
icerootsecleinteer: what aout using your backup?00:00
CharminTheMooseI've been wondering, if I removed Gnome on my system now, would it get pulled back in if I tried upgrading to 11.10?00:00
Gentoo64secleinteer: youll need build essential (apt-get install buildd-essential) which you cant do lol00:00
secleinteeryeah, that sounds right00:00
goer Help....Cannot setup shares as I get this msg: should have permissions 0755 for browsing to work00:00
c_smithCharminTheMoose: I believe it would, if it's an Ubuntu base.00:00
Daghdhathe ifmetric just isn't working at all. I see last update was 2004, maybe that something has changed since then.00:00
pragmaticenigmasecleinteer: A tip for the future, if your concerned about losing your files... make the home directory a seperate partition... then when you reinstall you only have to mark that partition as your home directory and the new installation will not delete your files00:00
secleinteerpragmaticenigma: i already have that00:01
secleinteerbeen doing it for years00:01
pragmaticenigmasecleinteer: Smart Dude ;-)00:01
pragmaticenigmaI only learned about that feature a couple years ago... wish I knew about it sooner00:01
SolarisBoydoes that work with lvm secleinteer?00:02
anonperhaps someone can point me in the right direction..I want to wipe freespace on a whole drive but not remove file00:02
SanusWell I'm reconnected.  Again I'm having a problem with getting the Compaq Presario CQ57 laptop working with Ubuntu 10.0400:02
DaghdhaDoes the order in wich network devices are listed in /etc/network/interfaces affect anything?00:02
pragmaticenigmaSolarisBoy: No00:02
icerootanon: sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean00:02
mcphailanon: define wipe00:02
SolarisBoyiceroot: assuming its the root drive no?00:02
anonnoway--that simple?00:02
icerootSolarisBoy: yes00:03
pragmaticenigmaI never like LVM... non-standard way of partitioning a disk making it hard to mount into any other system00:03
icerootanon: that will free up some space on /00:03
mcphailDaghdha: they are brought up in order00:03
SolarisBoywhy is it hard00:03
SolarisBoyvgchange -aly00:03
pragmaticenigmaiceroot: How does it work? please PM if needed00:03
SolarisBoylvm rocks out =)00:03
anoni just want to securly overright all free space on my whole ext4 fs00:03
Daghdhamcphail: DOes that order affect which is gonna be defaulted to?00:03
JohnCan anyone help me with a sound issue? I have been working at this for the past two days with no luck.  PM me if you have some free time to help :)00:04
icerootpragmaticenigma: the packagemanager is caching ALL package-files you installed, sudo apt-get clean is cleaning that cache. autoremove is removing packages which are no longer needed and just installed because other programs needed them in the past00:04
xangua!pm | John00:04
ubottuJohn: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.00:04
mcphailDaghdha: no, it shouldn't. But workiing with more than 1 interface has always made my head hurt. I'm not the best person to ask for advice00:04
pragmaticenigmaanon: I haven't come across a tool to securely wipe free space on EXT partitions...00:04
Gentoo64anon: use partedmagic and secure erase00:04
Gentoo64can do about 10 types of secure erase on any fs00:04
JokesOnYou77anon: http://superuser.com/questions/19326/how-to-wipe-free-disk-space-in-linux00:05
anoni have the new parted magic disc..couldnt find a wipe freee space opt00:05
pragmaticenigmaiceroot: I was referring to separate partitions in LVM to allow you to easily restore /home directories saved on a separate partition00:05
delinquentmeis there a application which handles "thumb jumps" when typing ... my mouse shooting all over the place is kind of driving me nuts....00:05
JetJaguarBF3 or MW3?00:05
codexcan anyone help with adding repositories and how to use public keys?00:05
Gentoo64anon: system tools secure erase i think00:05
nrdbhow do I change the default umask setting for a user?  I want 077.  there doesn't appear to be a .bash_profile file00:05
T0mMHow do i make my own Public apt-get repository?00:05
anonawesome..thx fr the help...i didnt get very far with a web search00:05
Gentoo64JetJaguar: i have bf3.. its complete crap compared to bf200:05
DaghdhaThanks for your kind helps everyone :)00:06
xangua!ppa | T0mM00:06
ubottuT0mM: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa00:06
=== [You is now known as derp
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details00:06
icerootT0mM: use a ppa on launchpad or use apt-ftparchive to build a PACKAGES file00:06
SolarisBoyrestoring lvm is not hard at all00:06
SolarisBoyimport the vg's and your done00:06
anonthey had an option in ghost on parted magic but the free space wipe was disabled00:06
delinquentmeyeahh see that quit .. that was just the thumb jump of my cursor ... meh00:06
SanusSo once more, my Compaq Presario CQ 57 is having some serious driver issues with Ubuntu 10.04.00:06
Rar9hi I would like to autostart Apache Solr on ubuntu 10.4  but i only found this http://drupal.org/node/507292 what do I have to modify so that it will work?00:07
pragmaticenigmaSolarisBoy: I've never had luck restoring or moving LVM partitions to a new installation00:07
SanusIIRC Ubuntu 10.04 is the current supported version, is it not?00:07
Gentoo64anon: its def in partedmagic, i use it for my ssd (the internal secure erase)00:07
SolarisBoypragmaticenigma: i've never had a fail with it00:07
pragmaticenigmaSanus: 10.04 through 11.10 are all currently supported00:07
JetJaguarGentoo64  We must be the only gamers.00:07
SanusOn the forum, the only answer I'm getting is, "Go get 11.10" but I seriously dislike Unity00:07
xanguaSanus: 10.04 is the latest stable LTS, 10 for year, 4 for month00:07
delinquentmelike is it hard to differentiate mousepad glances from intended mouse movements?00:08
anongentoo64: how to access it?00:08
Gentoo64JetJaguar: im a bf2 pro :) i hate cod though00:08
SolarisBoyits simply vgchange -aly and have the same lvm packages installed you imported from and it works after that mount the lvs as needed,, even works on a live cd00:08
anoni have the disc and was fairly sure it was adequit00:08
Gentoo64anon: go in the start menu thing (lxde menu) and system tools, secure erase00:08
mcphailSanus: if your kit is new 10.04 may be too old00:08
anonthis will not erase my whole hard drive?00:08
pragmaticenigmaSanus: You don't have to use Unity, also, try one of the other versions like Xubuntu or Kubuntu00:08
Gentoo64anon: it will00:08
xanguaSanus: what does unity has to do¿ you can use gnome's shell also00:08
Sanuspragmaticenigma I have.  I dislike many of them.00:08
pragmaticenigmaSanus: You can still install and use Gnome00:08
Gentoo64anon: itll even erase the partition table00:08
SolarisBoyanon: what is your goal?00:08
mcphailSanus: but you could always try a new kernel00:09
Sanusxangua: I dont like Gnomeshell00:09
anoneek..just free space..00:09
Sanusmcphail: I don't like the new Gnome.00:09
SolarisBoyanon needs way more detail00:09
pragmaticenigmaSanus: What do you like then?00:09
SolarisBoyanon have you determined what is taking space?00:09
xanguaSanus: sounds like you don't like gnome then...00:09
Gentoo64anon: ah ok00:09
Sanusmcphail pragmaticenigma xangua: I'd like to use Gnome 2.x00:09
mcphailSanus: as I said, you could always try a new kernel and keep 10.0400:09
Gentoo64anon: not sure if theres a command, maybe som dd command00:09
Sanusmcphail: I could do that?00:09
Gentoo64but again that erase a partition00:09
SolarisBoyto clear disk space?00:09
anonyou are correct its been my goal today to learn of secure delete options for future and free space wiping for previous owner00:09
Sanusmcphail: Teach me your sudo-ninjitsu.00:10
SolarisBoyanon: bleachbit00:10
Gentoo64anon: i know what you mean, something like ccleaner has for windows00:10
mcphailSanus: yes. It may or may not help00:10
anonjust like ccleaner00:10
SolarisBoyif your looking to wipe a file securely00:10
pragmaticenigmaSanus: should check out Mint then... it's built similar to Ubuntu, but they plan to keep Gnome 2.x going for awhile... Mint is not supported here however00:10
JokesOnYou77anon: did you take a look at this: http://superuser.com/questions/19326/how-to-wipe-free-disk-space-in-linux00:10
Artemis3dd if=/dev/urandom etc?00:10
Joey_lampp is installed00:10
Joey_how do i turn it on?00:10
anonchecking links now...00:10
SolarisBoysi senor somewhat like but it actually removed the file as a pose to marking it for overwrite etc00:10
SolarisBoyanon ok00:10
Gentoo64Artemis3: yeah but thatl overwrite the whole partition/disk with random data00:10
SolarisBoylol yes it would....00:11
Artemis3so do it first and then the partitioning?00:11
anoncant have that happen00:11
Joey_how do i turn on lampp?00:11
Joey_sudo what?00:11
SolarisBoyyou want to wipe the FILE...00:11
mcphail!Mainline | Sanus00:11
ubottuSanus: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds00:11
SolarisBoynot the partition... so use bleachbit...00:11
Sanuspragmaticenigma: I like 10.04.  It's held me up well since last year.00:11
Gentoo64anon: hang on00:11
anonill seriously throw a youtube fit epiclly if i erase my whole disc00:11
capcooklamp starts like a daemon at boot00:11
Gentoo64anon: just backup the drive with clonezilla (if you can) and run a full secure erase then restore it00:11
pragmaticenigmaSanus: It will continue being support till 2013 I believe00:11
Joey_but how do i turn it on?00:11
Joey_what's the command?00:11
=== alex1 is now known as alex431
capcookif you installed it, it's already on00:12
SolarisBoyit does similar to cc cleaner, it also WIPES files.. not just MARK for deletion00:12
capcookopen firefox00:12
Joey_so, localhost/phpmyadmin will work?00:12
capcookand type00:12
SolarisBoynot that matters other than security concerns...00:12
=== marc is now known as Guest46230
Joey_what about phpmyadmin00:12
SolarisBoyJoey assuming that you httpd/apache is configured properly it would work00:13
capcooktype phpmyadmin00:13
Guest46230what about phpmyadmin00:13
pragmaticenigmaA note on secure wiping: Since all of the default installs of Ubuntu use journaling file systems, the file is never truely deleted by a secure wipe... backups still exist in the journal and will be removed at a later time00:13
Joey_localhost/phpmyadmin ?00:13
Guest46230what about phpmyadmin00:13
SolarisBoygenerally if you installed phpmyadmin from command line/package manager it will generate a httpd.conf you need to copy into place and bounce the web serv.00:13
capcooki don't remember00:13
Guest46230what about phpmyadmin00:13
capcookbut i think yes00:13
Artemis3SolarisBoy, and then run foremost to the wiped hd to get scared :300:13
Joey_i dont get it00:13
mcphailpragmaticenigma: i thought only metadata was journalled?00:13
Joey_i installed lampp00:13
SolarisBoyArtemis3: ;>00:13
Joey_and then now i cant access phpmyadmin/00:13
Joey_what's the link to phpmyadmin ?00:14
Guest46230i dont get it00:14
Joey_if lampp is on00:14
Guest46230what about phpmyadmin00:14
SolarisBoyJoey check your httpd.conf please and apache configs..00:14
capcookphp myadmin is a browser program00:14
SolarisBoysee what is in sites-available sites-enabled00:14
RavenHursTCan someone give me a had w/ why my ubuntu v-box machine won't boot?  I keep getting /sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: No such device00:14
capcookyou can access it only from your browser00:14
Joey_Yeah, but what's the link?00:14
Joey_it's not localhost/phpmyadmin00:14
SolarisBoyyou should confirm your server is configured...00:14
SolarisBoythats how you get the link.. do things in the correct order...00:14
Gentoo64RavenHursT: try disabling shared folders?00:14
pragmaticenigmamcphail: no... far as I know you can still recover a deleted file from the journaled information00:14
anonhere is a twist. i have encrypted containers via truecrypt..will the   be damaged if i do manage to wipe the free space?00:14
capcooktry phpmyadmin00:14
capcookonly phpmyadmin00:15
Joey_I did, then it comes to google search not found00:15
Gentoo64anon: no00:15
Gentoo64anon: the containers are treated as full up files00:15
SolarisBoyJoey check the apache configuration please?00:15
pragmaticenigmaanon: There really isn't a reason to wipe your freespace00:15
Joey_how do i check apache configuration00:15
=== bryan is now known as Guest57147
SolarisBoyit will let you know without a shadow of a dought where the site is if its enabled00:15
Gentoo64anon: so wiping free space wont affect tc containers00:15
capcooki use mint and it is in http://localhost/phpmyadmin/00:15
SolarisBoyJoey_: cd /etc/apache200:15
mcphailpragmaticenigma: I think the default is "ordered" which is metadata only...00:15
SolarisBoycapcook: he may not have dns setup like you or other things no?00:16
JetJaguarWow, why doesn't anyone ever RTFM?00:16
pragmaticenigmaanon: but a good tool should only wipe sectors marked as clear... I would exercise EXTREME caution... if your worried about losing data DON'T DO IT!00:16
SolarisBoyso maybe thats why he can't get to that link...00:16
Joey_now what?00:16
SolarisBoyJoey ls -ltRh and those are config files/directories00:16
SolarisBoylook online and figure this stuff out as it's helpful you need to find the vhost or alias setting to point to phpadmin00:16
capcookSolarisBoy: i have the default configuration, i didn't touch anything00:16
SanusOkay, so I'm trying to install the Realtek drivers currently from their website00:17
RassilonHi all, I have update to 11.10 but would like to go back to my old desktop, is this possible and if so, how can I do it.00:17
Joey_so this random root things come up00:17
Joey_now what00:17
anonseems like the appropriate measure for me is to back clone my whole ubuntu install with all my stuff in it move it for a sec and wipe the partition00:17
SolarisBoycapcook: you also have a different distro...00:17
capcookSolarisBoy: right00:17
Joey_total 9.0K00:17
anoni have ntfs for windows and ext4 for linux00:17
Joey_-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  950 2011-11-07 14:45 default00:17
Joey_-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7.3K 2011-11-07 14:45 default-ssl00:17
SolarisBoyJoey_ have you ever used apache in the past?00:17
xanguaRassilon: and by old you mean¿ gnome2 is no longer maintained00:17
Joey_yes, but on windows00:17
Joey_not on linux00:17
FloodBot1Joey_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:17
dweimerMy machines are running into bug #818177 which causes them to freeze on the first boot after an installation. The bug lists that a fix is released in oneiric-updates. How do I get access to the updates when the machine won't boot after installation?00:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 818177 in udev (Ubuntu Precise) "boot failures because 'udevadm exit' times out while udevd waits for an already-dead thread" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81817700:17
RavenHursTGentoo64:  I deleted the only shared folder I had configured for that VM.. and it's still doing it..00:17
Gentoo64RavenHursT: try asking in #vbox00:18
Gentoo64RavenHursT: youll prob get much more experienced people in there00:18
Gentoo64ive never had that problem so i dont know00:18
RavenHursTok.. thnx00:18
SolarisBoyJoey_ OK same deal here.. config_dir with config files.. you know what to do.. /etc/apache2/sites-enabled is where sites that are up and running should be configured as links,, the links point back to /etc/apache2/sites-available... you can also do a sudo dpkg -L phpmyadmin |grep conf to see if they set you up with a default conf file to paste into place00:18
SolarisBoywhich they likely did...00:18
anonyea..all yall are pretty dead on..00:18
SolarisBoyonce you do that.. && confirm apache is even listening on local host...00:18
capcookJoey_: you will find that lamp on linux is incredibly lightweight. In windows it is unusable...00:19
SolarisBoythan get the URL to use from apache config and hit it in a browser etc.. no need to guess00:19
Joey_Package `phpmyadmin' is not installed.00:19
Joey_Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,00:19
Joey_and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.00:19
FloodBot1Joey_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:19
SolarisBoyJoeyyou can't paste that into here...00:19
Joey_phpmyadmin is not installed00:19
Joey_How do i install it?00:19
SolarisBoytechnically you dont00:19
GhostFreemanI'm going to see family for thanksgiving00:19
capcooki posted a video 5 minutes ago..00:19
Rassilonxangua: I don't know the actual name of it, but it now looks like the netbook version with icons on the left side and no drop down menus, then yes.00:19
GhostFreemanso, i'll be back never00:19
SolarisBoyeven apt just downloads files and placed them somwhere... once they do that you setup apache to point to those files.. which are php files served in a browser...00:20
anoni want to back up my whole os with all my files and stuff intact--does it start at /?00:20
capcookit talks also about phpmyadmin00:20
xanguaRassilon: yes what¿00:20
SolarisBoyso apt-cache search phpmyadmin00:20
Gentoo64anon: yes00:20
xangua!nounity | Rassilon00:20
ubottuRassilon: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:20
Gentoo64anon: but use clonezilla00:20
Gentoo64anon: it backs up the mbr etc00:20
anonawesome..was wondering00:20
anoni have this00:20
SolarisBoyand see the proper name than install it.. OR download it from online on the phpmyadmin site00:20
Gentoo64anon: but clonezilla wont backup files individually00:20
Gentoo64anon: only a restorable drive image00:21
SolarisBoyonce you do that...check the dpkg -L <packagename> |grep conf and you should find the prebuilt apache configs00:21
Joey_now it says "MySQL web administrator tool00:21
anonits getting into muddy water with me00:21
Gentoo64anon: clonezilla is easy00:21
anonan iso?00:21
SolarisBoydrop them in place link them to sites-enabled and bounce apache and assuming your dns resolution is good or you are doing local serving,, test site00:21
Gentoo64anon: no not an image as in iso00:21
Joey_im confused :(00:21
Joey_could i just install xampp?00:21
Joey_that's all i want00:21
Gentoo64anon: just a compressed "file" basically that can be restored using clonezilla00:22
SolarisBoyJoey thats what phpmyadmin is..00:22
anonbut if my disc is wiped i wont have clonezilla00:22
SolarisBoya MySQL web administration tool....00:22
urlin2udweimer, you getting the updates on the install portion?00:22
mcphailSolarisBoy: sites-enabled is for symlinks only00:22
Gentoo64anon: yeah you will. partedmagic livecd00:22
SolarisBoywhat did you think you would get00:22
SolarisBoymcphail: thats what i said...00:22
anoni have that00:22
Joey_I know, but localhost/phpmyadmin won't work00:22
SolarisBoyand also its not for symlinks "only"00:22
Gentoo64anon: i use partedmagic, secure erase, and clonezilla all the time for that exact purpose00:22
SolarisBoythats what ubuntu puts there.. placing a flat file works fine00:22
mcphailSolarisBoy: ok, sorry, must have read wrong00:22
anondoes parted magic contain all three?00:23
SolarisBoy(07:21:42 PM) IRC: drop them in place link them to sites-enabled and bounce apache and assuming your dns resolution is good or you are doing local serving,, test site00:23
Gentoo64anon: yes00:23
anonvery cool00:23
Gentoo64anon: it contains pretty much everything disk related youll ever need00:23
Gentoo64even xchat, firefox truecrypt etc00:23
SolarisBoyJoey dont test things you didn't confirm00:23
Joey_:( my server will never be published00:24
anoni am a fan00:24
SolarisBoyyou do not know that apache is even running. or listneing on localhost, or configure to respond to localhsot, better to not assume and just check the conf file no?00:24
SolarisBoygrep Listen from the conf00:24
dweimerurlin2u: I don't know enough about the install process to say. Should it happen automatically? The host does have an external network connection that is active during the install.00:24
Gentoo64anon: yeah i love it, best livecd ever made :)00:24
anoni had to restore a very damaged hd..00:24
anonit was the only thing to save it00:24
SolarisBoyyou can also run commands to return this info but requires setting the www-user and group as variables00:24
Gentoo64anon: it has all the file recovery tools as well. look at the list of progs00:24
anonand i was a dummy back then too00:24
SolarisBoyJoey_: APACHE_RUN_GROUP=www-data APACHE_RUN_USER=www-data /usr/sbin/apache2 -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS00:24
urlin2udweimer, there are a couple of boxes to tick on to get them in the install gui's, how old is the Iso your using for thr cd or usb to install with?00:25
Joey_thats it i quit, IM NEVER GOING TO MAKE MY SERVER :(00:26
anonok here i go....im on 30min research and then the mission...00:26
SolarisBoyJoey_ dont listen much huh?00:26
SolarisBoyJoey dont treat your self like that., you seem like a cool person fully capable of doing this...00:26
Gentoo64Joey_: i think like you lol00:26
SolarisBoydont short your self..00:26
Joey_SolarisBoy:  im sorry for wasting your time man, i just dont have a knowlege00:26
urlin2udweimer, are you sure as well that it is this bug and not say a black screen due to a missing graphics driver, do you see the grub menu ever?00:26
Joey_thanks for your help bro00:26
Gentoo64Joey_: youll get it in the end00:26
Gentoo64everyone does00:26
SolarisBoydid i offend him?00:27
mcphailjust epic...00:27
anonhes on the edge is all00:27
dweimerurlin2u: I downloaded the ISO 'ubuntu-11.10-server-amd64.iso' today. From the mirror site I was on it looks like it was updated on October 11. The system is doing a text install, but I can see if a graphical install is possible.00:27
anonyou seem reasonable00:27
capcooki think he is going to suicide00:27
Gentoo64i sense a suicide tonight00:27
SolarisBoyhe was like right there.. two more secs he would have had it... this is the young linux world today?00:27
pragmaticenigmaI wouldn't take it personally... It's frustrating to support something like that on IRC00:27
pragmaticenigmaWish more people would learn the joys of Google00:27
SolarisBoypragmaticenigma: indeed00:27
SolarisBoylmgtyfy even00:28
anongoogle is full of goons00:28
SolarisBoybut top hits are generally rather sane for things like that00:28
pragmaticenigmaTrue... but if you know how to search, you can avoid most of that00:28
dweimerurlin2u: I don't know udev well enough to say whether or not this is my exact problem. The 'udev [90]: timeout..' errors from comment #2 are exactly what I'm seeing.00:28
Gentoo64google is full of forum threads with people in them saying "google it"00:28
anonit took me 5 minutes in here to accomplish 5 hours of googling00:28
SolarisBoyactually just using google alone fends most of the nasties in search returns off...00:28
nrdbhow do I change the default umask setting for a gnome etc.. I set "umask 077" in .bashrc ... but this didn't affect files created by gnome ... they still have the permission rw_r__r__ how do I fix this?00:29
SolarisBoyi feel sorry for people not using google search && not having a search savvy00:29
pragmaticenigmaI don't doubt things are sometimes easier here than on google... but for an Apache setup... there are hundreds of guides out there00:29
urlin2udweimer, okay a sever install, I'm not really familiar with server setups, but now others will see your predicament.00:29
SolarisBoynrdb: put in a profile00:29
dweimerurlin2u: A graphics issue is a good point though. It's possible the udev errors are printed and then something unrelated causes the system to freeze. From grub with ubuntu should I be able to set init to runlevel 3 and avoid the gui?00:29
SolarisBoyany profile which is sourced by that user you want it for00:29
capcookprobably he was scared about the config file00:29
SolarisBoynrdb: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/understanding-linux-unix-umask-value-usage.html00:29
nrdbSolarisBoy, where?00:29
anonI got crazy like that learngin about vpn's   I still cant figure it out00:29
SolarisBoywhere the other . files go00:30
SolarisBoyin said users home00:30
SolarisBoyif you put it somewhere like /etc/profile it becomes global to all users00:30
mcphaildweimer: ubuntu doesn't use runlevels like that00:30
SolarisBoygoogle the order of sourcing of .files like bashrc and bash_profile etc00:30
pragmaticenigmaI have to admit setting up Apache on Ubuntu is not as easy as I found it to be on Fedora and CentOS00:31
nrdbSolarisBoy, I have already read that... I only what to change the default for one user not everybody..00:31
SolarisBoyactually i agree00:31
Gentoo64doesnt ubuntu have an apache specific guide?00:31
SolarisBoynrdb: so move it into the users home .file00:31
mcphailpragmaticenigma: it depends on what you're used to00:31
pragmaticenigmaUbuntu is the first time I encountered the use of a subdirectory for modules and virtual hosts00:31
SolarisBoylike the users .bash_profile00:31
Rassilonxangau: Thanks00:31
SolarisBoyif he doesn't have one.. create it...00:31
capcooki think that's easy00:31
mcphailpragmaticenigma: trust me, that is an extremely useful feature00:31
SolarisBoymake sure he owns it and can read it when he logs in00:31
pragmaticenigmaOh, I have found it very useful once I figured out how it works00:32
dweimermcphail: Interesting. Does the default server install go to a gui by default? If it does, is there a way via grub to turn it off?00:32
capcookif you know what lampp means, you only have to install the packages00:32
nrdbSolarisBoy, what do you mean by that... I have no file called .file00:32
mcphailpragmaticenigma: a2enmod, a2ensite etc are fantastic00:32
SolarisBoyDOT file?00:32
mcphaildweimer: I don't htink the server install even installs a gui00:32
capcookmcphail: yes, fantastic00:32
dweimermcphail: Well that rules the problem out then. Thanks. :>00:33
SolarisBoyas in .bash_profile, .bashrc etc00:33
pragmaticenigmaThough , personally I'm planning on switching to a lighter weight server... eather lighttp or something else00:33
SolarisBoythose are considered dot files.. put it in one of the users .dot files and your done00:33
nrdbSolarisBoy, you said " users home .file"00:33
SolarisBoyi know00:33
SolarisBoyDOT file00:33
SolarisBoy== each other...00:33
dweimerAlright, I'll do the install in a VM and see if I can replicate the problem. It's easier than debugging a racked system.00:33
nrdbSolarisBoy, it is in .bashrc .... at the very bottom ... this didn't fix files created by gnome.00:34
pragmaticenigmaspeaking on servers... anyone have a suggestion on something lighter weight that would allow me to use both PHP and Python as part of my server setup00:34
SolarisBoyits not going to fix anything00:34
SolarisBoymoving forward it will set things as you ant them00:34
SolarisBoyill brb gotta run to the store00:34
nrdbSolarisBoy, there isn't a .bash_profile ... should I make one?00:35
SolarisBoyif you want a change you must manually perform it and fix umask to have it automated moving forward00:35
mcphailnrdb: nautilus has a hardcoded umask (at least it did - don't know if the bug ever got fixed)00:35
SolarisBoymcphail: good point i wasn't aware of that either00:35
pragmaticenigmanrdb, why are you trying to change the default umask?00:35
SolarisBoywhy is gnome creating files anyway?00:35
mcphailSolarisBoy: it did when i last checked a few years ago00:36
SolarisBoywho logs in as gnome other than an application?00:36
* pragmaticenigma snickers00:36
SolarisBoyshouldn't that APP users umask be good and NOT touched?00:36
nrdbpragmaticenigma, the user wants more security... SolarisBoy I asked it to (as a test).00:36
SolarisBoydont breaky....00:36
afmevening all.  I have an iptables setup that fails on boot if my vpn TUN interface doesn't exist (i have to manually startfor SecID reasons).  is there a way to ignore this int?00:36
SolarisBoyperms get nasty when they broken00:36
pragmaticenigmanrdb: thanks... was just curious... although isn't 077 going to limit access to the user and can full access to the group and everyone including execute?00:37
mcphailnrdb: there are about 3 different competing systems for umasks00:38
Hilikussomething is overwriting my /etc/resolv.conf . any idea what could it be?00:38
nrdbmcphail, oh great.00:38
mcphailnrdb: theres .profile, PAM, application specific...00:39
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pragmaticenigmaHilikus: Network manager is overwritting your settings00:39
nrdbpragmaticenigma, no its a mask those bits should never be set... i.e. only user rwx should be able to be set.00:39
Hilikuspragmaticenigma: sorry, forgot to mention this is ubuntu server, no GDM00:39
pragmaticenigmanrdb: Ah, I get it00:39
mcphailnrdb: and wherever you set it, nautilus will ignore it00:39
_numbersis it necessary to create an init.d script that supports start/stop/restart, or can i just symlink a binary into init.d and use update-rc.d to set the runlevels?00:40
nrdbmcphail, looks like I need a cron script then.... to hack this.00:40
pragmaticenigmaHilikus: Network Manager has nogui components... but your right... it shouldn't be affecting the resolve.conf... it is possible something like appamor or selinux is chaing it back00:40
mcphailnrdb: or incron00:40
mcphailnrdb: all of my directories where I *need* to control permissions have incron scripts set up00:43
dweimermcphail: During the server install does it pull the latest apt updates if possible, or does it only install the base Oneiric distro and require the user to run apt manually on the first boot to get updates?00:43
pragmaticenigmadweimer: If you do a network install: Yes, from the CD: No00:43
mcphaildweimer: it is a couple of years since I installed the server distro so I can't remember. I think it pulls them automatically00:44
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nrdbmcphail, didn't know about that one.... looks very handy.00:44
mcphailpragmaticenigma: are you sure? That would be different from the "alternate-install" cd?00:45
mcphailnrdb: it is genius00:45
pragmaticenigmamcphail, dweimer: to get the latest updates during install you have to do use the network install method00:46
mcphailpragmaticenigma: ok00:46
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pragmaticenigmaAnyone know why it took so long for the Ubuntu Firefox 8 release to come out on the repos?00:47
dweimerpragmaticenigma: Alright, I'll give that a shot. Will I be prompted to select a network install or do I need to setup a kickstart file to do it?00:48
xanguapragmaticenigma: it's already on oneiric, run update manager ;)00:48
tiroideasi work in this command  rm -rf/00:48
pragmaticenigmadweimer: I'm not sure... they have a special ISO for the network install... I've only done it once and it took forever...00:48
xanguaooh why it took¿ no idea but you can always download it from firefox.com next time pragmaticenigma00:48
mcphailtiroideas: please stop00:48
pragmaticenigmaxangua: You can, but then it's up to me to remember to check for updates00:49
pragmaticenigmaanyone know how to announce to the mods for that crap?00:50
Hilikuswhy is there a dhclient and dhclient3? whats the difference?00:51
pragmaticenigmapossibly for the different kernel editions00:51
pragmaticenigmaHilikus: could be just aliased for backwards compatibility00:53
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pragmaticenigmaHilikus: man dhclient and dhclient3 point to the same man file00:54
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SolarisBoydweimer: must update from the standard install CD it installs the base00:59
SolarisBoyi understand the net install doesn't have that prob apparently00:59
pragmaticenigmaSorry, missed your the last few lines while I jumped machines SolarisBoy ... did dweimer  ask another question?01:00
SolarisBoyi was just answering =) it was about the need to update after base install is required not sure if it was answered or not01:01
pragmaticenigmaI probably said it... perhaps not as clearly as I thought it out in my mind... haha01:01
pragmaticenigmaIt's been a very long day!01:01
SolarisBoypragmaticenigma: story of my life.. i actually caused mass confusion with vagueness the other day was golden01:02
Scorinitronubuntunoob, Are you here dood!01:02
pragmaticenigmaScorinitron: Not Found01:02
* SolarisBoy crowns self vague king01:02
Scorinitronubuntunoob, the worse possible senerio happned... I now have to repartition my drive01:03
pragmaticenigmaubuntunoob has left the building Scorinitron01:03
SolarisBoymy nas box (ubuntu 11.10) is hosed beyond belief =( and i can't do anything about it01:04
* pragmaticenigma notes that SolarisBoy might not be the prime candidate for setting up his own NAS box01:08
SolarisBoyno bootup && mysterious montior frequency errors preventing me from even seeing grub =( flail... gotta wait til i can afford a solid state (as thats what i really want) so i can reinstall ubuntu and i guess ill settle with mounting the drive as /mnt/used_to_be_ok01:13
SolarisBoypragmaticenigma: i beg to differ.. my nas fu is solid... my h/w is poopy01:14
pragmaticenigmaah okay...01:14
SolarisBoyit was like the biggest join of catastrophic fail threads ever for me01:15
* pragmaticenigma notes that hand-me-down hardward from SolarisBoy isn't recommended01:15
SolarisBoyyeps agreed01:15
dweimerpragmaticenigma: SolarisBoy: Thanks. I haven't found any new information yet. I just installed 11.10 server in a vmware environment to run some tests. Based on the changelogs it looks like package udev 173-0ubuntu4 has the fix for the bug. I'm checking my iso image now to see what version is on the disk.01:15
SolarisBoydweimer: solid =)01:15
pragmaticenigmaI'm trying to figure out a way to build my Mythbuntu server to also act as a NAS device01:15
pragmaticenigmaso that recordings and all my other media can live in one place01:15
SolarisBoyi've never messed with the mythbuntu wanted to.. then i bought a google tv (bad choice)...01:15
SolarisBoypragmaticenigma: whats the issue with sharing out the disk from myth?01:15
pragmaticenigmaI use HDHomeRun as my tuner for over the air... that with a nice video card supporing VDPAU makes a really nice setup01:15
* SolarisBoy notes pragmaticenigma's config01:15
pragmaticenigmaSolarisBoy: The need to start from scratch and not feeling like rebuilding a system that is working as is01:15
SolarisBoypragmaticenigma: ahhh right on that one... there is always that wonderful concept of breakage where things were working and i hate that... especially when it comes to my media... thats what my nas box is... so my bedroom is silent,, no music no movies... i can only music.google.com currently til its fixed01:15
SolarisBoybeen all over google trying to find a fix for this monitor issue on 11.10... reports say its related to grub.conf resolution,, chrooted into my broken install from a live SD card and fixed that,, still no resolution still freqency errors on boot01:15
pragmaticenigmaFull spec of my system is Mythbuntu 10.04 on a  Pentium 4, 1017 MB ram,  2 PATA harddrives (160 Gig and 80 gig), GeFource 8400 PCI graphics card, HDHomeRun network tuner01:15
SolarisBoy_however_ i can boot into a SD live system... with display working fine same monitor01:15
SolarisBoypragmaticenigma: sweet accept the patas =)01:15
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dweimerOk, so the 'patched' version of udev is on my ISO image. So either, my issue is actually a different bug, or the timeout fix didn't fix the issue on my two servers. poop01:15
pragmaticenigmaThe drives are left over from the previous build... I found a system thrown in the garbage that only had a bad power supply... moved the mobo into a new chassis and replaced a couple leaking caps...01:15
pragmaticenigmaSolarisBoy: I'd really like to get my hands on an i7 build and then run my daily desktop and mythtv backend on one machine, and then use spare computers as needed as remote front ends01:15
SolarisBoypragmaticenigma: cool,, yea the i7's are sick,, im on a i5 i really wanted/want the i7..the newer model's are even sicker.. i forget the exact codename they gave it but its supposed to be killer01:17
pragmaticenigmayeah... starting with sandy bridge, video processing is really slick (should mythtv already support it)01:17
SolarisBoypragmaticenigma: yep sandy bridge is it01:18
ScorinitronI was installing a kernal01:18
SolarisBoythey have the intel hd stuff built in right?01:18
pragmaticenigmayeah... but the software has to be coded to support it01:19
SolarisBoyahh.. yuks01:19
Scorinitronand after it was completeld sucessfully01:21
Scorinitronmy PC froze and shut down01:21
Scorinitronnow I can't get back in01:22
Scorinitronand I'm forced too use a live cd01:22
Scorinitronwhat can I do01:22
ScorinitronI also think I'm on the wrong server01:22
Scorinitrondoes anyone now what the default channel for xchat IRC is when you login from ubuntu 11.1001:22
Scorinitron<pragmaticenigma> was ubuntunoob ever here?01:22
Pauluntuwhats the ubuntu offtopic channel?01:22
FloatingGoathi I accidentally messed up my install01:22
FloatingGoatnow what01:22
JuJuBeeI   bought an iPod 5th Gen for my daughter a while ago and now she is using the main computer with linux.  Rhythmbox sync's fine with my 80G Classic.  I sync'ed with hers and it looked like it was working but after disconnect there was no music on the iPod.01:22
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pragmaticenigmaPauluntu: #offtopic01:23
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ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:23
SolarisBoyJuJuBee: that happend to a friend of mine.. he was able to restore the songs on the ipod01:23
SolarisBoyensure whatever you are syncing too has the same stuff... or it will be "synced to the library"01:23
antnashHey guys. Every time I try and create a new empty document in Thunar it creates a folder instead. What's going on?01:23
xanguaJuJuBee: what iOS version uses your ipod¿01:24
JuJuBeeSolarisBoy: I am trying to sync some playlists she created on computer to her iPod01:24
JuJuBeexangua: not sure01:24
SolarisBoyJuJuBee: did it put the playlists only and remove her files?01:24
pragmaticenigmaantnash: have you made a config file change or something/01:24
xanguaJuJuBee: by 5generation you mean a new ipod¿01:24
JuJuBeexangua: just restored to factory defaults and transferred 1 song via iTunes01:24
JuJuBeexangua: no, not new, about 1 yr. old01:25
JuJuBeeiPod nano01:25
antnashpragmaticenigma: I had to delete my .gvfs folder and reboot earlier. Thunar wasn't letting me load my home folder.01:25
xanguayou can use gtkpod to manage music and files on an ipod01:25
JuJuBeexangua: I know that the database needs to be initialized before RB can sync with it so I transferred 1 song in iTunes01:25
JuJuBeexangua: gtkpod is not user friendly01:26
JuJuBeeI need for my daughter to be able to use it.01:26
pragmaticenigmaantnash: I have a feeling deleting that directory is what has caused your issue... try setting up a new user account and see if the problem exists there... if it doesn't might want to copy over the .gvfs contents to your directory01:26
yagooJuJuBee, i thought itunes was at least partly runnable in wine01:27
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JuJuBeeyagoo: haven't tried in long time, don't want to use iTunes if possible01:27
antnashpragmaticenigma: there's nothing in my .gvfs folder. what should be there?01:27
xanguaJuJuBee: well it has documentation, looks pretty easy if you read01:27
