I have enough RAM01:08
ChrisGagnonDoes anyone know of a linux program that will convert stl files to dwg?01:08
tonyyarussoJoshr1: gnome-terminal, yes01:08
tonyyarussoChrisGagnon: What on earth are stl and dwg?01:08
bluGillhello, I'm trying to create a custom install CD (lucid), that only uses my local mirror.   however I don't know how to keep the standard ones from getting in /etc/apt/sources.list.   ideas?01:09
Joshr1Ok what folder is it in?01:09
almoxarifeT3LL0: what is the hardware?01:09
ermoJoshr1: ln -s $(which gnome-terminal) ~/Desktop/01:09
pepeeT3LL0, try doing this: open your favorite media player and play then pause a song01:09
ChrisGagnontonyyarusso: CAD files01:09
tonyyarussoJoshr1: Doesn't matter - it's in your path.01:09
robin0800Joshr1: ctrl+alt+t is rasy too01:09
ermoJoshr1: did reading those linux basic guides help you any? :)01:09
pepeeT3LL0, then suspend, and after resume, press space to play the song01:09
w30I want to map a sleep button my keyboard to suspend but I can't find a suspend command; anyone?01:09
Joshr1Yes Ermo, quite a bit.  Thank you.01:09
ermoJoshr1: cheers -- glad to hear it :)01:09
suboneermo, ok you are correct. That explains that :p Now what can I do to troubleshoot these intermittent server blackouts?01:10
T3LL0almoxarife: how can I print hardware information here?01:10
almoxarifepepee: his machine never returns from suspend, how is he going to play the song?01:10
pepeelatest ati driver (11.11 from amd website) broke suspend/resume on my machine: I get a black screen, but the desktop environment works01:10
FireBeardif rightclick doesnt work, try longclick01:10
JasminFireBeard, I  Build two virtual machines on my windows 7 OS and now i have to  evaluate the performance of communication link between the machines. i need to investigate:01:10
Jasmina)CPU, Memory, and HDD performance with the host computer01:10
Jasminb)TCP and UDP streaming performance, including throughput, latency, connection rate and other metrics.01:10
Jasminc)Demonstrate the impact of various Linux TCP/IP stack parameters on the network performance.01:10
suboneermo, note that the server is not accessable from other computers as well during these down times01:10
FireBeardJasmin: have fun then01:11
ermosubone: I would investigate cabling, switching and ip-address conflicts -- does the network have a DHCP server or do you use static ips?01:11
T3LL0pepee: and did you fix it?01:11
pepeealmoxarife, that's why I'm asking him, because it may not be a machine lock, but "just" a black screen01:11
JasminFireBeard, fuck u'01:11
almoxarifeT3LL0: describe your machine01:11
ermosubone: if someone with the same static ip as the server turns up, your issue would be typical01:11
EvilResistance!language | Jasmin01:11
ubottuJasmin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:11
pepeeT3LL0, i had to go back to fglrx 8.881 :(01:11
FireBeardstrange that you should evalulate OS'es in virtual machines01:11
FireBeardthanks for fucking me01:12
Joshr1Now I also want to know if I can keep an account limited to it's home directory when using SSH.01:12
EvilResistance!language | FireBeard01:12
ubottuFireBeard: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:12
EvilResistanceseriously, do i have to call in an op?01:12
v90How much disk space should I dedicate for a full compile? (make world)01:12
ermoJoshr1: You can, but I believe it's an advanced topic that requires jailing or using a restricted ssh client01:12
v90with gui and everything01:12
Joshr1Hmm ok01:12
FireBeard[02:11:47] <Jasmin> FireBeard, fuck u'01:12
ermoJoshr1: for which purpose? Do you want to give users shell access or do you just want them to access files?01:12
EvilResistanceFireBeard,  stop now01:13
FireBeardI reacted to that01:13
Joshr1Just files.01:13
EvilResistancei dont care01:13
FireBeardI did NOT say that, I just reacted to it01:13
EvilResistanceFireBeard,  i already sent the same warning to Jasmin.  you then responded.01:13
suboneermo, my configuration isn't set up afaik with any other computer with that ip. However, if that were the case, how would I be able to test that theory?01:13
EvilResistanceyou also got the warning01:13
T3LL0almoxarife: is a netbook ASUS eeePC 1000HD, Intel Celeron M processor, 1GiB RAM01:13
* ermo wonders what happened "don't feed the troll"01:13
ermo*happened *to01:13
ermosubone: change the server ip? :)01:14
FireBeardI now remember why I stopped going here :)01:14
ermosubone: ensure that DNS is set up correctly on the network and make sure that clients use the DNS name. Then the change of IP shouldn't affect anyone negatively?01:14
w30I can click on a suspend button in logout menu but how do I dot that in a terminal?01:14
ermow30: Did you try 'apropos suspend' in a terminal to see if there are any man pages related to what you want to do?01:15
Joshr1Ermo: what I want to do is limit some accounts to the Files, but allow a terminal link with an account.01:15
ermoJoshr1: Can you rephrase that? I'm not sure I understand  you :)01:15
Joshr1Hmm ok01:15
w30ermo, ok I will see.01:15
Joshr1The idea is to maintain a file server of course.01:16
suboneermo, Great! Thanks! I will do that. Is there any other things you could think of that might also cause these symptoms?01:16
Joshr1However I do not want to allow the entire file system to be accessible by all accounts when using sftp.01:16
FireBeardwe can post F*** here, because no child will ever know what it means, but say what you fucking mean, and it's a big problem [hello ban]01:16
CodespaceI was wondering why packages don't update for example gcc 4.4 on unbuntu natty but then on latest, oneiric, it is gcc 4.6. Will natty remain at 4.4?01:16
ermosubone: Actually, re-reading your issue, it might be the .99 ip that has a conflict01:17
ermosubone: since you can't reach the server OR the internet01:17
Joshr1I guess I could accomplish this through group permissions?01:18
ermosubone: is your box (the one with .99) cabled or wireless?01:18
zykotick9w30, check out if this post still applies http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=813387 - i certainly never used suspend from cli before, and don't recognize the command(s) used at all.  good luck.01:18
ermoJoshr1: You could take a look at ftps via vsftpd instead -- it does jails by default01:18
ermoJoshr1: I use it on my own box01:18
ermoJoshr1: and then you can give shell access to trusted users01:19
ermountrusted = jailed to home directory, no shell access01:19
ermotrusted = sftp access, can be controlled via permissions01:19
nekrozisI need a little help is this the right place?01:19
Joshr1Will it then allow me to use that softlink to my raid?01:19
ermoJoshr1: .. huh?01:20
* ermo doesn't remember anything about the raid01:20
Joshr1Oh last night I was here looking for a way to allow access to a raid.01:20
zykotick9nekrozis, if the help you require is ubuntu related, then probably.  Just ask your question01:20
Germanaz0new kernel released ?01:20
Joshr1I have the OS on a SSD, and then a raid-0 setup.01:20
Germanaz0or is just me that upgraded01:20
sleepdeadyeah.. new kernel01:21
Joshr1I was trying to find a way to create a link between the home directory and the raid.01:21
ermoJoshr1: I'm afraid you need to provide little more context. Ahem.01:21
ermo*a little more01:21
nekrozisBeen using 11.10 since it came out and turned password off in user accounts now I can't do updates because I dont have a password01:21
Joshr1So that is where the softlink came into play.01:21
RedArmyCan someone provide me a screenshot of 11.10 rendering engadget.com with the default browser?01:21
Joshr1This was before I realized ssh and sftp gave access to the entire filesystem.01:22
ermoJoshr1: http://www.brennan.id.au/14-FTP_Server.html <- take a look at that guide and ask yourself if not that setup fulfills your file servering requirements when using FTP over SSL :)01:23
ermoJoshr1: time for a new password? ;)01:23
nekrozistried to reset password in recovery but it said authentication failed or something similar01:23
Joshr1lol yep01:23
yeshHello All01:23
almoxarifeRedArmy: why?01:24
nekrozisCan anyone help with password Problem?01:25
yeshnekro: whats the prob?01:25
RedArmyalmoxarife: doing a rendering comparison against some new infinality patches, curious to see what's going on in ubuntu's rendering01:25
LucidGuyLooking to buy SSL cert, recommendations? Verisign is a little pricy..01:25
ermoyesh: read up about a page01:26
Gentoo64RedArmy, http://i.imgur.com/LZK4R.png01:26
ermoyesh: something about him disabling passwords01:26
Gentoo64i use infinality01:26
Joshr1I can't believe that just happened.01:26
ermoJoshr1: the password thing?01:26
suboneermo, I'm not sure what you mean by getting something different by reading my question. I thought you had it right on. The "response iterations" in the terminal, from running ping, was referring to the local machine IP, reporting the server unreachable.01:26
zykotick9nekrozis, you can't really turn passwords off - you can turn login passwords off, but not passwords themselves.  Do you remember what your passwords was (and are you 100% sure)?01:26
nekrozisTurned password off in user accounts now I can't download updates and when I try to reset through recovery it says authentication failed or something similar, resetting in user accounts doesn't recognize old password so I cant' reset there01:26
yeshclick on your name01:27
nekrozisyes i remember01:27
yeshshould bring you upto 'user accounts'01:27
subones/was referring/were referring01:27
Joshr1Ya, I was logging into remote desktop and it did that.01:27
yeshtheres a lil button that says automatic login01:27
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ermosubone: You said that during the outage, .99 (client) couldn't reach .2 (server) nor the internet, yet .2 (server) could reach the internet.01:27
yeshthat should disable the need for a password01:27
RedArmyGentoo64: thanks for that. Can I have the whole window if possible01:27
Gentoo64hang on01:28
Gentoo64RedArmy, im not on ubuntu...01:28
ermosubone: if there was an ip conflict with .2 (server), the server wouldn't be able to reach the internet.01:28
Gentoo64RedArmy, but i have the latest infinality and local.conf etc01:28
suboneermo, I don't recall saying that 99 could not connect to the internet.01:28
yeshcould someone help me install a programme here on ubuntu?01:28
zykotick9!password | nekrozis01:28
ubottunekrozis: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords01:28
RedArmyGentoo64: oh I see01:29
zykotick9nekrozis, you didn't happen to change your computer (host) name did you?01:29
ermosubone: "From the server machine I can still access the internet during these times."01:29
suboneI apologize that was not ment to be an exclusive statement01:30
ermosubone: how's your lan set up? Is the server also the firewall/NAT box?01:30
yeshIm trying to install this .exe programme called guitarpro on ubuntu01:30
yeshCan anyone help?01:31
nekroziszyko no i didn't change the host name01:31
zykotick9!tab > nekrozis01:31
ubottunekrozis, please see my private message01:31
suboneermo, No there is a Netgear router serving wired and wireless devices01:31
dr_willis!wine | yesh01:31
ubottuyesh: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:31
zykotick9nekrozis, then see the link about LostPassword above.01:31
suboneermo, the server is just a host on the network with a static ip, i dont think ive ever gotten dns configured for it01:32
yeshIve tried wine n checked their db too. Its on there with a bronze, silver and gold recommendation, but I cant seem to get it to work01:32
ermosubone: Does the netgear router handle DNS?01:32
nekroziszykotick9: ok01:32
Tech-1is the xserver pacgage the same in 10 04 as 10.10 ?,01:32
zykotick9yesh, #wine-hq might be able to help for specific wine issues01:32
ermosubone: If I were in your shoes, I'd examine every single host on the network and ensure that it was set to pull its address via DHCP01:32
yeshzyko: those guys are wankers01:33
zykotick9yesh, and sorry, it's #winehq01:33
yeshnot as helpful as the #ubuntu lads01:33
ermosubone: I'd also look to see if the Netgear router allows you to assign static IPs (per MAC address) via DHCP01:34
ermosubone: is it a mixed network with both linux, windows and mac clients?01:35
ermos/look to see/check/01:35
StepNjump2is it safe to bank online with ubuntu?01:37
scorchgeekStepNjump2: the same as any other operating system, why not?01:37
yeshas safe, if not safer than windows01:37
ermoStepNjump2: The security depends on many things, of which your OS is only one component. Assuming that you're using a browser based banking solution, I'd say "Yes"01:38
StepNjump2scorchgeek... With all the stuff that happens nowadays in the winworld! Makes one wonder01:38
Gentoo64its safer than windows either way01:38
StepNjump2ok ermo01:39
ermoStepNjump2: To put it this way: I have no qualms about using my Browser + Java Applet based banking solution :)01:39
nekroziszykotick9: when i go through the recovery mode to change password i get ' Authentication token manipulation error' and ' password failed to change'01:39
suboneermo, yes, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Ubuntu Natty, Ubuntu Lucid, Android, XBox360, WDTVLiveHub, iPod, and the occasional freeloader01:39
StepNjump2I have a friend who reboots in tiny linux everytime he connects to his bank on a stand alone computer...01:39
ermosubone: What kind of server is the server? Windows? Linux? Is it serving files?01:40
Gentoo64StepNjump, some people are over paranoid01:40
scorchgeekStepNjump2: well if you're paranoid I suppose it can't hurt01:40
scorchgeekI'm fairly paranoid myself, but I'm not worried about that01:40
StepNjump2I guess that would be the ideal solution but I'm too lazy to set up a computer JUST for banking01:40
Gentoo64nah thats silly01:40
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zykotick9nekrozis, i've seen this error once before - i have no idea how to fix it - good luck!01:40
Gentoo64my mums paranoid and asks to use my comp for paying for stuff online01:40
ermoStepNjump2: does your friend also wear a tinfoil hat for fear of people listenning in on his thoughts? ;)01:40
Gentoo64i tell her the xp comps is fine, i know it dont have keyloggers on it01:41
StepNjump2Would it be best to install a firewall on ubuntu desktop ?01:41
ermonekrozis: Are you using a GUI tool or the command line to change/set a password?01:41
nekroziszykotick9: yep been working fine till today, thanks01:41
scorchgeekGentoo64: so instead she makes you deal with it?01:41
hemangpatelwhere can i fin source code of ubuntu ?01:41
Gentoo64nah i tell her that her comp is fine (xp)01:41
xangua!source | hemangpatel01:41
ubottuhemangpatel: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html01:41
StepNjump2no ermo but he wears it because he's worried about RF exposure to cell towers01:41
ermoStepNjump2: /me wonders if that was a joke or not01:41
* StepNjump2 lol01:42
tobeis it just me or did 11.10 mess up the camera functions. (i cannot record with almost any program for some reason.) (i just fresh install of 11.10)01:42
nac-godfatherAnyone here got compiz working smoothly with gnome3 instead of as a separate window manager completely (latest release)?01:42
nekrozisermo: i go to grub and select recovery mode and go to root and at the #passwd nekrozis then type new password01:42
ermotobe: I think I heard someone else say the same thing in here a day or two ago ...01:42
suboneermo, Its one of the Natty machines. It serves HTTP, SSH, Samba, uPnP, etc to the internal network01:42
tobeermo: was there any solution found01:42
ermosubone: Hm.01:43
ermotobe: not that I remember (but that doesn't mean there was no solution -- just that I didn't pay attention :) )01:43
fellayaboyhey im trying "DISPLAY=:0 firefox www.google.com" to open the firefox browser in an ssh session...but its not working how can i get it to display on the remote pc in wich im logged to01:43
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BuenGeniohow do I make a copy or prevent dmesg from being cleared on every reboot?01:43
ermonekrozis: make sure that your root filesystem is mounted read-write01:43
ermonekrozis: mount / -o rw,remount01:43
tobeermo: oh... let me keep combing the forums... but the forums doesnt really provide good search results01:44
BuenGenioserver rstarted randomly three times in the last 24 hours and I have no idea what's causing it01:44
suboneermo, gnome-device-manager reports the wireless device on the server as "RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI (WMP54G ver 4.1)"01:44
Gentoo64power supply?01:44
Gentoo64BuenGenio, ^01:44
=== kaio is now known as all
BuenGenioneed my dmesg logs01:44
ermonekrozis: if the passwd binary can write to your filesystem, I would imagine that it'd die like you describe. But I've been wrong before :)01:44
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Gentoo64BuenGenio, trued /var/log/kern.log?01:44
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ermosubone: server? wireless?01:45
robin0800nac-godfather: yes in gnome classic but you have to hack it01:45
ermosubone: surely you're not serious? The server is of course cabled, right?01:45
fellayaboynevermind DISPLAY=:0 its just not updating via remote desktop viewer01:45
dr_willisfellayaboy:  you may ned to use 'xhost +localhost' from the x session. and ff is special and mayneed a -noremote option i recall01:45
ermosubone: hint: that wasn't a question.01:45
BuenGenioshould I just set it as chattr +a  ?01:45
Gentoo64whats the -a01:45
Gentoo64i only use i01:46
BuenGenioappend only01:46
nac-godfatherSo basically, you have to revert back to fall-back type mode in order to use compiz, no mate and compiz or anything?01:46
Gentoo64BuenGenio, could try it01:46
Gentoo64BuenGenio, but dont var log kern.log say anything?01:46
nac-godfatherIs mutter going to come out with some user-set desktop effects to replace compiz or what?01:46
ermofellayaboy: don't you need to ensure that X11 forwarding is enabled? I don't remember off the top of my head, but I'm sure google has a few tips for you if you ask nicely :)01:47
StepNjump2ermo and scorchgeek: http://blogs.computerworld.com/17515/being_safe_with_ubuntu_on_a_usb_flash_drive01:47
fellayaboyHow can i permentatly "metacity --replace" from terminal though01:47
dr_willisthey are 2 different projects nac-godfather01:47
BuenGenioGentoo64, Nov 21 15:14:52 byngeast01 kernel: [    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset01:47
suboneermo, It's just my personal machine. I share videos and music over the wireless network to my television mostly. However, it often does not see the server for sometimes up to a full day (though the length of time before it sees the server again may be affected by the client WDTVLiveHub).01:48
BuenGeniothat's the first line from yesterday's first reboot01:48
Gentoo64no idea if thats causing anything01:48
Gentoo64cant see why its cause a reboot01:48
ermosubone: 'it' being the telly?01:48
suboneermo, but during  uptimes media playback is responsive and continuous01:48
Gentoo64StepNjump, theres articles like thateverywhere01:49
Gentoo64StepNjump, to be safe online banking, make sure you dont have keyloggers, viruses etc (stuff linux dont get) and make sure the site is real and using https01:49
StepNjump2Gentoo64 I know.. but you are right01:49
=== Emiru_ is now known as Emiru
Gentoo64you dont need a livecd or hardened system for banking01:49
ermosubone: I don't suppose that you have a couple of Linksys WRT54GL routers handy, with which you could configure a wireless WDS bridge?01:50
suboneermo, Sorry, 'it' being the middle man WDTVLiveHub. It's a piece of junk I bought on the spur of the moment last Christmas.01:50
zykotick9fellayaboy, i assume that means disable compiz allows VNC to work?01:50
suboneermo, no lol01:50
dr_willisfellayaboy: test what you are doing with a simple xterm. i recall firefox needing an extra options to work remotely01:50
ermosubone: you see, I'm very suspicious of vendor firmware. The only _really_ stable wireless AP/Router firmware I've worked with is the Linksys/Broadcom kernel 2.4 based 'Tomato' firmware.01:51
Gentoo64tomato :)01:51
Gentoo64got to love that01:51
ermosubone: wireless router/AP vendor firmware, that is.01:51
ermosubone: bottom line: Wireless is only as reliable as your AP firmware and your network card drivers.01:52
StepNjump2Gentoo64 would it be safer to run a desktop user instead of administrator at all?01:52
ermosubone: hence my wry comment about servers and cables01:52
Gentoo64StepNjump, yeah of course01:52
w30zykotick9, I dug through that suspend link and found something that works; not what  is in the suspend button but nevertheless works, thank you.01:52
Gentoo64StepNjump, you shouldnt be running root for normal stuff anyway thats the point of normal users01:52
zykotick9w30, nice, glad you figured it out.01:53
suboneermo, Ok, let's say you're wrong and I hook it up wired and the problem persist. Then what would you recommend?01:53
StepNjump2Oh ok.. nobody ever told me that!01:53
Gentoo64StepNjump, well now you know01:53
Gentoo64StepNjump, ALWAYS use normal user01:53
StepNjump2Thanks a lot01:53
Gentoo64some stuff refuses to run as root (chromium for eg)01:53
ermosubone: for instance, in my home, I've got two linksys wrt54gl routers with tomato set up just to keep a wifi bridge running. They can go for months without dropping the connection or rebooting.01:54
StepNjump2And if I need to install something new, I would run su from the normal user or would log into my administrator account?01:54
ermosubone: Then I'd look at IP address conflicts.01:54
JontaStepNjump2: Yep01:54
Gentoo64StepNjump, use normal account always, and use sudo for stuff where you need elevated rights01:54
JontaStepNjump2: sudo01:54
ermosubone: how many clients do you have on your network? 10+?01:54
Gentoo64StepNjump, that way you drop straight back to normal user when the commands finished01:54
StepNjump2ok thanks Jonta01:54
StepNjump2and Gentoo6401:55
Gentoo64StepNjump, did you manually set a root password then?01:55
Gentoo64theres no harm in that, but just dont login as root or leave a root terminal open if you dont know what youre doing01:55
ubottuWe do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.01:56
ermo!wfm | ermo01:56
ubottuermo, please see my private message01:56
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suboneermo, Usually not all at once. And some are multi-boot. About 5-6 wireless devices and maybe 3 wired.01:57
zykotick9ermo, to get factoid privately (so the channel doesn't see) - you can use "/msg ubottu foo" [but perhaps ubottu just told you that - making this redundant]01:57
ermozykotick9: indeed it did01:57
suboneAnd between the three wired, only one would be in use at a time.01:57
zykotick9ermo, sorry - remember that 3/4 the way through typing01:57
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ermosubone: I'd definitely look at their ip configurations :)01:58
ermosubone: which router do you have? If it's Tomato compatible, I'd definitely recommend flashing it with that as well :)01:58
suboneermo, Netgear Wireless-N 150 (WNR1000v2-VC)02:00
ermosubone: Doesn't sound like it is.02:00
ermosubone: I almost hope you find an IP conflict. But in any case, I wish you the best of luck in your troubleshooting efforts :D02:01
ermoo/ -- I'm off.02:01
suboneermo, Thanks for your help02:01
ermosubone: np02:02
kierkkadonWhere can I change the default programs?02:06
kierkkadon(in kubuntu)02:07
eXpanderHi, I use "Suicide Linux" as my main distro, is it ok to recompile the kernel on that?02:07
kierkkadonnvm, found it02:07
xanguaeXpander: wrong channel, this is ubuntu support ;)02:07
reisioeXpander: as long as the arch is right, it won't matter02:08
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kierkkadonActually I didn't find it. How do I change (for example) vlc to be my default video media application?02:09
fellayaboyi wanna create a loop...i want to execute a folder with files....lets say photos... i want to execute one photo at a time using eog every 6 seconds how can i do that02:09
Jontakierkkadon: Googled "change default media application ubuntu"? (:02:10
blognewbhi guys i was wondering if you know a text editor, a c script, or pastebin webapp, etc that can set your work to an 18 syllables per line format because my sister is trying to do an "epic format" for her english class02:10
reisiokierkkadon: you are in for a fun ride, my friend02:10
reisioI don't even remember if I got that to work it took me so long looking into it02:11
reisioprobably if you ask #kde they will laugh at you02:11
Roasteddid updating break anybody else's microphone?? :/02:11
Jontafellayaboy: I don't know what you mean by "execute"02:11
somsipRoasted: updating what, when?02:14
Roastedupdating ubuntu. today.02:14
fellayaboywell lets put it this way...i have a folder with files..every 5 seconds i want to execute eog of a photo i have their02:14
fellayaboyit could be random or in order02:14
fellayaboydoesnt matter02:14
somsipRoasted: I've just rebooted on the new kernel and problems with my usb webcam mic in Skype in the last kernel seem to be resolved02:14
Roastedoh, sweet02:14
RoastedI wish I could use skype, but oh wait, my microphone doesn't work02:15
somsipRoasted: this was the generally reported problems - chipmunk bug, I think it was called02:15
Jontafellayaboy: So.. a shuffling slideshow?02:16
fellayaboysomething like that. but i rather just have it open a file one at a time..ill do the closing of files myself just have them popup and ill close them myself02:16
fellayaboybut i want to do it in intervals02:17
=== ermo is now known as ermo^
fellayaboysay every minute...every half hour...whatever...02:17
Artemis3fellayaboy, funny, i could swear there is a screensaver or two to do just that...02:19
JontaRight. Now you have me back at your starting point: Confused. Write a step by step scenarion of what you want to happen please (:02:19
fellayaboytheir is but i want to execute it myself Artemis302:19
somsipArtemis3: feh?02:19
Artemis3fellayaboy, you can02:19
fellayaboyok what would be the command to do that via terminal02:19
* Jonta wanders off for a bit02:20
dr_willisblognewb: emacs has addons for most everything ;-)02:20
bowohey , how to connect to ssh server on ubuntu ? using external program ?02:20
somsipbowo: what do you mean 'external program'?02:21
fellayaboybowo first i have to make sure you install ssh in both comptuers....sudo apt-get install openssh-server02:21
dr_willisbowo:  ssh ip#02:21
bowoowh oky thanks02:21
bowoi try it02:21
nbros652fellayaboy: do you know how to use the find command from the terminal?02:21
fellayaboyyes i do..a lil bit nbros65202:21
dr_willisssh basics 10102:21
bowoexternal program > like putty / openvpn or other like windows02:22
nbros652fellayaboy: you can pipe the output into a while loop.02:22
fellayaboygreat nbros652 i such a basic programing so how would i write that02:22
fellayaboyi suck*02:22
dr_willisputty has a nice gui to enter the ip02:22
somsip bowo: so you want to setup ssh daemon on ubuntu?02:22
Artemis3fellayaboy, probably something like this: http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/faq.html#slideshow02:22
sickn3ssHey guys quick question, I took a look at the netcat-openbsd version and it seems to be missing the -e flag. So how could I actually specify a program for netcat, such as /bin/bash to create a reverse/bind shell ? I don't want to use mknod or telnet or pipe it in /dev/tcp/ just netcat, any ideas ?02:22
bowoi can using ssh connection02:23
bowocz my connection is encrypt / blocked with admin02:23
nbros652fellayaboy: something like... find ./ -name "*.jpg" | while read pic; do [open ${pic} with your program];sleep 60;done02:23
dr_willisbowo:  be more clear in what you want and need02:23
w30bowo, look for putty.exe for a Windows environment02:23
Artemis3fellayaboy, xscreensaver-command seems the key to manual start it02:24
fellayaboybowo once ur ssh'ed into your remote machine...if i u want to execute program ON THE remote machine..u type in "DISPLAY=:0 firefox" for example...if u want to run a program on your machine u have to log in again using "ssh -X username@ipaddress02:24
bowooke thanks fellayaboy02:25
bowoopenvpn is there for free?02:25
bowoto surf freely02:25
somsipbowo: yes. there are a few. freevpn, usaip for example02:25
fellayaboybowo once ur sshed with -X you can run a program via terminal "firefox" "transmission" and  the window will display as if your on that machine02:26
bowossh -x ssayabowo@ssh.sign.io02:26
fellayaboyu shouldnt show ur username and ip address in a public room...someone could hack u...just a warning/ piece of advice02:26
dr_willisx and X are opposites in ssh02:26
fellayaboydr_willis, what do u mean02:27
bowodirect me please02:27
fellayaboynbros652, that seems like it could do ima see brb02:27
dr_willisdont use -x when you mean - X02:27
iarpAnyone have a copy of ubuntu's sources.list file, this ec2 one keeps failing.02:27
davidviphi all i need help on intel graphics02:28
fellayaboywell bowo u have to make sure ur router has the port for ssh opened..which is 22..then install openssh-server on both pcs..the machine ur using and the one u want to connect to02:28
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)02:28
davidvipi need some help to troubleshoot my video problem using intel-graphics02:28
davidvip if i leave the machine running on long hours i might end up the entire desktop freeze and the display like this video i capture http://youtu.be/KxevkWbpWzM02:28
tobeis it possible to "downgrade" from ubuntu11.10 to maybe 11.04 or 10.10???02:28
reisiodavidvip: neat02:28
fellayaboydr_willis, but they are opposites u say?02:28
zykotick9!downgrade | tobe02:28
ubottutobe: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.02:28
reisiotobe: the sanest way to downgrade Ubuntu is to reinstall02:28
dr_willisone disables.. other enables fellayaboy02:29
tobebah humbubg....02:29
fellayaboyso it will edit the X11 forwarding configuration?02:29
davidvipreisio: neat?02:29
reisiodavidvip: means interesting02:29
davidvipi find nothing on /var/logs :grin02:30
bowothen who do i freely surf02:30
dr_willisX enables. x disables i think02:31
bowocz my internet connection at the limit to open a website02:31
dr_willisbowo:  freely meaning what?02:31
davidvipcould it be driver?02:32
darkstar999dr_willis: bowo said his connection is blocked/filtered02:33
bowoi can only open a certain website only and can't be free to open his02:33
dr_willisbowo: and whos blocking you?02:34
dr_willisa company?02:34
davidviphmm.. thanks anyway, gotta find solution elsewhere02:34
darkstar999(his work)02:34
bowoi can't open facebook orrrrr other02:34
dr_willisone way to get fired.....02:35
Tidalsjust mailed your admin with logs02:35
bowowhat you mean02:35
bowoomg :D02:35
Tidalsi wish i was joking02:35
dr_willisvpn. or a ssh tunnel to a outside server02:35
Tidalsor well, you wish I was.02:35
JontaMake your time (:02:35
qinbowo: So you came here to moun about admin?02:35
bowoyesterday i was able to surf freely on the windows by  using ultrasurf02:36
dr_willisyou mean 'unrestricted'02:36
dr_willisfreely is a vague term :-)02:36
bowothats cool'02:37
bowoyeah unrestricted02:37
darkstar999bowo: what is your native language?02:37
dr_willisbypassing company security can get you fired.02:38
* w30 looks at scoreboard Admin: 2 bowo:1 *smile*02:38
Tidalsbiznet range02:38
Jontadr_willis: Depends on the company02:38
dr_willisi saud 'can' not will  :-)02:39
TidalsI wouldn't get fired if i killed our firewalls here i think02:39
Tidalsi think02:39
Jontadr_willis: Depends on the company02:39
lauratikado i have to install java in 11.10 or there is a default alternative?02:39
reisiolauratika: what do you even want it for02:39
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.02:39
lauratikato run a windoze application with wine02:40
reisiolauratika: a Windows app that also requires Java™?02:40
reisiosounds terribad02:40
lauratikai know02:40
dr_willisjava to run wine?02:40
reisiolauratika: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html 'No more Sun/Oracle Java'02:40
* Jonta thinks about Java's goals02:40
* reisio drinks java02:40
lauratikano, java to run appl in wine02:40
* Jonta travels to Java02:41
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:41
darkstar999lauratika: you'd be much better off running a virtual machine with VirtualBox02:41
reisioubottu: you aren't my favorite #ubuntu infobot02:41
ubottureisio: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:41
reisioubottu: no risk of that02:42
ubottureisio: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:42
reisiolike I said02:42
dr_willisi think i saw somw winetricks script option for java02:43
lauratikaim ok with wine i been running this appl for long now is just that i upgrade the appl and now that also use oneric is asking for java02:43
dr_willisyou mean install java in wine or for ubuntu02:44
lauratikacan i only instal java for wine?02:44
lauratikalike wine tricks or something like this02:44
dr_willisi think i saw somw winetricks script option for java in wine02:44
reisioyou could try just 'wine path/to/win32javainstaller.exe'02:45
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lauratikadoes wine comes with java by default?02:45
dr_willisno it dont02:46
dr_willisthat would make no sence :-)02:46
dr_willisyou could ask in the wine channel also02:47
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:47
dr_willisand the wine app database02:47
CavezzaHey Guys - I'm completely new to ubuntu - I need to install a partition on windows - should I download the windows installer version of Ubuntu?02:48
lauratikathanx i rather just download java02:48
reisioCavezza: you need to do what?02:48
CavezzaMy friend's starting to teach me rails tomorrow, he suggested I install ubuntu on a partition- that it will save me a lot of time in the long run02:49
reisioCavezza: do you know what a partition is?02:49
CavezzaNot really - based on a quick read, I'm assuming I have to divide my hard drive, but I assumed there'd be a resource that would do it in a somewhat automatic manner02:50
reisioCavezza: let me rephrase, do you 1) want to do exactly what your friend said and he said to install "to a partition", or 2) simply install Ubuntu in whichever way is simplest02:50
reisiothere might be, but I don't recall people suggesting any02:50
reisioCavezza: you have Windows on the entire disk right now, aye?02:50
Cavezza"You might want to install Ubuntu on a partition ( > 50 gb if you can spare) beforehand"02:50
CavezzaYes - windows on entire disk02:50
reisioCavezza: okay, and you'd like to do this as opposed to running Ubuntu in a virtual machine or other somewhat simpler approaches, right?02:51
CavezzaHonestly, I didn't follow up to figure out exactly what I needed - I'm thinking I can install ubuntu on an older pc to test it out02:52
reisioCavezza: ah, that would be simpler02:52
reisioCavezza: to install alongside a Windows usually you have to defrag Windows, boot to a live OS, and resize partitions02:52
reisiothe last bit is potentially not completely safe :D so you would want to have backed up your most important files first02:52
reisiowhereas installing on a spare box you have is: insert cd, click things, done02:53
CavezzaCool - Okay - sounds like I should install one in a virtual machine first, and then go from there.02:53
reisioor even insert USB02:53
reisioCavezza: that's a pretty simple route :D02:53
reisioCavezza: what's your processor? ram?02:53
Cavezza3gb amd athlon02:54
Cavezza2.2 GHz02:54
reisiothat should do nicely02:54
reisioCavezza: you want further instruction?02:55
wiggmpkWhy, all of a sudden did my keyboard shortcut to launch Terminal stop working? I tried to reset the shortcut and now I cant declare "CTRL" in the shortcut, despite pressing CTRL it only shows ALT+T when I reset the shortcut.02:55
reisiowiggmpk: smack all your ctrl, shift, alt, win keys to ensure none are stuck02:55
Emiruwhat command do you use to remove a directory with a console ?02:55
wiggmpkreisio: they are not stuck02:56
reisioEmiru: a directory you assume to be empty, or other?02:56
Artemis3wiggmpk, don't smack, gently push the buttons02:56
CavezzaNo - that should be good enough - Some trial and error should help nicely - thanks a ton!02:56
reisioEmiru: for the former, rmdir, otherwise rm -fr02:56
dr_willisEmiru:  rmdir02:56
reisioArtemis3: presumably he was already doing that :p02:56
Emirurmdir alright thanks guys !02:56
reisioCavezza: okay, well I'll go ahead and suggest VirtualBox over other VM solutions02:56
reisioCavezza: and if your processor supports AMD-V, go ahead and get the amd64 install image02:56
flaguy48Cavezza: to learn rails?  Do that on your Win box, that should work.  Mess with Linux later ........02:57
wiggmpkArtemis3: reisio: it's not stuck, I can use CTRL + C & CTRL + SHIFT + C and the paste equivalent with no problems.02:57
reisioflaguy48: he's learning from someone who's only willing to teach him the proper way :p02:57
ISOcratesI accidentally made a soft link with two directory names instead of one directory and a link name: ln -s /scripts/ /home/nikolas/Dropbox/salokin. How can I just delete the soft link?02:57
Cavezzaokay - cool thanks much appreciated02:58
Cavezzayeah flaguy48 - thanks for the tip02:58
=== darkstar999 is now known as darkstar999-away
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manofmilkISOcrates, try and use ' ' marks02:58
ISOcratesmanofmilk, how do you mean?02:59
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ISOcratesmanofmilk: thank you03:02
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reisioIR4520: couldn't agree more03:04
snowrichardhi.  Software center on latest version of ubuntu is not letting me install packages.  It says trouble fetching files, then a warning about untrusted sources.  I was able to install xchat and virtualbox with synaptic but still warnings about unverified packages03:04
manofmilkcheck your sources list03:05
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tonyyarussosnowrichard: Try clicking "Update" again in software update, then try again.03:06
=== hubble is now known as Kouen
Koueni need help03:07
Kouensomeone can help me???03:08
reisioKouen: not until we know what is wrong03:08
Koueni need to automount ntfs filesystems (drives)03:09
Koueni try to use unit manager (drive manager)03:09
Kouenbut unity doesnt let me03:09
Kouenhow can i do a sudo for apps running via unity??03:09
reisioKouen: they should automount by default03:10
SolarisBoyguys, i have a down system,, it wont pass the boot up process additionally it has run into the "monitor frequency out of range" issue, so i effectively have no sight into the machine.. i was able to get a flash card setup with ubuntu 11.10 386 and via booting up this live system, i can mount the drive containing the hosed OS.. i am like 100% sure that it is something silly halting boot but i'd like to fix the frequency issue.. any s03:10
Kouenit says there are no drives available please contact an administrator03:10
SolarisBoy+monitor/resolution worked previous to 11.10 upgrade03:10
SolarisBoyi opted to revert any changes i had in the grub.conf to the vendor default.. i guess that "broke" it.. although on 11.04 it always just worked03:11
Kouenany time i want to use the ntfs units i have to go to nautilus and click on each drive03:11
Kouenit doesnt autonmount by default03:12
reisioKouen: hum, well you can just add them to fstab to be sure they're mounted at bootup03:12
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Kouenthere are some key shotcut to run disk manager (drive manager) as Super User??03:13
Koueni prefer GUIS03:13
scorchgeekKouen: the only way I know of is using fstab03:14
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots03:14
Guest19552any body from china?03:15
scorchgeekthis may help you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions03:15
scorchgeekit's a little complicated, but you'll learn a lot03:15
Kouenok thanks a lot scorchgeek03:15
Koueni have to go now03:15
Kouensalutations from argentina guys03:16
javier_fajin ubuntu (11.10) wireless internet goes very slow (sometimes doesnt even go) while everyone else in the house has fast connection with windows (I do have fast myself if I start in windows). Someone knows how to fix this? http://pastebin.com/eCnmGcLM03:17
vibhavscorchgeek: You could have intoduced him to psydm03:18
scorchgeekvibhav: I'd never heard of it03:18
scorchgeeklooks interesting though03:18
vibhavjavier_faj: Is it a laptop? Please define the wireless card03:20
vibhavjavier_faj: And yes , Is the connection dropping at any time?03:20
snowrichardhmm i see  a reboot coming... kernel version 3 update03:20
=== sysadamin|away is now known as sysadamin
[snake]is there a gnome 1 looking icon theme?03:22
[snake]I can't find it03:22
javier_fajvibhav: yes, it's a laptop, acer. wireless card is "Atheros Communications Inc. AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)". Connection is lost from time to time,and what i do is to disconnect and connect the wifi signal and I have internet for a while again. But it's not always (but often) that is this slow, neither that I can make it work again)03:24
skumarahi ubuntu, how to add custom sound theme in ubuntu? like when i want to minimise or maximise windows i want some sound?03:25
=== LinoSP|away is now known as LinoSP
nairbjavier_faj: sounds like your are experiencing symptoms of a compromised network, man-in-the middle type of attack.03:27
Argos20hey all wsup03:31
Argos20is ubuntu any good03:31
pangolintry it and decide for yourself03:32
tonyyarussoArgos20: What answer do you expect to a question like that in this channel?03:32
soreauskumara: There is a sound plugin for compiz though you would have to build it03:32
Argos20just curious is it for games03:32
soreauArgos20: It isnt for games though there are many games for linux as well as wine to run games designed for windows03:33
Argos20do i need core i7 to run this or better03:33
tonyyarussoArgos20: Not at all.03:34
Argos20is the response time better then windows03:34
soreauit can run on pretty much any pc that isnt more than a decade old03:34
soreauThe response of what?03:34
javier_fajvibhav, any idea?03:35
[snake]is there a gnome 1 looking icon theme? where is it?03:35
Argos20i dont have to wait for the browser to open03:35
[snake]like red hat original gnome icons03:35
Argos20what version of ubunut is there03:35
soreauLoad times depend on what the application loads when it starts03:35
soreau! 11.1003:36
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) is the current release of Ubuntu | Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111003:36
darkstar999-awayArgos20: You can try Ubuntu without getting rid of Windows03:36
urlin2u[snake], not really in ubuntu, any redone redhat has all redhat removed anyway.03:36
=== darkstar999-away is now known as darkstar999
vibhavjavier_faj: - Read more @ http://www.hitxp.com/articles/software/ubuntu-fix-slow-wireless-internet-connection-speed-upgrading-11-04-natty-narwhal/ © hitxp.com03:36
Argos20i got 2 hard drives that will help?03:36
nairbArgos20: http://www.playdeb.net/welcome/03:36
vibhavjavier_faj: Could be due to the Power Management03:36
=== LinoSP|away is now known as LinoSP
darkstar999Argos20: You could have windows installed on one, and Ubuntu on the other.03:37
vibhavjavier_faj: I also had this problem03:37
javier_fajvibhav, if it is about dissabling power management, I don't think that's the thing. It's already dissabled03:38
Argos20ok cool ill give it chat03:38
Argos20wherer do i download it from03:38
kierkkadonWhat's a good ANSI C compiler to use?03:38
[snake]urlin2u, i meant like how red hat had the old icons like these: http://www.linuxinsight.com/files/images/gnome_old.png03:38
soreauArgos20: ubottu already told you where03:38
soreau! 11.1003:38
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) is the current release of Ubuntu | Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111003:38
soreau! download03:38
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Oneiric, and help keeping the servers' load low!03:38
vibhavjavier_faj: You can still try it03:39
javier_fajvibhav, ok, I'm trying to  open the page :)03:39
Argos20which one do i download03:40
darkstar999Argos20: what kind of computer do you have?03:41
urlin2u[snake], I suspect if you look on the web you will find something, or try and tweak what is stock till your happy, getting an actual answer on the irc of a specific theme or icon set in the repos may be a long wait though.03:41
Argos20cor i7-92003:41
darkstar999Get the 64-bit version03:41
Argos20i have windows 64bit03:41
Argos20oh ok thanks..the amd one?03:42
d34d1yAfter running compiz --replace my windows and everything disappeared, all I see is my wallpaper, any ideas?03:42
sonikosalve ragazzi03:42
sonikochi parla la mia lingua???03:42
reisiod34d1y: run mutter --replace ?03:42
d34d1yHow? All I have is my desktop and a wallpaper03:42
AstroeHeya dudes :)03:43
nairbd34dly - lolz. would need more info than that. what window manager? what version of ubuntu?03:43
somsip!it | soniko03:43
ubottusoniko: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)03:43
Argos20wow how fast is this download 700 in 4minutes lol03:43
d34d1y11.04 I mean everything is gone I got into firefox by using find help online via ctrl+alt+del menu03:44
