
JoaoSantanajono, jcastro Hey, horsemen!00:51
JoaoSantanajcastro, you answered me today, on jono's blog post about the community team plans for precise.01:08
pleia2cjohnston: shall I accept this not-canonical invite to etherpad?02:39
cjohnstonjust one more place to get a few people hopefully02:40
cjohnstonsince they arent letting us open it up02:40
cjohnstonany other teams you can think of?02:40
pleia2no, but I'll let you know if I do02:40
bkerensacjohnston: What is this etherpad notice? :D05:56
dholbachgood morning08:23
alouriegood morning09:00
dholbachhey dpm09:40
dpmhey dholbach, good morning09:40
dholbachdpm, sollen wir gleich mal ein bisschen telefonieren? :)09:40
dholbachoder "abhängen"?09:40
dpmdholbach, wir können abhängen, aber diesmal ohne Schnurrbart ;)09:41
dpmgib mir 2 Minuten09:41
dholbachdpm, klar, kein Problem - ich hab den Hangout schon mal gestartet09:42
dpmok, ich bin gleich da09:45
dpm(dauert noch...)09:46
dholbachdpm, danke10:15
dpmdholbach, gerne10:15
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: "Work Items: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-community.html || Community Trello: http://goo.gl/n4or5 (experiment) || Things to work on (in order): OpenWeek, UDS prep, WI's, Blueprints for UDS || dholbach's channel: http://goo.gl/9xNTd || dpm's channel: http://goo.gl/o2IR5"
czajkowskidholbach: any idea where all the action items from https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-roundtables  are ?12:28
dholbachczajkowski, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/meeting/19441/community-roundtables/ maybe?13:18
czajkowskidholbach: that's one of them alright13:21
czajkowskiI know I was assigned a ton of blogging in some blueprint13:21
czajkowskiand for the life of me I am blind to it13:21
Pendulumczajkowski: there was blogging in the recognition blueprint, is that what you're thinking of?13:22
Pendulumczajkowski: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-p-better-recognizing-community-contributions ?13:23
AlanBellwonder if we should make work items less of an ugly hack13:23
czajkowskiPendulum: ahhh13:23
czajkowskiPendulum: thats it13:23
czajkowskiit's now down on the burn down chart so was trying to find it13:23
cjohnstonbkerensa: i dont know what your referring to13:32
cjohnstonhappy turkey day14:33
AlanBellcjohnston: a heap of people got notified that not-canonical and similar groups had accepted the invite to the etherpad group14:45
AlanBellwhich would be what bkerensa was referring to14:46
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
ashamsjcastro, can you help me with this: https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=18324 I don't know why it's so frozen.17:07
popeyashams: i suspect that UDS got in the way, and the person that ticket is assigend to is on holiday I think17:12
ashamspopey, ah I got it17:13
ashamsthat's a holiMonth though :P17:13
ashamscan some1 reassign it?17:13
ashamspleeeeeease :D17:14
popeywell, your request should really go to the forums people17:18
ashamspopey, ok I'll try this, Thank you17:25
popeyI have reassigned it for you..17:26
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow18:03
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
bkerensaHapy Thanksgiving to all the Yanks in here ;)20:50
JoaoSantanahi all!23:29

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