
poolielifeless, any reason in particular for the hearts today?00:31
lifelessbzr+ssh bzr-search support00:36
poolieah :)00:36
james_whi poolie02:23
pooliehi james02:24
poolieclass OutOfTea(errors.BzrError):02:33
fullermdBeing out of tea sounds more like a solution than a problem to me...   :p02:38
pooliepage KombuchaKip :)02:40
poolieit's an example error in jelmer's test code02:40
* KombuchaKip lol02:44
Noldorinhey poo03:18
sobersabreIs it possible to install bzr 2.5 on python 2.5 ?05:39
sobersabre(from source)05:39
pooliehi sobersabre, no, i think bzr 2.5 needs python2.605:42
pooliebut 2.4.x will be ok05:43
wgzbus time07:39
pooliehi wgz07:46
sobersabrepoolie: thanks. I did manage to install 2.4 on py2.507:48
MacSlowhey there folks09:09
pooliehi mgz, vila09:29
pooliehi mrevell09:37
mrevellHey there poolie and everyone else.09:37
mgzreally must finish option stuff this morning09:49
pooliemgz i should go, but could you look at https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/17985209:56
poolieand maybe some others09:56
pooliei have loggerhead just about baked serving tgzs09:56
pooliei thought of you :)09:56
mgzpoolie: will do09:57
mgzah, I'd never run an ssh server on a windows box09:58
pooliei would like to just hook up 'bzr serve --ssh'09:58
pooliehow hard can it be? :/09:58
mgznot very I imagine, on nix at least :)09:59
pooliewell, using paramiko09:59
poolietrying to take care of some of the hookup issues people have09:59
poolieon windows09:59
mgzI agree we need a better server answer, I do bzr+http with apache doing the access control10:02
mgzand that's not trivial to set up correctly.10:02
mgzjelmer: you landed a proposal I wanted to comment on too fast ;_;10:03
mgzbut I was stuck thinking of a better suggestion, so maybe it's not really that bad10:04
poolieok, night europe10:08
mgznight poolie!10:08
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mgzah, you're working on the config test failures vila?14:27
mgzI was just looking at that14:27
vilaI have a fix14:27
vilaIt's so silly...14:27
vilamgz: By the way, hi ! ;)14:27
mgzthe tests look dodgy, they use a relative url like "/home/user/project", which naturally doesn't resolve anywhere sensible on windows14:27
vilait doesn't have to14:28
vilait's the caller responsibility to provide an appropriate location and the code base already ensures that14:28
mgzbut the location stack resolves it using abspath14:29
vilafor unclear reasons I felt the need to add a location = urlutils.normalize_url(location) which broke these tests14:29
mgzwhich looks at the real filesystem14:29
mgzthat's the issue.14:29
vilaremoving that code doesn't break any test and make the windows ones pass14:29
vilaI probably had another issue while adding that and addressed this issue in the end14:30
mgzokay, that's fine then.14:30
mgzI don't think I need to say that LocationStack should be clear about if it wants a url or a file path, and isn't currently :)14:31
vilaI wanted to talk with you14:31
vilabut thought I should reload the context14:31
mgzokay, fresh page.14:32
vilaand I knew these lines were in scope, so, I tried removing this suspicious call first...14:32
vilaand my sub-conscience won :)14:32
vilayeah, this could be clarified...14:33
mgzso, I have a design twinge that path functions should be clear about whether they look at the local filesystem or not14:33
mgzyou were basically caught out here by 'normalize_url' looking safe and cuddly, but actually calls abspath which depends on the filesystem and cwd14:34
vilaI think there is a FIXME in the location config code saying that we accept synonyms for local paths as file: urls which is an issue in itself14:35
vilayeah, I vaguely remember adding that because I suspected some relative paths bogus handling14:35
vilamgz: https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/892992-locations-on-windows/+merge/8329914:38
vilayeah, in addition to looking safe it silently made the section matching fail, hence the test failures14:39
vilathis hints that I should have tests more specifically targeting the section matching14:39
vilain other news, for unknown reasons the osx slave suddenly decided that it was 'Unable to locate a Java Runtime to invoke.'14:40
vilahuh ?14:40
mgzrubber stamped.14:41
mgzblame java!14:41
viladong a software update brought a java *update* and solved the issue but the root cause for this error message is puzzling14:41
vilawas the precious version disabled ? How ?14:42
vilanobody is tweaking this osx slave (except me ;)14:42
mgzmacs are mysterious objects of wonderment and quizzling14:42
vilamgz: thanks !14:42
mgzbest not approached, or you may come to regret it..14:43
vilamgz: by the way, regarding your option help tests, try bzr-diffstat, istm one option escapes your check14:44
vilathe plugin overrides cmd_diff, that may explain the why, but I didn't dig enough to propose a how14:45
mgzthe global --file option at least is unchecked, which doesn't hurt much14:45
mgzand plugins (including builtin ones) aren't either, but would be nice to provide an easy way for them to subclass the test an opt in.14:46
mgzhow would a plugin enumerate all the commands it registered?14:46