pragmaticenigmaguess there isn't anything in mine either01:28
pragmaticenigmaantnash: I would attempt to setup a new user account and login into it and see if the problem exists there01:28
xanguaJuJuBee: oo for you daughter, you can try Banshee player also01:28
pragmaticenigmaantnash: if it does, it's a bigger issue with the system, if it works fine then it's something the in user profile for Thunar causing issues01:29
antnashcool. I'll try it in a bit. Thanks man01:29
JuJuBeexangua: Banshee does not deal with playlists01:29
JuJuBeelast i checked01:29
yagooJuJuBee, kids learn fast.. you know there in asia.. they do math what college students learn here in N.A.. kids are very well underestimated.. LOL01:31
xanguaJuJuBee: are you using latest ubuntu¿01:31
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Guest83479Hi, everyone. My Ubuntu 11.10 gets all the way to the lightdm login screen, but then it won't respond to mouse or keyboard input. It seems like it might be disabling the USB or something. I can use the keyboard to enter the BIOS settings, so I know at least it does work. Can anyone help?01:32
JuJuBeexangua: 11/0401:32
pragmaticenigmaGuest83479: if you hit the caps lock key or num lock key, does the corresponding light come on, on the keyboard?01:33
yagooGuest83479,  first choose a better name.. i hate cycling through guest* on my tab.. btw did you make sure that legacy usb is enabled in the bios? (tried another usb port?)01:33
xanguaJuJuBee: well then it may be the libimoviledevice version of natty that doesn't support that ipod01:34
JuJuBeexangua: I use RB on 10.10 for my 80G classic01:34
xanguai suppose clasic from a few years is one thing and an apple player from a year another01:36
jakkecan somebody help with a resolution problem?01:36
pragmaticenigmajakke: !ask01:36
pragmaticenigma!ask jakke01:37
pragmaticenigmagrr... where is the bot when you need it01:37
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:37
jakkeresolution stuck on 600x800 when it needs to be 1366x76801:37
somsippragmaticenigma: you need a pipe....!ask | jakke01:37
pragmaticenigmathanks somsip01:37
jakkebtw 11.0401:37
pragmaticenigmajakke: I would suggest updating to 11.10 to start... but the resolution you mention isn't exactly standard... what type of graphics card are you using, do you have DVI capabilities?01:38
jakkedoes anybody know what i should do?01:38
jrib!fixres | jakke01:39
ubottujakke: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:39
jakkesoprry, 11.1001:39
pragmaticenigmaI would take a look at the link ubottu just put up for the wiki article01:40
jakkebeen to the link, none of it worked01:41
jakkecan use 1024x786 too01:41
jakkecommand didn't work either01:41
pragmaticenigmajakke: Are you using the VGA connection or DVI?01:42
pragmaticenigmajakke: Do you have DVI available?01:43
jakkei don't think so01:43
pragmaticenigmaAre you on a laptop, desktop?01:43
pragmaticenigmaHow old is your system? How old is the graphics card?01:44
jakke1 sec...01:44
JuJuBeexangua: I just transferred 400+ songs via sync and in RB, the playlists show up and play fine.  Once I disconnect the iPod, they will not show up on the iPod01:44
jakkeHP Pavillion a1510n01:44
jakkenvidia grapics01:45
jakkeAMD processor01:45
KM0201jakke: you do realize there's a lot of nvidia graphics cards don't you... that's like someone asking me how old my car is, and me telling them "it's a ford"01:46
jakke1 sec...01:47
wolfman3k5hello people01:47
jakkehere: http://www.pcworld.com/product/29316/hp_pavilion_a1510n_desktop_24ghz_athlon_64_3800_1gb_ddr_200gb_dvdarw_dl_windows_xp_media_center.html?p=specs01:48
KM0201!pastebin | jakke pastebin the output of lspci01:48
ubottujakke pastebin the output of lspci: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:48
KM0201hmm, did ubottu take thie night off?01:48
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KM0201jakemp: open a terminal01:48
KM0201ah, there we go.01:49
jakkeis that good enough or do you still want lspci?01:49
pragmaticenigmajakke: your specs on the link are good enough01:50
pragmaticenigmaactually if you can do this for me01:51
pragmaticenigmajust put the output of this command here "lspci |grep -i vga"01:52
Avaszis there a cli C IDE?01:52
Avaszlightweight CLI IDE for C01:52
pragmaticenigmaAvasz: vi will work01:52
DossierAnyone here using BT5?01:52
Avaszpragmaticenigma, yeah it will.01:53
Avaszbut i am searching for an IDE.01:53
pragmaticenigmaThere aren't any that I'm aware of... emacs might be the next best thing01:53
mbeierlAvasz: emacs ?01:53
mbeierlpragmaticenigma: :)01:53
Avaszmbeierl, never tried emacs. I only use vim or nano.01:54
jakkeavasz try eclipse01:54
jakkeor code::blocks01:54
Avaszjakke, is it lightweight?01:54
pragmaticenigmajakke: can you paste the output of "lspci |grep -i vga" here01:54
jakkedefine lightweight01:54
pragmaticenigmajakke: eclipse is not a CLI IDE that Avasz is looking for01:54
jakkeoh ok01:54
Avaszjakke, lightweight means, it need to run smoothly in my old piv lappy with 512 mb ram.01:55
pragmaticenigmaCLI stands for Command Line Interface... he doesn't appear to have GUI available on his system01:55
mbeierlAvasz: it needs an X display, and a good 512MB of memory to run eclipse.  otherwise Eclipse CDT is very excellent01:55
jakke00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51 [GeForce 6150 LE] (rev a2)01:55
Avasz512 mb is all I have... :D01:55
b14d3Hi everyone, anyone happen to be in here?01:55
pragmaticenigmathanks jakke ... I just wish I had my other machine here where I have had the same problem in the past with higher resolutions01:56
b14d3I'm having some trouble with my Ubuntu box, mounting a second HD.01:56
mbeierlAvasz: there are some add ons for emacs that make it simpler to use, such as the CUA which allows you to use ctrl-arrow to highlight, ctrl-c -v, for cut-n-paste.  it has most of the same highlighting,etc that vim has01:56
pragmaticenigmajakke: so this might take me a few moments01:56
Guest83479pragmaticenigma: No light with the caps lock/num lock key, and yagoo: No such setting in my BIOS (just individual settings for enabling/disabling usb support altogether, and that's enabled). Sorry, I told xchat to identify me using my preferred nick, but it gave me "guest83479" for some reason.01:57
Avaszmbeierl, hmm... let me see. but i am not sure that i want to switch the TextEditor.01:58
pragmaticenigmaGuest83479: your computer is hanging at the login screen... does it also hang if you boot from a live CD or are you able to test different programs with the live cd?01:58
zushow do i make  gwibber  NOT run on start up?! the tick mark in the preferences isnt working.01:58
b14d3My hd seems to be in a weird state of both mounted and unmounted.01:58
KM0201b14d3: lol01:58
KM0201that doesn't even sound remotely possible01:58
mbeierlAvasz: then you're looking at the simple gnu tool chain: make, gdb, etc.01:58
b14d3I'm not a linux guru in ANY sense of the word. So I may be reading things incorrectly.01:58
DossierDoes anyone know why I can't change windows with alt -+ tab?01:58
jakkedo you have an answer pragmaticenigma01:58
nortyanyone know how to work cvs? im new to it and i want to checkout a repository, do i need to create a login for my cvs or can i just do cvs checkout dir?01:58
mbeierlAvasz: here's a very "emacs-like" overview: http://deep.syminet.com/emacside.html01:59
pragmaticenigmajakke: I'm working on it... one of the solutions is to manually create an X11.conf file that has the mode setting setup for your machine01:59
mbeierlAvasz: for using Emacs as an IDE01:59
jakkethank you01:59
pragmaticenigmajakke: what would really make this easier is to get a stand alone graphics card with DVI (if your monitor supports it)01:59
bluebomberpragmaticenigma, yagoo: I'm back (previously "Guest83479").01:59
b14d3When running a mount command, I get that it's already mounted or the dir (named /server) is busy. Which I don't entirely understand how it's busy. I created the folder and then didn't do anything with it. When trying to unmount, I get the message that it isn't mounted.02:00
yagoojakke, why i dont get is why the ubuntu docs never straightly mention-- first thing you should check is if the E-did info is picked up (check /var/log/Xorg.0.log)02:00
Avaszmbeierl, ok. I am reading it.02:00
mbeierlAvasz: and sources for a plugin: http://home.gna.org/emacs-ide/02:00
yagoobluebomber, oh.. :)02:00
yagoobluebomber, you get any errors in dmesg ?02:00
mbeierlAvasz: but I hear you about changing editors.  Emacs can be intimidating at first02:00
yagoobluebomber, lsmod |grep ohci02:00
yagoobluebomber, lsmod |grep ehci02:00
yagoo(check for those two)02:00
pragmaticenigmayagoo: EDID information isn't being picked up... that's why his machine doesn't recognize all the resolutions02:01
Avaszmbeierl, will definitely switch if i find it better. that is not a big problem. :)02:01
yagoobluebomber, nmind that.. they changed the mod names.. see what u get with-> lsmod|grep usb02:01
pragmaticenigmaEDID doesn't work very well with VGA connections yagoo02:01
nortyanyone know how to work cvs? im new to it and i want to checkout a repository, do i need to create a login for my cvs or can i just do cvs checkout dir?02:01
yagoopragmaticenigma, you have no idea what edid is about02:02
b14d3Would anyone mind helping me with the mount issue?02:02
cba123I was dragging a window to another screen, and it got "lost".  It's being drawn under my current screens.  Anyone know how I can bring it back?  (Happens occasionally)02:03
mbeierlAvasz: the main thing is that emacs has a text mode, and it can front end the gdb so it can do source code highlighting as you debug.  from the console02:03
pragmaticenigmajakke: I think yagoo might have a better help in mind to get your resolution issue resolved02:03
jakkewait waht?02:03
hacked_kernelCPU fan is usually rotating fast with high sound but the CPU usage is low, normal!!02:03
yagoojakke, apt-get install pastebinit, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |pasteinit -t myxlog     ... paste the url only...02:03
pragmaticenigmajakke: yahoo is a user here, he's trying to help you02:04
pragmaticenigmajakke: sorry err.. yagoo02:04
pragmaticenigmastupid autocorrect02:04
Hilikuswhat FS do you guys recommend for a partition that will have exclusively FLAC files?02:04
quietonehow do I unsubscribe to "change notifications' on an ubuntu wiki page?02:04
dweimerb14d3: Do you have a shell open in the directory that you are trying to mount to? That's one way a mount can be busy. If that's not it, from a terminal run 'fuser -c <mountpoint>' replacing '<mountpoint>' with the directory you are trying to mount to. What is the output of the fuser command?02:04
pragmaticenigmaHilikus:I don't see any issue with EXT402:05
pragmaticenigmaHilikus: unless the files are massive and you plan on doing a lot of deleting and writing02:05
bluebomberyagoo: Well, it inexplicably started working. I just walked back in and it was responding to kb+mouse.02:05
yagoobluebomber, did u check with dmesg? -> dmesg  |less02:06
bluebomberI'll check the logs now, because now I can. Otherwise I wouldn't even be able to try your solutions. I wasn't able to get to a terminal.02:06
b14d3dweimer: Working on getting it now. I'm not on the machine physically, just remotely.02:06
pragmaticenigmaHilikus: I use JFS on my Mythbuntu partition where I store my recordings... but that's because the files are usually 8 gigs for a 1 hour show02:06
zushow do i make  gwibber  NOT run on start up?! the tick mark in the preferences isnt working.02:06
yagoobluebomber, it may have previously been an irq conflict02:06
jakkeit froze at last command02:07
b14d31060rce  1115rce  1117rce  1134rce  1140rce  1143rce  1145rce  1150rce  1156rce  1157rce  1158rce  1160rce  1161rce  1162rce  1164rce  1165rce  1168rce  1193rce  1201rce  1224rce  1278rce  1281rce  1283rce  1293rce  1294rce  1297rce  1301rce  1304rce  1305rce  1355rce  1373rce  1374rce  1380rce  1383rce  1384rce  1386rce  1389rce  1391rce  1413rce  1420rce  1423rce  1424rce  1432rce  1436rce  1455r02:07
b14d3ce  1598rce  1652rce  1654rce02:07
FloodBot1b14d3: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:07
bluebomberyagoo: Lots of "usb 1-2: device descriptor read/8, error -110" entries from dmesg02:07
b14d3... Well, that didn't do what I wanted it to. Sorry about that everyone.02:07
dweimerb14d3: That's a lot of processes. What is the mount command you are trying to run?02:08
rodhashAll, I've just updated my Maverick to Natty and then to Oneiric, but now the "alt tab" to change window is not working...02:08
b14d3I've tried a bunch, to be honest.02:08
jakkeyagoo, it froze on last command then said ^CKeyboardInterrupt caught.02:09
rodhashanyone, any idea?02:10
dweimerb14d3: Hmm, how about just show me the 'fuser -c...' line that you ran to get that output.02:10
jakkeyagoo: http://pastebin.com/YCvitnAe02:12
jakkeit was easier to gedit it than copy it all02:12
dweimerb14d3: And if you run 'ls /server' there's nothing in there? The 'fuser -c' command shows what processes are accessing the /server path. It seems to be used for something.02:13
b14d3dweimer: Nope. Doesn't return anything at all.02:14
dweimerb14d3: Actually, n/m I'm being silly. Without a mount it's just showing the results for '/' . Sorry about that. Let me think of a different path to take.02:14
yagoojakke, what monitor brand is it? (btw e-did not picked up properly)02:16
dweimerb14d3: What device are you trying to mount?02:16
jakkeAkai lct2715 200502:16
b14d3dweimer: Not sure exactly what you're looking for.02:16
zacariasin Gnome, how do you make your removable media visible on the desktop?02:17
dweimerb14d3: The second hard drive you are trying to mount. It should have a device name. Something like /dev/sdb1 .02:17
b14d3dweimer: Haha, forgot the space. /dev/sda02:17
quietoneI am getting email from "Ubuntu Wiki <noreply@ubuntu.com>" how do I stop them?02:19
yagoojakke, that's a pita.. you'll have to find the timing mode line for that screen...02:19
zacariashow do you see your removable media on the desktop (gnome)?02:19
yagoojakke, are there other video ports on the screen? i see a picture but looks like it's not for input02:19
dweimerb14d3: Can you run two commands 'df -l' and 'fdisk -l' then paste the output to pastebin?02:20
yagoojakke, finding the timing modeline for your screen is a bit like a science.. it's a pita..02:20
b14d3Sure. Just a minute.02:20
pragmaticenigmaquietone: This chat is not for supporting the wiki... I'm sure that there is a help section on the wiki about managing your account there and turning off e-mail notifications02:20
quietonethx, I have read the help section several times over the past months hoping to find it02:21
yagoojakke, each resolution has a special timing modeline.. This is what e-did reports.. since it wasn't picked up.. you'll have to calculate/experiment/research what modline you want for the highest resolution..02:21
b14d3dweimer: that's 'fdisk -L' (but lowercase) right?02:22
jakkei had it on 1366x786 in win XP02:22
atruno-i have a soundcard that is seen by lspci.  it however does not show up in my gnome volume control in natty.02:22
dweimerb14d3: Correct.02:22
b14d3fdisk -l returns no result02:22
dweimerb14d3: Are you running it as root?02:23
b14d3dweimer: Ah, nope. Let's try that.02:23
dweimerb14d3: Yep. Sorry I forgot to mention that.02:23
b14d3dweimer: Results for df -l http://paste.ubuntu.com/747790/02:23
ThelmariaIs there a way to check what version of a package is in which repository? (Specifically, apache - I can't upgrade via apt past 2.2.14 from the lucid repos).02:24
b14d3dweimer: Results for fdisk -l http://paste.ubuntu.com/747791/02:24
yagoobluebomber, you may want to join a kernel mailinglist.. and ask if you can use setpci.. sort of add a bit more latency-- for waiting etc.. or maybe the bios-- adding a bit of more latency for the pci bus02:25
dweimerb14d3: That 'df -l' output is rather odd. Do you notice that both /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sda1 show up as mounted to '/' .02:25
b14d3dweimer: Yeah, I saw that. I know how it happened, a misclick in gparted (one of the many things I've tried to get this to mount). I don't know how to undo it.02:26
pragmaticenigmaThelmaria: there is a search tool that I think will get you the version available02:26
dweimerb14d3: I can think of a few ways to get rid of it, but they could crash the system. If the server freezes do you have a way to reboot it?02:27
ertayhi all.02:27
dfcnvtHi, any of you know how to restart the mouse's driver/interface?  I can't even move my mouse after about twenty second on my desktop...02:27
jakkewhen i boot the live version, it has perfect res02:27
b14d3Yeah. It IS physically next to me. I just don't have the extra monitor to dedicate to it.02:27
mobodoI just installed a plugin in totem and now it won't start (segfault) - where are the totem plugins so I can remove it manually?02:28
atruno-i'm running natty lspci and lshw see my soundcard however lshw show the following:  (not showing up in gnome-audio-control  *-multimedia UNCLAIMED    description: Multimedia audio controller     product: SB X-Fi02:28
pragmaticenigmayagoo: jakke might be able to generate the xorg.conf file from the live cd and copy it to his existing install02:28
jakkei tried, xorg.conf wasn't there02:29
yagoojakke, did you try another cable? (you have anything special on the cable like a kvm ?)02:29
dweimerb14d3: Ahh ok, that makes me feel better. :> In that case we can try to just unmount it. First make sure that you don't have duplicate entries in your fstab file though. Can you run 'cat /etc/fstab' and put that on pastebin. The /etc/fstab file contains a list of device (like /dev/sda) to mountpoint mappings.02:29
jakkeno other ports or cables02:29
yagoojakke, did you read my previous messages? because your problem is you dont have any modelines02:30
b14d3dweimer: I did add something into fstab. So I'll let you let me know what I need to remove.02:30
Thelmariapragmaticenigma: Thanks.02:30
jakkeyagoo what?02:30
yagoojakke, you cant simply make one in the xorg.conf.. you'll have to calculate it explicitly for your monitor.. or if its published by the screen manufacturer in their manual..02:30
yagoojakke, ya02:30
yagoojakke, not easy.. but that's why i said it was a pita..02:31
pragmaticenigmayagoo: jakke said that he can get the desired resolution when in the live cd... I have had success at generating the xorg.conf file from the live cd and then copying it to my local installation02:31
b14d3dweimer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/747796/02:31
jakkewell its live usb02:31
pragmaticenigmayagoo: perhaps that is an option for him02:31
jakkefor install02:31
pragmaticenigmajakke: live USB and CD use the same image02:31
jakkei couldn't find a xorg.conf though02:31
jakkei know02:32
yagoojakke, then you have to accept it's a driver issue..02:32
jakkeso where does that leave me?>02:32
yagoojakke, is that nvidia driver the latest?02:32
dweimerb14d3: Ok. Just to double check. /dev/sda is your second hard drive (the 1 terabyte one) and /dev/sdb is the hard drive you installed ubuntu on (the 500 GB one) ?02:32
Hilikuswhat is the best way to share a directory in a network among linuxes. IIRC samba is good only when sharing with windows02:32
yagoojakke, try using the latest nvidia driver..02:32
pragmaticenigmaTry this jakke... when using the Live USB stick run this command "sudo Xorg -configure"  it will create an Xorg.conf file in the livecd user file02:32
jakkeprobably not02:32
pragmaticenigmathen boot into your regular machine and copy the xorg.conf file to your /etc/X11/ folder using sudo02:33
Hilikusi just want to give write access to anotjher linux box in a particular directory02:33
b14d3dweimer: Correct, even though I'm not sure how. When I installed Ubuntu (reinstalled 10.4, 11.1 messed my machine up bad because it's old hardware) the HD that is now /dev/sdb was the only one that was connected at all.02:33
jakkeok, i will be gone for 10 minutes max be back soon02:33
pragmaticenigmathen reboot and you should have the desired resolution availalbe to you02:33
yagoojakke, if the latest nvidia doesn't work.. then try nouveau..02:33
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dweimerb14d3: Alright. What were going to do then is set /dev/sdb1 to be the main '/' directory and then set /dev/sda1 to be mounted to '/server'.02:34
jribHilikus: samba is a fine solution for your question.  The other option is using nfs or just using ssh02:34
d3f4c3danyone know why would my emulated dynamips router would listen local address of "" ?02:35
dweimerb14d3: For the /etc/fstab file there are two changes to start with. First comment out the '/dev/sda     /server' line by putting a '#' in front of it.02:36
b14d3dweimer: Done02:36
dweimerb14d3: The second change is to the '/dev/sda1     /   ' line. Substitute /dev/sdb1 there, so the line would read '/dev/sdb1    /  ' leave every thing after the '/' the same.02:37
alien2050ne1 knows how to "force" the network stack to stop resetting the network interface? tried /etc/network/interfaces + removing network-manager, but some daemon just resets the IP stack02:37
b14d3dweimer: Done02:37
hrolfIs there anyway I can get Arabic font to get working on Ubuntu 11.10?02:37
_numberswhere is the best place to set env vars so everyone has them?02:38
dweimerb14d3: Alright, that should cover us if we need to reboot. First just try to unmount /dev/sda1 though. As root run 'umount /dev/sda1' .02:38
alien2050_numbers: I'd say /etc/profile or /etc/rc.local02:38
RoastedHas anybody received read-only file system when trying to sync to an ipod using rhythmbox or banshee?02:39
d3f4c3dWHY WHYYY why do i have local address such as listening ?02:39
b14d3dweimer: It said that the device is busy02:39
antnashis there any way I can see the history of my updates?02:40
dweimerb14d3: Let me test something real fast. I may have an idea. I would rather avoid rebooting initially, just in case it doesn't come back properly. With only one monitor debugging a non-booting system would be troublesome.02:42
b14d3dweimer: Yeah I can switch it, but it is kind of annoying and troublesome :P02:42
somsipantnash: you could look in /var/log/apt and see what's in there?02:43
antnashcheers somsip02:43
hrolfIs there anyway I can get Arabic font to get working on Ubuntu 11.10?02:43
dweimerb14d3: One more round of fuser runs. What I'm concerned about is which filesystem is actually being written do. /dev/sda1 or /dev/sdb1 since they are both mounted in the same place. Can you run 'fuser -m /dev/sda1' and 'fuser -m /dev/sdb1' the paste the output in pastie.02:45
yagood3f4c3d,  sounds like you're using a ppp connection02:46
d3f4c3dyagoo, negatoy02:46
yagood3f4c3d, well do ifconfig -a02:46
RoastedHas anybody received read-only file system when trying to sync to an ipod using rhythmbox or banshee?02:47
d3f4c3dyagoo, i have 12 eth interfaces02:47
b14d3dweimer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/747805/02:47
yagood3f4c3d, only?02:47
d3f4c3dyagoo, ye including lo02:47
d3f4c3dthats it02:47
yagoobl4ckcomb, what's that?02:47
dweimerb14d3: Did 'fuser -m /dev/sda1' not have any output?02:47
b14d3dweimer: Correct02:48
hrolfIs there anyway to get Arabic font (not being diplayed correctly right now) working in Ubuntu 11.10?02:48
d3f4c3dyagoo, heres my route02:48
d3f4c3dlocalnet        *        U     0      0        0 eth002:48
d3f4c3ddefault         UG    100    0        0 eth002:48
dweimerb14d3: That's a good thing. Alright, go ahead and put the contents of /etc/fstab in a pastebin for one lest verification, then I think rebooting is the best bet.02:49
d3f4c3dGenmask ?02:49
Jordan_URoasted: What type of iPod?02:50
RoastedJordan_U, 4th gen nano I believe.02:50
b14d3dweimer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/747807/02:50
Jordan_URoasted: Formatted on a mac?02:50
yagood3f4c3d, uh hahahahhaa .. you really have 12 interfaces do ya?02:50
SolarisBoy255.255.255.255 listening? really wowsers02:50
RoastedJordan_U, well, I nuked it in itunes to reset it.02:50
d3f4c3dyagoo, why you laughing, yes02:50
Roastedjordan, on osx/itunes02:50
RoastedJordan_U, ^02:50
d3f4c3dSolarisBoy, its driving me nuts02:50
yagood3f4c3d, i only see one.-> eth002:51
SolarisBoyi can't see how thats possible to have an ip like that listening where do you see it listening at?02:51
dweimerb14d3: Alright looks good. Go ahead and reboot. What should happen is the host will reboot with only /dev/sdb1 mounted on '/' . Then we can run the commands to test mounting /dev/sda1 on /server .02:51
d3f4c3dSolarisBoy, netstat -a02:51
d3f4c3dyagoo, thats routing table02:51
d3f4c3dSolarisBoy, im running dynamips - its virtualings routers for me... it worked fine untill i reinstalled buntu02:52
SolarisBoythats a broadcast addy..02:52
=== JG|ZZZ is now known as JG84|-_-
b14d3Dweimer: Rebooting, need to take my dog out, will be idle for a bit.02:52
d3f4c3dSolarisBoy, usually when i run virtualized router it hops on localhost:200102:52
SolarisBoyd34d1y: do you have a virtual lab up?02:52
_numbersthx alien205002:52
SolarisBoyi think thats the cause for that broadcast ip being somewhere02:52
d3f4c3dbut now its hanging on 255.255.255:200102:53
d3f4c3dso weird02:53
SolarisBoyhmm?? thats 3 octets =)02:53
d3f4c3dna its typo - its brod02:53
SolarisBoyso its broadcasting packets to port 2001 on the virtual subnet02:53
d3f4c3dit suppost to listen on
Jordan_URoasted: linux can't write to journaled hfsplus. Easiest solution is to reformat as fat32 (via iTunes).02:54
SolarisBoyare you sure you dont have any other settings enabled?02:54
d3f4c3ddynamips maybe to blame i duno02:54
yagood3f4c3d, you need #dynamips help..02:54
SolarisBoyid say...02:54
yagood3f4c3d, maybe you'd like to try gns3..02:54
SolarisBoyspecially on that port.. it is definately dynamips02:54
d3f4c3dSolarisBoy, where should i look02:54
RoastedJordan_U, oh, hm. I wonder what the other ipod is that I have here... that one worked...02:54
SolarisBoyin the settings.. are you running gns3?02:54
d3f4c3dSolarisBoy, its installing - but i always ran naked dynamips without gui02:54
RoastedJordan_U, what's weird is in gparted it says 100% unallocated. ????????02:55
SolarisBoyok so you have hypervisors running now i presume? also... sometimes they get hung...02:55
SolarisBoyand hold open the port02:55
SolarisBoydo you have qemuwrapper or dynagen or dynamips etc procs running? maybe killall -9 with some privs on those will kill that port if thats what you want.. but im sure its some setting you have in dynagen if its not by design02:56
SolarisBoymakes sense to me...02:56
d3f4c3dmaan, everything was going so great today - i even got time to benc 185lbs - now i got to sleep with this bubuntu02:56
SolarisBoyi use gns3 and never really played with dynamips bare.. well i kick up hypervisors manually but thats about it02:57
SolarisBoyagain.. makes perfect sense... in your netstat you should add -pone and see the pid holding the port...02:57
SolarisBoylsof -i :2001 even03:05
d3f4c3dwait there03:05
d3f4c3dthats what i was looking for03:05
d3f4c3dhold on03:05
d3f4c3ddynamips 1403 root   76u  IPv4   9540      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)03:05
b14d3dweimer: I am back03:05
SolarisBoynext question are you bridging the interface to your lan anyhow?03:05
dweimerb14d3: Any luck with the reboot?03:05
SolarisBoye.g you have bridge with your lan interface and some virtual interface added?03:05
d34d1yAnyone have a guide or documentation on the file system on ubuntu? i can't find anything03:05
b14d3dweimer: Um, to an extent. Trying something right now. Can't remote in, I think it's still trying to mount /dev/sda for some reason03:05
DatsunWhen I run ls /media I see a directory called VMware Tools.  When I try to change to this directory, it says it doesn't exist?03:05
King_JohnI'm trying to mount a usb floppy. lsusb sees it, but I can't see it in /dev. Any ideas?03:05
b14d3Hold on, roomie is letting me use his monitor03:05
d3f4c3dSolarisBoy, let me show u my .net file ?03:05
d3f4c3dor better else showmypc ?03:05
yagooKing_John, dmesg |grep -i floppy03:05
d3f4c3dSolarisBoy, wana jump in ?03:05
SolarisBoyi have no issue with it...03:05
b14d3dweimer: There we go, booted up fine, didn't try to mount /dev/sda03:06
jakkeback, did command got this: http://pastebin.com/YTHWL8Tw03:06
King_JohnNothing to show03:06
SolarisBoyDatsun: try ls -l03:06
SolarisBoyfile even03:06
King_JohnYagoo, didn't find anything03:06
centHOGGmc = midnite commander03:06
SolarisBoymaybe its a broken link ?03:06
dweimerb14d3: Excellent. Now you should be able to run 'mount /dev/sda1 /server' to mount the second disk at the /server path.03:06
SolarisBoy-> cdrom / iso image03:06
yagooKing_John, dmesg |grep fd03:06
DatsunSolarisboy - same issue.  It seems to this VMware and Tools are two different directories...03:06
SolarisBoyoh haha03:06
SolarisBoyDatsun: what does file </path/there> have to say about it?03:06
jakkeso what now yagoo?03:06
King_JohnYagoo, printout: http://pastebin.com/31zWY6NE03:06
DatsunOK.  sorted it.  Just needed quotations03:06
yagooKing_John, try scanning manually,  dmesg|less .. anything with "device" the device name would be at the head of the line03:06
yagoojakke, see what the modeline scan is in the log.. you can copy the log to a usb drive or something..03:06
b14d3dweimer: Now it's asking me to specify a file format, and I'm not sure where to put that in the syntax03:06
jakkewhat is the modeline?03:06
yagoojakke, grep -i mode /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:06
yagoojakke, it's what edid reports (your monitor gives communication data called edid)03:06
King_JohnYagoo, shows the drive03:06
yagooKing_John, you found it?03:06
yagooKing_John, fdisk -l    , shows it or not?03:06
dfcnvtI can't seems to find a solution for restarting my mouse... (my mouse recently froze)03:06
King_JohnYagoo, it is blank03:06
dweimerb14d3: You can pass a '-t <format>' to the mount command it's odd that it's asking you though. Go ahead and try 'mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /server' . I don't really expect it to work though.03:06
centHOGGdfcnvt: hardware check03:06
dexvenderany body here03:07
yagooKing_John, what's the floppy device name?03:07
dfcnvtcentHOGG, it's a laptop03:07
b14d3dweimer: The partition was mounted to ext2, should I sub that in for the ext4 in your example?03:07
King_JohnYagoo, from dmesg: scsi 6:0:0:0: Direct-Access     MITSUMI  USB FDD          1050 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS03:07
dweimerb14d3: Yep.03:07
b14d3Dweimer: formatted to ext2*03:07
b14d3Dweimer: Really don't want to format it if I don't have to. I have 600 GB of data on there that I want03:08
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RoastedHow do I fix read only file system errors with an iPod on Ubuntu?03:08
yagooKing_John, dmesg |grep attach03:08
b14d3Dweimer: Also, when running 'sudo mount /dev/sda' I get the message that it can't find it in /etc/fstab... should I uncomment that line?03:08
yagooKing_John, that line doesnt tell the device name03:09
dweimerb14d3: Eventually yeah. In this case just supply the path along with it 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /server' . We can update fstab as the last step.03:09
King_JohnYagoo, only one line came up about my webcam.03:09
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b14d3Dweimer: Oooh, that looks like it may have worked. Didn't give me any error.03:09
dweimerb14d3: Very good. Does an 'ls /server' show your data?03:10
b14d3Dweimer: You sir, are a life saver. Yes it does.03:10
yagooKing_John, sry.. try using ignoring casesensitivity with -i ,  -->dmesg |grep -i attach03:10
dweimerb14d3: Alright. In that case you can uncomment the fstab file. Make sure the line is '/dev/sda1' though and not just /dev/sda . The '1' is important since it points to the specific partition where your data is.03:11
King_JohnYagoo, could be relevant: [ 3623.171221] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk03:11
RoastedHow do I fix read only file system errors with an iPod on Ubuntu?03:12
b14d3Dweimer: Not going to lie, that may have been a significant part of the problem all along.03:12
King_JohnYagoo, this as well: [ 3621.571576] sd 7:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 003:12
yagooKing_John,  that looks like an ext usb drive.. but don't think its the floppy03:12
yagooKing_John, what does "fdisk -l" << say ?03:12
jakkesorry for the wait pastebin.com/SrMq4EZi03:13
d34d1yWhen trying to set an open animation via ccsm, how do i set the value for all windows?03:13
King_JohnYagoo, absolutly nothing03:13
dweimerb14d3: It's possible. You'll almost always want a number after the device name /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, etc. when dealing with filesystems. /dev/sda points to the full disk and then /dev/sda1 is a specific partition.03:13
jakkeModeline "1024x768"x60.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz) yagoo03:14
dweimerb14d3: After updating the fstab file you can test it out by running 'sudo umount /server' to unmount the filesystem and then 'sudo mount /server' to mount it again without having to specify the device name.03:14
dweimerb14d3: That's where the fstab comes in, it sets up the device mapping and all of the options for you.03:14
yagoojakke, you use that line somewhere in xorg.conf.. is that the highest res?03:14
jakkehow do i do it03:15
b14d3dweimer: Going to move around my data first, to see if I get what I needed onto the OS HD first :)03:15
yagoojakke, you have /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? (try pastebiniing that.. -> cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf|pastebinit -t my xlog03:15
dweimerb14d3: Good plan.03:15
jakkein live, will try03:15
yagooKing_John, i dont see how fdisk shows nothing.. you trying with sudo?03:16
yagoojakke, you reboot into your own system..03:16
King_JohnYagoo, my bad, I thought I was logged in as root, wasn't.03:17
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jakkehttp://pastebin.com/AdfJW7W2 i modded it thoug. when i did, it did nothing03:17
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yagoojakke, btw.. is the livecd using nouveau?03:17
King_JohnYagoo, I'll paste it to pastebin03:17
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King_JohnYagoo, http://pastebin.com/E3SNX29g03:18
trap24i did "sudo apt-get install groovy" and aborted (ctrl+c) the installation at 1%, how to undo any possible sideeffects if any03:18
yagooKing_John,  it has to be /dev/sdb despite the ugly message about it in dmesg -- it's 1 meg... ( Disk /dev/sdb: 1 MB, 1474560 bytes )03:19
jakkeyagoo what is nouveau?03:19
SolarisBoyvideo driver jakke open source one03:19
King_JohnYagoo, I thought the same thing. Thanks for the help, enjoy your night :)03:19
yagoojakke, what driver is the livecd using? -- we'll try xorg.conf alone.. if that fails.. we'll try another driver..03:19
jakkehow do i know if i have it?03:19
yagooKing_John, np03:19
SolarisBoylsmod would show if you have it installed.. not quite sure other than ls in the modules directory to see if you have it..03:20
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SolarisBoyor like yagoo mentioned you can also check xorg.conf if you have one to see what driver its using03:22
asterismohi everybody03:22
asterismoi have a couple of questions03:22
jakkefound original xorg, pastebining03:22
b14d3Dweimer: Still moving data, going to be quite some time. But let's say that I'd like to format it so that it updates to ext4, what are the steps I should take to make sure the mount process goes alright?03:23
jakkehere yagoo http://pastebin.com/Lyx1NkiN03:23
asterismosince i installed xubuntu 11.10 i noticed that umounting usb pendrives is very unclear03:23
SolarisBoyreading xorg gives me headaches =(03:23
d3f4c3dwhat is most stable ubuntu currently ?03:23
asterismoi have no certain feedback of what is going on03:23
d3f4c3dim going to wipe out 11.0403:23
SolarisBoyasterismo: i think by default it is controlled in the side panel when you mount one it appears there you can right click and eject/safe remove and you would then see it vanish if it was succesful03:24
dweimerb14d3: If you want to format it to ext4, the only change you need to make to /etc/fstab is to change 'ext2' to 'ext4'. Then once it's formatted you should just be able to run 'mount /server' again.03:24
SolarisBoyasterismo: you can check dmesg /var/log/messages if you want to see a more verbose output but i think thats the intent to not complex mounting/unmounting drives03:24
pranavi copied "java-6-sun-" after creating /usr/jvm. changed the chmod to +R 777. appended to $PATH. reloaded src. but still "java" seems to not work. :(03:25
urlin2uasterismo, are the icons on the desktop part of your problem.03:25
SolarisBoypranav: what did you add to path?03:25
dweimerb14d3: For the format itself, unmount it first with 'sudo umount /server' then run 'sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1' to format it. Once the format is finished update the fstab and run 'sudo mount /server'03:25
asterismoSolarisBoy > i use xubuntu desktop and the only place i can click for umounting is the thunar file manager or the desktop icon03:26
pranavSolarisBoy: JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- & export JAVA_HOME then PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin03:26
dweimerb14d3: Remember the '1' in the mkfs command, that's important. And obviously double check that you back everything up. Formatting will remove all of the data on the disk.03:26
jakkeso what should i do now?03:26
SolarisBoypranav: why not use the apt-method versus the dl from oracle method?03:26
SolarisBoyand update-alternatives for java?03:26
pranavSolarisBoy: i've a mx 15KBps internet :/03:27
yagoojakke, i already told ya03:27
SolarisBoyi think would likely be the preferred method though... do hava another java installed?03:27
asterismowhen i click on the eject at thunar i have a double contradiction message. one window message says that there was an error umounting the device, and at the same time in the notification bubbles the message says that som edata is being written and do not unplugg the usb03:28
asterismobut nothing is being written really03:28
pranavSolarisBoy: no, Iiterally created my jvm folder03:28
dweimerIn ubuntu is there ever a need to use 'apt-get dist-upgrade' rather than 'apt-get upgrade' ? I used to have to do it with debian, but I can't even remember why at this point.03:28
SolarisBoypranav does it fail with command not found?03:28
asterismoand the eject button stills there and i dont know if it is umounted or not03:28
yagoojakke, use that timing modeline into the xorg.. you may need to change a thing or two.. first make an xorg.conf with X -configure (shutdown lightdm or gdm as nec)--03:28
yagoojakke, pastebin the sample generated xorg.conf.new unmodified (note it may say warning with X -configure, but sample file still made in /root)03:28
pranavSolarisBoy: actually now it says cannot execute binary library03:28
bazhang!dist-upgrade | dweimer03:29
ubottudweimer: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.03:29
jakkewhay yagoo?03:29
SolarisBoypranav: hmm... that file 'java' can you run the file command against it?03:29
bazhangdweimer, not really, no03:29
