
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
shadeslayer_ogra_: around?05:23
pittiGood morning05:44
pittiskaet: ah, Leann's mail confused me -- I saw it before leaving for the day, and I thought for a moment it was Thursday already :) so no panic05:44
* SpamapS rejoices as armel finally finishes building mysql 5.5 and unleashes the buildds on 111 rdeps..07:30
micahgspamapS: haven't you already been doing that?07:30
SpamapSmicahg: unfortunately I got stuck on some silliness with the new cmake build07:32
SpamapSmicahg: and since it takes 9 hours to rebuild on armel.. that turned into a 3 day problem unfortunately07:32
micahgspamapS: right, I'm just saying I've been seeing libmysqlclient rdep rebuilds from you for hours now :)07:33
SpamapSmicahg: so, there are two libraries.. libmysqlclient, and libmysqlclient_r .. or at least, there were.. and my first 2 uploads were missing libmysqlclient_r compatibility..07:34
SpamapSmicahg: so I could upload anything that used -lmysqlclient , but not -lmysqlclient_r07:34
SpamapSNow that my final upload is available on all arches, I can just upload all the rdeps07:35
SpamapSThis being my first mass rebuild.. I'm surprised at how many packages can't pass 'debuild -S' withut their build-deps installed. :-/07:35
cjwatsonI use debuild -S -nc for mass rebuilds07:36
cjwatsonwhich is OK as long as you're careful to have just fetched a clean source package07:36
cjwatsonhmm, livefs build failures today07:37
SpamapScjwatson: ahh, which I have been careful at that.. so -nc will be less likely to hit problems with missing makefiles and debhelper bits... interesting07:37
cjwatsonwait, why are there livefs build failures timestamped 22:4807:37
cjwatsontimestamp of the web logs is sane; mysterious07:38
cjwatsonbut those aren't the logs I just got mailed!07:39
cjwatsonoh, could be Chinese edition ones if the fix to their Subject regressed07:40
cjwatsonanyway, the proper ones just failed too07:40
cjwatsonaha, NEW07:41
SpamapSquestion.. is libmysqlclient worth a libreoffice build?07:42
cjwatsonSpamapS: talk with Sweetshark about it; there are a couple of other library transitions involved too07:43
cjwatsonwe may be getting to the point where the answer is yes07:43
tjaalton@pilot in07:43
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise open for uploads | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: tjaalton
* SpamapS defers that one07:45
dholbachgood morning08:23
SpamapSok.. time for actual sleep08:26
dholbachSpamapS, sleep tight08:26
pittiwgrant, cjwatson: are there known publisher problems again?08:38
pittiI can't find out what happened with python-zeitgeist08:38
pittiit's built, it's published, it's not in NEW, rmadison and queue on cocoplum have it08:39
pitti$ wget -O- -q http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2| bzgrep '^Package: python-zeitgeist'08:39
wgrantpitti: More likely to be mirroring issues.08:39
wgrantLet's see.08:39
cjwatsonpitti: I've already fixed it.08:39
pittiwgrant: sorry, that's what I meant to say08:39
pitticjwatson: ah, great; OOI, what was it?08:39
wgrantWhat was broken?08:39
cjwatsonYou're an hour too slow, old man :-)08:39
pittididrocks: ^ FYI08:39
cjwatsonNothing was broken in Launchpad.  python-zeitgeist was stuck in NEW.08:40
pitti09:33:21 didrocks | pitti: it's not a new one08:40
pitti09:33:24 didrocks | was there already08:40
pittididrocks: ^ so apparently it was NEW after all?08:41
cjwatsonIt was NEW as far as Launchpad was concerned.08:41
pitticjwatson: ok, thanks08:41
didrocksit's not, it was there, or am I dreaming with another unstable zg version?08:41
* didrocks checks08:41
cjwatsondidrocks: Launchpad disagrees with you.08:41
pittianyway, mystery solved, so it was just a race condidtion between me looking and cjwatson NEWing it08:41
cjwatsonAnd yes, archive.ubuntu.com may in general be a little bit behind.08:41
pittididrocks: dreaming :)08:42
didrockspitti: cjwatson: argh, you're right, it was in zg-core before, I prepared the split just after oneiric released and so, that's why I didn't see it in the diff I made this morning08:42
