
Unit193I'm sure it's pointless to say, but "Quick Links" also goes over on FF10 (New website, FAQ page)00:42
* pleia2 has a look00:42
Unit193I'm slowly reading the backlog, but that was already talked about a little00:43
knomeit's fixed in my local stylesheet00:45
Unit193Don't shoot me, but would it also help to have a "How does Xubuntu differ from Lubuntu?" (I've seen this a little, but I don't remember what channel :( )00:59
knomei don't think we need that if we specify what xubuntu is and how does it differ from ubuntu well enough01:01
knomewe can quickly mention the other derivatives too, but imo, they should define themself how they differ from ubuntu01:01
Unit193Kk, I'll just read it silently now :)01:02
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PjotrHello, I have a feature request for Xubuntu 12.04. It's in this bug report:18:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 893718 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu should have less icons on the desktop" [Undecided,New]18:56
PjotrI've filed it against xfdesktop4, but I'm not sure whether that's the right package.18:57
PjotrWhat do you think?18:59
Pjotrmr_pouit: thanks, I'll change it. :-)19:01
Pjotrmr_pouit: and what do you think about the feature request itself?19:01
mr_pouitI never use the desktop, so I don't have any strong opinion (but with your settings, usb keys mounted  won't show)19:03
Pjotrthat's correct, but that is no problem: Thunar opens automatically with the contents of the USB stick anyway. No need for a desktop icon...19:05
PjotrI've added the USB stick issue to the bug description... 19:12
cody-somervilleknome, Hi. just wanted to let you know I got your e-mail the other day. I'll be sure to get around to it before I go on vacation this Thursday.20:08
ochosiknome: hm, now that canonical has decided to drop banshee in favor of rhythmbox again i think we probably shouldn't follow their example. it will just make us look as "flipping" as they are22:19
micahgochosi: there's still a work item to reevaluate at the last alpha22:57
ochosimicahg: i know, i was just saying what i think. knome's the mighty PL anyway ;)23:03
* micahg thinks we should do a proper evaluation and do what's best, IMHO flipping on something is changing a core value, not making an appropriate decision based on current facts23:04
ochosii agree with you in general, i just think that a lts-release (yeah i know, for xubuntu you can discuss whether it really is lts, but still the core ubuntu packages stay maintained) is maybe not the ideal timing. but anyway, i'm looking forward to proper application evaluations again, we haven't had them since 2 years or so23:07
micahgwell, all the more reason to do a proper evaluation and look at what the LTS user would want23:08
ochosiyeah, you're probably right.23:11

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