yagoojakke, ctl-alt-f7 (goes to gui), ctl-alt-f1 , do /etc/init.d/lightdm stop, or /etc/init.d/gdm stop (if not using 11.10), then run X -configure, then -> cat ~/xorg.conf.new |pastebinit -t xorgsample03:29
SolarisBoypranav: did you actually chmod +x the installer and run it as root or did you just copy some files from another system over?03:29
dweimerbazhang: Perfect, thanks.03:29
SolarisBoypranav: also try ldd /usr/bin/java but replace that to the path to your java binary... seems there may be an issue with the files them selves... also send command output in pastie as well as this03:31
pranavSolarisBoy: I just did "sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/lib/jvm"03:31
dfgashow do i disable compiz?03:31
SolarisBoywell... it should be 755 technically i believe but w/e03:31
mr0wlmy Ubuntu box is frozen at the graphical boot up03:31
SolarisBoythats not how you install java manually03:31
JoniiAnyone know any good lightweight mp3 player(preferably support for additional audio formats like flac and ogg, that's not required though)? Maybe command line one? Preferably nothing but the ability to play a file, pause it, rewind and fastforward03:32
centHOGGmr0wl: last time it worked right?03:32
JoniiMaybe some simple playlist manipulation, but nothing complex03:32
centHOGGJonii: xmms03:32
bazhang!xmms | centHOGG Jonii03:32
ubottucentHOGG Jonii: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious or xmms2 instead.03:32
SolarisBoypranav: you would end up with a file that looks like 'jre-6u29-linux-x64.bin' from wherever you pulled the "installer files"03:33
mr0wlcan I exit to commandline so I can see msgs?03:33
SolarisBoypranav: did you do the ldd and file command yet?03:33
centHOGGyeah use xmms203:33
pranavSolarisBoy: not a dynamic executable03:33
Joniixmms2? okay03:33
bazhangcentHOGG, thats not what she/he wants03:33
pranavSolarisBoy: in both javac, and java03:33
SolarisBoythat doesn't seem right mines are03:33
SolarisBoyand they show what libs they were built against with no errors...03:33
mr0wlwhat's the shortcut to exit the graphical boot screen?03:34
SolarisBoyso if thats a precompiled binary its not working... can you post the output of file and ldd to pastie?03:34
SolarisBoyfile </path/to/java> ; ldd </path/to/java>03:34
JoniicentHOGG: are you sure? that seems pretty heavyweight client based on description03:35
Joniimusic library stuff etc03:35
pranavSolarisBoy: no, I actually copied "java-6-sun-" folder into the directory i created i.e. "jvm". believe me, i have done it before i suppose03:35
pranavSolarisBoy: the only difference was jvm existed, which wasn'nt now03:35
centHOGGwell i've used it in the past for just spitting out mp3s & flacs03:35
bazhangJonii, xmms is for server and client, not what you were asking for at all. audacious is, however03:35
centHOGGon old computers03:35
SolarisBoyif that was the case you would have a file not found error03:36
SolarisBoycan you post the commands to pastie?03:36
Joniibazhang: okay, ty03:36
bazhangpranav, why are you not installing java from the repos?03:36
pranavbazhang: SolarisBoy i think i would do it now.. :/ 2.5 hrs.03:37
bazhang!partner > pranav03:37
ubottupranav, please see my private message03:37
bazhang!java | pranav03:37
ubottupranav: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.03:37
pranavbazhang: i need sun jdk03:37
SolarisBoyyour copy install method failed03:37
SolarisBoyeither get the *bin or install from a repo somehow03:38
JoniiThe word "advanced" in that "advanced audio player" seems worrysome. I'm looking for a player that's really simple. Like, everything not-necessary removed and made permanently non-available03:38
bazhangpranav, what you are trying is not the method to go about it at all.03:38
bazhangJonii, its very basic03:38
pranavnick /trap2403:38
bazhangJonii, it is skinnnable if you wish, or just ultra basic03:38
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Joniibazhang: okay, i'll try that one out03:39
SolarisBoyyou may be able to copy jar files or something from computer to computer running compatible versions of java,, but i've never heard of a copy folder install...03:39
machiolatehow do I extract with 7z to a folder within the same directory? (via command line)03:41
SolarisBoy7z e03:43
jakkecan somebody pm me the pastebins i posted?03:43
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magpiimy firewall keeps turning off, can someone tell me how to create a log please?03:43
bazhangjakke, you can check the logs for this channel03:43
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bazhang!1984 | jakke03:43
ubottujakke: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/03:43
chigginsOn the ubuntu wiki, it says that my laptop, lenovo s10-3t, the vga external video port works. but for some reason, ubuntu 11.10 doesn't seen to recognize that something is plugged into it. any ideas?03:44
bazhangmagpii, your router firewall? iptables? something else? what do you mean turning off03:44
SolarisBoymagpii: ufw?03:44
SolarisBoyahh same thought paths =)03:44
Joniiaudacious does look a bit too complicated, but I guess it's good enough unless someone knows any simpler music players03:44
scratchingmyheadmy workspace switcher or clock sometimes gets deleted on startup... I know this has been a problem and was wondering if there was ever a fix for it?03:45
SolarisBoysome said xmms2 already,, thats pretty simple03:45
bazhangJonii, you want something command line then?03:45
urlin2uchiggins, you open the monitors settings app?03:45
SolarisBoythere was one called mocp that ran in a terminal at one point.. Jonii03:45
bazhangSolarisBoy, thats for client/server a bit over kill for what he was asking03:45
magpiii have the firestarter gui up, everytime i click the "start firewall" button, it comes on for a few seconds then i get the red stopped icon up03:45
chigginsurlin2u - aye, says only the laptop monitor is there03:45
SolarisBoybazhang: ahh03:45
SolarisBoyaplay =)?03:46
justanewbiewhat's the difference between directory permission,drwxr-S--- and drwxr-s---,are the s and S the same thing,please help03:47
trap24SolarisBoy: bazhang: is there a way to tell if the copy of java is 64bit or 32bit ??03:47
Joniibazhang: not necessarily, no, but i don't dislike the idea03:47
bazhangtrap24, you're installing from the repos? or just trying to copy paste as before03:47
jakkelogs haven't updated yet03:47
JoniiBut anyway, I tested this, and actually, I think audacious works03:48
bazhangjakke, should be at the top of the hour03:48
JoniiAdjusted some settings and now it seems pretty reliable03:48
SolarisBoyyea cause your going to get an error trying to tell with the copy/paste method apparently =)03:48
jakkenot my pastebins tho03:48
trap24bazhang: no, I will copy from the repo.. just for the inquiry ?03:48
SolarisBoyyou could run like ldd against it and see which libraries it was built against...if it were working03:48
SolarisBoytrap24: *install from repo03:48
SolarisBoytrap24: or install the *bin03:48
justanewbiewhat's the difference between directory permission,drwxr-S--- and drwxr-s---,are the s and S the same thing,please help03:48
bazhangtrap24, I hope you mean install from repo, and not copy paste03:49
bazhang!permissions | justanewbie03:49
ubottujustanewbie: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions03:49
trap24SolarisBoy: I have the bin folder03:49
trap24in jav03:49
SolarisBoytrap24: doesn't matter03:49
SolarisBoythe files are not built for your system03:49
SolarisBoyinstall it from the proper place EOS03:49
bazhangtrap24, you realize the bin is not the repos method I hope03:50
SolarisBoyyes its not preferred.. as initially asked why not use repo but you stated you had slow connection03:50
SolarisBoyin that case,, if you ARE going to use an alternate method... you should be using the bin file provided by the SV03:50
trap24SolarisBoy: bazhang ok soln for all -> Repo I suppose.03:51
SolarisBoynp trap2403:51
inferencehow can i return a pid within a script by name?03:52
inferencetaskset -c 0 (function that fetches pid of(process))03:52
justanewbiebazhang: i've looked thought the whole tutorial for permissions,but i'm wondering the differences of S and s,chomd g+s <dir>,it give me a uppercase S,but what does lowercase s mean in permissions?03:52
justanewbiebazhang: is the drwxr-s--- and drwxr-S--- the same thing?03:53
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SolarisBoylower case is for setgid03:54
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untitled_onlysup room?03:56
bazhanguntitled_only, ubuntu support03:56
untitled_onlyI kno03:56
madlinuxdrummerhi all, does anyone know much on screen rotation with combi tablet/laptops?03:57
justanewbieSolarisBoy: does g+s means give the directory setgid,but it show me a uppercase s?03:57
SolarisBoyno they are two seperate things.03:59
SolarisBoythey mean seperate things03:59
SolarisBoyS means the user who owns the file does not have x set on it03:59
justanewbieSolarisBoy: in permission drwxr-s--- ,i can access the directory,but drwxr-S---,i got permission denied error,so i am wondering the differences between them?03:59
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SolarisBoybecause you need x set to cd into  a directory as a user most likely...04:00
SolarisBoycd into a directory is executing against that directory..04:00
justanewbieSolarisBoy: how can i set lowercase s to a directory?04:00
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SolarisBoygive the proper user a executable bit on the folder...04:00
justanewbieSolarisBoy: thank you very much,i see04:01
machiolateis it normal for 7z to take a very long time to unrar?04:01
machiolateseems like its taking forever04:01
tonyyarussomachiolate: Um, 7z and rar are different formats, for starters.04:01
SolarisBoylol that reminds me of those never ending zip files evil people used to make =)04:01
machiolateit's an expanded version toyyarusso, it supports rar04:02
centHOGGi like rar04:02
SolarisBoyi like tar04:02
centHOGGtime for a smoke04:02
rodhashGuys, is there any way to run compiz with xfwm4?? I dont like the way compiz change the window border04:04
bazhangrodhash, tried asking in #compiz yet?04:04
yagoojakke, http://dpaste.com/661060/04:09
yagooand I like xar.. it's supposed to be like the successor for tar04:10
centHOGGwhatever floats yur boat04:10
* SolarisBoy was actually waiting on that last archiving fav04:10
SolarisBoyonce they start rolling xar out in commonly used distro's ill use it =)04:11
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dissipateanyone here use amazon s3 and have mounted an s3 bucket in ubuntu 11.10 with s3fs?04:14
SolarisBoycoooool beans dissipate did not know you could do that04:14
dissipateSolarisBoy, yep, you can, i did it but i'm getting some weird behavior with the mount. :(04:14
SolarisBoyim sure its some derivitive of sshfs or similar04:15
SolarisBoyover the internet at that...04:15
dissipateSolarisBoy, it uses Fuse actually04:16
SolarisBoyohh.. cool fuse logs... fuse versions can often be problematic and show issues like that.. check your logs should be fuse_*.c stuff there04:17
SolarisBoy*regardless,,, sshfs/fuse/nfs its traversing the interwebs04:17
SolarisBoybut logs may have some data04:17
dissipatehere's what's happening. i mount the s3 bucket in /mnt just fine, except when i go into /mnt there is nothing there.04:18
dissipatei have to create a directory with the name matching the name of the directory in the bucket for the files to show up04:18
SolarisBoyhmm so... does this tool install some tool for mount?04:19
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!04:19
dissipatebut this actually causes a file to be created in the bucket itself, and the file size of this new file is being reported as some massive number of bytes causing ubuntu to think i am out of disk space. :(04:19
dissipateSolarisBoy, yes, the tool is 's3fs'. so you do: s3fs <bucket name> <mount point>04:20
dissipatee.g.: s3fs mybucket /mnt04:21
bobweaverHello there I was wondering what the command to open  "take screenshot " is anyone know ?04:21
bobweaverform terminal ^^04:21
bobweaverfrom *04:21
SanusHey.  I'm back.  Again.04:24
SanusI've fixed alsa, just by updating it, and I've fixed the wireless card... by updating it.04:24
SanusDown to ATI drivers, and Synaptics Touchpad.04:24
SolarisBoydissipate: are you following the how to on code.google.com?04:24
SanusSo!  Round 3!04:24
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SanusUbuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx, Compaq Presario CQ57, specifications on request.  Current problems:  No Video Driver, Touchpad detects as Ps/2 instead of SynPs/2.04:25
SanusWill be reposting every now and then, if the spam is bad.04:26
SanusBut I'm guessing it's not this late at night.04:26
SanusAnyone here who might be able to help me?04:27
Untitled_onlywith what?04:27
dissipateSolarisBoy, hmm, pretty much, but i think i might try tweaking something and see if that works.04:27
SanusUbuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx, Compaq Presario CQ57, specifications on request.  Current problems:  No Video Driver, Touchpad detects as Ps/2 instead of SynPs/2.04:27
SolarisBoydissipate see the troubleshooting section and the suggestions?04:28
SanusCan any of you guys help me out?04:28
Untitled_onlydid you scan for additional dirvers yet?04:28
SanusYes.  I have.04:28
SolarisBoyhave you checked the log or try mounting with -f?04:28
SanusNo proprietary drivers, until I installed the wireless business.04:28
dissipateSolarisBoy, nope, i'm looking at these: http://code.google.com/p/s3fs/w/list04:29
SolarisBoywhat occurs are there errors? also whats the return code of the command? when your complete and you type mount is it observed in the output?04:29
bobweaverSanus:  please open your terminal and type in the following  :    lspci -nn | grep VGA04:29
bobweaverand post here please04:30
SolarisBoydissipate: precisely http://code.google.com/p/s3fs/wiki/FuseOverAmazon || search (?-i)troubleshooting04:30
rodhashGuys.. any idea why I have these errors?? --> DRI2SwapBuffers: bad drawable04:30
Sanus00:01.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc Device [1002:9804]04:30
SanusSir yes sir.04:30
dissipateSolarisBoy, my problem isn't there. :(04:32
SolarisBoydo you mean you have performed the two exact commands they say to run to troubleshoot and you also have done the above? gotten the return code of the command etc?04:32
SolarisBoy+mount output or  cat /proc/mounts?04:33
bobweaverSanus:  you have seen this ? 1002:980404:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 858450 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati "lcd flickers after dpms cycle" [Low,Confirmed]04:33
bobweaverthat is it Sanus ^^04:33
dissipateSolarisBoy, no, but i will after i try this tweak. keep in mind i didn't get any errors, just bizarre behavior.04:33
opticlovehi, i want to make a new partition on my currently active drive and i know i need to boot using a live cd. does it matter what distro i use?04:33
Sanusbobweaver: I've not seen it.  I'll check it out.04:33
SanusI don't have Oneiric.  I have Lucid Lynx.04:34
bobweaverSanus:  It is always good idea to file bug04:34
SolarisBoydissipate good reason to check the logs and the debug command they have on their wiki04:34
TheBuntuWhats better mbr or gpt... have a 500 gig hdd04:34
bobweaverSanus:  intermina :    lsmod              then pastebin please04:34
SanusDon't know what intermina is04:35
dissipateSolarisBoy, yep, ill check it out after i try installing s3fs again.04:35
Sanusbobweaver: http://pastebin.com/B0dyPHhh04:36
SolarisBoybe mindful that you are installing the latest version hopefully that passes all those bugs i see on the code page.. looks like starter software and also open.. so it *should* be getting better version by version i guess04:36
rodhashany idea someone?04:36
SolarisBoyrodhash: are you using some graphical application or some compiz plugin for example?04:37
rodhashSolarisBoy, no just compiz + emerald04:37
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.04:38
rodhashubottu, I didnt know04:38
ubotturodhash: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:38
SolarisBoyrodhash: its being reported from X generally when bad code is causing errors for X data flows04:38
SolarisBoyubottu is so cute04:39
ubottuSolarisBoy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:39
* SolarisBoy blushing04:39
rodhashSolarisBoy, what can I use instead of emerald?04:39
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SanusNo known alternatives.04:39
SolarisBoynot sure.. i never really was into it04:39
SanusYou could just get some good ol' Metacity themes04:39
* SolarisBoy which looks way better to me anyway04:40
SanusEmerald won't work well with Natty+ methinks04:40
LinuX2halfHi, I cannot install Ubuntu because MBR only allows four hard drives and now I cannot create extended partition.04:40
bobweaverSanus:  this is what screen looks like ? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/81494122/Screenshot%20at%202011-09-29%2020%3A02%3A48.png04:40
SolarisBoy4 primary partitions?04:40
d34d1yHow do i disable the default conky config from loading upon restart?04:41
SanusOh god no.  But that is cool.04:41
SanusI'm using Lucid Lynx, like I said.  I don't think they use very similar drivers.04:41
SolarisBoyd34d1y: how did you start it?04:41
SolarisBoyahh the config.. move the .*rc out of the ~/ its in04:42
SolarisBoyor rename it to something else04:42
LinuX2halfThe four primary partitions is necessary for my system to operate and I cannot delete either of them, so what else is there to do?04:43
SolarisBoyget another disk04:43
MitochondriaHow would i go about extracting mulit-rar'd files?04:43
SolarisBoyMitochondria: use the first one04:44
SolarisBoyunrar x firstone04:44
SolarisBoyit will find the others after you do that. Mitochondria04:44
LinuX2halfAnother disk?04:44
SolarisBoyyes and another mbr on that one04:44
SolarisBoyand create a partition there04:45
rodhashSolarisBoy, metacity is used together with compiz?04:45
SolarisBoyas you have reached the limits in your circumstance apparently04:45
SolarisBoyrodhash: yes04:45
LinuX2halfSo, how exactly could I get another MBR?04:45
SolarisBoywith another disk04:45
SolarisBoyLinuX2half: whats the requirement for your "partitions"?04:46
SolarisBoycould you not have 4 LVM mounts or something?04:46
MitochondriaIt's a rar within another rar. So i would have to go to each folder that it extracts with and then add all the separated rars into one folder then extract the exact file.04:46
MitochondriaWhat a pain in my ass.04:46
SolarisBoywhy do you need 4 standard partitions.. yes whats the requirements?04:46
_bogus_hey there... i cant boot my ubuntu anymore :/ it seems its caused by an update... I googled and found a solution using rootdelay=140 on boot line, it worked but my ubuntu takes ages to boot up, and there's also this strange pops in my speakers that wasnt happening before... any ideas ?04:46
SolarisBoywhy do you "need" to have 4 parts of a drive cutup and CANT do smoething like LVM?04:47
SolarisBoyjudging the situation you are in..04:47
LinuX2halfThe four partitions were pre-installed into my computer after I've bought it.04:47
LinuX2halfit is: System, HP Tools, Recovery, Local Disk.04:47
SolarisBoyrecovery disk and the hpa on the drive wont get touched anyway04:48
SolarisBoyso thats no worries..04:48
SolarisBoyhp tools not sure about04:48
SolarisBoysystem i assume is your OS? so what is your aim right now.. you are INSTALLING an OS.. it needs to sit somewhere...04:48
SolarisBoyin your case i would say get another disk.04:49
LinuX2halfYes, I'm planning to create an extended partition but since I cannot partition anymore, I cannot do so.04:49
SolarisBoyshould plan for success04:49
LinuX2halfSo you're saying I should get any hard drive?04:51
dariushall21Hello, can someone help me install MacBuntu on 11.10? I can't figure it out, I've tried serveral tutorials.04:51
SolarisBoyno im saying get another drive if you have run out of partitioning options and judging your situation04:52
_bogus_hey there... i cant boot my ubuntu anymore :/ it seems its caused by an update (device not found, referenced by uuid, but i set off the use of uuid in /etc/default/grub) ... I googled and found a solution using rootdelay=140 on boot line, it worked but my ubuntu takes ages to boot up04:52
_bogus_any ideas on how to fix that ?04:53
dissipateSolarisBoy, it looks like the change to my script solved one of my problems, but i still have a file being reported as having a huge file size.04:54
LinuX2halfI'm not sure how I could get another disk.04:54
SolarisBoydissipate: that would honestly be something you can post to that wiki page if it's open, seems they have google groups.. other than logging errors that are normal no clue what its doing and how the amazon api reads it and vice versa04:55
dariushall21Anytime I try to open the install.sh it just flashes terminal then closes, I even edited the code as the tutorial I followed said to do.04:55
SolarisBoyLinuX2half: purchase one.. open the computer attach it ensure it is recognized boot up ubuntu and observe if it gives the option to install there.04:55
dissipateSolarisBoy, i just can't believe no one else out there isn't having this problem S3 is a popular service. people must be trying to mount their S3 buckets.04:56
dariushall21Does anyone here know anything about Ubuntu One? I want to restore a backup04:57
SolarisBoydissipate: i use s3 all the time, i've never had a need to mount a bucket for anything04:57
dissipateSolarisBoy, so how do you access your s3 files from ubuntu?04:58
SolarisBoyat most i can use s3cmd to script stuff out if needed but s3 is intended to be *cloud* storage i think thats a horrible misuse of it04:58
SolarisBoyor s3browser in ff depending on if i really feel like opening a big stinky browser to see some files or not04:58
SolarisBoywell upload database dumps,, FS dumps, web assets/images, etc out to s3 *from* the instances mainly.. only when doing obscure stuff like migrating AMIs across regions ever did i need to access s3 really from home05:00
LinuX2halfSo I would need to purchase another disk and attach it to the original hard drive, then boot it up to see if it allows installation?05:00
SolarisBoyattache it to the system bus yes05:00
dissipateSolarisBoy, i haven't used s3cmd, is that one good?05:01
SolarisBoydissipate: yes it also works =)05:01
dissipateSolarisBoy, i'm trying to download source code tarballs that i have stored in S3.05:01
SolarisBoythats probably a WAYYY better idea than mounting it over the internet to some buggy/hacky/weird developers weird misuse of s3 storage05:02
SolarisBoys3cmd is more like curl/lftp... simple just dl the files.. tons of other options,, CRUD stuff ,, batch stuff etc05:02
wolfman3k5has anyone seen Motherfucker James? (that's his real name btw.)05:02
SolarisBoydissipate it will also self configure based on passed in values interactively,, basically i install it, run it with s3cmd -configure or something similar feed it key and skey.. and your done,, s3 is available and working05:04
dr3mroafter the latest big updates yesterday ubuntu is faster and more stable05:04
* SolarisBoy goes to update machine05:04
dissipateSolarisBoy, cool. ill check it out.05:04
dr3mrobut why all of these updates together it's almost 180mb05:04
SolarisBoydissipate: cool.05:05
dissipateSolarisBoy, the reason why mounting a bucket is more convenient for me is because i'm setting up my servers via puppet. the idea was to symlink puppet's files directories to my mounted s3 bucket.05:05
SolarisBoymake puppet use s3cmd05:05
dissipateSolarisBoy, that's what i'm going to do.05:06
SolarisBoycool beans05:06
SolarisBoydissipate: ever use chef?05:06
dissipateSolarisBoy, but it's not as clean. if i could symlink the s3 bucket i can use 'source => /modules/...'05:07
dissipateSolarisBoy, nope. have heard of it though.05:07
SolarisBoywhats your aim in general? and are these on ec2 instances? or are you doing this on some phys servers (which would be a little weird to opt cloud storage down to phy boxes)05:07
pushUnable to load OSS here..05:08
SolarisBoydissipate: chef owns puppet, chef is puppets poppa =)05:08
dissipateSolarisBoy, these are all EC2 instances. my aim is to set up my AWS web app using puppet when the AMI launches. i need to download my source code from my S3 bucket to do that.05:08
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pushcant load ...../dev/dsp: No such file or directory05:09
SolarisBoydissipate: there are better ways to do it... i consult for many cloud based environments05:09
SolarisBoydissipate: do you EIP all those instances "mounting" cloud storage?05:09
dissipateSolarisBoy, is chef less popular than puppet? not that it matters, just curious as to why puppet seems to be more prevalent.05:10
SolarisBoyif not expect broken links and disaster05:10
blackcatnekonegrHello, what was the command to force a reinstall of ubuntu?05:10
SolarisBoydissipate: people prefer simplicity,, when you look at chef configs,, you see yaml and raw ruby... but its tons more powerful05:10
dissipateSolarisBoy, nope.05:11
SolarisBoymy job is stuck on silly puppet,, i demo'd chef for them they were in awe... but then they settled to stick with puppet,, because the configs "look easier"05:11
SolarisBoydissipate: so how will the mount function once the IP changes? which can happen randomly without instance bouncing05:11
dissipateSolarisBoy, personally i'm not liking config management at all, so i'm actually not keen on either. :O05:12
dr3mroblackcatnekonegr, ? why ?05:12
SolarisBoywell you need something in the cloud if you have something scalable going on05:12
blackcatnekonegrdr3mro, some messed up update, thats why05:12
SolarisBoyelse you need to MASTER your AMI's which is probably harder considering the small variances of running redundant systems... like you know.. not having duplicate settings in configs that freak things out and such...05:13
dr3mroblackcatnekonegr, because you missed update you like to reinstall ??05:13
dissipateSolarisBoy, i'm using amazon's internal IPs with puppet, so those don't change. as for the mount, i'm assuming since the instance is connecting to S3, it doesn't matter of the instance's IP changes.05:13
SolarisBoythis is where the config manager comes in.. and where chef dominates... but in your case i would do s3cmd back down..05:13
dr3mroblackcatnekonegr, what error message you get ?05:13
SolarisBoydissipate: its mounting s3...05:13
blackcatnekonegrdr3mro, because I cannot log in in the gui I wanna reinstall, thats what I call MESSED UP update, sorry, don't want to be sure, but the last update messed up my os05:14
SolarisBoyif the IP address changes im sure thats disrupting the communication protocol underlying whatever the application level THINKS it may be doing05:14
SolarisBoyand no mount or stale mount occurs05:14
SolarisBoycreating stale links.. broken app etc..05:14
dr3mroblackcatnekonegr, ok . what happens when you start your pc , do you get error message ?05:15
pushunable to install packeages error ...cannot stat `/usr/local/bin/ztemtApp/ztemt.ko'05:15
dissipateSolarisBoy, well i'm convinced. no s3fs for me. :O05:15
SolarisBoymuch more feasible to do a pull down.. which you can retry... cron it out s3cmd has a rsync feature as well05:15
SolarisBoyits rather cool05:15
SolarisBoydissipate: indeed05:15
dissipateSolarisBoy, yeah, i'll just use puppet's 'exec' to do an s3cmd to pull down and untar the source files.05:16
SolarisBoyyea thats simply scripted.. is the tar named something sane? if so.. its a breeze in puppet even05:16
NukedAllahu Akbar!05:16
dissipateSolarisBoy, BTW, i wonder if puppet is popular because sysadmins don't want to have to learn Ruby? :O05:17
dr3mroNuked, welcome05:17
Nukeddr3mro, thank you05:17
SolarisBoysmh ruby rules the world... all the sysadmins at my job are stuck on perl for some odd reason05:17
dr3mroNuked, do you speek arabic ?05:17
SolarisBoyi can't stand perl with all the -> around and stuff,, so unreadable looks like chicken scratch ;<05:17
Nukeddr3mro, a bit actually05:18
dr3mroNuked, good05:18
dr3mroNuked, good  for you05:18
Nukeddr3mro, alhamdulilah05:18
dr3mroNuked, do you have a problem ?05:18
SolarisBoyi purposely do NOT do things in perl to annoy people... so funny i get my scripts done in so much less time.. and they work .. but thats because OO wasn't an afterthought for ruby....05:18
Nukedindeed I do, I can't figure out where to configure login manager05:19
dr3mroNuked, what version of ubuntu do you have installed \05:19
dr3mroNuked, good .05:19
Nukeddr3mro, I wanted to know if perhaps there is a way to use a custom theme for the login manager05:20
push/dev/dsp: No such file or directory05:20
pusherror on ossplay -l05:20
SolarisBoydissipate: right now chef is managing ec2 configs and as autoscale kicks up it performs a look up on the proc table, mounted disks, etc, and shoots a clean nagios config file into place and restart the service.. adding monitoring for each instance.. when it spins down we remove the instance.. so our monitoring autoscales with the aws env =)05:21
SolarisBoyfor example05:22
dr3mronuked found it wait ill give you a link05:22
Nukeddr3mro, thank you05:22
RageSithlo everybody05:23
dr3mronuked http://www.ubuntugeek.com/simple-lightdm-manager.html05:23
Nukeddr3mro, I will look that up05:24
dr3mroNuked, go there and you will find what you want05:24
Nukeddr3mro, jazakallahu khairan05:24
dissipateSolarisBoy, sounds awesome. are the config templates full blown RoR?05:24
RageSithwhenever i try to upload a file via ftp containing special chars like ö,ä,ü or i try to type them via vim into a filrs somestrange letter appear instead05:25
dr3mroNuked, wa eyakom :)05:25
RageSithis there a way to activate any German Layout serverwide?05:25
SolarisBoydissipate: yes full blown ruby05:26
RageSithso i can use all those ä,ü.ö and so on?05:26
starnhello, can anyone help me with Ampache?05:26
dissipateSolarisBoy, sweet. sounds like chef is more powerful indeed.05:27
SolarisBoydissipate: the file classes are nuts.. they have something actually called a templating mechanism which references config files.. it generally rebuilds stuff for you based on replacing variables in files like httpd.conf you can use it for the config management,, it uses something called recipes.. for instance a recipe called lamp may spin a bare server into a lamp server in seconds!!,, (you dont need to say windows/linux/unix it can05:29
grendal-primeunity blows05:29
grendal-primeseriously...there needs to be a revolt of some sort05:30
blackcatnekonegrHello, what was that gnome program that allowed you to burn ubuntu isos in ush flash drives?05:30
Nukedgrendal-prime, that's your opinion05:30
grendal-primeoneday soon there will be a page called the top 10 things to do with ubuntu after you install it...the first item will be two install the gnome3-shell05:31
SolarisBoyother awesome thing is (last thing i promise) ,, its so opensource... right now there are hundreds of recipes people from all over the world have put together,, you can get up and running and download a repo locally and just use already working stuff.. =)... such a win. brb05:31
dissipategrendal-prime, installation of gnome is just a couple clicks away.05:31
grendal-primei just cant belive how lame it is.05:31
dissipategrendal-prime, in case you haven't heard though, there is a revolt. people are defecting to linux mint, because apparently they can't figure out how to install gnome.05:32
grendal-primeisnt mint based on ubuntu?  or is a direct decendent of debian05:32
grendal-primeim seriously thinking about just going back to using debian proper.05:33
dissipategrendal-prime, there are both debian and ubuntu based versions of mint.05:33
Nukeddissipate, that's ridiculos05:33
dissipateNuked, why?05:33
blackcatnekonegrdissipate, or they are using xubuntu, I really need that program to burn ubuntu isos into usb flash drives, computer does not have a dvd or cd reader05:33
starndoes anyone know anything about ampache?05:33
grendal-primebeen using this for 9+ years now...this thig sucks.05:33
blackcatnekonegrstarn, don't you mean apache?05:34
grendal-primeblackcatnekonegr,  did you try the startup disk creator?05:34
A|i3Nsimple question, possibly a "no" question lol. Ya know how u can send output to a file (e.g. "man kill >> kill.txt)? Is there a way to send output straight to your clipboard? Like instead of making a file and copy/paste to where you want it, just send it to the clipboard?05:34
grendal-primeyou can point whatever iso to a usb stick05:34
starnblackcatnekonegr: no ampache...05:34
Nukeddissipate, how hard could it be to install gnome 305:35
starnblackcatnekonegr: it does use apache though..05:35
dissipateNuked, not too hard as far as i know.05:35
dissipateNuked, but leave it to people to change their entire OS.05:35
grendal-primethere are allot of really "challenged" people that are using ubuntu as a cheep varriant of a mac desktop05:36
dissipatei'm not opposed to unity, i just wish they had let it bake longer before making it the default.05:36
grendal-primetrust me i set them up  for them.05:36
blackcatnekonegr grendal-prime, than you, is that one, last update really messed up lubuntu so I am installing it over with a usb flash drive05:36
grendal-primeexactly dissipate05:36
dissipategrendal-prime, then unity should appeal to them...05:36
grendal-primedissipate, nope..they are all.."what do i do?"05:37
starni keep getting 404 errors.. when everything appears to be setup correctly. and the address is http://localhost/ampache05:37
grendal-primeand im all like..here...just do this then that then feel it out...05:37
DarkLinux_7hello fellow hackers :)05:37
dissipategrendal-prime, well in that case, we know where ubuntu is heading...05:37
grendal-primeremember the mac wheel computer...thats what it reminds me of05:37
sln45On Natty with Gnome 2 and no Unity. I want something to make "web applications" like Prism/WebRunner used to, like what Gnome 3 is going to be able to do.05:38
sln45Any suggestions?05:38
grendal-primeeverything is just a few hundred clicks away05:38
grendal-primehere is a tape on the left...no not everything is visible...and you have to point to everything on it to get a tool tip to see what it is...yes that seems a bit like those pictures on the wall of the pyramids but thats progress...read? no use pictures.05:39
grendal-primeoh by the way pictures you have not seen on anything ever before?05:39
sln45Uh. Am I actually in the Ubuntu support channel?05:40
blackcatnekonegrsln45, Gnome 3 is... it feels like a beta, I understand why they removed backtrack compatibility, but even basic stuff had to be done with command lines,05:40
sln45blackcatnekonegr:... Right. So do you know of anything I could use to make these "web apps"?05:41
sln45They're essentially browser windows without any toolbars. Just a simple window displaying a webpage.05:41
rigelthis is probably a mildly silly question, BUT....05:42
sln45They run independently of internet browsers, though. I want that in gnome 2.05:42
sln45rigel: Ask away05:42
devkorcvincesln45 you can create a python gtk+ and webkit app or vala gtk+ and webkit combo for that05:42
rigeli want to reinstall/upgrade from a cd, and want to nuke my settings but dont want to format my /home partition05:42
sln45devkorvince: Woah. Sounds above my skillset.05:42
rigeli can just boot into the cd, delete /etc, /opt, and /home/user/settingsfiles, and reinstall and that should be fine, yes?05:43
sln45rigel: It formats the whole thing by default. You wouldn't keep your files that way.05:44
rigelsln45: uh. you can do it manually.05:44
DarkLinux_7rigel:if you keep ubuntu installed and boot and try to install it again it should give you an option at some point to keep your home folder and user intact05:44
rigeli always do, because the auto-partitioner sucks balls05:44
aaronh5anyone know why a command like this would work? "tar xzf $PWD/untar/test.tgz"05:44
sln45rigel: I'm going to shut up then. I have no expertise whatsoever.05:44
rigelsln45: clearly05:44
rigeland thanks05:44
sln45rigel:No need to be obnoxious, jeez.05:45
rigelDarkLinux_7: well some settings are in the aforementioned /etc and /opt05:45
rigelalso its kind of irritating that i will have to reinstall all the packages and PPAs05:45
sln45devkorvince: You never finished your sentence. It ended on "for"05:46
rigelis there something that can collect those for me so that i can reinstall them as a batch job or something05:46
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aaronh5why does the tar command only work when i am in the same directory as the file i am extracting.. i cant use a path05:47
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devkorcvincesln45: oh the easiest way for ubuntu is using python gtk+ and webkit cause vala needs more libs to install... I will post a video cast just a moment05:48
DarkLinux_7rigel: yea just make a script that has a repeating apt-get install "packagename", it takes a while to write but if u use synaptic to get your pkg names and ppa's from the sources you shouldnt have a problem05:48
rigeli have always used apt-get05:48
kanhiyahelp me solve my UBuntu 11.10 bluetooth problem05:48
DarkLinux_7rigel: just type each command on a new line as if you were installing ur packages via terminal05:49
devkorcvincesln45: i think this is a good cast http://tuxradar.com/content/python-pygtk-webkit-20-minutes05:49
RageSithhow i can change a file from ASCII text to UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text, with CRLF line terminators?05:49
kanhiyai am not able to send or receive files via bluetooth05:49
kanhiyapermission denied(13) appears05:49
kanhiyai don't know what the hell  developers are doing05:49
rigelhow am i supposed to pull a list of all the packages and PPAs (with keys)05:49
rigelthats what i'm asking, basically05:50
sln45devkorvince: Oh, wow! Cool. So I can learn about the basics, and then I should be able to figure out how to create something like what I need?05:50
kanhiyawhen everything is working fine, than there is no need to update this05:50
Pratz_Hi, since I upgraded to 11.10 various things have broken. I don't want to do a complete format. Is there any way to repair/reinstall?05:50
DarkLinux_7then save the script as .sh and right click it, go to permissions, and tick run as pgram.05:50
kanhiyabluetooth was working well in 11.04 but in 11.10 , it really ____05:50
rigelDarkLinux_7: i understand how to run a shell script. i want to know how to create the list of installed packages and PPAs with associated keys05:51
kanhiyaAny suggestion to install previous bluetooth version05:51
rigelso that i can write a script in the first place05:51
kanhiyain UBuntu 11.1005:51
kanhiyai like Gnome shell & don't want to revert to ubuntu 11.04 & updating there05:51
kanhiyaor i will have to switch Linux Mint :)05:52
DarkLinux_7you can google that, i know theres a command to get all installed package names... um the ppas however im now sure of05:53
kanhiyaBluetooth & wi-fi are now widely used, they should be properly maintained by canonical05:53
trap24I used "apt-get install sun-java6-jdk", for like  1 hours it went to 91%, and then something broke the download.. what should i do now to resume :{05:54
trap24SolarisBoy: bazhang I used "apt-get install sun-java6-jdk", for like  1 hours it went to 91%, and then something broke the download.. what should i do now to resume :{05:54
