[05:04] Since upstart apparently is now default in CentOS 6 (RHEL6) how does one make the autologin with only on one TTY? [05:58] Never mind, figured it out on me own. [13:35] I'm trying to get something working with upstart and I currently have a situation where "initctl status foo" responds with "foo stop/killed, process 3574" [13:35] Yet, there is no process 3574, and I seem to be stuck there. [13:37] (I think the situation was caused by a mistaken "expect" stanza.) [13:38] lucs: more than likely. Take a read of the newly updated section in the cookbook - http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#expect. [13:38] lucs: also note the golden rule - don't use "respawn" until you are sure you have correctly specified "expect". [13:39] jhunt: Yes, thanks, I'm there already (re. the cookbook). [13:39] Right now, I'm wondering how I can get back to a "clean" state. [13:40] lucs: if initctl / status is hanging, control-C it. If it's not actually hanging, but is reporting incorrect information, I'm afraid you'll have to reboot to get Upstart to clear its knowledge of that job. What you *can* do if you're on a dev box is to copy the .conf file to a new name and "try again". [13:41] lucs: we're going to be looking into this issue for this (Ubuntu) cycle. It's quite a hard problem to solve though unfortunately. [13:41] jhunt: Ah, I was kind of afraid I'd need to reboot, but there it is :) [13:42] Yeah, it's a dev machine, so I can experiment all I want. [13:42] lucs: well, unfortunately, Upstart is powerless in this scenario right now as if the expect stanza is mis-specified there is no reasonable error recovery it can perform. [13:42] Oh, copying the .conf and retrying is a good idea, thanks. [13:43] jhunt: Ok, thanks for the info. [13:43] lucs: np. [15:11] (Note to self: in "script" sections, don't declare environment variables with "env", unless you want to waste _a lot_ of time :-/ ) [15:14] lucs: ah! :) http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#init-checkconf is your friend [15:15] lucs: actually, that wouldn't have helped as of course 'env' *is* valid in shell, but not in the context you were using it in. [15:32] jhunt: By the way, all my problems went away when I got rid of the faulty 'env's. [15:33] lucs: I'd be interested to see your .conf. Certainly sounds like a script process was aborting but Upstart was attempting to "follow forks" still. [15:35] jhunt: I have many failing variations, basically all with "script \n env FOO=some_command args... \n exec $FOO \n end script". [15:52] (sorry, was talking to a cow-orker). [15:53] So FOO was empty, and a plain 'exec' was being done (I suppose). [16:02] Time for a reboot. [16:02] jhunt: Thanks again. [16:03] lucs: thanks for the info. I'll ponder this for future cookbook updates. [16:09] upstart++ [16:09] jhunt: Nice cookbook too. [16:10] lucs: still lots to add when time allows :) [16:10] :)