nairbd34dly - you could always drop out to a terminal03:44
reisioArgos20: I'm going to go ahead and say 175MB per minute03:44
Argos20wow some server you guys have03:44
kierkkadonWhat should the argument for apt-get install be for gcc?03:44
reisioArgos20: you probably lucked out and got a local Australian mirror03:44
reisiokierkkadon: depends why you want it03:44
DeviceZer0anyone here using brtfs? Fresh install and chose to use brtfs for / ...is it more or is it almost painfully slow? Using apt to install stuff takes SOOOOO long.03:45
reisioI used to have a mirror for the distro I use in the same town as me03:45
kierkkadonreisio, I want to get python to work03:45
reisioit was super awesome03:45
nairbkierkkadon - sudo apt-get install build-essential03:45
reisiokierkkadon: python doesn't have much to do with gcc03:45
reisioDeviceZer0: btrfs performs well, but unfortunately the fsck isn't quite ready yet03:46
crusHi guys, I've got an OpenVZ VPS running Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS, I put a link from /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/firewall to /root/firewall03:46
kierkkadonreisio, the README file said that python needed a C compiler, and it specifically mentioned gcc as an example03:46
reisioDeviceZer0: so if your filesystem becomes corrupted, you will be in for some waiting03:46
crusThe interface doesn't come up when i do this?03:46
cruspost boot the script works fine03:46
reisiokierkkadon: what readme file?03:46
reisiokierkkadon: to install python you'd probably run sudo apt-get install python, and get a _precompiled_ python interpreter03:46
azradhi noob here; i messed up my ubuntu install; when i log in through the graphial window it lets me in; to a blank desktop with a terminal open and nothing else.... need advise to just reinstall it back to the way it was from the distro or something03:46
reisioazrad: you want what, GNOME?03:47
azradi was messing around with compiz and unity (that was the cause of the problem)03:47
kierkkadonreisio, The one on the python website...I downloaded a tar ball file, extracted it, and read the readme inside03:47
reisiokierkkadon: okay, that's not how most people would install python03:47
azradreisio; that would be fine i guess; anything is better than what i got; not picky just need something :)03:47
kierkkadonAlso, I'm completely new to linux03:47
dkogAnybody know what happened to package "iptables-persistent" ?  It used to work in 11.04, now I can't even find it.03:47
DeviceZer0reisio, ah. Well..i may just reinstall tomorrow with ext4 then. I thought I'd give brtfs a shot since it seems to be all the rage now..but this is getting annoying. Install a few dependencies for compiling xbmc has taken around 30-35 mins so far...like 15 seconds to dl the debs and now its SLOWLY installing them all.03:47
reisiokierkkadon: you should exploit your package manager: sudo apt-get install python ... it might even already be installed03:47
nairbazrad - you probably just need to log out to your login-manager, then select a different desktop environment. sounds like your selected Xterm03:48
DeviceZer0Something has to be wrong. Apt has never taken this long before.03:48
reisioazrad: yes hit the cog next to the login box03:48
=== sysadamin|away is now known as sysadamin
reisiokierkkadon: I could tell :)03:48
reisiokierkkadon: with Linux you rarely go to a website and download a package03:48
kierkkadonreisio, how do I use the package manager really? Just use the names of files that I want? Is there somewhere I can look at a list or search?03:48
azradreisio: ok thanks for the tip; i'll have to reboot to try it03:48
reisiokierkkadon: more frequently you look for a package by name or description with your package manager frontend, and tell it to install, and are done03:48
reisiokierkkadon: yes there's a frontend called 'Software Center'03:48
reisiokierkkadon: and you can install a slightly more versatile one called 'synaptic' if you like03:49
reisiokierkkadon: there's also a TUI frontend called aptitude, and you can use apt-get install as well03:49
kierkkadonreisio, I have that, and I've been using it, but it doesn't seem to have a very complete database. I don't normally find what I'm looking for03:49
kierkkadonI'm using Muon, the default KDE one03:49
reisiokierkkadon: can you give an example of something you couldn't find?03:50
=== ArchAttack is now known as Guest28728
kierkkadonDwarf Fortress03:50
Guest28728wow has mint really overtaken ubuntu :-( I finally found a cool unity app that I think fixes my issues with ubuntu called MyUnity03:51
reisiokierkkadon: to explain that, my guess is that's due to matlab's licensing03:52
d34d1yHow do I get my windows and such back after I get into terminal?03:52
reisiokierkkadon: and dwarf fortress is probably just new03:52
ZenGuy3111Guest28728:  once unity becomes more feature complete and refine ubuntu will reign again03:52
reisioalthough games frequently have annoying licensing as well03:52
kierkkadonAlso, searching 'python' in Muon returns nothing03:52
reisiokierkkadon: in any case, what you typically do for packages that _aren't_ in the official package repo03:52
aeon-ltdd34d1y: ctrl-alt-f11 iirc03:52
nairbd34dly - depends on your desktop environment, and windows manager.03:52
alsoericany ideas on how to create unity launchers?  I want to create a variety of term launchers,each launching a different ssh session03:52
reisiokierkkadon: is 1) look for a 3rd party repo with the package or 2) look for a .deb file on their website03:52
[snake]good night community of linux users.03:53
reisiokierkkadon: well then this muon you have sounds like garbage :)03:53
=== sysadamin|away is now known as sysadamin
nairbalsoeric - unity uses .desktop files03:53
kierkkadonreisio, the review for it _within Muon_ was only 3/503:53
reisiokierkkadon: hahaha ha03:53
kierkkadonI'm currently getting synaptic03:54
alsoericedit with emacs,no gui?? :-)03:54
Guest28728ZenGuy3111: I hope so cause I'm on mint12 now and sure they have a somewhat good bottom taskbar big whoop nothing that I personally think makes them any better, heck i didn't like it so i'm on xfce03:54
reisiokierkkadon: the bottom line is unless the package is _incredibly obscure_ (matlab and python do not qualify), there are already compiled binaries for it, and you don't need gcc03:54
azradreisio: woot ok that got me to a usable desktop (now i can continue to play around with it)03:54
reisioazrad: fun to break things, eh?03:54
azradlol yeah03:54
reisioazrad: next time just restart gdm03:54
nairbalsoeric - http://askubuntu.com/questions/35488/list-of-custom-launchers-quicklists-for-unity03:55
azradreisio: thanks, got any tips for repairing unity?03:55
kierkkadonreisio, thanks for your help03:55
robin0800kierkkadon: are you using the muon package manager ore the muon software centre03:55
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kierkkadonrobin0800, I was using Muon Software Center, now I'm using Synaptic03:56
javier_fajvibhav, i followed what you sent, and it looks like it did something. It's not totally stable, but more stable and faster than before. Hope i can make it stay that way. I'm very surprised it worked, cause power management was already ser to "off", but ordering to off it again make it work better. Weird :)03:56
vibhavjavier_faj: What do you mean by stable?03:56
robin0800kierkkadon: you should use the package manager for things like python03:56
azradwell i'm off to reek havoc on my machine; thanks again reisio03:57
kierkkadonrobin0800, I see that now03:57
alsoericnairb, thanks   1 prob is right click menu on desk top does not display anything related to launcher creation03:57
AstroeSo hey, I'm installing Ubuntu Netbook 10.04 for the first time on a book that's supposed to be for an 8 year old. How to child-proof Ubuntu?03:58
nairbalsoeric - just use a text editor, and create a .desktop file launcher  http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/03:58
vibhavAstroe: define 'child proof'03:58
reisioAstroe: you want to keep it from being broken, or from being used to look at tubgirl?03:59
Astroevibhav: Like, I want it to be simple, so I'm going to put a Firefox icon on the desktop labeled "Internet" but I want to prevent him from visiting porn sites03:59
Astroeor anything that might scar the poor boy04:00
reisiothere are some filter apps...04:00
vibhavAstroe: Use any proper DNS Service like OPENSN04:00
reisiobut they aren't as good as, like... teaching him the value of not wanking 24/704:00
nairbalsoeric - or use alacarte (install it if not installed) and copy/edit the .desktop file it makes04:00
tonyyarussoAstroe: Obligatory comment about technical solutions to social problems ;)04:01
Astroeit's not my kid, roomie's grrandson, so teaching him to not wank is out04:01
reisioAstroe: dodged a bullet there04:01
reisioyou could just autoload xeyes, that'd be discouraging :p04:01
tonyyarussoAstroe: dansguardian is the name of the most popular web filtering app in the repos.04:01
nairbAstroe - you can always do host redirection04:01
tonyyarussoAstroe: You can also look at sabayon for locking down the desktop settings.04:02
SolarisBoyhas anyone had the issue where the updated to 11.10 and began receiving frequency out of range on their monitor after?04:02
tonyyarussoAstroe: Also, pessulus04:02
AstroeWith dansguardian do I have to enter each website individually that I want to block?04:03
tonyyarussoAstroe: No, it has categories04:03
tonyyarussoAstroe: No filter is foolproof, but they try.04:03
AstroeOh cool, I'll check it out. Thanks :)04:03
urlin2uAstroe, kind of a big risk for a child not really your responsibility, but somewhat becomes one when you do this, if me I would not touch it with a 10 foot pole.04:03
AstroeShe specifically asked me to filter the kids internet though04:04
AstroeShe wants him on armorgames.com and that's pretty much it04:04
AstroeAnd in exchange for helping her with computer stuff she "helps" me on math homework :p04:04
reisiomultiplication, amirite?04:05
cobalt237Is there a way to see the flags a launcher on the unity dash may be using?04:05
reisiocobalt237: undoubtedly in some . dir in ~/ somewhere04:05
reisioy'know, or /etc/04:05
urlin2ustill woudn't I would say seek professional help, just the fact that you come here for info, would be a red flag or should be for her, as far as your knowledge base and where and who should be the person doing this.04:05
reisioAstroe: you could fairly easily block every site but that one, but that'd be a bit lame :p04:06
AstroeYeah, I figured a whitelist would solve it, but that would be lame04:06
AstroeI want him to be able to get to any site regarding Ubuntu tech support too :p04:06
cobalt237Yeah, but which file?04:06
reisioI assume dansguardian will be relatively simple to configure, once it's installed04:07
AstroeI'm booting the VM to check now :D04:08
AstroeWhile I'm in here, anyone have any experriance with WinXP dual boot, installed after Ubuntu?04:08
AstroeWith no CD btw04:08
javier_fajvibhav, stable: before doing this, I was trying to install gimp in terminal, and speed of download was not higger than a few mb (10 kb/s, more often 1000 bytes/s, and some times 0 bytes/s. That is not stable). After I did this change, it went up to 100kb/s, for some minutes, but in between, going down to several bytes/s for some moments (and back to speed later)04:08
reisioAstroe: you need to know how to do it with no CD?04:09
AstroeYeah, I have the WinXP .iso provided by my school, but no CD's to burn it to. Do have a 4GB flash drive though04:10
nairbAstroe - there is also nanny04:10
reisioif it's not for games and the hardware isn't too bad, I'd suggest using a VM instead04:10
nairbsudo apt-get install nanny04:10
AstroeIt is for games though :p I have a winxp VM that I use for homework04:11
AstroeBut I have 20GB on my HD that are for WinXP but I don't want to have to re-install my Ubuntu04:12
AstroeConfig is a B****  :p04:12
reisioAstroe: :p04:12
reisioAstroe: if you have access to a Windows box, most of the USB imaging tools for Windows media are... win3204:12
Astroelol that sucks04:13
reisiothere is a (video, pfft) how to over here, though, for Windows 7 (I assume most of the steps would be the same): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nv1tHc_UiWA04:13
AstroeCould I image the USB from a VM?04:13
reisioyeah you could :p04:13
AstroeOh then that would be no trouble, the trrick would be getting rerscatux or the grub rescue disk back onto the usb after win install04:14
reisioit would?04:14
AstroeHmm.. Maybe if I booted to live cd and installed frrom there. Cool, thanks dudes :)04:15
A-KOHas anyone seen this possible/rumored SSH 0-day?04:15
nairbAstroe - you can use usb-creator on the live-cd to install ubuntu to a usb, if thats what you need04:16
A-KOall I've got is a video showing a demonstration of it but not much else04:16
reisiovideo? lawl04:16
Astroenairb: I'm trying to install WinXP to the USB, thanks though04:16
reisioAstroe: oh It hought you wanted to install it to a hard disk _from_ Usb04:17
AstroeYes, that04:17
reisioah okay good04:17
reisioinstalling _to_ a USB is even more of a PITA04:17
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AstroeBut saying install to USB is simpler :p04:17
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...04:17
ubottupong is an old atari game. It's fun!04:18
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!04:18
nairbsorry, got it backwards, since i dont tend to use windows.04:18
reisionairb: you Ubuntu user you04:18
nairbmostly ubuntu, debian, or gentoo04:18
reisioyou fancy Gentoo user, you04:18
nairbhave also done LFS04:18
AstroeYeah, I don't like to. Had to install VirtualBox to use it for school. Eliminates compatibility issues with theirr machines :(04:18
nairbi love gentoo04:18
nairbportage rules04:19
nairbwish debian/ubuntu had a mixed configuration for portage & apt04:19
reisionairb: does your LFS survive?04:20
reisioAstroe: still, better than forced to do a physical install04:20
reisionairb: no need, all you need is a binary repo for Gentoo04:20
nairbreisio - ;-) it was a while ago. and maybe on one of these computers04:21
Astroererisio: Yeah it's only for the Word documents, don't need to connect to the school or anything :/04:21
nairbreisio - yeah04:21
reisioSabayon has one, but unfortunately they broke backwards compatibility with vanilla Gentoo, for no good reason AFAICT04:21
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AstroeAnybody got Ubuntu working with X on a Droid?04:21
reisiopretty sure some have, yes04:22
AstroeAh, but without chrooting!04:22
reisiowithout rooting?04:22
reisiothat'd be some trick04:22
jfcaronI am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, my power went out during a partition resize using gparted.  The partition involved was not a boot partition, just media like movies.  When I run the program testdisk, it finds the right partitions and files, but fsck and gparted do not seem to agree.  Any ideas?04:22
nairbreisio - i know. but i like the source-config-managment with portage. just helps you figure out what your system is really doing04:22
AstroeChrooting to a loop file through android04:22
reisiojfcaron: what FS?04:22
AstroeLike installing an Ubuntu ROM straight to the SD card.04:23
jfcaronreisio: ext304:23
reisionairb: yeah, I meant re: wish debian had portage/apt mixed config04:23
reisionairb: simpler to just make a binary repo for Gentoo04:23
reisioand a wrapper if you need it04:23
reisioI know there's erpm :p04:23
A-KOanyways, yes04:23
A-KOthe 0 day is legit04:23
reisiosorry, epm04:23
A-KOgg :P04:23
nairbreisio - there is sabayon (i think its is spelled)04:23
reisiorpm workalike for emerge04:23
reisionairb: ...dude I just said that04:23
nairbkinda tired04:24
reisionairb: more coffee for you, then04:24
jfcaronreisio: If the filesystem was ext3, is the journal able to recover the files?04:24
nairbreisio - mountain dew has gone flat, and out of coffeee04:24
AstroeOoh, good one. With the "Hide" buttons enabled on your toolbars, is there a keyboard shortcut to hide and unhide them?04:24
nairbreisio - and loads of code to go04:25
reisiojfcaron: might want to talk to ##linux about that04:26
clearhey guys, i just installed ubuntu 10.04 and having trouble with my wireless connection04:26
jfcaronreisio: Ok, I'll try there.  Thanks.04:26
nairbreisio - good chatting. keep on keeping on. and good night.04:26
mae-ubu1004is somebody there?04:27
aeon-ltdmae-ubu1004: yes04:28
mae-ubu1004i've just installed xfce04:28
vibhavAstroe: Use any proper DNS Service like OPENDNS04:28
mae-ubu1004i 've been using gnome so far04:28
aeon-ltdmae-ubu1004: all in one line04:29
Astroevibhav: For what?04:29
ssfdre38for openvps, does the client need to install the deamon?04:29
clearhow do i find out if my wireless drivers are installed? i am having wireless problems04:29
tonyyarussovibhav: OpenDNS isn't actually proper - they don't return proper NXDOMAIN responses :(04:30
mae-ubu1004i feel kinda used to  gnome visual effects, does xfce supports vissual effects similar like gnome's?04:30
aeon-ltdmae-ubu1004: yes, but gnome was using compiz, you can use that with mose xfce apps04:30
reisiomae-ubu1004: ...you talking about GNOME 2's effects?04:30
mae-ubu1004correct, Gnomes 2's04:31
vibhavtonyyarusso: What about Dyndns?04:31
reisiomae-ubu1004: I don't think GNOME 2 had any, just compiz's as aeon-ltd says04:31
reisiomae-ubu1004: you can use compiz with Xfce if you want04:31
mae-ubu1004i see...  i 'll  take a look then at that04:32
mae-ubu1004thx for your response04:32
nac-godfatheryeah, don't really see anyone saying yes, unity is great, I want gnome-shell over compiz...04:32
reisiodifferent purposes04:33
nac-godfatherhope they get their act together and come up with some solution04:33
tonyyarussovibhav: Totally different type of service.04:33
reisionac-godfather: solution to what04:33
nac-godfatheryeah, i keep hearing that, but the overall objective is a huge userbase and one window manager that's cool.04:34
nac-godfatheryou'd think everyone would wanna contribute to the best.  So hopefully compiz will conform to gnome304:34
mae-ubu1004hard to believe this irc channel is not added by default in gnome04:34
aeon-ltdnot trying to be elitist, but it's really to appeal to new and casual users, if you were serious about several aspects of linux you wouldn't stick to defaults04:34
reisiomae-ubu1004: for Ubuntu you mean?04:35
neededinghelphello all can someone tell me the command for installing gnome desktop on server setup have tried sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ... no joy ....04:35
reisiothat could make sense04:35
mae-ubu1004yea,  for ubuntu04:35
aeon-ltdneededinghelp: what comes up whehn you try?04:35
nac-godfatherwhat is that suppose to mean, so advanced user's should stick to legacy software?04:35
aeon-ltdno, build up from server then you have control04:36
neededinghelpunable to locate package ubuntu-desktop04:36
reisioI think he was suggesting that advanced users don't need to rely on Canonical customizing their desktops for them04:36
nac-godfathernot really, especially running ubuntu with it's dependency mess04:36
aeon-ltdneededinghelp: no internet?04:36
reisionac-godfather: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/apostrophe for the children04:36
zykotick9neededinghelp, what's the output of "lsb_release -sc"04:37
neededinghelpyea this is all a bad dream ... amd im not talking on line atm ....04:37
reisiochy: hi04:37
neededinghelpyes wired inet on machine and it is on04:37
nac-godfathernice reisio04:37
nac-godfatherI modified my lsb_release, didn't like it branding my own OS.04:38
kierkkadonIf I download something with apt-get, where does it go?04:39
kierkkadonI downloaded python-doc and now I have no idea how to get to it04:39
aeon-ltdnac-godfather: yet you use a distro that's so heavily into branding, testing and user support04:39
nac-godfatherdpkg -L python doc "kierkkadon"04:39
nac-godfatherthat's where it put it's sh*t04:39
nac-godfatherNo, I'm just using BT actually04:40
mae-ubu1004man, i recently tried kde,  heavy, slow, and i couldnt connect trough my wireless  conection04:40
clearhey guys, i just installed ubuntu 10.04 and having trouble with my wireless connection, how do i check to see if the drivers are installed04:40
nac-godfatherI like gnome, was gonna build my own OS up from LMDE or SID myself, but there's a lot of work involved for minor fixes.04:40
nac-godfatherI want my codecs out of the way and haven't really seen anything appetizing other than LMDE or BT.04:41
nac-godfatherclear, iwconfig04:42
nac-godfatheryou could also just try using it, and there are tons of wireless tools out there for checking.04:42
clear"no wireless extensions"04:43
DB125hi, does anyone know about the interface as0t0 in my ifconfig output, how do i remove this.. tnx04:44
gast2rootmy xvidcap doesnt record anymore on ocelot04:44
yagooDB125, well if it has no ip then it's harmless..04:45
yagooDB125, probably a package depends on vpn or something like it04:45
zykotick9DB125, OpenVPN ring any bells?04:46
fellayaboywhat does the %U do..i see it often in panel icons04:46
reisiogast2root: recordmydesktop is what people use now, or one of its frontends04:46
DB125zykotick9, i've already remove openvpn, but it's still there04:46
gast2rootreisio: does recordmydesktop record to mpeg too?04:46
zykotick9DB125, ? do you see anything "odd" in /etc/network/interfaces (wild guess here)04:47
shane_Hi, Im having trouble compiling my wireless ralink driver. I have tried to make sense of the errors produced by the makefile however it might as well be double-dutch :S04:47
fellayaboyhow can u run a program from the terminal as if u clicked it the link/icon04:47
DB125zykotick9: the thing is i cannot update my system because of this04:47
reisiogast2root: don't know, don't care04:47
shane_It seems to be errors in the programming of the driver04:48
fellayaboymeaning i dont want it to be dependent on the terminal im on...so if i close it it wouldnt effect it04:48
gast2rootreisio: ok tnx ill try the package out...04:48
shane_My errors are here: http://pastebin.com/ZSRAksK904:48
shane_Please help, I am running on the slowest connection around because I am using a really old device to connect04:48
zykotick9fellayaboy, you could try "nohup program" then try closing the terminal to test04:49
shane_I am following these instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=660030904:49
fellayaboynah that didnt work but i have a question...usually i see in the icons on top that they have a command section...if u type that command in terminal the program runs..however why is it that when u click it, it doesnt run a terminal window with it ..similiar to the way the program is dependent on the terminal window when it closes when u open it from a terminal?04:53
fellayaboyits kinda a weird question i guess...04:53
AstroeI get that, I think it's dependant on whether the progrram was launched by the GUI or the terminal04:54
sattu94fellayaboy: if you dont want the program to be dependent on the terminal window from which you ran it try adding a '&' at it's end like --> firefox&, after that you can safely close the terminal..04:54
shane_fellayboy: Both way they both simply access the run file.04:54
fellayaboyhmm sattu94 let me see04:54
fellayaboythe reason i ask is if its not running on a terminal than what is it running on when u click the icons above04:55
fellayaboyits a weird question..04:55
sattu94fellayaboy: ther terminal acts as an outlet for the program to show errors, it's not required.04:55
fellayaboyliek what is it running on when u click on the icon ...i guess what program04:55
zykotick9sattu94, & certainly doesn't work here (closing terminal, closes launched program) using nohup does work though?04:55
fellayaboyoh i see04:56
sattu94zykotick9: did you add '&' ?04:56
shane_fellayaboy: If you wanted to run firefox and typed that into terminal they run (dont quote me) '/usr/bin/firefox'. When you click a launcher, it runs '/usr/bin/firefox'. At least I think that is the directory. Well my point is they both simply run a launcher file, terminal is not responsible for the access.04:56
zykotick9sattu94, yes "foo &"04:56
zykotick9sattu94, have YOU tried it?04:56
fellayaboyi see,...im guessing i was guessing terminal was dependent on everything04:57
shane_Guys, I am having problems compiling my driver.04:57
fellayaboyits weird i know04:57
fellayaboythanks guys04:57
shane_My errors are here: http://pastebin.com/ZSRAksK904:57
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sattu94zykotick9: yes it works, after you press enter, press enter again to get back to the prompt, then exit using ctrl+d, that should do it.04:58
sattu94fellayaboy: yes it works, after you press enter, press enter again to get back to the prompt, then exit using ctrl+d, that should do it.04:58
fellayaboyprogram& seems to work... is itheir a difference between using this and using the icons/menus?04:58
zykotick9sattu94, that's not the same as closing the terminal04:58
fellayaboysattu94, wait im lost what r u talking about sattu9404:59
zykotick9fellayaboy, i guess i don't understand your question.  Using & just gives you terminal control back, but if you close the terminal - it will close the program you launched.04:59
sattu94zykotick9: it does not.04:59
fellayaboyoh ur right zykotick904:59
zykotick9sattu94, without your ctrl+d stuff - yes it does05:00
sattu94zykotick9: ctrl+d is as good as typing exit.05:00
fellayaboyit seems ctrl d closes the terminal and the program still runs05:00
sattu94yes, the ctrl+d command is equivalent to typing "exit", which is the correct way to close a terminal.05:01
zykotick9sattu94, the ctrl+d (or exit) does work - but try the X to close the terminal and see what happens05:01
fellayaboyfunny..at first i did program& and then closed da window via the close button and it closed the program..now it doesnt05:01
himurakenTrying to upgrade a 9.10 server to 10.04 but the repos appear to be gone for 9.10. Anyone got any suggestions?05:01
pangolinzykotick9: I think what ctrl+d does is detach the terminal05:01
sattu94pangolin: no, it is as good as typing "exit".05:02
fellayaboyi guess after pressing ctrl d flipped a switch sorta speak05:02
sattu94exit does not detach the terminal.05:02
pangolinsattu94: ok, but if you click on the X it also closes whatever "app &"05:02
sattu94Basically the 'X' buttons acts as an interrupt or something, which is not asking the program to exit safely.05:02
sattu94if you dont use the & and then use the X button the terminal will tell you that there is a process running and are you sure you want to quit?05:03
pangolinsattu94: so the X is like a killsig05:03
zykotick9sattu94, MY point is using "nohup foo" does this properly, so you can use X (or whatever other method) and the app should stay open -- your method is.. unpredictable.05:04
sattu94zykotick9: my method is used for managing multiple jobs.05:04
fellayaboywell check this out..i pressed control d on pidgin& ...after i did ..even if i closed the program via x it didnt close...when i transmission-gtk& and closed via x icon it closed the program05:04
sattu94zykotick9: nohup stands for no hangups.05:04
zykotick9sattu94, exactly05:05
fellayaboyso my guess is that if i contrl d from now on it will close via x05:05
fellayaboybut for how long?05:05
himurakenCan someone point me to a list of mirrors that might include 9.1005:05
reisiowhy so old05:05
sattu94fellayaboy: if you want to launch stuff by typing you can try things like dmenu,synapse, or gnome do, thus sparing you top launch a terminal each time.05:05
zykotick9!eol | himuraken05:05
ubottuhimuraken: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:05
fellayaboydmenu, synapse and gnome do hmmm05:06
fellayaboytahnk u05:06
sattu94fellayaboy: personally i prefer synapse, ot dmenu.05:06
fellayaboycool thanks05:06
sattu94fellayaboy: synapse is easiest to set up05:06
himurakenThanks zykes-05:07
himurakenThanks zykotick9 rather05:07
sattu94fellayaboy: do sudo apt-get install synapse05:07
fellayaboydoing it now05:07
fellayaboyok done05:07
clearbefore i screw something up, anyone available with helping me get my wireless drivers installed correctly05:07
sattu94then do synapse terminal05:07
sattu94the thing will start05:08
MestreLionGuys... how "safe" and "clean" it is to install latest AMD/ATI Catalyst 11.11 driver in MAverick? The one that ships with it is quite old..05:08
D-coykupfer rulz. ..05:08
fellayaboyi see the interface05:08
sattu94fellayaboy: click the little dot beside the videos05:08
fellayaboyi did that05:08
sattu94 fellayaboy there you can set the calling keystroke.05:08
SolarisBoyanyone want to spare some advice on reviving a down system?05:09
sattu94fellayaboy: i tihnk it's ctrl+space.05:09
fellayaboyctrl+space = activate05:09
sattu94fellayaboy: so now you can use it to search whatever files, programs, command etcetera.05:09
fellayaboyok cool05:09
sattu94fellayaboy: works?05:09
fellayaboyoh yeah05:10
fellayaboyworks real good05:10
=== PyRSqr is now known as Guest28469
fellayaboyima make sure to add that to startup application05:11
fellayaboyand alt+f2 for now05:11
fellayaboytahnks sattu94 works very nicely and fast05:11
fellayaboytinkering with this touchpad gets to yha in the long run05:12
lowkieanyone have any tips running apache with tomcat on 10.0x LTS?05:13
Guest28469any one ever install solr on ubuntu?05:15
Guest28469great look like i am the very first05:16
fellayaboywhats that Guest2846905:18
clearfellayaboy: can you help me get my wireless working05:20
cleari am completely lost05:20
fellayaboyill try05:20
fellayaboyim not an expert but ill give it a go with u05:20
clearfresh install of 10.04 lts05:20
clearchris@chris-laptop:~$ iwconfig05:21
clearlo        no wireless extensions.05:21
cleareth0      no wireless extensions.05:21
cleari have the wired connection working, but cant get the wireless to show05:21
fellayaboytype in ifconfig05:22
fellayaboywhat do u get05:22
FlatlinedWhat is the wireless card?05:22
fellayaboy...under wlan005:22
clearno wlan005:22
zykotick9clear, what wireless card is it?  in a terminal "lspci | grep Network" might show you.05:23
clearlspci | grep Network05:23
clear02:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 8176 (rev 01)05:23
zykotick9!realtek | clear05:23
ubottuclear: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b05:23
MestreLionlowkie: i did that with 10.04, apache and tomcat from repos.. worked great... can i help you?05:25
tpocraHi, I have a problem with my sound card.  I am NOT using pulseaudio (uninstalled) and just plain ALSA and I degraded my HDMi device by setting snd_hda_intel index=-205:25
tpocraBut unFORTUNTEly, even though my Creative card is now sound card number 0, it is not outputting any audio at all in any application I try.05:25
fellayaboyzykotick9, how do u guys know so much... like all these commands etc..how do u know all this stuff..is their a really really good book im missing out on?05:25
lowkieMestreLion, which mod did you use for the apache/tomcat link?05:25
tpocraANd yes the mixer volume is up05:25
clearfellayaboy: i wished i knew the answer to that lol05:26
cleari love how stable ubuntu is after i get it all working properly, but im still extremely newb ;\05:26
fellayaboywhat can u guys recommend for a person to go professional? do i have to be a developer?05:26
MestreLionlowkie: i didnt link them... i kept them using separate ports... apache on 80 and tomcat in 8080 (or 8088, not sure)05:26
zykotick9fellayaboy, no majical book that i'm aware of ;)  i've been using gnu/linux for quite a long time...05:26
lowkieMestreLion, ahh…I'm looking to join them, so that one website will do my php and grails stuff05:27
fellayaboyso mainly most of these commands come from a long time ago..like that command u just gave clear..that commands been their in other previous linux distros etc05:27
zykotick9fellayaboy, lspci you mean?  yes it's probably in every gnu/linux distro yes (and has been for years)05:28
fellayaboyi have to seriously read a good book to slap some sense into me..zykotick9 any good links/books that can help me be more proficient with linux05:29
tonyyarussofellayaboy: "Professional" what?05:30
fellayaboywell..not professional...just really darn good....05:30
Astroefellayaboy: I imagine there's an Ubuntu for Dummies book :p05:30
reisiofellayaboy: you can learn a lot by just attempting to (correctly/usefully) answer every question you see in, for example, this IRC channel05:31
reisioand paying attention to what other people answer05:31
fellayaboythats true05:31
clearwatching helps learn05:31
reisioeventually, if you have any aptitude, you'll catch up to most everyone else05:31
tpocraPeople on IRC advocate using IRC!!! News at 11....05:31
zykotick9fellayaboy, there are several good book for O'Rielly05:31
reisiothis is why classrooms separated by skill do not work05:31
clearunlike me who never learns05:31
sancashow can i config nginx05:31
fellayaboyyeah alot of the same people come up with really good answers for the community..i know zykotick9 Reisio and a bunch of other guys05:32
reisiopeople with less skill do better when those with more are around as examples05:32
cleari usually google and use ever command i can find without any solution05:32
justiceHey, i'm trying to figure out how when I boot up in e17 I can connect to the internet (wireless).05:32
AstroeSo is it possible to boot a VM from a physical USB? Just to test that it does boot without restarting.05:32
reisiofellayaboy: but mostly me right? :p05:32
fellayaboyclear yeah im kinda in ur boot their too05:32
cyberjorgehi, anyone know where can i wget this: php-xml-5.3.3-1.w505:32
clearthen once i am in between to rocks, i come to irc looking for help05:32
reisiojustice: you could run NetworkManager's stuff05:32
reisiojustice: or wicd's05:32
reisiocyberjorge: what for05:33
fellayaboylol reisio..hey i do see u answering alot of questions05:33
justicereiso: how?05:33
cyberjorgereisio: i need to install it manually05:33
fellayaboylol me too clear05:33
zykotick9fellayaboy, personally, i wish i'd taken better notes over the years -- i've had to relearn too much.05:33
reisiocyberjorge: what for05:33
* reisio takes IRC logs05:33
SolarisBoyi guess i can just run off the live copy of ubuntu activate the volume groups etc etc and just share the nfs shares and stuff from there atleast then i can watch movies and listen to music =(05:34
fellayaboyyeah i kinda get their too...thats why i just practice what i learn over and over again...just doing the same commands....and just etching them..i learned from persistence05:34
reisioyou could also ls /usr/bin/ and randomly man stuff05:35
fellayaboybut i hate having to ask so much for everything..im basically always here asking how to do something..fortunately most people have an answer05:35
happygoluckyfellayaboy: helps to have a solid machine too, i was only a real dog for about a year.. this quad core qosmio is beyond breath taking05:35
reisiofellayaboy: maybe you should ask how to find information :p05:36
reisioI s'pose you just did a bit ago, though :p05:36
clearfellayaboy: i usually only run into problems with doing drivers and getting hardware to work properly05:36
justicereisio: do I need to dl those (in xfce, since I don't connect in e17..) or are they already there and not where i'm used to looking?05:36
reisiofellayaboy: you know about apropos?05:36
clearreisio: so how do i find information on fixing this wireless problem?!05:36
fellayaboy..apropos...isnt that what reads ntfs05:36
reisiojustice: what was the original Ubuntu version you installed?05:37
fellayaboyapropos is what searches man pages i think05:37
reisioclear: which wireless problem?05:37
cyberjorgereisio: i need to install php-xml manually on my box05:37
reisiocyberjorge: your... Ubuntu box? :p05:37
clearmy wireless isnt showing up at all05:37
reisioclear: know the device model?05:37
fellayaboyclear is it a usb or an integrated device?05:37
cyberjorgereisio: yes, my apt is broken and needs php-xml right away05:38
fellayaboydid u update linux05:38
fellayaboyi mean ubuntu....05:38
fellayaboywhy dont u try to connect it via ethernet..update the OS and see if it works05:38
clearand when i do, the wired connection dies05:38
fellayaboythats very queer05:38
cleartell me about it05:39
reisiocyberjorge: what is the package name (not the filename)05:39
clearreisio: 8167 is the model05:40
SanusHey guys, me again.05:40
reisioclear: um, okay how about the make?05:40
clearRealtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 8176 (rev 01)05:40
happygoluckyrealtek is a wired, i know because mine is the same one05:40
SanusUnity sucks.  I'm wanting to switch to xubuntu-desktop, but I like ubuntu's login screen much better.  How much different is the base xcfe windows manager different from xubuntu-desktop?05:40
TXRSanus, why not gnome 3.2?05:41
SanusGnome 3.2?05:41
TXRsanus yeah05:41
SanusThis sounds exciting, TXR.05:41
TXRsanus well formally known as gnome-shell05:41
TXRsanus, I use it for my laptop which runs ubuntu05:42
lowkieSanus, agreed.  I went to gnome 3.x05:42
TXRand I use it for openSUSE05:42
SanusIt... doesn't look fantastic.  I've already seen it.05:42
justice__ok so again - what steps do I need to do, now when I have internet or later when i'm in it, to log into the internet in E17?05:42
TXRyeah but it's fast, and looks better than gnome 2.3.x05:42
SanusTXR & lowkie I was hoping for something more like Gnome 2.x.  It gave me a great deal of flexibility which I like.05:43
TXRSanus, you may like LXDE then05:43
TXRLXDE is better and faster than XFCE05:43
reisioit's lighter, anyways05:43
TXRand can use gnome apps05:43
SanusDoes it still have transparency support?05:43
TXRhmmm, I'm unsure05:43
TXRwhat do you need transparency for?05:43
justice__Review of Lubuntu indicated that it was more bugfree/stable than any of the other ubuntu flavors.05:44
fellayaboyno gnome 3 doesnt05:44
fellayaboyat least thast what i found out05:44
lowkieSanus, sorry, I wasn't after eye candy….I just wanted to get back to work without having a new UI in my way05:44
happygoluckySanus: are you considering those options because you need a speedier buntu? if so xfce and xubuntu isn't all that light weight, lubuntu is very light.. lxde is sharp. i liked it05:44
justice__Though all reviews tend to say "Nice plain clean looks, but it's pretty dull."05:44
reisioSanus: check your package manager for transset05:44
fellayaboyi turned off unity and just used gnome3 and i couldnt make my panels transparent if thats what u mean05:44
fellayaboythats why i stayed with 11.04 for gnome205:44
SanusBoth getting this Unity business out of the way and having flexibility over what my desktop looks like for the time when I don't have anything better to do.05:45
reisiofellayaboy: just that?05:45
fellayaboythe interface is much lighter too05:45
justice__lubuntu did check out as the lightest *buntu. xubuntu was clsassified as "middleweight".05:45
TXRall in all, LXDE is like 40 or so MB's very lightweight05:45
fellayaboyyes...i love my lil icons on the top on a transparent panel05:45
reisiounfortunately Xfce has a lot of _optional_ GNOME application support that binary distributions tend to build in, assuming people will want it05:45
SanusLXDE does sound right up my alley.05:46
justice__I've been using xfce for awhile, and kind've like it. It has a nitpick or two.05:46
fellayaboyclear any progress05:46
reisioI just gave LXDE a test in case I needed to give someone with an old computer some Linux05:46
reisioseemed nice enough05:46
reisioWindows key even opens the menu by default05:46
* reisio looks at KDE05:46
TXRyeah, and if you use windows + E it opens "My Computer" haha05:47
zykotick9reisi, LXDE reminds me of Windows95/9805:47
SanusSo, LXDE...  Is there a lubutnu-desktop suite that I could use?05:47
justice__the review of kubuntu 11.10 panned it kind've badly, alas.05:47
reisiozykotick9: really?05:47
TXRsanus, you can use a lot of the gnome program suits05:47
reisioI haven't tried a default install, just Lubuntu05:47
fellayaboyoh and i have a pc at a relatives house...their pcs gpu would lock up...it was all messethe thing would freeze under windows xp and 11.10 but on 10.10 it wouldntd up05:47
zykotick9reisio, (tab fail before) yes05:47
justice__I'd think so, they have a standard official lubuntu now.05:47
StepNjumpanyone knows a speech to text app available for linux users?05:47
reisioit reminded me of... a blue colored ordinary DE05:47
Epsilonultrahow do i create a private channel05:47
happygoluckySanus: when i was low on resources i used a lot of kde aps in lubuntu, if i were you and i had a solid machine i'd think about kde as an alternative to gnome05:47
reisioStepNjump: there's really only Sphinx, AIUI, and DragonNaturallySpeaking in Wine05:48
Epsilonultrahow do i create a channel05:48
reisioDragon NaturallySpeaking*05:48
reisioEpsilonultra: /join #foo05:48
StepNjumptnx reisio.. Which one is the easiest to install? Are they working or they are just projects?05:48
reisioEpsilonultra: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml05:48
Sanushappygolucky: My processor isn't very strong.  But I've seen some LX business.  I dunno.  I just like having two bars, and throwing up other useful bars as I go.  :P  I am not a fan of Unity05:48
reisioEpsilonultra: 'foo' is a placeholder, when you join a channel that doesn't exist, it's created05:49
reisioEpsilonultra: and you're given temporary ownership05:49
TXRStepNjump they're really easy to install, you should look it up on google, it's just a couple commands in the terminal05:49
jfcaronWhat causes Ubuntu to run fsck when it starts up?  What check is failing that makes it run fsck?05:49
Sanushappygolucky: Also, kde went kind of slow for me.05:49
justice__There's some things about Unity that I like, it just isn't there yet.05:49
reisioStepNjump: they work, but AIUI sphinx is behind dragon naturallyspeaking (which is win32 only, but as I said does run via Wine)05:49
TXRsanus, agreed, I tried KDE and it was laggy. even switching desktops with one window open it would glitch05:49
zykotick9jfcaron, after X many mounts fsck is run automatically (is one possible reason)05:49
reisioTXR: on what hardware?05:50
justice__jfcaron: you mean the one it runs every so often as a standard procedure?05:50
reisiojfcaron: not necessarily any failure05:50
lowkiejfcaron, it will also do it after so much time passing05:50
fellayaboyima read up more on the shell on a site thanks guys for all ur help05:50
TXRreisio, 3.1 Ghz dual core AMD processor Nvidia GTX 26005:50
TXRreisio running at 1080p05:50
SanusWell... I'm gonna try out Lxde.  :)05:50
jfcaronzykotick9, justice__, reisio, lowkie: Not the scheduled ones, it is doing so because there is an actual problem with a partition, but how does Ubuntu know that there is a problem with one of the partitionsÉ05:50
SanusWow.  50 megabytes is all the size is.  Wow.05:51
happygoluckySanus: i'd say it's a hair faster than gnome, like i said though, lubuntu is solid and lxde isn't bad.. I actually use only the base install, xorg and icewm on my slow pony :D05:51
jfcaronErr, sorry, that É was meant to be a ?05:51
justice__jfcaron: It does it every so many boots just to make sure there aren't any errors slipping in.05:51
StepNjumpk tnx TXR and reisio... I have ver 9 of Dragon here and is not listed in Wine dB... I will give it a shot what the heck!05:51
reisioTXR: weird... with the nvidia driver?05:51
TXRreisio, yeah, it was pretty much crap. gnome 3.2 runs like a dream compared to KDE05:52
reisioStepNjump: it is listed05:52
SanusI'll se you all in a little bit.  :)05:52
TXRreisio, it's just clunky now-a-days05:52
reisioTXR: that's weird05:52
reisioI mean KDE does annoy me in various ways, and I don't use it very often05:52
reisiobut it shouldn't be slow on that hardware05:52
StepNjumpSorry reisio.. meant to say 9 (esentials) not pro05:52
jfcaronjustice__: Is there any other reason why it might do the check?  I would be suspicious (though it's not impossible) that the scheduled fsck-on-reboot coincided with my power-loss-during-repartitioning.  Could it otherwise know about some problem?05:52
mentocHow do you specify to cron that you want a job to start every two hours but at a specifc hour?05:53
StepNjumpso it's garbage or silver... we'll see05:53
lowkiejfcaron, which fstype?05:53
mentoc0 10/2 * * * # This would start at 10am and run every two hours?05:53
jfcaronlowkie: ext305:53
StepNjumpWould be nice if we had a software with cloud back processing that could be developped05:53
reisiomentoc: yes05:53
reisiomentoc: erm, well you might need to do 02, dunno05:53
reisiobut basically yes05:54
justice__I avoid software in clouds. I have awful internet.05:54
mentocreisio, don't I have to do a range like... 0 10-23/2 * * * ??05:54
reisiomentoc: no05:55
reisiolet's find some official doc05:55
lowkiejfcaron, I don't' see it documented anywhere…and anytime it happened to me…I did something stupid and caused it05:55
jfcaronlowkie: So somehow Ubuntu is knowing that it should do a disk check, but we don't know how it knows it.05:56
Epsilonultrahow do i create a channel05:56
zykotick9Epsilonultra, /join #epsilonschannel05:56
lowkiejfcaron, I'm sure it has a state check when doing writes…and the state was never cleared…  such as http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-force-fsck-on-the-next-reboot-or-boot-sequence/05:57
