=== micahg_ is now known as micahg [11:35] jibel: ping [12:21] stgraber, pong [12:23] jibel: did you have a chance to read what I wrote in this channel yesterday? [12:23] jibel: regarding the download page on the ISO tracker [12:25] stgraber, yes, I read it but forgot it this morning, reading again :) [12:25] ok :) [12:34] stgraber, how do you make the link with the build number ? is it a substitution in the path ? [12:35] yeah [12:35] will the previous serie be associated automatically with the new milestone ? [12:36] not automatically but should that'll be one or two extra clicks when adding a milestone [12:36] s/should// [12:39] and what about dailies ? [12:39] dailies are pushed to a "Precise daily" milestone that'll have "precise" as the series [12:39] ok [12:42] so when we'll have Q alpha-1 we'll probably want to copy all the download links from the precise series to the Q series, but that's a one every 6 months thing [12:42] *once [12:51] I'm still pondering. [12:51] I liked the idea to have a structure closer to the product with the notions of release, flavour, variant and arch [12:52] this was closer to how the builds are named and published [12:52] yeah but doesn't fit so well when we also need to deal with hardware (laptops) and software (packages) [12:52] but given the current data model, that's too much changes to work with multiple releases at once and being generic at the same time [12:53] I think adding the series to the tracker will make it closer to what we have on LP and should solve most of our issues [12:53] stgraber, I agree. go for it [12:53] as download links can be per-series and then testcases can be per-series too [12:57] jibel: ok, I'll implement it once I'm no longer on the bus and I had my morning coffee :) [12:58] stgraber, :) === yofel_ is now known as yofel [14:26] mvo, about auto upgrade testing, why is it a failure when there is a .dpkg-dist left after upgrade ? [14:26] mvo, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/precise-upgrade/PROFILE=ubuntu,label=upgrade-test/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/ubuntu/bootstrap.log [14:26] bah [14:26] https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/precise-upgrade/PROFILE=ubuntu,label=upgrade-test/lastBuild/artifact/ubuntu/bootstrap.log [14:28] in that case is it because of this change [14:28] - debian/sudo.preinst: [14:28] + avoid conffile prompt by checking for known default /etc/sudoers [14:28] and if found installing the correct default /etc/sudoers file [14:28] in sudo (1.8.3p1-1ubuntu1) [14:32] jibel: do we want the bugs on the daily milestone to be tagged on LP? [14:32] stgraber, yes [14:33] perfect, no change to do to the script except a few seds then :) [14:35] jibel: its usually a conffile [14:36] mvo, yep, in that case it's sudoers.dpkg-dist but why is it a failure to have this file left after upgrade ? [14:38] is it because there was a debconf prompt and there shouldn't be ? [14:46] jibel: yeah, exactly [14:46] mvo, I'll file a bug then, thanks! [14:49] jibel: it should probably not be a hard error, more a warning [14:49] jibel: if jenkins supports this, no idea [14:49] jibel: how did the main-all thing go? is there a test image for that yet or can I help here? [14:51] mvo, I must validate a gnome-theme SRU and regenerate the base image. I planned to do that before A1. [14:51] (which is soon) [14:55] mvo, jenkins supports warnings but I am not sure if it is core or as a plugin. I'll change the tests to report in junit format after A1, so we'll have finer results [15:04] jibel: thanks, as always, much appreicated! [15:04] jibel: if I can help with the main-all base image building, just shout [15:04] jibel: on this bigiron machine we have I would even like to try to build a huge universe image [15:08] stgraber, you should have purged the test database before running the bot [15:09] it's tagging random bugs [15:39] stgraber, could you disable the bot please [16:21] jibel: done [21:09] hi [21:09] can somebody help me?