cjwatsonI've kicked off CD rebuilds too.08:42
pittididrocks: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zeitgeist/0.8.2-1/+build/2806982 was the previous Ubuntu version and didn't have it; so I assume PPA08:42
didrockspitti: cjwatson: sorry, should take another cup of coffee it seems08:42
didrocksthanks for newing it cjwatson :)08:43
pitticjwatson: FWIW, nice that rmadison is now actually faster than archive.u.c.08:43
pittisince it stopped lagging for several hours it became even more useful08:43
cjwatsonheh, yeah08:46
cjwatsonin fact, I'm setting up chdist on ubuntu-archive@lillypilly08:46
cjwatsonbored with waiting for a.u.c to update08:46
cjwatsonmost of the KDE chaos on precise_probs.html is due to akonadi build skew08:49
pitticjwatson: oh, does it actually pull from archive? I had assumed syncproxy08:49
cjwatsonit pulls from ftpmaster08:49
cjwatsoner, wait, what are you referring to by "it"?08:49
pittieh, nevermind; somehow I read that as "cd image build machine"08:50
cjwatsonah, well, that pulls from ftpmaster too08:50
pittiwith "it" being the local mirror08:50
pitti/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/ftp/ etc.08:51
cjwatsongenerally I think most of our own processes don't have to wait for syncproxy any more.08:51
pittiI just noticed that this sometimes takes up to 10 mins after the hour to pick up a new package08:51
cjwatsoncdimage will pick it up immediately the publisher has finished; actually even before the publisher has finished08:51
pittiah, is that new?08:52
cjwatsontypically as soon as the new dists/ is put into place, which is normally around :2008:52
cjwatsonyes, in the last month or so08:52
pittimy last "*nnng* need this now* was probalby around oneiric beta-108:52
pittiah, sweet08:52
cjwatsonpart of the whole process of streamlining image builds08:52
cjwatsonI'm hoping we can be on 30-minute publisher runs by the new year08:55
cjwatsonThat is, roughly, December's project08:55
cjwatsonWow, build queue depth.  I think that means it's time to go and get the child ready ...08:58
cjwatsonpitti: Incidentally, you can look at ~ubuntu-archive/mirror/ubuntu/ on lillypilly - that's where rmadison, cron.NBS, etc. get their data now08:59
cjwatsonAnd all the reports should be triggered from ~ubuntu-archive/bin/archive-reports.  I'll be moving *-mismatches over as soon as an RT gets processed to let me rsync germinate output too.09:00
pittithat's so sweet! much less wasted wood from biting into tables while waiting for an urgent image build09:01
ogra_shadeslayer_, i am now09:08
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OdyXtkamppeter: any news about the re-birth of the foomatic-* tarballs on openprinting.org ?09:33
EO_How do you install debugging packages for libasound2, or any package?09:49
EO_There's some reference to a 2006 system, but I assume it's been replaced by now09:49
EO_oh here we go...09:51
pittiapw: bigon says kerneloops.org is dead; should we keep the daemon running and enabled? (and even installed?)09:55
apwpitti, hmm i wonder if that was/is hosted at kernel.org09:57
bigonpitti: I was planning to orphan it in debian (as the maintainer is MIA)09:57
pittiapw: do you know if the project itself is still alive? i. e. not just fallout from teh kernel.org intrusion?09:57
bigonah, well that could explain why the website is dead09:57
broderi think bugzilla.kernel.org is still down from that, isn't it?09:59
broderso i would have assumed they were just dealing with lots and lots of fallout09:59
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apwhmm with the rate that things are coming back, if its something we can disable and reenable later if iti comes back, then i suspect that that is the right approach for now09:59
apwi've not heard anything personally about the project being abandoned, but things have been strange since the breakin09:59
EO_got it!10:06
pittiapw: yes, we can disable it easily10:06
* pitti does so10:06
pittiapw, bigon ^ FYI10:07
apwpitti, thanks, that makes sense to me10:08
bigonalright, I'll see what to do in debian with that package10:08
seb128@pilot in10:39