lowkiejfcaron, do you have an error that it's reporting?05:57
Epsilonultraoh yeahhhh the #sign05:57
jfcaronlowkie: No, unfortunately if I let it go ahead with the fsck, it runs until 70% on "disk 3" and then hangs for the next 5-8 hours until I get impatient and Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, which fills the screen with gibberish before rebooting, starting the process again.05:58
reisiomentoc: best ask dem ##linux boys05:58
mentocthanks reisio05:58
Epsilonultraok, how do i create colored text05:58
justice__A power failure in the middle of a partitioning sounds like juju of the worst kind to me, honestly. :p05:59
reisiojuju being some kind of slang for not having a UPS05:59
RotatorThe speed of the transmission bt05:59
jfcaronjustice__: It's just a data-storage partition, so nothing functional is broken.  A recovery called "testdisk" properly finds the files, I just can't get ubuntu to accept its version of the partition table.05:59
Epsilonultrahow do i set text color06:00
lowkiejfcaron, backup and format if you can06:00
justice__it's witchcraft. you are being cursed for not having a UPS. If it was me i'd try to salvage the data, delete the partition and start again.06:00
Rotator The speed of the transmission bt is too slow, how can I to improve it?06:01
zykotick9Epsilonultra, IRC doesn't support colours06:01
lowkieinstall faster seeds06:01
Epsilonultratransmission aka bittorent?06:02
Epsilonultrayour text is red06:02
hangingclowns1anyone know how to fix a blank screen after update to natty?06:02
zykotick9Epsilonultra, that's YOUR client that does that06:02
hangingclowns1no one has any idea?06:05
lowkiesorry…I only run text systems06:06
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:06
zykotick9hangingclowns1, ^ is for you06:06
Rotator The speed of the transmission bt is too slow, how can I to improve it? who can help me? Thank you!06:06
dr_willistry another bt client06:06
RotatorI have tried06:07
Rotatorit cannot work06:07
Modrisnewbie question - what I need to read to know something about start/stop services automatic by startup? I want stop smbd from start from boot.06:07
dr_willismore details would be helpfull06:07
hangingclowns1ubottu: and zykotick9: is there a way to change the settings with ssh?06:07
dr_willisModris:  edit/rename the /etc/init/smb.conf file i belive06:08
vex_my ssh server continues to say that it cannot load my rsa public key due to bad permissions and i have chmoded it to 644 so i dont see why there would be a problem how could i get around this?06:08
hangingclowns1i can login with ssh to that machine and do whatever i want, but jsut can't see anyting on there06:08
dr_willishangingclowns1:  edit the grub config file. run update-grub, reboot06:08
hangingclowns1is that the grub.cfg?06:09
Modrisdr_willis: ok, i can uncomment smbd.conf. but how simple stop this and after some time simple start without editing smb.cnfg06:09
dr_willisor edit the line from the grub menu as a test06:09
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)06:09
hangingclowns1i can't even get into the grub menu, actually06:09
dr_willisyou do not edit grub.cfg by hand06:09
zykotick9hangingclowns1, see the section "How to permanently set kernel boot options on an installed OS (not wubi)"06:09
badbandithello, I have upgraded from 10.10 to 11.10 and am having major problems with my graphics and experience, how can I downgrade back to 10.10 w/o full reinstall?06:09
dr_willisset menu to always show. i hate when it hides06:10
zykotick9hangingclowns1, holding shift down as you boot should give you grub menu06:10
dr_willisbadbandit:  nope06:10
hangingclowns1yes, but here's the problem...06:10
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.06:10
hangingclowns1i can't even get IN to the machine06:10
badbanditok but upgrading which completely FCKS your system is acceptable?06:10
hangingclowns1so i'd just hold down shift after it boots?06:10
dr_willishangingclowns1:  basically..06:10
zykotick9hangingclowns1, after BIOS, before OS06:10
hangingclowns1that will FOR SURE get me in there?06:11
hangingclowns1i'll try taht06:11
dr_willishangingclowns1:  or edit the grub cofig via ssh so grub never hides06:11
badbanditI love ubuntu but honestly what-the-F06:11
badbanditfirst off the native "display" config in settings does not detect my 2nd monitor06:11
badbanditso I resort to nvidia-settings06:11
dr_willisi alwsys do clean installs..06:11
zykotick9badbandit, upgrading is not ubuntu's strong point06:11
badbanditthat detects my 2nd monitor, however when I turn it on (its on now) after a few minutes or by certain actions06:12
hangingclowns1i'd do clean installs, but had some stuff on there and its'  just a big mess06:12
badbanditthe 2nd monitor freezes up06:12
badbanditand both are set as primary I can tell (full icons in both screens)06:12
badbanditbut I only set one06:12
badbanditand this left-navigation bar, why the hell cant i turn that off06:13
zykotick9badbandit, customization is not ubuntu's strong point (anymore)06:13
badbanditthey are fools06:14
badbanditit wasnt broken06:14
badbanditthe UI06:14
badbanditwas gerat06:14
FloodBot1badbandit: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:14
dr_willisrants somewhere else please06:14
happygoluckyhangingclowns1: just glanced up at this issue you're having but i for one would recommend keeping a backup of initrd and vmlinuz for your boot loader to load.. sometimes those apt-get upgrades will upgrade the kernel and break the installation06:14
dr_willisgnome2 is dead  get over it.06:14
StepNjumpreisio I install dragon naturally speaking under wine. It installed completely but then I don't see it in the installed programs06:15
hangingclowns1happygolucky: yeah, well it's too late for that, now lol06:15
StepNjumpwine to you reisio06:15
happygoluckyhangingclowns1: granted06:15
hangingclowns1so I guess I"ll have to edit the file by hand06:15
dr_willisStepNjump:  theres a wine submenu item. or look in the wine dir.06:15
hangingclowns1will try to go through grub, first, to set that option06:15
DaghdhaMy NIC is suddenly listed as 'device not managed'06:16
StepNjumpok dr_willis brb06:16
justice__gnome2 is dead. Unity is a gamble to see if a replacement can be ironed out before 12.04. That still leaves xfce, lxde, kde (though kubuntu 11.10 got panned, apparently), and there's some others out there if you want.06:16
zykotick9Daghdha, you have eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces then06:16
DaghdhaPossibly (checkign)06:16
dr_willisbadbandit:  no need to msg.06:16
DaghdhaI have WTH1 and ETH2 in there06:16
badbanditwhat the hell was so bad with gnome, at least UI layout perspective?06:17
Daghdha(ETH0 doesn't exist in my machine06:17
badbanditdr_willis: I love you06:17
dr_willisbadbandit:  the gnome devs killed gnome206:17
vex_how can i fix my ssh server giving me the error of could not load host key06:17
Daghdhaeth2 works fine though06:17
badbanditis there anyone who has experienced problems with 2 monitors with nvidia cards?06:17
zykotick9Daghdha, if ETH# is in /etc/network/interfaces then NetworkManager can't manage it, and you get the "not managed" message06:18
VerdeNubehi, i have a network problem in my ubuntu, i can browse the internet using a browser but i cannot install apps in terminal. i always get this: 504  Connect to ppa.launchpad.net:80 failed: Connection refused06:18
VerdeNubeplease help, tnx!06:18
Daghdhazykes-: But eth2 is in there too, and i can manage that.06:18
dr_willisVerdeNube:  you got some bad entries in your sources sounds like06:18
zykotick9Daghdha, ? that doesn't make sense06:19
StepNjumpdr_willis I found the dir however I click the exe and nothing happens06:19
VerdeNubedr_willis: ok, let me check my sources.list06:19
StepNjumpShould I reboot?06:19
dr_willisStepNjump:  use the cli to laumch it so you can see errors06:19
Daghdhai have two nics: eth1 and eth2, they are both in the file you mention. As auto eth1 and auto eth206:19
dr_willisVerdeNube:  or in /etc/sources.list.d/06:20
StepNjumpwhat do you mean dr_willis cli? client??06:20
zykotick9Daghdha, then I don't see why N-M is managing one and not the other.  Good luck.06:20
dr_willisStepNjump:  the terminal..  wine /path/to/the/foo.exe06:20
DaghdhaWhat would happen if i clear that file?06:20
zykotick9Daghdha, make a backup first!  N-M should take over.06:21
happygoluckyStepNjump: command line interface, cli06:21
DaghdhaI had load balancing on it in the past, not using that anyway06:21
* Daghdha goes for it06:21
StepNjumpoic dr_willis brb06:21
VerdeNubedr_willis: i checked my sources.list and it seems ok...06:22
DaghdhaHow long till it will take over zykotick9?06:22
zykotick9VerdeNube, PPAs aren't in sources.list06:22
zykotick9Daghdha, you need to restart (or restart networking)06:23
StepNjumpk tnx happygolucky had never heard that before!06:23
StepNjumpWell this is weird dr_willis.. I cannot cd to /home/pete/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Nuance/NaturallySpeaking9/Program06:24
VerdeNubezykotick9: how do i add ppa there, before it was working fine06:24
teddiewhat's the error?06:24
StepNjumpIt will cd all the way to one level down from Program but can't cd to Program dir06:24
=== avernos_ is now known as avernos
zykotick9VerdeNube, PPAs get added to /etc/sources.list.d/06:24
StepNjumpdr_willis: bash: cd: Program: No such file or directory06:25
zykotick9VerdeNube, to add PPAs there is the add-ppa (or ppa-add) command of some sort (was introduced with 10.04 but i forget the proper name)06:25
happygoluckyStepNjump: that word has a space? use a back slash06:25
happygoluckyProgram \Files06:26
=== Pauluntu is now known as Guest40055
VerdeNubedr_willis: this is what i get whenever i run apt-get upgrade: http://pastebin.com/7mshPMsF06:26
Guest40055anyone else having problems with skype, my audio is all staticy and the camera isn't working but the camera works on ubuntu cause when i installed it it poped up wanting me to take a picture of myself06:26
zykotick9StepNjump, "to deal with spaces"\ either\ use\ double\ quotes\ or\ escape\ the\ spaces (your choice)06:26
StepNjumphappygolucky happygolucky even if ls Program dir is not there!06:27
StepNjumptnx zykotick906:27
VerdeNubezykotick9: this is what i get whenever i run apt-get upgrade: http://pastebin.com/7mshPMsF06:27
happygoluckyI had the slash in the spot06:27
StepNjumpno space happygolucky06:27
dkogWhat's the proper way to manage which programs run at server startup?06:28
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zykotick9VerdeNube, your issue is with http://ppa.launchpad.net/yannubuntu -- there is some ppa-purge program out there to remove them (remember PPAs are unsupported 3rd party programs, no quality control)06:29
SanusOkay, so, lxde isn't what I'm looking for either.  Is there no way to just get the latest Gnome 2.x?06:29
Guest40055Sanus, what about MATE?06:29
dkogAs in which scripts from init.d get run at which runlevels?06:30
iceroot!boot | dkog06:30
ubottudkog: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto06:30
iceroot!runlevel | dkog06:30
ubottudkog: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.06:30
lowkiedkog, chkconfig06:31
icerootSanus: native gnome2 can only be used with 11.04 and lower. its no longer in development and out of support from the gnome-project06:31
SanusGo figure06:31
dkoglowkie: I don't have chkconfig on my system I don't think06:31
Sanusiceroot: How much can you customize gnome 3.2?06:31
Guest40055Sanus, not very much LOL06:32
icerootSanus: i dont know, i have switched to lxde06:32
lowkiedkog, might be older versions06:32
icerootSanus: but there is a gnome2 mode06:32
iceroot!nounity | Sanus06:32
ubottuSanus: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic06:32
icerootSanus: gnome-panel is maybe what you are looking for06:32
Guest40055Sanus, but i tried Gnome3 it sucked, Mint12's version is ok but very redundant, unity is good and can be tweaked with programs like myunity, etc06:33
dkogiceroot: that info is more kernel-oriented (I think)... I'm looking at what chkconfig typically does I think - adding/removing init scripts from runlevels....06:33
happygoluckydkog: installing and using sysv-rc-conf is a easy approach to handling what goes into use for every runlevel06:33
dkogThere is nothing there by default?06:34
SanusWill myunity allow me to remove the shitty launcher, keep the File bar in windows, and have two taskbars?06:34
dr_willisim not sure how up to date these sysv tools are when it comes to using upstart06:34
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:34
reisioStepNjump: wine ~/.wine/drive_c/path/to/exe06:35
happygoluckydkog: update-rc.d is what comes with it but then you're talking about looking into a barrage of folders for all i think 7 run levels and cherry picking, sysv-rc-conf will expidite things for you06:35
reisioStepNjump: you can add it to your menu later if it works06:35
Sanusdr_willis: Thank you for not answering my question.06:35
dkogOK so I should be using Upstart instead?06:35
SanusSo, language aside, any way that I could do those things?06:35
dr_willisSanus:   look up how to disable 'global menu' for the menu items06:35
dr_williswebupd8 blog site has a large list or tweaks06:36
dr_willisof tweaks06:36
dkogI'm not getting this... Here's a concrete example.  I just installed 'redis-server' package.  It created an entry i n /etc/init.d/redis-server.  How would I enable/disable this on startup?06:38
cleargood news, i have wireless working06:38
clearbad news, its slow as crap06:38
dr_willisdkog:  rename foo.conf to foo.dontrun  is one way06:39
zykotick9dkog, also check if it has an entry in /etc/init/06:39
zykotick9dr_willis, is that safe in init.d?06:39
dkogIt does not have an entry in /etc/init06:39
zykotick9dkog, that means it's not using upstart but the old school sysv06:39
dkog:( chkconfig was so easy, why is everything more complicated now?  Feels like steps backwards unless I'm missing something.06:39
dr_willisi never mess with the old sysv stuff any more. ;) i just do things the upstart way06:40
VerdeNubegee, i still can't run apt-get update/upgrade06:40
TXRverdenube are you running it as root?06:40
dr_willisdkog:  upstart has been in use for the last 3 releases i think.  its amazing so few people have noticed the change06:40
VerdeNubeTXR: no06:40
StepNjumpreisio or zykotick9 http://paste.ubuntu.com/745616/ I've never seen anything that weird before!06:40
TXRverdenube, use "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade06:41
zykotick9dkog, can you not use chkconfig?06:41
dkogSo should I just install 'chkconfig' and use that?  This package ('redis-server') seems to use the "old" way06:41
VerdeNubeTXR: yup i know, but it wont work. heres what i get: http://pastebin.com/7mshPMsF06:41
reisioStepNjump: after you type the 'P' in 'Program', hit TAB06:42
dkogWhy 'chkconfig' vs. 'sysv-rc-conf' ?06:42
zykotick9StepNjump, check your path again - i don't think it's c: but just c06:42
reisiothat, too06:42
reisioStepNjump: basically: don't make up paths... use the real paths that exist06:42
VerdeNubeTXR: ping, curl, traceroute, they all wont work, but i can browse using a browser though06:42
zykotick9VerdeNube, proxy?06:43
StepNjumpI found the path in Nautilus then CTRL L then I just copied it and pasted in with CTRL V in CLI06:43
TXRVerdeNube maybe you need to change your ubuntu ppa locations, you may be able to get better results06:43
StepNjumpdont get it06:43
TXRVerdeNube http://askubuntu.com/questions/38123/apt-get-update-failed-to-fetch06:43
Pauluntu1is there an easy way to put icons on desktop I have a program thats not installed it just runs by executing the file but i need to make a desktop link to it06:44
StepNjumpOh I get it!!!!06:44
VerdeNubezykotick9: ok, i will try stop tor and polipo06:44
StepNjumpProgram Files... "Program Files" never mind!!!! oh gosh06:44
TXRpauluntul, what program are you trying to use?06:44
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dkogI resent the multitude ways of managing startup items.06:45
walkfish8copy to desktop from /usr/share/applications06:45
dkogAs protest, I will 'apt-get install chkconfig' and do it the basic way.06:45
dr_willisPauluntu1:  proper way would be to make a .desktop file for it. or a script, or a soft link06:45
zykotick9dkog, ubuntu removed service management a while ago - it still exists in other distros06:46
Pauluntu1TXR, world of warcraft i copied the folder over from my other machine it runs if i double click the exe file but i want a link on my desktop so i dont have to open the folders to get to it.  I figure ubuntu would have a program or an easier way to make links without having to do alot of text editing06:46
dkogEverybody on here is asking about games & desktops, the service management is gone... Am I using the wrong distro for a server?06:46
benjmnload -rs C:\Program Files (x86)\mIRC\gts\gtsdll.ini06:46
reisiodkog: yes06:47
TXRPauluntu1 maybe you can do a link with wine, you are using wine yes?06:47
Pauluntu1TXR, yes06:47
StepNjumpreisio or zykotick9 Ok here is the error reisio was looking for: http://paste.ubuntu.com/745620/ sorry about that... "Program Files" grrrr!!!06:47
reisiodkog: Ubuntu was not configurated with servers in mind06:47
TXRPauluntu1 hmm, I'm not sure, I'm not very familiar with wine.06:47
reisiodkog: that said, your lack of knowledge about init scripts would be a problem with any distro06:48
zykotick9StepNjump, that's a wine specific issue - sorry i don't help with wine stuff (doesn't interest me / i don't use it).  Good luck.06:48
dkogI've used chkconfig extensively in RHEL/CentOS without problems.06:48
dkogI forget the name of it though :)06:48
StepNjumpk np zykotick9 tnx !06:48
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zykotick9StepNjump, there is also the wine channel #winehq06:49
dkogSo what kind of problems will I run into using Ubuntu as server?  Rackspace Cloud has 11.04 cloud servers.06:49
reisiodkog: 'service' is probably what you wanted06:49
dkogreisio: That doesn't change startup status, just starts/stops06:49
StepNjumpgood idea I'll check em out06:49
reisiodkog: update-rc.d, then06:49
dr_willisdoes update-rc.d manage upstart service3s now?06:50
=== don is now known as Guest42707
parhamHello there everyone. I have something with groups and file permissions I don't understand. I know that chgrp allows me to assign a group as the group of the file. However, what if I want to give access to two groups?Do I need to put the two groups in a group?06:50
* reisio shrugs06:50
MestreLionGuys... how "safe" and "clean" it is to install latest AMD/ATI Catalyst 11.11 driver in MAverick? The one that ships with it is quite old..06:50
zykotick9dr_willis, i wouldn't think so - but this isn't an upstart service (in this case)06:50
MestreLionman, this question from parham was awesome06:51
reisioMestreLion: it's only a problem if you do an update, it breaks, and you forgot you did it and run around like a chicken with its head cut off06:51
MestreLionupdate as in distro-upgrade? or will it break with regular kernel updates too ?06:52
dr_willisMestreLion:  you would need to rerun the installer after a kernel update06:52
dr_willisthere may be updated ppa's for newer drivers06:53
MestreLionwhy this isnt necessary with the default FXGLR driver?06:53
cleari am hating ubuntu right now06:53
reisioMestreLion: because the package manager is aware of it06:54
dr_willisMestreLion:  its done automatically06:54
reisiothere are probably some 3rd party scripts for making it easier to rebuild the driver after a kernel update06:54
clearreisio: i have wireless working now, but its extremely slow06:55
republicwow, it is the most active channel I know :D06:55
MestreLionthe installer from Catalyst generates 3 .deb's what i must install myself.. being a deb, doesnt the package manages gets aware of it too?06:55
reisiofor example with Gentoo you'd run your kernel build command && module-rebuild rebuild; but with Gentoo kernel updates are always done manually, so it's slightly different06:55
dr_willisMestreLion:  it wouldent automatically rebuild them for your current kernel06:56
reisioMestreLion: deb is a format, the package manager is aware of what's in the repos06:56
reisioyou could create your own repo, of course :D06:56
dr_willisyou would have to rebuild, and reinstall the updated debs06:56
reisiobut that might take more effort than remembering to reinstall the driver every now and then06:56
MestreLionreisio: Gentoo is *very* different from ubuntu.. everything is build from source..06:56
MestreLiondr_willis: humm, thanks... but.. is that done automatically with the default driver for every kernel update? i dont remember any terminal message about flgrx when i do a kernel update (and they are quite frequent in maverick)06:58
dr_willisMestreLion:  yes bascially it is.06:58
dr_willis!info dkms06:58
zykotick9dr_willis, would dkms possibly work for MestreLion ?06:58
ubottudkms (source: dkms): Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework. In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 70 kB, installed size 456 kB06:58
runvncWhat could cause 'sudo apt-get install xxx' to say unable to locate package or has no installation candidate for all packages?06:59
runvnclike vnstat and couchdb06:59
runvncor anything I try to install now.. Is it possible that got hosed when I added scripts to /etc/init.d?06:59
dr_willisif you install the drivers from  the compsy web site.. you will eed to reinstall after each new kernel update. but i have no idea how common updates are in the older releases06:59
MestreLionso the default driver is somehow configured to "talk" with dkms zykotick9 and dr_willis ?07:00
MestreLionbbl ?07:00
aaronh5when i click the unity panel icon for an open program, it doesnt minimize it. why?07:01
zykotick9MestreLion, with ATI i have no idea... but dkms is used with drivers to automatically update, when the kernel is updated.07:01
MestreLionas for kernel updates... in maverick is around once a month... a bit more when a new ubuntu version comes out07:01
happygoluckyMestreLion: there's emerge for a lot of things07:02
runvncI got almost everything I want installed on this server, and now somehow apt-get won't work at all07:02
MestreLionwow zykotick9 and dr_willis , thanks! yes, dkms indeed has a lot of stuff regarding fglrx and vboxhost :D07:03
reisiorunvnc: good times07:04
reisiorunvnc: is that a play on dmc? :D07:04
MestreLion"dkms status" shows several flgrx lines... so my current catalyst is already "linked" (not sure what would the proper term be) to dkms.07:04
runvncyeah.. its not good times this is the second time in two days I basically have to start over building the server07:04
runvncalthough I am not starting over I am going to figure out wtf happened to my apt07:04
dkogrunvnc: any regrets?07:06
hangingclowns1shift key does not let me into the grub menu07:07
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zykotick9hangingclowns1, are you using grub2?07:07
MestreLionok, so the question now is... does the .DEB packages generated by the new Catalyst installer be already "linked' to dkms ?07:07
zykotick9hangingclowns1, i think it was ESC maybe for grub1 (aka legacy)07:08
e66hello, How can I give a user permission to open my windows drives by clicking their icon in places menu?07:08
MestreLionif not, how can i set it to behave just like the current driver?07:08
savidDoes anyone know if there's a PPA for RabbitMQ 2.4 on Natty?07:09
e66hello, How can I give a user permission to open my windows drives by clicking their icon in places menu?  I can open it with my account. But when anyother user try to open it from their account. they can not. It asks for my password07:09
=== Gskellig is now known as radestpanda
=== radestpanda is now known as Gskellig
runvncI used this http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/generate.php07:10
runvncI had jacked up my sources.list apparently somehow07:11
garden92this is weird some how i lost my snapshot app and i cant even find it in software center. what happened?07:11
hangingclowns1anyone know how to solve this, got the monitor to boot up with editing the grub menu, but it's showing a black screen with some text07:12
odb|fidelread that "some text" ;)07:12
runvncThat's probably normal unless the text is like "You're going to die."07:12
zykotick9gardar, do you mean gnome-screenshot?  or something else?07:13
juliawe nhfjojsusss07:13
garden92it was an app already installed in ubuntu pretty sure it was called snapshot but no sure.07:14
zykotick9garden92, try running "gnome-screenshot"07:14
garden92nevermind im dumb. it was screenshot found it07:15
odb|fidelthis time rememeber the name in case you continue to use the app ;)07:15
lxyuhello, I try to use this command in lftp "open ftp://user/name:password@example.com", which 'user/name' is my ftp account name and can't be changed. this give out an error "Name or service not known", how to resolve it07:15
zykotick9lxyu, is there really a "/" in your username?07:16
lxyuzykotick9: yes07:16
icerootlxyu: why doing that?07:16
lxyuin lftp, I use "user user/name" and input password, I can success.07:17
icerootlxyu: that should break everything07:17
lxyuiceroot: the service provider do it..07:17
icerootlxyu: beat him07:17
lxyuand I can't change it07:17
tMHburn him07:17
tMHn' dance on his remains07:17
tMHfor such login name;)07:17
icerootlxyu: maybe try this "user\/name"07:18
icerootlxyu: but dont forget to beat him07:18
lxyuI'll try it first07:18
lxyuiceroot: it's not working..07:19
icerootlxyu: i didnt even know / is allowed in usernames07:19
nocturnal_how can i open more than one program in x?07:19
icerootnocturnal_: ?07:19
lxyuiceroot: the same. I don't know it before.07:19
=== e66_ is now known as shiplu`at`kubunt
icerootlxyu: just tell him he should give you a real username07:20
nocturnal_iceroot: i run x and in the little terminal i can only run 1 program at a time07:20
tMHmb lxuy speaking about domain log in07:20
tMHlike domain\username?07:20
iceroottMH: maybe07:20
zykotick9nocturnal_, "foo &" then you should get the terminal back07:20
=== shiplu`at`kubunt is now known as shiplu`kubuntuD`
shiplu`kubuntuD`hello, How can I give a user permission to open my windows drives by clicking their icon in places menu?  I can open it with my account. But when anyother user try to open it from their account. they can not. It asks for my password07:21
lxyutMH: what is domain log in?07:21
tMHI personally have never seen logins with /\ chars.07:21
icerootlxyu: try user\name07:21
icerootlxyu: \ not /07:21
tMHlxyu - like windows domain log in. domain\username, thats it07:21
icerootlxyu: and also try only the thing after \07:21
A|i3Nquick question. Got the LAMP setup all going on my laptop (test server)... I installed wordpress and everything just fine locally. My only problem is, it's still giving me the "It Works!" page when I go to localhost or ... i already deleted the index.html file... what else do I need to change to get it to work properly and pick up index.php? Ubuntu 11.04 latest version of all LAMP components.07:22
nocturnal_zykotick9: thank youuu07:22
lxyuiceroot: open ftp://user\name:password@example.com not working07:22
icerootlxyu: open ftp://name:password@example.com not working07:22
icerootlxyu: open ftp://name:password@example.com07:22
icerootlxyu: only everything after \07:22
reisioA|i3N: where is wordpress?07:23
cablophow can i enable https on ubuntu 11.10?07:23
tMHlxyu - can you ask that admin _RIGHT NOW_ why the heck he/she gave you such strange login name?07:23
=== owner_ is now known as JesusCheezNitz
icerootlxyu: if that is not working, beatm him07:23
reisioA|i3N: or rather, where is WordPress' index.php in relation to the index.html you deleted07:23
cablophow can i enable https on an apache running on ubuntu 11.10?07:23
JesusCheezNitzim trying to watch a dvd on my macbook with linux07:23
JesusCheezNitzbut NO dvds will play07:23
iceroot!dvd | JesusCheezNitz07:23
ubottuJesusCheezNitz: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:23
A|i3Nreisio - they were both in var/www07:23
JesusCheezNitzin tried resetting the region or w.e in task manager.. still didnt work07:23
reisioA|i3N: that's a pretty broad locale07:23
lxyuiceroot: not working. in lftp, this command "user user/name" and manually input password works.07:24
icerootlxyu: ok07:24
A|i3Nreisio: The root of the web server. :)07:24
lxyuwhich means the 'user/name' is the username..07:24
reisioA|i3N: unless you set up virtual hosts, you need wordpress' index.php to be where that index.html was07:24
icerootlxyu: but beat him or better, change the provider07:24
A|i3Nyes, it was07:24
harsh343how to display multiple folder in ubuntu 11.1007:24
icerootlxyu: a provider which is giving such names is a very bad provider07:24
reisioA|i3N: what was what?07:24
frogonwheelsis there anybody here who is on oneric amd64, and uses aptitude - I'm getting doubled up packages - I'm guessing it's 64bit and 32bit (seems both are downloaded into /var/lib/apt/lists/ )07:24
lxyuiceroot: I'll try contact the provider then..07:25
A|i3Nreisio: It was in the same spot. I deleted the index.html, but it still shows up.07:25
harsh343yes i got it07:25
icerootA|i3N: press "ctrl + f5" in your browser07:25
zykotick9frogonwheels, it's called multiarch - it's new in Debian as well (still only in "testing")07:26
A|i3Niceroot: I even do localhost/index.php and it simply will not show the wordpress site. Nope same thing. It did this on another computer too. I'm not configuring something right that I'm supposed to be configuring after the lamp install apparently.07:26
A|i3Ner sorry reisio lol07:26
frogonwheelszykotick9: ok. so aptitude needs some serious work then.  fairy nuff.07:26
icerootA|i3N: look at /var/log/apache2/access.log  where apache is searching for that file07:27
A|i3Ner wait yea. I'm getting my nics confused LOL07:27
frogonwheelszykotick9: I mean it makes a bunch of sense .. and it's rather cool and all that. but it breaks aptitude :(  Thanks for the confirmation.07:27
JesusCheezNitzstupid regionset didnt go through for some reason lol07:27
JesusCheezNitzthanks  though!.. goodnite everyone.. happy thanksgiving07:28
zykotick9frogonwheels, thus far - from what i've seen here, it doesn't live up to my hope.  Perhaps someday it will.07:28
A|i3Niceroot: " - - [20/Nov/2011:10:35:01 -0700] "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0" 200 152 "-" "Apache/2.2.17 (Ubuntu) (internal dummy connection)""07:28
icerootA|i3N: that is not the correct line07:28
reisioA|i3N: how can you have confirmed wordpress was installed and not know where it is07:28
cablophow can i enable ssl on apache2 on ubuntu?07:28
icerootA|i3N: also today is not the 20.november.201107:29
frogonwheelszykotick9: what package manager do you use at the moment?07:29
frogonwheelszykotick9: apt-get ?07:29
A|i3Noh wow just noticed that.07:29
zykotick9frogonwheels, won't help you (different distro), but i'm a big aptitude person now07:29
A|i3Nmy bad. bottom of log. Sorry, sleepy.07:29
frogonwheelszykotick9: I've been using aptitude since. um. well. a long time.07:30
zykotick9frogonwheels, when i used ubuntu - i was all about apt-get, now i've seen the light ;)07:30
frogonwheelszykotick9: at least 10 years07:30
Kriss_Hi people. Anyone knows how itunes is supposed to look like and work ?? Ive installed wine in the 11.10 - gnome session and with itunes. It seems like its actually working. Sure the close and minimize buttons are missing and it seems like the functions to burn discs are also not working. But can anyone confirm if everything else is working ??07:30
A|i3Niceroot: - - [22/Nov/2011:00:25:44 -0700] "GET /index.php HTTP/1.1" 301 393 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1"07:31
A|i3N127.0.0.1 - - [22/Nov/2011:00:25:46 -0700] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 503 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1"07:31
cablopno way to enable ssl on apache on ubuntu07:31
icerootA|i3N: use localhost/index-foo.php  and see the apache-error log where apache is searching07:32
zykotick9Kriss_, finding a gnu/linux native player will probably work out better in the long run.07:32
frogonwheelszykotick9: I like using whatever is quickest.  Sometimes that's a good cli, sometimes it's a UI.  aptitude and it's dependency figuring out won me over pretty quickly.07:32
zykotick9frogonwheels, same here07:32
zykotick9frogonwheels, the first time i answered "n" got a different option - that i wanted, I was sold for life ;)07:33
icerootcablop: its enabled by default07:33
Kriss_Zykotick9 Absolutely. I despise apple anyway. especially their OS.. but thats a whole other story. However only itunes has the itune store and capability to sync iphones and that for those who uses that. I just wondered if that stuff works in 11.10 with latest itunes version for windows ?07:33
Kriss_since i cant test that myself07:33
icerootKriss_: its not working with wine07:34
iceroot!ipod | Kriss_07:34
ubottuKriss_: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod07:34
zykotick9Kriss_, i doubt your ipod/iphone will work07:34
A|i3Niceroot: [Tue Nov 22 00:32:49 2011] [error] [client] script '/var/www/index-foo.php' not found or unable to stat07:34
icerootKriss_: dont use apple-stuff is the best fix07:34
zykotick9Kriss_, with iTunes i mean07:34
cablopiceroot: nope, i had to run sudo a2enmod ssl, hard to find that thing, but in the other hand you are halfright it is installed by default07:34
icerootA|i3N: and what is in /var/www/index.php?07:34
icerootA|i3N: also remeber, the apache site says "its working" is not a php file its html07:35
Kriss_iceroot i couldnt agree more.. however im the companys computer guy here and many teachers and leaders seems to love their iphones (sigh) so... if its got electronics.. the computer guy can fix it..07:35
icerootA|i3N: so there should be /var/www/index.html which contains it works07:35
icerootKriss_: i never cared about apple-users, thats the best i can do07:35
Kriss_just wondered how much works with itunes in wine. The program starts up just fine. I dont know if downloading music and that would work07:35
icerootKriss_: syncing does not work07:36
iceroot!appdb | Kriss_07:36
ubottuKriss_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help07:36
Kriss_iceroot. well its my job.. not to care though.. but to fix things.. sadly07:36
SanusHey, how can I install kubuntu-desktop and keep ubuntu's login screen and grub background?07:36
ewpwass up!07:36
icerootKriss_: as i said, the best fix is not supporting apple-products07:36
Kriss_iceroot yeah i looked at that but it only shows itunes in 10.10 and supprising enough in 11.10 it seems to install and run quite well07:37
icerootSanus: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop  at installation you are asked if you want kdm or gdm/lightdm (use gdm/lightdm)07:37
A|i3NIceroot: ok I think my computer is possessed. I Just looked again - I deleted the index.html file out of there earlier (yes, using sudo rm) and it seems it somehow came back lol, should have double checked before I asked I guess lol thank you though it is working now07:37
Kriss_but sadly i dont have any choice.. i gotta support whatever the managment buys..07:37
brianpWinsHow do you set global or system wide env variables?07:37
Sanus@ iceroot Thank you07:37
icerootA|i3N: great07:37
icerootKriss_: that is always the problem :(07:37
icerootKriss_: but what i heards only gtkpod can sync07:38
Kriss_iceroot oh yeah. Well at least i made a really sweet costum 11.10 that looks very much like the old gnome BUT also has full support for domain use.07:38
Kriss_iceroot. nice.. ill look into that.07:38
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ewpyou know how ctrl+alt+(arrow up/down/left/right) switch workspaces? i was wondering what if you could set a workspace to login a diff user. i wanna have it so 1,2,3 are my regular user with 4th being root07:40
zykotick9brianpWins, have a look at /etc/profile and accompanying /etc/profile.d/07:40
icerootewp: dont use the gui as root07:40
brianpWinszykotick9: thanks!07:41
icerootewp: and that will only work with separate x-servers running on two screens but dont use the gui as root!07:41
zykotick9ewp, you can't even have other regular users tied to workspaces like that07:41
ewpdang it was a neat idea07:41
icerootewp: sorry but that is a stupid idea07:41
icerootewp: never ever in your whole life run the gui as root07:42
sasoriwhat could possibly be wrong?...when i did sudo apt-get update..i was asked for the pword..so i gave it and was able to update via terminal..but when i went to administration->update manager ..i saw some updates again, when i tried to install, it asks root pword...so i typed the same pword from sudo thing...but this time it got rejected..why?!07:42
sattu94iceroot: gksudo is acceptable though right ?07:42
Kriss_yeah. i somtimes have to have a nautilius as root so i start one up from terminal. but in general dont use root unless i have to07:43
icerootsattu94: that is different to run gdm as root07:43
brianpWinsI recently did a n instal of 10.4. how can I check to see if it was 32 or 64 bit?07:43
icerootsattu94: yes that is ok07:43
zykotick9brianpWins, "uname -m"07:43
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sattu94iceroot: Hmm.07:43
icerootbrianpWins: 32bit07:43
brianpWinsyeahhhh… hmmm07:43
brianpWinsi shouldn't be to concerned. mongo on 32 bit has a 2gb limit07:44
brianpWinsbut I'll never come near that lol07:44
brianpWinsno ones going to use the site that much07:44
aum__hello everyone, i want to know which architecture (eg, x86, ia64 etc) should i use for kernel module programming. i have used x86 it compiled fine but during modprob the module it says "invalid kernel module". please suggest me what should i do.07:45
icerootbrianpWins: 640 kB ought to be enough for anybody (bill gates)07:45
icerootbrianpWins: :)07:45
republiciceroot, I just have 10 KB :D07:46
* pnorman uses some hardware with 40 bytes of memory07:46
stephnihello i need help not ubuntu related please who can i pm?07:49
pangolinwhat do you need help with?07:50
aum__i am using intel pentium dual core processor and its i386 arch. but i didn't find i386 in the header path to include say <asm/uaccess.h>...07:50
dr_willisask in #ubuntu-offtopic i suggest07:50
dr_willis!find uaccess.h07:51
ubottuFile uaccess.h found in linux-headers-3.0.0-12, linux-headers-3.0.0-12-generic, linux-headers-3.0.0-12-server, linux-headers-3.0.0-12-virtual, open-vm-dkms07:51
aum__i know but which arch to use  to include uaccess.h07:53
Steristanyone know of a good ~free~ filesystem recovery tool? gparted failed07:54
hangingclowns1got it finally07:55
hangingclowns1just needed to install ati drivers07:55
zykotick9Sterist, checkout testdisk/photorec07:55
spartan07anyone know if banshee reads the itunes xml to rebuild an itunes library? Its that last thing tying me to a windows box :(07:56
StavaI'm using ubuntu oneric, I have two displays with separate views. How do I change primary/default display?07:56
Steristzykotick9 does it have a gui07:56
hiexpohi all hey i just bought a new laptop today and it has the radeon hd 6320 video card is there a driver for this card07:56
zykotick9Sterist, not that i know of07:56
StavaI have two different GFX cards in my laptop, one intel and one nvidia. How can I ever figure out how to configure this so that the nvidia driver is enabled for the nvidia card? (http://pastebin.com/MtJTcMsy)07:58
StavaRight now I cant access nvidia settings because nvidia is not configured for anything in xorg.conf, and if I do configure x with nvidia-xconfig i'll be unable to boot (stuck at "checking battery state"07:59
TehDGMStava: can't you just disable the intel one in the bios?08:00
StavaTehDGM: I dont know, but I've so far assumed that intel is for the laptops display, and nvidia for external monitors?08:01
JLucMy Ubuntu speaks french but i would like to launch rapidsvn in english. So in the terminal I type "export -LANG=C" ok, then "rapidsvn &" but rapidsvn is still french and i got error messages (translated frome french) :  "Gtk-warning : theme engine not found in module_path : pixmap". How to solve this ?08:02
hiexpohow do i install the amd driver08:04
pangolinhiexpo: does jockey-gtk offer to install it?08:04
hiexpopangolin, no08:05
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto08:05
hiexpopangolin, i went into hardware drivers and it found nothing08:05
hiexpopangolin, yes radeon08:06
ryankaskhi all. X crashed and now I am constantly getting prompts to enter the password for my SSH key when I SSH into a box. What process controls the keyring where I enter my password once and it remembers each time?08:06
boumacan someone help me fix sources.list, im using 11.10, i get duplicate error in synaptic08:07
dr_willisa duplicate line is normally not a fatal error08:08
dr_willisbouma:  edit the file - remove the extra line08:08
dr_willisor theres an extra file in /etc/sources.list.d/08:09
pangolinhiexpo: maybe try http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11460458&postcount=50 but I don't know what else to offer as help08:10
boumadr_willis: i commented the two top lines which were deb cdrom:Ubuntu 11.10 _Oneiric.... ]/ etc, duplicated except for the end.. will this cause any probs ? only if i ever need a package from the cd? (btw i dont always have internet access) ?08:10
dr_willisanything on the cd may be outdated so fast you may never need the cd.08:12
boumadr_willis: is this a known bug? cause i just connected this fresh install to the net (and did the updates).08:12
dr_willisif the 2 lines were not identical.. then i doubt if they were the issue.08:12
dr_willisits not a critical error anyway. just a warning of a redundant entry08:13
boumabizzare bug08:13
dr_willisi never use the cd afert i install08:13
boumai was concerned it wasnt updating properly08:13
dr_willisits just a warning  i belive08:13
hiexpopangolin, yes thanks i think thats it08:17
JLucHello, "export LANG=en_US" gives me rapidsvn in english, fine, but radpisvn displays a warning : "cannot set locale  to . ". Can I do better and avoid this warning ? I tried also "export LANG=en_US.utf8" and "UTF8" and "UTF-8" but they all lead to rapidsvn in french (the main ubuntu locale).08:17
zykotick9JLuc, i'd guess you're looking for LANG=C08:19
JLuci've tried LANG=C but it keeps in french since french is my default and i have read C leads to default langage, doesnt it ?08:20
hiexpopangolin, what is the command to determine what wireless card is in this thing08:20
Halitus87hi I am having issue geting my drives to spin down with hdparm.conf any one have any ideas why spindown_time seams to be ignored?08:20
JLucsorry. i've tried LANG=C zykotick9  but it keeps in french since french is my default and i have read C leads to default langage, doesnt it ?08:20
zykotick9JLuc, i was under the obviously incorrect assumption that C defaulted to english08:21
zykotick9JLuc, this is the "localized error" factoid from #debian: Rather than hoping that we recognise what has gone wrong from the error messages in your native language, please provide any error messages in English.  You can do this by setting your locale to an English one (e.g. C) prior to running the command, e.g. LC_ALL=C apt-get -f install08:22
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Steristzykotick9 that program is awesome! thank you VERY much :)08:24
zykotick9Sterist, glad to help08:24
JLucok i guess i frist need to uninstall rapidsvn zykotick08:25
AnAntHello, how do I change the interface language before I login (ie at Unity greeter) ?08:28
JLuci've done so and it is the same : when i launch rapidsvn from the same terminal session it is in english with the "cannot set locale to '.'"' error displayed once, and when i launch from Unity it is in french zykotick908:29
JLucWell, i can maybe live with that error if it does not creates more problems08:30
zykotick9JLuc, i don't have any suggestions.  Good luck.08:31
JLucok thx.08:31
JLucWhat is the difference between "export lang=..." and LC_ALL= ?08:31
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zykotick9JLuc, i believe the "export lang=.." is more common (i've seen it used more anyways) then the LC=ALL... but I have no idea on the "real" difference08:35
JLuci will do a script will both !08:35
AnAntHello, how do I change the interface language before I login (ie at Unity greeter) ?08:36
smokeycastleHi I am piping the results of find into a text file however when I view it after it is all in one long line, how do i prevent this?08:36
zykotick9AnAnt, you might want to look through this bug to see if you find anything useful https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/80385808:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 803858 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "No language chooser on login screen in LightDM" [Wishlist,Fix released]08:37
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dr_willislightdm is light on some features08:37
smokeycastleie find * > text.txt (it then shows up as a long line with no newlines is there a simple way to make it add a newline after each result?)08:38
JLucwhere should i best store a homemade little .sh script ?08:38
Steristzykotick9 testdisk wants to run as sudo but permissions are denied to delete the files i've recovered so far. should i used gksudo against it's wishes?08:38
