
doctormoHello everyone02:51
doctormoService will be spotty up here in VT while I'm enjoying the holy day of Thank's Giving.02:51
dholbachgood morning08:23
yaili_good morning08:29
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sladenmorning all.  Are there any outstanding requests for bits and pieces that I need to look for while I'm in the office today?10:21
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AlanBellhi sladen and all11:29
sladenAlanBell: indeedy11:30
sladenAlanBell: what can I do for you11:30
AlanBellI have been playing with pencil for the unity on the telly project thing11:31
AlanBellcreated a base frame for people to sketch on designs of what unity media centre television thing might look like11:32
AlanBellsladen: one last place available for the christmas meal if you or someone else in the office can make it http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1409/detail/11:36
sladenAlanBell: I'm not going to book it as the penalty is too great.  But if I happen to be in London that evening and it's still unfilled, I might come along11:40
sladenwent to one in Berlin.  My impression was that they don't get, or feel the need for repeat customers11:40
sladenit's more like a theme-park novalty ride11:41
AlanBellyes, I know what you mean11:41
sladenthey were rude about my Brompton, managed to upset one of my dinning companions (another vegetarian + other issues, who wanted to see the menu before hand)11:42
sladenI think sabdfl's story about the shellfish ties up with that11:42
sladenthe partially-sighted community is benefitting, but other people are making the profit11:43
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sladenjonobacon/wendar: were you working on some governance stuff13:58
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AlanBellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/unitytelly/ storyboard sketching improved14:49
doctormoThe web chat had limits! 6am it turns into a pumpkin, good to know.15:40
doctormoAlanBell: Does ltp have a slot limit function yet?15:41
AlanBellslot limit??15:41
AlanBellloco team portal15:41
AlanBellI don't know what a slot limit function is doctormo15:42
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Andy80sladen: hi! I opened a bug ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat/+bug/894036 ) for XChat about using "Ubuntu Mono" as default font for it, but I've seen that the sourcecode of the Precise version was already modified to use "Monospace". The question is: since the Terminal and all the other apps use "Ubuntu Mono", should not we use it to have UI consistency? Thanks15:47
webbugsLaunchpad bug 894036 in xchat (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Mono font should be used by default in XChat" [Undecided,In progress]15:47
sladencan people with Android have a look at  http://module.create3000.de/tests/test-module.html  and see if there's double-spacing happening16:06
YoBoYsladen: you are evil, an url shortener is really useful on that case :D16:17
YoBoYbut don't know what you are looking for... the display seems identical on my android and my ubuntu16:19
Andy80sladen: just replied on LP ;)16:23
sladenYoBoY: d o e s   i t   l o o k   l i k e   t h i s ?16:31
sladenYoBoY: or like this?16:31
YoBoYlooks normal :) no extra spaces16:32
sladenYoBoY: interesting.  And you're definitely using the Android browser16:33
sladenAndy80: can you share with YoBoY how to get the version number information or the browser16:33
sladenof the browser16:33
sladenso we can work out which versions are affected16:33
YoBoYhum... define "android brower" ^^" i'm using the one on my smartphone, an HTC, don't know if it's the official android browser16:34
* AlanBell has double spacing going on16:35
sladenYoBoY: the bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat/+bug/894036  It's been raised by somebody else (Andy80)16:35
webbugsLaunchpad bug 894036 in xchat (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Mono font should be used by default in XChat" [Undecided,In progress]16:35
AlanBellsamsung galaxy s2 internal browser16:35
sladenAlanBell: s p a c e d  or normal?16:36
AlanBells p a c e d16:36
AlanBellversion 2.3.316:37
Andy80sladen: what do I have to do exactly? how the browser is related to my bug?16:38
YoBoYversion 2.2, webkit 3.116:38
AlanBellYoBoY: settings-applications-manage applications-all-internet16:38
YoBoYyes version 2.216:39
YoBoYthanks AlanBell16:39
AlanBellsladen: fine in mobile firefox, but no surprise there I expect16:41
sladenAndy80: There is a bug somewhere.  Your screenshot proves that.  And I've confirmed it on the Android device of the person next to me in the Millbank office16:41
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sladenAndy80: this could be either  (a) a bug in the Ubuntu Mono Font.  (b) a bug in the subsetting system used by Google in order to transmit smaller files.  (c) a bug in a particular version(s) of a particular Browser(s)16:41
Andy80sladen: you're talking with the wrong person....I didn't provide any screenshot O_o I'm the one who wrote you about an XChat improvement.16:42
sladenAndy80: ah, sorry16:42
Andy80sladen: I proposed to use "Ubuntu Mono" as default font in XChat, that's all :D16:42
sladenAndy80: yes, that's a separate bug.  For that, could you just do   bzr diff file-you-modified.something16:42
