
=== Squirm2 is now known as Squirm
inetprogood evening15:43
inetprostill a few minutes left to ask MArk at #ubuntu-classroom-chat15:43
nlsthznah, did I miss it :(15:44
inetpronlsthzn: I also missed the intro and the first few minutes15:45
nlsthzninetpro, thanks for the heads up... I should have placed it on a calander or something... 15:46
inetproyou can watch him chatting at #ubuntu-classroom15:47
inetpronlsthzn: hmm... no question you wanna ask?15:52
inetproand tumbleweed?15:55
tumbleweedno, and I wasn't following it until you reminded me15:57
inetprotumbleweed: np ;-)15:57
inetproyou can read the rest of it at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/11/23/%23ubuntu-classroom.html16:01
inetproor wait for someone to post it up ncely in a blog16:02
nlsthznwith comments and rants :p16:03
zerefoh Hai :-D16:05
Kilosevening superfly and all ya other guys17:28
Kilosoh my, i upset peter nel17:30
Kiloslo bakuman nuvolari 17:32
bakumanKilos \o/17:33
bakumansighs, weet enig iemand hoe om portal 1 te laat werk sonder steam? :(17:34
nlsthznnope... as soon as I put in my orange box steam gets installed :.17:36
Kiloshiya nlsthzn 17:36
nlsthznhi uncle Kilos ...17:36
bakumanmine is... unconventional...17:38
* Kilos apologises for answering the Linkedin mail on our lists, but didnt read everything nicely and thought i was just replying to langjan17:49
bakumantss tss tss, die ouderdom :)17:50
Kilosha ha ha17:50
Kilosastrand nê17:50
* bakuman is onskulding17:51
Kilosja ja17:53
* bakuman sal mos altyd respekvol wees voor Oom kilos17:55
Kilosha ha ha17:55
bakuman(behalwe as Oom Kilos drop is, dan sal hy hom maar tugter)17:55
nlsthznmoet die toppies partykeer 'n bietjie gas gee17:55
Kilosai shame jou luck is nie goed nie. ek drink nie17:56
nuvolarijoh, oom Kilos, didn't know you'd know astrand :P17:56
Kilosskuus man17:56
nlsthznnuvolari, nice mail...17:57
nuvolariek het daai woord so lanklaas gehoor :P17:57
Kilosnatuurlik man, astrand is soos parmantig17:57
nuvolarinlsthzn: thanks :P had to set the record straight/prevent a list outbreak17:57
Kilosastrand=cheeky hey17:57
nuvolariKilos: ja oom, ek dink so17:58
Kilosek gaan kry jou pos17:58
* nuvolari became addicted to gmail shortcuts17:58
* bakuman se gmail werk nie reg op chrome nie17:59
Kilosons sien wat se petertjie nou17:59
bakumani saw the other day that there is a plugin that redirects "mail-to" to your gmail18:00
Kilosi wanted to thank him for showing us the error of our ways18:00
Kilosty nuvolari 18:00
nuvolaribah, need to go back to school to revise my is/are's :P18:00
nuvolaribakuman: wat is fout?18:00
nuvolarigeen probleem oom Kilos 18:01
bakumansukkel om te connect en mail oop te maak en te stuur, maar werk perfek deur thunderbird18:01
nuvolaribakuman: when last did you try?18:01
nuvolariworks just fine for me :?18:01
Kiloshas any of you seen kbmonkey. does he still come online18:02
nuvolariI guess i'm special :P18:02
Kilosbakuman, nuvolari is the google man18:02
nuvolariKilos: he was around the other day18:02
bakumanits been happening a while. but i use thunderbird mostly anyway18:02
nuvolariKilos: say what oom? I'm not the google man :P just using it18:02
Kilosif he comes on again and i am off please send my regards to him18:02
nuvolariKilos: will do oom18:03
bakumanek wag nog vir google om die wereld oor te vat, 201218:03
nuvolari:P hopelik voor die mayan calendar uit sandkorrels hardloop18:03
Kilosha ha ha18:04
nuvolariek wonder of google 'n april fool vir daai dag gaan hou. Wanneer sê hulle is die laaste dag?18:04
bakumanhet julle gecheck that dit sommer automaties attachment in google-docs oopmaak, so jy kort nie enige software om goed oop te maak nie18:04
nuvolaribakuman: ya, pretty cool, even having word/excel/pdf favicons for the tabs too18:05
nuvolarireally kiff18:05
bakumanen jy kan n attachment sommer net drag waartoe jy dit will download18:05
bakumandan dl dit vanself18:05
Kilospraat jy van gmail bakuman ?18:05
nuvolaribakuman: en 'n attachment add as jy 'n mail compose18:05
bakumanja Kilos 18:06
Kilosgaan jy soontoe vir jou pos?18:06