dr_willissmokeycastle:  that is sayiing find all files in the current dir. the * is expanded by the shell befor find sees it08:38
dr_willissmokeycastle:  similer to 'echo *'08:39
zykotick9smokeycastle, i'm not seeing your all on one line behaviour?08:39
dr_willisJLuc:  in your users /home/username/bin dir08:39
zykotick9Sterist, is it a GUI app?  I remember is at CLI.08:39
smokeycastleit looks fine in vi, but doesnt show up properly in notepad?08:40
Steristzykotick9 whats CLI?08:40
zykotick9command line interface = terminal08:40
dr_willissmokeycastle:  notepad in windows?08:40
Steristzykotick9 nevermind lol self explanitory08:40
Steristzykotick9 yes CLI08:40
zykotick9dr_willis, good catch08:40
dr_willissmokeycastle:  you should have said that eralier ;)08:40
smokeycastlebut the machine that is making the code is my ubuntu fileserver?08:41
zykotick9Sterist, sudo for cli, gksudo/gksu for GUI08:41
dr_willissmokeycastle:  dos uses a cr & lf to end a line. unix uses just a cr08:41
smokeycastleie i am making a file in linux that shows all the files under a directory, then viewing it in windows and it looks wrong?08:41
dr_willissmokeycastle:  use vi in windows. or convert the file.08:41
smokeycastleah thanks dr_willis08:41
dr_willissmokeycastle:  its all about how windows handles line ending08:41
smokeycastleis there a quick way to add that when I originally generate the file?08:42
dr_willissmokeycastle:  been an annoyance since dos 1.x  days08:42
Steristzykotick9 it's not letting me remove files that were backed up thru it though, am i going to have to punt w/ sudo deleting?08:42
dr_willisdos2unix to convert i think08:42
zykotick9dr_willis, i was just trying to find the new name of dos2unix - 2frodos or something?08:43
smokeycastleeww, maybe a find/replace?08:43
dr_willis100+ ways to convert the things08:43
dr_willissearch for cr, replace with cr and lf08:43
zykotick9Sterist, sorry, i'm not sure08:43
dr_williszykotick9:  yes somthing weird like that08:43
dr_willisfro2dos ?08:43
Steristdr_willis i've seen you around a while, maybe you'd know :) a FS recovery app runs as sudo and is owning all files backed up thru it. do you know of a solution?08:45
zykotick9dr_willis, looks like debian still uses dos2unix - so i can't easily check :(08:45
dr_willisediting a perl, or bash, or whatever script in notepad and then trying to rn it on linux.. gives even weirder cr/lf issues ;008:45
dr_willisso use vim on windows. ;)08:45
zykotick9Sterist, so the files are owned by root:root?  is that the issue?08:45
dr_willisthe editor fte can show cr/lf's  also i recall08:46
Steristzykotick9 that is correct08:46
zykotick9Sterist, then use sudo to delete/move/manipulate them then08:46
ReikokuOn 11.10, how do I change the font size in unity?08:47
Steristzykotick9 thats what i was saying earlier lol punt. let the app own them and manually clean up after :(08:47
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zykotick9Sterist, sounds about right ;)08:47
smokeycastlewould this do the trick? sed -i 's//cr//cr /lf/g' filelist.txt08:47
Steristzykotick9 what a dirty little useful app08:47
dr_willisReikoku:  gnome-tweak tool is one way. its in the repos08:48
AnAntHello, how do I change the interface language before I login (ie at Unity greeter) ?08:48
dr_willissmokeycastle:  theres sed faq sites with the exact commad to use i recall08:48
dr_willissmokeycastle:  or you can use 'tr' in bash. or awk..08:49
dr_willis!find dos2unix08:49
ubottuFound: dos2unix08:49
dr_willis!info dos2unix08:49
ubottudos2unix (source: dos2unix): convert text file line endings between CRLF and LF. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.3-1 (oneiric), package size 51 kB, installed size 268 kB08:49
dr_willisor use the above......08:49
h2oWhy is the Unity launcher on the left-side and not below?08:49
zykotick9dr_willis, oh they must have renamed it back to origional - that's good08:50
dr_willish2o:  wide monitors are common..08:50
smokeycastlethanks for that08:50
Reikokuh2o: Because monitors are wide and not tall :P08:50
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h2obelow is more place... I don't understand the answer08:52
dr_willisyou done need more for the panel. you want to leaqve the most for the apps08:52
Reikokuh2o: Imagine having it below on a netbook08:53
dr_willisthere are some hacks to put it on the bottom08:53
h2ookay thanks for answers08:55
jlellihi all, what is the right command line way to set up "nothing" behavior when laptop lid is closed?08:58
ReikokuIn my terminals, tabs are white, why/how do I change it?08:59
sakthihi guys , anyone can help me getting started with kernel programming .. which are the best resources ..?09:00
ruudtsakthi: I almoast got yelled at for asking normal programming questions in #ubuntu-devel But I think it IS for kernel programming09:01
bowoim burn iso arch and i try to live season , then why in text mode?09:02
vibhavsakthi: www.kernelnewbies.org09:03
Steristzykotick9 whats the delete command again lol09:03
zykotick9Sterist, rm ?09:03
Steristzykotick9 so sudo rm xyz09:04
zykotick9Sterist, yup09:04
ReikokuCan I add more virtual desktops? 4 isnt doing it09:04
zykotick9Reikoku, CCSM / General Options / Desktop Size tab09:05
Steristzykotick9 doesnt want to delete directories (-_-)09:05
zykotick9Sterist, "sudo rm -r directory" careful with this!09:05
Steristzykotick9 why do you say careful?09:05
Reikokuzykotick9: CCSM?09:06
zykotick9Sterist, if you type the wrong path it very bad - as it deletes all files/directories under the given point09:06
zykotick9Reikoku, compizconfig-setting-manager09:06
Steristzykotick9 oh good to know. wont be a problem though09:07
hiexpo? ubuntu is not recognizing my wireless card what command can i use to determine what wireless card it has09:07
zykotick9hiexpo, "lspci | grep Network" might show you09:07
vibhavhiexpo: or lspci | grep wireless09:09
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zykotick9vibhav, you'd probably need "lspci | grep -i wireless".  hiexpo09:10
vibhavzykotick9: Exactly09:10
hiexponot getting anything out of thosmmandse co09:15
hiexponot getting any results from those commands09:16
Narcisistdo you have the ability to use an ethernet cable to connect you to the next? Only momentarily?09:17
deej1976hiexpo: lspci | pastebin09:17
Narcisistif so.... sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng09:17
Narcisistthen, sudo airmon-ng09:17
hiexpothats how i am connected now09:17
Narcisistthe airmon-ng utility does a sweet job of telling you exactly what's under the hood... in my opinion09:18
harsh343today i install php-doc from ubuntu software installation, i am using ubuntu 11.10 now how can i open these files ?09:18
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deej1976harsh343: firefox /usr/share/doc/php-doc/html/index.html09:20
hiexpodeej1976, http://pastebin.com/HZHgpjR409:20
deej1976hiexpo: Looks like a "Network controller: RaLink Device 5390"09:21
hiexpodeej1976, yup09:22
deej1976Over too someone that knows how to enable a RaLink ?09:22
harsh343deej1976, exactly what i want but there is no css in index.html why ?09:23
deej1976harsh343: Don't know, I've only told you the location, I don't know how it is formed09:25
deej1976hiexpo: Have a look at thishttp://tinyurl.com/5t4p7wo09:25
moonhwalapt-get install firmware-ralink09:25
harsh343deej1976, thanks very much dear again09:25
zykotick9hiexpo, i just want to point out my original command "lspci | grep Network" should have show you that09:25
vibhavzykotick9: The model of the wireless card?09:26
zykotick9vibhav, as much of a model as lspci shows for this card yes09:26
nardulMorning. When trying to boot a server i moved from OpenVZ to KVM, it hangs right after "Settings console screen modes and fonts". If i press enter, it keeps booting and works fine. Tihs is 10.4. Does anyone have an idea of where to start debugging?09:27
zykotick9vibhav, and it usually only show wireless and not ethernet09:27
hiexpodeej1976, give that link again it is up against this09:27
jita_Which is the better alternative to gnome 3? Kde or xfce ?09:27
zykotick9jita_, apples and oranges really09:27
crizzydepends what you like09:28
deej1976hiexpo: http://tinyurl.com/5t4p7wo09:28
crizzykde is more advanced than any of those, with expense of little more complicated ui09:28
StepNjumpMaybe somebody can help me... I just deleted the time at the top right of my gnome panel. By the same token, my log off/shut down/system settings disappeared. I'm running in classic mode and my systems settings button was important. How could I bring them back?09:28
hiexpodeej1976, im on 10.0409:29
crizzyStepNjump: 2nd click -> add to panel?-)09:29
StepNjumpcrizzy its not in there09:29
jita_crizzy: do you like kde ?09:29
crizzyStepNjump: notification area applet?09:29
crizzyjita_: it's ok, after little configuring09:29
StepNjumplet me check09:30
zykotick9jita_, i personally think KDE = "sparkle vomit" but it's all personal taste09:30
crizzyzykotick9: that's mostly theme matter :)09:30
StepNjumpnope.. doesn't work crizzy09:31
crizzyStepNjump: uhm, no idea then, i'm on 11.10 so no gnome2 :)09:31
jita_And how does xfce stack up against lxde ?09:32
zykotick9StepNjump, it is in that list somewhere...09:32
crizzyjita_: try and decide yourself?-)09:32
zykotick9crizzy, best answer possible ;)09:32
deej1976hiexpo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1843380&page=109:33
StepNjumpYes it was in that area but how can I add more icons?09:33
jita_crizzy: i am actually using lxde, just thought of taking opinions09:33
StepNjumpin the notifcation area applet zykotick9?09:33
jita_before i install xfce09:33
jasonmsphey all. Anyone know a command prompt that will list all the current keybindings?09:33
hiexpodeej1976, thanks09:33
zykotick9StepNjump, i thought you where looking for time and login/off?09:34
jita_crizzy: is xfce better than lxde in your opinion ?09:34
deej1976hiexpo: It was resolved by the end of page two, just be carefully typing the commands09:34
deej1976!ot jita_:09:34
StepNjumpyes I am zykotick909:34
deej1976!ot| jita_09:34
ubottujita_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:34
crizzyjita_: personally i think both are poop :) xfce is "ok" but i'm really not into those retro environments. unity > kde > gnome-shell09:34
zykotick9StepNjump, so, somewhere in Add to Panel those are there09:34
StepNjumpok let me check again09:35
zykotick9StepNjump, you need to look "past" the names, try some odd ones09:35
StepNjumpWell the notification area is there but when I click add it doesn't09:36
jita_crizzy: ok i am gonna give kde a try, thanks for the tip09:36
jita_crizzy: kde has more complicated UI than unity ?09:40
nardulMorning. When trying to boot a server i moved from OpenVZ to KVM, it hangs right after "Settings console screen modes and fonts". If i press enter, it keeps booting and works fine. Tihs is 10.4. Does anyone have an idea of where to start debugging?09:40
crizzyjita_: configuring it might be a bit messy (but at least possible), but otherwise it's pretty simple. you got panel, start menu with search and a desktop :P09:42
StepNjumpzykotick9 yes you were exactly right!09:42
susundbergnardul: sounds weird. I might look at the logs and try too boot it with no framebuffer, but i have no real clue what is going on there ..09:42
jita_crizzy: and do you recommend kubuntu or opensuse for kde4 ?09:42
nardulsusundberg: Neither do i. How do i disable the framebuffer?09:42
ikoniajita_: enough, this channel is ubuntu support09:42
jita_ikonia: ok09:43
zykotick9StepNjump, what was it called?09:43
StepNjumpIndicator applet complete09:43
cablopi need a god alternative to tortoisesvn on linux09:43
susundbergnardul: kernel boot parameters, i do not unfortunately recall what was the name. I am sure you can google it09:43
zykotick9StepNjump, totally obvious.... NOT.  Glad you got it.09:43
aepluscablop, i would go with the command line09:43
StepNjumptnx zykotick909:44
susundbergcablop: kdesvn is also fine if you want to avoid command  line and you are using kde09:44
cablopi am on gnome, does kdesvn run on gnome?09:44
cablopaeplus, thanks, but sorry cli is not an alternative to tortoisesvn09:45
susundbergcablop: i guess but it requires tons of libraries, i would try something else09:45
deej1976!text | nardul09:45
ubottunardul: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode09:45
susundbergcablop: you might want to check out esvn, svnkit09:45
susundbergcablop: (or search package manager for others)09:46
cablopsusundberg: right, but i'll consider it, in fact i am still testing that gnome3 and thinking to move to kde if that thing is not going to suit my needs09:46
deej1976cablop: rapidsvn, and nautuilas have extensions for svn09:47
cablopdeej1976: yep, but the nautilus of the gnome 3 seems to make those extensions broken09:48
nardulubottu: Thank you.09:48
deej1976cablop: Ok, I've not tried them recently09:48
cablopbut looking at rapidsvn now :) deej197609:48
nardulIt looks like the framebuffer isn't stopping.09:48
sixpsRabbitsvn works relatively well, if you do not want to do anything more complicated than checkout, commit and branch. Merge do not work very well. But it's the best I tested, but I have gone back to cli..... Hopefully it will be better in the future.09:49
cablopsixps: the problen is rabbitsvn seems to be broken on gnome3, in fact is is not appearing in the context menu09:50
narduldeej1976: Doesn't do anything. Some kind of framebuffer still starts and hangs until i press enter.09:50
cablopi used it with the previous gnome, and i liked it enough09:50
tasslehoffCan one in any way install themes on Ubuntu now? I prefer dark background in my windows.09:51
cabloptasslehoff: to be sincere i ried both manually and using a repo... and it seems to keep ignoring whatever you do, it seems it is some sort of obscure setting in the gnome reg-like thing09:52
deej1976nardul: Sorry to hear, I've got no experience with OpenVZ or KVM.09:52
narduldeej1976: Lucky bastard :)09:52
simion314hi all, can someone help me with a coomand line, i want to search a folder with php file, i want lsted the files that contain inside a search term, thx09:53
StepNjumpok good night09:53
zabombersimion314: find / -name *.php09:53
zabomberwhere "/" is the start of the search09:53
zabomberif you want to exclude all "Permission Denied errors" than "find / -name *.php 2>/dev/null"09:54
simion314zabomber: thx , i will try it, and name is my search term?09:54
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jattwhich application can I use to find dead symbolic links?09:54
zabombersimion314: no. name is for name of file.. the *.php is the search term09:55
zabomberall files with .php extension for example09:55
narduldeej1976: Disabling plymouth fixed it. Weird stuff.09:55
llutzsimion314: find / -nowarn -name *.php | xargs grep search-term09:55
deej1976nardul: Well done09:56
cablopesvn and rapidsvn are pretty abandoned projects09:56
simion314zabomber: no, i am searching other stuff, i have like 50 files in a folder, i need to know what file include "iSDk.php"  so i need to find inside the file and also all the files are in the same folder09:56
llutzsimion314:  grep iSDk.php *09:56
simion314llutz: thx09:57
zabombersimion314: grep iSDK.php *09:57
zabombergrep is powerful09:57
zabombermanpage it09:57
tasslehoffcablop: ah. too bad09:58
tasslehoff(the theme thing)09:58
deej1976cablop: Bazaar VCS has svn plugin10:03
cablopdeej1976: nice!10:03
deej1976cablop: and SVN Workbench, both in Software Centre10:03
cablopdamn gnome3 is a bad joke, it is a pita10:06
LantiziaLo where can I find out the possible characters allowed in a linux/unix password?10:06
=== Vyas is now known as VyasKadkol
ReikokuI have a HP netbook with buttons integrated into the trackpad, I've tried multiple ways to sort it but can't find a way to disable tapping, use my left and right click buttons AND have 2 finger scroll, any ideas?10:08
vibhavReikoku: define 'tapping'10:09
=== enchilad1 is now known as enchilado
Reikokuvibhav: Click without physically depressing the mouse button, I don't want it, it often screws up dragging or browsing10:09
ReikokuI'll donate $5 to Ubuntu if anyone gets my trackpad working properly10:10
ActionParsnipReikoku: a good start is giving the FULL model10:10
ActionParsnipReikoku: HP make LOADS of systems10:10
ReikokuActionParsnip: DM1-3200SA10:10
ReikokuThey all have much the same touchpad, recently10:11
ActionParsnipReikoku: it still needs clarifying, it helps a lot10:11
vibhavReikoku: You mean double tapping the touchpad?10:12
cablopbesides  KDE... what are the guys disliking gnome3 and unity using now?10:12
deej1976!ot | cablop10:12
ubottucablop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:12
cablopwhy ot, deej1976?... i am looking for an alternative to use ON UBUNTU to those shells10:14
ReikokuBasically, I've used the default settings where I got two finger scroll but no right click (it's an area of the trackpad and I have no idea how to set it up), and it had tapping on (clicking without depressing the touchpad) which I hate. I've tried editing modprobe.d/mouse to use 'options psmouse proto=exps' which makes right click work, but no two finger scroll and tapping is still on. I need left10:14
Reikokuclick, right click, no tapping and two finger scroll, if I get all of this I will donate $5 to Canonical or the charity of your choice that takes PayPal or Bitcoin. Netbook is a HP Pavilion dm1-3200sa10:14
ActionParsnipReikoku: under "Mouse and Touchpad" there is the Touchpad tab where you can disable touchpad tap to click, is that what you mean10:14
ikoniacablop: no, you're asking what people like - the alternatives are out there ubuntu gnome/unity xfce, kde, lxde10:14
ikoniacablop: research and find out what you like10:14
deej1976cablop: which interface is really ot, as it's really a matter of personal opinion10:14
ActionParsnipcablop: gnome3 is fine10:15
Reikokucablop: e17 :310:15
ActionParsnipcablop: LXDE :)10:15
vibhavcablop: xfce10:15
ikoniadid you just not read what I said10:15
ReikokuActionParsnip: See above wall of text10:15
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:15
ActionParsnipReiso you want the tap to work and it doesn't at the moment?10:16
cablopActionParsnip: i seet that gnpome3 is full of some bad bugs10:16
vibhavReikoku: Use Synaptiks , it has more options10:16
ReikokuActionParsnip: I want to have two finger scroll, right and left click, and option to turn tapping off.10:16
ActionParsnipcablop: its young is all I can think of10:16
Reikokuvibhav: What do I need to download for that?10:16
ActionParsnipReikoku: are there any bugs reported?10:17
cablopone, for example, if you are moving files, and clic on the nautilus window, then the files transfer windows gfoes behind the main one and you have no way to get it to the frnt, except to resize move the main out of the way, that is stupid10:17
Reikokucablop: gnome3 isn't really buggy, it's just a rushed release so under-featured10:17
ReikokuActionParsnip: Not that I know of10:17
vibhavReikoku: sudo apt-get install kde-config-touchpad10:17
ActionParsnipReikoku: I suggest you check. Also install qsynaptics  and see if there are options there10:17
vibhavReikoku: remove any previously installed version of synaptiks 0.4 or earlier first (if any)10:18
cablopReikoku: what is e17? enlightenment? afaik it was just a plugin, do you say it is a whole shell?10:18
vibhavWhich you will not likely hae10:18
ikoniaReikoku: ar eyou using kde ?10:18
Reikokucablop: Enlightenment DR17 is a full DE10:18
Reikokuikonia: No, I use unity10:18
vibhavcablop: Are you looking for an old school gnome like DE?10:18
robertzaccourwhen will kde 5 be released?10:20
deej1976robertzaccour: try asking in #kde10:20
Reikokurobertzaccour: Probably when QT5 is released10:20
ActionParsniprobertzaccour: +1 for asking in #kde10:21
cablopvibhav yes... and no, i just need something easy to use, and not buggy or with design flaws... gnome3 is going to kill my left arm, it is the second contributor to RSI, just behind the overlay scrolls10:21
ActionParsniprobertzaccour: http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2011/05/relax.html10:22
Reikokuikonia: Why do you ask which DE I'm using? I use Unity on the netbook, e17 on most of my other machines but many of them aren't Ubuntu10:24
ikoniaReikoku: just some software that was recommended to you was not designed for gnome-unity and wanted to make sure you didn't rush in installing it without understanding it would pull in a large amount of KDE10:25
ReikokuAre there any tablets running Ubuntu? Unity seems like it would work really well on a tablet10:25
Reikokuikonia: I already have all the qt4 packages installed, so don't mind the bloat as long as it's likely to do what I want it to10:25
ikoniaReikoku: that's fine then, I just wanted you to be aware of what would happen10:26
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ActionParsnipReikoku: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MErL7FslBjU10:26
ActionParsnipReikoku: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/06/ekoore-announce-two-new-tablets-running-ubuntu-11-04/10:27
cablopammm e17 seems to be on development, but seems very promising promisory... whatever xD10:27
ikoniacablop: it's been on development for 10+ years10:27
Reikokucablop: It's in perma development :P10:27
cabloplol, what i mean is the current release is e16, and e17 is not the stable or final or rc or whatever10:28
Reikokucablop: Yes, it's been that way for years10:28
cablopnothing that motivating10:29
Reikokucablop: I would call it pretty stable, but it's not officially stable. Having said that, I run Firefox Aurora and git build kernels so take my stability recommendations with a pinch of salt. :P10:29
l33tcharg... upgraded to the new kernel and now the dm won't load stating a drive mapping error... anyone got the same? not at teh machine now so just wondering for now. will look into fixing this evening.10:29
ikonial33tch: which kernel10:30
l33tch3.0.13 or nearby as far as I remember.. will get into it more this evening, but wanted to see if anyone else had the issue first10:31
ikonial33tch: where did you get it ?10:31
l33tchthe normal update tool popped up with it recommended10:31
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l33tchi really need to set it up for ssh so I can work on it from here (while not in x)10:33
ActionParsnipl33tch: hold shift at boot, can you boot the older kernel ok?10:33
cablopReikoku: are you using it on test or "production" desktop?10:33
Zeakdmsg nickserv register <password> <joesmith5040@gmail.com>10:34
Zeakd kill /10:34
l33tchwill try that, thank you... can't try now, though... only in 8 hours or so...10:34
Reikokucablop: Production10:35
auronandaceZeakd: i'd do that outside of any channel10:35
l33tchI can log into a terminal though, but refuses to start lightdm10:35
cablophmm, i would give it a try then10:35
Reikokucablop: If you want something more gnome2 like, I'd suggest xfce4 though10:35
mcoredhey guys i am running quassel in ubuntu and i wanna this command everytime: quassel -c /home/DATA/Standalone/Quassel/config10:37
mcoredhow do i set that in this shortcut http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25501373/ZScreen/2011-11/Screenshot%20at%202011-11-22%2013%3A12%3A40.png10:37
Zeakdanyone wanna tell me why my email is not valid for registering10:37
cablopReikoku: thanks for the tips :)10:38
deej1976mcored: Launch the application, then right click and keep in launcher10:38
cablopReikoku: i think i can use it with AWN and make it works nice10:38
ActionParsnipmcored: gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/quassel.desktop       add the options to the 'Exec=' line10:38
mcoredthank you ActionParsnipt thats exactly what i wanted!10:38
VirHi. I just updated a server from Lucid to Oneiric (with all the steps in between). Now it refuses to boot. I tried to find any hint in the recovery mode console output, but I don't see any reason. Also the Natty kernel doesn't boot. I could use some idea how to get the server back up again.10:40
mcoredlet me test10:41
mcoredshould be like this ActionParsnip http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/nfoxqum6/quassel.desktopusrshareapplicationsg.png right :)10:42
inashdeenhi, did anyone here get remastersys to work properly on ubuntu 11.10?10:42
ActionParsnipmcored: no, the file should have a LOT of text in already10:43
mcoredoh crap thats what i thought; but it was empty10:43
ActionParsnipmcored: I suggest you type:  gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/q       then hit tab a few times, see what autocorrects10:43
Virmcored: it could also be in a subdir10:44
GirlyGirlHi, I have a problem with youtube video playback. The issue persists with all web-browsers in both flash and HTML 5 mode. My system cannot play 720p and 1080p at all as the framerate is too low. On Windows Vista 1080p works fine. System specs http://paste.ubuntu.com/745777/10:44
Virand if you don't want to edit your system desktop file you can override it in ~/.local/share/applications/10:44
ActionParsnipGirlyGirl: different OSes have different support so things will act differently, some things are better, some can be worse10:45
GirlyGirlActionParsnip: I am aware but the reason I asked is in case there is a possible solution10:46
ActionParsnipGirlyGirl: can you give the output of:  uname -a; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'10:47
mcoredthanks Vir it seems like that quassel.desktop was the only one and there is no subdir10:47
mcoredlet me quit and try10:47
GirlyGirlActionParsnip: Let me reboot first, I'm on vista10:49
m3kksoftware to play windows games, wine or cedega? :S10:51
termitorm3kk: playonlinux or cegeda10:52
GirlyGirl_ActionParsnip:  Which command again?10:53
ActionParsnipm3kk: cedega and crossoveroffice are not free in any way10:53
ActionParsnipGirlyGirl_: uname -a; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'10:53
GirlyGirl_ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/745784/10:55
cousin_luigiIs it possible to have the 3.0 kernel on maverick?10:55
cousin_luigibackports, ppa?10:55
TehDGMyou know kernel 3.0 didnt really change anything right?10:56
cousin_luigithere's some module for a card reader that wasn't available previously10:56
GirlyGirl_cousin_luigi: Besides why are you still using maverick?10:57
cousin_luigiGirlyGirl_: staying away from unity and the likes10:57
cousin_luigiGirlyGirl_: it's not me, personally anyway10:57
HemebondSo, what did 11.10 do to Logitech webcam video quality?10:59
HemebondIt's suddenly all grainy.10:59
HemebondQuality was good in 11.04.10:59
hot2trotdoes anyone know a good command line way to convert a .asf movie file?11:02
TehDGMffmpeg, mencoder11:04
Virmore information: so the 2.6.32 kernel still boots, 2.6.38 hangs and 3.0 also hangs. While doing the upgrades Lucid, Maverick, and Natty all booted fine. Only after the upgrade to Oneiric did the 2.6.38 kernel start to hang at boot.11:05
VirThis doesn't make any sense to me. What changed between Natty and Oneiric that could lead to this?11:05
romain__guys I messed up something with probably my dhcp client and each time I connect to a new network, my resolv.conf is updated to nameserver 127.0.01 and Not to network dns ip11:06
Gondrong-NdezoVir; what type your VGA card ?11:06
romain__anyone know how to set it right ?11:06
ReikokuNever mind, figured out my clickpad by myself, found a PPA11:06
VirGondrong-Ndezo: why? it's a Matrox chip for the BMC11:06
Gondrong-NdezoVir: what phase your kernel hang ? after grub ?11:06
VirGondrong-Ndezo: the recovery mode shows that mount of /dev/sda3 just happened11:07
Virthen the output stops11:07
Virin non-recovery mode it only prints "Starting up..."11:07
Gentoo64Vir: i would try a fresh install. youve done 3 upgrades already11:08
VirGentoo64: if it were easy I'd do that11:08
VEndixHi, is there any WYSIWYG web creation program on Ubuntu?11:08
VirI'm 200 km away from that machine11:08
Gondrong-NdezoVir: can you boot it on single mode ?11:09
VirGondrong-Ndezo: not with the 3.0 or 2.6.38 kernels. The 2.6.32 kernel boots in both single and multi11:10
Mamarokhi, I just tried to install Pootle, but apparently the package is broken, is there something I am doing wrong? http://paste.kde.org/149366/11:10
VirGondrong-Ndezo: though it takes a very long time to come up because it says something about network configuration problems11:10
VEndixHi, is there any WYSIWYG web creation program on Ubuntu?11:10
ReikokuVEndix: Try kompozer11:10
ActionParsnipromain__: echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null11:10
VEndixReikoku, thank you11:11
VirGondrong-Ndezo: network is just fine when it's done with waiting, though11:11
ActionParsnipromain__: you can set your DNS servers in network manager manually, you can set and as your DNS servers and you will get web access :)11:11
llutzromain__: http://rfc1149.de/index.php#2011-07-0211:11
romain__ok because for now i edit my relsov.conf to at each connexion manualy, I'd like to have the local network dns11:13
ActionParsnipromain__: you can set it in network manager so it overrides DHCP, I've seen issues with DNS not loading via DHCP11:14
romain__thanks but I don't think the issue comes from network manager or the dhcp. My resolv.conf file is overwritten by resovconf11:16
romain__Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)11:16
yodainoHow do I install sun (oracle) java as opposed to the openjdk11:17
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.11:18
A_Jcam some1 tell me how to change my user account password ?11:19
dr_willisdownload from oracle web site is the way these days.. yea oracle.. lets go back to the 90's11:19
dr_willisA_J:  passwd  command11:20
A_Jdone ty11:20
A_Jone more question, i don't like the new unity 2d is 11.10 and the genome classic is not as good as the old on, any other alternatives11:23
A_Jdr_willis ?11:23
romain__ok problem solved thank you ! fyi I just configured resolvconf by editing my /etc/resolvconf/resolvconf.d/ files11:24
Gentoo64A_J, the other de's11:24
dr_willislearn to use unity or gnome shell11:24
ReikokuA_J: Use XFCE4 if you want something like old gnome11:25
ExopaladinOr try out the xubuntu desktop which uses XFCE11:25
A_Jdr_willis i used to use ubuntu classic, but the classic desktop has ugly black bars11:25
Aliv3hey guys the only thing keeping me from ubuntu is mythbuntu11:25
m3kki have googled somebit but i couild not get some real answers, i need to set nolapic noapic at bootparameters to get my ubuntu to boot. Is this somehow decreasing my performance? because im not experiencing my ubuntu very fast. im using an i7 with gtx 460, win7 installation on ssd disk and ubuntu on sepetate hdd11:25
dr_willisthey should just remove the classic and fallback desktops. they just cause mire issues11:26
Gentoo64m3kk, it wont reduce performance11:26
m3kkGentoo64, thank you. then i know something else is up11:26
dr_willisAliv3:  that did not make sense11:26
Aliv3i want to watch tv on it! it doesnt work11:26
YcareneAnyone know why the latest version of wine isn't in "ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa" yet?11:27
m3kkdr_willis, you can chose what desktop you want at login, i belive standard gnome is there to? isnt it?11:27
Gentoo64m3jwhy did  you need to set those ay boot?11:27
Aliv3well i just finished downloading twilight in 720p11:27
TwinkletoesWhat's the easiest way to prevent cron from starting a script if it hasn't finished from the last time?11:27
teddiem3kk, it's removed in 11.10 but can be added again11:27
dr_willism3kk:  standard gnome is gnome3 with gnome shell  these days11:27
m3kkGentoo64,  is there something is should do about it, i mean is noapic nolapic just a temporary solution and i can do something about it or its ok with those paramenters?11:28
Aliv3aw man its like insaqnely wide screen11:28
m3kkdr_willis, does gnome3 come with the new 11.10 at login?11:28
Gentoo64m3kk, i dont even know what the prlbme your having is :)11:28
Gentoo64Aliv3, big black bars?11:28
m3kkGentoo64, .. actually neither do i lol11:29
Aliv3anyways, i have win7 on same computer dualboot but i like ubuntu, normally i use windows media center; Gentoo64: no im watching in windows media player windowed atm11:29
Gentoo64m3kk, so why set them boot paremeters?11:29
Gentoo64m3kk, a temporary solution to what?11:30
Aliv3whats a good picture paste bin11:30
ubuntu_user2011ubuntu live cd can't recognize my sound card. What can i do?11:30
teddieimgur imageshack11:30
Gentoo64imo postimage is the fastest11:30
Gentoo64by far11:31
m3kkGentoo64, well it wont boot without the boot paramenters...so something must be up? and sometimes its taking very long time to open stuff like places and folders like the "picture" folder althou its empty. i so tought maybe it has something to do with the boot paramenters . Like im disagbling something important for performance11:31
hot2trotis there some way to write wine scripts that manipulate the windows program that wine is running?11:31
VirWhat does "Waiting for network configuration..." mean?11:31
Gentoo64m3kk, hmm no idea what could be causing that. is it an old install?11:31
VirI.e. what error condition is it?11:32
m3kkGentoo64, fresh!11:32
Gentoo64actually that shouldnt matter11:32
yodainosun-java6-jdk appears to be installed on my system, but 'which jdk' produces the dreaded openjdk... what's going on?11:32
Aliv3screw it ill just put it on dailybooth for you in a min lol11:32
yodainoI need the oracle jdk.11:32
m3kkGentoo64, i tried back with the latest LTS version because i ordered a cd..could not get it to boot11:32
m3kkGentoo64, recently tried again with the new 11.10 tought it was some bug that was solved..but it was the same and after some googling i got it to boot with those parameters..11:33
Gentoo64m3kk, try disabling apic in the bios without thos eparemeters11:33
ubuntu_user2011i'm using ubuntu 10.10 live cd if it helps11:33
yodainousing sudo update-alternatives --config java11:33
yodaino doesn't produce any choices but openjdk.11:33
ActionParsnipyodaino: how did you install java?11:34
yodainoI feel like canonical/ubuntu is making it VERY hard on users to have a choice in their jdk choice.11:34
ActionParsnipyodaino: actually, its oracle11:34
Gentoo64m3kk, only temporarily11:34
dr_willisAliv3:  you are just wanting a video file player or di you have a tv tuner card?11:34
Gentoo64m3kk, ho many cores have you got?11:34
yodainoActionParsnip, ok11:34
Aliv3i have a tv tuner card11:34
ActionParsnipyodaino: they don't want their java product packaging11:34
yodainoActionParsnip, that makes sense, and I apologize for a stupid statement11:35
ActionParsnipyodaino: its cool11:35
teddieinstalling oracle's jdk is simple..11:35
yodainothis laptop came with a jdk on it11:35
Gentoo64m3kk, if you have multiple cores then disabling apic will slow you down. i thought at first you said acpi11:35
yodainoActionParsnip, so I don't know how it was installed11:35
* Vir hops over to #ubuntu-server ... cu11:35
yodainoteddie, can you tell me how to do it?11:35
ActionParsnipyodaino: I downloaded the 1.7 tar.gz and extracted it and put it in /usr/lib/jvm   then ran: sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0_01/bin/java 7111:36
yodainoActionParsnip, ok11:36
dr_willis!java has the info11:36
ubottudr_willis: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:36
ActionParsnipyodaino: you can then symlink /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0_01/lib/i386/libjava.so   into your browser's plugins folder11:36
ActionParsnipyodaino: its not hard at all :D11:37
teddiehm, is it possible to use oracle jre with chrome?11:37
teddiefirefox uses it.. but chrome doesn't11:37
yodainoActionParsnip, how will that work with apt-get?11:37
Aliv3hi ubottu11:37
yodainoActionParsnip, I mean... is it independent of apt-get?11:37
ActionParsnipyodaino: apt-get isn't part of it11:37
ActionParsnipyodaino: it's not packaged, remember11:37
yodainoActionParsnip, should I, as a noob, be trying to install stuff with the package manager?11:38
yodainoActionParsnip, oh ok11:38
Aliv3so can i set it up or not11:38
semeriani'm using ubuntu live cd 10.10, and having trouble with the sound11:38
Aliv3i have directv11:38
semerianubuntu doesn't recognize my sound card at all11:38
Aliv3hello azertyii11:38
teddieHello azertyii11:38
* Aliv3 will rape her later11:38
* teddie buttrates Aliv311:39
Aliv3well.. uhm n e wys.. so can i do it or not11:39
thedukeCan  Netflix work with Ubuntu?11:40
azertyiii just create an alias but closing/opening the terminal11:40
azertyiii can't find my alias11:40
azertyiiis that normal ?11:40
yodainoActionParsnip, do you think I'll run into problems developing in eclipse using the oracle jdk 7?11:40
yodainoacertyii, run source .bashrc11:41
ActionParsnipyodaino: if you need the features in the oracle java, then use it11:41
yodainoacertyii, I mean, run 'source ~/.bashrc'11:41
yodainoActionParsnip, I'll just give it a try11:41
hiexpodeej1976, thanks that worked i got wireless now again11:41
azertyiianyone there ?11:42
deej1976hiexpo: Excellent, thanks for letting me know.11:42
deej19761588 of us11:42
hiexpodeej1976, no problem now i gotta try and get my sound working11:42
mazda01anyone use passphrase ssh. i've been bothered by an issue forever and now i want to fix it. i have a file located in my home folder .ssh named id_rsa and everytime I log into an ssh server it first asks me what that passphrase and then I have to enter the password on the server I am trying to reach.11:42
mazda01what gives with that, is that normal11:42
republicmazda01, do you have your home directory encrypted?11:43
mazda01republic, no11:43
mazda01republic, maybe i am not suppose to have a file called id_rsa located within /home/daniel/.ssh/11:43
azertyiii can't find my alias once after reopening the terminal, what to do ?11:44
republicI will point you into a website. Wait for seconds, I will get it for you11:44
republicmazda01, please take a look at the site11:44
teddieazeryii, put it in .bashrc11:45
republiclook at the troubleshooting11:45
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
mazda01republic, ok, thanks11:45
scarleoHi, I can't launch Firewall Configuration from Dash, it asks for admin password but then never shows up. Launching it from terminal works fine also as normal user. I have tried reinstalling. Anyone?11:47
mazda01republic, i've been using ubuntu since 2005 and like to thinkk i am pretty well versed on most things. i read that website and that's how i am setup BUT what I am saying is that i justr added a new machine on my network, it has ssh enabled but only to the internal network. it has password auth only, not key pair. WHY would i need to enter my passphrase to access it IF it only has password auth? that's my question I guess11:48
azertyiiperfect working teddie11:48
republicmazda01, I am affraid I have no enough knowledge to answer your question. But, you can freely ask the question in #openssh if there is no one yet here answer your question11:51
m3kkGentoo64, i have quad i711:52
mazda01republic, awesome, thanks for pointing me to that channel. I appreciate it!11:52
m3kkGentoo64, so this will affect my performance? is there any other solution to this? does nolapic noapic disable some cores?11:52
Gentoo64m3kk, afaik disabling apic will reduce you to 1 core.. check it11:52
Gentoo64that sound like whats happening11:52
Gentoo64but i htought you meant acpi, not apic11:52
m3kkGentoo64,  ah i have no idea what the difference is11:53
Gentoo64acpi is power stuff11:53
Gentoo64which wont affect performance11:53
m3kkGentoo64, and apic cpu?11:53
Gentoo64apic is hardware stuff, i know disabling reduces performance. check how many cores you're using11:53
Gentoo64in gnome system monitor or something11:54
republicakubudakbaru, welcome, selamat datang :D11:54
jernstHello, my raid10 array is not running anymore and I don't understand why, can someone help me ? I have a temporary raid10 with only two members that was working fine, but when I tried to add the missing members both new members went as spare and one of the older member is not "active" anymore11:54
m3kkGentoo64,  im using win7 installation right now. is there a command to bring that program up?11:54
jernstmd3 : active raid10 sdb1[0] sdc1[2]11:54
jernst      625137664 blocks super 1.2 512K chunks 2 near-copies [4/2] [__U_]11:54
m3kkGentoo64,  i have hard time to find the things i used to now with unity..lol11:54
Gentoo64m3kk, in task manager with 4 cores you should see 4 green boxes11:54
Gentoo64in windows11:54
hiexponeed help getting sound working11:54
Gentoo64m3kk, or 8 if you have HT11:55
m3kkGentoo64, hang on..you want me to check the cores inn windows?11:55
Gentoo64no sorry i forgot11:55
m3kkGentoo64,  i think i disabled HT due to wierd issues with games11:55
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Gentoo64you disabled it only in linux, so check it in limux11:55
Paddy_NICan anyone tell me what the minimum requirements for ubuntu 11.10 w/unity-2d are?11:55
VVi have problem on ubuntu 10.11--there are noises when playin music or videos--how to stop this11:55
Paddy_NIAnd if unity is usable in XFCE?11:55
m3kkGentoo64,  i will check it out..i must reboot to ubuntu. i will come in here and msg you?11:56
Paddy_NIWell actually if unity is usable in any other desktop environment...11:56
yodainoActionParsnip, thanks for all the help!11:57
ActionParsnipyodaino: np man11:57
Lasers_Simple question. If I'm not on linux, is it possible for me to uncompress *.deb?11:59
ActionParsnipPaddy_NI: can use LXDE, it runs on nearly anything11:59
ActionParsnipLasers_: should be able to12:00
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, Excellent.. should there be a performance gain if I run unity 2d with lxde?12:01
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, I am also looking to lock down this little netbook for my friends 6 year old son so that he cannot even adjust the launchers... is that possible?12:01
ActionParsnipLasers_: you won't be running gnome so it should use fewer resources12:02
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m3kkGentoo64: i guess i Pmed you :P12:03
Lasers_ActionParsnip: But I'm not on linux. I can't uncompress it. It recognize it as a Debian binary format. :)12:04
Lasers_ActionParsnip: I'll deal with it later when Im on linux. Nom nom nom.12:04
ActionParsnipLasers_: rename it to tar.gz  and retry12:05
Lasers_ActionParsnip: Okay.12:05
ActionParsnipLasers_: windows is dumb and uses the file extension STILL12:06
ActionParsnipprimitive rubbish12:06
=== VV is now known as Rasmathase
Lasers_ActionParsnip: OSX. Heh. tar.gz didn't do the trick. I ended up installing unp and it worked. ;012:09
ActionParsnipLasers_: does OSX have the ar command in terminal?12:09
ActionParsnipunp is the daddy!12:10
Lasers_ActionParsnip: ar?12:11
ActionParsnipLasers_: yes, ar12:11
Lasers_ActionParsnip: It does. I don't even know what that is for.12:11
Lasers_ActionParsnip: "create and mantain library archives"12:11
ActionParsnipLasers_: then you can run:  ar x filename     and extract the deb12:12
Lasers_ActionParsnip: I'll try it for experiments.12:12
=== Lasers_ is now known as Lasers
* tMH is gone. nsf12:12
scarleoHi, I can't launch Firewall Configuration from Dash, it asks for admin password but then never shows up. Launching it from terminal works fine also as normal user and doesn't ask for password (?). I have tried reinstalling. Anyone?12:13
LasersActionParsnip: Ah. That worked. "ar -x whatever.deb"12:13
Odaymsay that I have a fresh installation of Ubuntu on some machine12:14
Odaymand I want to SSH to it from my machine12:14
Odaymis port 22 open by default on the fresh installation?12:14
Odaymor do I have to grab openssh-server/client on t..12:14
Odaymgreat, alright12:15
Odaymand openssh-server/client is just ONE means of enabling the machine to ssh to and from?12:15
LasersOdaym: "sudo aptitude install ssh"12:15
LasersOdaym: That'll install both.12:15
Odaymah, even the "ssh" package is not there by default12:15
ActionParsnipLasers: should've said you were on OSX ;)12:16
LasersActionParsnip: "Not linux" :)12:16
ActionParsnipLasers: but unp is badass12:16
ActionParsnipLasers: there are tonnes of other OSes12:16
LasersActionParsnip: Well, yeah. I got this one sorted out. Many thanks to you. :)12:16
mazda01republic, just an FYI, i temp moved the ~/.ssh/id_rsa file and now i am only prompted to enter the password for the ssh server I am trying to connect to12:17
LasersOdaym: So you're not using Ubuntu if the package 'ssh' does not exist.12:17
LasersArchlinux. :o12:18
ActionParsnipOdaym: it is open by default, just nothing is listening to it12:18
ActionParsnipOdaym: if you want an ssh server, you need to install openssh-server   package12:19
Odaymyes I am using Ubuntu, and I just went to the 10.4 machine and did apt-get ssh and it installed12:19
Odaymit wasn't there by default12:19
Odaymelse it would've said so12:19
Odaymbut "ssh" does install openssh-client/server12:19
Lasers!info ssh | Odaym12:19
ubottuOdaym: ssh (source: openssh): secure shell client and server (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.8p1-7ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB12:19
LasersOdaym: 'ssh' is a metapackage. It pulls in few packages.12:20
Odaymbut it did solve the SSH problem12:20
Odaymnow I can ssh to the machine12:20
Odaymbefore, I couldn't12:20
ActionParsnipOdaym: if it fixed it then sweet12:20