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise open for uploads | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: tjaalton, seb128
* dholbach hugs seb12810:40
seb128dholbach, ;-)10:40
=== _salem is now known as salem_
shadeslayer_ogra_: nvm, Wanted to talk to you about ARM v6 compiles on ubuntu, but then read your reply on bug 848154 ...11:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 848154 in Ubuntu "ARM version not supporting V6 RaspPi" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84815411:20
ogra_yeah, we dont do v6 since karmic11:21
shadeslayer_Kind of torn between your views and the reporters :)11:21
shadeslayer_Its a pretty neat oppurtunity imho for students like myself11:21
ogra_well, they are free to rebuild the archive on their own or to supply the needed resources to do it in the archive11:21
shadeslayer_Yeah, that I agreed with11:21
ogra_we wont do it, and ubuntu is switching to armhf over the next two releases11:22
shadeslayer_ogra_: http://wiki.qt-project.org/Qt_RaspberryPi/Device_program << Nokia started a Device Program ... which is why I was looking at it11:22
ogra_with that v6 wont even be an easy opportunity11:22
shadeslayer_Ah ..11:22
shadeslayer_ogra_: thanks for your time11:31
ogra_np :)11:31
cjwatson$ lp-remove-package.py -u $SUDO_USER -m NBS -b -y libperl5.1211:36
* ogra_ applauds 11:36
tumbleweedtseliot: any plans for having nvidia-cuda-toolkit in Ubuntu (it's in Debian, but due to nvidia packaging differences, can't just be synced)?12:14
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* cjwatson cuts three minutes off cron.NBS runtime12:16
cjwatson(3m38s -> 25s)12:17
cjwatson(well, for the archive-cruft-check bit)12:17
tumbleweednot bad12:17
tseliottumbleweed: right, I should have a look at that. I'll put it on my todo list. Thanks for reminding me12:20
tumbleweedtseliot: aha, thanks12:20
pitticjwatson: !12:37
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
pittitoday is feature definition freeze; I'd really like to have status.u.c. reset, so that all the trend lines are correct; slangasek, cjwatson, Daviey, apw, jibel: ok for you, too?13:27
pittiI don't have access myself, so I'll ask IS to rename the current DB (in case someone still needs it)13:27
pittijames_w: ^ do you still have access to this?13:29
cjwatsonfine by me13:29
cjwatsonI have two still to approve13:29
cjwatsonbetter do that :)13:29
cjwatsonactually, I think I thought FDF was tomorrow13:29
pittihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule says Nov 2413:30
pittiand usually all our freezes are on Thursdays13:30
pittianyway, resetting it tomorrow WFM, I'd just like to get it done this week13:31
cjwatsonoh, yes, I just misread the mail13:31
pittiwohoo, https://staging.launchpad.net/! thanks wgrant!13:32
wgrantpitti: Ah, great. Hoped it would come back eventually :)13:32
wgrantIt's on a fresh DB, so it might time out even more than usual for a while as the caches warm up.13:33
wgrantHmm, or not. It's *meant* to be on a fresh DB.13:34
james_wpitti, no, just #is I believe13:42
Davieypitti: please do!13:44
DavieyIt would be nice to be able to easily reset it on demand, the trend line was useless last cycle for us - i didn't have the heart to raise an RT for it.13:45
pittiDaviey: individual trend lines can be changed by anyone13:46
Davieyoh?  Didn't realise that.13:46
DavieyI thought since it moved, we couldn't.13:46
pittiDaviey: https://code.launchpad.net/~wi-tracker-configurators/launchpad-work-items-tracker/ubuntu-config/ is the config13:46
pittiit's in bzr13:46
DavieyI've not been getting mails recently for bad syntax, even though i saw some with it.. Anyone else not getting mail?13:46
Davieypitti: ta13:47
pittibut it doesn't make sense to manually set hundreds of trend lines (NB all invidual users) around FDF13:47
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jibelpitti, ok for me14:00
pittiok, WI tracker reset14:01
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
apwpitti, i don't mind either way, i am happy to leave things as they are and just reset the trend lines, but not bothered if you reset14:13