DarkLinux_7trap24: chek for corrupt packages, then try reinstalling05:54
bullgard4If the file mode is given (octal) as »100664«, what does that mean? See 'man tcpdump'.05:54
kanhiyaAnybody here who has same type of Bluetooth problem05:55
trap24DarkLinux_7: you mean start from 0%05:55
trap24i used sudp apt-get update05:55
trap24already.. all was right05:55
DarkLinux_7basically yeah... or you could use synaptic05:55
Panaman!nick Panamannn05:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:56
A|i3NIf I install ubuntu into my car's onboard computer, can I do sudo apt-get gas to fill up?05:56
skyballi've downloaded SuperTuxKart, and it is Awesome.  Except no joysticks have worked for me yet, I've tried two.  The application sees them, and I can configure buttons, but I cannot seem to race with the joystick, only keyboard. :(    Can anyone help?05:56
trap24DarkLinux --fix-missing wont do ??05:57
DarkLinux_7skyball: check your harware settings for the joysticks05:57
DarkLinux_7trap24: it mich05:57
kanhiyaubottu: have you ever had bluetooth problem with ubuntu 11.1005:58
ubottukanhiya: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:58
DarkLinux_7trap24: might*05:58
kanhiyaubottu: help05:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:58
skyballhardware settings for the joysticks?  whats that?  I go into Options > Controls and see Keyboard and whatever joystick I have plugged in.  I can double-click it and assign buttons, but the game will not play in anything but keyboard controls it behaves.05:59
kanhiyaHelp community06:00
grendal-primeoh also drobos blow (just something else i was trying to integrate into our servers this last week)06:00
trap24DarkLinux_7: SolarisBoy it worked --fix-missing :)06:00
trap24saved like 1.5hrs06:01
yagooA|i3N, no. Because your oil mostly from us.. otherwise you're back to horse and wagon.06:01
yagooA|i3N, our oil ain't free. :p06:01
kanhiyaMy friend laughed at me , i was showing them , how good linux is, than one of them asked to send files via bluetooth & nothing worked, i was not expecting that, because bluetooth was working well in previous versions06:02
kanhiyai don't know , why to spoil one thing when something is working really well06:02
centHOGGthis is true06:03
SolarisBoyjust got back06:03
kanhiyai think i will have to revert to Linux mint06:03
kanhiyaThanks , community06:03
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avernosafter adding an ssh identity, i can delete the file?06:05
SolarisBoygrendal-prime: ew @ drobos lol06:05
bullgard4If the file mode is given (octal) as »100664«, what does that mean? See 'man tcpdump'.06:06
kmtheinHi I installed mailx and postfix packages in Ubuntu 11.10. But I can't send out email and have been troubleshooting. I was surprised that there is no mail file in /usr/bin/mail and /bin/mail. Why are they not there?06:06
SolarisBoytrap24: im lost what you were fixing =)06:06
SolarisBoykmthein: try mailx also?06:07
grendal-primekanhiya, ya one rule i have is ...use the lts.06:07
trap24SolarisBoy: hehe :P anyway.. the sun-java download broke @ 99% or so after 1.5hrs.. i did --fix-missing and it resumed after fixing the software sources, it resumed and installed.06:08
SolarisBoykmthein: where are you sending mail to?06:08
SolarisBoytrap24: ohh haha.. yes the slow connection.. wow 1.5 hours for java ouch!06:08
grendal-primei mean people think im crazy  cause you now two years in and its not going to be very cutting edge..but things like bluetooth...the seem to work pretty damn well in lts06:08
trap24SolarisBoy: But I was not waiting.. i was doing useful work around.06:09
r4yhow do I update boot grub from the terminal?06:09
trap24SolarisBoy: beside, I am going to upgrade my package in ISP. now.. byes!06:09
somsipr4y: sudo update-grub06:09
r4yThank you06:09
SolarisBoyi had a thing like that for me at one location the connection was throttle beyond belief,, since we were all running same ubuntu versions and hardware i just setup a local repo and had everyone point to me.. i would update before i left and everyone would update from me on the lan in turn,, way faster at the xpense of one box06:09
r4yMan, I need to save that command. Thank you for the help.06:10
trap24SolarisBoy: they had a local server setup for repo.. but somehow it was down today.. so, beside it has outdated versions.. so06:10
SolarisBoythats helpful06:11
kanhiyagrendal-prime: yes, u r right but ubuntu 10.04 doesn't support my wifi06:13
kanhiyaso, i can't use that06:13
kanhiyagrendal-prime: I will have to wait 6 month for LTS :(06:14
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grendal-primekanhiya, ?  what is your wifi?06:14
kanhiyabroadcom 431306:15
kanhiyagrendal-prime: Broadcom 431306:15
grendal-primeand if the packages dont work there is always the ndis wrapper app.06:18
grendal-primemy parrents machine has been running on that for over 2 years now06:18
phunyguyI seem to not be able to burn DVD Video discs or create DVD video ISO files in brasero with the following error: Impossible to link plugin pads.06:19
phunyguyfor reference, I am adding a vob file to be made into a DVD to play in a standalone player06:19
grendal-primekanhiya,   says           4313 2.4 Ghz    0x14e40x4727 Dell 1501  is supported06:20
grendal-primesometimes you have to kick things around a bit before they work06:20
kanhiyagrendal-prime: this is a big task for normal user, compiling etc06:20
grendal-primesays there are packaged drivers06:21
kanhiyagrendal-prime: I like GNOME 3, it is available in UBuntu 10.0406:21
grendal-primeBroadcom STA is a binary-only device driver to support the following IEEE06:22
grendal-prime802.11a/b/g/n wireless network cards: BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4321-, and06:22
FloodBot1grendal-prime: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:22
blackcatnekonegr kanhiya, why do you like gnome 3? do you prefer command line configuration?06:22
grendal-primekanhiya, i cant tell the diff in lts and gnome3...i mean other than gnome3 seems to be missing allot of tthings06:22
yagoophunyguy, did u apt-cache search brasero?06:23
grendal-primeblackcatnekonegr, i swear it should be mandatory that people try the lts first..06:23
phunyguyyagoo, what would I be searching for?06:23
kanhiyablackcatnekonegr: NO, i like it's look06:23
phunyguybrasero is installed06:23
yagoophunyguy, dunno.. maybe there's an extra brasero addon package06:24
blackcatnekonegrgrendal-prime, I dislike linux long commands, dos had much shorter command lines06:24
grendal-primekanhiya, it looks exactly the same.06:24
phunyguyyagoo, nope06:24
blackcatnekonegrbrasero does have a 64 bit version, right?06:24
phunyguyseems to be a fundamental feature of brasero, but it doesn't work.06:24
grendal-primekanhiya, did you even try the lts?06:24
kanhiyagrendal-prime: yes, 10.04 has different looks,06:25
grendal-primeya and it wors06:25
phunyguyblackcatnekonegr, why wouldn't it?06:25
somsipblackcatnekonegr: yes it does06:25
grendal-primemyname is grendal-prime06:26
dr3mroblackcatnekonegr, linux commands are short06:26
grendal-primealso kanhiya  10.04 has a tone of tweaks you can install to make it LOOK different.06:27
blackcatnekonegrweird, I cannot find K3b despite the fact it is installed06:27
somsipblackcatnekonegr: lowwercase? k3b06:28
kanhiyagrendal-prime: yes, i tried 8.04 on my first laptop but sound card not detected & resolution was only up to 800x600, while my laptop was able to provide higher res.06:28
grendal-primethats 804 thats 2 years older06:28
kanhiyain 8.10 sound card detected but display problem was same06:28
yagooblackcatnekonegr, if its not in the menu, simply reloggin meowww06:28
kanhiyain 10.04 , i changed my laptop & wifi was not working any more06:29
kanhiyaeverything else was fine06:29
blackcatnekonegrlubuntu is recomended for netbooks06:29
blackcatnekonegrokay, it says "MaxReports" value is fullfilled, how I delete old reports?06:30
yagooblackcatnekonegr, thought unity was recommended for netbooks06:31
kanhiyain 11.04 , everything was good but some tweak needed because wireless was slow &  sometimes weak signal detected on Atheros Wireless06:31
grendal-primeya kanhiya...i just read the compile for your driver...its painfully simple06:31
blackcatnekonegryagoo, your news are about two years old, lubuntu is lighter than unity06:31
vf2nsrhi Just installed Ubuntu 11.10  on a laptop  previously had XP  I  reformatted adn installed from CD all i sgood but when I log to my account I  get no top  bar or launch window, the  only  place I can see it is if I log onto guest account.   How can I remedsy this06:31
yagooblackcatnekonegr, lightdm is much lighter than gdm..06:32
grendal-primei have to do something similar for my...Physical nic on my netbooks.  (werid but the wifi works fine out of the box)  anyway..you just put the stuff in a dir,  when you upgrade your kernel..you just run the recompile and reboot and yoru done.06:32
yagoolightdm optimized for unity06:32
babinexcuse me experts06:33
grendal-primeits really not that hard.  as opposed to learing some compleatly new (still in testing) desktop manager.06:33
blackcatnekonegryagoo, there are many light gui, but not everyone is as easy to install like lubuntu, lubuntu is one of the light linux distros around06:33
kanhiyaBanshee also disappointed me , hangs many times, Rhythmbox works like a charm06:33
kanhiyathere was alternative, so i dis06:33
yagooblackcatnekonegr, can you show me a benchmark test between lubuntu and ubuntu11.10/unity ?06:34
babinim using Lenovo Thinkpad with Windows 7 professional if i replace with ubuntu 11.10 drivers and software will work on it ? pls suggest me06:34
kanhiyababin: NO06:34
babiny is cant possiible huh06:34
grendal-primebabin..there is a tester.. allows you to try it before yo uinstall06:35
kanhiyababin: some might work using wine06:35
grendal-primesorry install that is06:35
babinoh ok pls give me the link for that06:35
blackcatnekonegr lubuntu can be used without knowing much, and it has low hardware requirements, so yeah, is better than unity for netbooks, at least for me.06:35
grendal-primebabin its the desktop install06:35
grendal-primeit will come up and ask you.."do you just want to try this or install it?"06:35
kanhiyababin: I suggest u to have a dual boot system06:35
babinok but i need to install all drivers is it possible just like vga audio finger print wireless lan etc06:36
grendal-primedont do that06:36
grendal-primetry it first06:36
vf2nsrhi Just installed Ubuntu 11.10  on a laptop  previously had XP  I  reformatted adn installed from CD all i sgood but when I log to my account I  get no top  bar or launch window, the  only  place I can see it is if I log onto guest account.06:36
yagooblackcatnekonegr, it may seem faster.. but you have no ground arguments to convince me its any better.. show me a benchmark then i'll try lubuntu.. otherwise you talk like a loony clickhead :p06:36
grendal-primedual boot involves repartioning the drive first just run try it mode and see if its going to do what you want and that there are already drivers06:36
babinMy Laptop is Lenovo E520-114306:37
kanhiyababin: but before installing UBuntu check whether everything u need is working fine or not in it06:37
grendal-primeya with the "try it" optioni06:37
kanhiyavf2nsr: Reinstall06:37
blackcatnekonegryagoo, I would show you a benchmark, but lubuntu went crazy after my last update, so yeah reinstalling it right now...06:37
vf2nsrdone that 4 times06:37
vf2nsr2 from cd06:37
vf2nsrand 2 from usb06:37
babinok how can i check the compatablity is there any link for it06:38
ex0ais the radeon driver gallium based or would i need another driver to test out gallium3d?06:38
vf2nsrsame results when ever I go into my account nothing  but file     no settings06:38
grendal-primei dont think reinstalling is going to help that06:38
vf2nsrno programs06:38
grendal-primeis this..on 11.10?06:38
capcooki saw floodbot at about 1:00 AM CEST, then floodbot2 and now floodbot3...06:38
kanhiyababin: Just try it06:38
grendal-primevf2nsr, that is a testing distro..try 10.04 lts first.06:39
vf2nsrI have also done teh 242 updates after intial install06:39
vf2nsrok  I went with teh main download from home page thanks06:39
grendal-primethats pretty normal on a testing distro06:39
kanhiyavf2nsr: yes, try LTS first06:40
babinok  but now i have drive as C,D,E i have already tooked backup image of C drive , is it possible to install ubuntu 11.10 with out deleteing those 2 partitions D and E06:40
grendal-primethe lts is Long term support.  you get 3 years support on that  and 5 on server.06:40
grendal-prime(if i remember right)06:40
kanhiyayou have only C, D, E06:41
grendal-primevf2nsr,   i run over 80 machines on lts daily.  all around reliability...lts06:41
MitochondriaIf you don't need C, you install Ubuntu on C06:41
vf2nsrty for assistance06:41
MitochondriaI prefer 11.04 to 11.10 myself though06:41
vf2nsrtime to download and  burn06:41
MitochondriaYou don't need to burn OS's.......06:42
blackcatnekonegrMitochondria, ditto that 11.10 has been giving me some problems06:42
babinyes i have C, D , E drive and DVD wrtitter as F drive06:42
grendal-primeits a testing distro06:42
blackcatnekonegrMitochondri,a you can just  burn them in usb flash drives06:42
kanhiyavf2nsr: use USB06:42
babinand 10 GB in hidden for recovery from lenovo06:42
MitochondriaHe's already gone Kanhiya06:42
MitochondriaBlackcat, i just dislike Unity.06:43
dr3mrohi , I noticed that memory usage in oneiric idle is increase to ~514MB .. when I login it's 278 and rises after 3 minutes to 340 .using google chrome I get 1GB easy .. firefox around 750 . Is this normal06:43
kanhiyaMitochondria: Thanks06:43
babin<kanhiya> yes i have C, D , E drive and DVD wrtitter as F drive, and 10 GB in hidden for recovery from lenovo06:43
blackcatnekonegrdr3mro, google chrome is a hardware hog, firefox 8 is suposed to use less ram06:44
kanhiyababin: U need a lot of help, because one wrong step can delete all your important data06:44
grendal-primeyou need to use the tryit option.06:45
blackcatnekonegrdr3mro, what gui are you using?06:45
dr3mroblackcatnekonegr, unity06:45
grendal-primethen if everything works..you can install from the desktop and use the built in partioner.06:45
blackcatnekonegrdr3mro, try using XFCE and see if it uses the same amount of ram06:46
babinyes me to a hardware technician so just i need to know its possible to get work with my needed devices , if so illl format it using ubuntu06:46
kanhiyababin: I suggest you to backup all your data on external media like USB or other hard disk, and you need to know what are primary  & logical partitions , than use disk utility to resize partitions,06:46
dr3mroblackcatnekonegr, when I made ubuntu mini and installed openbox it used only 60 MB06:46
blackcatnekonegrI have 720 mb in use and I am using firefox, jdownloader and pidgin06:48
dr3mroblackcatnekonegr, this so much06:48
dr3mrois linux becoming memory hug06:49
cebrerehey, i have a question. like in windows, when in a command you'd type ipconfig to see your ip address? what's the cmd in terminal06:49
kanhiyababin: Before installing check that whether all thing u need(Wireless, Bluetooth, display, keyboard, excel :) etc) are working on Ubuntu, using TRY option06:49
dr3mrocebrere, ifconfig06:49
blackcatnekonegrBut then I have a dual core, and using gnome  2.32.0, in lubuntu is usually less06:49
cebrereright on, thanks06:49
grendal-primebabin, ?06:49
dr3mrocebrere, urw06:49
babinbut in vmware i have installed ubuntu 11.10 its working fine lan and wireless sound etc06:50
babinya grendal -prime06:50
hyliani have an old motorola phone, and I want to use the camera on it. I used to be able to use it on ubuntu 8.04 via p2k commander, but I can't find a suitable p2k or moto4lin, and bitpim doesn't work, please help!06:50
dr3mroin top i have 173 task is this normal06:50
kanhiyai was fool, who installed ubuntu 11.10 without checking bluetooth properly because it was detecting & adding device06:50
grendal-primei was going to offer to do an install in a virtual enviro so you could watch it..06:50
grendal-primebut you already have done that06:51
grendal-primeyou use vmware?06:51
fl110I recently installed Canonical's recommended NVIDIA graphics drivers on a 11.11 installation. After rebooting, the machine now goes straight into an out-of-range display mode and I cannot access a virtual terminal for some reason. Because Unity has forsaken X, I cannot seem to configure my way out of it from a rescue disc. Repeated Google searches met no success. Any suggestions?06:51
babinLenovo laptop E520-1143  now have win 7 can i replace it with ubuntu 11.10 is it possible to get install all devices as display ,sound,wireless,bluethooth,fingerprint,etc06:51
babinya i use vmware06:51
babinits working in vmware06:51
dr3mrobabin, just boot live cd and test your self06:52
grendal-primei have it running in vmware and kvm also under virtual box06:52
babinbut in host if i need to install its HD display driver needed so wht im asking u is it possible to get set my drivers06:52
dr3mrobabin, vmware is different06:52
grendal-primeit is different but..only in that the hardware is very typical06:52
dr3mrobabin, vmware doesn't grant it to work06:52
hylianfl110, control alt and + or - (on the keypad) does nothing during boot?06:52
fl110hylian: correct, no effect06:52
babinIf in live cd all componets works i can install in host im i right ?06:52
grendal-primelaptops usually have tricky hardware06:52
kanhiyababin: Real can be different from Virtual06:53
grendal-primebabin yes ...try it with the try now option and test everything...it will not right anything to your machine tell you tell it to.06:53
kanhiyababin: So try it using booting it, that's it06:53
sahathey guys how does ubuntu daily build work? if i install it today, will I eventually get updated automatelly surely but slowly to 12.04 Precise?06:53
hylianfl110, once it goes into the ot of range display message, does it eventually make it's way around to a useable desktop?06:54
fl110hylian: never, it's deadlocked entirely06:54
babinok ill check it out and come back again06:54
dr3mrosahat but expect bugs06:54
fl110hylian: POST screen -> out of range06:54
babinthank u friends06:54
harvey_random question, say if i have 2 computers, one with ubuntu, one with win 7 (that is wirelessly connected to the internet). is it possible to take a seperate router and connect wired to each other so ubuntu could share internet?06:54
dr3mrosahat yes you will finally get 12.0406:54
grendal-primeno problem....ummm coworker?06:54
dr3mrosahat but it 's very buggy06:54
kanhiyawelcome babin06:54
sahatthanks dr3mro06:55
sahatdr3mro you wouldnt recommend it for daily use?06:55
hylianfl110, hmm, strange, I have seen it say out of range, but that was just during boot up at the splash screen... i'll have to do some digging06:55
dr3mrosahat, either use 10.04 the last LTS if you want hard rock system06:55
fl110hylian: is there any way to forcefully reconfigure Unity's display preferences from a live cd?06:56
dr3mrosahat or use 11.10 if you like new things .. new is not better always06:56
sahatok i will look up on google pros and cons of 11.10 vs 10.04 and go from there06:57
hylianfl110, did you try the solution here? : http://askubuntu.com/questions/71643/after-installing-ubuntu-my-screens-frequency-is-out-of-range-when-i-boot-to-win06:57
kanhiyayes, new is not better in many ways06:57
kookyCookieIs it possible to update maverick x server from 1.9.0 to 1.9.5?06:57
kanhiyadon't go on looks, go on performance & reliablility06:58
hylianfl110, to be honest I havent had your problem. A couple of clients have had it say out of range untill it's past the splash screen and unity fires up...06:58
sahatkanhiya are you implying the Unity or some other things you don't like in 11.10?06:58
kanhiyasahat: Yes06:58
hylianwhat's a good replacement for p2k commander (not bitpim, won't work on my phone)06:59
kanhiyasahat: you may not get your bluetooth work properly06:59
kanhiyasahat: some apps are also broken for 11.1006:59
fl110hylian: saw that suggestion and was going to try it, but will forcing grub to 640x480 have any effect on Unity?06:59
sahatkanhiya, will I be able to install latest nvidia drivers in 10.04 through apt-get? Or gotta do it manually?07:00
hylianfl110, to be honest, all of this is very new. if there is an effect, it will be that you have your terminal modes back, i.e. control alt f1, but unity can't load...07:00
kanhiyasahat: If your display is looking great without updating so don't update07:01
sahatalso on a related note, is it possible to upgrade python version on ubuntu 10.04 to 2.7.2?07:01
kanhiyaif u need to update than look for additional drivers, they may be available there, sahat07:02
hylianfl110, i have to admit, most of my business clients have jumped ship to the lts versions, for this reason. unity and the other setups are gonna be rocky seas for a while.07:02
kanhiyasahat: if update is available than you will be able to :)07:03
sahatkanhiya: thanks07:03
sahat I am going to go give Ubuntu 10.04 a try07:04
centHOGGbetter than heroin07:04
sahatwow no one really likes unity here?07:05
hyliananyone know of a replacement for p2k commander? (not bitpim, won't work on my phone.)07:05
odb|fidelsahat: some will - others will not - as always on changes07:07
fl110hylian: i know what you mean -- even everyday users that don't know what an operating system is seem to routinely run into issues with Unity as it is; the breakdown in communication between the community and Mark on this subject has been a major source of frustration for me07:07
hylianfl110, yeah, and my business clients are also a little chicken hearted, but to be honest, i would be using 10.04 myself if it wheren't for the fact that i need to solve 11.10 problems, and the best way to solve them is to have them.07:08
fl110hylian: i'm of a similar mindset; the reason i was setting this machine up was largely for the same reasons, which is ironic given the amount of a fight it's putting up07:10
pranavi need a small but cool widget to keep on my ubuntu desktop, which monitors the current download/upload speed.. total downloaded.. etc.. in my right pane.. if daily total downloaded is logged.. that would be more preferable.. anyone any ideas ?? :P07:10
sahatpranav: I think conky can do that for you07:10
pranavsahat: beside other ??07:10
pranavdoes conky have total daily volume logged..07:11
pranavwhere can i find custom made scripts07:12
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dr_willisconky homepage has configs..07:12
hylianfl110, agreed.. :)07:12
pranavi do not want to recreate the wheel..07:12
dr_willisi recall some other dock/widgits in the past with similer things.07:12
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dr_willisi recall one that was not as conigurable as conky. but had all sorts of widgits it could use. been around for years and years. vertical,  stuck to the right hand side.07:13
hyliananyone know of a decent p2k commander replacement, sand bitpim? (doesn't work on with my phone)07:14
dr_willis!info GKrellM07:14
ubottuPackage GKrellM does not exist in oneiric07:14
dr_willisgkrellm is gone? oh my07:14
pranavdr_willis: my is stuck on the top-left & doesn't looks like in screenshots. even the screenshots does'nt have total volume. just instantaneous up/down speed07:14
urlin2udr_willis, screenlets?07:14
dr_willis!info gkrellm07:14
ubottugkrellm (source: gkrellm): GNU Krell Monitors. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.4-1 (oneiric), package size 775 kB, installed size 2156 kB07:14
pranavand a small graph for say 10minuts07:14
dr_willisthere we go.07:14
dr_willistry gkrellm - it has a lot of that stuff.07:15
dr_willisconky can also do it.07:15
pranavthe page also has gnome-system-monitor.. huh!! :O but its so not cool.. I mean it has all the stuffs I need. but still zz.07:17
pranavdr_willis: still very nice page.. :) thanks07:18
dr_willisno idea how old it is.. was a first google hit07:18
pranavdr_willis: exactly what I need is DarkStat :P it has statistics for like 30 days.. and is simple07:22
pranavdr_willis: browser based07:22
dr_willis!info ntop07:22
ubottuntop (source: ntop): display network usage in web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:4.0.3+dfsg1-3build1 (oneiric), package size 642 kB, installed size 1720 kB07:22
dr_willis!info darkstat07:22
ubottudarkstat (source: darkstat): network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.714+dfsg-1 (oneiric), package size 64 kB, installed size 248 kB07:22
fl110hylian: the other primary reason is because honestly I value the community we've all built here; I'm still holding out with hope that some cataclysmic statistical event will result in Unity being up for a consensus-driven debate07:23
dr_willisalways 100 ways to do somthing in linux07:23
dr_willisUbuntu is not a democracy :)07:23
quietonewhen my partner logs off his Dell laptop running maverick it sometimes freezes and a hard reset is required. Where can I read how to fix?07:23
pranavdr_willis: :) *overwhelmed*07:24
quietoneic3b3rg, if that is for me, I've already searched ubuntu forums and done web searches07:24
ic3b3rgno, sorry accidently typed in wrong window07:25
dr_willissometimes.. is the tricky party07:25
martmanhow do you get kernel source now? i dont see a package07:25
martmansearching for my version, 3.0.0-12, only shows headers and images07:25
dr_willisquietone:  you could be ssh'd in from another box. monitoring the system logs and dmesg. and hopefully catch somthing to look for when it  shuts down.07:26
fl110hylian: every official statement I've seen thus far characterized the opposition as having a 'get off my lawn' argument, which is simply not true. I was personally ecstatic to see the visual changes in Unity, as with every new release, but the lack of configurability and network transparency made it impractical for typical workstation use07:26
Rar9hi can any one help me how to autostart Apache Solr on Ubuntu07:26
quietonedr_willis, there was this "Skipping EDID probe due to cached edid" in /var/log/messages but haven't found out what it means yet07:27
dr_willisedid is info the monitor sends to the pc/X server..07:27
dr_willisi belive. :)07:28
dr_willisso its not a part of the problem.07:28
curtis122hi fellow ubuntu users :)07:28
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fl110hylian: that, and of course the disproportionate swath of support requests as we've both seen -- how many times have you been asked 'where is my other window?' ;-)07:30
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fl110hylian: or some similarly trivial interface question07:30
dr_willisheh - perhaps we need a ubuntu-training channel.07:32
searchingcan I use Pinta for web design?07:32
DNDguys why is it when i try to mount ftp from "Places", it opens the browser not a folder/window?07:32
hylianfl110, yes, I agree.07:35
hyliananyone know of a decent p2k commander replacement, sand bitpim? (doesn't work on with my phone)07:36
quietonedr_willis, thank you. The problem may be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/27079807:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270798 in linux (Ubuntu) "lockups with default (hpet) clocksource on 2.6.27-2-generic 64-bit" [Medium,Confirmed]07:38
martmanhow can i get kernel source? searching for my version, 3.0.0-12, only shows headers and images. i though there was a package for this07:42
ErisMonkmartman, it isn't in the git repo?07:45
vex_when i try to connect to my ssh server using my id_rsa private key that i generated i get an error back from putty that says error: cannot use private key path to key what is the problem it is experiencing?07:46
martmanErisMonk: i was hoping to avoid git. could of sworn a simple apt-get install did the trick before07:46
dr_willisall i know on kernel is in07:46
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)07:46
martmanthat page doesnt directly cover 11.04 like im using or anything newish07:47
martmanbut links to something that uses git07:47
ErisMonkvery nice dr_willis thanks.07:47
dr_willisyep - lots of things are out of date with the new releases07:47
martmanjust seems so overkill07:47
dr_willisive not had to mess with the kernel since ive started usng ubintu07:47
martmanwell ill be working on a module soon, so i dont have a choice07:48
ErisMonkseems the new kernel would show up in updates also, it doesn't martman?07:48
blackshirtyeah :D07:48
tonyyarusso!info linux-source07:48
ubottulinux-source (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)07:48
tonyyarussomartman: ^^07:49
martmanawesome, looks like what i need07:49
martmantotally missed that...07:49
DoodieI want to create a partition to store songs, files etc. is FAT32 or NTFS better?07:50
tonyyarussoDoodie: Are you dual-booting with Windows?07:50
dr_willisand are any of the files over 4gb in size07:51
Doodietonyyarusso, yes. and  want this new partition to be shown is both win and ubuntu.07:51
dr_willisuse ntfs then07:51
tonyyarussoah, okay07:51
dr_willishow big a partition is this to be anyway?07:52
tonyyarussoDoodie: A few years back the answer would have been FAT32, but these days Ubuntu has NTFS read-write support, so NTFS is a fine option for this.07:52
SanusHey guys07:52
Doodiedr_willis, 80GB07:52
SanusSO...  Back again.07:52
Doodietonyyarusso, great, sounds good07:52
dr_willisDoodie:  fat32 cant handle files over 4gb in size either.07:52
* tonyyarusso wants to see a 4GB song :P07:53
dr_willishe said and other files also...07:53
blackshirtDoodie: i think not a wise using fat32 fs07:53
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Doodieaa great advices, I will use ntfs then.07:53
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SanusVideo Card: Radeon HD 6250, Ubuntu Flavor: Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx, Problem: Not able to enable desktop effects or use compiz at all.07:54
SanusFurther Problems: Can't change angle of desktop, can't suspend (Will not wake up), cannot hibernate (Same as other.)07:54
blackshirtDoodie: fat32 was for "older" window system, for  newer i think more better to use ntfs07:54
blackshirtSanus: i think you need proprietary driver from ati :D07:55
DoodieSanus, are u using ubuntu 11.04?07:55
SanusFrglx?  Doesn't work.07:55
SanusNo, 10.04.  Ten.  One Zero.07:55
SanusI don't wish to use Unity07:55
tonyyarussoSanus: It looks like the free drivers present in 10.04 don't support your card, but 11.10 should (I think).  So yeah, you'd have to either use fglrx or upgrade.07:56
DoodieSanus, upgrade to 11.04 and FGLRX will work fine.07:56
SanusWill you stop telling me to upgrade to 11.04?07:56
SanusSeriously you guys.  This is getting old.07:56
SanusI've been told across the forum and every place else to get 11.x07:56
tonyyarussoSanus: You could also try using the xorg-edgers PPA, although that could break things worse.07:56
SanusWhen I don't want Unity.  It's terrible.07:56
SanusI've already got that.07:57
tonyyarussoSanus: So use Gnome Shell?07:57
SanusIt doesn't really do anything, tonyyarusso07:57
devkorcv1nceSanus dont worry about the upgrade you can use the old gnome2 in 11.0407:57
Sanustonyyarusso No, I like my Gnome 2.x07:57
Sanusdevkorcv1nce: Gnome2 or Gnome "Classic" which has very little functionality?07:57
DoodieSanus, u can still use Gnome Classics style07:57
tonyyarussoWell, then you may have to live with the limitations of your card.07:57
SanusDoodie: I don't want Gnome Classics.07:57
devkorcv1nceSanus its Gnome2 classic is just a tag07:58
chavov_in 11.04 gnome classsic is gnome 2 desktop07:58
SanusIn 11.10 Gnome "Classic" is not gnome2.  It's like a pebble compared to a boulder.07:59
SanusA cheap knockoff.  Etc.07:59
blackshirtif you want good capability with your card using opensource driver, i think you need upgrade your os to 11.04 /natty or more newer ubuntu08:00
SanusAre you certain it's much the same as gnome2.8?08:00
chavov_a model T is a classic car08:00
urlin2uSanus, gnome 2 is not supported and has only been forked to a arch user and it is in their repos as mate, use a distro that offers it like debu=ian.08:02
SanusSo is the Ferrari 1957 250.08:02
SanusWelp, I'm going to go waste a great deal of time upgrading to 11.04.  Perhaps it's not as bad as 11.10 was.08:03
Sanus10.10 comes first.08:04
axisyshow to transger mpeg4 video into iphone 2g?08:05
SanusI started Ubuntu at... 6.04.  I've enjoyed every update up until 10.04.  I've not seen anything save 11.10 past that, and I don't like where it's going now.08:05
axisysone way is virtual box of winxp .. any other way from ubuntu ?08:05
Sanus10.04 was supposed to be the officially supported version, I suppose.  Funny that, huh?08:05
stanislav Hi. DesktopVisor - is it good name program for monitor desktop computers?08:09
rhizmoethis ppa business is for the birds08:09
rhizmoeoh good, no handbrake for oneiric08:09
tonyyarussoSanus: There was no 6.04.  'twas 6.06.08:10
SanusThat's okay tonyyarusso, now that I think about it, it was the latter release of the year.08:10
SanusNo, it had to have been 6.6.  Cause I remember being excited about the way Edgy looked.08:11
devkorcv1nceSanus you could try elementary os it think the release named jupiter is base on both 10.04 and 11.04 but im not sure08:12
SanusAnd Edgy was awesome.  I'm an old fashioned guy.  I think if something isn't broke, don't fix it.08:12
SanusElementary OS?08:12
devkorcv1nceSanus Yes08:12
SanusAh... It's pretty, save the launcher.  I enjoy though, being able to throw up a whole ton of menu bars for little convenient things.  There aren't any more desktop applications for gnome 2.8 are there?  Such as a desktop clock?08:13
dr_willistheres other ways to get desktop widgits.08:13
Sanus(Either way, at the moment I'm updating to 10.10)08:13
SlartibartHow do I get info about the "Screen locked" window(screen?)? Obviously I can't type xprop while it's up. Could it work to login via ssh and enter xprop from there while 'Screen locked' is up? Or would that fail because it's a different login?08:13
dr_willisgoogle's desktop. gdesklets, opera,  peraps more i cant rember08:14
SanusThose all sound neat.08:14
geirhaSlartibart: Find the display number (usually :0), and set the env appropriately and it may work (untested).  DISPLAY=:0 xprop ...08:16
dr_willisif the users are differnt, use of xhost + may be needed08:17
valentinoui et toi???08:17
SlartibartThanks, I'll try.08:17
valentintfk ???08:18
WriteFieldsIn a Write document I have inserted a field from a Calc sheet....i just managed to have one registry per page...how can i get several registries in a single page....any idea??08:18
jussivalentin: please speak english in here :)08:18
elkyvalentin, are you trying to annoy nico?08:18
valentinI don't speak english08:19
jussi!fr | valentin08:19
ubottuvalentin: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.08:19
valentinoui yes08:19
gardebienkNO Y SPEAK ENGLISCH08:19
lexflexis it possible that nVidia graphics is a bad choice for linux users?08:19
elkygardebienk, both of you should behave properly in this channel08:19
r4yubuntu "disk utility" "smart status" unknown08:19
psycho_oreoslexflex, no08:19
MitochondriaAny graphics card is bad for linux. They all need extra support08:19
gardebienkWHAT YOUR NAME08:19
r4yHow do I know if this HD supports smart?08:20
elkyvalentin, please behave08:20
psycho_oreos!fr > valentin08:20
ubottuvalentin, please see my private message08:20
lexflexi read that nVidia does not support open source development as well as ATI08:20
SanusParce que le monde n'a pas pratiqué le français autant que vous.  Honestly.08:20
pnormanr4y: Is it a SATA drive? It almost certainly does. To query the drive about the SMART status you want smartmontools08:21
valentinbehave ????08:21
r4yOK, thank you. I don't know if it is a SATA drive though08:21
Sanus(Translation: Because not everyone has practiced their french as much as you have.  Honnêtement)08:21
MitochondriaI know French well enough to get by in France alone, but sure as hell don't feel like translating anything.....08:22
r4yE: Invalid operation smartmontools08:22
SanusSo for now it's probably just best to ignore the frenchmen.08:22
pnormanr4y: sudo apt-get install smartmontools08:22
SanusOr French Canadians?08:23
r4yO, right, lol08:23
r4yI've done this before, sorry hitting enter so much08:23
valentinjussi or you lived?08:23
r4yIt was already installed, lol.08:24
pnormananyways, once installed. sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda (or whichever drive)08:24
duxbarakhow do I get mutt to work in 11.10?08:24
dr_willisati and nvidia both need to support linux better..  but we will see what happens once wayland comes out.08:24
valentinwhat your name08:25
r4yIt's unmounted. I have 2 hard drives hooked up08:25
valentinelki you're a girl or a boy?08:25
bazhangvalentin, this is not the chat channel. please stop08:25
pnormanr4y: if it's connected and you just need to run mount, it should still work. drive letter is likely to be sdb in that case08:25
r4yIf it is sdb then shouldn't it be sdb1?08:26
bazhangvalentin, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat08:26
duxbarakanybody still use mutt?08:26
joefchow can i add this ppa to my ubuntu 10.04 server install: https://launchpad.net/~nginx/+archive/php5/+packages08:26
r4ySorry fsck requires it to be sudo fsck.ext4 /dev/sdb1 which is why I am asked that last question08:27
MitochondriaCan anyone recommend a small PC. Similar to this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDyM6SKLt2408:27
bazhangMitochondria, try ##hardware08:27
r4yI'll just try08:27
valentinwhat ?08:27
pnormanr4y: smartctl deals with the drives, not the partitions on them08:29
r4yOK, I get it now08:30
r4yLooks good: http://paste.ubuntu.com/747970/08:30
r4yI remember putting this link in a text file: http://www.overclock.net/t/588130/ubuntu-9-10-failing-hard-disk-bad-sectors-error08:31
phlak_userMitochondria, also look at the ubuntu hcl before you buy08:31
phlak_user!hcl | Mitochondria08:31
ubottuMitochondria: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:31
r4yThank you for the help. I am going to go. :) /08:32
pnormanr4y: Ya - that looks normal. Keep in mind a drive can look normal with SMART and still fail at any minute.08:32
r4yI know08:32
r4yI read that even new hard drives can have bad sectors08:32
r4yThank you for the help08:33
pnormanThat's not the problem. bad sectors are normal and remapped around. SMART actually does well with bad sectors. SMART doesn't predict failures of drive electronics or firmware problems. or the biggest cause of data loss, user error08:33
zaffyabsolutely! I have lost a full HD without notice...08:34
zaffyand smart was saying that's everything was ok08:34
r4yI know that bad sectors are remapped so they aren't used. I have everything backed up08:35
starnhey can anyone help me with games on linux?? when i run UT2004 or Americas Army 2.5 my mouse kinda works kinda doesn't it will move than it automatically moves to about mid left of screen and won't let me move it around.. if that makes since.08:35
r4yYes 2 hard drives can fail though. There is no end to data loss, but we can try.08:36
r4yI read somewhere that someone said not to use smart08:37
OldOneEyehow do i uninstall xwin with kde08:37
r4yI read somewhere else someone was trying to disable smart, but I don't know and I think using smart is a good idea, well anyways. TY for the help.08:38
starnno one?08:39