Odaymthere's a user on that machine that doesn't have a password12:21
Odaymwhen I just press return when being prompted for the password, I get an error12:21
Odaymhow am I going to tell it that this user doesn't have a password..12:21
mikehHi guys, anyone here use likewise-open? I'm trying to join an AD domain, however I'm getting "The OU format is invalid"12:21
teddiefailure by design12:21
Odaymdefinitely seems like it12:21
teddieer, wrong phrase12:21
ActionParsnipOdaym: set a password12:22
Odaymyes I gather that that's what must be done12:22
serkamilJOIN #ptm12:22
serkamil\JOIN #ptm12:22
teddiewhatever the phrase is for intentionally fails :p12:22
republicmazda01, glad to hear that. But, I am currious with your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. May I know whether PasswordAuthentication set to yes or no?12:23
republicmazda01, I know perhaps it has nothing to do with your problem, but I am just curious12:23
mazda01republic, you asking for that from the server i am trying to connect to OR the client on I am right now.12:24
republicthe server, if the machine belong to you12:24
gARSTIGcould anyone assist installing a ubuntu server w RAID10 (adaptec 2100S + 4x USCSI HDDs in a RAID10) ..12:25
mazda01republic, on my client (comp I am sitting at) it's PasswordAuthentication no12:28
ssbplshow to know well linux?12:29
MonkeyDustssbpls  by using it frequently and reading books and online tutorials12:30
ActionParsnipssbpls: use it12:30
ActionParsnipssbpls: same way you probably learned Windows12:30
gemunuI'm running ubuntu 10.04.3 and I bought a new Samsung ML-1866 and wanna configre it. Any idea?12:34
ssbplswhat I mean is how to learn linux step by step ? thought i have used and learn linux for two years , but many times I get crazied by the prblems I come to !12:35
teddiedownload the unified driver from the samsung website12:35
gemunuteddie, Thanks dude.12:36
ActionParsnipgemunu: is the driver not part of the OS already?12:36
ssbplsespeclally how does the linux run up?12:36
MonkeyDustssbpls  there plenty beginner's tutorials online, we all used them12:37
gemunuNo the default printing program does not have my driver12:37
coz_run up?12:37
ActionParsnipgemunu: so when you add a printer and are offered to add the driver, your model isn't listed?12:38
gemunuYep. U got it !12:38
teddiesamsung's linux drivers are great.. as many features/configuration options as for windows, but a lot more reliable12:38
teddieprinter options*12:38
Girly-GirlHi, lets say I have Ubuntu running from an external drive on a laptop, is it possible to completely switch off the internal drive in the laptop?12:39
gemunuActionParsnip : Is there any alternative way?12:39
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LasersGirly-Girl: If the bios allows it, it is possible.12:40
teddieor remove the hard drive12:41
teddiemost laptops allow easy accses12:41
sorush20hi how do I merge mini dvd's into one larger dvd is there a program out there ?12:41
jkicksomeone here has a po12:41
jkicksomeone here has a powerpc machine?12:41
Girly-GirlLasers: Without the bios setting ?12:42
marcushi all. is there a special channel for unity development available?12:42
deej1976Girly-Girl: hdparm --help12:42
jkicksomeone here has a powerpc machine?12:42
coz_mar #ayatana12:43
coz_marcus,   #ayatana12:43
Girly-Girljkick: go to #ubuntu-ppc12:43
coz_marcus,  if you dont know how,, where you type here,, just type   /join #ayatana12:44
LasersGirly-Girl: Err. What are you trying to do? Usually, bios settings does not take that long to change. Otherwise, remove the hard drive or change fstab so Ubuntu will ignore the HDD (assuming it's Windows partition).12:44
gemunuActionParsnip : Yep my model isn't listed. What should I do?12:45
mazda01republic, off course on the server i am trying to connect to it's Yes12:45
Myrttimmmmm tea12:45
Girly-GirlLasers: But will that make the disk stop spinning?12:45
deej1976Girly-Girl: hdparm -Y /dev/sda #Put drive to sleep12:45
luisthow much space i need to make a 10.04  mirror??12:46
deej1976Girly-Girl: more options in man hdparm.conf12:47
Girly-Girldeej1976: Thanks12:47
republicmazda01, thank you. you have sate my curiosity12:49
kanupatarhello all12:51
atdiehmam I able to download something in windows to install ubuntu with a clean re-format on a netbook? or is 1gb not enough ram for that..12:51
atdiehmI just don't have a usb stick handy :-p12:52
republicatdiehm, you can create by yourself the image in http://www.instalinux.com/ (it is free service, just like in free beer and free speech). and download it, and burn it into cd. The file, I read, about 30mb12:54
x0000nixHi, I get alltime a permission denied if I like to write into a file with a system user jboss. But file permissions seem to be correct!?! Example: su jboss ps > /var/log/jboss/test.log12:54
kanupatarhi all12:54
jpmhwith 10.04 I could go to PLACES and then connect to a remote server mounting it using ssh-connection - how do I do this with 11.1012:54
kanupatarhow can install the android SDK in ubuntu 11.10 as command line?12:54
deej1976jpmh: Launcher your Home folder, then from the global menu file->Connect to Server12:56
ntr0pyWhat would be the most simple way to send emails with attached files from command line?12:57
apsuvakanupatar : why you need command line?12:57
kanupatarapsuva: I am inn SSH console13:00
kanupataranyway how can I do it otherway?13:00
republicntr0py, have you tried mutt?13:00
ntr0pyrepublic: not yet, does it need a lot of config?13:04
luisthey guys, tutorial tells to mount -t proc none /proc and mount -t sysfs none /sys   but i need to mount / to run a command… how can i mount the root inside the chroot?13:04
republicntr0py, as far as I know, it is very simple program. I think you can directly configure the program after reading the manual for at least a few minutes13:05
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Guest3694apt-get update13:06
katyahow to boot with grub on external HDD or USB? With grub2 it is possible but how to do it with grub?13:07
magentarare there any cool new mediaplayers (gtk/qt) worth checking out ;)? I'm still using rhythmbox13:07
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katyamagentar: see clementine13:08
magentaryeah I'm using that too already, but it hasn't been updated for a year now...13:08
mrk1Hi, does anyone know how to capture streaming video. it is an .rm file13:08
magentarbut it's decent13:08
mikehGuys, likewise-open has mashed my krb5.conf, is there a way to restore this to "default" from it's original package?13:09
republicmagentar, what about vlc? have you tried it?13:10
jpmhdeej1976: I am missing something here - when I goto the Launcher and Home I do not see a "connect to server" - how do I get that13:10
katyamagentar: pheww see ONLG ubutu website they are showing one with name similar to "tomohawk " (may be miss spell). It is fresh piece just search it13:10
magentarrepublic, i was looking for something with podcast and music library support13:10
katyahow to boot with grub on external HDD or USB? With grub2 it is possible but how to do it with grub?13:10
magentarkatya, thanks i'll try that13:10
luisthey guys, tutorial tells to mount -t proc none /proc and mount -t sysfs none /sys   but i need to mount / to run a command (update-initramfs -u)… how can i mount the root inside the chroot?13:10
katyamagentar: it is OMG ubuntu13:11
magentarhttp://gettomahawk.com/ that one right?13:11
katyamagentar: yup.. you got it13:12
scarleoHi, I can't launch Firewall Configuration from Dash, it asks for admin password but then never shows up. Launching it from terminal works fine also as normal user and doesn't ask for password (?). I have tried reinstalling. Anyone?13:13
guest-3VnEVcaye fellas can't load my desktop screen after entering log in credentials13:14
guest-3VnEVckeeps going back to the log in screen13:14
soreauscarleo: What command are you using?13:15
scarleosoreau: When I try to launch it from Dash I open Dash, search for Firewall and click the missing icon. When launching from terminal I do gufw13:16
scarleosoreau: My problem is launching from Dash doesn't work13:16
mrk1hey guys does anyone know a download manager where i can enter login information13:16
soreauguest-3VnEVc: Can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file?13:16
mrk1would filezilla work for that13:16
magentarkatya, cool stuff, thanks13:16
katyamagentar: :)13:17
scarleosoreau: aby ideas on what my problem might be?13:17
guest-3VnEVclemme get it . thx13:18
scarleoI get this in syslog when trying to launch from Dash: http://pastie.org/290324713:19
katyahow to boot with grub on external HDD or USB? With grub2 it is possible but how to do it with grub?13:19
soreaukatya: Try #grub13:20
katyasoreau: hardly 21 are there and no activity is going there. After that only I came here13:21
soreaukatya: You might have to be patient13:21
guest-3VnEVcam logged in as guest now13:22
katyasoreau: My fedora partition is lost from external HDD... currenlty on Ubuntu from internal drive .. so want to use grub now13:22
guest-3VnEVc where do i find the profile for the acct that is not working soreau?13:22
soreauguest-3VnEVc: Maybe /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old13:23
guest-3VnEVcok. thx13:23
mikehCan anyone tell me which package provides /etc/krb5.conf?13:27
soreau!find /etc/krb5.conf13:27
ubottuPackage/file /etc/krb5.conf does not exist in oneiric13:27
zabkaI have noticed, that the Russian timezone is not up-to-date. The GMT offset is set to +3 h now, whereas the current GMT offset is +4 hours. Could someone tell me how can i manually edit the tzdata file to set it up to date?13:27
guest-3VnEVcsays no application available to open xorg.0.log.old13:28
icerootmikeh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/745904/13:28
soreau! paste | guest-3VnEVc13:28
ubottuguest-3VnEVc: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:28
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luisthey guys, tutorial tells to mount -t proc none /proc and mount -t sysfs none /sys   but i need to mount / to run a command (update-initramfs -u)… how can i mount the root inside the chroot?13:29
mikehiceroot: How did you achieve this?13:29
soreau! chroot | luist13:29
ubottuluist: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot13:29
icerootmikeh: apt-file search krb5.conf13:30
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com13:30
luistsoreau: that link wont answer my question :(13:31
soreaumikeh: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=krb5.conf&mode=exactfilename&suite=oneiric&arch=any13:31
guest-3VnEVclol. am such a joke . not been on irc  for so long , can't even remeber how it works anymore13:31
=== norpan is now known as m3kk
m3kkCan someone help me make my Ubuntu boot WITHOUT the "nolapic noapic" boot parameter, when using those only one core appears. but it wont boot without it :(13:32
m3kkI dont seem to find some apic mode in the bios settings13:33
llutz_luist: you mount your / somewhere, say /mnt. then you mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys, mount -t proc /nmt/proc, mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev. then you chroot into it and issue your command : chroot /mnt /bin/bash13:33
soreauluist: Usually I do something like this to chroot http://pastebin.com/cGuEaqX113:33
dimaHi all! Has anyone experience with AMD Zacate e350 + HD 6310? My device play Full HD (1080p) too slowly.13:34
jlelligsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power lid-close-ac-action 'action' doesn't change anything.. why?13:35
dimaOr redirect me to the appropriate room, thanks!13:35
namoamitabuddhaHow to switch user in lightdm13:35
namoamitabuddhaHow can I switch user in lightdm?13:35
erkan^hello everybody: what is commando for users and groups?13:36
icerooterkan^: to see them?13:36
soreaudima: What is the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'?13:36
erkan^i cannot found13:37
erkan^i ask what is commando for user and groups, iceroot ?13:37
icerooterkan^: and i asked "to see them"?13:37
erkan^i cannot found13:37
erkan^because i use ubuntu 11.10 - gnome classic13:37
namoamitabuddhaHow can I switch user?13:38
icerooterkan^: getent passwd   an getent group   to see what groups you are in use "id"13:38
soreaunamoamitabuddha: log out or select switch user then enter your user info and log in13:39
namoamitabuddhasoreau: Can I use a command? I'm using fbpanel13:40
soreaunamoamitabuddha: sure, just sudo login13:40
syrahey, is there a manpage for the 11.10 theme install?13:40
syrai can't find a breakdown of the theming for metacity , compiz disable, gnome classic and ubuntu 2d themes... not to mention others from the internet13:41
namoamitabuddhasoreau: No, I want a command to switch user in lightdm13:41
anon_ymousI have an extremely basic question for someone that wants to field it:  I have a network share (smbfs) that is mapped, but I'm unable to create a directory in it.13:42
namoamitabuddhamulti-user management in lightdm13:42
anon_ymousI don't know why... any ideas?13:43
soreauanon_ymous: Do you have write permissions?13:44
soreau! samba | anon_ymous13:44
ubottuanon_ymous: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:44
anon_ymousI believe the account I'm using does, but still get a permission denied13:44
anon_ymousok, will go look.  Thanks for hte direction13:45
syrahey can sum1 give me a hand with all these themes... i just want gnome-panel and metacity with its proper shadowing and borders... can't get it though...13:46
syrathats in 11.10, do i have to remove parts of the OS? gconf-editor isn't working properly.13:46
syrano? must be silly then... ;]13:47
ReikokuAnyone know a good program to turn a folder of M4As into a folder of MP3s and retain tags?13:48
ReikokuI can't make SKwizard work :/13:48
=== aguilat is now known as avernos2
iDesperadOhi,there I just can't upgrade my system, my distro is kinda old: 10.04, I want to upgrade to the latest. Hence I do sudo do-release-upgrade -d13:51
ReikokuiDesperadO: Try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:52
PiciiDesperadO: thats for upgrading to the latest development release.  Please use -c for properly upgrading.13:52
PiciReikoku: a dist-upgrade is not for upgrading the release of Ubuntu.13:52
iDesperadObut the error msg implies that I may have some unofficial software packages....13:52
Pici!dist-upgrade | Reikoku13:52
ubottuReikoku: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.13:52
iDesperadOso, how can I do?13:53
iDesperadOi@ubuntu:~$ sudo do-release-upgrade -c13:54
iDesperadOChecking for a new ubuntu release13:54
iDesperadONo new release found13:54
crizzyiDesperadO: LTS by default only checks for new lts releases13:54
iDesperadOhm....so how should i suppose to do?13:55
crizzyopen software sources from somewhere in system menu and change this setting13:55
PiciiDesperadO: Make sure that /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades has the proper setting. It needs to be prompt=normal to upgrade to anything other than an LTS13:55
PiciiDesperadO: Or use some gui, I don't know where those settings live in there though.13:55
iDesperadO/etc/update-manger/release-upgrades has default setting that Prompt=lts...should I change it to normal?13:56
PiciiDesperadO: yes.13:57
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iDesperadOwell...seems it works...13:58
iDesperadObut it's find maverick release....then I have to do several upgrades...13:58
hiexpocan someone help me with my sound i have none13:59
iDesperadOOooops...still aborts13:59
garichey everyove, I've got a problem that has been ongoing since 10.04. Ive got webcam with an integrated mic (quickcam pro 9000), whenever I start a video feed, the mic stops working and sometimes the entire sound system either freezes or lags. I suspect it could be a malconfiguration in ALSA. Any ideas on it? All audio devices work fine before the video feed was started for the first time. It is impossible to start video while the mic is in use.13:59
iDesperadOstill tells me that E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks14:00
Jaxhello.. what's the easiest way to create 10 bootable USB sticks with ubuntu on it with git, ssh + some custom packages.14:01
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Jaxis it easiest to just install with pendrivelinux, then boot that usb stick, install some packages, then do a dd to the other usb sticks?14:02
PiciiDesperadO: Can you pastebin what leads up to that error?14:02
BluesKajHiyas all14:03
iDesperadOfirst it tells me it can't find the mirror and asks me to generate default sources. I said yes. then it asks should default entries for 'maverick' be added. I said yes...and then it errs...14:04
dutchman79I need help updating my adobe flash player, please14:05
Jaxis there a list if packages that comes with 11.04?14:05
iDesperadOPici: should I pastebin all the output message of do-release-upgrade?14:06
PiciiDesperadO: Thats pretty much what I asked ;)14:06
howlymowlyhi poeple..  for some reason my printer does not work. i think I messed up something in the package manager with cups etc..  can someone tell me what packages I need to isntall to get a network printer to work?14:09
howlymowly(on a fresh ubuntu installation it works great)14:09
mikehI'm looking for some documentation on how to add a Samba share that requires authentication via AD domain. I've already added the machine to the domain with samba and win bind,14:09
bugweedhi, need help regarding remastersys. my custom ubuntu not stuck at the plymouth. anyone got the same problem?14:10
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Picimikeh: You shouldn't necessarily need to add your computer to the domain to authenticate to a share that requires AD auth.  Just be sure to specify the user's domain when authenticating.  i.e: DOMAINNAME\username14:11
mikehPici: I'm doing it the other way around - I want to share something on the Linux machine via Samba, but want auth users via AD14:11
emachinesgood morning. I am trying to install ubuntu on my emachines G725 but I can see nothing because the brightness is at 1%... anyone got an idea?14:12
m3kkCan someone help me make my Ubuntu boot WITHOUT the "nolapic noapic" boot parameter, when using those only one core appears. but it wont boot without it :(14:12
soreauemachines: How do you know the brightness is at 1%?14:12
deej1976mikeh: Pici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/745926/14:12
Picimikeh: oooh. I'm not sure how to do that myself. Sounds interesting though.14:12
emachinessoreau: i can see that there is something on the sreen14:13
deej1976mikeh: Pici: Ubuntu server sharing homes to windows users with AD auth14:13
soreauemachines: What graphics card?14:13
iDesperadOPici: http://pastebin.com/HVrTKbNJ14:13
emachinessoreau: I dont know14:13
Picideej1976: neat.  I think I'll save this for later.14:13
mikehdeej1976: valid users is commented?14:13
deej1976mikeh: Yes ";" is a comment14:14
soreauemachines: Well it's gonna be pretty difficult if you can't even get to a working terminal shell. Can you get to a tty with Ctrl+Alt+F2?14:14
mikehdeej1976: So how are permissions defined here?14:14
PiciiDesperadO: Do you have the ubuntu-desktop package installed?14:14
deej1976mikeh: This is running on a 10.04 LTS14:14
emachinessoreau: I guess. something is changing on the screen14:15
soreauemachines: I mean a usable tty..14:15
emachinessoreau: no14:15
emachinessoreau: i just startet the install from the CD14:15
emachinessoreau: is there another way to open a terminal?14:16
deej1976mikeh: Permissions are controlled on the server.14:16
deej1976mikeh: Standard file permissions14:16
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PiciiDesperadO: Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file please?14:16
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soreauemachines: At what point in the boot phase does the screen go to 1% brightness?14:16
emachinessoreau: well first i see this screen with the 2 icons at the buttom (some humans) after that its dark14:17
soreauemachines: There might be a parameter you can pass to the kernel but you'd have to do some experimenting. Try booting with 'nomodeset' or 'text' maybe14:17
soreauemachines: When you see the icon at the bottom, press Esc to get to the boot menu14:17
iDesperadOPici: http://pastebin.com/d0tDm0aX14:17
emachinessoreau: ok14:18
emachinessoreau: i am in the boot menu14:18
soreauemachines: I believe 'e' should bring you to the screen where you can edit kernel parameters14:18
PiciiDesperadO: what does lsb_release -d say?14:19
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iDesperadOlsb_rei@ubuntu:~$ lsb_release -d14:19
iDesperadODescription:Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS14:19
m3kkCan someone help me? i got i7 and just one core appears?14:19
mikehdeej1976 Pici - FWIW, the solution was ValidUsers=@DOMAIN+Group DOMAIN+User14:20
RaTTuS|BIGm3kk cat /proc/cpuinfo | pastebinint14:20
RaTTuS|BIGm3kk cat /proc/cpuinfo | pastebinit14:20
Picimikeh: noted. thanks.14:20
deej1976iDesperadO: cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades | pastebinit14:21
min|dvir|usI have 4GB RAM. There is absolutely no reason I should be running out of memory.14:21
thunaris your kernel. pae?14:21
min|dvir|usthunar: me?14:22
iDesperadOdeej1976: I've set Prompt=normal14:22
min|dvir|usthunar: I don't know... How do I find out?14:22
thunarnon pae 32 bit kernel only uses 2gb ram14:22
min|dvir|usI'm 64-bit.14:22
thunarahh ok than14:22
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deej1976iDesperadO: It's just your source.list say precise which is 12.04 LTS14:23
thunartry top to see ram usage14:23
min|dvir|usI see my RAM usage.14:23
synsvetaHi guys14:23
thunarmaybe some app is leaking mem14:23
min|dvir|usIt's just absurd I'm running out of RAM with 4GB.14:23
synsvetaIm sorry14:23
min|dvir|usIt's Flash.14:23
PiciiDesperadO: two things. 1) by using the -d switch earlier you have caused your sources.list to be updated with precise sources. 2) your mirror doesn't have the proper releases to upgrade properly, please use a different mirror.14:23
thunaryeah flash work stupid on linux14:23
min|dvir|usBut when I'm in top I see like 500000K cached and 100000K free.14:23
iDesperadOPici: ah...14:24
Pici!ram | min|dvir|us plesae read14:24
ubottumin|dvir|us plesae read: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html14:24
RaTTuS|BIGmin|dvir|us - df | pastebinit14:24
min|dvir|usAnd yet I start lagging horribly.14:24
min|dvir|usI don't have swap installed.14:24
synsvetaBut I have a problem after installing of kernek 3.1. Actually all is ok unless of text terminals. When i am trying to use it(Ctrl + Alt + F1) i see part of splash image. What can be reason of this trouble?14:24
synsvetaAnd of course I don't see text.14:25
RaTTuS|BIGmin|dvir|us what makes you think you are runingout of RAM14:25
min|dvir|usRaTTuS|BIG: My computer lags horribly.14:25
min|dvir|usWhich it should NEVER.14:25
Lasersmin|dvir|us: Memory leaks occurs all times.14:26
thunarwhich flash u r running' which website14:26
akoviaI want to clear the playback position history for the Totem movie player but can't find any information on it anywhere14:26
m3kkRaTTuS|BIG: thanks will try14:27
Pici!zh | kai_14:28
ubottukai_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:28
min|dvir|usSo what?14:28
min|dvir|usI want Linux to kill the largest program.14:29
min|dvir|usRight away.14:29
min|dvir|usI don't give a shit what it's doing, or what information it has saved.14:29
min|dvir|usOr doesn't have saved.14:29
Picimin|dvir|us: Are you done?14:29
susundbergctrl+esc works for me14:29
min|dvir|usPici: no, that's a real 'demand', is that possible?14:29
Picimin|dvir|us: no.14:29
susundbergand well, some program requires extra 'kill' that is non-blocking kill signal14:30
scudTo any Ubuntu developer. Thank you for an awesome operating system. It just works.14:30
m3kkRaTTuS|BIG: http://paste.ubuntu.com/745941/14:30
susundbergthen you need (afaik) open terminal and do kill -9 <this the program pid>14:30
jerenept    /msg nickserv register <password> <email>14:30
susundbergfor more information please see command 'kill' manual14:30
m3kkI cant get more then 1 core to show up in fresh install of ubuntu, can someone help me? http://paste.ubuntu.com/745941/14:31
susundberg(and that was all for min|dvir|us )14:31
susundbergm3kk: that is from /proc/cpuinfo ?14:32
min|dvir|usI want to turn off swap.14:32
min|dvir|usWhy not?14:32
susundbergmin|dvir|us: sure you can, why not ? you are using linux, you can do what ever you want, even though it might not be wise14:32
radu_dudemay i use the ubuntu 10.10 and still get the latest updates  i simply don't like unitu14:32
min|dvir|ussusundberg: so, why mightn't it be wise?14:33
susundbergmin|dvir|us: Well its not just invented to be a pain in th ass14:33
susundbergmin|dvir|us: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq14:34
min|dvir|usIt was invented for computers without enough memory.14:34
radu_dudemay i use the ubuntu 10.10 and still get the latest updates  i simply don't like unity14:34
min|dvir|usI have an SSD that I don't want to wear out.14:34
m3kksusundberg: yes!14:34
iDesperadOPici: thanks...after I change the mirorr, it seems to work14:35
RaTTuS|BIGmin|dvir|us http://wiki.geteasypeasy.com/How_to:_Reduce_Disk_Writes_to_Prolong_the_Life_of_your_Flash_Drive#Move_.2Ftmp.2C_.2Fvar.2Ftmp.2C_.2Fvar.2Flog_and_.2Fvar.2Flog.2Fapt_into_RAM14:35
susundbergm3kk: and you expect to see more than one cpu? that is all it gives you ?14:35
iDesperadObut I have to do several upgrades to upgrade to latest release? is there any easy way?14:35
m3kksusundberg: sorry i dont understand what you mean?14:35
susundbergm3kk: im afraid i do not fully understand your problem14:36
Guest66187has anyone had problems with ubuntu and dell laptops?.....i have installed 11.10 on this desktop no problems,but the laptop will not install both running win714:36
susundbergi see a paste from /proc/cpuinfo that has one cpu visible14:36
m3kksusundberg: i got quadcore i7, and there is only one core that is functional at present. my problem is that my ubuntu is not performing as it should im afraid14:36
susundbergm3kk: oh, it might be that the thing is just not showing up properly though working fine14:36
RaTTuS|BIGsusundberg I think it should show 4 or even 8 as they are hyper threaded14:37
susundbergm3kk: oh i do have one server with quite similar setup, it shows 8x of those kind of pastes with processor going from 0 - 714:37
deej1976radu_dude: 11.04 has gnome2.14:37
Guest66187does dell and/or win7 have some proprietary software interfering with the process?14:37
susundbergRaTTuS|BIG: that might be, i have no real clue here. I just assume that as the core is not that new it should be proeprly supported14:38
m3kksusundberg: is there somehow i can test this? because i feel its behaiving slow sometimes, open folders alltou they are empty etc..could be other stuff aswell as graphics but since that was the only thing i found that could be it.. To boot before i had to use bootparameters "nolapic noapic" and i tought that was the cause with only showing 1 core, but now i managed to boot without and its still showing same14:38
m3kksusundberg: im all ears!14:38
topriddyhello people, i have a number of *.so files i need to copy to my Ubuntu library path, but am not sure where that is or how to do it14:38
susundberghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/745950/ -- this is paste from that /proc/cpuinfo (last of 0 - 7)14:38
Guest66187my dell is i7 too14:39
susundbergit does show cores: 414:39
topriddyand $echoing ld_library_path shows blank14:39
CrZyWizExcuse me guys, but how do i edit the autostartlist in Xubuntu? tried google it, and it says xfce4-autostart-editor, but it doesnt accept that :)14:39
susundbergm3kk: well i guess you could try to shoot some heavy single thread program and see what top says -- at least in my case single thread will make load only to have 1/N %14:39
m3kksusundberg:  compare mine and yours.. mine is like just 0 and 1, yours have alot different numbers..14:39
topriddyso my question pls is where is ubuntu lib path???14:39
m3kksusundberg: i have disabled HT in BIOS14:40
susundbergm3kk: oh well, here is the rest of it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/745953/14:40
susundbergm3kk: (some might be since that was 7/7 of cpus)14:40
gelf? Where do check for any current scriting issues with FireFox on GNOME on Ubuntu 11.10 server 64. Facebook suddenly spat it?14:40
susundbergm3kk: but no sorry i do not have fix if it is an real problem, Only what i can suggest is to google for answear. AFAIK processors that are not brand new are very well supported14:41
m3kksusundberg: why does mine stop at "power management" ?14:41
susundbergthats the end of the info for the first processor, i guess14:41
m3kksusundberg: and on yours there is alot of text going on14:41
susundbergm3kk: yeah but that is an server machines with 8x separate cores or similar14:42
RaTTuS|BIGm3kk - try enableing HT and trying again ,,14:42
scarleotopriddy: try use locate to find whatever you're searching for14:42
m3kkRaTTuS|BIG: i will try that.14:42
javier_fajHi! is There a 64bits wine? I'm trying to run in my 64 bits laptop a 64 bits program, but shows an error " starting 64-bit process L"C:\\Archivos de programa\\Adobe\\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3\\lightroom.exe" not supported in 32-bit wineprefix". Any idea? Thanks!14:42
m3kkDoes ubuntu/linux has somekind of settings for SLI ?14:43
topriddyscarleo: how?14:43
susundbergjavier_faj: http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit14:43
scarleotopriddy: locate filname.so14:43
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topriddyscarleo: i know where my *.so file is, i dont know where to copy it (am installing something) so my app can read it.14:44
scarleotopriddy: ok, maybe I misread, where does it say to copy it?14:45
deej1976topriddy: lld and look at the location of the missing library14:45
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deej1976topriddy: ldd not lld14:45
llutz_topriddy: add the dir with your .so to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/your.conf   and run sudo ldconfig   after finishing14:45
javier_fajsusundberg, thanks, I'll take a look14:46
CrZyWizI have tried xfce4-autostart-editor, but it returns with command unknown? help!14:46
topriddyscarleo: it just says i should make sure that foo.so file is in library path14:46
elb0wso uh, why doesnt synergy work when14:46
topriddyllutz_: do i restart terminal after?14:46
elb0wI have the system browser open14:46
llutz_topriddy: no14:46
javier_fajsusundberg, but, I will have to compile wine64, won't I? That's something I've never done and I barely know what it means14:48
gabrielshahzadi have a problem regarding "knemo". when i install the programm, the app-indicator shows up and everything is fine, but after rebooting ubuntu, the app-indicator won't show up14:49
topriddyllutz_: I have like 3 config files in that directory. I reckon i can use any of them14:49
llutz_topriddy: create your own14:50
susundbergjavier_faj: yeah if you do not find ready ubuntu package that is the quite only way14:50
susundbergjavier_faj: and yea, that can be (very) tricky14:50
khinesteri am trying to install a minimum ubuntu desktop with just the LAMP stack, i want to put this in VirtualBox so that users can download and test an application i have. from the ubuntu install i see that the minimum disk size is 4.5Gb, is there a way to reduce this further?14:50
gabrielshahzadi have a problem regarding "knemo". when i install the programm, the app-indicator shows up and everything is fine, but after rebooting ubuntu, the app-indicator won't show up14:51
topriddyllutz_: one more thing, please, can i use tilde ~ in path in a conf file?14:51
llutz_topriddy: no14:51
llutz_topriddy: if your .so don't need any special dir, you also could copy them just to /usr/local/lib, which already is in the lib-path14:52
Tulitomaattiis there any nice way to copy an ubuntu installation on to another machine?14:53
jtreminioMorning all - I'm looking for a purdy email client to replace my gmail. I don't like thunderbird/evolution for the eyecandy. Any thoughts?14:53
sipiorjtreminio: what are your feelings about a terminal-based client?14:53
jtreminiosipior, my feelings are that I would go crazy. I need to handle 3 gmail accounts from the one gui14:54
MonkeyDustTulitomaatti  http://paste.ubuntu.com/745963/14:54
sipiorjtreminio: actually, most text-based clients (like Mutt) are actually easier to use with many disparate accounts. automatic filtering, rule-based envelope headers, &cet.14:55
dddbmtI am running 11.10 with unity. I always have Eclipse open on one workspace, and skype running on another workspace. When I am in my editor and recieve a message in a skype chat, then the skype window is focused by default when I do Alt+Tab.14:56
dddbmtIs there a way to prevent this. So I only get the notification by the icon blinking in the menu - but that the window isn't focused when I do alt+tab?14:57
TulitomaattiMonkeyDust: thanks, that solves about 60% of my problems :)14:57
gabrielshahzadi have a problem regarding "knemo". when i install the programm, the app-indicator shows up and everything is fine, but after rebooting ubuntu, the app-indicator won't show up14:58
javier_fajsusundberg, I think it's going to be impossible for me. I don't find wine 64bits in google14:59
MonkeyDustTulitomaatti  use rsync to backup/copy your /home15:00
emachinesgood morning. I am trying to install ubuntu on my emachines G725 but I can see nothing because the brightness is at 1%... anyone got an idea?15:02
mcorednot sure why my CPU is going crazy with high cpu usage http://img7.imagebanana.com/img/4n4xrkuy/SystemMonitor_013.png15:02
deej1976mcored: What does top show15:05
emachinesanyone can help me?15:06
topriddyllutz_: I have followed your instructions, i added a my.conf, eveb copied my foo.so to both /usr/local/lib and /usr/lib. still fails for me.. I get error cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:06
mcoreddeej1976: it is shows banchee as 344 http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/twuf9976/SystemMonitor_014.png15:06
deej1976mcored: top -n1 | pastebinit15:07
llutz_topriddy: you ran "sudo ldconfig -a"?15:07
gabrielshahzadi have a problem regarding "knemo". when i install the programm, the app-indicator shows up and everything is fine, but after rebooting ubuntu, the app-indicator won't show up15:07
deej1976Is banshee scanning your music/film catalogue, streaming audio ?15:08
codefriaris it possible to do a *.domain.com in the nfs exports file ?15:08
llutz_topriddy: ldconfig -v    sry15:08
codefriarif so, whats the syntax ?15:08
geirhacodefriar: ''man exports'' should explain the syntax.15:09
mcoredwhoa thats pretty cool deej1976 http://paste.ubuntu.com/745972/15:09
deej1976codefriar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo15:09
deej1976mcored: banshee is definitely been hungry. If your not doing anything with it "kill 2445"15:10
emachinesgood morning. I am trying to install ubuntu on my emachines G725 but I can see nothing because the brightness is at 1%... anyone got an idea?15:10
chaospsychexemachines: 0_o turn the brightness up on your monitor dude!15:11
emachineschaospsychex: it doesnt work15:11
chaospsychexrestore factory settings then15:11
mcoredoh thanks thats much better now, i couldnt access banchee before and i wasnt even listening to any music15:12
chaospsychexare you using the monitor right now?15:12
emachineschaospsychex: its a notebook15:12
sipioremachines: do you have an external monitor you can plug the thing into?15:12
chaospsychexemachines: is the monitor ever displaying at full brightness?15:12
emachineschaospsychex: no15:12
kermithow is it that my screensaver can dim my display (right before the screensaver activates), but the brightness applet doesnt work?15:12
emachineschaospsychex: yes15:12
emachineschaospsychex: when turning on and off15:12
JerryNJanyone here fluent in LTSP (lucid) in Ubuntu who could help me?15:13
chaospsychexemachines: are you hooking this monitor to your laptop for a screen ?15:13
emachineschaospsychex: again i have no monitor15:13
emachineschaospsychex: its a laptop15:13
Guest96937How can I find my server's external IP15:13
chaospsychexemachines: does the screen on the laptop work?15:13
=== Guest96937 is now known as Koolvin
emachineschaospsychex: it does15:14
KoolvinHow can I find my server's external IP15:14
chaospsychexemachines: which screen is dimming at boot? laptop screen ?15:14
deej1976Koolvin: http://www.whatsmyip.org/more/15:14
emachineschaospsychex: i only have a laptop here there is no other screen or monitor =)15:14
JerryNJanyone here fluent in LTSP (lucid) in Ubuntu who could help me? sorry for the repeats15:14
lacrymologyhow can I install python 2.7 in 10.10?15:14
KoolvinDeej1976, it's a server15:14
chaospsychexemachines: are you trying a GUI install? which ubuntu ?15:15
MonkeyDust!anyone| JerryNJ15:15
ubottuJerryNJ: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:15
JerryNJi need help configuring LTSP15:15
JerryNJand I know dhcpd is running and shouldnt be on my install15:15
mcoredalso is it possible to globally display binary units in ubuntu?15:15
JerryNJim a dumb windows guy and need some guidance15:16
emachineschaospsychex: 11.10 . I installed ubuntu already by setting off... acpi=off15:16
deej1976Koolvin: ifconfig ?15:16
mcoredbrb :)15:17
wide_awakeI want to have 2 users that are basically aliases15:18
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wide_awakeso I made a second user with same UID as first user, and made the 2nd user's homedir a symlink to 1st user's15:19
wide_awakehowever, now if I "sudo su - user2", it still thinks I'm user1.15:19
hobbelAnyone knows if the win 8 pre developper beta works with Ubuntu in dual boot?15:19
RaTTuS|BIGwide_awake it will be case you are - why do you want to do this15:19
wide_awakeRaTTuS|BIG, kind of a long story, but the condensed version is to run hadoop jobs as user215:20
jow_laptophi. is there a way to fix the order of sound cards? it seems that every nth boot my internal and external sound cards swap places15:20
jow_laptopthis causes pulseaudio to hang15:20
jow_laptopwhich in turn freezes qjackctl15:20
jow_laptopsome udev-foo maybe?15:21
Alperenhi how can i change conky's height?15:21
wide_awakeRaTTuS|BIG, I'm trying to get the implicit "current username" to match the remote system's username15:22
jow_laptopI am using ubtunu 10.04 LTS15:22
KoolvinHow can I find my server's external IP15:22
deej1976Alperen: ask in #conky15:22
RaTTuS|BIGKoolvin ipconfig15:22
sipiorwide_awake: i assume the entry for user1 comes before that of user2 in /etc/passwd?15:22
wide_awakeKoolvin, curl -s "http://checkip.dyndns.org/"15:23
wide_awakesipior, yep15:23
MonkeyDustor whatismyip15:23
chaospsychexhow do you boot with noacpi without grub ?15:23
sipiorwide_awake: so when it comes time to resolve the username from the uid, it will *always* find user1 first.15:23
wide_awakesipior, ah, ok15:23
wide_awakeis there a way to do what I want?15:23
wide_awake(short of setting up a proper user)15:24
sipiorwide_awake: well, it's doing what you told it to do :-)15:24
wide_awakesipior, DWIM15:24
S_Thi all15:24
wide_awakecan I override USER or USERNAME in my environment?15:24
* wide_awake TIAS15:24
S_Ti have a problem with my dell DW1501 drivers15:25
S_Tany help ?15:25
jow_laptopS_T: uhm not without you telling what the actual problem is ;)15:25
sipiorwide_awake: sure, you can set that to whatever you want. that's quite a kludge, though.15:26
axisyshow do to install a language font .. article shows like garbage in browser..15:26
wide_awakealso, "whoami" still reports user115:26
KoolvinWhere does phpmyadmin install?15:26
S_Tjow_laptop , i can't see the wlan card when typing sudo lshw -C network15:26
JerryNJi need help configuring LTSP15:26
JerryNJim a dumb windows guy and need some guidance15:26
sipiorwide_awake: why not simply set up a real account? i must've missed that part.15:26
MonkeyDust!ask| JerryNJ15:27
ubottuJerryNJ: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:27
deej1976!LTSP | JerryNJ15:27
ubottuJerryNJ: LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project15:27
wide_awakesipior, because I want it to be exactly the same as my normal account (ssh keys, apps, permissions, etc)15:27
S_Tjow_laptop: i can't see the wlan card when typing sudo lshw -C network15:27
JerryNJcan someone HELP me15:28
=== Fuchs is now known as Fuffs
JerryNJi know what LTSP IS15:28
JerryNJim having trouble configuring15:28
chaospsychexwhats the key comb to switch to a TTY from gnome ?15:28
jow_laptopS_T: looks like you need the proprietary broadcom sta driver15:28
ubuntucooolll xchat15:28
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wide_awakechaospsychex, ctrl+alt+f215:28
ubottuThe Edubuntu Handbook is currently work-in-progress and can be browsed via http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/handbook/C/15:28
iandaltonchaospsychex: alt-f715:28
MonkeyDustJerryNJ  you've been asking for help for over 15 minutes, nobody knows what your question actually is15:28
frojndHi there. With me I have 1tb WD external usb drive - fileystem for this hard disk is ZFS My task is to write about 400GB from ext4 to this external usb drive (ZFS) How can I do that? What do I have to install, what package? And how can I then mount zfs as normal user and write to it as normal user? Help much appreciated.15:28
wide_awakechaospsychex, and ctrl+alt+f7 to switch back15:28
JerryNJand I know dhcpd is running and shouldnt be on my install15:29
iandaltonwide_awake: when at a TTY, you don't need ctrl15:29
deej1976JerryNJ: Have you read Chapter 3?15:29
ubottuThe Edubuntu Handbook is currently work-in-progress and can be browsed via http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/handbook/C/15:29
S_Thow can i install that driver , i downloaded one from the internet , i'm running a live CD backtrack 515:29
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wide_awakeiandalton, I didn't know that.  now I'm 33% more efficient =D15:29
iandaltonwide_awake: if only :P15:29
axisyss/how do to/how to/15:29
JerryNJi dont want to use the DHCP server15:30
KoolvinWho should phpmyadmin folder be owned by15:30
JerryNJI already configured on my Win server15:30
martianI just upgraded a server system to 11.10 and it keeps telling me that sda1 will be fsck'd on the next restart even after restarting, and if I try to boot into the recovery console, my keyboard no longer works :x15:30
=== Fuffs is now known as NetFox
jow_laptopS_T: I don't know what backtrack 5 is, but ubuntu should offer you the proprietary driver option for boardcom-sta in the gui15:31
ghenorocHello, i need some tech help. How do i get it?15:31
martianghenoroc: ask a question :)15:32
RaTTuS|BIGghenoroc ask a question15:32
jow_laptopS_T: alternatively you can get it from http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php15:32
jow_laptopanyway, looks like nobody knows my soundcard issue, I'll try elsewhere15:32
ghenorocAfter upgrading to 11.10, autoplay opens USB flash drive with vlc media player instead of the file browser. The same happens when is choose “open containing folder” in firefox after downloading something.  How do i fix that?15:32
mcoredhi all, i have to do xinput set-prop 15 "Device Enabled" 0 everytime i start ubuntu to disable the Touchpad, is there a way to automate this?15:33
chaospsychexif i need acpi off to boot and i put the live cd in and highlight 'boot existing os' do i hit TAB to enter a command? noacpi ?15:33
FloodBot1giota: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:35
S_Thow to install a wlan driver on backtrack 5 ?15:36
RaTTuS|BIGS_T try a backtrack channel15:37
deej1976!ask | giota15:37
ubottugiota: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:37
martianghenoroc: open folder anywhere, and select preferences from the tools menu15:37
martianghenoroc: in the media tab, you can edit the actions15:37
juniourhow to play windows game on ubuntu 10.1015:38
martianghenoroc: you probably want to select 'do nothing' for the media type, and check 'browse media when inserted'15:38
martian!wine | juniour15:38
MonkeyDustjuniour  with virtual box15:38
ubottujuniour: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:38
juniourmonkeydust by virtual box15:39
juniouri have to install windows platform15:39
martianMonkeyDust: I've never tried running a 3d game in virtualbox; does that work okay?15:39
17SAB0Y1Gjunior, try qemu, virtualbox, or wine.15:39
juniouri wanna to play play on linux platform not in windows15:40
ExopaladinPretty sure wine works on more stuff than virtualbox, virtualbox's directx support was pretty limited last time I tried15:40
MonkeyDustmartian  i only play DOOM for DOS, it's fast enough in vbox15:41
martianjuniour: well, it is a windows game so one way or another something has to be "emulated".15:41
martianMonkeyDust: well jeez, you can play that on a phone now :)15:41
martianjuniour: so try 'wine'15:42
Reikokujuniour: What are you trying to play?15:42
juniourmast wanted15:42
ExopaladinMost wanted runs okay in wine iirc15:42
zhongxincrossover is a good tool15:42
zhongxini tried nfs, but failed15:43
ReikokuNFS Most Wanted: Gameplay works, cut scenes dont15:43