apwdoko, is that only on oneiric buildd's or any arm buildd building in an oneiric chroot14:23
dokoapw, should be for any buildd which is used to build precise (which I understand is oneiric)14:24
dokoat least scheat runs oneiric as the host system14:25
Andy80I had prepared a very small patch for XChat and I wanted to merge... the problem is that I found many XChat projects in Launchpad and I really don't know which one to branch and which one to push into. Please consider that my patch is Ubuntu related only so it must not be included in the upstream version of XChat. Any idea? Thanks.14:31
dokoapw, infinity, ppisati: so it looks like some buildds are still running on babbage boards (lucid?)14:33
* doko wonders why we have a delta in amule which just removes a paragraph in the package description ...14:35
pittidoko: overzealous sponsors?14:36
seb128Daviey, hey, do you plan to keep following on https://code.launchpad.net/~gandelman-a/ubuntu/precise/facter/lp888671/+merge/81894 ? it's in the sponsoring queue and you started reviewing it, it seems, the submitter updated following your comments14:37
Davieyseb128: Ah, do you have thoughts on it?  It seemed bad to depend on ruby1.8.. but i don't care that much14:44
seb128Daviey, no, I'm just trying to clean a bit the sponsoring queue, you seemed to be on this one so I was not sure if it was needed to let it still be in the queue14:45
Davieyseb128: sure, take off sponsors.. i'll take ownership for now.14:46
seb128Daviey, thanks14:46
roadmrseb128: dumb question re: this merge request (https://code.launchpad.net/~roadmr/ubuntu/oneiric/checkbox/0.13/+merge/82719), how can I change the targetted series?14:48
roadmrseb128: (btw, thanks so much for sponsoring our upload!)14:48
seb128roadmr, (you're welcome)14:49
seb128roadmr, not sure, I don't have an active merge request of mine handy to try, don't you have an edit or resubmit button somewhere?14:49
roadmrseb128: oh yes, the "resubmit proposal" button lets me edit that.14:50
roadmrseb128: sorry, I should have been able to figure that out myself, fixing it now14:50
seb128roadmr, yw14:50
seb128no worry14:50
seb128roadmr, it's uploaded in any case so you can set it as merged14:50
dokopitti, well, I'll drop it14:51
seb128could somebody set https://code.launchpad.net/~kevin-lacqui/ubuntu/oneiric/eggdrop/fix-for-885329/+merge/81387 to work in progress or something else to get it off the sponsoring queue until it's updated?14:57
seb128@pilot out14:58
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise open for uploads | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: tjaalton
seb128ok, enough for today14:58
Laney 14:59
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
tjaaltonwhat was the fix for bugs like bug 894141 again?16:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 894141 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "bug caused by gzip './usr/share/doc/libqt4-network/copyright' is different from the same file on the system" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89414116:41
tjaaltonor workaround16:41
cjwatsonthat's got nothing to do with the known gzip bug16:43
cjwatsoncopyright isn't compressed16:43
cjwatsonit was a pkgbinarymangler bug when pitti fixed it recently, I believe16:44
cjwatsonthough I don't see it in pkgbinarymangler's uploaded changelog; check IRC logs from a couple of days ago16:45
tjaaltonnothing in bzr either, since 10616:49
tjaaltonthat was a week ago16:49
tjaaltonchecking the irclog16:49
SpamapShrm, did something break sbuild recently?16:51
SpamapSsince sbuild-update'ing my precise chroot I can't build anymore...16:51
tjaaltoncjwatson: found the dupe, bug 89382616:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 893826 in pkgbinarymangler (Ubuntu) "symlinked docs are different between architectures, depending on dpkg-deb package order" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89382616:53
SpamapShm seems I just happened to try and build two things that depend on locales-all | something-else16:53