sladenAndy80: with the branches deleted, I'm not able to guess what file(s) you've changed16:43
sladenAndy80: if you list the commands you've type in order to get+test the source code, I can also possibly help find the difficulty with bzr16:43
sladenAndy80: and in uploading the tree16:43
Andy80sladen: no problem, I just need two informations.... 1) which one is the proper lp:project I've to branch from and 2) which one is the proper project where I've to push. I'll take care of the modify and of the merge request.16:46
sladenAndy80: lets worry about pulling it first16:48
Andy80sladen: ok :)16:49
sladenAndy80: what did you type?   Eg.   bzr branch lp:   or   apt-get source xchat?16:49
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Andy80sladen: "bzr branch lp:ubuntu/xchat" this16:50
Andy80sladen: is it the proper branch?16:50
sladenbzr branch lp:ubuntu/xchat  yes16:50
sladenAndy80: and then you changed some files?16:50
YoBoYsladen: ok, I can see the extra spaces on my android browser when I activate the "mobiel view", AlanBell can you check that on your browser ?16:50
Andy80sladen: not yet... or better I just started from scratch... it's just one line so I can do it now... wait..16:50
sladenYoBoY: how does one active/deactive "mobile" view.  Could you put that in the bug report?16:51
YoBoYsladen: bug number ?16:51
YoBoYdon't give me again the xchat bug :p16:51
webbugsLaunchpad bug 894133 in Ubuntu Font Family "Android Webkit gives double-width spacing when Ubuntu Mono used as web font" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:52
YoBoYthank you :)16:52
Andy80sladen: file modified, I even did the bzr ci ......, now I need to push it somewhere16:52
sladenAndy80: do bzr revert16:53
sladenAndy80: do bzr uncommit16:53
sladenand then bzr diff16:53
Andy80sladen: here is the diff http://pastebin.com/24hznXxx16:54
Andy80it looks ok to me... but I wait for your word :P16:56
YoBoYok I'm puzzled... seems my browser don't use the right police in "normal view" (can't see the magic characters)16:56
YannDinendalsladen, Andy80: shouldn't "Monospace" automatically default to "Ubuntu Mono" ?16:57
Andy80YannDinendal: I don't know.... if it's true, then my patch is useless :)16:58
Andy80no problem in that case ;)16:58
sladenAndy80: the way it was done, for the last release was to only change it via the gsettings value and the 'ubuntu-artwork' package17:41
sladenAndy80: arguably if the whole of the Ubuntu platform (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, ...) is happy with that change, then it could be chanced17:41
sladenAndy80: I'm still interested in seeing the patch that Andy80 made and proposed that17:42
sladenAndy80: to get the wider reaction from the Ubuntu platform people17:42
Andy80sladen: my  patch just modified this line: #define DEF_FONT "Ubuntu Mono 12"17:43
sladenAndy80: so, how far did you get17:44
Andy80sladen: but of course it's only for Ubuntu, not for Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Debian ecc....17:44
sladenAndy80: did you get as far as modifying that?17:44
Andy80sladen: what you mean?17:44
Andy80(excuse me, maybe my bad english :\ )17:44
sladenAndy80: you did  1.  bzr branch lp:ubuntu/xchat xchat-ubuntu-mono17:45
sladenAndy80: did you do   gedit xchat/some/file.c17:45
Andy80I need to commit and push now...17:45
Andy80sladen: can I commit and push? if yes... where do I push exactly?17:46
sladenAndy80: bzr commit -m 'Overide DEF_FONT to be "Ubuntu Mono 13"'17:46
sladenAndy80: or before that, do  bzr status   and check that you only modified one file17:46
Andy80yes, only that17:47
Andy80btw it's Ubuntu Mono 12, not 13 (the same as Terminal)17:47
Andy80sladen: do you think that this push could be ok: bzr push lp:~andreagrandi/ubuntu/xchat/xchat-ubuntu-mono ?17:51
sladenAndy80: I think so.  Or if that doesn't work  bzr push lp:~andreagrandi/+junk/xchat-ubuntu-mono17:52
Andy80sladen: oh no! I already tried to use "junk" url the first time and it was impossible to merge then17:53
Andy80sladen: but neither this one work.... uff: bzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:~andreagrandi/ubuntu/xchat/xchat-ubuntu-mono": No such distribution series xchat.17:54
sladenAndy80: do you have SSH setup?17:57
sladenAndy80: to push you need to have an SSH key registered in Launchpad17:57
Andy80sladen: yes... I regularly push stuff into Unity-2D17:57
Andy80sladen: the problem is this... usually the push URL would be this one: push lp:~andreagrandi/xchat/xchat-ubuntu-mono, but this will push into the upstream one, not the Ubuntu one17:58
Andy80sladen: so I need to know the proper URL17:58
AlanBell/ubuntu/precise/xchat-ubuntu-mono perhaps?17:59
Andy80AlanBell: or maybe: /ubuntu/precise/xchat/xchat-ubuntu-mono ?18:00
AlanBellmaybe :)18:01
Andy80ok... something was pushed :P let's see if I can merge it18:02
Andy80AlanBell, sladen the branch is here https://code.launchpad.net/~andreagrandi/ubuntu/precise/xchat/xchat-ubuntu-mono18:02
Andy80now I need to merge to the right one ;)18:02
Andy80AlanBell, sladen ok this should be the merge request https://code.launchpad.net/~andreagrandi/ubuntu/precise/xchat/xchat-ubuntu-mono/+merge/83332 let's hope it doesn't give any diff errors like yesterday18:05
Andy80nice! it worked :)18:05
