
w30I am looking for the command that runs when you click suspend? Any one know or know how to find it?00:13
w30If I type pm-suspend it wants sudo or root ; how can user supend from the command line?01:04
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jmcantrellis it normal that new window placement should be offset some from the left?03:22
chaudhryhey guys i have p-iv and 512 MB ram and a 64MB integrated video.i installed xubuntu 11.10 on my pc dual booting with xp.when no process is open my sytem rests at following cpu 4% ram 30% and swap 1%.but with chrome open it rests at 24% ram 45% and swap 5% but the system still gets slow(even if ubunu software center is open) and it donot play any video only audio.03:47
chaudhryany one help?03:49
chaudhryhey guys i have p-iv and 512 MB ram and a 64MB integrated video.i installed xubuntu 11.10 on my pc dual booting with xp.when no process is open my sytem rests at following cpu 4% ram 30% and swap 1%.but with chrome open it rests at 24% ram 45% and swap 5% but the system still gets slow(even if ubunu software center is open) and it donot play any video only audio.03:55
chaudhryhey guys i have p-iv and 512 MB ram and a 64MB integrated video.i installed xubuntu 11.10 on my pc dual booting with xp.when no process is open my sytem rests at following cpu 4% ram 30% and swap 1%.but with chrome open it rests at 24% ram 45% and swap 5% but the system still gets slow(even if ubunu software center is open) and it donot play any video only audio.04:17
w30chaudhry, you are not giving out much information to have someone help you, Run htop and look at individual cpu usage for each application. Also video needs codecs for each video format almost. Have you got the proprietary codecs installed for one thing?04:25
chaudhryyes i have installed xubuntu restricted extras...04:26
chaudhryw38 have a look at this link i explained it all here04:29
w30chaudhry, I also have libavcodec-extra-53 installed; I donno if you need that for sure or not.04:31
chaudhryif i need codec then why would a video play when system is fresh and after it gets some load it refuses to?04:32
w30chaudhry, if it played at one time then obviously codecs are not your problem, what else would like to tell us? or should we keep guessing?04:37
chaudhryi gave the link above?i can explain here too but it will disturb others04:38
chaudhryshould i explain here?04:39
atrunochaudhry, try to increase shared video memory in your bios settings04:40
atrunochaudhry, or try and find a stick you really need one.  shared video memory may help you play videos04:40
w30chaudhry, I see your link but I don't know anything about wubi. I have only use Linux installed to it's own partition. only04:40
chaudhryi increased it to max possible.and increased frame buffer also to 8 MB04:40
atrunocan you increase the size of the menu dropdown fonts in xubuntu's xfce ?04:42
w30chaudhry, have you tried booting a live cd to see if that works?04:42
atrunobecause i have a big monitor and don't want to see tiny lines.04:42
atrunochaudhry, i believe midori browser is light04:43
chaudhryyup i installed my xubuntu  through live cd04:44
chaudhrynops its not prob with chrome.04:45
chaudhryany other suggestion pals04:48
w30atruno, you can make all your fonts bigger.04:50
atrunook thank you04:50
atrunocan thunar also be replaced with nautilus ?04:50
w30atruno, settings--appearance--fonts04:51
w30atruno, settings--preferred applications--utilities--file manager; choose nautilus over thunar04:53
w30atruno, install nautilus, though04:54
w30chaudhry, did the live cd play your videos?04:55
chaudhryi didnt tried to play videos on live cd04:56
chaudhrybut in both ways i can play videos online04:57
w30chaudhry, just a thought. You can install codecs in a live cd session; they just won't survive a reboot04:57
w30chaudhry, what are some of the video file types you want to play?04:59
chaudhrymp4,flv(most of time),dvds or sometimes wmv04:59
w30chaudhry, dvds are a different animal, you need the libdvd . deb and the decss  .deb05:03
w30chaudhry, that software to run your dvd player05:04
w30chaudhry, flv needs flashplayer plugins05:05
chaudhryyeah i know i have installed that but i cant even play mp4 or dvd none.isit problem that my internal integrated video is not being supported by 11.1005:10
w30chaudhry, If you have a pci slot I suppose you will have to put a video card in your box then.05:13
chaudhryi have a pci slot but no pci-e slot05:13
chaudhryi need a 3d card?05:14
w30chaudhry, if you buy a card it might sa well be a 3d card if you can get one for a pci slot05:20
