
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
stgrabercjwatson: hi! do you think you'll have time to merge that branch I sent you and update the ISO publishing code on the server today? I'd really appreciate having some of the dailies on there before we start testing alpha-1 next week.11:54
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cjwatsonstgraber: right.  I'll have a look at it now12:41
cjwatsonstgraber: look plausible?  I posted some server builds12:51
stgraberyep, looks good12:54
stgraberjibel, skaet: ^ (our first dailies on the tracker!)12:54
cjwatsonRight.  I've configured it to post everything now.  We'll need to edit ~/.isotracker.conf to change the milestone12:56
cjwatsonI guess I should edit *Process for that12:56
stgrabercjwatson: that or use -m "Precise alpha-1" on the command line, whatever is easiest12:57
cjwatson~/.isotracker.conf is easier12:58
cjwatsonit's better if we don't have to post manually12:58
cjwatson*Process edited13:02
mdeslaurpitti: could you adjust some kernel overrides for me please?13:58
pittimdeslaur: yes13:58
mdeslaurpitti: for linux-ec2 on lucid, the following went to universe instead of main: http://paste.ubuntu.com/748200/13:58
pittimdeslaur: done14:01
mdeslaurpitti: thanks!14:01
jibelstgraber, and our first failure ;)14:03
cjwatsonI'd better fix that then ;-)14:11
cjwatson(was in the middle of it but got sidetracked into reviewing a couple of specs)14:12
stgraberjibel: nice :)14:18
stgraberjibel: oh, looks like I need to setup the cronjob for the bugs14:19
apwskaet, where has the release calender gone.  the one i have in google is just empty16:01
skaetapw,  see Ubuntu Release Calendar under google.16:29
* skaet may need to get some wiki pages updated to refer to it... 16:31
apwskaet, yeah that doesn't seem easy to do any more with the new calendar screne16:35
skaetstgraber:  :);   I just changed the Notice to reflect its daily  testing, and it seems to be fine.    Stumbled into the report bug as well, but see you're aware.  ;)16:46
* skaet heads back to kitchen and Thanksgiving meal prep. :)16:47
* skaet spoke too soon....16:49
skaetstgraber, has updated text. doesn't  (which is probably where it should be) - or some interface to provide overview.  ;)16:50
* skaet hears buzzer from oven timer.... really leaves now.16:50
stgraberskaet: appears on both here16:52
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cjwatsonCould somebody process fuse through NEW reasonably urgently?  I need to upload ntfs-3g that depends on it, ideally before tomorrow morning's daily image builds23:23
cjwatsonI guess nobody's around on North American time, understandably enough given the date.  I'll ask again tomorrow morning and maybe rebuild images to match.23:48

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