sladenAndy80: hopefully it may start a discussion about whether to do it that way, or change the whole lot at a higher level18:08
Andy80sladen: yes.... I tried to look if there was the possibility to change this at /etc/... level, but I didn't find anything, do I ended changing it just there.18:09
sladengrep -i monospace -r /etc/fonts/conf.d/18:11
wendarsladen: for ubuntu-design? yes, the CC reviewed it in the last meeting19:29
wendarsladen: basically, the CC is the governance as we get started, and will help us grow team leadership19:30
sladenwendar: okay.  Current plan would be to work on rolling out a  design.ubuntu.com  as a planet, then progressively add people from the Ubuntu Design community has they gain recognition19:35
sladenwendar: (I'm hoping that the design.canonical.com blog would qualify at some point, for anything with the tag 'ubuntu')19:36
wendarsladen: you've talked with sabdfl and inayaili? they're moving design.canonical.com to design.ubuntu.com and opening it up to Ubuntu design community19:37
wendarsladen: or, is this the next step on that plan?19:37
sladenwendar: yes, we had another meeting today19:41
wendarsladen: cool, sounds good (and quick and easy to set up, which is good)19:42
sladenwendar: where the plan distilled to leaving design.canonical.com.  But moving all the perma-content to upstream (Unity guidlines -> unity.u.com;  Ubuntu stuff to design.u.com; etc)19:44
sladenwendar: so the Canonical Brand Guideline stuff could live there (until it gets superceded), but the Ubuntu stuff would  live on design.u.com (or somewhere else too)19:45
sladenwendar: however, I think you're way around on governance.  Clearly I've missed something proactive and productive happening there19:46
AlanBellI have put together an ubuntuish/canonicalish export template for pencil: http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/unitytelly/19:47
wendarsladen: sounds like a good distribution of content19:47
wendarsladen: on governance: ah, a good start, early days yet, we're still a baby team19:48
wendarAlanBell: cool!19:49
sladenAlanBell: what kinds of interfaces do you imagine people using for televisions?19:51
AlanBellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/unitytelly/pencilfiles/ the .ep files are the pencil files, and the ubuntu.zip is a pencil export filter19:51
sladenAlanBell: eg, would they be using a mouse/19:51
AlanBellsladen: dunno, but that isn't really the point in this context19:51
AlanBellthe point is that the free software wireframing tool is full of awesome19:51
AlanBellI am going to give that stuff to the #ubuntu-tv project to get them to do more concept wireframing stuff19:52
AlanBellI suspect the TV thing will end up either going nowhere, or becomming a unity theme for xbmc19:52
AlanBellso from an ubuntu-design point of view I wanted to make a wireframing/storyboard template that could be used for all sorts of things19:55
* sladen spots the old favicon on people.u.com19:55
sladenanyone want to file that at  http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-branding/+filebug?field.title=people.u.c+uses+pre-2010+Ubuntu+favicon  and take the credit?19:56
AlanBellyou spotted it19:56
mmiiccsladen: can you close this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-font-family/+bug/790913 I'm not sure if I as a reporter can do that21:03
webbugsLaunchpad bug 790913 in Ubuntu Font Family "UbuntuBeta Mono font looks blurry in Firefox and Chromium compared to Ubuntu Regular" [Undecided,New]21:03
sladenmmiicc: I think there was another bug I just bounced back to you from 18 months ago21:10
sladenmmiicc: marked it a dup of bug #82049321:12
webbugsLaunchpad bug 820493 in Ubuntu Font Family "Mono: No hinting yet - Ubuntu Beta Mono font looks jagged in Netbeans and terrible with ClearType" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82049321:12
mmiiccsladen: yes, that way you reminded me about this bug :)21:15
sladenmmiicc: would you be willing to help check an other ones that need re-testing21:18
mmiiccsladen: no problem21:18
sladenmmiicc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-font-family/+bug/603049  could do with somebody firing up the font at 9pt for each of the weights21:18
webbugsLaunchpad bug 603049 in Ubuntu Font Family "Hinting: hinted ~9pt is 1 pixel shorter than raw outlines" [High,Triaged]21:18
sladenmmiicc: and comparing the height between unhinted (the real outlines) and the fully manually hinted forms21:18
mmiiccsladen: how can I add more than one attachment to bug report?21:54
mmiiccsladen: nevermind, I've added zip file https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-font-family/+bug/603049/comments/2421:57
webbugsLaunchpad bug 603049 in Ubuntu Font Family "Hinting: hinted ~9pt is 1 pixel shorter than raw outlines" [High,Triaged]21:57
sladenmmiicc: what's your analysis based on the screenshots?22:03
mmiiccsladen: I see difference in width but not height22:04
mmiiccsladen: but I'm not an expert :22:04
mmiiccsladen: if you have more bugs to check, I'll be back tomorrow :)22:06
mmiiccgood night for now22:06
sladenmmiicc: thank you very much22:07
sladenpleia2: is there anything else needed from the office design archive before I leave the office at some point22:54
sladenoh, banner SVG22:58

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