
Riddellshall I put cantor into universe so we can build the r backend?00:15
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Darkwingwhat needs to be done with lightDM?01:55
RiddellDarkwing: the qt library needs updating to match the current lightdm C library02:07
Darkwingwhat were we think for stable deadline for 12.04?02:08
RiddellDarkwing: I don't understand the question02:09
Darkwingwe had said that it would get in if it was stable in time. what was the deadline for that?02:10
Riddellsee PreciseReleaseSchedule02:10
Riddellbut preferably toot sweet as we say here in France02:11
Darkwingfeature freeze?02:11
Darkwing:D how is your french?02:12
Riddellbetter than expected but still I have trouble understanding most people when they speak02:12
Darkwing:) it'll get there02:13
Darkwingare going to support 12.04 for 5 years like ubuntu is?02:15
Darkwing*are we02:15
DarkwingRiddell: ^^ http://www.canonical.com/content/ubuntu-1204-feature-extended-support-period-desktop-users02:16
RiddellDarkwing: we need to ask the tech board (who meet on monday)02:16
Riddellwe should prepare a proposal02:17
DarkwingAgreed... in favor for or against?02:18
RiddellI'd be for it02:20
Riddellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecognizedDerivatives has the criteria02:20
RiddellI need to snooze but if you are looking for something to do this evening using that to write a proposal why the tech board should agree to us being LTS would be most handy :)02:21
Darkwingill start work on it. Monday is the meeting you say?02:23
Riddellincluding mention that KDE and Qt upstream and only putting new notable new features into qt and kde frameworks 5 and so the 4.8 versions we'll be using will be nice and stable02:29
claydohgood evening and happy thanksgiving eve :)02:29
Riddellhappy US holiday to the americans02:33
Darkwingyrah. weee. insane traffic and nutcase shoppers. 02:34
claydohI think i will have to learn a new language - I think I will be moving South to Georgia , have to learn how to have a Southern drawl 02:35
claydohya shopping madness starts tomorrow evening02:36
Darkwingyeah.... eff that. lol02:36
Darkwingthey took tab complete out of quasseldroid :(02:36
slangasekhey folks, I see that cantor (kdeedu dep) in precise is now trying to pull the entire R language stack into main as build deps, which I don't think we want; should kdeedu drop the cantor dep, or should cantor-backend-r maybe be dropped?06:13
micahgslangasek: in the changelog it was mentioned that cantor was demoted06:30
micahgslangasek: ah, sorry, you got that part already :)06:30
slangasekhmm, which changelog shows that as of when06:30
micahgslangasek: sorry, just being a little slow tonight06:31
micahgslangasek: I thought you were on vacation :)06:35
slangasekyes, and? :)06:36
agateauRiddell: don't know about the kde-runtime patch, looking into it07:57
agateauRiddell: I would like to keep the patch if possible, otherwise kde apps will pop ugly dialogs when they try to show a notification with actions on Unity08:12
agateauRiddell: I can update it if it does not apply anymore08:12
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shadeslayer_apachelogger: I just realized this, we never released libqcalparser :P12:03
shadeslayer_apachelogger: Want me to tag v0.1 ? 12:04
Riddellagateau: yes I think it needs updating12:32
agateauRiddell: ok, will look at it this afternoon12:33
Riddellslangasek: it needs kdeedu fixed to not depend on cantor, I'll do it today12:33
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agateauRiddell: just had a look at the kde-runtime patch, it is not needed anymore, upstream implemented it (in a slightly different way)14:28
Riddellagateau: groovy thanks, I'll remove it from the packaging14:30
agateauRiddell: I am looking into merging libdbusmenu-qt. in debian/control, what am I supposed to do with fields like Uploaders or DM-Upload-Allowed?14:34
agateau(and why do the Debian guys call themselves Debian Krap Maintainers /o\ )14:35
Riddellagateau: uploaders you just leave untouched, we ignore it14:36
Riddellsame for DM-Upload-Allowed14:36
Riddellmaintainers you need to change and VCS- if we have it in a vcs (which I don't think we do so just leave it)14:37
agateauThere are Vcs- fields, pointing to lp, so that sounds good14:37
agateauMaintainers should be kubuntu-devel@, right?14:38
RiddellDebian Krap Maintainers is the name for the team that looks after packages they'd rather not care about but which are needed by KDE, it's ment to be humourous, I'm not a fan myself14:38
agateauhu ok14:38
agateauI assume aligning field values with a mix of tabs and spaces is also some kind of humor14:39
Riddellthey're funny guys :)14:39
agateaufor a Debian definition of funny :)14:39
Riddellas ever the rule is don't change from debian unless there's a reason to do so, so mixes of spaces and tabs we shall have too14:40
agateauRiddell: do you know the rational for those in debian/rules?14:43
agateau    dh_makeshlibs -V 'libdbusmenu-qt2 (>=0.9.0)'14:43