w30many maybe most internal video chips don't support 3d.05:22
w30chaudhry, have you checked to see if your on board video is supported by Linux? If it gives you X I would think its being supported and used by Linux and would play videos but maybe with choppy low frame rates05:25
chaudhryhow to check?05:26
w30chaudhry, maybe linuxhardware.com or some such site.05:26
chaudhrywhat about X05:27
w30chaudhry, how about linuxhcl.com?05:28
chaudhryok i ll check.but if i had no prob in 11.04 dont you think it must be well supported by 11.10 too.05:30
w30chaudhry, Sorry, by X I mean a graphical interface and not just a black screen with text.05:30
w30chaudhry, I don't know why 11.04 and 11.10 would be different, hardware compatibility doesn't hardly go backwards unless you had an old single speed cd drive or something like the cdu 535 driver that I couldn't make work anymore.05:33
w30chaudhry, the one with the tray that contained the disk, Ha!05:34
chaudhryhey w38 i just rebooted and now its playing every bit of video fine05:55
chaudhrydunno whats biting my box or os05:55
wololoo hi, does someone know how to change the window title bar appearance on XFCE 4.8? my title bar font is huge08:32
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ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!10:39
wapiflapiany idea how I can prevent skype from showing up in the notification area at all ?13:41
starnhello everyone.. i'm wondering something.. in my phase of trying the new ubuntu and kubuntu and xubuntu i've not got an issue.. i now have kubuntu and ubuntu and xubuntu all on one install?? i guess.. and one i am afriad it's slowing my system down such as boot up etc.. and if it is.. is there a simple way to remove it all??14:31
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »14:32
Sysiit's not slowing down anything but clean is nice14:32
starnSysi: ubuntu was the default system...14:32
starnor is.14:32
starnSysi: i installed 10.04 than upgraded to 10.10 and so forth until 11.10 or w/e and really dislike it now.14:33
starnanyways Sysi i am reading this link.14:34
SysiI've used xubuntu since 08, never liked default ubuntu interface14:35
Sysiunity is better but not as good as gnome-shell, I'm thinking of switching to KDE14:36
starni always liked ubuntu's old interface... and btw those commands didn't work.14:36
Sysihow? did you pick one for correct version14:40
starni figured i would remove the most bloated one KDE..14:41
Sysiit's not really bloated, it uses lots of shared libraries and has plenty of features14:42
starnSysi: yeah.. it's really nice looking but it ran to slowly on my computer.. it ran more like vista ran.. oddly 7 ran fine.. anyways yeah... guess i can google ways to do this.14:47
starnSysi: i think i got it working... at least for KDE :) don't mind ubuntu staying on here....14:52
starnhey i am looking into running a private IRC server for a clan.. any suggestion?? i plan to link it to Teamspeak 3 server but i think i got that part figured out.15:33
grifo74it's possible i update my xubuntu 11.04 to 11.10 without backup16:43
pleia2you should always have backups for any major changes in your system, regardless of OS16:45
Sysiupgrade doesn't need backup, cleaning up failed update does16:46
grifo74how i make backup16:46
grifo74how i clean my system16:47
igorkoxubuntu livecd 11.10 asks login17:12
holsteinigorko: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD and see if those suggestions work for you17:14
igorkounity sucks at all :)17:15
holsteinigorko: there may be some unity developers here17:16
holsteinim not saying i like it, im just suggesting to keep on topic, and keep it constructive17:17
igorkook ok :)17:17
igorkoleaving login blank doesn't work :)17:17
igorkoi meant unity is bad for Desktop17:17
igorkonot at all ;)17:18
holsteinsome are enjoying it on the desktop... thats why im glad there are options for us all17:18
hobgoblinof the livecd is asking for login details I have found that it's often a bad burn or download17:18
igorkohow login can be related to bad burn Oo17:19
hobgoblinI'd check the md5sum of the iso (unless you torrented it) and check the cd integrity17:19
igorkoi have torrented it17:20
hobgoblinthen that should be ok - check the burn17:20
=== cipi is now known as CiPi
mj_Xubuntu 11.10 sucks. There is something wrong with updating. I also can't update using terminal or the software center. An icon at the top says that the daemon has failed.19:03
reptiliaвсем привет!!!19:13
well_laid_lawn!ru | reptilia19:13
ubottureptilia: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:13