dr_willisold games like that are often problematic08:39
dr_willisid say check the forums or the askubuntu.com site08:39
OldOneEyeanyone know how to unistall xwin kde? on ubuntu server08:40
dr_willisUninstall KDE and replace it with what?08:40
dr_willisfire up the package manager and start removing things..08:41
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome08:41
Thor^^Hi, I got a Lucid Server where I try to install ant, but it throws error that it can't find an IP, tho I'm using archive.ubuntu.com as repository. Pastebin of shell output:08:41
r4yI have a small question. When I am using the terminal and I have copied a pasted a big command I tend to want to highlight the text I don't want and backspace that chuck of it away. Is there a keyboard shortcut for doing that?08:41
dr_willisr4y:  bash has some fancy !! type history features that can do all sorts of things. but ive rarely used it.08:41
dr_willisie: !! -> repeates last command.08:42
dr_willisif you mean DELETE the current line. theres some key shortcut for that also.  but i forget what it is. i normally just up/down arrow. :)08:42
r4yI use arrow up to enter things like sudo apt-get update and so forth08:42
=== Xano_ is now known as Xano
dr_willisbash has all sorts of command line editing features ive only barely used08:43
somsipr4y: worth looking at history command08:43
somsipr4y: like, if history tells you command 1018 was 'sudo apt-get update' and you want to run it again, do !201808:43
mmvr4y: nah, but you can triple click it08:43
r4yBut I mean for doing simply costume commands not yet used, but it is helpful to get commands used08:44
mmvr4y: bash afaik doesn't have mouse support,08:44
somsipr4y: give an example08:45
r4ytriple click?08:45
r4yHold on, I will look08:45
dr_willisbash dosent do mouse.. X or gpm in the console handles the mouse08:45
r4ygpm?, I should look in the USC08:45
dr_willis!info gpm08:46
ubottugpm (source: gpm): General Purpose Mouse interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20.4-3.4ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 205 kB, installed size 580 kB08:46
louigihey guys! I get occasional loud hiss burst in flash sound when using usb soundcard. why might this be happening?08:46
nguyentuanhieuco ai biet noi tieng viet ko huhu08:47
somsip!vt | nguyentuanhieu08:47
bazhang!vn | nguyentuanhieu08:48
ubottunguyentuanhieu: Để được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ08:48
somsipbazhang: aha!08:48
r4yHow come libgpm2 is installed?, Well then you are suggesting to install gdm?08:50
r4yO, OK sorry duh08:50
=== gloomer is now known as whereswaldo
r4yDoes the system console equal the terminal?08:51
r4yI should learn what is all installed on Ubuntu. It's crazy though.08:52
r4yHello. echo echo echo08:52
mmvr4y: probably08:53
r4yI will try it. I have had many times I wanted that as a feature08:54
=== Amr0d_ is now known as Amr0d
r4yEven though I haven't stated any examples08:54
haunt_housedesktop wallpaper question: I change a picture with a python script and in the image viewer, the picture is correct, but even if I re add it in the background window, it's still an old version. this is a recent error cause it worked a long time, what might cause this?08:54
r4yI have this before08:55
r4yI don't know why and I would like to know as well08:55
r4ygdm didn't help but it doesn't matter08:56
r4yI had a different problem actually08:57
r4yThe older pictures keep re-appearing08:57
r4yThey didn't change the pictures I added though08:58
r4ySorry. I am just going to go. Thank you for the help08:58
r4ybye :) /08:58
r4ytake care all08:58
haunt_househm, it has to be some kind of cache08:58
haunt_housewill locate work on all files?09:00
starnhey i kinda found my issue with my mouse and games on linux... it's apparently with most SDL apps... and fact i use Xinerama.. issue is it does this even with single monitor.09:01
louigihey guys! I get occasional loud hiss burst in flash sound when using usb soundcard. why might this be happening?09:04
=== kroschi_ is now known as kroschi
Thor^^Hi, I got a Lucid Server where I try to install ant, but it throws error that it can't find an IP, tho I'm using archive.ubuntu.com as repository. Pastebin of shell output: Anna kommer ikke inn på eposten sin, startet klienten men får forsatt spørsmål om passord, godtar ikke passordet hennes, resatt passord, byttet ok.09:05
ginhey guys,i can mount my USB ,but i cant mount the mass storge09:05
Thor^^Bruker påstår passordet bare har byttet seg selv09:05
Thor^^ups :/09:06
Thor^^What i ment to say:  I got a Lucid Server where I try to install ant, but it throws error that it can't find an IP, tho I'm using archive.ubuntu.com as repository. Pastebin of shell output: http://pastebin.com/RsBC619D09:06
zaffymaybe you have a dns problem09:08
Thor^^matrixiumn: the machine isn't firewalled09:09
matrixiumnok sorry09:09
Thor^^zaffy: the error suggests it's a server side problem tho, 404 is file not found on webservers09:09
Thor^^my question is more... how come the only LTS release does not have OpenJDK and similar packages available tho it's still in extended support?09:10
=== joo is now known as Guest74790
llutz_!info openjdk-6-jdk   lucid09:14
ubottuopenjdk-6-jdk (source: openjdk-6): OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK). In component main, is optional. Version 6b20-1.9.10-0ubuntu1~10.04.2 (lucid), package size 10825 kB, installed size 34064 kB09:14
llutz_Thor^^: it has ^09:15
=== j0k3r is now known as CS`
Thor^^*facepalms* helps doing sudo apt-get update first perhaps09:16
Thor^^llutz_: thanks09:17
stimpieWhen returning a custom object via a MXBean the client receives a  CompositeDataSupport object. Can this be 'casted' back to my custom data object?09:19
xro2Hi, i have a problem with my screen resolution... I connot set 1920x1080 and it should be my resolution... I have an ATI card with ATI driver... (it worked yesterday)... what should i do?09:21
bullgard4If the file mode is given (octal) as »100664«, what does that mean? See 'man tcpdump'.09:23
stimpie /join ?#java09:24
dissipateanyone try gnome 3 on ubuntu? this thing is pimpin'09:24
bullgard4dissipate: I am using GNOME 3 on Ubuntu 11.10. What do you mean by "pimin'"?09:25
bullgard4dissipate: I am using GNOME 3 on Ubuntu 11.10. What do you mean by "pimpin'"?09:25
dissipatebullgard4, nevermind. :O09:25
dissipatebullgard4, i don't understand the furor over unity.09:25
dissipatebullgard4, sudo apt-get install gnome-shell09:26
wisuzuHi, i got some problems with repositories in karmic (9.10), there are still any avaliable??09:27
silareI like the Ubuntu 11.10's Grid effect (if you move a window to the side of the screen, it shows the outline of the window being grown), but 11.10 has lots of issues for me.09:27
silareIs there a way to get 11.10's grid effect in 11.04?09:27
llutz_bullgard4: 10 = regular file, 0=no sgid/suid, 664= filepermissions -> 10066409:27
AdvoWorkhi there, ive got all of these ebox packages: http://pastebin.com/XDBDLsLe  is there a way I can remove all? i tried doing sudo apt-get remove ebox but it said it didnt exist09:28
Thor^^wisuzu: 9.10 should be available @ old-releases.ubuntu.com09:29
wisuzuThx Thor^^ i'll try09:30
bullgard4llutz_ What man page or other document explains that '10' decodes to »regular file«?09:30
Thor^^wisuzu: tho I'd strongly suggest upgrading to at least 10.0409:30
wisuzuYeah, i know09:30
wisuzui'm finishing my PhD work ... and i dont want to something stop working right now09:31
dr_willisI thought ebox got renamed09:33
dr_willis!info ebox09:33
ubottuebox (source: ebox): Zentyal - Core. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.16-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 666 kB, installed size 4052 kB09:33
scarleoHi, I know that software-center is having a bit of performance problems and that they are being worked on, however most of them are supposed to be fixed and startup times to be < 10 sec. I'm having a startup time of 47 seconds. What can I do?09:33
llutz_bullgard4: iirc somewhere in debugfs-docu, not sure09:34
bullgard4llutz_: Thank you very much for your help.09:34
=== evilxy is now known as xy
wisuzuThor^^: It works!09:36
wisuzuThx for the info and for the advice ;)09:37
Thor^^wisuzu: your welcome :)09:37
wisuzuI really apreciate ;)09:37
wisuzuI waste 2 hours trying the repositories in the list :P09:38
=== xxx is now known as Guest97953
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Thor^^lol :)09:39
=== Guest93866 is now known as nitinab
wisuzuThor^^: user++ level :P09:40
louigihey guys! I get occasional loud hiss burst in flash sound when using usb soundcard. why might this be happening?09:40
dissipatewisuzu, what PhD are you working on?09:40
wisuzuI'm working in a aplication for detecting breast cancer in medical images09:40
dissipatewisuzu, awesome09:41
wisuzu^^ thx09:41
dissipatewisuzu, it's going to run on ubuntu?09:42
linuxuz3rgnome 3 and gnome skell is cool09:42
OldOneEyeanyone know how to unistall xwin09:42
linuxuz3rapt-get purge xwin09:42
wisuzudissipate: Its going to run in ubuntu/windows09:42
wisuzudissipate: opencv + gtkmm09:42
dissipatelinuxuz3r, yeah but the battery indicator sucks. way too small.09:42
dissipatewisuzu, good stuff. are you doing a PhD in biology?09:43
dr_willisOldOneEye:  if you mean the X server..  its xorg i beive in the package manager09:43
dr_willis!info xwin09:44
ubottuPackage xwin does not exist in oneiric09:44
dr_willis!find /usr/bin/Xorg09:44
dr_willisOldOneEye:  why ae you wanting to remove it?09:44
ubottuFile /usr/bin/Xorg found in xserver-xorg-core, xserver-xorg-core-dbg09:44
wisuzudissipate: No , computer engineering  :D09:44
OldOneEyei installed kde xwin over ubuntu server i wanna uninstall it and have just the consol09:45
Thor^^wisuzu: interesting application to make tho :D09:45
wisuzudissipate: the biology stuff i work came from a big hospital in my city09:45
dissipatewisuzu, awesome. you might be interested in a project i'm working on: electrosim.com. it's a browser based schematic capture and circuit simulator.09:45
dr_willisOldOneEye:  a few min ago i thoughtyou said you wanted gnome?09:45
llutz_bullgard4: "man 2 stat"  has info on it (... The following flags are defined for the st_mode field:...)09:45
OldOneEyeyes im gonna reinstall it with gnome09:46
dr_willisOldOneEye:  whats the point in removeing X, then reinstalling it?09:46
OldOneEyei fort i had too09:46
dr_willisremove the kde packages and  you will have just gnome.09:46
wisuzuThor^^: yeah, its quite motivating and you can 'see' the progress09:46
wisuzudissipate: i'm cheking it09:46
OldOneEyehow i delete kde packages09:46
dissipatewisuzu, it's currently alpha. it's best to load a test circuit then click 'simulate'09:46
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome09:46
dr_willisor use synaptic and search for and remove anything with kde in the name09:47
dissipatewisuzu, after the 'results' tab goes from red to green you can plot your nodes.09:47
EO_How do you install debugging symbols for libasound2 package?  (or in general for any package)09:47
olliihey...im having a look at the cve tracker09:48
olliiwas is meant by "DNE" => http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2010/CVE-2010-4172.html09:48
ubottuMultiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the Manager application in Apache Tomcat 6.0.12 through 6.0.29 and 7.0.0 through 7.0.4 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) orderBy or (2) sort parameter to sessionsList.jsp, or unspecified input to (3) sessionDetail.jsp or (4) java/org/apache/catalina/manager/JspHelper.java, related to ... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-4172)09:48
olliievil robot09:48
XaXoXhi, I need just some short counselling for Ironhide, could anyone help?09:49
scarleo!ask | XaXoX09:50
ubottuXaXoX: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:50
dr_willis!info ironhide09:51
ubottuPackage ironhide does not exist in oneiric09:51
wisuzudissipate: great stuff! i can see a lot of work behind, it's your personal proyect?09:52
dissipatewisuzu, yes, and a friend of mine. we are partners in crime. :)09:52
xro2Is there a GUI for ATI driver screen configuration???09:52
XaXoXi installed it and the configuration says everything works (namely gears). it installed current drivers, but they are flagged as unistalled in restriceted drivers. the control panel shows only intel integrated card. how can i be shure nvida card works?09:52
dissipatewisuzu, are you familiar with any of the test circuits like the amplifier? :)09:53
PapayoGood mornings =)09:53
EuroNerdI've got a win mgr problem:  I've installed XFCE as an option next to the standard Ubuntu. Now in the default (Unity) windows manager, the volume indicator is messed up. When I change volume with a keyboard shortcut I should see the rectangular notification in top right. Instead, an ugly indicator appears in the middle of the screen - I assume some carry-over from XFCE. How do I get the right one back09:54
PapayoUff long time since last I used irc ...09:54
VictorCLhow would the command be to search for files bigger than 200MB  ?09:54
prashant_123456hello all09:54
PapayoI'm actually after an ebook, so I'm just trying to get familiar again =)09:54
bullgard4llutz_: Excellent! In the mean time I found another document although it is not quite as authoritative as yours: http://oss.sgi.com/LDP/HOWTO/Ext2fs-Undeletion-Dir-Struct/find.html. --  Thank you again for your help.09:54
wisuzudissipate: Aummm, they are not chinese for me but ... i study fisics/electronics at this level ages ago09:54
llutz_VictorCL: man find (-size +200M)09:54
prashant_123456i have linux 11.10 and now i want to remove icons from top panel any help ?????09:55
dissipatewisuzu, yeah, i bet  you do more digital.09:55
dissipatewisuzu, we will be adding logic gates in the future. :)09:55
XaXoX! may you help? please | scarleo09:55
ubottuXaXoX: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:55
dr_willisphantomfake:  what icons09:55
=== dylan is now known as Guest93112
VictorCLllutz,  bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('09:55
Thor^^dissipate: nice project :)09:55
dr_willisprashant_123456:  what icons...09:55
llutz_VictorCL: read "man find"  and look for the option -size (for expample +200M)09:56
wisuzu^^ you should improve it and show it to some universities09:56
Guest93112hey  i'm really new to unbentu09:56
dissipateThor^^, thanks. you do analog circuits?09:56
Guest93112can someone help me set up an ftp09:56
prashant_123456dr_willis, actually i have pinned some icons like xchat at top panel09:56
Thor^^dissipate: I'm into computers but play with analog/digital circuits as a hobby09:56
dr_willisprashant_123456:  you are using unity? or gnome classic? or what exctl09:56
Gentoo64prashant_123456: have you tried right clicking or ctrl or shift + right click?09:56
dissipateThor^^, did you run the test circuits we have? :) check out the amplifer.09:57
prashant_123456dr_willis, i m using gnome classic09:57
XaXoXcould anyone help? :(09:57
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Gentoo64XaXoX: what ati card is it?09:57
Thor^^dissipate: Did just that, semantics is similar to my first "proper" cricuit :P09:57
dissipateThor^^, we just added multi-plot capability.09:57
XaXoXgentoo it is a nVidia09:57
prashant_123456Gentoo64, dr_willis yep thanks alt + right click works09:58
Thor^^dissipate: I'm looking forward to you adding digital as well :P09:58
=== Avanti is now known as Mcpk
Gentoo64XaXoX: what nvidia card?09:58
dissipateThor^^, we will be, as well as a ton more components.09:58
_ramohow can i see on command line, how much RAM do i have and how much is in use09:58
olliiwhat does "DNE" means in ubuntu security tracker? http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2010/CVE-2010-4172.html09:58
ubottuMultiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the Manager application in Apache Tomcat 6.0.12 through 6.0.29 and 7.0.0 through 7.0.4 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) orderBy or (2) sort parameter to sessionsList.jsp, or unspecified input to (3) sessionDetail.jsp or (4) java/org/apache/catalina/manager/JspHelper.java, related to ... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-4172)09:58
prashant_123456one more question09:58
llutz__ramo: free -m09:58
prashant_123456how to download from ftp server09:58
dissipateThor^^, have you ever seen upverter.com? it's another cool site that let's you share layout schematics.09:58
prashant_123456like dsl linux09:58
harsh343how to install sqlite in ubuntu i am trying this sudo apt-get install sqlite09:59
Thor^^dissipate: nope, I mostly just sit in my room figuring out things on my own09:59
harsh343but i got an error09:59
dissipateThor^^, we will be adding the capability to save/retrieve schematics as well.09:59
VictorCLhow can I make find not show on screen everything is searching .. I just want it to print results09:59
harsh343E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:59
Gentoo64prashant_123456: you can wget links from websites09:59
prashant_123456Gentoo64, ok09:59
prashant_123456Gentoo64, kget will work ??10:00
Gentoo64never used it10:00
Gentoo64id assume it will10:00
prashant_123456Gentoo64, ok10:00
harsh343how to install sqlite on ubuntu10:00
Gentoo64harsh343: have you tried sudo apt-get install sqlite10:01
_ramollutz_ so   total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached10:01
_ramoMem:           615        585         29  this means, that there is not much RAM free anymore?10:01
llutz_VictorCL: find ....  2>/dev/null10:01
harsh343Gentoo64, yes but i got an error E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:01
Gentoo64_ramo: that ram is probably cached not all in real use10:02
llutz__ramo: see next line (-/+ buffers....)10:02
prashant_123456how to use bleachbit  to clean system ??10:02
Gentoo64prashant_123456: it has options, some has to be run as root.10:02
dr_willisinstall bleachbit.. run it10:02
Gentoo64prashant_123456: ive only tried it once though10:02
Gentoo64you tick boxes for stuff to clean10:02
_ramobuffers     cached10:02
_ramo     110        18810:02
_ramollutz_ but that's not much too, right?10:02
Gentoo64_ramo: are you on ubuntu with gnome?10:03
XaXoXGentoo64 | 2GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M Graphics Card with Optimus10:03
prashant_123456Gentoo64, tell me one more thing is it really safe to use bleachbit10:03
Gentoo64prashant_123456: yes, but you have to be careful what options to tick10:03
llutz__ramo: see the line starting with"-/+ buffers". the value in column "free"   is your real free ram10:03
Gentoo64i cant remember what it cleans, but if you run it as root it can clean a load of stuff which might be dangerous10:03
Gentoo64i personally wouldnt use it10:04
prashant_123456Gentoo64, can it remove system files antecedently ??10:04
XaXoXGentoo 64 | i just want to see the nvidia card kick in. cause every info i could get says i'm running on interl integrated card. is there a way to see the nvidia card working?10:04
dr_willisnot system files..10:04
Gentoo64hmm i dont know, i doubt it though10:04
_ramollutz_ there i got 286 and 32810:04
Gentoo64i doubt itll try to remove important stuff, but it might remove annoy stuff like configs or settings10:04
llutz__ramo: so 286MB used, still 328MB free10:04
prashant_123456Gentoo64, ok thanks10:05
Gentoo64_ramo: if you're on normal ubuntu with gnome, i would switch to lighter version of ubuntu with that ram10:05
XaXoXGentoo64 and the nvidia-settings says to me the drivers are not running10:05
Gentoo64even 1 gb ram is low for gnome310:05
_ramoGentoo64: no not using gnome... just a small amazon instance...10:05
Gentoo64XaXoX: hmm i got no exp with that intel/optimus thing. ive heard people getting problems/confusion with it thouhg10:05
mateoany smart idea how to turn  the bloody webcam upside down10:05
Gentoo64_ramo: ok sorry10:05
dr_williswebcamstudio had all sorts of fun webcam tricks it could do.10:06
james538227hey has anyone had any luck with ralink rt2860 driver connecting to router using wpa/wp2 encryption on ubuntu server?10:06
prashant_123456can i get webcam drivers for logitech webcam ??10:06
james538227very specific question i realise10:06
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:06
Gentoo64prashant_123456: is it not picked up be default?10:06
Gentoo64id have thought logitech would be10:06
Gentoo64ah ok10:06
dr_willislogitech makes a lot of webcams....10:07
prashant_123456Gentoo64, nope10:07
Gentoo64youll probably have to google the name of it, and ubuntu10:07
dr_willisinstall cheese.. see if it works..10:07
prashant_123456dr_willis, yep10:07
prashant_123456dr_willis, ok10:07
mateothey make ti upside down10:07
Mcpk what is the difference between ubentu and debian?10:07
Mcpksuch as?10:08
dissipateMcpk, a whole lot10:08
dissipateMcpk, release cycle for debian is much slower for one thing10:08
Mcpkcan someone help me set up a ftp, I'm really quite new to linux and having a few problems10:09
dissipateMcpk, different purposes as well. ubuntu is more for desktop, debian is more for setting up servers.10:09
dr_willis∩dsıpǝ ◖oʍu¿10:10
james538227is there an irc specific for ubuntuserver?10:10
dr_willisMcpk:  why do you even need a ftp server?10:10
Gentoo64i think10:10
Mcpkfor work10:10
Mcpklong story10:10
Mcpkand I'm coming from windows server edition10:11
dr_willisssh can basically replace a ftp server.10:11
jussisftp ftw10:11
llutz_srnb: it can't since it needs an sftp client10:11
llutz_dr_willis: ^^10:11
dr_willisssh and winscp. :)10:11
dissipateMcpk, i highly recommend using sftp, not ftp. regular ftp has very bad security.10:11
dr_willisive seen very few ftp clients that cant do sftp..10:12
MeirDIs there anyway I can know with "ls" or some other command if a directory is shared within a network?10:12
dissipatei don't even know why ftp is still around. very insecure.10:12
K|nGI change the /home chmod please can you support me what chmod I should set to /home directory to work my account to me show this: "Could not chdir to home directory /home/king: No such file or directory"10:12
dr_willisMeirD:  you can try the smbtree and smbfind command to see wha tshares are around10:12
McpkI have never used ssh10:12
dr_willisK|nG:  does the directory exist?10:12
dr_willisMcpk:  i think you may want to look into it...10:13
K|nGdr_willis: yes there exist but i change the CHMOD :S10:13
McpkI'm doing that now10:13
AdvoWorkhi there, ive got all of these ebox packages: http://pastebin.com/XDBDLsLe  is there a way I can remove all? i tried doing sudo apt-get remove ebox but it said it didnt exist10:13
K|nGdr_willis: what I should do what Chmod I should set to /home to work fine again10:13
Mcpkdoes seem more secure10:13
dr_willisK|nG:  you canged /home or /home/king?10:13
dr_willisMcpk:  thats an understatement10:13
K|nGdr_willis: just /home10:13
Mcpkstill reading10:14
dr_willisdrwxr-xr-x   3 root root  4096 2011-07-31 08:52 home10:14
Mcpkwhat speeds can you get with ssh?10:14
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dr_willisas fast as you rnetwork can handle.. :) it does encryption so its got a little bit of an overhead10:14
dissipateMcpk, depends on what your rigs and bandwidth can handle.10:14
Mcpk it10:14
Mcpkthat seems like a much better deal10:15
K|nGdr_willis: What chmode I need to do to read the /home normal users ??10:15
dr_willisand sshfs is very handy...10:15
dr_willisK|nG:  no idea off the top of my head. i cheat and use 'mc'10:15
mmvif you're cpu limited, you could use the null cipher10:15
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions10:15
K|nGdr_willis: aha10:15
Mcpkand no filesize restrictions?10:16
dr_willisdrwxr-xr-x   3 root root  4096 2011-07-31 08:52 home  is like 755 i think10:16
llutz_Mcpk: those are filesystem-related, not protocol10:16
dr_willisMcpk:  huh? ssh is not a filesystem :)10:16
Mcpkok thanks10:16
dr_willisftp is not a filesystem either.. so not sure where that came from :)10:16
dr_willisvfat has a file size limit.10:17
xro2Hi, i try to configure my dual screen... i use the ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX driver (installed by ubuntu) and ubuntu 10.10... Is there a GUI for the ati driver?10:17
olliiwhat is it with cve CVE-2010-074710:18
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-0747)10:18
dr_willisi thought the ati drivers installed a fglrx config til10:18
McpkI was just checking as i am quite new to networking on a software level10:18
McpkI'm a camera technician pretty much10:18
Mcpkso... how do i set up a ssh10:20
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)10:20
dr_willisinstgall the ssh server.. and there ya go10:20
Mcpkthank you10:20
dr_willis!info openssopenssh-server - secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines10:20
ubottu'-' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable10:20
dr_willisopenssh-server - secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines10:21
xro2does nobody know if there is a gui vailable for ATI configuration???10:21
ollii!info openssh-server10:21
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.8p1-7ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 331 kB, installed size 876 kB10:21
dr_willisxro2:  there used to be.. check the !ati wiki page yet?10:21
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto10:21
burnhi guys, apperently my gtk3 layout crashes in Nautilus, is this a known problem?10:22
Jarheadcan anyone point me to good info about removing drm?10:23
dr_willisif you give more details perhaps10:23
JarheadI am trying to get my ipod music to play in Rhythmbox10:24
xro2dr_willis, yes, but i have the driver but not the catalist center... should i install it?10:24
dr_willisxro2:  no idea. I dont use ati any more10:25
burnhmm, it seems to be icons, not the pure gtk-window-decorator10:25
dr_willisxro2:  fire up the package manager and see if you can find it in a package.10:25
Mcpkok I installed the ssh sever, where do I open it?10:25
dr_willisMcpk:  now would be a good time to read some ssh guides10:25
dr_willisMcpk:  its a server.. you start the service (should have done allready) then you use a ssh client10:26
Gentoo64Mcpk, you use the terminal10:26
=== Guest78660 is now known as xxxcv
dr_willisssh servernameorip10:26
dr_willisor use any of the 100+ other ssh clients out there10:26
dr_willisfor a linux box the 'sshfs' is VERY handy for connecting a local box to a remote ssh server to transfer stuff.10:27
McpkI'm trying to set up the remote server now10:28
xro2does anybody install the ATI catalyst control on ubuntu 10.10? How?10:29
Gentoo64xro2, it should come with the fglrx drivers10:29
Gentoo64it did for me when i used to use ati anyway10:29
hiexpoI have a weird situation i baught a new laptop and after installling 10.04 i no longer get sound out of my speakers but if i plug headphones in i get sound10:30
xro2Gentoo64, i get the aticonfig but no GUI... it should be amdcccle or something like that, no?10:31
Gentoo64not sure why you dnt get it10:31
Gentoo64i havent had an ati card for couple years now though10:31
iceroothiexpo: check "alsamixer" if the speakers are muted but not the headphones10:32
BlackFireNovaHello Room10:32
Gentoo64xro2, nothing in the system settings menu?10:32
rodhashHello guys.. I need little help with bash completion, I've ran it but it's not working properly... when I press TAB appears a space after the name.. like /etc" " instead of /etc/10:32
hiexpoiceroot, nope not muted10:32
xro2Genttoo64, no... i try apt-get install fglrx-admcccle... i will see10:32
Gentoo64ok good idea10:32
iceroothiexpo: then i dont know, sorry10:32
hiexpoiceroot, k10:33
BlackFireNovaI need help getting VirginBroadband (in Australia) Dongle to connect.  Can anyone help.  Latest version of Ubuntu 11.1 I think10:33
Gentoo64virgin media?10:33
szalBlackFireNova: don't think, know -> lsb_release -a10:33
BlackFireNovaNo, VirginBroadband Wirless Internet10:33
=== max is now known as Guest62043
BlackFireNova(Mobile Broadband)10:34
jussiBlackFireNova: which stick do you have?10:34
jussi(they are normally plug and play in ubuntu)10:34
phlak_userBlackFireNova, on Network Manager - Edit Connections - Mobile Broadband -> select Australia -> Virgin Mobile -> enter settings10:35
phlak_userBlackFireNova, unless youve done all this and are facing issues10:35
BlackFireNovaJussi, it's the normal Hawaii type modem.  The system recognizes the modem and the network, I can see it there, but I dont know how to get to the edit settings, it's greyed out10:35
rodhashAnyone knows how to fix the bash_completion?10:36
phlak_userBlackFireNova, press continue at the first screen (thats grayed out)10:36
szalrodhash: what to fix about it?10:36
scarleohiexpo: If I remember corrctly the user was not member of audio group back in 10.x Maybe worth checking out10:36
llutz_rodhash: remove /etc/bash-completion.d/acroread*10:36
BlackFireNovaPhlak, I have gone to network settings.  That brings up the Network dialog.  I can see Mobile Broadband in there and it's visible, but I can't seem to do anytbing else10:37
xro2Genttoo64, i should have --> amdcccle but i don't get it... how should i install that catalyst?10:37
Gentoo64i really dont know :(10:37
BlackFireNovaThere is a Configure Button, but it is greyed out10:37
mkquistdoes skype not work now?10:37
dr_willis!find amdcccle10:37
ubottuFound: fglrx-amdcccle, fglrx-amdcccle-updates10:37
scarleohiexpo: Ah, saw now you had some sound, maybe that's not it then10:37
dr_willisxro2:  there ya go... see above10:38
Django23Hello everyone.10:38
Django23Is there a way to launch an application on a specific screen ? Like : gedit --display=:0.1 or gedit --screen=1 ?10:38
szalmkquist: works here10:39
rodhashwow... llutz it worked perfectly!! How is it possible?10:39
llutz_rodhash: file is broken, theres a launchpad-bug about it10:39
mkquistszal: in linux?10:39
mkquistszal: mine seems not10:39
xro2dr_willis, sudo apt-get install fglrx-amdcccle was done....10:40
rodhashllutz, thanks a lot... very smart tip :)10:40
phlak_userBlackFireNova, did you click on "Add" to add a new connection?10:40
uid069-42-31-41-when I type backspace in terminal i get a little "you did something silly" sound, does anyone know of a command to make this happen programatically?10:40
openosHello Guys10:40
dr_willisxro2:  check the paackage manager guis see what files that package installed.10:40
BlackFireNovaPhlak_user   No, I inserted the modem, and it appeared in the dialog already10:41
openosMy Ubuntu is Slow After Installing jupiter10:41
hiexposcarleo, do what now ?10:41
phlak_userBlackFireNova, try without inserting the modem10:41
mkquistszal: which version of ubuntu?10:41
openosAnd I need Some Wifi Crack tools10:41
Gentoo64i doubt crackings supported here10:41
dr_willisand whats Jupiter?10:41
szalmkquist: 11.10, Skype
mkquistszal: ty10:42
BlackFireNovaPhlak - I take the modem out, and hit the plus sign, and it gives me a dialog to select a new interface to connect, however it only offers VPN10:42
BlackFireNovaDon't I need PPP?10:42
phlak_userdr_willis, its a system-monitoring-tweaking tool10:42
scarleohiexpo: I thought maybe you had to add user to audio group, but then I read that you did have some sound so that's probably no it :) sorry10:42
openosJupiter is a app can controle the power of a netbook10:42
phlak_userBlackFireNova, which plus sign? close the dialog; go to network manager- click on edit connections, select the mobile broadband tab click on add10:43
xro2dr_willis, i saw the list of file... and?10:43
openosHelp i need Wpa cracking tools10:43
phlak_useropenos, wrong channel10:43
openosHow i can add Backtrack tools to Ubuntu *10:43
Gentoo64install them10:43
BlackFireNovaPhlak, this newest version of Ubuntu does not seem to have anything resembling "Edit Connections"  At least not that I can see10:43
szal!backtrack | openos10:43
ubottuopenos: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition10:43
Gentoo64openos, just look at the backtrack program list, and try to find them...10:44
phlak_userBlackFireNova, it does, i am on 11.1010:44
BlackFireNovaLOL, I believe you, but where is it located?10:44
Gentoo64openos, i doubt ubuntu has them all in their repos though10:44
phlak_userBlackFireNova, do you have a small network icon on the system tray top right10:44
openosi Dont think10:44
phlak_userBlackFireNova, click on it and edit connections will be the last option10:44
openosi need AirCracker-Ng10:45
Gentoo64thats what you need to install then10:45
BlackFireNovaIt has Email, Battery, Bluetooth, Wireless (currently disabled) Sepaker, "Time, User, and a gear symbol at the extreme right10:45
uid069-42-31-41-anyone know how I can get Toolkit.beep to work in ubnutu, the forums do not seem to have a solution10:45
Gentoo64but like i said i dont think cracking peoples wifi is supported here10:45
uid069-42-31-41-anyone know how I can get java Toolkit.beep to work in ubnutu, the forums do not seem to have a solution10:45
llutz_!info aircrack-ng   | openos10:45
ubottuopenos: aircrack-ng (source: aircrack-ng): wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1-1.1build1 (oneiric), package size 1561 kB, installed size 2840 kB10:45
Goeland86hey guys, quick question - I'm new to Ubuntu (long time gentoo user, until drivers on laptop became a pb), and I'd like to get my user account to be able to modify the active network config10:45
hiexpowhat is the command to show me what video card i have iforgot10:45
phlak_userBlackFireNova, yes, wireless (could also be wired/mobile broadband) is the network manager10:45
szallol..  1.1-1.1build110:46
llutz_made nov 11, 201110:46
BlackFireNovaAhhhhhhhhh  Got it, Thanks Phlak, that's what I was looking for, I just had no idea where it is.  Thanks, I'll have a go now10:46
Goeland86my user account is not setup by Ubuntu - it's reusing a /home from my gentoo config, any idea how to allow me to do that?10:46
openosit"s safe switch to high performance mode in Jupiter for a netbook10:46
phlak_userBlackFireNova, ok10:46
Michiellllnow ive updated ubuntu i can't select the  classic theme anymore, is it still accessible somehow? i don't really like all the fancy stuff10:47
Alastair_Gquick question about keyboard shortcuts: what format are these commands supposed to be in? i can't get anything to run (that runs in bash)10:48
iceroot!nounity | Michiellll10:48
ubottuMichiellll: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic10:48
szal!notunity | Michiellll10:48
openosSlow Performance after jupiter install10:48
icerootMichiellll: gnome-panel is maybe what you are looking for10:48
=== hakim_ is now known as Hakiim
dr_willisGoeland86:  shareing /home/username from differnt disrots - can cause issues with ownership and permissions10:48
szalah, they merged the 2 factoids in the meantime10:48
phlak_userGoeland86, yes; set that as your home directory and make sure ownership is also taken care of10:48
dr_willisGoeland86:  using a differnt username.. might be safer10:48
szaldisrots?  what's rotten in the userspace? ;)10:49
Goeland86dr_willis, I'm aware, that's not the problem however, as gentoo uses e17 and ubuntu atm is on unity - I'm guessing it's user permissions on ubuntu10:49
Goeland86dr_willis, and I am able to login10:49
dr_willisGoeland86:  even the ownership of the dirs user:group can be differnt10:49
keethumy package information is not updating10:49
Goeland86dr_willis, I've got scripts on startup fixing that for me ;)10:49
dr_willisso i would be checking them very carefully10:50
Alastair_Gkeyboard shortcuts, anyone? i'm trying to bind "gnome-screenshot -i" to Print but it does nothing while in the terminal it works perfectly10:50
szalthe important thing when sharing /home dirs across distros is that uid and gid of the users are the same10:50
openoshow to get the gtk interface for Aircrack10:50
Gentoo64Goeland86, easiest way would just be to use an ubuntu /home, and mnaually copy certain files over10:50
keethucan any one help with updating package information10:50
mowciusHey guys - having some trouble installing - tried 32 bit and 64 bit desktop disks (11.10) and keep getting 'error reading sector ##'10:50
Goeland86Gentoo64, fair enough. Or link to them with open group-based perms10:50
dr_willismowcius:  you did check the md5sums of the isos?10:51
szaland one might want to have a look at the default group for the user; is it the group w/ the same name as the user or is it 'users'..10:51
mowciusdr_willis: no I did not but that's a good point - is that a likely cause of my problems?10:51
Gentoo64Goeland86, yeah well im assuming not ALL the programs are the same on both distros.. and they might be different versions etc so i would do it the manual way10:51
Goeland86szal, thanks for the pointers, I think I'll do as Gentoo64 suggests and do a new home dir10:51
dr_willismowcius:  unless its saying theres a  sector issue with the hard drive...10:51
keethucan any one help with updating package information10:51
dr_williskeethu:  clarify what you mean10:52
mowciuswell I dunno - might it be?10:52
llutz_keethu: sudo apt-get update10:52
phlak_userAlastair_G, you can check in Keyboard layout - options10:52
Goeland86Gentoo64, actually, there shouldn't be any trouble on that end - my gentoo wasn't THAT bleeding edge that the config formats differed10:52
* Michiellll wonders why nobody ever answers his questions10:52
Michielllldoes it mean nobody knows? that would be doubtfull wouldn't it?10:52
SuibaruXHey, how is the package with all the codec plugins called? (good bad ugly)10:52
keethuits says there occured a problem while updating package info10:52
Goeland86Michiellll, because it was already answered by a bot up above10:52
keethui am using ubuntu 10.0410:52
dr_willisMichiellll:  or its a vague question10:53
Goeland86anyways, gotta run, but I'll try the new /home idea a try.10:53
openosMy Ubuntu So slow In Hp Netbook Whit Intel Atom ANd 1 Go RAM10:53
mowciusdr_willis: where do I find the checksums?10:53
dr_willisin 11.10 gnome 2 is dead. theres some 'look alike' modes. but they are also lacking  - best to use unity or gnome-shell or some other desktop  these days10:53
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:53
dr_willismowcius:  they are one the download site somewhere i recall.10:54
Sidewinder1Michiellll, 3 people answered you, please see above. ^10:54
keethuSomething wicked happened resolving 'medibuntu.sos-sts.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)10:54
mowciusdr_willis: can't find them :p10:54
openosnobody"s help10:54
dr_willisopenos:  try lubuntu for low end machines.10:54
openoswhere i can fin it10:55
keethui have done it before, same thing is coming up10:55
keethuSomething wicked happened resolving 'medibuntu.sos-sts.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)10:55
dr_willis!lubuntu | openos10:55
ubottuopenos: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.10:55
Mcpkwhat about xubentu? is that any good10:55
dr_willis!xubuntu | Mcpk10:55
ubottuMcpk: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels10:55
openosBut Ubuntu Said that ubuntu work like sharme in netbook10:55
SuibaruXHey, how is the package with all the codec plugins called? (good bad ugly)10:55
SuibaruXHey, how is the package with all the codec plugins called? (good bad ugly)10:55
phlak_usermy touchpad is always disabled at boot; i need to manually toggle the fn+f3 key-combo to activate it again; how do i enable it always?10:55
szal!repeat | SuibaruX10:55
ubottuSuibaruX: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:55