jelmerhmm, python-subunit has a MIR that was fixreleased several months ago, but I'm still getting a DEPWAIT trying to build-depend on it. Is there anything else I need to do ?17:00
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
g0twigis here the team that makes the ubuntu 12.04 isoĊ›?17:11
cjwatsong0twig: probably easier to just ask your question directly, as there's a lot of stuff in the images and it's dealt with by lots of different people17:11
cjwatsong0twig: and please don't ask in multiple different channels17:12
SpamapSok.. thats too much to deal with on turkey day17:53
cjwatsonstgraber: update on fuse: I have what I think is a correct merge that builds, but I need to test it some more before uploading18:47
cjwatsonand it's EOD now I think18:47
stgrabercjwatson: ok, thanks18:52
micahgpitti: are you still around?  I have a question about a changelog from an SRU going into -security19:46
micahgpitti: nevermind, I figured it out19:52
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
sladenis Launchpad broken for everyone or just me.com ?20:37
ajmitchsladen: define 'broken' - there's a new bug listing for beta testers but apart from that it's working for me20:38
penguin42sladen: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu seems OK to me20:38
sladenajmitch: OOPS on submitting bug changes20:39
sladenajmitch: though making them individually appears to have worked20:39
lifelesssladen: via email ?20:40
sladenlifeless: +edit submit20:42
sladenlifeless: I can no-longer reproduce it20:42
sladenthere will be some OOPS in there20:43
tjaalton@pilot out21:06
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise open for uploads | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
SpamapSI need to convert mysql-server from a meta-package to a virtual package so that mariadb and percona can provide it as well.... do I need to have an archive admin drop the old meta package in order to do that properly?21:45
micahgSpamapS: you could just have it provide alternate dependencies on those 3 packages with a preferred default first21:51
micahgwait, maybe not...21:52
SpamapSmicahg: its orthogonal to my current goals.. so I'll leave it as a meta package for now21:54
micahgSpamapS: as long as the binary is there, it will try to use the binary to install, but if something else is pulled in, I think the provides takes precedence21:55
* micahg is thinking of the notification-daemon package21:58
SpamapSmicahg: Eventually I'd like for other mysql derivatives to be able to provide: mysql-server and mysql-client. For now, its not necessary.21:58
micahgSpamapS: makes sense21:58
lifelessSpamapS: virtual packages can be named the same as a real package21:59
SpamapSlifeless: *oh*22:00
SpamapSI hadn't thought of it like that22:00
micahgSpamapS: so, you can leave the provides off of the mysql-server-foo package and leave the meta package to pull that in as a sane default, and add the provides/conflicts to the others22:00
SpamapSOk cool I'll do that with percona and maria22:01
SpamapSWhich makes more sense.22:01
lifeless'If there are both concrete and virtual packages of the same name, then the dependency may be satisfied (or the conflict caused) by either the concrete package with the name in question or any other concrete package which provides the virtual package with the name in question. '22:01
lifelessSpamapS: and http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-binary.html#s-virtual_pkg22:01
lifelessSpamapS: the other thing to remember is 'If a relationship field has a version number attached, only real packages will be considered to see whether the relationship is satisfied (or the prohibition violated, for a conflict or breakage). '22:04
lifelessSpamapS: so you can have simple deps on 'mysql-server' satisfied by percona, oracle, drizzle etc22:05
lifelessSpamapS: but you can't have complex ones like 'version >= 5'22:05
SpamapSThats fine, it only makes sense in the simple case.22:05
azeemPackage: oracle22:05
azeemDepends: mysql-server (>= awesome)22:05
SpamapSBreaks: *22:06
azeemwell, I meant Provides:22:06

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