leeand00Hello, I'm having a bit of an issue with the duplicity backup tool: http://serverfault.com/questions/333501/duplicity-cant-find-remote-backup-directory/19:31
starnhey i am wanting to stream my library over my Local network accessible via web browser so my Chromium OS can play some music any idea?19:41
genii-around!info ampache | starn19:53
ubottustarn: ampache (source: ampache): web-based audio file management system. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6~alpha1-0ubuntu4 (oneiric), package size 1695 kB, installed size 9360 kB19:53
genii-around( not just audio )19:53
starngenii-around: is it easy to setup for most my music is on an external 2tb hd.20:11
genii-aroundstarn: Usually you just install the package then go to http://localhost/ampache to configure it20:14
starngenii-around: alright as long as its no harder than setting up apache for windows... seeing how this appears to use apache.20:15
starngenii-around: i get 404 - not found.20:20
starnif i go to http://localhost/ it says it works.20:21
genii-aroundstarn: Did you restart webserver?20:32
starngenii-around: yes20:32
genii-aroundstarn: Does /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/  contain file ApacheAmpache ?20:33
starngenii-around: no but it's in sites-available folder20:34
genii-aroundstarn: OK. So sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/ApacheAmpache /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/        then restart webserver20:35
starngenii-around: still not working20:38
genii-aroundstarn: Any odd messages when webserver starts?20:40
starn"could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for servername20:41
starngenii-around: just "localhost" or local ip 192.168.X.X with no /ampache takes me to a page saying the server works...20:42
starnwhere is ampache supposed to be located?20:43
starngenii-around: reason i ask is i only did sudo apt-get install ampache20:44
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leeand00Anybody know anything about duplicity?20:53
leeand00I can't get mine to backup on to a remote machine...20:55
leeand00It keeps telling me that there isn't a directory where there is one.20:55
leeand00(on the remote machine)20:55
leeand00I've tried using the sftp way of doing, the scp way of doing it...and I'm not having alot of luck.20:56
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bigbrovarhi guys, trying out xubuntu from kde. I heard that with xfce 4.8 that thunar picked up support for remote filesystem. however I can't seem to find that to be the case with the thunar in xubuntu 11.10 what gives?21:00
genii-aroundstarn: Apologies on lag, work required me. The actual files are in /usr/share/ampache/www ... but the config file in sites-enabled should just point to that. Probably because apache itself is having an issue or two.21:04
Unit193bigbrovar: Install gvfs-backends21:05
bigbrovarUnit193, thanks mate21:05
genii-aroundstarn: Might want to add: ServerName localhost           into /etc/apache2/apache2.conf  somewhere just under "### Section 1: Global Environment"21:12
genii-aroundstarn: And to make sure /etc/hosts has a line:       localhost21:12
starngenii-around: wow you confused me i think... ServerName Localhost where you said? and the second part confused me21:14
genii-aroundstarn: no uppercase L on localhost. The file /etc/hosts tells what IP addresses map to what names. So it should have a line reading: localhost  ( probably at the top)21:15
starngenii-around: under ApacheAmpache file it says documentroot /var/www21:16
genii-aroundstarn: You don't need to modify the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ApacheAmpache file at all, it is fine.21:17
starngenii-around: i did all that you said and nothing is working..21:18
genii-aroundstarn: If you also notice, farther down it has:  Alias /ampache /usr/share/ampache/www    which it puts to /ampache  ( which means /var/www/ampache )21:18
genii-aroundstarn: sudo service apache2 restart21:18
butch75hi, after the update, my screen resolution is completely messed up21:19
butch75can somebody help me?21:19
starni did sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart21:19
starnis that not the same?21:19
butch75what is the quickest way to reconfigure x?21:19
genii-aroundstarn: Not the same21:19
butch75sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ... didn't work21:20
starngenii-around: still nada.. nothing..21:21
genii-aroundstarn: Did you clear the browser cache ?21:21
starngenii-around: yes like twice.21:22
starnbutch75: i got nothing.21:22