Gentoo64SuibaruX, i think its restricted-extras10:55
openosWindows 7 Work Fine But Ubuntu is so slow10:55
keethuSomething wicked happened resolving 'medibuntu.sos-sts.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname) what does it mean10:56
hiexpo? when installing the ati propiertory driver i am running the 32 bit 10.04 but my system is 64 which one do i need to install the 32 right ?10:56
overdriveSuibaruX: ubuntu-restricted-extras10:56
mowciusdr_willis: found them with a bit of google10:56
Ach_WheeshtQuick question: my kayboard has several broken keys, and while i've remapped then in windows, i can't remap them in my laptops BIOS. Can anyone suggest a solution?10:56
phlak_userSuibaruX, one such package is gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly10:56
szalkeethu: you too, don't repeat yourself quickly10:56
openosplaizz give me the french chnel10:56
BlackFireNovaI'm back Phlak.  I've configured the broadband according to a forum note I have, but it will not connect.  APN VirginBroadband, PAP only, Number:*99#  no username or Password   What am I missing?10:56
dr_willishiexpo:  you install the one based on your os installed.10:56
keethuSomething wicked happened resolving 'medibuntu.sos-sts.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)10:56
szal!fr | openos10:57
ubottuopenos: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:57
keethuszal, how can i get rid of it10:57
hiexpodr_willis, ok thanks i thought so10:57
SuibaruXoverdrive: any difference from kubuntu-restricted-extras10:57
phlak_userBlackFireNova, you need to tail your syslog file when its trying to connect (tail -f /var/log/syslog) ; that will throw up some clues; you can even pastebin the output10:57
szalkeethu: use the correct address; that address you have seems not to exisst (any more)10:58
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org10:58
llutz_keethu: ^^10:58
keethuszal:show i remove the check mark in repositories10:58
BlackFireNovaLOL Phlak, you lost me there, I'm a Ubuntu Newbie.  Can you give it to me in baby talk 'smiles'10:58
keethuszal:should i remove the check mark in repositories10:59
szalBlackFireNova: you got the exact command10:59
mowciusdr_willis: right, checksums are the same - any other ideas?10:59
phlak_userBlackFireNova, if it doesnt connect, we need to see why its not connecting; that can be done by looking at the logs that the network manager writes10:59
laoliCan anyone help me that how can I visit a windows machine in the LAN?11:00
szalkeethu: remove that repository, then follow the repository howto at http://www.medibuntu.org/repository.php11:00
phlak_userBlackFireNova, so type that command -> tail -f /var/log/syslog; wait for messages like pppd etc to show up and press ctl-c to exit and select that lot of text and paste it at http://goo.gl/ixcN911:01
BlackFireNovaNP, Phlak, where do I find those logs?  I can copy and paste the command, however I'm not sure how to open the command line.  I have some familiarity with Linux, just not sure how to get to the logs in Ubuntu.  Sorry to be so lame11:01
phlak_userBlackFireNova, open up gnome-terminal and then type that command11:01
keethuszal: okay, i'l try now11:02
BlackFireNovaIs that in System Settings dialog, or where do I find it?11:02
phlak_userBlackFireNova, umm type terminal in the dash bar11:04
laoliphlak_user: can you help me on how can i visit Windows machine in LAN?11:04
Sidewinder1!ssh | laoli11:05
ubottulaoli: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)11:05
harsh343due to some reason my os ubuntu 11.10 corrupted right now i am using live cd now i want to recover my downloads folder what i can do ??????????11:05
dr_willisssh would be for ssh. not samba. :)11:05
phlak_userlaoli, sure just click on nautilus (file explorer) and click on Browse Network11:06
dr_willisor enter the url directly (ctrl-l) then smb://the.server.name.orip#/sharename11:06
mowciusRight - anyone else got any ideas on an error reading sector when loading up an install disk? Then the process hangs. checksums are fine, tried both 64 bit and 32 bit disks which I just burned11:07
Sidewinder1dr_willis, Thanks doc.11:07
szalmowcius: did you run the medium self-check beforehand?11:07
BlackFireNovaOK, no doubt I'm going to feel like a fool, phlak, but this interface is new to me, and I don't see what you're referring to.  I have a number of icons at the left, and menus at the top, but I don't see where I can access the Gnome terminal or anywhere I could type in a search query (I presume that I'm looking for something similar to the "Run" command in Windows)?11:07
mowciusszal: no?11:07
laoliphlak_user: it would not help i'm afraid. it just showed a "WORKGROUP" and nothing else; I can not visit any machine in that workgroup11:07
theadminBlackFireNova: Just open the dash11:08
Sidewinder1dr_willis, I sometimes get them confused, obviously; I wouldn't have answered but it appeared, no one else was. It's all good. :-)11:08
szalmowcius: then do that & see if the medium got corrupted during/after burning11:08
phlak_usertheadmin, he doesnt know what that is :(11:08
dr_willisthey really should have put a link to a uniity ussage guide on the desktop :)11:08
theadminBlackFireNova: Press the Super (Windows) key or press the Ubuntu logo in the top11:08
mowciusszal - how do I do that?11:08
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phlak_userlaoli, that might be due to your network not being configured/connected11:09
szalmowcius: boot the option 'Check install medium for errors' or what it's called, I can't memorize that for the love of it11:09
phlak_userlaoli, we have no way of knowing even if that windows machine and yours are on the same LAN; can ping each other etc etc11:09
luca_bi nickserv identify LucaBiolcati fili198211:09
mowciusI don't get that far11:09
phlak_userluca_bi, ok we know your password now :) change it11:09
szalluca_bi: fail11:09
mowciusszal - I boot the disk and don't get to any options11:09
laoliphlak_user: I tried to config samba, and it worked once, but now I can not repeat it anymore11:09
BlackFireNovaOk, found it, LOL.  Now, let me scroll up and get that command.  BRB11:10
laoliBlackFireNova: press"Alt+F2", and type "gnome-terminal"11:10
Sidewinder1mowcius, Did you burn the disks at "the slowest speed?"11:10
phlak_user!samba| laoli11:10
ubottulaoli: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.11:10
mowciusSidewinder1: no11:10
mowciusI'll do another and see if it goes any better11:10
Sidewinder1mowcius, Good luck!11:11
mowciusI've not had an issue with burning before but I'll try that11:11
mowciusI'll be back in a few mins with a progress report ;)11:11
szalSidewinder1, mowcius: slowest speed isn't strictly necessary; what is necessary, however, is DAO or SAO (it's the same, just a different name)11:11
harsh343Hello all I am using ubuntu live cd i want to see my downloads what i have but not able to see11:11
szalmowcius: disk/session-at-once11:12
laoliphlak_user: yes, samba, and I think I have config it right, although someone told me that i might messed something up ...11:12
harsh343Hello all11:12
mowciusszal - ok what does that mean ;)11:12
dr_willisharsh343:  mount your installed system, see whats in the home direcotry on it.11:12
szalmowcius: that the burner writes the complete disc including lead-in and lead-out in one go11:12
dr_willisharsh343:  you might need to access the files as root.11:13
phlak_userlaoli, messed what?11:13
mowciusszal - yes it does (as far as I know)11:13
phlak_userlaoli, can you try with smbclient in a terminal?11:13
harsh343dr_gonzo, hows ?11:13
harsh343dr_willis, hows ?11:13
Sidewinder1laoli, I think you also have to configure the Win boxes to "share" the various disks/directories, no?11:13
laoliphlak_user: one of my friend told me that samba is very difficult to config and he don't think I did it in the right way11:13
dr_willisharsh343:  you see the installed system in the file manager  under the places?11:14
phlak_userlaoli, as a client, theres not much to configure11:14
laoliSidewinder1: I just wanna visit these Windows machine, not to share. So I need to config "share" anyway?11:14
laoliphlak_user: I'm sure it worked once, but only once11:15
Sidewinder1laoli, I'm not sure; it was just a thought to try..11:15
phlak_userlaoli, just type smbclient -L windows-machine-name11:15
BlackFireNovaHang on, got to re-enable the wireless so I can get the netbook online so I can get there11:15
phlak_userlaoli, replace windows-machine-name with the netbios name of that machine11:16
laoliphlak_user: the problem is, sometimes i just can not remember the full name of the machine, nor the IP address, so i wannna view these machines in the folder...11:16
phlak_userlaoli, it should show you the resources on the machine11:16
harsh343dr_willis, where ?11:16
phlak_userlaoli, this will only help you establish if your samba is working fine11:17
laoliphlak_user: however, there is another way I can visit : place -> connect to server. this works11:17
phlak_userlaoli, ok11:18
laoliso what could be the problem?\11:18
laoliphlak_user: so what could be the problme?11:18
e01is it possible to make unity launcher not show whole windows when i had multiple windows minimized but just a text selections like docky?11:18
dr_willisharsh343:  the file manager should list all shown drives/filesstems, on the left or in the places menu item11:18
BlackFireNovaPhlak, OK, I've pasted the text from the log.  Sorry about the delay11:20
harsh343dr_willis, i am able to see the drives and all things in the left panel now11:20
laoliharsh343: I guess you could find what you have download now11:21
harsh343laoli, no11:22
harsh343when i click on downloads it show blank11:22
harsh343but i have the download files before corrupt11:22
harsh343right now i am using live CD11:23
laoliharsh343: sorry I have not used Live CD yet.11:23
harsh343dr_willis, help11:23
dr_willisif you see your other files.. but not the files in the download directory.. well...  thats not a good sign11:23
harsh343laoli, ok11:23
laoliharsh343: I guess maybe you should mount the disk to find?11:23
BlackFireNovaphlax_user, I've posted the log file (just repeating previous post).  sorry about the delay there11:23
dr_willisharsh343:  the other files in your home are still there?11:24
laoliphlak_user: thank you for your help11:24
rishikantahello.. anyone ever used iphone on ubuntu?11:24
harsh343laoli, may be i think so11:24
harsh343dr_willis, no11:25
dissipaterishikanta, you mean hook your iphone up to your machine running ubuntu?11:25
dissipaterishikanta, i have not, no.11:25
harsh343laoli, how to mount11:25
=== thoidingjam is now known as jojobarlee
rishikantaI am able to mount the ipod and see all the files... but after unmounting it, my iphone is not detected on other windows PCs11:26
rishikantasorry, I meant mount the iphone and see all the files11:27
harsh343dr_willis, what i can do i want to show my downloads folder what i have in the past11:27
BlackFireNovaphlak_user, are you still here?11:28
harsh343after pressing (alt + ctrl) del  i am in command prompt how again i come back ?11:28
mowciustrying the alternative download...11:28
laoliharsh343: sorry i don't know...11:28
mowcius*alternative installer11:28
harsh343laoli, ok11:28
mowciusmenwhile I'll play with the linux on this network camera ;)11:29
AdvoWorkhi there, ive got all of these ebox packages: http://pastebin.com/XDBDLsLe  is there a way I can remove all? i tried doing sudo apt-get remove ebox but it said it didnt exist11:29
BlackFireNovaHello room, am I still here, LOL?11:29
laoliBlackFireNova: I guess so11:29
BlackFireNovaLOL, Thanks laoli11:29
laoliBlackFireNova: it's OK. I'm just haunting around...11:30
Michielllli downloaded the newest cd, burned it and put it in my laptop, but its been showing the loading screen for over 10minutes now11:30
Michiellllis there any way to see what's happening?11:31
BlackFireNovaSometimes my connection goes south, and I can see the room, but I'm like casper the friendly ghost, invisible.  'smiles'11:31
dr_willisharsh343:  so you are in /somemounpiing/home/yourusername  ?11:31
EuroNerdHow do I make Ubuntu discover a USB device that has been disconnected "unsafely"?  To be more precise: I've accidentally hijacked my USB speakers with VirtualBox and then returned control back to host, but now Ubuntu doesn't see them. (I don't see them as an optional output in Sound Settings.)11:31
laoliAdvoWork: is it a deb or source code or binary ?11:31
EuroNerd...I should add: without logging out or rebooting.11:32
laoli19:31 <laoli> AdvoWork: is it a deb or source code or binary ?11:32
BlackFireNovaphlak_user, I've posted the text of the log file.  Did it show up?  Any ideas on why the virginbroadband is not connecting?11:32
AdvoWorklaoli, im not sure, how can i tell? i think i installed it via sudo apt-get a while ago if that helps11:32
harsh343dr_willis, any command to see the downloads what i have11:33
harsh343my user name is harsh11:33
laoliAdvoWork: i guess you can surely apt-get remove it if you apt-get install it. maybe you should look up what packages are installed when using apt-get install?11:33
dr_willisharsh343:  cd to where they are at and use ls11:33
Sidewinder1BlackFireNova, If you've copied it to pastebin, you need to give us the URL.11:34
dr_willisharsh343:  bash basic stuff here...11:34
Sidewinder1!pastebin | BlackFireNova11:34
ubottuBlackFireNova: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:34
dr_willisharsh343:  and rember that CASE is imporntant11:34
dr_willisharsh343:  what files are in the users home directory?11:34
BlackFireNovaAhhhhh  sorry, I'm new to this  paste.ubuntu.com/74808111:34
Revourgh, why does ubuntu keep over writingmmy resolve.conf?11:34
laoliAdvoWork: i tried apt-get install ebox, and it seems to download the whole world11:34
RevoI've set static entries but on reboots it wipes it with dhcp results11:35
harsh343dr_willis,  downloads files11:35
dr_willisharsh343:  cd Downloads  and then ls and see whats there.11:35
AdvoWorklaoli, thats the problem, i cant just remove ebox, so how would i remove all the packages I want? like sudo apt-get remove ebox* but that doesnt work11:35
dr_willisIf its 'Downloads'11:35
laoliAdvoWork: maybe i can copy the packages to you11:36
BlackFireNovaubottu, did I get that right?  Is that the information you need to see the post?11:36
ubottuBlackFireNova: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:36
laoliAdvoWork: but i think you'd better not to remove all of them,11:36
BlackFireNovaAhhhhhh LOL11:37
Sidewinder1BlackFireNova, You need to preface that link with, http://11:37
laoliubottu: so you should set your nickname to [POD]ubottu(96) :-)11:37
ubottulaoli: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:37
BlackFireNovaOK, Sorry htto://paste.ubuntu.com/74808111:37
BlackFireNovaOops, LOL   http://paste.ubuntu.com/748081    (slaps the typist)11:38
Michielllli put in the installdisc over 15min ago http://i.imgur.com/nkfkQl.jpg help?11:38
=== root is now known as Guest23865
EuroNerdHow do I make Ubuntu rediscover a USB device (speakers) that has been disconnected "unsafely"?11:39
phlak_userBlackFireNova, can you get some more lines before this? (type less /var/log/syslog)11:39
Sidewinder1BlackFireNova, That worked! Unfortunately I can't comfortably answer your question. :-( Perhaps, now, some one else can..11:39
sagaciBlackFireNova: what's the modem model11:41
BlackFireNovaphlak_user   There's a whole lot more in there now that I reconnected the wireless connection.  Do you want the whole of it?11:42
BlackFireNovasagaci   E18911:43
phlak_userBlackFireNova, anything that talks about pppd, ttyUSB, Virgin Broadband11:43
charminthemooseGiven my power on hours and load cycle count, should I take the data presented here seriously? http://pastebin.ca/209535311:43
BesogonHi! Does someone know how-to capture DV video (FireWire)????11:43
Michielllli put in the installdisc over 15min ago http://i.imgur.com/nkfkQl.jpg help?11:43
Michielllli pressed the power button on my laptop and it started shutting down the install, the last command before acpid:exiting was: "Checking for running unattended-upgrades"11:43
Michiellllcan this be a problem somehow?11:43
Michielllli would guess its trying to access the internet but doesnt have it... :S11:44
BlackFireNovaBear with me Phlak_user  I'm hunting for those entries.   I'm not sure how to search in this terminal (if it's possible)11:46
phlak_userBlackFireNova, using the "Search" menu?11:46
BlackFireNovaLOL  (bangs head on desk)  Still thinking like old DOS, wasn't aware there WAS a menu.11:47
BlackFireNovaphlak_user, maybe there is some kind of time delay for the system to suss out the modem, because it has just connected.  Weird indeed11:51
BlackFireNovaLOL maybe it was my banging the head on the desk, jarred it into operation (takes an aspirin)11:51
Sidewinder1BlackFireNova, To "fix" most things electronic, just give them a "good thrashing." :D11:53
harsh343dr_willis, I am trying cd Downloads then ls nothing to display11:54
BlackFireNovaLOL Sidewinder.  Like when I was in a camera repair class, one of the guys joked.  It's easy to get the smoke OUT of a circuit...........  but a F.... of a lot harder to get it back IN again, LOLOL11:55
Michiellllwell so far for trying to install ubuntu :/11:55
dr_willisharsh343:  could be its all gone.. ls -al shows anything? does ls -al show anything in the parrent directory?11:55
BesogonDoes someone know how-to capture DV video (FireWire)????11:56
BlackFireNovaThank you all for your kind assistance.    BlackFireNova is signing off.   Be well, All.  Goodnight11:56
alexluyaanyone use feh as image viewer,how to set it as default viewer?It has been installed but didn't show in "open with" list.11:57
=== Ksg89 is now known as CraigRood
=== CraigRood is now known as Ksg89
deej1976harsh343: df -lh | pastebinit11:57
Sidewinder1harsh343, Perhaps you inadvertently 'moved", (hopefully not 'deleted'), the files that were in download. Try a search, in nautilus, of the entire drive, for an exact file-name that you're sure "was" in Downloads..11:58
harsh343deej1976, you will have to be enable the component called 'universe'12:00
harsh343message shown12:00
harsh343dr_willis, drwxr-xr-x  2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 2011-11-24 16:33 .12:00
harsh343drwxr-xr-x 21 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 2011-11-24 17:08 ..12:00
deej1976harsh343: Can you pastebin the output of df -lh12:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 4096 in meld (Ubuntu) "meld: merge new debian version" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/409612:00
harsh343deej1976, ok12:01
harsh343deej1976, http://pastebin.com/v0qrS36012:01
deej1976harsh343: You currently do not have the old filesystem mounted.12:02
harsh343deej1976, then ?12:02
deej1976sudo fdisk -l12:03
deej1976pastebin plz12:03
BesogonDoes someone know how-to capture DV video (FireWire)????12:03
MonkeyDustremind me, what's firewire again?12:03
deej1976!info dvgrab12:04
ubottudvgrab (source: dvgrab): grab digital video data via IEEE1394 and USB links. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.5-1build3 (oneiric), package size 126 kB, installed size 356 kB12:04
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=== DSN\\ is now known as DSN
=== DSN is now known as DSNx
MonkeyDustah yes, the apple cable12:04
harsh343deej1976, http://pastebin.com/1RqH1geZ12:05
deej1976harsh343: sudo mkdir /mnt ; sudo mount /dev/sda8 /mnt ; cd /mnt/harsh/Downloads ; ls12:05
dr_willisapple claims all sorts of standards as their own. :)12:06
sKeithsi'm looking at upgrading hardy to lucid with do-release-upgrade, but i noted that it will remove heartbeat-2. will upgrading break my drbd?12:06
=== DSNx is now known as dasdas
=== dasdas is now known as DSNx
harsh343deej1976, http://pastebin.com/CiJkngYR12:09
harsh343my username is hary12:09
laoliharsh343: could you tell me how to post these logs?12:09
harsh343laoli, means ?12:10
laoliharsh343: how to post the logs in the "pastebin.com"?12:10
DSNxlaoli: Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN912:10
Sidewinder1!pastebin | laoli12:11
ubottulaoli: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:11
laoliDSNx: thank you12:11
deej1976harsh343: cd /mnt/home/hary/Downloads12:11
DSNxlaoli: enter name, paste logs click send12:11
harsh343laoli, I am using other system for chat and i have wi-fi in my office so by using gtalk and pastebin12:11
laoliharsh343: i'm using emacs for irc...12:12
harsh343deej1976, next ?12:12
deej1976ls -lart into pastebin12:12
harsh343laoli, emacs for mac os ?12:12
sKeithsi pressed y anyhow. upgrade in progress.12:13
harsh343ye now i see my downloads now what next12:13
alexluyaI knew that update "/home/alex/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list"12:13
laoliharsh343: no, emacs for linux12:14
laoliharsh343: i think you have already find your Downloads folder12:14
harsh343deej1976, now i am able to see there names in command prompt12:15
harsh343laoli, nopes right now some one can help me to find it12:15
laoliharsh343: sorry, just cd /mnt and then "ls". what do you get?12:15
* Michiellll is gonna try one last time12:15
MichiellllCan anyone help me find out why the installation stops and just keeps showing the loading screen?12:15
Sidewinder1harsh343, Perhaps you inadvertently 'moved", (hopefully not 'deleted'), the files that were in download. Try a search, in nautilus, of the entire drive, for an exact file-name that you're sure "was" in Downloads..12:16
deej1976nautilus /mnt/home/hary/Downloads12:17
harsh343ok deej197612:17
deej1976harsh343: Plug-in a usb stick and copy them off12:17
harsh343deej1976, sudo also12:18
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:18
deej1976harsh343: maybe12:19
harsh343deej1976, yes12:19
harsh343deej1976, i have only one USB and i am using live through this12:20
harsh343deej1976, and also i have two os in my system so it is possible to paste in the other drive12:21
deej1976harsh343: yes just mount one of the other drives i.e. sudo mkdir /win_mnt /dev/sda# ( were # is the partition number of other os )12:22
harsh343deej1976, ok12:22
Sidewinder1Michiellll, Have you already installed it or are you only trying to run from Live CD, in order to install?12:23
laolideej1976: how to list all the partitions or harddisks? fdisk -l?12:23
chroothi, how to use talk command in ubuntu.12:23
deej1976laoli: sudo fdisk -l12:23
chrootit doesn't work12:23
laolideej1976: thx12:24
deej1976chroot: sudo apt-get install talk ?12:24
MichiellllSidewinder1 i downloaded it here: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download, burned it and put it in the laptop, it just stops doing anything at some point with the loading screen12:24
chrooti installed the talk12:24
chrootand then?12:24
harsh343deej1976, Thanks very much again You are always helpful for me12:25
chrootwhen i type talk in terminal,  with usename , it dosen't work12:25
Sidewinder1Michiellll, Did you md5sum the ISO, prior to burning it "at the slowest speed?"12:25
deej1976talk [userid]12:25
deej1976talk [userid] [ttyname]12:25
chrootdeej1976,  userid?12:25
Sidewinder1Michiellll, That's the first thing I'd try.12:25
Sidewinder1md5sum | Michiellll12:26
deej1976chroot: man talk: If you wish to talk to someone on your own machine, then person is just the person's login name.12:26
Michiellllno when i press the power button it shows the last line before acpid:exiting being "checking for running unattended-upgrades:"12:26
Sidewinder1!hashes | Michiellll12:26
ubottuMichiellll: See http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/11.10/MD5SUMS for the md5sums of the latest Ubuntu release12:26
Michielllldoes that mean anything12:26
Michielllland i'll do that12:26
Sidewinder1!md5sum | Michiellll12:26
ubottuMichiellll: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:26
Michielllli said i'll do that :p12:27
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chrootdeej1976, when i type talk usename, i got this:[Checking for invitation on caller's machine]12:27
harsh343deej1976, I run this command sudo apt-get remove sqlite* and my ubuntu corrupted why ?12:27
harsh343I am trying this command in the morning12:28
deej1976harsh343: Can you pastebin the completed output12:28
Sidewinder1Michiellll, If they match exactly, you then, might try re-burning at the slowest speed; also make sure you downloaded the correct version; 32 bit for 32 bit, etc..12:28
chrootand deej1976 , have you ever used the talk command12:28
harsh343deej1976, now it is not possible to paste this command because right now my ubuntu is corrupted and i am using live usb12:29
harsh343right now12:29
harsh343this thing happen in the morning right now it is evening here12:30
deej1976chroot: Not for a long time, just truying now12:30
micschhi, i habe a problem since the last kernel update: VFS: Cannot open root device "sda3" or unknown block (0,0)12:30
deej1976harsh343: I'm not going to be able to help with out the output12:31
MichiellllSidewinder1 where can i find the md5 file?12:31
harsh343deej1976, ok12:31
harsh343I want to install fresh ubuntu 1112:32
Sidewinder1!hashes | Michiellll12:32
ubottuMichiellll: See http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/11.10/MD5SUMS for the md5sums of the latest Ubuntu release12:32
Sidewinder1Michiellll, Was that what you're looking for?12:32
harsh343again now what i can do deej1976 i am also using XP12:32
MichiellllSidewinder1 no but i found a md5sum.txt on the disc that it seems to be12:33
Michiellllseems to be taking a while tho12:33
deej1976chroot: talk username@localhost12:34
harsh343deej1976, I want to install fresh ubuntu 11.10 and i am using live usb right now12:34
harsh343i have an option install ubuntu but i donot want to disturb my other OS also which is XP12:34
Sidewinder1Michiellll, Are you currently using Windows?12:35
MichiellllSidewinder1 yes12:35
chrootdeej1976, still nothing. i got this12:35
chroot[Checking for invitation on caller's machine]12:35
Michiellllone did not match12:36
Michiellll./casper/filesystem.squashfs: FAILED12:36
Sidewinder1Perhaps, have a look here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:36
Michielllldoesnt seem vital, it isnt right?12:36
deej1976harsh343: If you go with install, it will prompt you with and harddisk installation option, along the lines of Wipe of all os's, install along side old ubuntu install, and install fresh copy ( wiping out old ubuntu )12:36
MichiellllSidewinder1 i just checked it12:36
Michiellllone didn't match12:36
Michiellll./casper/filesystem.squashfs: FAILED12:36
Michiellllbut that doesnt seem vital12:36
Sidewinder1Michiellll, If the md5sums don't match, exactly, you need to re-download the ISO, md5sum that new one; then, burn at the slowest speed..12:37
deej1976chroot: Is the other user connected? try last username | head and use the pts terminal12:37
deej1976chroot: e.g talk username@localhost pts/212:38
deej1976chroot: I've got this working on 11.10 just now12:38
oratedHow to switch X session in the system connected with ssh? ie to change from display manager to tty?12:38
helloworldHello! How can I connect to an ftp server from my terminal window?12:39
MichiellllSidewinder1 ok i'll do that12:39
dr_willisorated:  if you want to kill the x session remotely. 'sudo service lightdm stop'12:39
deej1976helloworld: ftp remote.server.com12:39
harsh343deej1976, when i click on install option message display Unmount partitions the are in use ? /dev/sda   NO and Yes what i can do ?12:39
helloworlddeej1976: Ok but where do I put the username and password for it?12:40
deej1976harsh343: In a commandline umount the two filesystems you mount eariler12:40
chrootdeej1976,  i got confused,  what the command the another user should input?12:40
helloworlddeej1976: and of course the port number12:40
deej1976helloworld: It will prompt when connected to the server12:40
helloworlddeej1976: Alright! Thanks!12:41
Sidewinder1Michiellll, Before you go, this is a great step-by-step: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index12:41
harsh343deej1976, what i can do right now i have two options yes or no and cancel12:41
deej1976helloworld: ftp should be 21 be standard12:41
harsh343port number 22 i think se deej197612:42
orateddr_willis: Yes, stopping display manager is fine with me but will stopping drop the session to tty?12:42
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MichiellllSidewinder1 thanks but it doesnt seem to show anything i dont know, i just cant do much of anything when the loading screen doesnt end :P12:42
dr_willisorated:  if X is not running.. it will go to the console.12:43
harsh343deej1976, command for unmount ? i click on cancel12:43
Sidewinder1Michiellll, That's 'cause you got a 'bad' ISO... I think..12:43
orateddr_willis: What I meant to ask is like how Ctrl+F1 2..etc key combination helps to change the x session, in the same way can that be done from server on a client system when using ssh12:43
valentintu me voi kev12:44
valentinc nul12:44
valentinde quoi ?12:44
gardebienkc nul12:44
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MichiellllSidewinder1 we'll find out soon enough :p12:44
gardebienkc nul12:44
valentinoui mai quoi12:44
gardebienkje ais pas cest toi qui me la dit12:45
scarleo I'm trying to register an account over at brainstorm.ubuntu.com but it won't send me an email. Also tried password reminder but it wont send anything either. #ubuntu-brainstorm seems pretty dead12:45
dr_willisorated:  cant say ive ever needed to remotely force a remote box to the console..12:45
BlueEagle!fr | valentin12:45
ubottuvalentin: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:45
Sidewinder1Michiellll, Good Luck!12:45
valentinoui mai di pa oui si tu c pa12:45
BlueEagle!fr | gardebienk12:45
ubottugardebienk: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:45
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valentinjoin #ubuntu-fr12:46
BlueEagleYou missed the /12:46
GirlyGirlvalentin: C'est "/ join " et non pas join12:46
orateddr_willis: What if I do that on server system itself. One terminal window is open connected to ssh controlling/monitoring it. One more terminal tab opened to control it but with different purpose?12:46
BlueEagle/join not / join12:46
dr_willisorated:  i dont get what you are trying to do.12:47
orateddr_willis: I'll try that12:47
GirlyGirlHi, I have a problem with sound on an Intel HDA card. Playback works fine , however my mic does not work at all for some reason. pavucontrol finds the twin mic system but cannot record any input from it12:48
GirlyGirlAny ideas?12:50
deej1976harsh343:P umount /dev/sda# ( #corresponds to partition number )12:50
BesogonDoes someone know how-to capture DV video (FireWire)????12:51
deej1976!info dvgrab12:51
ubottudvgrab (source: dvgrab): grab digital video data via IEEE1394 and USB links. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.5-1build3 (oneiric), package size 126 kB, installed size 356 kB12:51
Besogonpale3: I mean something that has more friendly interface... not command line12:52
scriptwarlockBesogon, try kino12:53
dr_willisi find the command line friendly...12:53
Anomie21Hi, I'm using Empathy messenger? Why did Ubuntu move away from Pidgin? I feel like I've went back 10 years as this program is seriously lacking features...12:53
dr_willis!info pidgin12:53
ubottupidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.10.0-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 695 kB, installed size 2336 kB12:54
dr_willisinstall pidgin if you want.12:54
scriptwarlockdr_willis, not all fingers has the power to type :)12:54
dr_willisuse your toes! :012:54
Anomie21dr_willis: Will it still interact with the 'chat' icon on my taskbar?12:54
scriptwarlockhahha lol12:54
Besogonscriptwarlock: OH!!! dvgrab and Kino use raw1394 module!! I haven't one!!! How to get it?12:54
deej1976Anomie21: !info pigdin12:54
cipherboyAnomie21: it provides its own pidgin12:54
GirlyGirlHi, I have a problem with sound on an Intel HDA card. Playback works fine , however my mic does not work at all for some reason. pavucontrol finds the twin mic system but cannot record any input from it12:55
cipherboy*whoops, sorry, it provides its own pidgin icon12:55
Besogonscriptwarlock: I'd use KINO for sure but it not works due to the reason I told12:55
Anomie21Anyone know why they 'downgraded' to Empathy?12:55
scriptwarlockBesogon, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Firewire12:55
deej1976Anomie21: Empathy has MSN video chat I believe12:56
flexdUh, as root the norwegian characters æøå work, as a normal user they do not. In irssi on the normal user it worked once I did set_termcharset utf-8.12:56
Anomie21deej1976: I'd imagine, that on a whole, ubuntu users are more likely to use IRC than MSN12:56
flexdlocale is set to en_US.UTF-8 on both users, what am I doing wrong? :-/12:56
cipherboyAnomie21: sorry, I misread your qustion Ubuntu has used Empathy for a while now (~3 releases if I am correct). Just uninstall it and install pidgin.12:57
Besogonscriptwarlock: I've read it up... Still I miss the modules. They simply don't exist in ubuntu :(12:57
cipherboyNot hard to fix.12:57
Besogonwithout them I can't capture DV video12:57
deej1976Anomie21: Pidgin can do IRC as while12:57
Anomie21deej1976: It can connect to IRC but it's that lacking in features that it isn't really usable12:57
cipherboyAnomie21: so run sudo apt-get remove empathy && sudo apt-get install pidgin and everything is bright and sunny.12:58
scriptwarlockBesogon, never used firewire before coz my cam has hard drive inside.12:59
Anomie21cipherboy: I am, just thought it was a weird move by Ubuntu12:59
deej1976Anomie21: I'm a pidgin, iirsi user12:59
deej1976Anomie21: didn't like empathy12:59
cipherboyAnomie21: And what do you think of unity? And ditto, I use pidgin. webchat.freenode.net for IRC.13:00
Anomie21cipherboy: unit?13:00
GirlyGirlHi, I have a problem with sound on an Intel HDA card. Playback works fine , however my mic does not work at all for some reason. pavucontrol finds the twin mic system but cannot record any input from it13:00
cipherboyAnomie21: What release are you on?13:02
Anomie21cipherboy: 2sec, hurting my head trying to read in this, installed xchat13:02
Anomie22cipherboy, I'm on 11.1013:02
JusticeZeroI have a confession.. I love Unity's dash. *cry* But i'm not sure i'm much of a fan of Unity itself, and not just because my better laptop freezes all the time with it. I've tried tinkering with e17 (because Everything seems similar to the dash) but my efforts are backfiring in stupid ways. Is there a Dash/Everything like addon for XFCE or LX?13:04
cipherboyAnomie22: You have 11.10 and no unity? They added it for real in 11.04...13:05
JusticeZeromight have upgraded to it..13:06
Anomie22cipherboy, I installed 11.04 today then used the updater to update to 11.1013:06
Anomie22what is unity?13:06
iceroot!unity | Anomie2213:06
ubottuAnomie22: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity13:06
icerootAnomie22: the old netbook-remix interface13:06
pkundui want to boot xubuntu 11.10 in runlevel 3 by default. how to do that.thanks for help13:07
Anomie22Oh, yeah I'm probably using that then - what does that have to do with IRC? o.O13:07
JusticeZeroUnity is the desktop that they released with 11.04. It's controversial to say the least, since it's sort've unfinished and an attempt to move away from GNOME for essentially political reasons.13:07
iceroot!runlevel | pkundu13:07
ubottupkundu: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.13:07
GirlyGirlHi, I have a problem with sound on an Intel HDA card. Playback works fine , however my mic does not work at all for some reason. pavucontrol finds the twin mic system but cannot record any input from it13:07
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic13:07
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:08
deej1976!info raw1394-dev | Besogon:13:08
ubottuBesogon:: Package raw1394-dev does not exist in oneiric13:08
cipherboyAnomie22: It doesn't, but since you didn't like the switch from pidgin to empathy, I thought you would have been using Ubuntu for long enough to know the differences between the UIs.13:08
Anomie22cipherboy, I used Ubuntu a few years. I noticed the change in UI when I came back, just didn't know what it was called.13:09
deej1976!info libraw1394-11 | Besogon:13:09
ubottuBesogon:: libraw1394-11 (source: libraw1394): library for direct access to IEEE 1394 bus (aka FireWire). In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.7-1 (oneiric), package size 35 kB, installed size 148 kB13:09
Anomie22*a few years ago13:09
* JusticeZero doesn't know sound, alas.13:09
Anomie22I like unity though, it's A LOT more user-friendly when I last used Ubuntu (used it from when I was 15-19)13:10
cipherboyBTW, any way to hide these join/part messages in the webchat?13:10
SanusHooooooly crap.  Distro upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 and metacity randomly dies right in the midst of it all.13:11
harsh343deej1976, there ?13:11
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deej1976harsh343: yes13:11
ragnarokHey. I go at system > additional drivers and i see 2 options for my gpu: 1) ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver 2) ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver (post release updates).13:11
ragnarokwhat to get?13:11
cipherboySorry guys, have to drop. Virtualbox demands too many (scarce) resources.13:12
SanusHoooooly crap you guys13:12
deej1976ragnarok: Chicken and Chips, always nice ?13:12
SanusDoing a distro upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10.  Is metacity supposed to die in the middle of it?13:12
ragnarokdeej1976: on our subject please now13:12
harsh343deej1976, I am using ssh @ip and after using password i am in live: now after using cd i am here live:/var/www# now i want to copy my single folder and paste the same place with different name what i can do13:13
Anomie22Sanus, didnt for me13:13
kamilnadeemwhat is the shorcut for show desktop in UBuntu 11.10?13:13
kamilnadeemi am doing super+d , but is not working?13:13
SanusCause it did.  And it's not looking pretty.  I've had several failed updates in the last half hour because of power drops, so now I'm wondering if this partition is ded, or even worse -- if the hard drive is ded.13:13
harsh343I have  folder name dashboard_devtest and i want to copy this folder in the same place with name dashboard_uat13:14
BluesKajHi all13:14
deej1976ragnarok: Sorry missed your question, holding head in shame13:14
kamilnadeemBluesKaj: Hi13:15
BluesKajhi kamilnadeem13:15
kamilnadeemBluesKaj: whats the shortcut for show desktop in Ubuntu 11.10?13:16
harsh343deej1976, see this link http://pastebin.com/Gxp8s6bY13:16
deej1976harsh343: Try sudo cp -r dashboard_devtest dashboard_uat13:16
deej1976harsh343: This will put a copy of dashboard_devtest in dashboard_uat13:17
BluesKajkamilnadeem, dunno I'm on KDE13:17
kamilnadeemBluesKaj: No prob13:17
harsh343deej1976, not copyied13:18
harsh343deej1976, dashboard_uat contains empty files13:19
cipherboyAnyone running w8 in a vbox? I am trying to install but I get the error "VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration is not available on your system. Certain guests (e.g. OS/2 and QNX) require this feature and will fail to boot without it." on startup.13:19
cipherboynever mind, it was just a slow boot. :/13:19