juniourwhen i am updating my additional drivers i got white screen y?15:43
juniourthen i have to reinstall ubuntu again15:43
martianjuniour: sounds like a bug. Try searching the web for people with similar problems with the same graphics card15:44
ghenorocmartian: erm... i can't find the "tool menu"15:45
martianghenoroc: oh jeez, they probably hid it really well in 11.10. Try going to your preferences, and use the 'main menu' tool to show the 'file management' control panel. That is the same as the nautilus preferences15:46
martianghenoroc: or who knows, maybe they decided people don't need those options any more and removed them in 11.1015:47
=== jack is now known as Guest1856
shane_File management can be accessed via the unity dock15:47
shane_Either that or Alt+F2 -> 'Nautilus'15:48
ghenorocmartian: Well i looked all over and even installed some extra settings applications, all i was able to do was to disable autorun, but the problem is still there. That's why i came here.15:51
Chriss_93hello :) im looking for someone who can help me: i'm searching for an WLan driver for samsung hero r780... im new to ubuntu :-/15:53
deej1976Chriss_93: lspci | pastebinit15:54
wide_awakedoes "useradd" do anything other than creating entries in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow (assuming I didn't create a home dir or any groups)?15:55
prometheanfireI know 9.10 is no longer supported, but does anyone know of a repo for it since ubuntu took down the official ones?15:56
martianwide_awake: right. if I recall, useradd only literally adds the user, where 'adduser' will create the home directory and all.15:56
wide_awakeok, cool15:56
faustischhow do I switch back to classic gnome in 11.10?15:57
soccer irc:// #mysql15:57
wide_awakeso if I want to undo it, I can just delete the lines from those 2 files?15:57
deej1976prometheanfire: try prefixing repo entires with old.15:57
wide_awakesoccer, try "/j #mysql"15:57
prometheanfiredeej1976: tried :P15:57
soccerk, thanks15:57
prometheanfireat least I think15:57
martianwide_awake: yeah, or userdel (or is it deluser? bah!)15:57
wide_awakeI created the user with the same uid as my normal username15:57
lowkieprometheanfire, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:57
wide_awakeso it says "can't delete, user is logged in"15:57
* wide_awake is too chicken to use "-f"15:58
prometheanfirelowkie: thanks15:59
martianghenoroc: I just started my 11.10 virtualmachine just to check and yep, I don't see it either. I don't know why ubuntu decides with every release to offer less and less options to users.15:59
martianwide_awake: oh then yeah you can just remove the lines. That's all it takes15:59
wide_awakemartian, thanks!16:00
cak054wget -P ~/.irssi http://static.quadpoint.org/irssi/fear2.theme16:01
ghenorocmartian: Well, thanks anyway. Maybe a clean install at some point will fix it.16:01
scarleoHi, trying to report a bug and bug-reporter asked me to: Run the command "sudo hcidump -XYt > $HOME/hci.log" hcidump doesn't exist and is not installable. What is the correct command?16:01
ghenorocAnother problem I have after the upgrade to 11.10 is that every time I start ubuntu (or just log in) the sound is on (unmuted). It’s annoying that it doesn’t remember the settings.16:02
screwgothHi, can someone tell me where I can find the upstream source package for the useradd utility ?16:05
llutz_screwgoth: get passwd-src16:05
alexeyyHow i can configure xorg? (/etc/xorg.conf doesnt exist)16:06
icerootscrewgoth: http://pkg-shadow.alioth.debian.org/16:06
screwgothllutz_: Thanks a loy16:06
ubuntu897I noticed this morning when I connected to a wireless network using 10.04 that 20 or more exim4 processes mysteriously started up16:07
ubuntu897I tried killing them but more started up16:07
soccerHow can I change my display Name?16:07
ubuntu897Is there any case where this could be normal behaviour?16:07
deej1976soccer: sudo gedit /etc/passwd16:07
soccerthat I know, what about the Chat?16:08
mrlipois thunderbird 8 coming to offical repo like ff?16:08
deej1976soccer: which client16:08
deej1976soccer: Any Xchat users?16:09
deej1976soccer: Have you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XChatHowto16:09
socceris there more user friendly ui?16:09
antoinevJuste type //nick Your name16:10
icerootsoccer: dont!!! edit passwd directly16:10
=== max is now known as Guest11930
icerootsoccer: ther is usermod (cli) and also a gui client for managing your users16:10
Steve132What could I do to write an init script that fails and asks the user for some input?  I'm using KUbuntu, and I want to emulate a particular kind of init script failure16:11
=== ubuntu897 is now known as quorke
Steve132that comes up before the gui16:11
quorkeIs it normal for exim4 to run just after connecting to a network?16:13
m_tadeuhi..I'm trying to run sysprof, but it tells me to modprobe sysprof_module. when I do that, I get "FATAL: Module sysprof_module not found"16:14
screwgothI'm trying to figure out why useradd does not allow adding users with Capital Letters in the username on some systems16:14
screwgothAny ideas ?16:15
quorkescrewgoth: which systems are you talking about?16:15
MonkeyDustit's a convention to not use capital letters, i guess16:16
icerootscrewgoth: because some services will break then i guess16:16
screwgothiceroot: But it allows on some systems ....16:16
JuanJaneSo, I need to change my password after getting it back from being stolen16:16
icerootscrewgoth: and what is "on some systems"? gnu/linux?16:17
JuanJaneIs it at all possible for me to change it if I don't know the current password?16:17
icerootJuanJane: with a live-cd yes16:17
screwgothFor example, it allows you on Ubuntu or Fedora on x86 but does not Fedora-Arm16:17
screwgothiceroot: I was wondering is this is a configure option16:17
screwgothBut there is no such hint in the source code16:17
JuanJaneiceroot: what about with a USB?16:17
quorkescrewgoth: then it must be peculiar to the way the Fedora-Arm is configured16:17
icerootJuanJane: also working16:17
JuanJaneSweet, ty16:18
icerootJuanJane: you just need access to /etc/shadow16:18
JuanJaneI don't know what that means16:18
screwgothquorke: You mean, the way useradd was configured before making it ?16:18
icerootJuanJane: that is the file where the password is stored16:18
tusharkumarHi everyone. I forgot my irc password, the one that was registered. Can anyone help on how to retrieve my old password.16:18
lowkieJuanJane:  what version?16:18
icerootJuanJane: chroot on your installation will also work and you can call "passwd"16:19
icerootJuanJane: but when someone has taken your password, reinstall is the best way because you dont know what he has done16:19
iceroottusharkumar: #freenode16:19
quorkescrewgoth: I don't know. Either that or there is a configuration file somewhere16:19
screwgothquorke: But the shadow utiliy's source code does not have any such condition during "./confgure"16:19
DJonestusharkumar: You'll need to join #freenode and ask there, the staff will be able to send a password reset email out to you#16:19
lowkieJuanJane, boot into single user mode and run passwd16:19
screwgothquorke: That's exactly what I'm trying to find out ...16:20
quorkescrewgoth:have you tried posting at a fedora-arm related forum?16:20
screwgothquorke: As we speak ... however, I think the issue should be in the package ... not in the Distribution16:21
JuanJanelowkie: how do I run passwd?16:21
geoffmccscrewgoth: you prob can also find answer at freenode.net/faq.shtml16:21
lowkieJuanJane, ever use terminal?16:22
graingertodd issue -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/746055/16:22
lowkieJuanJane, are you in single user mode?16:22
JuanJaneI believe so16:22
lowkieJuanJane, do you have a # prompt?16:23
JuanJaneidk what that means16:23
graingertJuanJane: look at he part where you enter text16:24
lowkieJuanJane, in single user mode, you should be at a text screen with a "#" on the screen.  You can type ls, etc.16:24
graingertwhat characters are on the screen next to the cursor16:24
JuanJaneOn Terminal?16:24
JuanJaneJust my login name@comp name:~$16:24
graingertJuanJane: do you have a terminal window open?16:25
graingertso you are running x16:25
lowkieJuanJane, just type in passwd…it will prompt you for a new password16:25
JuanJanepasswd: Authentication token manipulation error16:25
JuanJanepasswd: password unchanged16:25
JuanJaneThat would have been kind of scary if it was that easy16:26
lowkieJuanJane, do you know your current password?16:26
=== jelatta_away is now known as jelatta
JuanJanegraingert: I'm running Ubuntu 11.1116:26
namidark_So I was installing the broadcom adapater drivers on a laptop and now the eth0 is gone -- anyone have any tips to get me going?16:27
graingertX11 is the system used to display windows on the screen16:27
graingertokay can you get root?16:27
graingertJuanJane: ?16:27
JuanJaneTell me how16:28
graingertJuanJane: okay well do you have anything in your keyring that you can't loose?16:28
graingertie saved passwords16:29
graingertyou'll lose access to those16:29
graingertif you change password via root16:29
=== me is now known as Guest18775
graingertif you're sure about that, reboot to grub choose the second option, choose drop to root shell16:30
graingertthen use passwd username16:30
kamilnadeemI am having a issue with the sound in my newly installed Ubuntu 11.10 , my 4.1 speaker system is not being recognised and only front speakers are working. Also when playing a file , the sound is breaking as the system In continuously switching between  Headphone and speakers . ?16:30
graingertand new password16:30
graingertthen "reboot now"16:30
sl3vinjava chat?16:30
graingertkamilnadeem: go to the sound menu16:30
graingertsl3vin: #java16:30
kamilnadeemIn it16:30
graingerthit the hardware tab16:31
CharminTheMooseHow can I stop logging to the harddisk on ubuntu? rsyslogd keeps waking the disk up when it goes into standby.16:31
graingertkamilnadeem: and imgur.com a screenshot16:31
sl3vingraingert: any other java chat rooms?16:32
kamilnadeemhere http://i.imgur.com/QboOU.png16:35
namidark_Any ideas on getting eth0 back or where to look?16:35
phlak_usernamidark_: i just got in; can you pl repeat your problem16:36
kamilnadeemgraingert:It is constantly shuffling between those 2 options and I am also selecting the 4.1 analog system but It auto reverts to analog stereo?16:36
namidark_phlak_user: I was installing the broadcom drivers for wifi and rebooted, after rebooting eth0 was removed and will no longer startup anymore16:37
usr13namidark_: What does ifconfig say?16:37
phlak_usernamidark_: removed from where?16:38
namidark_usr13: ifconfig just lists the loopback device (lo)16:38
namidark_phlak_user: it got removed /etc/network/interfaces (I added it back) and from the listing in ifconfig16:38
phlak_usernamidark_: are you on desktop or server?16:39
namidark_phlak_user: laptop16:39
soreaunamidark_: What ethernet controller is reported by lspci? Possibly lspci|grep Eth16:39
kamilnadeemany help?16:39
phlak_usernamidark_: i mean the version of ubuntu; why are you editing /etc/network/interfaces?16:40
namidark_soreau: Broadcom BCM4401-B016:40
thiagalguem do brasil ?16:40
phlak_user!es| thiag16:40
ubottuthiag: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:40
linuxmintnoobi need help with my broadcom 4309 wireless adapter16:40
namidark_phlak_user: 11.1 (latest)16:40
soreaunamidark_: You have broadcom ethernet and wifi?16:40
linuxmintnoobim on natty16:40
namidark_soreau: apparentl16:40
thiagno tens em portugues ?16:40
phlak_usernamidark_: isnt network manager working?16:40
linuxmintnoobi have installed the new kernel16:40
phlak_user!br| thiag16:40
ubottuthiag: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:40
linuxmintnoobbut it isnt reqnonizing the adapter16:40
soreaunamidark_: Can you show the line from lspci for your ethernet device?16:41
thiagobrigado buenos dias16:41
linuxmintnoobi tried that it says no command y that name16:41
namidark_soreau: Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX (rev 02)16:41
namidark_phlak_user: Where is the network manager?16:41
soreaunamidark_: You should first make sure the module is loaded for the ethernet device16:42
linuxmintnoobit is16:42
namidark_soreau: how can I check that? lsmod .... ?16:42
phlak_usernamidark_: are you on a graphical desktop system?16:42
soreaunamidark_: yes but you'll need to know what it's called16:42
namidark_phlak_user: yes16:43
namidark_phlak_user: latest ubuntu16:43
namidark_soreau: hmm I'm not seeing it in there16:43
phlak_usernamidark_: the network icon on the top right corner is the network-manager16:43
namidark_phlak_user: I can';t use that because it can't find the device (eth0) to add it16:43
phlak_usernamidark_: you dont have to add any interface info into /etc/network/interfaces16:44
soreaunamidark_: Let's see if we can't figure out what the module name is for it16:44
namidark_soreau: what else can I tell you :)?16:44
kno14m3any1 here familiar with msf?16:44
kamilnadeemI am having a issue with the sound in my newly installed Ubuntu 11.10 , my 4.1 speaker system is not being recognised and only front speakers are working. Also when playing a file , the sound is breaking as the system In continuously switching between  Headphone and speakers . ?16:45
kamilnadeemgraingert:It is constantly shuffling between those 2 options and I am also selecting the 4.1 analog system but It auto reverts to analog stereo?16:45
phlak_userkamilnadeem: use padevchooser to select the correct audio device16:45
kamilnadeemwhat is that ?16:46
kamilnadeemhow to use it ?16:46
AndyUbuntui have come accross a real problem and need to fix an sd card16:46
AndyUbuntuwould anyone show me any tips as i am unable to read it :s16:47
AndyUbuntuany help would really be appreciated here16:48
Aliv3help with what16:48
Aliv3AndyUbuntu, put it in your android phone it will fix it for you16:49
phlak_userkamilnadeem: sorry; that package isnt in 11.10 anymore; use pavucontrol instead16:49
martianAndyUbuntu: It's not clear what you need16:49
AndyUbuntuthis is an sd card for a flip cam16:50
Aliv3so android >2 fixes them16:50
AndyUbuntui put it in my laptop which has a slot for it and it is not able to read16:50
AndyUbuntuI dont have android myself16:50
namidark_soreau: any luck?16:50
AndyUbuntuso it will be able to read it?16:50
graingertAndyUbuntu: odd16:51
soreaunamidark_: Just wrote a one liner to check all modules, sec16:51
graingertAndyUbuntu: run dmesg before and after you insert the card16:51
Aliv3idk what to do, your going to have to format it sry16:51
graingertand compare the output16:51
AndyUbuntuim not familiay with that16:51
AndyUbuntuwhat should i look for?16:52
soreaunamidark_: k, think I found it16:52
namidark_soreau: :D16:52
soreaunamidark_: Try 'sudo modprobe b44' then check ifconfig for eth0 interface16:52
=== soccer is now known as IamInBuntuU
AndyUbuntui am not able to format is for some reason, i have tried the "Disk Utility" application though16:53
namidark_soreau: module bf44 not found16:53
soreaunamidark_: Try reading what I said16:53
kevwildeWhen i press Shutdown or Reboot from unity3D, i just go back to lightdm's login screen. To actually reboot, i need to open a terminal and type "sudo reboot now", likewise for shutdown. Is anyone else experiencing this?16:53
Aliv3soreau: temper; other guy: idk16:53
namidark_soreau: sorry -- its not in ifconfig either after running that16:54
namidark_hold on :D16:54
soreaunamidark_: Does 'lsmod|grep b44' show it's loaded?16:54
namidark_soreau: you sir, are awesome16:54
soreaunamidark_: Now for some reason it's not loading by default when you boot..16:54
AndyUbuntuis there any way to output dmesg to a file?16:54
soreaunamidark_: I assume you've tried rebooting and still no eth0 interface?16:55
namidark_soreau: should I try rebooting and see if it goes away?16:55
IamInBuntuUi am getting the following error, what it mean?  ##java :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services16:55
usr13  !register16:55
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:55
in0culain my laptop i can manage to reduce the brightness but at the minimun it is still to high, is there a way to decrease the brightness of laptop LCD? thx16:55
=== Aliv3_ is now known as Aliv3
ckdfujeanyone good with iptables? I asked on #netfilter but no one is active16:55
soreaunamidark_: Yes, reboot and see if it's loaded. If it isn't, you'll have to manually add b44 to /etc/modules16:56
usr13ckdfuje: What do you need to do?16:56
namidark_soreau: k rebooting; thanks for the help so far :D16:56
=== Mud is now known as Guest73604
ckdfujeusr13, I'm trying to understand this: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TransparentProxy#AnonymizingMiddlebox16:56
ckdfuje"an example: host A, on -> "middlebox" on -> router on Why can't I ping the router from A?"16:57
ckdfuje"why can't I ping router from A?"16:57
AndyUbuntuanyone here provide any help for fixing an SD Card?16:58
kevwildeno one has a problem shutting down his ubuntu 11.10 with unity3D?16:58
deej1976host A -> middlebox -> router ?16:58
AndyUbuntuhelp would be really appreciated :s16:58
ckdfujedeej1976, see the link, it's about tor16:58
ckdfujedeej1976, middlebox routes all traffic from A through tor except local and
namidark_soreau: just add b44 to the end of my /etc/modules file?16:59
soreauNamachieli: correct16:59
soreaunamidark_: correct16:59
* deej1976 leaving for the day16:59
AndyUbuntup.s. I am currently trying to use the "disk utility" application and am really having problems with it :s17:00
moo-thanks for putting firefox 8 in my computer and sorry for calling you guys jerks!17:00
sardiorI just love this new 'dogpile on the rabbit' organization of our programs... however that is not what I'm here to complain about. printer: "This action not supported by this backend."17:00
usr13ckdfuje: if A's subnet mask is  you can.  If it is  you can't17:00
ckdfujeusr13: thanks!17:01
IamInBuntuUhow do I register for java chat room?17:01
sardior"Please report a bug as this should not have happened. Provides postdcript-driver not supported"17:01
usr13ckdfuje: Since your router is on a different subnet, you would need as subnet17:01
GirlyGirlHi , is it possible to have a video wallpaper like Dreamscene in Windows Vista under KDE?17:01
usr13ckdfuje: Since your router is on a different subnet, you would need as netmask17:02
luisthey guys, tutorial tells to mount -t proc none /proc and mount -t sysfs none /sys  but i need to mount / to run a command (update-initramfs -u)… what should i do?? mount the host / with --bind wont work17:02
ckdfujeusr13, can you also tell me this: the prerouting policy is accept, so what happens with all the packets that aren't explicitly redirected like all udp that isn't port 53?17:02
soreaunamidark_: Out of curiosity, is there any output from 'grep -R b44 /etc/modprobe*'?17:02
meskaruneGirlyGirl: yes, you can make an xscreensaver your wallpaper. many people have an animated matrix code as their wallpaper17:02
usr13ckdfuje: Idono17:03
AndyUbuntuthis is one of the errors i receive when trying to format the drive Error creating partition table: helper exited with exit code 1: Error calling fsync(2) on /dev/sdb: Input/output error17:04
meskarunegirlygirl: also there is this: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/12/15/animated-wallpaper-on-your-ubuntu-810-desktop/17:04
AndreNunes_some softwares are closing without my command in new version of ubuntu. Somebody can help me?17:04
catphishdoes ubuntu's interfaces config file allow for assigning multiple IPs to the same interface (not to a :x virtual subinterface)17:04
AndyUbuntuhave to get the card working17:04
usr13capri: If you use alias''17:04
namidark_soreau: /etc/modprobe doesn't exist17:05
soreaunamidark_: Can you please read what I asked?17:05
GirlyGirlmeskarune: I said KDE, plasma runs as a layer over everything so the screensaver thing never works, it appears behing plasma, the only thing that would work is a plugin for plasma wallpaper17:05
seanhAnyone know a way to highlight-search or filter your terminal scrollback in linux? e.g. something like this: http://invisibletheory.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/iterm.jpg I can't believe this doesn't exist on linux, I'm a programmer and really need to search and filter debugging output in my termina;17:05
AndreNunes_some softwares are closing without my command in new version of ubuntu. Somebody can help me?17:05
namidark_soreau: :( sorry again heh -- it says blacklist b44 install wl modprobe -r b43 b44 b43legacy ssb; modprobe --ignore-install wl; modprobe --ignore-install b44 \n blacklist b4417:06
AndyUbuntucool, thanks guys :P17:06
namidark_soreau: could ndiswrapper have messed it up?17:06
usr13catphish: If you use alias'  See: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-creating-or-adding-new-network-alias-to-a-network-card-nic/17:07
catphishusr13: i don't really want to use :x aliases17:07
usr13catphish: Then what do you want to do?17:07
catphishadd multiple IPs to the same interface without an alias interface, ie add them all to eth017:08
soreaunamidark_: yes. The problem is the module is blacklisted. So instead of trying to load it manually in /etc/modules, you should remove the blacklist for it17:08
namidark_soreau: I had but it didnt do it for some reason17:08
sardior(ok... screen scrolled up, question not answered.) Thanks, I feel just as invisible as I always do when I come in here. No answers.17:08
namidark_soreau: any chance on getting your help with the wifi too :o?17:08
soreaunamidark_: It's clearly blacklisted from that output17:09
usr13catphish: Why would you want to do that?17:09
AndreNunes_ some softwares are closing without my command in the new version of ubuntu. Somebody can help me?17:09
IamInBuntuUwhat is YourNick?17:09
catphishusr13: because aliases like that are somewhat deprecated17:09
soreaunamidark_: You should have no references to b44 anywhere in /etc/modprobe* or /etc/modules and then it should automatically load17:09
usr13catphish: Really?17:09
catphishusr13: networkmanager and iproute2 don't use them for example17:10
soreaunamidark_: For wifi, the only chipsets I avoid (and avoid supporting) are broadcom17:10
soreau! broadcom | namidark_17:10
ubottunamidark_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:10
catphishyou can now add IP addresses directly to an interface without an alias17:10
catphishbut not sure how you express that in the interfaces config file17:10
namidark_soreau: alright well thank you very much :)17:11
soreaunamidark_: np17:11
codefriarI'm using ubuntu ami's on EC2, and trying to setup an NFS server / clients. I've hit the problem where the client is permission denied because the dns lookups don't match forward and backward. How can I resolve that? (esp since when I run dig -x, i get Ip's and hostnames that match)17:11
meskaruneGirlyGirl: I just joined the chan, so I can't see your previous posts. :P Maybe you should join #kde and ask them about it?17:12
catphishusr13: "Modern distributions are in the process of deprecating ifconfig and route, replacing them with iproute2, which has been available since 1999-April-17 for Linux 2.2.4, though many distributions still fail to use it throughout. iproute2 includes support for all common functions of ifconfig(8), route(8), arp(8) and netstat(1), and beyond that, multicast configuration support, tunnel and virtual link management, traffic control17:12
catphish (such as bandwidth shaping), and (lowlevel) IPsec configuration among others."17:12
catphishpersonally i like iproute217:12
meskaruneseanh: why don't you use cat and grep?17:12
usr13catphish: I've never done that, (other than  using aliases).17:13
seanhmeskarune: how exactly?17:13
* theadmin likes netcfg17:13
catphishno worries17:13
usr13catphish: Maybe you are confusing routes with IP addresses?17:13
Piciseanh: (er, oops). I'm not sure what those screenshots are showing you.17:13
catphishusr13: i really think i'm not17:13
meskaruneseanh: with pipes. pipe the terminal output you want to search17:13
usr13catphish: Where is the above quote from?17:14
seanhPici: in iTerm2 on OS X you can type CMD-f to start searching, and it highlights all the search matches in your terminal scrollback17:14
Piciseanh: If you want to know how to search in 'less', just press / and then type your search term.17:14
ersokhello, i need help. I've an acer c110 pico projector and i found a driver on this website : https://github.com/rettichschnidi/acerc11xdrv and i dont know how can i install it17:14
catphishusr13: wikipedia's ifconfig page17:14
meskaruneseanh: http://www.december.com/unix/tutor/pipesfilters.html17:14
pulchras_Hi, could anyone recommend me a program for formatting a drive with NTFS?17:15
catphishusr13: http://paste.codebasehq.com/pastes/kuknvcmpkoj53xgkjv (notice the first example shows only a single interface with one ip, but the second command shows multiple IPs on eth0)17:15
Piciseanh: Thats up to your terminal emulator then, I don't think that gnome-terminal can do that.17:15
seanhPiping the command output to less, ack, etc. doesn't work17:15
dante_use gparted17:15
catphiship addr replaces ifconfig17:15
seanhe.g. mycommand | ack 'term'17:15
seanhoutput is the same as if I just did `mycommand`, no searcing, filtering, highlighting, ack doesn't work like this somehow17:15
theadminseanh: Could you just use grep?17:16
seanhAlso piping it into less and then trying to search within less doesn't work17:16
AndyUbuntudid someone say they could help with the SD card problem17:16
arcskyhello guys17:16
theadminAndyUbuntu: What's the problem exactly?17:16
arcskyhow do i install java jre for firefox ?17:16
usr13catphish: Well, maybe someone else on here knows what your talking about because I don't.  :)17:16
seanhtheadmin: No, same as ack, output is not affected by piping to grep17:16
arcskypt-get install openjdk-6-jre openjdk-6-jre-headless openjdk-6-jre-lib17:16
theadmin!java | arcsky17:16
arcskydidint work17:16
ubottuarcsky: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.17:16
AndyUbuntutheadmin, i seem to be getting a read issue17:16
usr13catphish: /join ##linux17:17
dante_does anyone here uses backtrack ??17:17
Jordan_Useanh: command 2>&1 | grep foo17:17
AndyUbuntuI have tried to format the card and it fails17:17
theadmindante_: No support for that nonsense here17:17
lgp171188Hi, suddenly after recent updates, desktop notification sounds stopped working, but audio through applications works fine. How to find out what could be wrong and fix it?17:17
Jordan_U!backtrack | dante_17:17
ubottudante_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition17:17
dante_okay... sorry :X17:17
catphishusr13: i'm in ##linux17:17
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catphishnobody there got back to me17:18
AndyUbuntutheadmin, i really need to use this drive so if there is you can provide some tips on how to fix the issue that would be great17:18
seanhJordan_U: that gives no output at all, even though the search term should match some lines17:18
theadminAndyUbuntu: What's the filesystem on the device?17:18
codefriarI'm using ubuntu ami's on EC2, and trying to setup an NFS server / clients. I've hit the problem where the client is permission denied because the dns lookups don't match forward and backward. How can I resolve that? (esp since when I run dig -x, i get Ip's and hostnames that match) is there a way to turn off that check?17:18
AndyUbuntutheadmin, i think it is formatted in FAT16 as it was for a flip camera17:19
Jordan_Useanh: Make sure that you're using the proper case (grep is case sensitive by default). Also, less should work by doing something like this: command 2>&1 | less17:19
seanhJordan_U: Ah wait, that does work with ack!17:19
theadminAndyUbuntu: FAT16? That still exists? Anyway, dismount the drive and fsck it17:19
voidrhisto, how, I did an upgrade recently and something is grabbing a key from my keyboard, how can I find out what? how can I see all the keyboard events?17:20
AndyUbuntutheadmin, lol i have checked another SD card and it was FAT16 so think this is likely to be also17:20
dante_andyubuntu is the data still on the disk ??17:20
ragnarokikonia: hey17:20
AndyUbuntudante_ this is some data on the disk that i dont mind removing17:21
ersokhello, i need help. I've an acer c110 pico projector and i found a driver on this website : https://github.com/rettichschnidi/acerc11xdrv and i dont know how can i install it17:21
theadminvoidr: xev17:21
seanhJordan_U: Yeah less is best because I can try multiple different searches and have the results highlighted, and the lines that don't match are still there for me to see as well17:21
dante_whats the problem andyubuntu can u be more specific ??17:22
dante_is the disk not accessible ??17:22
Jordan_Useanh: Basically the problem is that your command is outputing some or all of what you want to search through to stderr rather than stdout.17:22
AndyUbuntudante_ its not accessible at all at the moment. I took it out my flip cam as it ihad ran out of batteries and i has not worked since17:23
magellanhi may i ask whats this line means [ "`date +%Y%m%d -r ${CURRENTFILE}`" = "${CURRENTDIR}${DATE}" ] && ; $CURRENTFILE = sa23 & (${CURRENTDIR}${DATE} = 20111123)17:23
seanhJordan_U: Yeah, thanks. Noted this in my log file17:23
theadminAndyUbuntu: Did you fsck it?17:23
voidrFocusIn event, serial 36, synthetic NO, window 0x6c00001,17:23
voidr    mode NotifyUngrab, detail NotifyAncestor17:23
Jordan_Useanh: You're welcome.17:23
voidrdoes this mean anything?17:23
AndyUbuntuthadmin, it did not appear with fsck for some reason17:23
theadminAndyUbuntu: Oh, uhm, does it get detected at all? Does it create anything in /dev?17:24
voidrwhat could be grabbing my Z key?17:24
AndyUbuntutheadmin, it is detected and appears as "sdb"17:24
theadminAndyUbuntu: Okay, but it has no partitions? (sdb1, sdb2, sdb3...), right?17:24
dante_andyubuntu why dont you just try formatting your SD ?17:25
AndyUbuntutheadmin, it has no partitions at all17:25
AndyUbuntuit has no partitions at all17:25
stray_wolfAnyone use unity?17:26
theadminAndyUbuntu: Run: sudo cfdsik /dev/sdb17:26
magellanhi may i ask whats this line means [ "`date +%Y%m%d -r ${CURRENTFILE}`" = "${CURRENTDIR}${DATE}" ] && ; $CURRENTFILE = sa23 & (${CURRENTDIR}${DATE} = 20111123)17:26
theadminAndyUbuntu: Create the partitions17:26
nathan0n5irestray_wolf, you should use gnome-shell, it's so much nicer than unity17:26
stray_wolfI just found a way to add a quick list of files to the home folder launcher.17:26
stray_wolfI wann get to know something new, wand watch it grow a little before I ditch it.17:27
dante_use unity-2D better then 3D17:27
magellanhi may i ask whats this line means [ "`date +%Y%m%d -r ${CURRENTFILE}`" = "${CURRENTDIR}${DATE}" ] && .....variables are $CURRENTFILE = sa23 & (${CURRENTDIR}${DATE} = 20111123)17:27
stray_wolfUnity works fine for me.  I always used cairo-dock so I'm pretty use to the interface.17:27
stray_wolfIt just needs more sub-docks.17:27
stray_wolfOr sub-launcheers.17:27
theadminmagellan: It checks if the output of the command equals "${CURRENTDIR}$PDATE}"17:28
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AndyUbuntutheadmin, sorry i could not reply for some reason17:28
dante_hii admin how are you ??17:28
dante_wb andy17:28
FloodBot1AndyUbuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:28
stray_wolfThe attractive thing about ubuntu is that you can always switch out your interface if you don't like the one out-of-the-box.17:28
theadminAndyUbuntu: I hear your reply, stop that...17:28
ersokhello, i need help. I've an acer c110 pico projector and i found a driver on this website : https://github.com/rettichschnidi/acerc11xdrv and i dont know how can i install it17:29
theadminstray_wolf: lol, why not just build something on your own with the interface that you *like* right away?17:29
stray_wolfBecuase, things change, people figure out different methods.  I did that from Karmic to Natty, then got bored with my highly modified desktop.17:30
Salvaalguem afim de teclar comigo ?17:30
magellantheadmin, thanks also im confused also this one if my interpretation is correct [ ! -L ${CURRENTFILE} ] && does is means false if ${CURRENTFILE} exist and symbolink link and not continue17:31
theadminmagellan: If ${CURRENTFILE} exists and is not a symbolic link, then...17:31
stray_wolfI barely used the gnome panel except for notifications...much like in Unity.  I had compiz animations and plugins operating and cubes with skydomes, and cairo-dockGL fully animated.17:31
* theadmin loves her xfce17:31
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stray_wolfUnity is at lot like how I used to set up my system so I see no need to do too much other than adding some sub-launchers to the home launcher, and maybe for a few other launchers.17:33
hanasakiwhat is a good service to use to relay out smtp on tls or ssl with auth?17:33
guidovmy /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic directory is almost empty, while it should contain a lot of files. how do i install these?17:33
stray_wolfAnd a few more lenses/scopes.17:33
dante_guidov reinstall the header files ...17:34
stray_wolfWhich I'm off to do now...later!17:34
theadminguidov: sudo apt-get source PACKAGENAME will give you the sources for PACKAGENAME.17:34
guidovok, so what do i type?17:35
dante_type this guidov-> apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.3817:36
dante_that will work ...17:36
guidovfor some reason it keeps installing Linux 3.X stuff, while uname -r gives me 2.6.38-8-generic17:37
theadminguidov: Did you reboot into the new kernel after installing it?17:37
guidovi boot every day17:37
AndyUbuntutheadmin, sorry i had to rebbot17:38
dante_wb andy17:38
guidovhow would i boot into the new kernel then?17:38
theadminAndyUbuntu: Okay, fine, just recreate the partitions on the device17:38
moiyo ppl, does anybody know where a can find some beep musics?17:38
AndyUbuntuproblems emerged with fsck17:38
Pici!ot | moi17:38
ubottumoi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:38
theadminmoi: That's offtopic.17:38
dante_open terminal .. type reboot .. enter17:38
AndyUbuntutheadmin, what it the best way i can do that?17:39
dante_and select your kernel17:39
theadminAndyUbuntu: sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb17:39
theadminAndyUbuntu: It should be rather... obvious from there17:39
guidovok, i will try that17:39
AndyUbuntutheadmin, thanks. I will givei it a shot17:40
|Anthony|trying to install makehuman and one of the dependencies is dos2unix which is not in the repos for 10.0417:41
|Anthony|is there a repo i could add to get it or somewhere i can find it?17:41
grendal-primegrrr on drobo17:41
|Anthony|grendal-prime, was that response to me?17:43
guidovdante_, i rebooted, i can't select a kernel, and it's still Linux 2.6.3817:43
theadmin|Anthony|: When someone replies to you, they put your name in, like this <--17:43
|Anthony|theadmin, that's not always the case, but thank you for your insightful input17:44
grendal-primeim just ffrustrated with drobo17:44
duelleHi there - since updating to 11.10 I have 1 to 2 complete system freezes a day. The only thing I could find was the following message in kern.log http://pastebin.com/NGng33SB17:45
ubuntunoobi am having problems with a dell latitude d50517:46
ubuntunoobthe broadcom 4309 wireless does not work17:47
ubuntunoobi have kernel 3.1.2 oneiric17:47
guidovso how do i boot into kernel 3.X? it keeps booting into 2.6.38-8-generic17:48
ubuntunoobremove kernel 2.6 from synaptic17:48
AndyUbuntutheadmin, i think this drive is rendered useless17:48
ubuntunooband it should boot into kernel 3 by default17:48
theadminAndyUbuntu: What makes you think that?17:48
AndyUbuntutheadmin it picks the card up as 1gb and it is a 16gb disk17:48
theadminAndyUbuntu: Oh... That's weird.17:49
AndyUbuntutheadmin, slightly strange17:49
theadminAndyUbuntu: Happens to some chinese drives for unknown reason to me17:49
guidovubuntunoob, it doesn't boot into 3 by default. do i change this with grub?17:49
ubuntunoobi said delete the other kernel from synaptic17:50
AndyUbuntutheadmin, i think i may of taken the sd card out of the device while it was still doing something17:50
ubuntunoobboot into 2.6 and go into synaptic and remove all the other kernel versions17:50
AndyUbuntutheadmin, thus distroying the sd card :s17:50
guidovdoing so17:50
dante_apt-get remove linux-header 3x or whatever17:50
arcskywhy doesnt this crap ubuntu handle the JRE java in firefox ?17:50
theadminguidov: Don't listen to that...17:50
theadminarcsky: Did you read the guide I linked you to?17:51
guidovtheadmin, what do you mean?17:51
theadminguidov: Removing kernels is a bad idea, especially the ones you use...17:51
guidovwhat do i do then?17:51
ubuntunoobit works for me :P17:51
dante_well u can simply edit your grub.cfg file for the default booting option ..17:51
AndyUbuntutheadmin, do you think that would of caused it17:51
theadminguidov: Did you try pressing LeftShift when GRUB comes on? (to get to the menu)17:51
theadminAndyUbuntu: Yeah, I suppose.17:51
arcskytheadmin: nope17:52
theadminarcsky: Then do so, ffs...17:52
guidovtheadmin, i will try that17:52
theadmin!java | arcsky17:52
ubottuarcsky: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.17:52
AndyUbuntutheadmin i will have to get another17:52
AndyUbuntuthanks for your help17:52
dr_willislook_buffer_timestamp = "[%H:%M:%S]"17:52
AndyUbuntubeen very frustrating17:52
dr_willisoops; :_17:52
theadmindr_willis: lol :P Confusing terminals?17:53
ubuntunoobanyone help me with my problem i cant get my wireless to work on my dell latitude d50517:53
dr_willisreconfiguring my weechat17:53
ubuntunoobwhat do i have to install to get it to work ?17:54
dante_ubuntunoob ... you got network manager ??17:54
dante_or wicd ?17:54
dr_willisnight all.17:54
ubuntunoobim not sure17:54
ubuntunoobi think gnome network manager17:54
dante_well try this ifconfig wlan0 up17:54
p1ruj3so when i install a printer and it does the search for a network printer it ends up adding the local machines ip to hosts.deny on my samba server... when i remove that entry and restart denyhosts service i still cant connect from local machine but if i reboot i can17:55
p1ruj3what else do i need to restart?17:55
arcskytheadmin: u mean https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java ?17:55
arcskytheadmin: give me a proper working guide please17:55
ubuntunoobit says wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: no such device17:55
theadminarcsky: That's the one...17:55
Zigoryim new ubuntu user :D17:56
Zigoryand I have one question17:56
theadminZigory: Ask it17:56
dante_type ifconfig does it shows wlan0 there ??17:57
Zigoryits normal that ATi Driver is downloading very slow17:57
bekksdante_: It cant, since the message is very clear.17:57
ubuntunoobno just loopback and eth117:57
arcskytheadmin: i do now at-get  install *java*17:57
arcskywhat can i do next ?17:57
dante_ubuntunoob you sure your wireless is on ??17:58
dante_wich drivers u got ??17:59
ubuntunoobi dont17:59
ubuntunoobhow do install them ???17:59
ubuntunoobi dont see anything18:01
dante_wich wireless modem u got broadcom or atheros ??18:01
ubuntunooball i see is broadcom bcm 430918:01
dante_okay broadcom i see18:01
Zigoryubuntu servers are overloaded?18:01
FlexGuyanybody know channel for open-iscsi discussion ? nss18:01
pikaciuubuntunoob: what says additional drivers   ?18:03
ubuntunoobtheres nothing theres its just blank18:03
ubuntunooband says no drivers in use18:03
bekksubuntunoob: Please paste the complete line you get with: lspci | grep -i broadcom18:03
bekksubuntunoob: With the information you already provided, your chipset isnt supported. This must be verified.18:04
ubuntunoobare you joking18:04
ubuntunoobnot supported ???18:04
bekksubuntunoob: Please just provide the line I asked you for :)18:04
arcskyJRE not installed/Java is disabled.18:05
ubuntunoobbekks: it says 01:03.0 Network controller broadcom corporation bcm4309 802.11a/b/g (rev 03)18:06
ubuntunoobnow what??18:08
bekksubuntunoob: Now we need the 9 chars resulting from: lspci -vn | grep -i BCM | cut -f3 -d" "18:08
dante_ubuntunoob ... well u need to configure your wireless settings ...18:09
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bekksdante_: Without a supported chipset (thats all we know until know) that will be pretty hard. :)18:09
dante_thats what we got google for ...18:10
dante_ubuntunoob i can guide you as it's a bit tricky to setup broadcom drivers on ubuntu18:11
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ubuntunoobplease do18:11
ubuntunoobi tried that command but it keeps saying cut opion requires an arqument18:11
dante_okay im sending you a link .... it's solved there ....18:12
ubuntunoobmodule bcmw15 not found18:13
dydguys how can i look for all doc files on an hd?18:13
arcskyfirefox is shitty, chrome <318:14
dante_what a drag ....18:14
dante_wait a sec i need to check it .. i dont got broadcom drivers ...18:14
dupondjeHi, Its the second time this week my system completely freezes. Nothing is responding anymore. Atm its freezed again, anything I can execute to debug?18:14
geoffmccdante_: installing broadcom drivers is as easy as running firmware-b43-installer18:16
dante_geoffmcc why dont you help ubuntunoob if it's that easy ?18:17
geoffmcc dante_: i just got back from away and saw your message to him, i was just letting you know its not as difficult as you think18:17
dante_i never said it's difficult for me .. but it possibly will be difficult for ubuntunoob ... please mind the fact ...18:18
neroQuestion- does anyone know how to get php's mail function to properly send modified headers (e.g.- a from: header) in ubuntu 10.10?  No matter what I do, my from header is igorned when the email goes out.18:18
ubuntunoobi installed the firmware installer18:19
ubuntunoobwhat now?18:19
geoffmccubuntunoob: when you run the firmware installer after it is done it will download and install driver on own18:20
pikaciuifconfig again18:20
StavaI'm trying to follow this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics  but I get stuck at the first step. "grep -i switcheroo /boot/config-2.6.*" results in "No such file or directory"18:21
glebihannero, do you have several custom headers ?18:21
neroglebihan: no, just from:18:21
ubuntunoobgeoff it still doesnt work18:21
geoffmccubuntunoob: you may then need to go to additional drivers and activate, i dont remember if firmware installer activates it or not18:21
huhhey y'all18:21
neroand this same code works just fine on a centos server, so I dont think it is the php code.18:22
geoffmccubuntunoob: after you installed firmware installer did it pop up and say anything after that?18:22
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ubuntunooband its still blank18:22
dante_wich version on ubuntu u got ubuntunoob ??18:22
ubuntunoobon additional drivers18:22
ubuntunoobon natty18:22
=== james is now known as Guest64926
huhI have a quick question for you ppl. I have a bunch of identical computers for a lab and I want to make set one up, make an identical copy of the hard drive and then install it on all of the other computers. Like a ghost image or whatever. What software do y'all recommend?18:23
pkkmHow to downgrade a package?18:23
genii-aroundStava: Perhaps you have only version 3 kernels?18:23
A|i3NSo teach me something guys N gals - is there a command that will take a file (Like a list of commands) and arrange each line alphabetically?18:23
pikaciuubuntunoob: ifconfig still  says loopback and eth only ?18:24
geoffmccubuntunoob: and with a wired connection you installed the firmware-b43-installer and not the lpphy one18:24
PiciA|i3N: sort18:24
ubuntunoobyes and yes18:24
A|i3Nsort... ok *will play with it* THanks :)18:24
geoffmccubuntunoob: one sec18:24
topihitamhi @ll, my ubuntu have a connexion problem, when try opening web sites no one get open, then when i try to ping a WAN ip ping = 0 no ping cose no connexion, but when i ping the ubuntu IP from External PC the ping is good :////18:24
topihitamhi @ll, my ubuntu have a connexion problem, when try opening web sites no one get open, then when i try to ping a WAN ip ping = 0 no ping cose no connexion, but when i ping the ubuntu IP from External PC the ping is good (i've disabled the UFW but nothing change) someone can help please ?18:25
genii-aroundA|i3N: Like the "sort" command?18:25
dante_ubuntunoob does it shows the broadcom proprietary driver in hardware drivers ?18:25
pikaciuubuntunoob: did you type 'broadcom' in synaptic ?18:26
geoffmccubuntunoob: what do you get if you run lspci -vvnn | grep 14e4 in terminal?18:26
Jillytopihitam, maybe a DNS problem?18:26
=== aidenhong_ is now known as aidenhong
glebihannero, well not sure what could be happening. On 11.04 it works fine here, so maybe it's specific the version of php in 10.1018:27
ubuntunoob01:03.0 0280: 14e4: 4324 (rev 03)18:27
glebihannero, which version is it btw ?18:27
A|i3Ngenii-around yes, thank you18:27
A|i3N@thanks Pici18:27
topihitamJilly here is all data, seems to be good http://pastebin.com/Kqgmx9i718:28
neroglebihan: 5.3.5-1ubuntu718:28
dante_ubuntunoob .. open synaptic and search for bcm18:29
geoffmccubuntunoob: ok one more, lspci | grep Broadcom18:29
glebihannero, well not sure that's the issue, but that's not the supported version on 10.1018:29
huhanyone have experience with CloneZilla (http://clonezilla.org/)? Would you recommend it? Or is there another one I should use>?18:29