butch75hi, after the update, my screen resolution is completely messed up21:23
butch75tried to reconfigure x with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ... didn't work21:23
butch75buto nothing happens21:23
starnbutch75: did you try going to settings manager and under display?21:23
butch75yeah 640x48021:23
starnbutch75: if you figure out how to change it let me know i am stuck at 2560x1024..... but do you have nVidia or ATI?21:24
starnbutch75: do you have nVidia drivers installed?21:25
butch75tried also with nvidia-settings tool21:25
butch75no higher resolution available21:25
starnbutch75: ok i was going to suggest that...21:25
butch75looks like my screen is not known anymore21:25
starnbutch75: did you try manually configuring your X config files?21:25
butch75no not really21:25
butch75looked at it21:25
butch75and there is also a backup file or something21:26
butch75maybe written after the update21:26
butch75tried also with that file21:26
butch75no success21:26
genii-aroundstarn: sudo killall apache2 && sudo service start apache2    ... then try http://localhost/ampache  once more21:26
genii-aroundsudo service apache2 start    ...rather21:27
* genii-around tries to find more coffee21:27
starngenii-around: still nothing.21:28
starnbutch75: i am kinda out of ideas on your issue other than attempting to manually configuring it... which personally i would probably never do..21:28
well_laid_lawnbutch75: have you had a look at the X log ?21:29
genii-aroundstarn: Hm. If you use instead:  ?21:29
butch75no ... doing it right now21:29
butch75where is the x log located?21:29
starngenii-around: nothing at all... all the "local" ip's21:30
starn127.0.1.1 none of those.21:30
genii-aroundstarn: You are not putting a slash after ampache, right?21:30
starnno slash after ampache21:31
butch75hmm no errors in the log file21:31
butch75what shall I look for?21:31
starnif i put just the ip nothing else genii-around i get the page that says it works blah blah21:31
genii-aroundstarn: OK. Can you pastebin the /etc/apache2/sites-available/ApacheAmpache   file please21:32
genii-aroundAlso does: ls /etc/apache2/sites-available/ApacheAmpache    show -rw-r--r-- 1 root root        at beginning?21:33
genii-aroundMeh, work. Back in a few21:34
butch75Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"21:34
butch75Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"21:34
butch75No Layout section.  Using the first Screen section.21:34
butch75No screen section available. Using defaults.21:34
starngenii-around: here is pastbin and i will check http://pastebin.com/bCQppbV921:34
well_laid_lawnbutch75: look for lines that mention nvidia or vesa21:35
butch75Matched nvidia as autoconfigured driver 021:36
butch75LoadModule: "nvidia"21:36
well_laid_lawn!paste | butch7521:37
ubottubutch75: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:37
kuhnoi need help with a strange issue: when using a terminal window in xfce (xubuntu 11.10, 2.6.38-11) the terminal stops to refresh the image after typing a few chars, so it seems to freeze after about 5-10 characters. moving the terminal window refreshes it...21:37
starngenii-around: ls /etc/apache2/sites-available/ApacheAmpache doesn't do anything..21:38
genii-aroundstarn: ls -l21:38
butch75thx ubottu ... sorry using this irc for the first time21:38
butch75so posted my log  ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/746401/21:38
butch75well_laid_lawn ... posted21:39
starngenii-around: it says -rw-r--r-- 1 root root21:39
butch75looks like it can't load the nvidia module21:39
Sysikuhno: you should have newer kernel with 11.10, 3.0 I think21:39
genii-aroundstarn: config file is fine21:39
well_laid_lawnbutch75: I thought you had to blacklist nouveau to use nvidia21:40
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto21:40
starngenii-around: any ideas???21:41
genii-aroundstarn: Not right now, it's very puzzling. This usually works out-of-the-box.21:41
genii-aroundstarn: What xubuntu version are you on?21:41
butch75to blacklist?! ... huh?21:41
Sysiwell_laid_lawn: jockey should do that21:42
starngenii-around: i'm pretty sure the newest.. but orignially installed was ubuntu.. still is installed.. i just stopped using it is all.. which ubuntu was 11.1021:42
genii-aroundwell_laid_lawn: I found usually grub option nouveau.modeset=0 prevents it from loading21:42
genii-aroundstarn: Hm21:43
kuhno_sysi: i tried 3.2-rc1 and tried to compile one myself, both did not boot up21:43
well_laid_lawnbutch75: how did you install the nvidia driver? 'cause it's getting loaded21:43
well_laid_lawnerr nouveau is getting loaded21:43