agateau    echo "Skipping tests (can't test inside chroot)..."14:43
Riddellagateau: the dh_makeshlibs line means that when other apps link against dh_makeshlibs they will depend on libdbusmenu-qt2 (>=0.9.0)14:44
RiddellI would have expected we had a .symbols file however14:44
Riddelland presumably somebody thinks it doesn't work to run the tests14:45
agateauwe do have .symbols files14:45
Riddellagateau: do debian?14:46
agateauRiddell: yes they do14:47
Riddellstrange, then that shouldn't be needed.  maybe the debian guy doesn't understand symbols files, but debian guys are usually pretty up on that sort of thing14:48
Riddellanyway it doesn't do any harm so keep it in14:48
Riddellthe testing one though I'd remove, we do want to run tests14:48
agateauactually I checked: we have a patch which disables the test dir14:49
agateauthat probably explains why we don't disable them in debian/rules14:49
Riddellah, then get rid of the patch and use debian's way to disable them14:49
debfxagateau: there is an unuploaded version of libdbusmenu-qt in the debian git repository which includes most of the ubuntu diff14:49
agateaudebfx: mmm, what should I do then? I am starting to be very confused by all this merging work14:50
Riddellagateau: feel our pain :)14:52
Riddellgit clone git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-kde/krap/libdbusmenu-qt.git14:52
Riddelland start your merge again from that14:52
debfxagateau: maybe we can even sync from there (but still call it 0.9.0-1ubuntu1)14:52
agateaudebfx: I have no idea what could be the best option14:53
Riddellagateau: it's best to start with the most up to date debian packaging so start with their git packaging14:54
Riddellbut as it's unreleased from them using a version number of 0.9.0-1ubuntu1 would also make sense14:55
agateauRiddell: ok14:55
agateaummm, maybe it's just me getting grumpy or not used to the way you work, but I find it quite nasty when someone take my patches, rename them and claim authorship of them15:00
Riddellagateau: the renaming is normal, using the kubuntu_ prefix is just to let us know it comes from ubuntu and not debian.  but he shouldn't be putting his name in the Authors field15:04
agateauRiddell: yes, I have no problem with the renaming, that makes sense15:04
RiddellI don't know that packager, seems some of the debian kde packagers have changed in the last 6 months15:06
agateauI'll assume it's just an oversight, the rest of his work looks good to me15:18
agateauRiddell: what am I supposed to do with the changelog? should I copy the debian changes in 0.9.0-1ubuntu1 ?15:18
Riddellagateau: you should include all the debian entries into the changelog (as separate entries)15:20
agateauRiddell: ok, with a [name-of-debian-packager] section I guess15:20
Riddellno completely separate entries15:20
Riddellmy algorithm is, start with debian changelog, add my new entry at the top (dch -i), then copy the old ubuntu changelog and paste it in the debian changelog at the point of the previous merge (then delete the redundant debian entries below that)15:21
agateauRiddell: since the merge is done from an unreleased package, should I use "unreleased" as the distro name for the Debian changes?15:36
Riddellagateau: yes15:38
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yofeluhm, we have 'merge-changelog' in ubuntu-dev-tools for that? ^^16:12
RiddellI don't know if I trust these fangled scripts :)16:13
yofelthey work - as long as you know how16:14
agateauRiddell: I think I am done with the package, but haven't filed a merge bug on launchpad. That should be the next step, right?16:19
Riddellagateau: you could just commit to the bzr branch and poke me to upload it16:26
Riddellare you in ~kubuntu-packagers?  we could add you if not16:26
agateaulet me try that16:28
agateauRiddell: want to review it before I try pushing?16:35
Riddellagateau: nah, that's what bzr uncommit is for :)16:35
agateauRiddell: ok :)16:36
agateauRiddell: Looks like I am a member of ~kubuntu-packagers16:37
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Riddellagateau: all good, uploaded, please file a bug with debian with those changes you made16:52
agateauRiddell: groovy16:53
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Cookies for Everyone! | 11.10 Released! | Merges: http://pad.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-precise-merges | 4.7.80: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging - Merge with debian first | http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-flavor-kubuntu.html TODOs!
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agateauRiddell: visited http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-flavor-kubuntu.html , but when I try to click my name I get a 404, do you know how to fix that?17:23
Riddellagateau: hmm, nope, I think skeat is incharge of that site17:39
Riddellhmm, what to put into the release meeting report?23:54

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