deej1976harsh343: what does dashboard_devtest contain ?13:21
harsh343deej1976, so many files in this folder and i want to copy all those files13:22
JusticeZeroIf I wanted to run e17 off one of the *buntus, is there one that would be better suited for it?13:22
bazhangJusticeZero, not really no, get their repos to install13:23
deej1976harsh343: sudo cp -r dashboard_devtest dashboard_devtest1 ?13:23
netadmin1ns id bjdu54Fsd313:23
bazhangnetadmin1, better to id to services in a different window13:24
bhaveshWhenever I connect my earphones I get sound from speakers as well as earphones simultaneously. How can I fix that?13:24
bhaveshit works perfect in windows 7.13:24
JusticeZeroId tried it before but seemed to be missing things.13:25
GirlyGirlHi, I have a problem with my microphone. It does not work at all. However if I remove pulseaudio it does. Is there any way to get it working with pulse audio?13:29
GirlyGirlPlease help13:30
x3qt0rola buntus13:30
cipherboy_locGirlyGirl: Have you tried opening the sound properties and selecting the inbut device?13:30
x3qt0rcan i install ubuntu on my sd card without disturbing the mbr of hard drive?13:31
x3qt0rthe system already has a hdd'13:31
harsh343deej1976, i want to delete my folder dashboard_uatprevious see this http://pastebin.com/C81LE38g13:31
GirlyGirlcipherboy_loc: I use Kubuntu .. what "input" do you want me to select?13:32
GirlyGirlcipherboy_loc: pavucontrol shows no activity for both mics13:32
cipherboy_locGirlyGirl: sorry, not familier with kde/kubuntu, I use gnome2.13:33
GirlyGirlx3qt0r: When you install don't select boot loader to install on /dev/sda13:33
murlidhar1i am getting kernel panic in my desktop. anyone help me :|13:33
GirlyGirlx3qt0r: Install it to whatever device the sd card is and then boot the sd card13:34
x3qt0rnothing else/13:34
x3qt0rjust this/13:34
GirlyGirlcipherboy_loc: All the same the settings available are same in sound properties what would you sugest to do if this were gnome 2?13:34
cipherboy_locGirlyGirl: in my gnome2 sound settings there is a tab called input. In there there is a place to select device, are you sure that your mic is selected?13:35
cipherboy_locGirlyGirl: What type of mic are you using? I have a snowball mic which works perfectly. Plug it in, change the input source, go.13:36
harsh343deej1976, there ?13:36
GirlyGirlcipherboy_loc: Yes it is selected13:37
cipherboy_locAnd you have tried recording audio and gotten nothing? Interesting. What type of mic (usb, etc)?13:38
Tindocan anyone tell me how i can stop ubuntu from changing wallpaper by itself?13:39
GirlyGirlcipherboy_loc: There are two mics . both embedded on the laptop13:39
GirlyGirlcipherboy_loc: pavucontrol detects no sound input from either mic nor the skype or anything else ... unless I uninstall pulseaudio ... I think it used to work before on 11.10 and I am 100% sure it worked in earlier releases13:41
Tindoi guess that would be a no13:41
cipherboy_locTindo: what is your issue?13:41
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cipherboy_locTindo: Sorry, clarification, what is it changing to?13:42
GirlyGirlcipherboy_loc: pavucontrol detects no sound input from either mic nor the skype or anything else ... unless I uninstall pulseaudio ... I think it used to work before on 11.10 and I am 100% sure it worked in earlier releases13:42
cipherboy_locGirlyGirl: sorry, can't help you, not familiar with mics. Might you need drivers?13:42
cipherboy_loc(built in mics that is. I have a desktop)13:42
yagooGirlyGirl, sounds like you need to setup pulseaudio to handle a plugin13:43
GirlyGirlyagoo: It can't be a driver issue as it works with pulse uninstalled13:44
cipherboy_locHave to drop, sorry.13:44
yagooGirlyGirl, try looking into what i told ya13:45
yagooGirlyGirl, pulseaudio can be used as a "proxy" driver for other audio layers..13:46
yagooGirlyGirl, if you don't like pulseaudio... you should also setup ~/.asoundrc accordingly..13:46
yagoo(check how to make a default ~/.asoundrc online)13:46
GirlyGirlyagoo: Don't you think that the mic nopt working is because of a simple config problem13:47
yagooGirlyGirl, you should be able to test your mic with alsa utils..13:48
kblinhi folks, I've just installed a natty backport kernel for my lucid system hoping to fix a wireless driver issue13:49
kblinnow my dkms module for the graphics card refuses to build13:49
kblinany goo dway to fix that?13:49
GirlyGirlyagoo: The mic works with alsa and without pulseaudio13:50
GirlyGirlyagoo: Its only that once pulseaudio is installed it stops13:50
yagooGirlyGirl, i'm too lazy.. i just got the first result on this.. http://www.blog.arun-prabha.com/2008/05/23/skype-microphone-problem-and-complete-pulse-audio-setup-in-ubuntu/13:51
yagoowhat i've been telling ya..13:51
yagoopulseaudio plugins and ~/.asoundrc13:51
yagoodunno if ~/.asoundrc still applies to oneiric however.. don't see why it shouldn't..13:52
Naked89Is linuxmint12 released?13:53
yagooGirlyGirl, can't say those are the exact steps on that webpage.. but i hope that should give the general idea..13:53
automagicHi. I have a question regarding the definitions of the term "hostname" and the (maybe less precisely defined) term "computer name". Given a computer named xyz and bound to a domain name xyz.abc.com is it correct to say that the _hostname_ of the computer is xyz.abc.com and the _computer_name_ is xyz ?13:54
yagooautomagic, hostname is fine.13:54
BluesKajyagoo, ~/.asoundrc does , i use it for my pci m-audio soundcard13:54
badosuhello, im having a little trouble trying to raise the number of sockets, can somebody help me?13:54
capcookhello emmabottolo13:54
badosui set the ulimit through /etc/security/limits.conf but it still stops at 102413:55
automagicThe term hostname seems to be used for both xyz and xyz.abc.com, and I have to have terms for xyz and xyz.abc.com, which wouldn't be interchangable.13:55
yagooautomagic, fqdn hostname vs hostname13:56
yagoopfff :)13:56
automagicyagoo: I guess that will have to do. Thanks.13:56
fragyHi. I have 64-bit linux. How can I install 32-bit SDL libraries?13:58
dbolser_I'm mounting a samba share like this "nautilus --no-desktop smb://..."13:59
dbolser_where is that actually mounted?14:00
dbolser_i.e. so I can see teh files with a terminal14:00
yagoodbolser_, look into dbus stuff14:00
jussidbolser_: I am by no means sure, but Id hazard a wild guess to /media/14:00
yagoodbolser_, and stuff related to gvfs14:00
dbolser_jussi: checked the usual places14:00
dbolser_including df14:00
dbolser_yagoo: what is that going to tell me?14:01
jussidbolser_: heh, strange.14:01
yagoodbolser_, that will tell you where to look.. use "apropos dbus"14:01
BluesKajdbolser_, ssh perhaps14:01
kblindbolser_: gnome mounts locally14:01
dbolser_i.e. can I or can't I see it from the cli when mounted through nautilus?14:01
dbolser_ty yagoo14:01
geirhadbolser_: ~/.gvfs/14:01
kblindbolser_: per user14:01
kblindbolser_: what geirha said14:01
dbolser_BluesKaj: I want to run emacs locally, so I don't want to ssh14:01
dbolser_ty geirha14:02
BluesKajdbolser_, ok14:02
dbolser_is the bug in gnome-terminal fixed to let me use ctrl-f/b to move around?14:02
dbolser_currently it calls up the menu, which I don't want14:02
dbolser_(even when I 'untick' show menubar14:03
=== Mud is now known as Guest45138
qmr_anyone here had success with steam / steam games?14:06
qmr_I have the steam client installed... dunno if the games I want to play will work or not though..14:07
dbolser_thanks all14:07
=== k3Rn_ is now known as k3rn
jribdbolser_: try and see?  Or check the bug report at bugs.ubuntu.com?  Have you tried disabling menu accelerators?  What about checking for keyboard shortcuts inside gnome-terminal itself?  Why not just use a different terminal emulator like urxvt for example?14:07
Anomie211Can anyone tell me why this is happening? :  http://i.imgur.com/9FdRA.png14:09
auronandaceAnomie211: looks like you are trying to highlight something14:11
Anomie211auronandace: Yeah but it just pops up randomly sometimes and won't go away14:11
GirlyGirlyagoo: Seems to be a funny bug .. if I disable the right mic completely, the left works14:12
mikubuntui don't know how to install the software for this worldwide community project, i wonder if some of the ops could look at it and see if someone would like to do a community page about it http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/14:13
gomoI'm using UFW14:14
gomoAnd it's blocking packets it shouldn't14:14
gomoI'm seeing [UFW BLOCKED] logs that match exactly the "allow" rule14:14
gomoIs there any common reason this might happen?14:15
sKeithsmy machine wont boot. after grub, i get [  0.666460] kernel panic - not syncing: VFS Unable to mount root fs on unknown block (0,0)14:15
auronandaceAnomie211: using a touchpad?14:15
Anomie211auronandace: nope14:17
=== carlos is now known as Guest68306
sKeithsi have no idea what to do next, any help14:18
auronandaceAnomie211: just a regular mouse?14:18
Anomie211auronandace: yep14:18
auronandaceAnomie211: odd14:18
Anomie211auronandace: I use the alt/ctrl+tab short cuts a lot though and that seems to trigger it14:18
azeryhello there14:19
azeryis it possible to select word from terminal w/o using the mouse ?14:19
UrbanShamanazery: what are you trying to accomplish?14:20
DemonWitchis it a good idea to use 64bit square flash on ubuntu rather than the default package?14:20
azeryjust need to select14:20
azeryfor ls -l14:20
=== Guest9876 is now known as Ethek
azeryfor example i just like to select ls -l14:21
DemonWitchsomeone tell me14:21
subb1hello everyone. i had an error on mounting ntfs partition on ubuntu.. after reading the error a tech here advised me to run check disk from windows first.14:21
szalDemonWitch: Square is outdated, Flash 11 has a native 64bit version14:21
azeryto copy then paste without using the mouse14:21
azerypossible ?14:21
DemonWitchszal: is this the default flash in 64bit 10.10 ubuntu?14:21
UrbanShamanavery: you could use tab to autocomplete..14:21
subb1But when I connected the external HDD on windows, the partition is not coming up on my computer14:21
DemonWitchszal: i installed a flash from package manager14:21
subb1how do i run a check disk then?14:22
azeryhow to select ls -l14:22
szal!caps | azery14:22
ubottuazery: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.14:22
azeryfor example t14:22
sKeithsi think do-release-upgrade may have created a new kernel thats not booting. how do i boot my old kernel?14:22
azeryhow to select ls -l for example without using the mouse from terminal14:22
azeryhow to do ?14:23
azerythat's all nothing related with tab for autocomplete14:23
MonkeyDust!repeat| azery14:23
ubottuazery: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:23
xanguasKeiths: press Shift when you turn on your pc to show Grub menu14:23
azeryit 's question of selection not autocompleting14:23
DemonWitchRAGE MOAR szal YOU SON OF A BITCH14:23
=== ermo^ is now known as ermo
KhasI'm trying to create a bridge interface to use layer 2 openvpn, but I'm having trouble creating it.  I've got eth0, and I've defined br0, and br0 ifups, but when it does the SSH connection (in fact every connection to the server) drops.14:24
KhasCan anyone help?14:24
azerydo you get ?14:24
UrbanShamanazery: What do you need the selection to do? I do not know a way to do copy/paste stuff in terminal with keyboard, but that is mainly as I have not ever needed to.14:24
enigma456hello .  have problem ...   >>       su14:25
enigma456Cannot execute exit: No such file or directory14:25
llutzenigma456: use sudo14:25
enigma456dosn't work14:25
enigma456i try to fix that  5 h14:26
Robson9776hello, can I post a question here? am I interrupting?14:26
UrbanShamanazery: so my question is: what do you want to do with the selection?14:26
szal!ask | Robson977614:26
ubottuRobson9776: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:26
enigma456sudo -s     but this one is diferent  root14:26
UrbanShamanRobson9776: Just go ahead and ask14:26
Robson9776thanks. I found a strange symbol when I use 'ls - a' to see what's in my directory14:27
enigma456 su14:27
enigma456Cannot execute exit: No such file or directory14:27
enigma456is like14:27
FloodBot1enigma456: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:27
Robson9776there's a file named #gamm0114:27
enigma456execute exit14:27
Sidewinder1!enter | enigma45614:27
ubottuenigma456: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:27
Robson9776what kind of file started with hash (#) ?14:27
Myrttienigma456: su is not supposed to work anyway14:28
Myrttienigma456: use sudo14:28
sKeithsmy root is at /dev/mapper/here-root on type ext3. in recovery mode it says cannot open "mapper/here-root"14:29
MonkeyDustsu means switch user, not super user14:29
zykotick9Robson9776, i don't think there is any "standard", or general rule, for files starting with a #14:29
Sidewinder1Myrtti, Just out of curiousity, doesn't sudo stand for Super-User Do?14:30
Robson9776zykotick9 : well, here's what I have : ls -a gammu-smsd/ .          ..       gammu01  gammu03  gammu05  gammu07  gammu09  gammu11  gammu13  gammu15  gammu17  gammu19  gammu21  gammu23  on .#gammu01  gammu00  gammu02  gammu04  gammu06  gammu08  gammu10  gammu12  gammu14  gammu16  gammu18  gammu20  gammu22  gammu2414:30
Sidewinder1!pastebin | Robson977614:31
ubottuRobson9776: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:31
zykotick9Sidewinder1, from "man sudo" the only mention of super is: sudo allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user14:31
MyrttiSidewinder1: possibly. it can be used to be another user as well.14:31
Tindoanyone know anything about conky?14:31
Robson9776ubottu : thanks. will do...14:31
ubottuRobson9776: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:31
bazhangTindo, whats the real question14:31
VictorCLI installed this application called rabbitvcs .. and now  Icant find it !!14:31
VictorCLhow can I check whre is it?14:32
Tindothe real question is i have it up and running but i dont know how to edit the scripts to customize it14:32
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867076 Tindo this may help14:32
MonkeyDustVictorCL  try locate rabbitvcs14:32
morizvictor: which rabbitvcs14:32
zykotick9Robson9776, the # file actually starts with a . meaning it's a hidden file - no idea what gammu-smsd is.14:32
Sidewinder1Myrtti, zykotick9, Thanks; I guess that the "other" user, in that case is root..14:32
harsh343Hello all what does this command do sudo chown -R volition:volition /var/www ??????????????????14:32
MonkeyDustgammu is a mobile phone app14:32
llutzharsh343: "man chown" tells you what this does14:33
zykotick9Sidewinder1, "other" is the quote i have you means any user other the system, "other" then root (super user)14:33
DeadKingsAnyone feel like hand holding a complete nOOb through a package install. I need to install crafty 23.4 to a specific Dir and am clueless14:33
theadminharsh343: Sets the owner and the group of /var/www to "volition".14:33
VictorCLlocate rabbitvcs return nothing14:33
zykotick9Sidewinder1, sudo is "switch user do"14:33
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:33
harsh343theadmin, ok and if i am using this then sudo chown -R root:root /var/www14:33
sKeithsi have read somewhere that if i add " rootdelay=10 " it might work. can anyone suggest how i add this14:33
Robson9776zykotick9 : it's my file. just confuse with the # sign. shouldn't be started with dot (.) if it's a hidden file?14:33
theadminharsh343: I suppose, that'd set it to root14:34
zykotick9Robson9776, yes a . means a hidden file - but the # doesn't really mean anything14:34
harsh343theadmin, ok and i am using this in ssh@ip then ?14:34
morizvictor, have you tried: which rabbitvcs14:34
theadminharsh343: Why would you care about whether it's a local or remote machine? Same effect either way...14:34
MonkeyDustRobson9776  use less to see what's in the file14:34
Robson9776zykotcik9 : ok, I will delete it. thanks for your info14:35
harsh343theadmin, ok14:35
morizso thats where it is14:35
=== flatline_ is now known as flatline
Robson9776MonkeyDust : I have 'mc' here ;-)14:35
zykotick9!tab > Robson977614:35
ubottuRobson9776, please see my private message14:35
MonkeyDustmc is midnight commander, what about it?14:35
enigma456still can't login  with su  to be root14:36
zykotick9enigma456, don't14:36
theadminenigma456: Not possible on Ubuntu, use "sudo -i"14:36
szalenigma456: you're not listening..  don't use 'su', use 'sudo'14:36
MonkeyDustenigma456  don't try to be root if you don't know what you"re doing14:36
Myrttienigma456: use sudo14:36
Robson9776MonkeyDust: I prefer to use it. instead of 'less'14:37
enigma456ok wait :)14:37
MonkeyDustRobson9776  F3 to read the file14:37
Robson9776MonkeyDust: sure.14:37
Sidewinder1!root > enigma45614:37
ubottuenigma456, please see my private message14:37
enigma456when i type sudo -i   i got                sudo: shell: command not found14:38
MonkeyDustenigma456  don't try to be root if you don't know what you"re doing14:38
enigma456i'm learning adminoistration so i nead that14:38
MonkeyDustwhich is obviously the case14:39
* Sidewinder1 Sighs..14:39
enigma456monkey dust jus give me answer or maybe you dinn't know14:39
theadminenigma456: You were given the answer, you're not doing it right though14:40
tyrael2210hello everyone14:40
DeadKingsAnyone feel like hand holding a complete nOOb through a package install. I need to install crafty 23.4 in a specific and am clueless14:40
MonkeyDustenigma456  i do not advice root questions to newbies14:40
* Sidewinder1 Is now waiting for some 'wise-acre', to chime in with the ar em, stuff..14:40
harsh343theadmin, there ?14:40
theadminharsh343: Yes?14:41
Robson9776is there someone who ever done dealing with 'gammu' that I can start 'private message' with? thanks.14:41
tyrael2210i have a problem with ubuntu 11.10 and ati driver, after installing and reboot the monitor is black with the vritten "resolution not supported"14:41
xangua!pm | Robson977614:41
ubottuRobson9776: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.14:41
enigma456sudo: shell: command not found14:41
enigma456           o got just that when i type what you tell me14:41
xanguaenigma456: because there is no shell comand¿14:42
tyrael2210any suggestions?14:42
auronandaceenigma456: what are you trying to do, you seem confused14:43
enigma456and how to fix14:43
enigma456because u know the coomand sudo -i is14:43
zykotick9xangua, i interpret that error to mean that something is wrong (already) with the OP's /etc/shells or perhaps they've removed bash?14:43
enigma456i spend a lot of time to fix that ,, read forums everything but nothing is look like nead to fix something somethere14:45
Anomie211Whats everyones fav FTP client?14:45
zykotick9!polls > Anomie21114:45
ubottuAnomie211, please see my private message14:45
harsh343theadmin, can You please explain this http://pastebin.com/JJPFhpVQ14:46
btechiefilezilla is nice ftp client if you dual boot14:46
Anomie211Ah there's a ubuntu version of filezilla? sweet14:46
theadminharsh343: err... So what do you want me to explain?14:46
harsh343theadmin,-rwxr-xr-x 1 www-data root      168 Oct  7 12:11 phpinfo.php14:47
harsh343 single line means14:47
theadminharsh343: ...still don't understand what's not clear here14:47
llutzharsh343: http://www.columbia.edu/acis/webdev/chmod.html14:47
harsh343theadmin, www have permissions ???? for14:48
theadminharsh343: www-data is the owner of this file.14:48
harsh343and what is the effect of this command here sudo chown -R root:root /var/www14:49
theadminharsh343: Told you before... It changes the owner and group to root14:49
harsh343theadmin, when i apply this command thenafter owner is root only14:50
harsh343not the data14:50
theadminharsh343: Probably you have no rights to run this command, or /var/www is on a weird partition.14:50
harsh343theadmin, why i am not able to run this command14:51
sKeithsokay, so my problem is booting a partition inside an lvm after upgrading from hardy lts to lucid lts.14:51
theadminharsh343: I just explained.14:51
harsh343theadmin, but i am able to run this command14:52
harsh343thenafter owner is who root or root data14:52
faminegodhow do I remove a dpkg that I manually installed?14:52
llutz!permissions | harsh343 you should start to read a little bit14:52
ubottuharsh343 you should start to read a little bit: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions14:52
llutzfaminegod: sudo dpkg -r package14:53
DeadKingsokay easy 1 were do apps install to and how can i get to the folder?14:53
the_dude_i want to write kernel14:53
harsh343theadmin, ok14:53
theadmin!ping | the_dude_14:53
ubottuthe_dude_: another contentless ping... sigh...14:53
* ede Ping | Could not be resolved to an IP address14:53
harsh343theadmin, thanks14:53
theadmin!packages | DeadKings14:54
ubottuDeadKings: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!14:54
theadminDeadKings: Linux does not *have* anything like "Program Files", the programs spread stuff all over the drive14:54
DeadKingsI need to install to a specific folder though,14:54
theadminDeadKings: That's most normally impossible.14:54
e01is it possible to run unity without unity launcher?14:55
theadminDeadKings: Unless you're compiling from source14:55
theadmine01: Huh? What's the point of that?14:55
MonkeyDustDeadKings  programs are found in /usr/bin/14:55
e01launcher is unusable for me, but i like the panel of the top, in ubuntu classic, the top panel is ugly14:55
DeadKingshow to get to /usr/bin/  from terminal, this confuses me as I can't get past the home dir14:56
void_cd /usr/bin14:56
DeadKingsthanks I'll try14:56
auronandaceDeadKings: maybe you should tell us what you are trying to install14:57
DeadKingscrafty 23.4 chess engine14:57
linda_DeadKings,  Have you tried the package manager?14:57
DeadKingsI need it in a specific folder so a server can access it analyze14:57
bazhangDeadKings, its in repos install from there14:58
auronandace!info crafty | DeadKings14:58
nebajothctrl+alt+t keyboard shortcut not functional in gnome314:58
ubottuDeadKings: crafty (source: crafty): state-of-the-art chess engine, compatible with xboard. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 23.4-5ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 296 kB, installed size 1260 kB14:58
DeadKingsI actuall installed from the built in get app but it dissappered, i could not even find it to run14:58
auronandaceDeadKings: sudo apt-get install crafty14:58
DeadKingsyes thats the 1 i installed via the built in get app14:58
bazhangDeadKings, by built in get app you mean apt-get ?14:58
linda_DeadKings, What do you mean, it dissappeared?14:59
DeadKings. naw the GUI thingy14:59
BluesKajDeadKings, look in /home/yourusername/Downloads14:59
theadminDeadKings: The configs (and therefore games and such) will be stored separately somewhere under your user's folder14:59
enigma456is here  smart man?14:59
enigma456nead a simple help14:59
faminegodis there a way to add keyboard shortcuts to load programs in unity?14:59
bazhangenigma456, just ask14:59
theadminfaminegod: Search for the "Keyboard Shortcuts" app14:59
theadminfaminegod: Use that.14:59
KhasWhere's the best place to get help about configuring ubuntu server networking?15:00
KhasIs there a #ubuntu-server?15:00
enigma456so agen .....   su dosinn't work and  sudo  dosn't work  to try use superuser15:00
bazhangKhas, here or #ubuntu-server15:00
enigma456i sped f...  2 d to try fix that15:00
KhasThanks bazhang15:00
bazhang!work | enigma45615:00
ubottuenigma456: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.15:00
DeadKingsIf i do sudo apt-get install crafty will it install it to the folder were i issued the command15:00
auronandaceenigma456: have you been editing /etc/sudoers?15:00
faminegodtheadmin, i can only have find xfce-keyboard shortcuts...will that do?15:00
bazhangenigma456, no cursing here at all15:00
bazhangDeadKings, no15:01
DeadKings@linda I install teh package and I could not find it anyware  search just returned 'installed' and it does not show up it he desktop menu15:01
zykotick9DeadKings, the folder you run apt-get from, makes no difference.  The package itself dictates where it will install to15:01
dfgashow do i disable compiz?15:01
enigma456think no15:01
bazhangDeadKings, try alt f2 crafty15:01
DeadKingsdang this linux confuses me15:01
zykotick9dfgas, if you are using Unity (3d) you don't15:01
linda_DeadKings, Why?15:02
DeadKingsall i need is the bianary15:02
theadminDeadKings: The binary will be /usr/bin/crafty15:02
linda_DeadKings, You probably already have it.15:02
dfgaszykotick9, gnome15:02
DeadKingsWell I new to it and ther is no app menu or anything15:02
thisisspartaThe cursor doesn't change when I switch it in Natty Narwhal.15:02
bazhangDeadKings, then get it from packages.ubuntu.com15:02
nebajothDeadKings: dpkg -L crafty15:02
bazhangDeadKings, try alt f2 and appname to run it15:02
nebajothit will list all files installed by the package15:02
zykotick9dfgas, "metacity --replace" might work15:03
nebajothand where they were put15:03
DeadKingsOk i uninstall it let me reinstall brb15:03
zykotick9dfgas, that's only temporary15:03
linda_DeadKings, bazhang has made a suggestion.  Did you try it?15:03
nebajothenigma456: what is the error message you get when trying to run as superuser?15:03
DeadKingsrub  dpkg -L crafty?15:04
theadminzykotick9: "The package itself dictates where it will install to" << actually, that's false. All packages install to / whatsoever, it's just their contents differ.15:04
linda_DeadKings, But did you look in the start menu for it?15:04
bazhangDeadKings, alt f2 crafty15:04
enigma456su: Authentication failure15:04
DeadKingsthere is no start menu just a bunch of icons15:04
bazhangenigma456, use sudo15:04
nebajothenigma456: sudo su15:04
linda_DeadKings, Probably called xboard?15:04
theadminDeadKings: Enter it in the search and find it15:04
nebajothand use your login password, not what you set for the superuser15:04
linda_DeadKings, Click on the thing with the + on it.15:04
zykotick9nebajoth, don't give that incorrect information15:04
nebajothits not incorrect15:05
nebajothit works fine15:05
bazhangnebajoth, please dont advice that here. sudo -i for root shell15:05
linda_DeadKings, ... which is were you find programs to start.15:05
theadmin!worksforme | nebajoth15:05
ubottunebajoth: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/15:05
enigma456try  sudo su     i got    Cannot execute exit: No such file or directory15:05
linda_DeadKings, In the search box type xboard15:05
zykotick9!notroot > nebajoth15:05
theadminzykotick9: The factoid you want is "!rootsudo"15:06
theadmin!rootsudo | nebajoth15:06
ubottunebajoth: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:06
DeadKings:( I have no +     I used Ubuntu 1 other time and at the yop right of the bar across the top of screen there was a start menu  11.1 does not have that15:06
zykotick9!noroot > nebajoth15:06
ubottunebajoth, please see my private message15:06
zykotick9theadmin, close, but it's !noroot15:06
theadminzykotick9: Oh, I see.15:06
alexandros12i have this problem15:06
=== flatline_ is now known as flatline
ubottuLaunchpad bug 864155 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "Nonexistent VGA monitor detected on AMD A8-3850 / Asus F1A75-V PRO" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:06
alexandros12Could anyone help me plesae?15:06
nebajothnone of these factoids have any kind of rationalization15:07
linda_DeadKings, Or you can just Alt-F2  and type xboard  and hit enter.15:07
nebajothbut fine15:07
omabenahello ppl, I'm trying to share music with banshee and itunes, I installed a daap think but I get message about itunes 7 compatibility issues, I'm wondering if there's a workaround15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 864155 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "Nonexistent VGA monitor detected on AMD A8-3850 / Asus F1A75-V PRO" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:07
nebajothanyone have any idea for fixing ctrl+alt+t shortcut in gnome3/mutter?15:07
TK5791I'm finding Unity more than a little frustrating, should I a: stick with it. b: switch to another Linux OS c: revert back to Win Vista?15:08
alexandros12lol vista15:08
nebajothTK5791: theres another option15:08
theadminTK5791: d) Use another desktop environment, such as XFCE.15:08
DeadKingsI'm gonna install via the software center, than maybe you peeps can help me grab the binary15:08
MonkeyDustTK5791  i don't like it either, so i switched to a different fork15:08
nebajothTK5791: yes, try another desktop environment on ubuntu15:08
alexandros12could anyone help me???15:08
nebajothTK5791: I personally like gnome3 quite a bit15:08
TK5791how do I switch to another desktop enviroment?15:08
theadminTK5791: apt-get install the-name-of-the-one-you-choose15:08
nebajothTK5791: You can install Xubuntu if you don't mind installing from scratch15:08
TounsTK5791: load the old classical manager15:08
theadminTK5791: Try: sudo apt-get install xfce415:09
nebajothTK5791: apt-get install xubuntu-desktop15:09
nebajothTK5791: apt-get install lubuntu-desktop15:09
TK5791theadmin: thamlks15:09
nebajoth(for LXDE)15:09
theadminnebajoth: Not "xubuntu-desktop", you don't want all the default apps that come with it15:09
theadminnebajoth: xfce4 gives you a desktop without the mess15:09
nebajoththey make good default apps too15:10
theadminnebajoth: So does "lxde", "kde4", etc, the -desktop packages are... well, weird.15:10
nebajothwell, fair enough15:10
nebajothjust installing the xfce3 and lxde packages will probably give a cleaner ubuntu experience15:10
DeadKingsdarn okay I installed it and cannot find it again  alt f2  does nothing15:10
TK5791I'll give XFce4 a try15:11
nebajothDeadKings: dpkg -L crafty (at command line)15:11
bazhangalexandros12, fixing that bug? or what15:11
hemangpatelcan i install ubuntu in USB ?15:11
alexandros12i need help15:11
alexandros12i can't install ubutnu15:11
auronandace!usb | hemangpatel15:11
ubottuhemangpatel: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:11
alexandros12i get get black screen15:11
TK5791I've tried to disable the login keyring to no avail... someone must know how to rid me of this annoyance15:11
hemangpateli need to install ubuntu inside USB..15:12
bazhang!helpme | alexandros1215:12
ubottualexandros12: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:12
hemangpatelnot from USB..15:12
theadminTK5791: k, good luck15:12
nebajothhemangpatel: totally possible15:12
bazhanghemangpatel, flash stick? external usb drive or what15:12
nebajothhemangpatel: just pick the usb drive as the installation target during install15:12
hemangpatelflash drive15:12
theadminDeadKings: Yeah, that's the location, except you want it to be like: /usr/games/crafty15:12
Sidewinder1alexandros12,  If it's a confirmed bug, you have two choices: Wait until "they" fix it, or fix it yourself.. :-(15:12
TK5791ok, xfc4 has installed... do I just reboot?15:12
alexandros12yeah sure....15:13
bazhangTK5791, log out15:13
hemangpatelany partition needed in pendrive ?15:13
nebajothTK5791: that's the simple way. You can also just logout and pick the new desktop environment in the login screen.15:13
TK5791bazhang: thanks15:13
theadminTK5791: No need for that, lol, log out, hit the little gear thingo, select "XFCE" and log back in15:13
=== avernos_ is now known as avernos
DeadKingsIf i grab the binary and move it to another location will it still work?15:13
theadminDeadKings: Of course not.15:13
nebajothhemangpatel: have the installer partition the usb drive as usual15:13
bazhangDeadKings, why would you want to do that15:13
nebajothDeadKings: you shouldn't need to move it15:13
DeadKings:(  I need the binary in a different folder15:13
nebajothDeadKings: Why?15:14
auronandaceDeadKings: why15:14
DeadKingsSo a server can access it15:14
bazhangDeadKings, why do you need it in a different folder15:14
MonkeyDustDeadKings  try making a link15:14
nebajothDeadKings: the server can access it in /usr/bin15:14
nebajothDeadKings: you may have to reconfigure it15:14
nebajothDeadKings: or try a symbolic link as bazhang suggested15:14
TK5791does anyone know how to disable the login keyring?15:17
theadminTK5791: You can't really disable it, but you can set it to have no password15:18
zykotick9TK5791, sure, disable autologin is one way.15:18
TK5791theadmin: sounds promising15:18
theadminTK5791: Just use seahorse15:18
TK5791if I set no password, will it still appear?15:18
TK5791everytime I login?15:19
theadminTK5791: No, it won't appear, and yes, seahorse.15:19
DeadKingsokay dir from games shows a crafty folder but cd crafty returns Not a directory15:19
theadminTK5791: It's an app that comes preinstalled15:19
theadminDeadKings: Then it's not a folder.15:19
theadminDeadKings: It's a file, binary to be precise.15:20
TK5791ok... my windows key won't work in xfc4, so how do I find Seahorse?15:20
DeadKingsok  ./crafty  to exicute15:20
DeadKingsI would like to copy that file to /home/bots/crafty  anyone give the command please15:21
TK5791theadmin: I simply deleted it... would that be right?15:21
DeadKingsbeen since dos 3.1 that i worked the command line :)15:21
fornixon my hp laptop, when i change brightness of the screen using the function keys, it sets. When I reset my machine, my brightness goes back to being very dim. Doesn't it persist between reboots?15:21
theadminTK5791: Deleted what?15:22
theadminfornix: Yeah, I found that it doesn't15:22
fornixtheadmin: is it the intended behavior??15:22
TK5791theadmin: in seahorses, it has one login keyring... it wouldn't let me modify it, only delete it15:22
theadminTK5791: I see, hm, not even change the password?15:23
theadminfornix: I think... For me it resets to maximal on every boot, lol15:23
TK5791theadmin: not even change it... will deleting cause a problem15:23
theadminTK5791: Nah, it will get recreated but you'll lose all saved passwords from gnome apps15:23
famgodis there anyway to get rid of the graphical corrution when your running a composition manager and then run a full screen game (the game has really really bad corrution (turning off compositing fixes this, but I dont want to always logout/stop what im doing if I decide to play a game (vid card is radeon mobility 5650)15:23
TK5791theadmin: it will get reactivated... so deleting it hasn't changed a thing?15:24
theadminTK5791: Well... it should have15:24
TK5791ok... I'll log out and back in again15:24
theadminfamgod: Write a script that will do, basically, the following: metacity --replace && yourgame && compiz --replace, it will disable compositing while the game is running, and use that script to start your game15:25
TK5791theadmin: so far so good15:26
CaptainKnotsdoes anyone know of a good cad program for ubuntu?15:26
milamberCaptainKnots: what kind of cad?15:27
CaptainKnotssimilar to autocad15:27
auronandace!info qcad | CaptainKnots15:27
ubottuCaptainKnots: qcad (source: qcad): professional CAD system. In component universe, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 1228 kB, installed size 3856 kB15:27
TK5791now to my next problem. the IRC contact list has disappeared since I switched to xf4c15:27
CaptainKnotsI'm going to map out furniture placement for when I move15:27
TK5791anyone know why?15:27
famgodtheadmin, alright thanks, i should have thought of that :P15:27
milamberCaptainKnots: check out qcad for 2d and brlcad for solid geo15:27
CaptainKnotsalso, any useful repos I should add to a new kubuntu 11.10 install?15:28
theadminCaptainKnots: medibuntu probably15:28
scalability-junkhey guys is there any per connection limit with bandwidth in ubuntu by default?15:28
omabenahello ppl, I'm trying to share music with banshee and itunes, I installed a daap plugin but I get this message about itunes 7 compatibility issues, so any of you guys know if there's a workaround for sharing with itunes15:28
theadminscalability-junk: No, Ubuntu doesn't limit anything by default.15:29
* scalability-junk is confused ;) apache isn't limiting, ubuntu isn't, but why is it limited ;)15:29
theadminscalability-junk: If you have slow internet on Ubuntu but it works "fine" on Windows, try disabling IPv6 in your connection properties.15:29
solofightpeople how do i clear the history which appears when i hit Alt+F2 and type some application name ?15:29
e01theadmin, expects the usability :D (rofl)15:29
theadmine01: ?15:29
scalability-junktheadmin: no it's 1MB/s with one connection, but it goes up to 20MB/s with 20 connections15:30
theadminscalability-junk: Oh, uh... Okay, weird.15:30
exploitsls -la15:30
_rubencould be tcp window scaling related15:30
capcookexploits: ls -la ?!?! ahaha :)15:30
fornixscalability-junk: r u using pppoe?15:31
scalability-junktheadmin: yeah I thought it could be my network, but wget and is fine with 20MB/s on one conncetion15:31
TK5791sorry had to log out15:31
solofightpeople how do i clear the history which appears when i hit Alt+F2 and type some application name ?15:31
scalability-junkfornix: not that I think i do15:31
TK5791so does anyone know what since I switched to XFc4 that my #Ubuntu contact list has disappeared?15:32
fornixscalability-junk: how do you connect to 20 connections? using 20 virtual ethernet adapters?15:32
admin1list grazie15:32
auronandace!list | admin115:33
ubottuadmin1: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:33
scalability-junkstrange I dive a bit deeper and when I know more come back thanks for your suggestions15:34
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:34
capcookwhoa ubottu is a bot15:35
theadmincapcook: Yes, she is15:35
theadmin!gender | capcook15:35
ubottucapcook: yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)15:35
capcooklemme try15:36
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)15:36
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!15:36
auronandace!botabuse | capcook15:36
ubottucapcook: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:36
BluesKajcapcook, what italian site/magazine has suggested that ubuntu is a media serve chatroom?15:37
Sidewinder1BluesKaj, Mornin'!15:37
BluesKajHi Sidewinder115:38
capcookBluesKaj, i don't know.15:38
capcooki really don't read magazines15:38
mathewswhy my system not showing in the network?15:40
capcooki think this bot is really funny15:40
wolterwhere are display and screen settings stored in one's home directory or session configuration?15:40
theadminwolter: Most probably in GNOME's settings, i.e. dconf15:41
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:41
Sidewinder1capcook, You could also "open a private window/chat" with ubottu.15:41
mathewswhy my system not showing in the network15:41
capcooki know15:41
ActionParsnipwolter: which gpu/15:41
wolterActionParsnip: nvidia15:41
ActionParsnipmathews: wired or wireless?15:41
capcooki only wanted to share this funny thing15:41
wolterActionParsnip: my session has the resolution messed up, but the guest session has the correct resolution15:41
ActionParsnipwolter: I believe in ~/.nvidiarc   there is a hidden nvidia file15:41
mathewsActionParsnip, wireless15:42
Sidewinder1!ot > capcook15:42
ubottucapcook, please see my private message15:42
VanMarcohey guys15:42
wil2I don't suppose anyone can help me with a weird SSH rebinding issue after IP change? - http://askubuntu.com/questions/82280/how-do-i-get-ssh-to-listen-on-a-new-ip-without-restarting-the-machine15:42
ActionParsnipwolter: wolter: you can run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig; gksudo nvidia-settings    and then save the setting to xorg.conf15:42