Sysiat some point you could have them simultneously, but that does cause problems21:44
butch75well_laid_lawn ... fresh install from scratch ... worked fine ... till a few hours ago ... after an update21:44
well_laid_lawnbutch75: how did you install the nvidia driver?21:44
butch75with this additional driver thing21:44
butch75the restricted driver thing21:45
well_laid_lawnbutch75: I'd check it again21:45
butch75tried already21:45
butch75no look21:45
starngenii-around: is there away to go to localhost and view the "folders and files"?21:45
butch75but it failes to load nv ... or am I wrong21:46
butch75Failed to load module "nv" (module does not exist, 0)21:46
well_laid_lawnnv shouldn't be used if you have the nvidia or nouveau module21:47
genii-aroundstarn: Going to /var/www in Thunar ( or any file browser ) won't show the apache2 aliases ( in this case /var/www/ampache is an alias to /usr/share/ampache/www )21:47
well_laid_lawnbutch75: you could try and rename ~/.config and logout/login to see if it is a xfce config messing things21:47
genii-aroundstarn: Maybe you could try in a different web browser21:48
well_laid_lawnprobably a better way to try that tho21:48
starngenii-around: i been looking on google kinda does this sound right? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ampache/+bug/676234/+activity  5th post down.21:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 676234 in ampache (Ubuntu Maverick) "ampache does not configure webserver correctly" [Undecided,Fix released]21:50
butch75I'll give it a try ... be right back21:51
genii-aroundstarn: The symptoms fit, but it says fixed in Natty ( and so it should also be fixed in Oneiric )21:51
starngenii-around: is there an log file i can view?21:52
genii-aroundstarn: webserver: /var/log/apache2/   has some logs. /var/log/ampache exists but on my box seems empty21:54
butch75back with no success21:55
starngenii-around: is this normal? http://pastebin.com/mQRySrpb21:56
genii-aroundstarn: The favicon thing is pretty normal, yes21:56
starnwhat about the /var/www/ampache21:57
genii-aroundstarn: Hm. It indicates browser thinks ampache is a file. Maybe try full path: localhost/ampache/install.php21:57
butch75well_laid_lawn ... still there?21:57
genii-aroundMight be a Chrome idiosyncrasy21:57
kuhnoSysi so it should work with kernel 3.1.2 from mainline ppa?21:58
well_laid_lawnbutch75: any luck?21:58
starngenii-around: nothing21:58
butch75don't get it  .... this update must have screwed up something21:59
butch75how can I reinstall the nvidia drivers again?21:59
well_laid_lawnbutch75: I think since jockey didn't blacklist the nouveau module you'll have to do that22:00
butch75ok can you tell me how to blacklist nouveau?22:00
well_laid_lawnbutch75: <genii-around> well_laid_lawn: I found usually grub option nouveau.modeset=0 prevents it from loading - is an easy way to check22:00
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »22:01
well_laid_lawnbutch75: or ^22:01
genii-aroundstarn: Is there stuff in /usr/share/ampache/www  ?22:02
butch75in that folder there is already a file which blacklists nouveau22:03
well_laid_lawnbutch75: I don't know what's up then sorry22:04
genii-aroundstarn: Does /var/log/apache2/access.log  show anything about trying to get the install.php file?22:05
butch75how does the conf file look like for you?22:06
butch75that's what you wanted me to do right?22:06
well_laid_lawnbutch75: yes that file looks fine - seems not to be read tho22:06
starngenii-around: yes it looks like it22:07
genii-aroundstarn: That it doesn't exist or something else?22:08
butch75oh boy22:08
butch75that su***22:08
starnhttp://pastebin.com/pCVM473G  i can't tell22:09
genii-aroundstarn: Well, there's no corresponding POST line so for some reason it didn't load22:11
butch75lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root    47 2011-11-22 21:32 nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf22:11
butch75looks like this file has been modified right after the update22:12
well_laid_lawnwhich would be right if you updated to a new kernel which woulld bring a new nvidia module22:13
genii-aroundstarn: Please:  sudo rm /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ApacheAmpache && sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/ApacheAmpache /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ApacheAmpache   ... then to edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/ApacheAmpache         and change: Alias /ampache /usr/share/ampache/www    into: Alias /ampache/  /usr/share/ampache/www/    (eg: put trailing slashes) ..save, sudo service apache2 restart22:15