neroglebihan: I suspect it isn't php, but rather is sendmail that is causing the issue.18:30
neroand I needed to upgrade to 1ubuntu7 to fix a problem that was casuing PCI compliance issues with the server.18:30
glebihannero, did you run any tests using sendmail directly ?18:30
dante_u found the bcm package ubuntunoob ??18:30
ubuntunoobwhich one ???18:30
neronot yet.  But watching the logs, the requests from php have the correct header.18:30
ubuntunoobi see a bunch18:30
pikaciuubuntunoob: maybe you miss the kernel surce18:31
ubuntunoobalright im installing it now18:31
dante_you see that package there ubuntunoob ??18:31
moo-if i run update-grub will it update only on sda, or wil it put grub on sdb too?18:31
dante_no you dont have to install it ...18:31
dante_dont install it18:32
glebihannero, then I suggest you to run some tests with sendmail to be sure the problem comes from there18:32
geoffmccubuntunoob: ok one more, lspci | grep Broadcom18:32
dante_just tell me if u see that package there or not ?18:32
Jillytopihitam, Yeah, looks ok to me.  Sorry, I'm not terribly good at network stuff.  This is a cabled connection?18:32
ubuntunoobbcmwl-kernel-source ???18:33
dante_yes that one ....18:33
ubuntunoobyeah i see it18:33
dante_you got wl not wlan0 ... i see18:33
dante_try modprobe wl18:33
dante_in your terminal18:34
scorinitronI'm having major problems installing tor on ubuntu18:34
ubuntunoobit says fatal module wl not found18:34
dante_okay go and remove that package from synaptic ...18:34
scorinitroneverytime it runs it freezes and firefox down18:34
A|i3Nany more like.. I dunno. Useful commands to know in linux? My list is at http://jl.jamesfruin.com/tech-spot/linux/commands if anyone cares to peruse it and give me a few more to study :D18:34
dante_the one before ...18:35
ubuntunoobi did18:35
dante_u removed ??18:35
dante_okat now open terminal and type ...18:35
dante_u already install the firmware-b43-installer18:35
dante_right ?18:36
dante_then install it and one more18:36
dante_type in your terminal apt-get install firmware-b43-installer b43-fwcutter18:36
geoffmccyou dont need both18:37
dante_what if you do ?18:37
ubuntunoobit installed it with firmware installer18:37
ubuntunoobi installed both18:37
dante_okay now type ... cat /etc/modprobe.d/* | egrep 'bcm18:37
ubuntunoobit says blacklist bcm43xx18:38
dante_ohhh well ....18:38
dante_okay do this ...18:38
dante_type ...  cd /etc/modprobe.d/18:39
ubuntunoobalright did that18:39
dante_did what ?18:39
dante_sudo gedit blacklist.conf18:40
zykotick9dante_, gksu!18:40
zykotick9ubuntunoob, use "gksu gedit blacklist.conf", NOT sudo18:40
ubuntunoobi did18:40
dante_i dont know much about previlages i work on my root account .. sorry18:41
dante_okay now search for the line blacklist bcm43...xxx18:41
dante_and put a # at the starting of it18:41
ubuntunoobstarting of what???18:42
pikaciuof the line18:42
dante_the line i told u to find ..18:42
pikaciu# bla bla bla18:42
ubuntunoobend of the xx?18:42
dante_just the beginning ...18:42
ubuntunoobsorry ive only been using ubuntu for a couple of months18:43
dante_i can understand ... not your fault ...18:43
dante_just make it look like # blacklist bcm43xx18:43
dante_in the file18:43
ubuntunoobso move the pound sign18:43
dante_the sign need to be there ..18:44
dante_at the starting ..18:44
ubuntunoobor put another one there18:44
dante_put 218:45
dante_there ...18:45
dante_well your broadcom was just blacklisted nuthing else ...18:45
dante_just remove the blacklist or delete the line18:45
ubuntunoobdo i space the pound sign or just leave it ?18:45
dante_delete the line ...18:45
dante_forget the pound sign18:46
ubuntunoobdelete the line? gotcha18:46
dante_done ?18:46
ubuntunooball of it where it says replaced by and it says blacklist18:46
dante_done ??18:46
dante_now reboot your system ...18:47
yeatsubuntunoob: generally better to "comment out" (add the # at the beginning of the line) when dealing with config files - just general FYI18:47
yeatsubuntunoob: if you delete something you need later, you'll have to recreate it ;-)18:48
ubuntunoobit works!!!!18:48
ubuntunoobomg thank you so much!!!!!18:48
dante_you dont need a blacklist blocking your hardware drivers ...18:48
ubuntunoobyour the best :D18:48
dante_ofc it will ....18:48
dante_thanks dude ...18:49
dante_go have fun18:49
ubuntunoobthank you so much you dont know how long i tried to get that working18:49
=== Hiz is now known as Guest33266
ubuntunoobyour so awesome18:49
dante_well i never faced such an issue with my wireless .... i got atheros ... much compitable ...18:50
dante_well im new to linux too ...18:50
A|i3Nhow do I list files while showing permissions?18:51
pkkm_ls -l18:51
Luigi-scusate qualkuno sa come si scarica???18:51
Luigi-grazie 100018:51
ubuntunoobnow it works perfect  now dante :D  thank you so much i want to hug you right now XD no homo18:51
Pici!it | Luigi-18:52
ubottuLuigi-: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:52
dante_lol ... xD ... where are from anyway ... this is the first time im using irc ... :S18:52
ubuntunoobunited states18:52
Wilczek!pl | Wilczek18:52
ubottuWilczek, please see my private message18:52
dante_ohhh.... US cool ...18:52
ubuntunoobthanks again18:53
dante_your welcome .. :)18:53
dante_always ...18:53
ubuntunoobi was worried i woudnt be able to get it to work18:53
ubuntunoobthen i would of been screwed18:53
ubuntunoobif it wasnt for you18:53
darkyhi guys18:54
dante_well if your a starter at ubuntu you ofc will need a little help ...18:54
dante_u never know where u might get stuck ...18:54
dante_and sumtimes it's like forever your stuck ...18:54
ubuntunoobi love linux its much better than windows and osx but sometimes its annoying to setup18:54
geoffmccubuntunoob: just so you know, the bcm43xx blacklist was ok, as it refers to the kernels original driver. what made it work was the packages you installed along with a restart18:55
darkywho here is an expert with samba?18:55
dante_well once you got it configured and running nuthing can stop it :P18:55
f4lc0nalguem pode me dar uma ajuda no ubuntu 11.10?18:55
A|i3N@thanks pkkm_18:55
zykotick9!anyone | darky18:55
ubottudarky: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:55
dante_no it didn't geoffmcc ...18:55
dante_the device was blacklisted ....18:56
ubuntunoobi dont care what it was its working now and its all that matters18:56
dante_yes ubuntunoob .... now u atleast now how to fix it yourself ....18:56
dante_u noted it all done i guess ...18:57
zykotick9!u > dante_18:57
ubottudante_, please see my private message18:57
ubuntunoobnow i have one more thing18:57
dante_if u ever need it again18:57
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:57
ubuntunoobi have a wireless logitech m305 mouse how do i customize the buttons??? i18:58
ubuntunoobi tried btnx but it didnt work18:59
FloodBot1ee364a11: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:59
ubuntunoobi guess i can look it up later19:00
ubuntunoobthankies for teh help with mah laptop19:01
cristianoHI THERE19:01
=== cristiano is now known as Guest4399
_plgHi, I'm trying to do an unattended install ubuntu with PXE but it stops saying that the hardware needs non-free firmaware. Any advice in how to avoid this ?19:02
Guest4399somebody knows how can update my driver of my NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 PRO64  on XUBUNTU?19:02
PKKid2Is there a frontend to locate that will let me find and open files faster?19:02
CodespaceI was wondering if it is possible to install package contents into different folder and execute the libs from that folder. The package would otherwise disrupt system stability because it is from newer ubuntu version.19:03
Guest4399somebody knows how can update my driver of my NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 PRO64  on XUBUNTU?19:03
zykotick9Guest4399, are you currently using nvidia's 71.86.xx driver?19:03
Guest4399no i don t think so19:04
e_thello on my lan both computers are 11.10 even though i can ssh into one box i cant scp a file to it because i get host key auth error. any ideas?19:04
zykotick9Guest4399, (just so you know) nvidia's 71 driver is the newest your card seems to support (taken from http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_32667.html )19:05
Guest4399description: VGA compatible controller19:05
Guest4399       product: NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro]19:05
Guest4399       vendor: nVidia Corporation19:05
Guest4399       physical id: 019:05
Guest4399       bus info: pci@0000:01:00.019:05
Guest4399       version: 1519:05
FloodBot1Guest4399: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:05
cristiano_i  miss you19:06
zykotick9Guest4399, i'm not really sure how Xubuntu deals with proprietary drivers, but see if you can run "jockey-gtk"19:06
magellantheadmin, hi i had some additional info about this command [ -r ${SYSCONFIG_DIR}/sysstat ] && . ${SYSCONFIG_DIR}/sysstat correct if im wrong it check sysstat file if true read permission the execute it right19:07
cristiano_i m going to try jockey.gtk19:07
magellani mean not info its question..19:07
magellantheadmin, i mean not info a question19:07
theadminmagellan: Allright, well, yeah that would be right19:07
BPowerHey all.  I want to have a 3-monitor setup (which is practically impossible natively in Ubuntu, right now).  SO, I'm trying to find hardware to do the trick. Let's say I have two 800x600 monitors. I connect the monitors to the box, then the box to the computer. The box reports to the computer that it has one monitor with a res of 1600x600, then splits the computer output between the two monitors.  I have no idea what that name of these are or how to sear19:08
BPowerch for them online.  I keep coming up with splitters (mirrored) -- can anyone help me with this?19:08
geoffmccGuest4399: although i dont use Xubuntu, I do get my nvidia drivers from ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates19:08
cristiano_i don't know if it'll works19:08
zykotick9geoffmcc, does that PPA include the legacy drivers?19:09
magellantheadmin, so whats means the dot its like execute this file even its not formatted by #/bin/bash or read it within a shell script19:09
cristiano_because my graphics is kfce , not gnome19:09
e_tbpower you want to search for vid cards with that option...19:10
geoffmcczykotick9: as in version 96?19:10
zykotick9magellan, a period ususally means - from this locations - like ./foo means execute foo in this directory.19:10
zykotick9geoffmcc, actually Guest4399 needsd 7119:10
reptiliaвсем привет19:11
zykotick9!ru | reptilia19:11
ubottureptilia: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:11
zykotick9geoffmcc, RIVA TNT2 Model 64 is quite an old card19:11
e_tbpower or you can use a card with the sli option and have two cards with 4 ports19:11
theadminmagellan: . executes it with bash19:11
theadminmagellan: . is an alias to "source", if that interests you19:12
cristiano_dosn't work19:12
amirwebdev2anyone can recommend on reliable service to offsite backups (snapshots) for ubuntu?19:12
cristiano_i had tryed19:12
geoffmcczykotick9: doesnt look like it, can see the ppa @ https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates   but it looks to me like 96 is lowest goes19:12
FloodBot1cristiano_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:12
zykotick9geoffmcc, ya, i'm not surprised.  I think trying to use 71 might be difficult that this point (with xorg etc).19:13
Sandkinganyone can tell me if there's some alarm clock that would wake up my computer from sleep mode?19:13
magellantheadmin, thanks again..your very kind to help me understand something..19:13
theadminmagellan: No problem, we all started out as noobs ;)19:14
zykotick9!cookie | theadmin19:14
ubottutheadmin: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!19:14
e_thello on my lan both computers are 11.10 even though i can ssh into one box i cant scp a file to it because i get host key auth error. any ideas?19:14
=== derp is now known as Zalgo
BPowere_t -> We're talking about a laptop here.  I need a three screen setup, so I can't just plug all three into the computer directly and allow X to manage it.19:14
e_tohh okay ...19:14
zykotick9e_t, are you using scp from command line?  as both ssh and scp should check the same keys?19:15
e_tyes i am19:15
e_tthats what i dont get19:15
e_ti can ssh in19:15
e_tbut when i scp i get auth host key error19:15
brondyis there a way to bypass the buttons that control the on screen display - the switchs seem to be defective19:15
e_tlike the key dont exists19:15
brondyfor an asus widescreen monitor19:16
zykotick9e_t, i don't get that either - you can clear/edit your keys in ~/.ssh/known_hosts19:16
e_tdid that19:16
e_tim stumped19:16
e_tand i want to move the content of a website over to host it19:16
martian!enter | e_t19:17
ubottue_t: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:17
e_tone thing i havent done is ssh in to my box from the target box19:18
martiane_t: Try using verbose mode with scp and or use `tail -f /var/log/auth.log` on the target19:19
e_tmartian i am sorry but im not sure what verbose mode is... or tail im still learning...19:21
Ghost1227is it possible to replace empathy with pidgin in the notification dropdown?19:21
nmvictorscreen is not sourcing my .bashrc settings. I wish to use bash completion and alias definiations. Any workaround?19:21
user____So; how can one connect Empathy with a Google Voice SMS protocol?19:21
=== user____ is now known as IdleWarship
nathan0n5ireGhost1227 your using unity or gnome-shell?19:22
Ghost1227e_t: run scp with the -v option19:22
Ghost1227nathan0n5ire: unity19:22
e_tokay i will give it a shot thankyou ill let you know how it pans out...19:22
ThisGuyThereQuick, simple question; in your experience, what's the best way to stress-test HDDs in Ubuntu?19:22
IdleWarshipOr rather; How can one send messages from Empathy to Google Voice?19:22
nathan0n5ireghost1227 so you mean the little messaging indicator on the top right?19:22
Ghost1227nathan0n5ire: yep19:22
ThisGuyThereI keep getting conflicting responses through Google, so I thought I'd ask here.19:23
nmvictorscreen is not sourcing my .bashrc settings. I wish to use bash completion and alias definiations. Any workaround?19:23
nathan0n5ireI believe you just have to install pidgin19:24
Ghost1227IdleWarship: voice messages or im?19:24
Picinmvictor: have you restarted you entire screen session since you made your changes?19:24
nathan0n5ireand then if you want to remove empathy19:24
Ghost1227nathan0n5ire: i've removed empathy and installed pidgin, but it doesn't show up19:24
nathan0n5ireyou just uninstall it19:24
nathan0n5irehmm, when I used unity that's all I needed to do19:25
e_tnope still no dice i get same error as if no key is saved but it is because i can ssh into the same box this is really bugging me...19:25
nathan0n5irebut now I'm using gnome-shell, so somthing may have changed since then19:25
aljosaanybody has a working xorg conf file for intel cards? i'm getting "Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig"19:25
Ghost1227nathan0n5ire: thanks anyway...19:25
aljosano opengl19:25
auronandacee_t: you do realise that verbose simply gives you more information, it won't fix anything, just helps you identify what is wrong19:26
nmvictorPici: I started using screen  yeserday and this is the default behaviour since. I couldnt even use predefined aliases like ll -> ls -l , nor bash completion.19:26
Picinmvictor: Are you sure that your shell is running inside of screen? echo $SHELL19:27
nmvictorPici, i get /bin/sh19:28
ThisGuyThereOnce more, simple question; in your experience, what's the best way to stress-test HDDs in Ubuntu?19:28
Picinmvictor: theres your problem. You aren't running bash.19:28
magellantheadmin, hi addition FAQ hope i didn't bother you with my question..what mainly the difference between this $variable and ${variable} i see the script using this ${variable} is there any advantage..19:29
nmvictorPici, thanks for the eyeopener, which is similar to what I experinced with konsole at first run, lucky enough i was eble to work that around with console settings. so how do i switch to bash in screen?19:30
Picinmvictor: If you're having consistant problems with this you should just run chsh to change your default shell.19:30
moo-if i run 'sudo update-grub' will it install to sda only, or sdb too?19:32
bekksIt will not install grub to an mbr at all.19:32
auronandacemoo-: wherever it was installed19:32
=== Fever is now known as BlauskaerM
jay12can anyone recommend a client for msn IM? I can't get empathy, kopete or esmesene to connect19:33
moo-how can i check?19:33
moo-aureianimus, how i can check?19:33
bqmi have a problem with ubuntu 11.10 - who can i ask for help?19:33
bekks!ask | bqm19:33
ubottubqm: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:33
lordjjThumb drive is read-only, how do I change it's permissions?19:33
martiane_t: oh sorry, stepped away. On the target machine in a terminal, run this "tail -c 0 -f /var/log/auth.log" and then try the scp from the other machine and see what shows up.19:33
e_tsure its like nofork or something like that19:33
auronandacemoo-: it doesn't install, it just regenerates the grub.cfg file19:33
e_tokay thankyou i will try that19:34
lordjjThumb drive is read-only, how do I change it's permissions so I can write to it?19:34
moo-aureianimus, where it generates that file? and how to install, is sudo initramfsupdate?19:34
siwissisjoin #ubuntufr19:34
bekkslordjj: Which filesystem type is on the thumb drive?19:35
nmvictorthanks. but does that require me to logout and back in? Coz its still not working19:35
martiane_t: that will give you some insight into what is happening. You can then copy and paste the results in to http://www.pastebin.com/ and link it to us here19:35
nmvictorPici: !19:35
siwissisjoin #ubuntu-fr19:35
auronandace!tab | moo-19:35
lordjjbekks FAT3219:35
ubottumoo-: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:35
nmvictorPici: ^ see above messages19:35
auronandacemoo-: /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:35
bqmi am running ubuntu 11.10 with gnome 3 on a asus w5000 notebook. whenever i reboot, the screen brigthnes is reset to very dark. it wont save the brigthnes i set19:35
bekkslordjj: You cant change permissions on the thumb drive, you have to mount it with the correct owner.19:35
auronandace!grub2 | moo-19:36
ubottumoo-: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:36
=== vito is now known as Guest66072
jay12can anyone recommend a client for msn IM? I can't get empathy, kopete or emesene to connect... once upon a time empathy worked but for whatever I can't get it work with MSN now19:36
Picinmvictor: it will require that, yes.19:36
auronandacejay12: pidgin works fine for me19:36
lordjjbekks I'm not sure what you mean. It used to work normally before. Can you elaborate?19:36
Picinmvictor: Otherwise you can just start bash manually if you cannot relogin at this time.19:37
jay12auronandace, I'll give it a shot, I used pidgin before updating19:37
jutnuxPidgin works amazingly.19:37
nmvictorPici: inside the screen session, do you mean that?19:37
bekkslordjj: FAT32 doesnt support POSIX access rights at all. You have to pass an option like "uid=1000" for the user you want it to "own".19:37
MonkeyDustirssi rules19:37
jay12MonkeyDust, I wasn't aware irssi had an MSN option19:38
e_tmartian when i run that cmd on target box the terminal just idles and nothing happens and i still get same error...19:38
nmvictorPici,ooh that worked. Thanks alot19:38
Picinmvictor: sure, np.19:38
MonkeyDustah msn, who uses msn ;)19:38
jay12MonkeyDust, all of my friends =(19:39
dkovsorry to bother, any linux expert?19:39
Pici!ask | dkov19:39
ubottudkov: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:39
dkovI have one question19:39
auronandacedkov: only one? :)19:40
dkovok so here I go :) only one19:40
darkstar999!patience | darkstar99919:40
ubottudarkstar999, please see my private message19:40
dkovCAN we mount /dev/... from remote computer19:40
moo-i use plymouth and nouvouea drivers, but my screen dont boot pretty, why?19:40
norbert_hey all, I'm trying to grep for src="..." and for some reason this isn't returning anything: $ grep src="(.*?)" *.html19:40
bekkslordjj: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions#FAT32_and_FAT16_Partitions19:40
norbert_just with .* it works, but it returns too much...19:40
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:41
=== guillaum is now known as daefaf
moo-norbert_, ask in #shell, #bash, #linux or something. maybe you need egrep or fgrep, also keep in mind that sometimes ppl use src='' instead of src="" so you wont catch that19:41
moo-norbert_, worse, some ppl do src = "" with spaces around =19:42
norbert_moo-: good points, thank19:42
nmvictorubuntu does not notify me when my screen brightness is adjusting using the fn+x combination. When the AC is unplugged, i also dont get the automagic dim screen to save my power. Any help?19:43
e_tmartian here is the pastebin not much to it http://pastebin.com/mLTU2Pra19:43
dkovI want to use my dvb-t installed and working on my desktop in [/dev/dvb/adapter0/] on my laptop. can I use sshfs or somthing like to mount the /dev/dvb/... from the remote computer19:44
nmvictorubuntu does not notify me when my screen brightness is adjusting using the fn+x combination. When the AC is unplugged, i also dont get the automagic dim screen to save my power. Any help? I am using version 11.10 and my system packages are up to date.19:44
ee364c11sup man19:45
auronandacedkov: short answer: no19:45
ee364a11ee364c11: wazzzab19:45
dkovauronandace, thanks19:45
nishmuI have an eSata HDD connected through USB. I installed Ubuntu on it. But during bootup it does not recognise the hdd.19:46
jay12auronandace, jutnux, thanks. Pidgin connected immediately. just like the olden days19:46
e_tnmvictor did you go to dash home and mess with screen?19:46
Piciee364a11,ee364c11  This is a support channel. If you aren't seeking support or answering questions, please use our #ubuntu-offtopic channel instead.19:46
nishmuI have another 3.5 Sata HDD on which I installed ubuntu and it boots up fine.19:46
jutnuxjay12: Got to love Pidgin.19:46
starnhello, i would like to steam my music over LAN accessible via web browser so that my Chromium os can play music or any other computer with a web browser..19:47
nishmuIs there anything I can/should do to recognise my esata hdd?19:47
ee364a11ee36ac11: wazzzab19:47
e_tnishmu maybe in bios change setting to ide rather than raid19:47
SolarisBoyanyone want to assist me revive a dead system? wont pass bootup, monitor frequency issues etc? it is important because my music and movies are there... checked over the last couple of days here but wondering maybe the topic is more advanced? is there a better way i can explain it to help get an answer? seems when i explain it verbosely i get no response etc. not pushing for a response but am i going about asking the question wrong?19:48
nishmue_t: I have an asus hardware. The BIOS is fully leaned up. There are no settings to alter at all except date and time and a few other general things.19:48
MrDyneHow do I turn off or get rid of the "new and improved" user interface in Ubuntu 11.10 and go back to a normal easy to use "Windows 98" like theme. Like how it was in older vrs of ubuntu.19:48
auronandace!notunity | MrDyne19:49
ubottuMrDyne: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:49
e_tnishu i assume there must be an option to decice between ide and raid19:49
g443MrDyne, try xubuntu-desktop19:49
auronandace!gnome2 | MrDyne19:49
ubottuMrDyne: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.19:49
AlanBellSolarisBoy: tried booting from a live CD?19:50
auronandaceMrDyne: it ight be worth your while checking out xfce19:50
jutnuxMrDyne: Further continuing auronandace's comment, try Xubuntu.19:50
nishmue_t: No there isn't any. However once booted through internal OS the esata is recognised correctly.19:50
MrDyneDoes XFCE have access to rootstock?19:50
PiciMrDyne: 'rootstock'?19:51
bekksMrDyne: What do you mean by "rootstock"?19:51
SolarisBoyAlanBell: indeed.. well that complicates it more,, for some reason that system wont boot CD,, to my luck... it can boot from MMC/SD card,, so yes i got that setup,,, at the point now where i am just trying to get monitor frequency to work,, but even this,, im doing by booting the live "cd" chroot into the down system drive and futzing with grub.conf update-grub etc...19:51
MrDyneI'm just trying to follow a guide to making a ARM based ubuntu for Android.19:51
auronandace!info rootstock | MrDyne19:51
ubottuMrDyne: rootstock (source: rootstock): shellscript to create armel rootfs tarballs using a VM. In component universe, is extra. Version (oneiric), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB19:51
nmvictore_t: No, I have never made any power saver or screen settings. The problem has been on since 11.04, My guess, its a kernel issue because everything was ok to Maverick, the Natty came with a sudden kernel change that brought the problem along with it affecting several other machines [https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/568611?comments=all] The backlight problem was fixed with kamals kernel from that link, but the bright19:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568611 in linux (Ubuntu) "Screen brightness control fails on Dell Studio 1558" [Low,Fix released]19:51
omidhi . how can i find a list of my hardware specifics ? for example the model and vendor of wireless card or Graphic cards etc . is there a command or tool available for that ?19:53
auronandaceMrDyne: xfce is just the desktop environment, you can install whatever is in the repos just like you normally would19:53
g443omid, lspci -v19:53
g443omid, and lsusb -v19:54
soreauok guys, on 10.04, I have rhythmbox playing but it shows this annoying icon in my 'tray'. How can I get rid of it?19:54
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MrDyneWhy does Ubuntu keep changing their interfaces?19:55
trismsoreau: it is one of the options in the plugins menu (Edit/Plugins maybe), status icon or something19:55
MrDynelayout, how the user interface is set up...19:55
stevie-bashhello, where can I find documentation regarding mdadm level migration 1 to 10 or 0 to 1019:56
soreautrism: Yes great! Thanks a lot!! :)19:56
auronandaceMrDyne: i've used xubuntu for years, no real difference here19:56
MonkeyDustMrDyne  it's called evolution19:56
b0otHow do you get multicast to work across multiple interfaces in ubuntu?19:57
g443I'd call it a huge step backwards19:57
auronandaceMrDyne: as regards to stock ubuntu they transitioned to unity because they disagree with gnome319:57
daefafUBUNTU POWER19:57
bqmi am running ubuntu 11.10 with gnome 3 on a asus w5000 notebook. whenever i reboot, the screen brigthnes is reset to very dark. it wont save the brigthnes i set19:57
unsecur3dany way of going back to gnome 2.x in ubuntu 11.10 ?19:57
auronandaceunsecur3d: no19:58
unsecur3dhow bout xfce ?19:58
auronandace!gnome2 | unsecur3d19:58
ubottuunsecur3d: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.19:58
daefafi dont know what i am running i am a noob i just know this is ubuntu19:58
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:58
auronandaceunsecur3d: sure, i'm using xfce now19:58
MonkeyDustunsecur3d  there's MATE, but first try that in test-environment19:58
unsecur3dthere we go, any tuts online ?19:58
g443xfce is the only reason I didn't move to another distro19:58
unsecur3dit dont matter its a clean install19:58
unsecur3di wont loose data19:59
unsecur3dyea i really dont like gnome 3.x19:59
daefafi cant read .wav with ubuntu 11.0419:59
unsecur3dok let me find out how to set up xfce in ubuntu 11.10. be back19:59
g443gnome 3.x doesn't even work on my graphics card, the text is all scrambled19:59
daefafi need to pay for this19:59
MonkeyDusti switched to a different fork becauqe i don't like gnome 3, no need to rant20:00
auronandacedaefaf: pay? can't you just use vlc?20:00
g443daefaf, try 'apt-get install xubuntu-desktop'20:00
daefafok i will20:00
daefafthanks mate20:01
e_tnmvictor did you update or do a clean install off cd20:01
e_tnmvictor i would back up every you need then do a clean install20:02
MrDyneWhy is linux software so flipen huge?!  The ISOs are huge, the updates are huge, the games and programs are huge!20:02
auronandaceMrDyne: define huge20:03
jamescarr2 questions: Did they ever make it so I can have my dang toolbar in gvim within Unity!? Second: Did they fix it so when I shit down, my laptop will really shut down rather than take me back to the login screen?20:03
MrDyneI have satellite Internet at home with a download limit. I can't do anything Linux at home cuz it sucks more then youtube.20:03
jutnuxMrDyne: Feel free to purchase a Windows CD off of Software4students and download the 4gb of goodness.20:03
jamescarrsorry, SHUT20:03
MrDyneI already own and use Windows 720:03
jamescarrthat was a pretty bad typo...20:03
MonkeyDustMrDyne  please join #ubuntu-offtopic to give your opinion about ubuntu20:03
jutnuxjamescarr: Made me chuckle, thanks for that.20:03
MrDyneK i'm done...20:04
jutnuxjamescarr: I don't think they did mate, have you tried Xubuntu?20:04
jutnuxMrDyne: You should know that games are going to be quite large in size anyway.20:04
wereHamsterI had a filesystem corruption and now /var/lib/dpkg/available is gone. How do I restore? And optionally, how do I check all installed packages (checksum installed files and compare against the files in the packages)?20:04
MrDyneYa... Portal 2 is bigger then my download limit at home....20:05
g443it's even worse than I imagined, just how many people are going the xfce way?20:05
MrDyneWell I mite after I try it.20:05
MrDyneKDE was lame in Sabayon Linux.20:05
jutnuxg443: Lots. More are going to Mint 12 but I hate it. Definitely prefer Xubuntu over anything.20:05
wereHamstertouch /var/lib/dpkg/available20:06
MrDyneAnd I really do not like any OS with the Windows controlls on the left.... leftys.. to much like apple/mac.20:06
MonkeyDustplease MrDyne => #ubuntu-offtopic20:06
MrDynei'm leaving...20:07
jutnuxg443: http://r.jutnux.co.uk/sdCgmE Basically looks like that on one of my monitors.20:08
lordjjDoes adding a device to fstab mean it automounts on startup?20:09
auronandacelordjj: ifyou do it right yes20:09
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wereHamsteror how do I force reinstall (basically unpack files) of all currently installed packages?20:12
pangolindpkg reconfigure -a20:13
matrix3000anyone using 11.10 and ldap20:13
Ghost1227still looking for a way to make the unity notification dropdown show pidgin... any thoughts?20:13
matrix3000authentication, not the server20:13
wereHamsterpangolin: I get: dpkg: need an action option20:14
xanguaGhost1227: install pidgin-libnotify , and then restar pidgin and disable notification icon on pidgin20:14
matrix3000basically it freezes on login20:14
ewphow can i figure out which process is raping my load avg?20:15
Ghost1227xangua: thanks20:16
Ghost1227ewp: htop?20:16
dkovdid any one knows how to use "dev/dsp" (audio device) from a computer A, using the audio device located (phisically) at computer B?20:16
darkstar999Is there a way to increase the (seemingly) 1 pixel area where you can resize a window?20:16
zacariassomtimes some windows (like my sticky notes) hide themselves to the right of the desktop's visible area. The cursor also hides itself there if I move it on that direction. Any idea of how to solve this?20:16
pangolinwereHamster: sorry, dpkg-reconfigure -a20:19
CharminTheMooseHey all, I'm running ubuntu on a flash drive and running a 2.6.38 kernel. I've noticed that flush-8:0 is called at irregular intervals along with kjournald. Is it possible for me to limit when the journal is written and when data is flushed?20:20
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wereHamsterpangolin: that did not really check any files.20:21
speedmasterohallo to all small thing i did run apt-get update20:21
xcyclistSo, does anyone out there realize that git seems to be broken on prompting for credentials?20:22
speedmasteroafter no multiverse source available any more please help20:22
wereHamsterwhat I want is something like for each file in the system; do check file md5 against md5 stored in package; if not match then extract file from deb; end20:22
celthunderxcyclist: ?20:22
moo-wereHamster, md5deep is good for checksum stuff20:23
pangolinwereHamster: I just read your original question, sorry I don't have a clue.20:23
xcyclistcelthunder:  cit prompts for username, but doesn't echo when I type username, and then it always fails.  Didn't do this a few months back.20:24
xcyclistcelthunder:  git prompts for username, but doesn't echo when I type username, and then it always fails.  Didn't do this a few months back.20:24
xcyclistI can log into  the github site with the credentials I'm trying to use too.20:25
jitahow do i check the memory usage of running apps ?20:27
xanguajita: top20:27
jitaxangua, any graphical app ?20:27
xanguajita: system monitor20:27
speedmasteroproblem fixed select other download server20:27
celthunderjita: ps also shoes it but i don't think that's graphical20:28
jitaxangua, where is system monitor in 11.10 ?20:28
xanguajita: type it in the dash20:28
jitaxangua, nothing's tehre20:29
pangurI have ubuntu 11.10.  Is it possible to change to kde from my unity desktop?20:30
darkstar999jita: hit alt-F2 and type gnome-system-monitor20:30
darkstar999pangur: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:30
xanguapangur: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:30
xcyclistcelthunder:  Never mind.  I must have had an old, or the wrong syntax.  My apologies.20:31
dustwois someone able to help me? i'm getting this on http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/videogallery/index.html Here is the error: http://picpaste.com/pics/6a81f372eda4137e11acc90c68e0df71.1321993747.png20:31
darkstar999pangur: When it finishes installing, reboot. When you get to your login screen, click on the gear and select Kubuntu20:31
pangurthanks darkstar999 and xangua20:31
pangurexcellent, thanks.20:31
darkstar999(reboot may not be necessary)20:31
dustwois anyone experincing my problem?20:32
pangurBeing a windows migrant, reboot is not such a chore :)20:32
g443dustwo, I've seen that before20:32
g443it's a flash error20:32
dustwoho to fix?20:32
g443dustwo, tried a different browser?20:32
g443dustwo, or restarting the same one20:33
dustwog443: yes, always same error20:33
b0otDoes anyone know how to open an RTSP video stream's data without trying to play it?20:35
dustwono one else experienced something like this? http://picpaste.com/pics/6a81f372eda4137e11acc90c68e0df71.1321993747.png20:36
TheFuzzballHi, does anyone know how to get fglrx working for a ATI FireGL under 11.1020:36
g443dustwo, how about killing flash? 'killall plugin-container'20:36
dustwog443: no way if i reaload i get the same20:37
Escherialhey, kind of a silly question, but does anyone know of a nice scp client for linux that's kind of like winscp?20:37
g443Escherial, filezilla20:38
Escherialg443: ah, thank you :)20:38
darkstar999Escherial: what are you connecting to? SFTP?20:38
darkstar999or literally SCP?20:38
g443dustwo, cleared your cache?20:39
dustwog443: yep same error on firefox or chrome20:39
Escherialdarkstar999: sftp, i believe20:39
clear`i am having wireless issues, my wireless connection dies after 1-2 mins of use20:39
clear`ubuntu 10.1020:39
Escheriali figured that scp clients generally handle both, which is why i asked like that...20:39
darkstar999Escherial: you can just SFTP from nautilus, the file browser. hit Ctrl-l to see the location field, then type sftp://user@server.com20:40
g443dustwo, you may need to upgrade your version of flash20:40
darkstar999Escherial: and hit F3 to get a second file browser pane20:41
dustwog443: i am on  11.120:42
Escherialdarkstar999: right, i was aware that you could do that, but something felt funny about it...didn't know about the f3 trick, though, thanks :)20:42
darkstar999dustwo: to be pedantic, you are on 11.10, not 11.1  ;-)20:43
Socky_How do you tell which version of a program you have it you cant do app --version20:44
dustwodarkstar999: i mean flash player version20:44
bekksdpkg -l | grep app20:44
g443well dustwo, this is a flash problem http://getsatisfaction.com/chesscube/topics/rsl_error20:45
Socky_cool thanks!20:45
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:45
dustwog443: so no solution?20:46
tito_como estan20:46
dustwog443: and why you does not experince this problem?20:46
Ahmuckcomo estas?20:46
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tito_estoy en argentina20:47
Ghost1227xangua: that kinda worked... but now i can't get into pidgin's settings... conversation menus show up, but even with all but the buddy list closed, the main app menu won't20:47
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CharminTheMooseHey all, I'm running ubuntu on a flash drive and running a 2.6.38 kernel. I've noticed that flush-8:0 is called at irregular intervals along with kjournald. Is it possible for me to limit when the journal is written and when data is flushed?20:48
xanguaGhost1227: clic on the envelope icon, clic on pidgin20:48
Ghost1227that brings up the buddy list itself, but not the menu20:49
zykotick9CharminTheMoose, next time, consider using ext2 instead... no idea about your ext3 question... good luck.20:49
g443dustwo, flash is strange like that. The only solution at http://forums.adobe.com/thread/258374 seems to be reinstalling flash20:49
g443dustwo, can you access http://video.nasa.gov/core-dl/423/0/593/355693821/1621/423/1216/33acdd80c636cbdd86038569a2bdcd2f.mp4 ?20:50
zykotick9g443, you are aware that that nasa link is to an mp4 right?  (not a flash video)20:51
g443zykotick9, it's the mp4 streamed via flash20:51
zykotick9g443, k - just checkin'20:51
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clear`i am having wireless issues, my wireless connection dies after 1-2 mins of use, ubuntu 10.10, realtek20:54
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e_tmartian this was the solution i found so you know... sudo tail -c 0 -f /var/log/auth.log i ran that on the target box and it fixxed..20:59
e_tmartian you might want to make a note of that21:00
e_tadios everyone21:00
squaregoldfishSuddenly, ltsp-update-image no longer does anything. Doesn't even give me an error. Don't recall any package updates recently. Any suggestions for things to try?21:01
deando I have to use a power supply for my midi keyboard or can I just plug it straight into my computer?21:03
martiane_t_: But that wouldn't do anything. That's just showing you the log contents21:04
jammavHelp me!21:06
JokesOnYou77what's up jammav?21:06
c_smithdean, that depends on how much the midi keyboads take, if it came with a power supply, I'd be willing to be a USB port doesn't provide enough power.21:06
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c_smith*how much power the midi keyboard takes21:07
deanc_smith, it didn't come with a power supply21:07
c_smithhmmm, then if it didn't it might work, did it come with a manual?21:07
c_smithmight say in there.21:08
jammavI run the command in terminal "sudo modprobe b43" once aganin, and never!21:08
OerHeksdean, i would say no, midi does not power any instrument.21:08
c_smithofc, I'm no expert at midi devices.21:08
deanOerHeks, so I'd need a power supply? none of mine seem to fit it21:08
OerHeksdean, use accucells i guess21:09
deanOerHeks, what's that?21:09
OerHekspowercells batteryhow do you call those metalic power things you put inside a machine ?21:12
PiciOerHeks: In english: "batteries"21:12
OerHeksthnx Pici21:13
qmanjr5Anyone have any problems sending mail via Hotmail with Evolution?21:22
Praxiso trying to make the switch to linux, one of the things I'm struggling with.  On my windows box I have SQL Server Mangement Studio Express, is there anything similar in the linux world? and no I don't want to run a VM just for that.21:25
moo-Praxi, phpMyAdmin for MySQL21:26
moo-Praxi, on MySQL.com there are some admin tools for MySQL21:26
moo-Praxi, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_database_tools21:27
Praxiphpmyadmin is just the web side though right?21:27
Praxiand I'm actually working with postgres atm :)21:27
PiciPraxi: Its a webapp for managing mysql.  phppgadmin also exists though.21:28
moo-then see #postgresql21:28
Praxiya I have seen those, and it is what I have right now, but not what I want.21:28
PraxiI saw an app like 6 months ago that was the spitting image, but now I can't find it for the life of me.21:29
AlanBellPraxi: there is pgadmin3 in the repos21:29
PiciPraxi: the description for pgadmin3 seems to fit what you want.21:29
PiciPraxi: `apt-cache search postgres admin` might bring up other relevant results too.21:29
Praxik will check it out21:30
Praxithe one I saw before wasn't specific to postgres, guy was showing me a connection to MSSQL and I think MySQL (might of been postgres for the second).  At the time I thought nothing of it21:30
Praxithanks for the input so far though, much appreciated21:31
robin0800! apper21:31
Praximoo- amazing page you linked there21:33
PraxiIf I can't find something I like there, I fail21:33
crankharderinstalling nagios3/nagios3-cgi didn't exactly set up the CGI files for me - do i have to do that manually?21:34
extra_desserthow can i execute scripts outside of the home folder on 10.04?21:37
zykotick9extra_dessert, what do you mean?  "sh foo.sh" or "./foo.sh" ?21:38
extra_dessertsomething like /a/folder/script.sh21:39
extra_dessertit wont let me execute anything outside of /home21:39
Praxiisn't that what sudo is for?21:39
extra_dessertlol sudo21:39
Praxisorry I'm new, just guessing extra_dessert :)21:39
* StepNjump windows has stopped responding21:39
extra_dessertexcept im trying to not give this app root access21:39
StepNjumpdoes it ever?21:40
Praxiahh did you give your script execute permissions to whoever you want to run it?21:40
Piciextra_dessert: That . in front of the path is important.21:40
extra_dessertits got execute on it, did chmod 75521:40
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extra_dessertthe . in front does nothing21:41
zykotick9extra_dessert, that means ONLY the owner can execute21:41
Piciextra_dessert: then assuming that you are the owner you should just be able to do: ./a/folder/script.sh21:41
Piciextra_dessert: Otherwise you should be assigning +x only, not changing the octal modes manually/21:41
extra_desserti forget about the +x...21:42
extra_dessertstill nothing21:42
extra_dessertsays permission denied21:43
truth63how can i encrypt a large file?21:43
donavan01anyone ever used ubuntu as a wireless router/repeater?21:43
extra_dessertdonavan01: you mean like connection sharing?21:43
ReikokuSo, Ubuntu is dark, nice, for some reason my gtk windows aren't -- not nice, how to change?21:43
ReikokuUnity* not Ubuntu21:44
zykotick9extra_dessert, is this on a FAT/NTFS partition by chance?21:44
glebihanextra_dessert, could you paste the output of "ls -l /a/folder/script.sh" and "file /a/folder/script.sh"21:44
zolgarFor 11.10 am I stuck with the Gnome desktop or is there a way I can install LXDE over it?21:45
truth63Does anyone know a way to encrypt a very large file?21:45
ReikokuSo, Ubuntu Unity is dark, nice, for some reason my gtk windows aren't -- not nice, how to change my gtk theme ASAP to a dark theme?21:45
donavan01extra_dessert sort of ... I have an old EEE PC I want to put together to act as a wireless router/repeater by adding another wifi adapter to it and make the WAN link wlan0 and the Access Point wlan1 both broadcasting on different channels21:45
zykotick9zolgar, just install lubuntu-desktop then select it from the login menu21:45
extra_dessertzykotick9: ext421:45
donavan01this way I can basically extend the range on my existng network21:45
zolgarzykotic9 : so just sudo apt-get lubuntu-dekstop ?21:46
zykotick9!tab > zolgar21:46
ubottuzolgar, please see my private message21:46
zykotick9zolgar, sure21:46
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extra_dessertglebihan: -rwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu production 2104 2009-10-01 01:53 /home/ubuntu/nex/nexuiz-linux-sdl.sh21:47
extra_dessertnex is a link to outside home21:47
extra_dessert/home/ubuntu/nex/nexuiz-linux-sdl.sh: POSIX shell script text executable21:48
donavan01oh wait better yet ... can I connect to a wifi connection from my netbook and route the packets to my eth0 and then just connect one of the wifi routers I have laying around21:48
auronandaceextra_dessert: why haven't you installed nexuiz from the repos (like you're supposed to)21:48
extra_dessertive done that before with networkmanager donavan01, as far as sharing the wifi with the ethernet21:49
auronandace!info nexuiz | extra_dessert21:49
extra_dessertmethod: shared to toher computers in the ethernet adapter setting in network manager21:49
ubottuextra_dessert: nexuiz (source: nexuiz): A fast-paced 3D first-person shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-5 (oneiric), package size 831 kB, installed size 2056 kB21:49
extra_dessertauronandace: im trying to run unofficial builds, other wise i installe dit from repos21:50
