
=== dzan is now known as dzan|away
Milos_SDwhat is the status of fixed fglrx? :D11:40
tseliotricotz, Milos_SD: I'm working to update fglrx to the 11-11 release12:21
tseliotin both precise and oneiric12:22
tseliotI hope to upload it today12:22
ricotztseliot, ok ;) -- you probably want to look at 290.10 too which is a latest stable release12:24
Milos_SDtseliot, great :)12:25
ginggshi all - i hope this is the right place to ask - any chance debian's nvidia-cuda-toolkit could be included in precise?12:26
ginggsIt's going to need some work to make it compatible with nvidia-current12:26
tseliotricotz: if it's a stable release, I certainly will ;)12:26
ricotztseliot, looks like there are more requests for cuda :P12:26
tseliotginggs: yes, I've been just asked about it in #ubuntu-devel and the answer is "I'll have a look at it and see how I can integrate it"12:27
tseliotricotz: right12:27
ginggsthanks tseliot12:27
tseliotnp, thanks for reminding me12:28
Milos_SDtseliot, will that 11-11 release package have fixed hybrid graphics support? :)12:34
tseliotMilos_SD: yes, I'll backport my fix for hybrid graphics too12:40
tseliotso that at least libraries are looked for in the right place12:41
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tseliotRAOF: do you mind if I steal bug #813809 from you? ;)15:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 813809 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu Precise) (and 2 other projects) "Hybrid Graphics with Intel+fglrx is not supported (affects: 29) (dups: 1) (heat: 131)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81380915:22
* penguin42 has anyone else had problems with mouse pointers disappearing at random times, and any suggestions on debugging it (still does it with soft cursor)18:32
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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