starngenii-around: how come the server is acting like a download server? i decided to copy the ampache to the var/www folder and EVERY browser i use tries to download the files.22:15
genii-aroundstarn: Might need apache php module22:16
genii-aroundstarn: Does apt-cache policy libapache2-mod-php5     show it as installed?22:17
starngenii-around: it didn't look like it was installed...22:23
genii-aroundstarn: I would recommend to install it, then make sure /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/    has php5.conf and php5.load  in there22:25
genii-aroundMight not hurt to just do: sudo a2enmod php5      as well22:25
CiPiHow to upgrade to nmap 5.51 with ppa ? Anyone knows?22:26
starnok did all that and all my browsers firefox and chrome keep trying to download the page and not use em..22:26
starngenii-around: hey i kinda got it working i think.. i copied the files in ampache/www to var/www and typed localhost/install.php and it loaded...22:28
starngenii-around: in PHP putenv Support: ERROR  how would i fix?22:29
CiPiupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.0.0-13-generic-pae22:35
CiPiW: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/nouveau/fuc41ad for module nouveau22:35
CiPiSomthing happen with the updates, or?22:35
CiPiThis is the first time I get this.22:35
CiPiIt`s OK, working.22:36
genii-aroundstarn: Suggest installing php-gettext22:41
genii-aroundstarn: I have to leave work, but will be around again tomorrow same stretch as today.22:41
starngenii-around: alright thank you22:41
xubuntu826Hey, I just installed the new xubuntu on my 901 Eeepc. It is great to have a faster, but still customizable system again. Is there a mailing list or board you would suggest me to join/read?22:53
pleia2we have a support list at http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users22:58
xubuntu826Good to know, I registered there. Are the main boards a good knowledge source?23:00
asterismohi people23:35
asterismoi need to fix plymouth resolution23:35
asterismomaybe adding some line in some boot script?23:35
ochosiasterismo: plymouth usually determines the resolution on its own, which xubuntu version are you using?23:37
asterismobut the detected resolution is wrong23:37
asterismoi added the correct resolution to .xprofile but it applies it on login23:37
asterismoand also i set up the right resolution in grub using startupmanager23:38
asterismobut the xubuntu plymouth splash is wrong resolution and i tried plymouth-mnager but it do not work23:38
asterismomaybe i can change it mannually23:38
ochosii think it's a plymouth setting that you can change somewhere (remember doing it myself a few releases ago), but i would have to google it myself now to try to help you :)23:39
ochosii mean a settings-file23:39
asterismoyes i also changed it some version ago, but i cannot find that thread now23:40
asterismoit only appears the plymouth-manager23:40
ochosiwell, e.g. http://www.namanb.com/2010/05/changing-bootup-resolution-plymouth-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html23:40
ochosii have no clue as to whether that (still?) works (or ever worked)23:41
homebrewciderhi all, new install on Xubuntu 11.04, resolution is all wrong, it starts with a stretched 1600 x 1200, I switch it to 1440 x 900 which is righ t for my monitor, but on restart it's back to 1600 x 1200. Any ideas please?23:44
ochosihomebrewcider: have you tried the guest-login?23:45
homebrewciderlogging into xubuntu as a guest?23:45
ochosijust to check whether the resolution problem is limited to one user23:46
homebrewciderno, but the purpose of that?23:46
ochosi(i know it sounds odd, but the guest session worked for a friend of mine who had a similar problem)23:46
ochosioh, in fact you can also check whether 1600x1200 is saved in xfconf23:47
homebrewciderok, but i can't keep logging in as that23:47
ochosi(that is the real purpose of checking the guest account as i remember now :) )23:47
* ochosi is already a bit tired23:47
homebrewciderok, will try that, back soon23:48
homebrewciderwell, whaddaya know, the resolution in the guest account was what I want iot to be here. so, where to from here?23:52
ochosihomebrewcider: it's rather simple to fix i think/hope, all you have to do is remove a configuration file (will be re-generated on re-login, so don't be afraid ;) )23:58
ochosihomebrewcider: the file is ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-display23:59
ochosii hope the file is also called like that in 11.04, i can only look in 11.10 now23:59

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