Kiloslos die oom man ek sien jou vingers word stomp18:06
bakumanmeeste van die tyd is ek maar in Thunderbird, maar as ek op n ander pc werk ja18:07
bakumanmaar gebruik baie google docs vir groep projekte18:07
bakumanons het laas n last minute groep projek gehad. 7 mense, google docs, 1h vir 25 blaaie en mooi afgerond18:08
Kilosjulle is te slim vir my18:10
Kilosevolution doen al my google goed18:11
Kiloshaai nuvolari 18:12
nuvolaribah. But to get new users accustomed to googledocs/sites and to use it properly is a tedious task18:12
nuvolarija oom Kilos?18:12
Kilosas jy checkers toe gaan koop n 8ta sim en kyk of hulle syn nie beter is by jou nie18:12
bakumani always copy my final doc to Office to make it look nice18:12
bakumanor Latex if it is formal18:13
* nuvolari wipes away a tear18:13
* bakuman fowns @ evolution Oom Kilos 18:13
Kiloschatmosphere again18:13
Kiloshi Guest7792 18:13
nuvolariLaTeX is so great, just a shame it's not used by more people18:13
Kiloswhat wrong with evo bakuman 18:14
bakumanyea, and beamer is brilliant for presentations18:14
nuvolariKilos: it's a bit resource intensive18:14
nuvolariI think18:14
bakumani just like Thunderbird more18:14
Kilosnee man18:14
bakumanand new ubuntu uses thunderbird by default18:14
nuvolaribut for the same reason  prefer to use gmail/googledocs in the browser 18:14
nuvolariit's really fast18:14
nuvolariand google does the heavy lifting18:15
bakumannuvolari, i have university mails on another acount, so works better for me18:15
Kilosja nuvolari  but install iftop and get a mail with evo and then check data use and then go to gmail and check your data use18:16
nuvolari(that's if you use email in the way it was intended to be used. Some people use it as a form of CMS transfer medium :P)18:16
Kiloshas anyone said hi to Mzolisto 18:17
nuvolariI guess you're right oom Kilos, but for office use where bandwidth is not an issue and keeping a lean system, my setup is nice :D18:17
Kilosyeah with no cap google is good if it likes you18:18
bakumanai oom Kilos en jou cap probleme18:18
bakumanwatter ISP is jy oom kilos?18:18
Kilosvan gister kan ek 3 gebruik18:19
Kilosmtn se toring hier is net edge18:19
Kilosvodacom is/was hsdpa maar sukkel nou met gprs want dis siek18:20
Kilosen het net n 8ta sim gekry om te sien of hulle syn goed is18:20
Kilosvoda het kwaai versleg laaste 4 maande18:21
bakuman8ta piggy back mtn as ek dit reg het18:21
Kilosdie foon wys mtn en 8ta maar ek is seker ek was by die toring gewees so amper 6 maande terug toe telkom daar gewerk het en die tegnikus het gese hulle instaleer 3g18:23
Kilosso wie weet 18:23
Kilosek sal hulle more bel en hoor of hulle helpdesk beter is as voda sin18:24
bakumanhahaha ok18:24
Kilosis daar n manier wat jy kan sien hoe finnig n toring is?18:25
Kilosvinnig ook18:25
Kilosop my sel wys 8ta n driehoek18:25
Kilosmtn a G en voda n 3G18:26
Kilosek weet nie waar pas die drie hoekie in nie18:26
Kilosmet die pint na bo18:27
bakumanbeste wat ek van weet is maaar n speed test18:27
bakumanmaar dit vat baie cap18:27
bakumanof wel, hoe vinniger die internet is hoe meer cap vat dit, ek dink dit dl volspoed vir n minuut of iets18:28
Kilosek sal hulle bel more en hoor18:28
bakumanen dan upload volspoed vir n minuut18:29
bakumanwant jy kannie regtig met n burst sien hoe vinnig jou internet is nie18:29
Kilosdis n week se data weg18:29
bakumanander dl maar net en check jou spoed18:29
bakumanmaar nou ja, haha18:29
* bakuman lees verder18:29
Kilosek kan sien as die toring siek is net om te kyk hoe lank vat evo om te konnek18:30
bakumanhaha ok18:30
Kilosnuvolari, jy moet vroeg gaan slaap18:30
* Kilos says night to all of you18:35
nlsthznnight all18:35
Kiloslekker slaap18:35
inetproKilos: lekker slaap18:35
Kilosnight nlsthzn 18:35
Kilosdankie inetpro 18:35
nlsthznsweet dreams uncle Kilos 18:35
Kilosthanks guys18:35
bakumanarg, too late18:39
* inetpro happy with quasseldroid beta from the market on the Nexus S20:11
nlsthznNight ZA21:05
inetproGoeienag 21:06

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