vilasome plugins already uses a list *to* register14:47
vilaslangasek: ping, see bug #88427015:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 884270 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "bzr should do smarter merging of .po files" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88427015:00
mgzvila: pqm gave failed your branch?15:12
vilamgz: no, it landed it, what made you believe that ?15:13
* vila forces a run on babune windows slave 15:13
mgz...launchpad being slow, sorry15:17
vilano worries, just curious15:18
mgzconfused by looking during the window between the PQM page showing no jobs, but the review page still having the branch as approved15:18
vilaoh yeah, I know that one15:18
vilasometimes the pqm page shows the end of the previous submission but never for long15:19
vilamgz: down to 7 failures (with 3 being spurious not ?)15:58
mgzthose are all the windows/sftp rename race16:00
vilagood, down to one root cause then16:01
mgzwhich is now bug 89160216:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 891602 in Bazaar "PermissionDenied test failures on windows with sftp" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89160216:01
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jelmerhmm, more feature flags work this evening19:07
wgz...are you trying to create more of a backlog for the poor patch pilot when he wakes up in the morning?19:33
jelmerI'm just worried he'll run out of things to review.19:38
wgzah, now I'm back home I can run my auto-ignore launchpad tag spam imap script20:50
wgzwhich is nice as they've now removed all the tags that accidentally got added earlier...20:50
thumperan interesting data point22:08
thumper$ bzr branch lp:nux/1.0 nux-1.022:09
thumperBranched 497 revision(s).22:09
thumperHPSS calls: 30 (0 vfs)22:09
thumper$ bzr co lp:nux/1.0 nux-1.0-checkout22:09
thumperHPSS calls: 48 (15 vfs)22:09
thumpercheckout really that much more expensive in round trips?22:09
jelmerthumper: hi22:27
thumperhi jelmer22:27
pooliehi all22:47
jelmerthumper: hmm, thatÅś really odd22:48
jelmerit should basically just be "bzr branch" + "bzr bind"22:48
pooliehi jelmer22:50
KombuchaKipAre there any plans to hook the Nautilus rename command into the bzr rename functionality when using the plugin for Nautilus on a repository?23:28
beunoKombuchaKip, I don't think so, there isn't a lot of activity around bzr-gtk23:29
beunojelmer may know23:29
pooliei doubt anyone is specifically planning to do it23:29
poolieit seems like a sensible thing to do though23:29
poolieiirc hg dropped their nautilus support23:29
KombuchaKipbeuno: Oh really? I didn't know that. Is the plugin dead? I created this bug report about it. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-gtk/+bug/79743823:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 797438 in Bazaar GTK+ Frontends "nautilus-bzr plugin does not hook rename" [Medium,Triaged]23:30
pooliedo you want to try a patch for it?23:30
poolieit's not dead23:30
poolieright now i'm trying to get tarball downloads from loggerhead hooked in to launchpad23:30
KombuchaKippoolie: Sure I'd try a patch for it.23:30
pooliealmost there23:30
KombuchaKippoolie: I'll be around, just buzz me whenever you're ready. I am using bzr from the PPA.23:31
jelmerhi beuno, KombuchaKip23:33
jelmerKombuchaKip: IÇ've done some work recently to port nautilus-bzr to the new Nautilus plugin API23:33
beunoo/ jelmer23:33
beunoo/ poolie23:33
pooliehey there23:33
KombuchaKipjelmer: Ah, so that's why its sort of idle right now. I forgot that everything has to be moved to Gnome 3.23:34
* KombuchaKip enjoys channels with relations to Ubuntu much better than others because the people are nice.23:35
jelmerKombuchaKip: it would indeed be nice to hook into the Nautilus rename command, but unfortunately the Nautilus extensions don provide that sort of hook yet23:35
spivjelmer: I guess there's always inotify… ;)23:36
jelmerspiv: heh23:37
KombuchaKipjelmer: I figured that was probably why it wasn't done, because it seemed intuitively straight forward since other commands are hooked. So I suppose we have to wait until Nautilus provides an API for that. Maybe you could add a comment for that at the end of this here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-gtk/+bug/79743823:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 797438 in Bazaar GTK+ Frontends "nautilus-bzr plugin does not hook rename" [Medium,Triaged]23:37
pooliehey spiv23:37
KombuchaKipjelmer: I'd do it myself, but I have no experience with the API.23:37
pooliei did some lp fixes after gdd, don't know if you saw23:37
poolie'less awful search results' basically23:37
jelmerKombuchaKip: thereÅ's already a comment from me there to that extend :)23:37
KombuchaKipjelmer: Ah, I understand it now. I just saw that.23:38
spivpoolie: I did!23:38
KombuchaKipjelmer: I wonder if upstream knows.23:38
spivpoolie: (if you're talking about the meta description stuff)23:38
poolieyeah, schema.org tags, that kind of thing23:39
KombuchaKippoolie: How do you plan to patch it if apparently nautilus-python doesn't have a way to track file renames?23:44

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