extra_dessertand lols at bot..did it not catch im running 10.04 not 11.10 unity shit21:51
PauluntuI wonder if ubuntu will ever reclaim number 1 rank :-( sucks that unity has screwed ubuntu so much21:51
glebihanextra_dessert, are you sure the error message comes from executing the nexuiz-linux-sdl.sh file itself and not from some command inside that file ?21:51
auronandace!info nexuiz lucid | extra_dessert21:51
tobehello! i need help. (first my mic wasnt working) now i can hear myself but i cant turn it off and the applications i want to use my mic with wont detect it. any help please turning off my mic from my speakers?21:51
ubottuextra_dessert: nexuiz (source: nexuiz): A fast-paced 3D first-person shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-2build1 (lucid), package size 784 kB, installed size 1936 kB21:51
donavan01extra_dessert just to be clear I can for from an Access Point to my wlan0 routered to eth0 and then connect that to any old wireless router and I will have no connection issues once I get the routing tables down21:51
pangolin!language | extra_dessert21:51
ubottuextra_dessert: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:51
Guest73397what's the difference between nvidia-172 and nvidia-173-updates package?21:52
donavan01sorry about my typos21:52
ReikokuIs there a darker version of Ambiance available?21:52
extra_dessertglebihan: bash: /home/ubuntu/nex/nexuiz-linux-sdl.sh: Permission denied21:52
ReikokuI want dark menubars/tabs on my terminals21:52
Guest73397nvidia-173 and nvidia-173-updates21:52
darkstar999extra_dessert: have you tried sudo?21:52
jpricehey people21:52
jpricei feel retarded21:52
extra_dessertyep donavan01 works for me, never did the iptables route though21:52
jpricesubstr for c??21:52
FloodBot1jprice: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:53
ZtaHow do I move the applications and icons in the system tray?21:53
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jpricesubstr(from, start, end21:53
ZtaI want to change the order21:53
darkstar999jprice: there are better channels for that question21:53
extra_dessertdarkstar999: same error21:53
truth63How do i encrypt large files?21:53
donavan01extra_dessert thats probably all done byt the manager automatically21:53
ReikokuIs there a darker version of Ambiance available? I want dark menubars and tabs... really wish somebody would respond, surely someone has replaced Ambiance on Unity and knows how to do so21:53
lindajprice: What window manager are you using?21:53
extra_dessertidk why if you just want to repeat a wireless signal or something with another router, you could try custom firmware for the router21:54
glebihanextra_dessert, and do you still get the same error when running "sh /home/ubuntu/nex/nexuiz-linux-sdl.sh" ?21:54
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tobenow i cant hear anything...21:55
zykotick9!info gnupg | truth63 one option is -21:55
ubottutruth63 one option is -: gnupg (source: gnupg): GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement. In component main, is important. Version 1.4.11-3ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 730 kB, installed size 1828 kB21:55
ReikokuIs there a darker version of Ambiance available? I want dark menubars and tabs... really wish somebody would respond, surely someone has replaced Ambiance on Unity and knows how to do so21:55
zykotick9!repeat | Reikoku21:55
ubottuReikoku: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:55
auronandacetobe: sometimes that can be called peace21:55
extra_dessertglebihan: with sh now it denies permission on the executable21:55
ReikokuI have gtk2 based programs installed, do they use the gtk3 theme? Really want some help onn this ASAP21:56
tobelol...auronandace: gee thanks21:56
extra_dessertwhich is weird cause i set the whole folder to 77521:56
lindatobe: Are you trying to say that your system produces no autio?21:57
glebihanextra_dessert, how does it behave if you run the script directly without using your symlink21:57
auronandacetobe: checked alsamixer to see if the channels are muted?21:57
zykotick9extra_dessert, perhaps try "sh -v /path/foo.sh" to get some more output21:57
robin0800Reikoku: install gnome-tweak-tool and gnome-themes-standard21:57
truth63zykotick9- is it a good tool only one revie?21:57
tobelinda: well certain things i hear and some i dont (this chat for instance i hear the ping.) my TeamSpeak i cannot. Myself on my micropphe i can always hear21:58
zykotick9!tab > truth6321:58
ubottutruth63, please see my private message21:58
extra_dessertglebihan: without the link if i put all the files in home it works fine21:58
Reikokurobin0800: Do my gtk2 apps use gtk3 themes?21:58
extra_dessertbut i dont want a huge home folder21:58
glebihanextra_dessert, that's not what I meant21:58
zykotick9truth63, not sure - haven't used it in years (and only very briefly, i'm not much into encryption)21:58
tobeauronandace: i checked that but not really sure what to do. what im trying to do is get my mic to work but everything i do doesnt work21:59
glebihanextra_dessert, what is you execute directly the files in there current location (without using the symlink in your home)21:59
extra_dessertah the file location i put in /opt/nex25322:00
ReikokuI changed my gtk theme, but Thunderbird and geany haven't taken on the new look -_- How do I make their menus etc dark?22:01
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Reikokurobin0800: Geany and Thunderbird have totally ignored the new theme and gone to a Windows-like grey 3d look22:03
GeneralcamoHow do I install new GNOME themes in GNOME in Ubuntu?22:03
GeneralcamoFor firefox, how do I use the awesome bar in Unity?22:04
_Rod2kI don't want to start a new flood war but I just don't get it..What's the cool thing about Unity?22:06
PessimismVery basic question: How and where do I access my .ssh folder?22:06
ReikokuHoping somebody knows how I can theme old gtk2 apps like Firefox, Thunderbird and Geany in 11.10... really hoping someone can help me before bed.22:06
GeneralcamoI think it sucks, as I can't use firefox's awesomebar!22:06
_Rod2kIt's being talked about it...actually its being taked a lot @omgubuntu.co.uk22:07
GSF1200S_Rod2k, there is nothing good about Unity22:07
zykotick9Pessimism, "cd ~/.ssh"22:07
auronandacePessimism: it is in your /home/username/ folder (you need to enable viewing hidden files/folders)22:07
PessimismWhere do I do that, auronandace?22:07
PessimismI don't even know how to use the file browser, so this is Ubuntu 101.22:08
ubottuError: Ubuntu bug 101 could not be found22:08
extra_dessertPessimism: under your home foler22:08
zykotick9Pessimism, ctrl+h22:08
ok_waithi all, i'm having trouble setting up a usb wireless network device on a debian based laptop. the module is rt2500usb and the output from lsmod | grep usb is http://pastie.org/2905797 the device doesn't show up in the network manager and modprobe rt2500usb returned no output. any ideas how to get this working?22:08
auronandacePessimism: in gnome/unity, i wouldn't know; in xfce (thunar) it is under the view menu22:08
skutr34Hi. I am trying to install Ubuntu 11.10 from USB and am getting: Unable to find medium with live filesystem. Please help.22:08
skutr34auronandace: it's like nautlius or something in GNOME22:09
Pessimismctrl+h just activates search.22:09
zykotick9ok_wait, asking for debian support in #ubuntu funny - "/join #debian"22:09
zykotick9Pessimism, sorry - that's the gnome2 method, not sure for unity/gnome322:09
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PessimismWell, just for the time being, using the terminal, how would I go into ~/.ssh and open a particular file using the text editor?22:10
skutr34I am getting: Unable to find medium with live filesystem, when trying to install Ubuntu 11.10 from USB... I don't know what to do....22:10
auronandacePessimism: like zykotick9 said earlier: cd ~/.ssh22:11
nux_hi guys! can someone help me with my pulseaudio trouble please?22:11
zykotick9skutr34, how did you create the USB?  Did you just cat/dd the iso to it?22:11
auronandacePessimism: then: nano nameoffile22:11
_Rod2kOk so let me get straight to it. Ubuntu for cellphones. Now, I know Canonical uses to release things to the public sometime before it even gets to the public eg. Alpha/beta versions; I just wonder whether my Nokia cellphone running SYMBIAN O.S. 9.4 will be compatible or if there is an earlier version of it already available so I can give it a try. Anyone knows something about this?22:11
skutr34zykotick9: I am on Windows and used Universal-USB-Installer22:12
bekks_Rod2k: AFAIK there is no "Ubuntu for Cellphones" at all.22:12
zykotick9skutr34, ok - i can't help - good luck.22:12
celthunderbekks: sure there is22:12
corinthIs there any way to change which monitor the unity bar appears on?22:12
Pessimismthanks, all22:12
celthunder_Rod2k: your best bet is to look at xda-developers22:12
Pauluntuubuntu for cellphones isn't that what they trying to do in 201422:12
skutr34zykotick9: I don't know if it has anything to do with the fact that I am using a USB Micro SD reader...22:13
bekkscelthunder: do you have some link for me?22:13
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zykotick9skutr34, probably not.  You did use a LiveCD and not an alternate/server one right?22:13
_Rod2kAre you serious that none one of you have heard of U 4 cellphones just yet? o_O22:13
celthunderbekks: look on the xda-developers forums plenty of phones have ubuntu ported to them the evo the evo3d i believe the hero and several others22:13
skutr34zykotick9: Yeah22:13
skutr34zykotick9: I have also tried booting from a CD and I think that something is wrong with my disc drive22:14
celthunder_Rod2k: did you check xda for your phone ? usually if your phone has any following someone has a port of it22:14
GardllokTo my understanding, EasyPeasy is some form of ubuntu and I have a question: Do programs like Calibre (open source ereader) run on EasyPeasy?22:14
zykotick9Gardllok, probably, but EasyPeasy isn't supported here.22:14
zykotick9skutr34, did you MD5 check your ISO image?22:15
skutr34zykotick9: No, I did not.22:15
zykotick9!md5 | skutr3422:15
ubottuskutr34: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:15
Gardllokzykotick9, kk ty...the program does work on ubuntu for sure though, correct?22:16
lindaGardllok: /join #easypeasy22:16
ReikokuHoping somebody knows how I can theme old gtk2 apps like Firefox, Thunderbird and Geany in 11.10... really hoping someone can help me before bed.22:16
auronandace!info calibre | Gardllok22:16
ubottuGardllok: calibre (source: calibre): e-book converter and library management. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.8+dfsg-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 11590 kB, installed size 28832 kB22:17
zykotick9Gardllok, i've used Calibre on debian/ubuntu before yes22:17
Gardllokthank you22:17
_Rod2kOK, celthunder I'm lookiing for more information there. If your interested, take a look at this http://tinyurl.com/3ofrcsz22:17
_Rod2kbekks, http://tinyurl.com/3ofrcsz22:18
MeQuerSatskutr34, in linux you can do a simple "md5sum <file>"22:18
MeQuerSatskutr34, in windows you can use something like Hashcalc or md5summer22:18
skutr34MeQuerSat: Thanks :)22:18
bekksReikoku: Looks like Unity - doesnt necessarily need to run on a cell phone.22:19
zykotick9!md5sums | skutr34 in case you needed the sums22:19
ubottuskutr34 in case you needed the sums: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.22:19
bekks_Rod2k: Looks like Unity - doesnt necessarily need to run on a cell phone.22:19
nux_i have the problem, that 11.10 only supports pavucontrol, which freezes flash videos. padevchooser doesn't do that, but it's not available on 11.1022:20
skutr34UNetBootin appears to be getting stuck Extracting files to the device22:20
MeQuerSatskutr34, stuck or you just didnt wait long enough? :P22:21
corinthIs there a way to change what monitor the unity panel appears on?22:21
skutr34MeQuerSat I think it's stuck22:21
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_Rod2kbekks Just to let you know..Something is rising inside Mark's head so indeed there IS a prospect that we shall see Linux running and it's not about Android this time. ;)22:22
JoniiAnyone know a good channel that could help me save as much as possible from a damaged hard drive(possibly making it work again). It reports an error and an OS that tries to boot from it doesn't get far before it crashes and the computer reboots. Ubuntu diagnostics tell me I should try repairing it, neither filesystem on it mounts22:22
MeQuerSatJonii, how is the drive hooked up?22:23
skutr34trying installation once more22:23
Jonii"hooked up"?22:24
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JoniiYou mean, how's it connected to the computer in question? It's the only device connected with an ide cable22:24
MeQuerSatCan you boot from a different drive?22:24
ZtaHow do I change the order of the applications and icons in the system tray?22:25
MeQuerSatIf you really need the data, best shot is to shutdown the pc and boot from a different device22:25
ZtaE.g. switch position of mail icon and battery icon22:25
maxohow can I read an mbox file?22:26
hdpbI recently reinstalled 11.10, and any time I visit facebook, the computer freezes. I had no issues prior. Any suggestions to diagnose?22:26
MeQuerSathdpb, using firefox?22:26
hdpbMeQuerSat: Yes22:26
MeQuerSathdpb, run this from the terminal "top"22:26
MeQuerSatand see if firefox uses 100% cpu22:27
hdpbMeQuerSat: define terminal "top"22:27
RiceKingHi all... just wondering if there is a x64 anti-virus for Ubuntu 11.1022:27
zykotick9!virus | RiceKing22:28
ubottuRiceKing: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus22:28
_Rod2kcelthunder Do you have any other website?22:28
MeQuerSatRiceKing, for checking a windows device you can use clamav22:28
MeQuerSathdpb, open the terminal22:28
RiceKingI use Linux at work, %98 of the PC's I connect to are Windows22:28
maxoRiceKing, clamav22:28
zykotick9RiceKing, are you worried about your GNU/Linux box, or the Windows boxes?22:29
teddiehm, i've always wondered about the danger of trjoans etc running under wine22:29
teddiecouldn't they steal data from the homedir?22:29
RiceKingClamaV does nto stay runnign while my machine is up.  It only runs when I start it.  I need real time AV22:29
MeQuerSatRiceKing, the gui would be called "clamtk"22:29
z0nedis there a way to chmod a directory so that ALL files/folders that get created within it automatically have group write permissions? i tried a chmod 2775 -R on the parent dir, but then every once in awhile when rsync runs, any files/folders that it creates/updates no longer have "group write" permissions. getting very annoying to have to run chmod 2775 -R every single day.....22:29
MeQuerSathdpb, after you open the program terminal, you can type commands there22:29
RiceKingThe thing is that I am worry to infect our servers22:29
MeQuerSatin this case, type "top" and press enter22:29
RiceKingwith my machine22:29
RiceKingI am lucky they are trusting me to run Linux as the main OS22:30
zykotick9RiceKing, ubuntu can't really be infected (perhaps your wine install, but very unlikely it will get passed along)22:30
MeQuerSatteddie, you have to mark a program executable before being able to run it from wine22:30
RiceKingSome of our servers run Unix so I really don't want to cause an accident22:30
maxoI really don't agree with the message given by ubottu on not needing antivirus. Yes there are fewer viruses on Linux, but rootkits etc. are still a problem, and theoretically you could get a virus on linux22:31
MeQuerSatRiceKing, http://www.kaspersky.com/anti-virus_linux_workstation22:31
RiceKingYes, I also disagree but didn't want to start a fight over it22:31
RiceKingThanks for the link22:31
hdpbMeQuerSat: sorry. got dumped by my 2 year old.22:31
zykotick9maxo, RiceKing you're both obviously converts from windows...  just saying.22:32
RiceKingI get tons of people here in my department thinkign that Mac don't get virus22:32
teddieanyway, that's why I always rm -rf ~/.wine after use22:32
RiceKingI also use Windows22:32
teddiei suppose system dlls could be replaced with infected copies22:32
RiceKingI have used Linux for many years but never bother but since I am running this at work I want to be careful22:32
zykotick9teddie, but even in wine most viruses/malware fail to run properly22:32
maxoRiceKing, you probably also want to look at other areas like making sure you're patched etc. Higher-level stuff like Apache is generally more vulnerable than lower-level stuff22:32
hdpbMeQuerSat: Have terminal up...22:32
MeQuerSatRiceKing, take a look at the link I pasted ;)22:32
MeQuerSathdpb, now type in "top"22:33
RiceKingI will thanks22:33
MeQuerSathdpb, and press enter22:33
tbruff13someone help i broke my system22:34
bart_Thank you to ALL developpers of the new UBUNTU 11.1022:34
tbruff13help please22:34
zykotick9!details | tbruff1322:34
ubottutbruff13: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:34
bart_I'am so pleased to see how good the current version is22:34
MeQuerSattbruff13, describe the problem22:34
MeQuerSatbart_, I was suprised too :)22:34
bart_anyway, however i'am not a developper I want to thank all of you22:36
perlsteinhey folks, i'm getting this error: "subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 127" from apt-get install22:37
teddiewhat big changes are in 11.10?22:37
perlsteinhow can i view the script that run?22:37
* teddie is still using 10.10.. wishes ubuntu used a rolling release :-[22:37
perlsteinteddie: 11.10 ships with microsoft office22:37
MeQuerSatperlstein, did you try a "apt-get install -f" already?22:37
orkesterhello all22:38
perlsteini just did22:38
perlsteinand it gave the same error22:38
perlsteinhow can i view the script running?22:38
perlsteinor at least its output?22:38
ka1serI am trying emesene 2.11.11 but I can't set the proxy for msn protocol... I click on preferences button but I dont get a proxy option... any idea on how to set up the proxy?22:39
orkesterdoes anyone know when to expect power issues to be fixed in 11.10?  I've reverted to 11.04 classic over the high usage issue22:39
zykotick9perlstein, if i where you, i'd search on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs for the package you are installing, and see if anyone's reported issues.22:40
perlsteini'm a programmer22:40
perlsteini could probably fix this myself if someone could tell me how to view the darn install script22:40
perlsteinor its output22:40
MeQuerSatperlstein, man apt-get ?22:40
MeQuerSatcheck what the --verbose option can do22:40
perlsteinnothing, there's no option :D22:41
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hdpbMeQuerSat: it jumped when it loaded, but doesn't ever seem to eat CPU.22:41
* reisio is a one22:42
MeQuerSathdpb, what exactly happens? does the page hang, or the whole browser? etc22:42
* MeQuerSat is a one too22:42
seccundamassy page22:42
reisioseccunda: hwo?22:42
hdpbMeQuerSat: everything hangs. no Unity, screen grays (or greys) out.22:43
seccundaive got oscam server on ubuntu22:43
maxohdbp: try running Firefox in safe mode. In a terminal type:    firefox -safe-mode22:43
hdpbMeQuerSat: had the same issue last night before it updated to FF8, and tried 8 today with the same issue22:43
MeQuerSathdpb, and it does not happen on other sites?22:44
Piciseccunda: Please ask your question in the form of a question.22:44
MeQuerSathdpb, do you have flash installed?22:44
hdpbI haven't noticed it.22:44
soreauperlstein: Don't tell people ubuntu ships with microsoft office because that is absolutely false22:44
MeQuerSatsoreau, I think everyone got that thats a joke ;)22:44
seccundathere isnt my question22:44
soreauMeQuerSat: In the official support channel, it's not22:45
hdpbMeQuerSat: Yes. Is there a way to tell if it's accessing swap or not?22:45
zykotick9seccunda, is english your native language?  There are ubuntu support channels in many languages.22:45
javier_fajHi! someone knows the channel for virtualbox? thanks!22:45
maxosoreau, you mean it doesn't?22:45
Picijavier_faj: #vbox22:45
seccundayeh sorry man is english22:46
LinuzoAnyway to get rid of unity in 11.10?22:46
LinuzoI want old gnome back22:46
seccundawhere can i find about oscam server22:46
MeQuerSat hdpb you mean the swap file?22:46
reisiojavier_faj: FFR: /msg alis list *virtual*box*22:46
seccundaneed some help with smartreader22:46
Pici!notunity | Linuzo22:46
ubottuLinuzo: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:46
hdpbMeQuerSat: partition, but yes...22:46
MeQuerSathdpb, you can execute "free -m" in the terminal22:46
KoolvinHey, how can I uninstall apache2 completely?22:47
LinuzoWhat functionality do I lose?22:47
KoolvinSomeone deleted /etc/apache222:47
javier_fajreisio: sorry, how do I enter there? is it an IRC channel?22:47
MeQuerSatKoolvin, did you uninstall apache from apt-get already?22:47
teddiesudo apt-get install gnome-panel22:47
LinuzoPici, Thank you22:48
MeQuerSatKoolvin, and whats the reason you want it uninstalled completely?22:48
KoolvinApache2 isn't remaking the /etc/apache2 config files22:48
KoolvinBecause it's broken without the config files22:48
MeQuerSatKoolvin, you can uninstall it by doing "apt-get remove --purge <package>"22:48
KoolvinI want to uninstall and reinstall fresh22:48
MeQuerSatand then reinstall22:48
MeQuerSat--purge makes it remove all config files22:48
hdpbMeQuerSat: guessing it showing "0" for total swap would be a bad sign... Easy way to  help it see swap without reinstall?22:48
JoniiIf no one knows any other channels where I could ask about my hard drive and broken file system and data recovery, maybe someone could tell me why's a partition not mounting but gparted is not finding any problem with the device?22:48
JoniiOr the file system, for that matter22:49
reisioJonii: start from the beginning22:49
KoolvinDidn't work MeQuerSat22:49
MeQuerSathdpb, you have no swap partition?22:49
KoolvinInstalled without creating the new configuration files22:49
MeQuerSathdpb, you can do a sudo swapoff -a22:50
teddiedamn, gnome2 cannot be installed at all anymore ? :[22:50
MeQuerSatand sudo swapon -a22:50
teddieand 10.10 support dies in 6 months! i'll have to say goodbye :'(22:50
MeQuerSatteddie, Gnome Shell is actually pretty good22:50
Joniireisio: I try to use an old hdd of mine to install ubuntu on it. I thought I could also save any old data on the disk. Unfortunately, neither partitions on my old disk mount, the old C: partition reports an error with the filesystem(one cluster missing somehow), the other does not report any errors but doesn't mount.22:50
MonkeyDustteddie  there's MATE, but it's in the Mint repo's, try it in test environment, first, it works, i tried it22:50
JoniiI can get the old OS(windows) on that disk to boot up a bit, but it very quickly(you can barely see the windows logo and that loading screen flash by) the computer restarts22:51
teddieMonkeyDust, awesome!22:51
teddiei <3 gnome2, don't care for change for sake of change22:51
hdpbShould have a 2G swap... Shows in disk utility aslinux-swap.22:51
MeQuerSatJonii, like I said, hook the drive up as a secondary drive22:51
KoolvinMeQuerSat, any other ideas?22:51
MeQuerSatkoolvin, sorry no22:51
JoniiMeQuerSat: I didn't see you said that, but okay, thanks. Just one problem though: how do I do that?22:52
MeQuerSathdpb, what does it say under Device:22:52
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MeQuerSathdpb, it should say something like /dev/sda422:52
JoniiI don't understand this secondary device thing. Is that a hardware or software thing?22:53
MeQuerSatin that case you can do: sudo swapon /dev/sda622:53
JoniiSomething in between?22:53
szalJonii: secondary device?22:53
hdpbMeQuerSat: will that pick it up permanently at boot?22:53
JoniiLike, give me some terms I can google22:53
MeQuerSathdpb, no, you have to edit the file /etc/fstab     to do that22:53
mog422hum... I use laptop that inclueded Number key in keyboard. but When I typing the password, Ubuntu alert turned num lock key.22:54
reisiomog422: and?22:54
mog422how to turn off the number lock alert22:54
Joniiszal, yes22:54
szalJonii: what's that supposed to mean?22:54
zacariassomtimes some windows (like my sticky notes) hide themselves to the right of the desktop's visible area. The cursor also hides itself there if I move it on that direction. Any idea of how to solve this?22:54
MeQuerSathdpb, does it show your swap now if you run "free -m" ?22:55
Joniiszal, that's the thing, I have no idea22:55
MeQuerSatJonii, its not a hardware thing22:55
MeQuerSatyou have a hdd you boot your system from22:55
JoniiMeQuerSat told me to hook my hdd as a secondary drive, and I have no idea what that means22:56
MeQuerSatand the other (where the data is on) is hooked up too22:56
MeQuerSatbut you dont boot your system from that drive22:56
JoniiMeQuerSat: err, nope. I'm booting from an usb stick22:56
szalwell, MeQuerSat, what do you mean by that? :)22:56
airtonixi have a sdcard i encrypted with full disk encryption in palimpset, however after suspending, then removing the sdcard, then resuming, then re-inserting sdcard, I can not remount the sdcard : Error unlocking device: cryptsetup exited with exit code 239. bug report : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/48442922:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 484429 in cryptsetup (Ubuntu Maverick) "Plugging in a LUKS device causes the following error: Error unlocking device: cryptsetup exited with exit code 239: Command failed: Device already exists" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:56
MeQuerSatJonii, a thats great22:56
JoniiSo I only got this one broken hard drive, nothing else22:56
MeQuerSatJonii, youve got a ntfs partition on there22:57
MeQuerSatJonii, what else?22:57
JoniiMeQuerSat: two ntfs-partitions22:57
JoniiC: broken, D: not mounting22:57
szalthe only reliable way to check NTFS filesystems is from within Windows22:57
MeQuerSatJonii, what type of data do you want to retrieve?22:57
JoniiThat's the entire hdd. Nothing else in there22:57
MeQuerSatszal: not true22:57
JoniiMeQuerSat: dunno. I can't remember what was on that disk22:57
FusionXis there an official irc channel for linux mint?22:58
JoniiI'd just wanna browse it first22:58
szalMeQuerSat: note the stress on 'reliable'; I didn't say it's the only possible way22:58
hdpbMeQuerSat: Shows, but as you may have noticed by the lag, no effect when I tested facebook... Java related maybe?22:58
JoniiThere were some old documents somewhere in there, I remember I missed them greatly when my old computer crashed, but I can't quite remember what they were22:58
KoolvinHow can I regenerate the default apache2 config files?22:58
MeQuerSatJonii, take a look here: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk22:58
MonkeyDustJonii  you have more than one pc? if yes, try to ssh to the broken pc and browse the partitions22:58
MeQuerSatJonii, and here: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec22:59
JoniiMonkeyDust: I've got ubuntu on an USB stick, isn't that better?22:59
MeQuerSathdpb, remove java and see22:59
MonkeyDustJonii  whatever works22:59
MeQuerSatJonii, take a look at TestDisk22:59
MonkeyDustJonii  but more than one pc?23:00
MeQuerSatit does exactly what you want23:00
sysdocM Audio 1010 LT and 11.04, has anyone got the solution to getting the inputs to work? The old fix was the default.pa file which already has the correct lines...23:00
JoniiMonkeyDust: three now23:00
JoniiOne broken, two healthy ones23:00
szalJonii: easiest way: find someone w/ a Windows machine & hook that HDD up there, then check the filesystems by running 'chkdsk /f {insertDriveLetterHere}:'23:00
KoolvinHow can I regenerate the default apache2 config files?23:00
MeQuerSatyou can run chkdsk from gparted, szal23:00
MonkeyDustJonii  make sure there in the same network and then ssh user@[broken pc]23:00
szal!repeat | Koolvin23:00
ubottuKoolvin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:00
Joniiszal, actually, I've got Windows machine right here23:01
szalJonii: then off you go23:01
MonkeyDustthere = they're23:01
JoniiMonkeyDust: I'd have to set up some ssh server on that computer first, right?23:01
MeQuerSatKoolvin, go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=apache&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all23:01
MeQuerSatKoolvin, download the package that contains the config files23:01
MeQuerSatand copy the config files23:01
MonkeyDustJonii  that's not too complicated23:01
JoniiBut it wouldn't accomplish anything I couldn't do directly from that computer, right?23:02
cnz|skyrimwas linux mint cloned from ubuntu?23:02
MeQuerSatJonii, cant you just hook it up to the windows machine?23:02
MonkeyDustcnz|skyrim  not cloned, it's a fork23:02
JoniiMeQuerSat: yeah, I can. It's just that, it's this machine I'd have to boot23:03
szal!mint | cnz|skyrim23:03
ubottucnz|skyrim: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:03
szymon_ghow can i set a modal dialog windows as shown here http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/07/modal-dialogs-land-ubuntu-11-10/ :?23:03
MonkeyDustmint is "the same but different"23:03
JoniiOh well, I'll be going now ->23:03
szymon_gon ubuntu 11.10 of course :)23:03
MeQuerSatJonii, well then, do what I said and take a look at TestDisk23:03
hdpbMeQuerSat: disabled Java, but still didn't help.23:03
MonkeyDustJonii  if you had windows on the old pc, try rdesktop from within linux (over the network)23:04
MeQuerSathdpb, dont Control+Alt+Delete and delete the cache23:04
MeQuerSatcheck what you want to have refreshed23:04
hdpbMeQuerSat: CTRL+ALT+DLT asks to log out...23:06
MeQuerSatOh, haha23:06
MeQuerSatI meant Shift ofcourse23:06
MeQuerSatnot alt23:06
MeQuerSatsorry :p23:06
xfoxhey... how install tor in ubuntu 11.10 ?23:07
xfoxi was install, but it wasnt work23:08
MonkeyDustxfox  i think it's in the repo23:08
hdpbMeQuerSat: Never picked up that shortcut before. Thanks!23:08
jimOTSI have a program that calls printf on lines ending in "\n", which would normally flush the output buffer if the output is a tty23:09
xanguaxfox: torproyec.com it explains all there23:09
jimOTSBut I want to redirect the output to a named pipe without changing the flushing behavior23:09
xanguatorproyect.org *23:09
jimOTSand without changing the program23:09
MeQuerSatjimOTS, #bash23:09
arrrghhhsamba help anyone?  i have two computers on a LAN, both ubuntu.  both machines can see eachother, and one can connect to the other... but not the other way around23:10
arrrghhhufw is not running23:10
xfoxxanga:   i tryed it yet23:10
jimOTSMeQuerSat: Is that a better channel for this? Thanks.23:10
arrrghhhnmap shows ports open in both directions23:10
arrrghhhwhat am i missing!?!?23:10
MeQuerSatjimOTS, yes it is :)23:10
MonkeyDustarrrghhh  samba is for lin > win, not for ubuntu > ubuntu23:11
arrrghhhMonkeyDust, don't say that.  samba can be used for ubuntu to ubuntu as well.23:12
hdpbMeQuerSat: helped momentarily... but the froze again. Thanks for your help. Need to go make dinner for the kids... I'll check back in later23:12
arrrghhhi use it in my network, although i prefer NFS for the speed, most users prefer samba for the ease of use.23:12
arrrghhhanyone, please?  samba help?  i don't get why one computer works flawlessly, while the other can't connect23:14
arrrghhhsmbtree confirms.23:14
soreau! samba | arrrghhh23:14
ubottuarrrghhh: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:14
arrrghhhsoreau, i've gone thru those23:14
arrrghhhsamba is setup23:14
arrrghhhit works great in one direction23:14
arrrghhhdoesn't work in the other23:14
arrrghhhboth machines are setup the same (AFAIK)23:14
arrrghhhno firewall's are enabled23:15
arrrghhhon the machines23:15
FloodBot1arrrghhh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:15
arrrghhhoops, sorry23:15
reisioCIFS :D23:15
ubuntuhaving a prob installing ubuntu to a dell inspiron 1746. started installation with disk, set to use entire disk for ubuntu, process started then stopped. error cannot create ext4 filesystem. has happened four times back to back and now the notebook has no filesystem. anyone know whats going on or how to fix?23:16
gh0stAnyone know of a code collapse plugin for gedit?23:17
arrrghhhi'm really confused.  the machine that's having issues can "see" the far end, as in it sees the computer there.  but it fails to connect!?!?23:17
MeQuerSatgh0st, https://code.google.com/p/gedit-folding/updates/list23:17
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gh0stThis is embarrassing but where do the plugins go?23:21
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arrrghhhanyone?  samba?  I've looked at all the wiki's.  everything is setup "correctly".23:22
rebecca_hey guys23:22
MeQuerSatgh0st, https://live.gnome.org/Gedit/Plugins23:22
teddiearrrghhh, remove and try again? :P23:22
szymon_ghi rebecca_ :P23:22
MeQuerSatgh0st, see bottom of page23:22
arrrghhhteddie, what samba?23:22
rebecca_Hi I have something cool to show you! XD23:22
MeQuerSatrebecca_, dont say its friday23:23
rebecca_first, go to this site BUT ONLY ON FIREFOX23:23
darkstar999SPAM SPAM SPAM23:23
rebecca_then type in dom.max_script_run_time23:23
szymon_gdarkstar999, give her a chance (well... i hope it's female)23:23
arrrghhhrebecca_, please leave23:23
rebecca_and set to 2023:23
arrrghhhthis is #ubuntu support23:24
rebecca_I know23:24
darkstar999rebecca_: off topic23:24
rebecca_I am showing you support!23:24
MeQuerSatrebecca_, I havent seen anyone report an error ;)23:24
rebecca_just do this! about:config dom.max_script_run_time and set 2023:24
arrrghhhrebecca_, this is for asking for help with ubuntu.23:24
arrrghhhunless you have a question23:24
arrrghhhor are helping some23:25
FloodBot1arrrghhh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:25
rebecca_I know, but last time I was on lots of people were complaining about slow connection and script errors so I thought this would help ;)23:25
arrrghhhrebecca_, that's nice.23:25
rebecca_i will be right back23:26
darkstar999I will be waiting patiently........23:26
rebecca_oh also you can do it for chrome simply inputting dom.chrome_max_script_run_time and set to 20 but it should be auto set23:26
arrrghhhrebecca_, dont' just tell people to randomly put in crap, unless they have a problem.23:26
rebecca_No! I swear this is real I do it alot because me PC runs slowly because of its crappy script... BELIEVE ME23:27
rebecca_but javascript is the best you can get23:27
MeQuerSatNot everyone runs crappy scripts...23:27
rebecca_well mine does... hahaha23:27
rebecca_go ahead and try it23:28
darkstar999seriously rebecca_ join #ubuntu-offtopic23:28
SolarisBoy1your setting a global limit in chrome to other peoples scripts in your browser?23:28
arrrghhhFFS rebecca_.  don't tell people to put in radom crap unless they have an issue!!!23:28
MeQuerSat! language | arrrghhh23:29
ubottuarrrghhh: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:29
rebecca_oh, and if there's a prepage that says it will void your warranty, just click :ill be careful, i promise!" it only says that to target unexperienced users23:29
arrrghhhMeQuerSat, sorry i'm just sick of seeing crap like this, when i have a genuine issue and no one will help me.23:29
rebecca_I am NOT telling people to put in crap I am trying to help people with bad scripts23:29
arrrghhhrebecca_, please leave.23:29
MeQuerSatarrrghhh, just be patient23:29
SolarisBoy1dont go to sites that use bad scripts is probably a better solution23:29
MeQuerSatarrrghhh, Ive had issues people coudlnt/wouldnt want to help me with23:30
SolarisBoy1use lynx23:30
MeQuerSatarrrghhh, just google some more or try again another day23:30
rebecca_ be right back23:30
arrrghhhMeQuerSat, i'm a network admin by trade.  i can SEE the ports open in both directions.  this is maddening.  googling more is just futile at this point.23:31
SolarisBoy1arrrghhh: whats the issue?23:31
MeQuerSatarrrghhh, ports are not everything...23:31
rebecca_Oh! I have a question! I want to change the password for xUbuntu on my laptop, because I forgot it; not used it in awhile. I usually use Windows because I do a lot of research and you can't barely download anything on Linux to prevent virus infections, but when it comes to fast connection I always turn to Linux. So can you tell me if there is a way to recover a lost password without logging in on Ubuntu please?23:33
teddieyes, boot into recovery mode23:33
arrrghhhSolarisBoy1, basically i have two ubuntu machines on a LAN.  they are both setup with samba, both have some shares enabled.  both machines can "see" eachother, but one fails to connect to the other.  on the other side it works fine23:34
teddieand 'passwd user'23:34
xangua you can't barely download anything on Linux to prevent virus infections - you mean download windows virus¿23:34
rebecca_recovery mode?23:34
rebecca_ok thank you!23:34
teddieor whatever it's called, in the grub menu23:34
SolarisBoy1arrrghhh: i see. the one that can't see the other how have you tested the tofrom and vice versa traffic?23:34
iabosiwhere do I find the path to irssi sources?23:35
xanguarebecca_: yeah, it sucks windows virus don't infect gnu/linux ;)23:35
arrrghhhSolarisBoy1, well i nmapped from either site.  both sides have the same ports open.23:35
iabositrying to install xmpp irssi module23:35
darkstar999iabosi: the #irssi channel might be able to help you more23:35
rebecca_yeah haha!23:35
iabosiany help would be appreciated23:35
teddiexangua, be respectful and please use gnu/linux/debian/ubuntu23:35
iabosiwow great idea!23:35
SolarisBoy1arrrghhh: ok on each box are you able to scan the lan for shares and get the same output?23:36
darkstar999teddie: does RMS approve of that one?23:36
arrrghhhSolarisBoy1, well smbtree on the machine that "works" sees everything/all shares.23:36
SolarisBoy1arrrghhh: and does the one that doesn't provide some error or no?23:37
arrrghhhSolarisBoy1, smbtree on the machine that "fails" only sees the other computer.  it doesn't see any shares.23:37
SolarisBoy1ok how does testparm output look on the machine with "no shares"23:37
arrrghhhSolarisBoy1, yea.  cli_start_connection: failed to connect to USER-LAPTOP<20> (
SolarisBoy1arrrghhh: ok23:37
arrrghhhSolarisBoy1, looks identical to the other machine23:38
G4rb4I don't get it, why are you using a buggy reverse-engineered windows protocol to connect two linux machines?23:38
arrrghhhG4rb4, nfs is kinda complex, unless i setup fstab etc.23:38
SolarisBoy1arrrghhh: are they browseable etc on the machine with no shares? 'browseable=yes' in smb.conf?23:38
tim167hi, is it possible to grab video from my DV camera??23:38
teddiedarkstar999, i think x.org should be credited too23:39
darkstar999teddie: gnu/linux/xorg/debian/ubuntu ?23:39
teddieit rolls right off the tongue23:39
leo_BH_ubuntuenyone !23:39
SolarisBoy1arrrghhh: should the identical shares/configuration be true for each machine? if so have you tried to copy the files over and diff the smb.conf?23:40
iamweirdiecan somebody help me fix this plz? http://pastebin.com/KfNrTEJM23:40
rebecca_Also, on the camera monitor application, it only records half a millisecond of footage before it stops; is this due to low framerate, slow script, MB loss or anything else or is it meant to do that?23:41
arrrghhhSolarisBoy1, mind if i PM?23:41
SolarisBoy1arrrghhh: also check that your dns/name resolution is running and resolving properly and ensure that all the daemons are running that should be23:41
SolarisBoy1arrrghhh: no i dont23:41
arrrghhhthat's a good point23:41
tim167hi can anyone help me grab DV video from 1394?23:41
zykotick9tim167, check out Kino23:42
rebecca_can anyone tell me why Camera MOnitor only records half a millisecond of footage please???!!?!?!?23:42
darkstar999tim167: try this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Firewire#Capturing_Digital_Video_.28DV.29_over_Firewire23:42
tim167zykotick9: doesn't work, that's why I'm asking, i also tried kdenlive and dvgrab, none works, I also did all the modprobe 1394 stuff , no worky23:43
zykotick9tim167, did you try running kino with gksu?23:43
tim167zykotick9: yep, well sudo, not gksudo, but i guess that doesn't matter ?23:44
MeQuerSatfor graphical programs you should use gksu or gksudo23:45
aj00200should I have a /boot/grub/menu.list file?23:45
MeQuerSatsudo is for use with the commandline interface23:45
iamweirdiecan some1 help me fix my plugins please? http://pastebin.com/KfNrTEJM23:45
zykotick9tim167, well, it does - but for an unrelated reason.  DON'T use sudo with GUI apps23:45
xixorhowdy, does anyone here happen to know if it is possible to get konsole to display with a transparent background in non-KDE window managers?  xmonad for example?  Cheers23:45
tim167zykotick9: Kino uses dvgrab I understand, and when i tried in Kino it DID grab something, but only one every 10 frames or so, with dvgrab alone it says "Error: no HDV. Try again before giving up"23:46
xanguaxixor: transparent sounds like it needs hardware acceleration23:46
gh0stI copied and pasted the folding.gedit-plugin into my /usr/share/gedit-2/plugins folder, restarted gedit and I don't see folding in my gedit Preferences -> Plugins list. What am I doing wrong?23:46
zykotick9tim167, what's your process speed?23:46
tim167zykotick9: fast enough, it was working fine when this machine was running Windows, and using Sony Vegas to capture HDV video23:47
tim167zykotick9: so it's not processor speed that's the problem, and the camera is detected by at least Kino, also the controls work, the camera is activated and starts playing when I run dvgrab, but as I said it doesn't grab anything but says "Error: no HDV. Try again before giving up" instead23:49
xixorxangua: Yes, I have the Xorg composite extension enabled, OpenGL direct rendering is enabled, if I run KDE then konsole transparency works fine, I have xcompmgr running in the background, but konsole transparency doesn't work outside of KDE23:49
linda"Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode"?23:50
ShadwReevrSo 11.10 can't connect to DNS besides *.local, or ips. What would cause this?23:50
WicetPerhaps #ubuntu would result in an answer which the offtopic did not. What is the GPU situation with Ubuntu regarding somewhat higher number of displays (6+)? I'm under the impression that nVidia is unable to run such a high number of screens with two cards (the limit being two per card) and ATI still having some driver issues in Ubuntu - what would be the smartest GPU-setup for Ubuntu with 6+ dis23:50
Wicetwith 6+ displays?*23:50
reisioWicet: ...having enough cards to support them?23:50
|Long|hi, i got stuck at NX server is disable in /usr/nx/etc/node.cfg, it does not boot to GUI, how can i fix this pls help?23:51
lindaAfter half hour or so, I get error:  "Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode"  and the only thing that seems to fix it is to reboot.23:51
gh0stMy mistake, I found out what's wrong!23:51
WicetI was hoping to manage with two cards23:51
lindaIntel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset23:52
ShadwReevrSo 11.10 can't connect to ips or DNS besides *.local. What would cause this?23:52
lindaOS=Ubuntu 10.0423:52
lindaFresh install23:52
lindaAny clues?23:52
G4rb4linda, 10.04 is 3 releases ago23:53
reisiolinda: clues about what23:53
ShadwReevrSo 11.10 can't connect to ips or DNS besides *.local. What would cause this? tried ping and traceroute, both fail23:53
gh0stI put the folding in the right directory now but it's grayed out in my "Plugins" window and I can't select it.23:54
xanguaG4rb4: and it's LTS23:54
|Long|anyone can help plz?23:54
lindaIt says,  "Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode" "Your screen graphics card and input device settings could not be detected correctly.  You will need to configure them yourself.23:54
lindaG4rb4: 10.04 is LTS23:54
gh0stDo I have to chmod it?23:54
xangua!repeat | ShadwReevr23:54
ubottuShadwReevr: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:54
ShadwReevrxangua: I did before coming here23:54
SolarisBoy1ShadwReevr: check your resolver configuration.23:54
ShadwReevrits the  same as an identical box that has no issues23:55
SolarisBoy1did you check all the related files?23:55
lindaG4rb4: Ubuntu 10.04 is current LTS, see:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS23:55
SolarisBoy1like nsswitch.conf?23:55
SolarisBoy1and see which order your resolver is working?23:55
ShadwReevrwhere is nsswitch.conf?23:55
SolarisBoy1/etc/ .23:55
rAdoActiv3welcome chanserver i how u have a happy and productive live23:56
SolarisBoy1try that. `grep hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf`23:56
lindareisio:  Do you need any more information?  If so, what>?23:56
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ShadwReevrSolarisBoy1: they are identical23:57
G4rb4linda, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes23:57
SolarisBoy1ShadwReevr: what is the first entry in the hosts array for each?23:57
ShadwReevrSolarisBoy1: hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns423:58
xixorhuh, interesting: gdm3 will load ~/.xsessionrc, not ~/.xsession... wierd.23:58
SolarisBoy1ShadwReevr: ok fine. and in your /etc/hosts file you have your 'lan ip->hostname' pair on a seperate line than your 'loopback->localhost.local' line && in your /etc/resolv.conf you have nothing odd for domain or search no?23:59
SolarisBoy1ShadwReevr: on each.23:59

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