ActionParsnipmathews: ok, which wifi chip?15:42
ActionParsniphi VanMarco15:42
wolterActionParsnip: but wouldn't that be system-wide?15:43
wolterwhere should the guest session "home" files be?15:43
mathewsActionParsnip, all other system running with windows showing in the list but system not15:43
VanMarcoi've got a trouble15:43
capcookSidewinder1: ok, i'll stop...15:43
theadminwolter: They're deleted after logout, and are therefore stored somewhere under /tmp15:43
VanMarcoyesterday trying to clean the obstructed fan15:43
VanMarcoi may have damaged something.15:44
mathewsActionParsnip, is it normal or any issue with it?15:44
VanMarcoNow the fan spin always, even if the temp is 41° F and it sends out cold air15:44
VanMarcothe computer's temp15:44
theadminVanMarco: Try ##hardware, this isn't Ubuntu-related...15:44
linda_VanMarco, YOu damaged ubuntu?15:44
VanMarcoThat is ubuntu related15:44
VanMarcobecause i need something via software to slow them down :)15:44
Sidewinder1capcook, Just some friendly advice; I know, I know, my advice is worth exactly what I charge for it. :-)15:44
ActionParsnipmathews: you just dont have the driver configured for the wifi chip15:45
ActionParsnipmathews: which wifi chip do you use?15:45
mathewsActionParsnip, atheros15:45
ActionParsnipmathews: ok, which atheros?15:45
johndbrittonI'm running 11.04 and trying to set my hostname. I've set it in /etc/hostname and edited /etc/hosts, but when I restart the hostname doesn't "stick" If I run the hostname command it only stays until a reboot. Any suggestions?15:46
jasonbassettMy Ubunti 11.10 machine is not restarting or shutting down, simply ends with the message "System halted"15:46
ActionParsnipmathews: can you run:  sudo lshw -C network      and give the product line of the wifi15:46
ActionParsnipjasonbassett: if you run: sudo shutdown -h now      does it turn off?15:46
linda_I just encountered an interesting phenomenon.  Xchat automatically joined #debian instead of #ubuntu   Now why would it start doing that all of a sudden?15:47
wolterthere is no search tool in dconf is there?15:47
jasonbassetti have tried altering grub acpi=force as suggested on various websites15:47
zykotick9linda_, because ubuntu doesn't modify the debian upstream version of xchat15:47
ActionParsniplinda_: what is the outut of:  lsb_release -sc15:47
jasonbassettall latest updates are installed15:47
ActionParsnipjasonbassett: do you have the latest BIOS?15:48
Sorikanis "find -cmin +10 -iname *.mov" the proper find syntax to find files that have NOT been modified in the last 10 minutes? Thanks!15:48
zykotick9ActionParsnip, it's normal - #debian was trying to figure out ways to sort out if it's actually a debian distro or a derivative distro - they didn't find one yet15:48
desturrrhey everyone, i was wondering if anyone can suggest me a project man. system like jira but open source15:48
jasonbassettPerhaps not, I will check.  It is a brand new Dell inspiron15:48
ActionParsnipzykotick9: gotcha15:48
ActionParsnipjasonbassett: doesn't matter, there could have been a new BIOS released yesterday with ACPI fixes,so newness is irrelevant15:49
jasonbassettrighto, away from machine at moment so will try tomorrow, cheers15:49
void_is there any tool to search file contents from terminal?15:49
ActionParsnipvoid_: grep15:49
ActionParsnipvoid_: grep search file15:50
secretrobotronhi all. anybody have experience launching a firefox nightly from the unity launcher?15:50
ActionParsnipvoid-or:   grep -R search /path/to/folder       to search all the files in 'folder' and below, for 'search'15:50
void_ActionParnsip: thanks a lot. It works!15:50
ActionParsnipvoid_: grep is VERY powerful15:51
ActionParsnipvoid_: you can invert grep with:  grep -v search file15:51
jigspanhow to set up snort on ubuntu 11.10 i386?15:51
void_ActionParnsip: it's interesting... yeah, i see... it's really powerfull15:52
ActionParsnipjigspan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SnortIDS15:53
ActionParsnipvoid_: you can even pipe the results of grep to other commands :)15:53
bullgard4[T61] After a dist-upgrade there is no sound output. Banshee shows a progress bar progressing when playing a music piece though . alsamixer does not show »Headphone« and »Speaker« sliders, it shows only "00" at their bottom. '~$ aplay /usr/share/sounds/gnome/default/alerts/bark.ogg; Playing raw data '/usr/share/sounds/gnome/default/alerts/bark.ogg' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono'...15:53
bullgard4...but I...15:53
bullgard4...do not hear a sound. What's wrong?15:53
mikeconceptsLD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype  this is what I found related to needing v4l to have my Intel CS300 webcam in skype, but don't know package to install15:53
ActionParsnip!find v4l1compat.so15:54
ubottuFile v4l1compat.so found in ia32-libs, libv4l-015:54
ActionParsnipmikeconcepts: libv4l-015:54
mikeconceptsthanks ActionParsnip15:54
theadminmikeconcepts: In the future, use apt-file to search for files in packages15:54
jigspanactionparnsip:we had interaction on launchpad15:54
mikeconceptsthanks theadmin15:55
jigspani have asked shutdown problem and thanks for ur help15:55
theadminbullgard4: Is pulseaudio even running?15:55
XaXoXhello everyone, is there a termina command to know whether i'm running on nouveau nvidia drivers or nvidia restricted current drivers? Thank you very much15:56
theadminXaXoX: lsmod | grep nvidia15:56
=== betim_ is now known as betim
jigspanbut my problem still exist15:56
theadminXaXoX: And, well, lsmod | grep nouveau15:56
linda_XaXoX: ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:56
linda_XaXoX: if /etc/X11/xorg.conf is present, you have restricted driver15:57
theadminlinda_: Not neccessarily true, actuallly15:57
linda_XaXoX: grep nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:58
XaXoXthank you guys!15:58
XaXoXlsmod  | grep nvidia gives out "nvidia              11713772  0 "15:58
XaXoXlsmod | grep nouveau gives out nothing15:58
XaXoXi don't have a xorg.conf15:58
FloodBot1XaXoX: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:58
bullgard4theadmin: How to check if pulseaudio is running? The dialog window "Sound" > Hardware shows an entry "Internal Audio".15:58
theadminbullgard4: Um, pgrep pulseaudio15:59
linda_So  lsmod  | grep nvidia   is the way to find out.  Ok. Thanks for the correction.15:59
rensonhi, my laptop can't start aptitude.15:59
XaXoXso with lsmod grep nvidia i'm sure that i'm running on nvidia restricted, right?15:59
linda_renson: Prolly not installed.15:59
linda_XaXoX: yes16:00
bullgard4theadmin: '~$ prep audio; 638; 1713'.16:00
rensongiving this message: Bus errordependency tree16:00
linda_renson: aptitude is not installed by default.  (It is not needed.  apt does all you need.)16:00
bullgard4theadmin: '~$ prep pulseaudio; 1713'.16:00
Anomie211Is anyone aware if iPhone 4 usb tethering works out the box in 11.10? It doesnt work in 11.04 but I read a forum post that said 11.10 fixes this...16:00
theadminbullgard4: Okay, it is running, hm, weird.16:00
XaXoXthank you, you are very kind16:00
XaXoXhave a nice day16:01
nvzis natty 10.04? cause I thought that was lucid...16:02
nvzI thought natty was 11.04, and 11.10 was mavrick16:03
brondyis there an idiots guide to wpa2 used with a ported wireless router?16:03
llutz10.10 is maverick16:03
theadminnvz: Maverick is 10.10, Natty is 11.04, 11.10 is Oneric16:03
jigspancan anyone explain how to find out shut down problem?16:03
brondyand how to set up the radius server is the key i guess16:03
Flynsarmyin my list of startup applications i have one called 'caribou'. is it necessary if i don't use an on screen keyboard?16:03
nvztheadmin: ok, well I want natty on my thumbdrive and I can't find it anywhere.. unetbootin goes to 10.04 wich is what I had on there, and the site only shows 11.10 and 10.04 for download16:03
rensoni installed it but don't know why stopped working?16:04
nvztheadmin: could you give me any advice on how to get natty?16:04
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110416:05
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)16:05
nvznatty is what I am currently deploying and supporting, but I keep having to install 10.04 and then upgrade cause I can't find natty16:05
nvzalright that works I guess, should be able to strap that desktop image with unetbootin I guess16:06
ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: if you don't need it, remove it16:06
nvzubuntu releases are confusing to me...16:06
ActionParsnipnvz: if you forget the names and use numbers, its easier16:06
ActionParsnipnvz: what release are you on now :)16:07
nvzwell with 10.04 11.04 and 10.11 they all look so similar its hard to keep track of as a debian user who is used to a simple and slow release cycle16:07
ActionParsnipnvz: you'll need to upgrade to 10.10 then 11.0416:07
nvzActionParsnip: I am using natty on here.. but as I said thumbdrive had lucid and have to upgrade to natty16:08
nvzI am not ready to support nor do I forsee ever supporting 11.10 cause the gnome 3 transition is horridly broken16:08
nvzunless you want to use unity which is disgusting16:08
ActionParsnipnvz: if you boot to the thumb drive, you can grab the 10.10 alternate ISO and upgrade to 10.10, then repeat to 11.0416:09
ActionParsnipnvz: you can use gnome3 without unity16:09
ActionParsnipnvz: unity is only a shell16:09
nvzActionParsnip: I'm just directly downloading the 11.04 desktop iso then gonna use unetbootin to strap it16:09
jigspanActionParsnip: snort manual u mantion is for 9.04(jaunty) is there difference for 11.10?16:09
ActionParsnipjigspan: I'd imaging it is largely unchanged, could ask in #snort16:09
ActionParsnipnvz: if you wait til April next year you can upgrade to 12.04 in one leap as it is LTS to LTS upgrade16:10
nvzActionParsnip: yes but I tested 11.10 recently.. about a week or so ago.. tried installing classic gnome and can't list on a single sheet of paper all the ways its broken.. cant modify the gnome panels at all, right clickign them does nothing..etc.. tons of little bugs16:10
ActionParsnipnvz: you can use xfce in oneiric and it will smell and run like Gnome216:11
nvzActionParsnip: I don't want it to smell like it, I want it to be a fully working gnome.. heh16:11
ActionParsnipnvz: Gnome2 is dead16:11
ActionParsniphi edbian16:11
tzangergood morning.. I'm having some trouble getting grub installed on a software raid1. md0 is my root fs (ext4), md1 is data (also ext4). grub-install doesn't like it, running grub and saying "root (hd0,0)" doesn't print the filesystem type, and then "setup (hd0)" claims it can't mount hte partition.16:11
Weedwho you from16:11
nvzActionParsnip: I still use it, and I will use gnome 3 when its ready16:11
deej1976!ubuntu | weed16:12
ubottuweed: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com16:12
tzangeris this expected behaviour? googling has a plethora of help but all for ext2 it seems (which suggests that grub "just works" with a software raid1 setup16:12
ActionParsniptzanger: you can boot to liveCD/USB and reinstate grub2, may help16:12
tzangerActionParsnip: that's exactly what I'm doing16:12
tzangerI've got a livecd booted, got mdadm showing the RAID arrays, grub refuses to install16:12
AfterGlow-WFHdoes anyone know how to preseed the installer to either not install updates or how to change the security_path to something other than /ubuntu ?16:12
ActionParsniptzanger: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video/16:13
Sorikanis "find -cmin +10 -iname *.mov" the proper find syntax to find files that have NOT been modified in the last 10 minutes? Thanks!16:13
tzangermounted /dev/md0 to /mnt/hd just fine. grub-install --root-device=/mnt/hd /dev/sda shows that grub can't dump the stage1 file because it can't mount the partition16:13
jigspanActionParsnip: no one is available on #snort to chat16:14
nvzew... I'd never put /boot on a raid.. thats just asking for trouble IMHO16:14
tzangerActionParsnip: again, I've got usb stick booted. I've got my raid arrays set up and mounted. grub-install can't install grub because it says it cannot mount the partition (hd0,0) which is an ext4 partition16:14
llutzSorikan: rather -mmin than -cmin16:14
UncleTunais there an ubuntu for newbs website?  I'd like to read up on a few things that aren't discussed at ubuntu.com16:15
ActionParsniptzanger: i've not used softraid in linux, sorry16:15
tzangerfrom grub: dump (hd0,0)/boot/grub/stage1 /tmp/foo says "cannot mount selected partition"16:15
milamber!manual | UncleTuna16:15
ubottuUncleTuna: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:15
ActionParsnipUncleTuna: www.omgubuntu.co.uk16:15
UncleTunanice. thanks16:15
AfterGlow-WFHtzanger: I have half an idea I have seen a bug open about that but I can't be more specific sorry16:15
nvzUncleTuna: there is the little help icon that has a desktop walkthrough built in16:15
bullgard4[Thinkpad T61] After a dist-upgrade there is no sound output. Banshee shows a progress bar progressing when playing a music piece though. alsamixer does not show »Headphone« and »Speaker« sliders, it shows only "00" at their bottom. '~$ aplay /usr/share/sounds/gnome/default/alerts/bark.ogg; Playing raw data '/usr/share/sounds/gnome/default/alerts/bark.ogg' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz,...16:15
bullgard4...Mono' but I do not hear a sound. What's wrong?16:15
ubuntunoobi have a question for you guys,  what is the difference in features between xfce4-power-manager16:16
SorikanHmm thanks llutz, will give it a try as soon as this mov is done converting.....16:16
tzangerAfterGlow-WFH: :-) np, right now I think that this specific version of grub either doesn't know about ext4 or can't mount ext4 in a raid1 format16:16
ubuntunooband which one uses less ram?16:16
* nvz wanders off to deal with the dangerously low space issue16:16
UncleTunaI'm fine with the desk top. But I will check out that first url16:16
tzangerAfterGlow-WFH: actually if I turn off the raid and try to mount /dev/sda1 as ext4 (it's a raid partition) it can't find it either16:16
ActionParsnipbullgard4: try:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse; rm ~/.pulse    then wait a few seconds and try some sounds16:16
tzangerthat is essentialy what grub (hd0,0) is16:16
llutzSorikan: cmin/ctime checks for changes like chown/chmod etc., mmin/mtime for data modification of a file16:16
ActionParsnipnvz: /boot on raid is fine on bootable raid cards16:16
ActionParsnipnvzmost users use cheap and crappy onboard raid which does cause issues16:17
ubuntunoobi heard that xfce4-power-manager is glitchy compared to gnome-power-mnager16:17
ubuntunoobis this true?16:17
UncleTunaI hope that manual is more useful that this dang 10.04 bible....$60.00 worth of...ermmm16:17
SorikanThanks llutz, I am running the find like that to find files that have finished uploading so that they can be converted16:17
milamberUncleTuna: it is :)16:17
tzangerActionParsnip: I'm using straight software raid, not fakeraid. hardware raid would hsow the array as a physical drive so that would stand to reason that grub would just work with it16:17
TK5791I'm now using XF4C16:18
milamberUncleTuna: and if there is anything specific you are having trouble with - there are plenty of volunteers here to help out16:18
TK5791can anyone tell me to find the soundcard settings?16:19
ubuntunoobdo you have alsa or a sound server installed ?16:19
milamberTK5791: there should be a volume icon in the top right corner16:19
UncleTunamilamber: I'm sure there will be...heh heh but honestly I just started on this box, still got another os on my hdd16:19
ubuntunooband what kernel are you on?16:19
Unknown53136Hey guys, is there any way to strip down Xubuntu _a lot_? I tried doing it on my own during installation through synaptic but after that, it failed to compile16:20
TK5791in Unity it used to be on the top right hand corner... but XF4C nothing16:20
milamber!who | ubuntunoob16:20
ubottuubuntunoob: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:20
UncleTunausing Oneric now16:20
setog3hi, I have done some mess with my /usr/lib/ .. in fact I created symbolic link for all files in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu in the directory /usr/lib. Do you know a way to undo it ? (should I remove every link in /usr/lib and reinstall all ubuntu package to recreate link that should be there ?)16:20
Unknown53136it failed to install*16:20
ubuntunoobif you need lighter than xfce then install Lubuntu16:21
zykotick9ubuntunoob, FYI Pulse (the sound server) actually runs onto of ALSA - so you use ALSA either way16:21
ActionParsnipTK5791: if you installl and run volwheel, you will get an icon16:21
sskniranjanhow to create desktop icon for any application16:21
ActionParsnipubuntunoob: can just install lxde, the apps installed will run fine in XFCE ;)16:21
TK5791do you have the terminal command?16:21
ubuntunoobi know that16:21
ubuntunoobim just saying if he really needs it to be really light then install lubuntu16:22
ActionParsnipTK5791: its a package, like any other16:22
ActionParsnipTK5791: volwheel will be runnable from ALT+F216:22
UncleTunaoh and btw " https://help.ubuntu.com/community" was what it appears to be what I'm after16:22
sskniranjanplease help me with creating desktop icon for any app like that of fire fox for instance16:23
ActionParsnipsskniranjan: I suggest you copy one from /use/share/applications   or there may be a slimmer one in ~/.config/autostart16:23
ActionParsnipsskniranjan: firefox will have one already16:23
ActionParsnipsskniranjan: why do you want to make one?16:23
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shafeeqeshey ..can anybodu help..how can i get classic interface (ie; gnome2 i guess) in ubuntu 11.10 ??16:24
dabukalamI took an image upon installation to be used as my login photo. Where can I find this image?16:24
zykotick9!notunity | shafeeqes16:24
ubottushafeeqes: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:24
zykotick9shafeeqes, gnome2 specifically, isn't possible16:25
zi0rIm trying to find wireless networks around me. But iwlist wlan0 scan and iwlist wlan1 scan  detect only one wlanNetwork. My own. Unter the networkmanager of ubuntu (on the right side of the top panel) i see a lot of networks - More then 10. Has someone a idea what kind of problem i have?16:25
tzangerActionParsnip: figured it out. the mdadm version 1.1 and 1.2 superblocks are at the start (or 4kB from the start), which prevents the old trick of being able to mount a filesystem that is part of a RAID1 array OUTside of mdadm, which is exactly what GRUB needs16:25
TK5791I'm in the software center and there is no VolWheel available16:25
tzangerActionParsnip: the solution is to have a very small "grub" partition that is not part of the raid filesystem.  what a pain in the ass16:25
ActionParsniptzanger: its the pain with cheap raid, you can use an SD card to store the boot partition.16:26
bullgard4ActionParsnip: 'aplay /usr/share/sounds/gnome/default/alerts/bark.ogg; Playing raw data '/usr/share/sounds/gnome/default/alerts/bark.ogg' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono' but I cannot hear any sound in my headphone.16:27
tzangerActionParsnip: true, but that means I have to keep an sd card in the system. I will just degrade the array, create a new array with 1.0 superblock and copy stuff over, then migrate the old one over to the new. fun.16:27
ActionParsnipzi0r: try using wicd and you can set the wifi device name, network manager will nearly always use wlan016:27
milamberMad_Noob: works16:27
shafeeqesmm..ok thanks...16:27
ActionParsnipbullgard4: run:  alsamixer    and unmute and crank all levels16:27
ubuntunoobis there a way to make it so the wireless key turnoff works in ubuntu?16:28
ubuntunoobi have a dell latitude d50516:28
bullgard4ActionParsnip: In alsamixer I cannot crank the levels of »Headphone« and »Speaker« because there are no sliders to be seen for them.16:29
ubuntunoobmaybe your soundcard is blacklisted:  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist16:30
ubuntunooblook at that16:30
westjewhat is the ms project alternative for linux16:30
sskniranjanplease help me in creating desktop icons16:31
sztiiis anyone here ??16:31
ubuntunoobssk, what desktop enviroment are you using?16:31
TK5791ok, I can't find VolWheel in the software center, but I've found it via a google search.16:31
ubuntunoobgnome xfce kde lxde ?16:31
Lazuredoes anyone know why i can't access a windows 7 share in ubuntu through nautilus? it says 'failed to retrieve share list from server'. BUT, if i do a terminal command 'nautilus smb://192.168.x.x' it works just fine.16:32
Lazureany way to fix it so the GUI will take me there the easy way?16:32
TK5791I downloaded it and extracted it... I've tried to run it and nothing happens... what gives?16:32
Lazurelinux mint 10 was able to do it from 'browse network' just fine16:32
zi0rActionParsnip, the networkmanager is not the problem. Just iwlist  ... it show only one wlan device.16:32
Lazureit's when i replaced linux mint with ubuntu 11.10 that it broke.16:32
JuggernautHello. Quick question about Gnome and KDE. The KDE battery detection thing correctly determines my battery level, Gnome's doesnt. Can I import one to the other? If this makes sense?16:32
milamberwestje: i have used dotproject.net16:33
ActionParsnipTK5791: it's in the repos, you don't need to dowload anything16:33
ActionParsnip!info volwheel16:33
ubottuPackage volwheel does not exist in oneiric16:33
TK5791ActionParsnip: Repos?16:33
=== pkkm__ is now known as pkkm
milamberActionParsnip: i did a cache search on lucid and it wasn't there either16:34
MonkeyDustTK5791  a repo is a software source16:34
ActionParsnipwestje: I've found openproj16:34
EisNerduhm, what is needed on 11.10 to allow ldap users to login to a graphical session?16:34
zykotick9ActionParsnip, "apt-cache policy volwheel" are you getting it from a PPA perhaps?  i'd previously check !info and seen that it wasn't in default repo.16:34
AfterGlow-WFHdoes anyone know the correct question to preseed to change the security_path in the d-i ?16:34
TK5791MonkeyDust: thank you and how do I get access to this software resource, through the software center?16:34
EisNerd(using nfs automounted homes)16:34
ActionParsnipTK5791: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146118016:34
MonkeyDustTK5791  yes16:34
ActionParsnipzykotick9: seems to have been removed16:34
ActionParsnipTK5791: that flow has some suggestions16:35
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TK5791ActionParsnip: thanks dude16:35
TK5791or dudess16:35
ActionParsnipLazure: under the file menu in nautilus should connect you to Windows shares16:36
ActionParsnipTK5791: dude :)16:36
TK5791you never know16:36
TK5791unable to locate package volwheel16:37
ActionParsnipTK5791: read further down16:38
JuggernautAnyone know how to import KDE's battery management to Gnome?16:38
calvinhi there too you all :))16:39
TK5791E: Unable to locate package xfce-volued16:40
TK5791Linux is hard work16:41
MonkeyDustwe all were beginners, once16:41
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GuruMVPFollow us on twitter, we are giving away 5 diablo 3 beta keys and one lucky person will win $5000.00 USD!! All you have to do is follow us! http://twitter.com/#!/GuruMVP Tell your friends and family!16:41
calvinTK5791, let ice-root, Gunbert and other come in and you can ask them16:42
MonkeyDustGuruMVP  wrong channel16:42
TK5791calvin: when are they coming in?16:42
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:42
ubuntunoobjuggernaut: just install the kde powermanager16:42
zykotick9Juggernaut, I doubt you'd be able to use KDE's battery indicator in Gnome (i could be wrong) unless it's a stand alone program16:42
calvinwhere soon ..GMT ??16:43
zykotick9ubuntunoob, i believe they already have it installed - thus they know it works16:43
|Long|hi, i have 10 internal hard drives on this ubuntu 11.10, everytime i rebooted, drives letter changed, is there away to make this not to change permantly?16:43
JuggernautYea thats the problem. I'm not sure it exists as a package16:43
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:44
zykotick9|Long|, use UUID or LABELS not /dev/sdXY16:44
ubuntunoobi will check on that 4 u juggernaut16:44
JuggernautIts a real pity too. Gnome gives me a critical battery message when I disconnect the charger, on full charge16:44
Juggernautubuntu: That would be awesome, thanks16:44
|Long|zykotick9, i did on fstab, but glftpd on dzbot.conf is not easy to used16:44
zykotick9|Long|, sorry i have no idea what glftpd or dzbot.conf is... good luck.16:45
|Long|zykotick9, thanks16:45
Juggernautgnome-power-manager seems to be a legitimate package16:46
ubuntunoobjuggernaut: http://maketecheasier.com/kde-power-management-101/2010/06/0916:46
ubuntunoobidk if thats it or nt16:46
ubuntunoobyou can chek that16:46
JuggernautI will, thank you16:47
zykotick9Juggernaut, do you have KDE installed?  If you don't, trying to install the power management package will probably pull into the entire KDE16:47
ubuntunooband  this: http://chrisjrob.com/2011/03/06/kde-power-management-in-pekwm/16:47
Juggernautzyko: I do, but everything in KDE is broken, except the power manager16:48
zykotick9Juggernaut, plus, i still doubt you'll be able to use the KDE power in Gnome16:48
JuggernautIn Gnome the power manager was the only thing that was broken16:48
zykotick9!tab > Juggernaut16:48
ubottuJuggernaut, please see my private message16:48
JuggernautWill do16:48
ubuntunoob!tab juggernaut16:48
JuggernautYea yea16:48
JuggernautI got it16:48
antnashDoes anyone know how the android control app gets the mac address of the system it's connecting to?16:49
llutzantnash: arp?16:49
antnashah right. cheers llutz16:49
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:49
antnashwrong channel16:50
calvinEgyParadox, why you want off topic16:50
antnashshould have been in #xbmc16:50
JuggernautIt seems installing it would be possible, but I'll have to install a bunch load of KDE dependencies16:50
Juggernautwhich I should have expected I suppose16:50
ubuntunoobjust a sec i have an idea16:51
calvinJuggernaut, the link posted to you ubuntunoob did you try that16:51
Juggernautcalvin: I have to reinstall Linux before I do that. So not yet, but soon16:51
juliani need help.. i need create a user??? i have debian squeeze... (comand: useradd)16:52
ubuntunoobjulian wrong channel16:52
llutzjulian: use adduser and ask in #debian16:52
zykotick9julian, use "adduser foo" instead -- and #debian is the real channel you want16:53
Juggernautubuntunoob: I'm going to try out the steps detailed in the first link16:53
calvinJuggernaut, re-installing has nothing to do with power management..it will still continue the post of ubuntunoob will fix it. just try it it will not harm the system16:54
hhHey! I'm using fluxbox, and I wonder if there's a way to log off so that it would remember the windows I had open. Do you know of a way?16:55
judhfree space is not available16:56
ubuntunoobnvm i thought i could find something in the kubuntu uninstall16:56
ubuntunoobbut i didnt16:57
EisNerduhm, ok could someone tell me wha tit needs beside ldap-configuration to allow a user configured via ldap to login at lightdm on 11.10?16:57
EisNerdas ssh works nice16:57
calvinhh, if loging off you are change the user how you predict the session to remain the same in next logon to diffrent user16:57
cipherboysadam: In theory you could create a script that reads what applications are open16:57
MonkeyDusthh  look for "session" on this pâge https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox16:58
cipherboysadam: (when you log off,) and then on start up, it would read that file and launch those applications.16:58
famgodim having trouble connecting to a windows share...I open up my home directory type in // but it cant find anything (i can ping though\16:58
shomonhi, I have a directory full of files like "-4363546345.dat"16:59
shomonhow do I delete them?16:59
cipherboyshomon: rm *dat16:59
shomonrm thinks the - is a parameter16:59
cipherboythe -?16:59
cipherboyOh, ignore the -16:59
shomonyes, the - at the beginning of each file16:59
cipherboyYou could do:16:59
shomonrm: invalid option -- '1'16:59
shomonit says17:00
cipherboySorry, even with * and not naming each and every one of them?17:00
=== william is now known as Guest483
shomon-1437238629.dat is one name. evil tweetcaster17:00
deej1976famgod: Open nautilus and File-> connect to server, select windows shares17:00
llutzshomon: rm -- -*17:00
MonkeyDust!pm| hh17:00
ubottuhh: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:00
shomonyay, thanks llutz17:00
shomonwhat did the -- do?17:00
shomonit worked :)17:00
* deej1976 shutting down17:00
llutzshomon: "no more options to follow"17:00
zykotick9llutz, i'd like to thank you as well, i've run into the -filename issue before as well (i cheated by using nautilus)17:01
shomonaah thanks very much llutz and cipherboy17:01
cipherboySomebody have an issue with samba?17:02
cipherboyfff Hello.17:02
Triscar0im installing postfix truh this stepbystep guide (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix) and when i write these commands i get permission denied, when i run them as root.17:03
Triscar0torger@Server:/etc/postfix$ sudo touch smtpd.key17:03
Triscar0torger@Server:/etc/postfix$ sudo chmod 600 smtpd.key17:03
Triscar0torger@Server:/etc/postfix$ sudo openssl genrsa 1024 > smtpd.key17:03
Triscar0-bash: smtpd.key: Permission denied17:03
FloodBot1Triscar0: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:03
fffhow r u?17:03
Triscar0oh sorry17:03
fff where r u from?17:03
jutnuxfff: Please go to ubuntu-offtopic for that chat.17:03
cipherboyfff You have a question regarding Ubuntu?17:04
llutzTriscar0: openssl genrsa 1024 |sudo tee -a smtpd.key17:04
Triscar0llutz, and that do what ? :D17:04
Triscar0still get permission denied17:05
llutzTriscar0: just skip the 1st 2 steps and chmod 600 after generating the key17:08
llutzTriscar0: or use a real root shell, sudo -i17:08
Triscar0torger@Server:/etc/postfix$ sudo -r openssl genrsa 1024 > smtpd.key17:09
Triscar0-bash: smtpd.key: Permission denied17:09
llutzTriscar0: "sudo -i"    then "openssl genrsa 1024 > smtpd.key"17:10
Guest483while updating 10.04  i am getting error pls insert he disk labeled: ubuntu 11.10_oneiric Ocelot17:10
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Triscar0works, thnx llutz:D17:11
zykotick9Guest483, what is your output from "lsb_release -sc"?  did you add an Ocelot repository?17:11
lunitikGuest483, that isn't really an error... just go into 'Software Sources' and remove the CD as a source17:11
hhHmmm... I installed openbox; but I don't see and difference.17:11
hhI thought it should allow me to resize windows in fluxbox.17:12
judhi use ircii to connect to a server chat.freenode.net:6667 ? but error unable to connect to server what would i fix it?17:12
lunitikhh, did you actually go into an openbox session?17:12
hhI think so.17:12
cipherboyhh O.o17:12
hhI typed:17:12
zykotick9!enter | hh17:12
ubottuhh: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:12
lunitikhh, fluxbox and openbox cannot run together17:12
cipherboyhh fluxbox can resize its own windows.17:12
hhexec openbox-session17:12
hhlunitik, how?17:12
hhSorry, I meant cipherboy.17:12
lunitikhh, they are both window managers, you can't run two window managers at the same time17:13
cipherboyhh What keybindings do you have?17:13
lunitikhh, are you running a login manager atm?17:13
judhI want to connect to a irc server from my terminal. how can i do it?17:13
hhOkay. Monkeydust told me to install it so that I can log off in such a way that it would remember the windows I had open.17:13
lunitikjudh, many like irssi... with it, you can do 'irssi -c irc.freenode.net' for example17:14
hhSo I should be able to resize windows through key shortcuts but not through the mouse?17:14
Guest483CD is not add as source17:14
lunitikGuest483, it has to be, else why would it be looking at one?17:14
judhlunitik i will try17:14
shomonanother question: how do I find out what file is "writing data to device" and stop it so I can eject my phone?17:14
cipherboyhh: no, you bind some key (win key in my example) plus right click on window to resizing.17:14
cipherboyhh: not on my system with the config at the moment, but you should find it on google.17:15
Guest483now how can i install updates17:15
phong_happy halloween everyone17:15
phong_and happy new year17:16
pikaciutoday is thanksgiving :P17:16
cipherboyphong_ you are late.. and early.17:16
hhHuh... Okay. And how about fluxbox remembering the windows I have open when I log off?17:16
zykotick9hh, a general Xorg method to resize windows is ALT+MIDDLEMOUSECLICK then drag to resize17:16
shomonhow can I unmount a drive that keeps saying "writing data to device" or "device is busy"?17:17
hhzykotick9, I don't have a middle button on my mouse.17:17
zykotick9hh, i don't remember fluxbox having a "remember open windows" option17:17
zykotick9hh, no scroll wheel? that's usually a button as well.17:18
hhNo... Laptop...17:18
pikaciushomon: try with sudo17:18
shomontried that17:18
cipherboyhh zykotick9 you could probably create a script if you wanted to...17:18
shomonI tried sudo umount -f drivename17:18
shomondevice or resource busy17:18
khelfanassimHi everybody17:18
pikaciushomon: try without -f17:19
zykotick9shomon, close any open terminal (if a terminal is open inside that drive, you'll get that error)17:19
judhi tried irssi, irssi -c irc.freenode.net but i get the error  unable to connect to the server connection refused....what would be the problem?17:19
llutzshomon: fuser /dev/yourdevice17:20
shomonah, what device is it?17:20
|Long|on ubuntu 11.10, how can i create shortcut for terminal and gparted on desktop?17:20
hhAh, Alt+right clicking works to resize windows.17:20
llutzshomon: if you know "drivename" you should know the device17:21
shomonah okay17:21
shomonit's just a symlink I think17:21
llutzshomon: readlink ...17:22
Guest483lunitik: you were right CD was in the source . i removed it. now updating. Thank you.17:22
pikaciushomon: it's a floppy ?17:22
hhSo, my ubuntu has been installed via wubi. I know that this means that the usual hibernate option is impossible. Is there a way to bypass that and somehow force hibernation?17:22
shomonno, sorry no idea how to tell what device it is17:22
shomonit's a phone17:22
judhi tried to connect to the irc server through irssi but i got a message unable to connect to the server connection refused what it mean?17:22
lunitikGuest483, you're welcome, good luck  :)17:22
llutzshomon: what's the "drivename"?17:23
lunitikjudh, what server you try to connect to?17:23
llutzshomon: mount | grep FC30-3DA917:23
shomonah wow.. it finally said "write failed"17:24
lunitikjudh, nm, I see... that shouldn't have errored though... try 'irssi -c irc.ubuntu.com' instead?17:24
shomonthanks anyway... I think it was because of an scp command that had failed...17:24
lunitikjudh, (same network, maybe freenode doesn't want you connecting to its main server... most clients recognize it as a foward)17:24
CharminTheMooseIs my hdd about to die soon? http://pastebin.ca/2095483 The load/unload cycles increases by 2 everytime I exit from suspend mode, which sucks.17:25
xothorushello everyone17:25
judhlunitik, i tried to connect to the server irc.freenode.net17:26
MonkeyDustjudh  org, not net17:26
llutznet, not org17:26
lunitikahh, that would be my bad, I told him that17:26
xothoruscould anyone tell me (if it even exists) if theres a repo which has tightvncserver for jaunty, armel build?17:27
llutzit is http://freenode.net and so it is irc.freenode.net17:27
lunitikjudh, did the ubuntu server work instead?17:27
lunitikpsoto, hey17:28
judhlunitik it does not work17:28
llutzjudh: start irssi, then "/server irc.freenode.net"17:28
psotocan someone explain me how this works?17:28
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MonkeyDustirssi rules17:29
dddbmtHi guys. I am looking for a tool to cut up sounds files (ogg) into pieces, I don't need additional editing features. Do you know of any good lightweight program for that?17:29
MonkeyDustcat has an option to do that17:29
|Slacker|how do I check which video driver ubuntu is using?17:30
dddbmtMonkeyDust, for me?17:30
MonkeyDustdddbmt  yes17:30
judhirssi "/server irc.freenode.net"  i tried like this but gets the messange unable to connect to the server connection refused17:30
dddbmtMonkeyDust, I'll try check that out - thanks.17:30
cipherboyall: sorry, have to drop17:31
MonkeyDustjudh  try irssi -c irc.freenode.net -n judh17:32
judhmonkeydust, please go through my screenshot http://imagebin.org/18545717:33
llutzjudh: /rmreconns17:34
dddbmtMonkeyDust, Know that I think about it I need some kind of gui. I need it to determine where in the file to cut, I am trying to cut out a single drum beat of a larger sample.17:34
MonkeyDustjudh  type /quit and then enter the line I showed17:34
llutzdddbmt: audacity17:34
dddbmtllutz,That looks good, I'll go give it a try. Thank you17:36
llutzjudh: is there somethin filtering your connections?      connect works fine here: "Your host is leguin.freenode.net[]"17:37
judhMonkeyDust, i tried as you told me but still i could not be able to connect17:37
llutzjudh: ping -c3
|Long|I can't find terminalx on 11.10 guys17:38
judhllutz, 100% packet loss....3 packet transmitted17:41
llutzjudh:dig -c2
judhllutz, i get the warning.....server the what to do with dig -c2 command17:44
llutzjudh: sry, ping -c2 ...17:44
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Sorikanif I run a .sh script from root's cron, does it or does it not have root permissions? if not, how do i give it root permissions?17:45
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ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...17:45
|Long|I can't find terminal x on 11.10 can someone plz help?17:46
judhllutz, no ping....100% packet loss....what to do next?17:46
llutzjudh: do you have internet at all on that machine?17:46
llutzjudh: sudo iptables -vL17:47
llutzjudh:  any OUTPUT rules active?17:47
judhllutz, INPUT, OUTPUT, FORWARD.. 0 packet transmitted 0byte...not active17:50
CharminTheMooseIs my hdd about to die soon? http://pastebin.ca/2095483 The load/unload cycles increases by 2 everytime I exit from suspend mode, which sucks.17:51
judhllutz, is it due to the proxy server blockage?17:51
llutzjudh: could be17:51
AlexFlower_hello guys17:52
AlexFlower_I have an issue with my sistem17:52
JusticeZerowhat is the issue?17:52
AlexFlower_I am trying to install that17:53
AlexFlower_it won't let me17:53
=== max is now known as Guest99557
AlexFlower_it worked just fine when I installed manually first 4 packages17:53
AlexFlower_but that one causes problems17:53
AlexFlower_any ideea?17:55
pangolinWe still don't know what the problem is. are you getting error messages?17:56
Guest42495does anyone know how i can reassign the mute button on my keyboard to toggle mute? gui keyboard editor isnt helping17:56
AlexFlower_1 sec17:56
AlexFlower_sudo apt-get install mercurial cmake qt4-qmake libqt4-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-net1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev liblua5.1-dev fpc Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done Note, selecting 'liblua5.1-0-dev' instead of 'liblua5.1-dev' cmake este deja la cea mai nouă versiune. libqt4-dev este deja la cea mai nouă versiune. qt4-qmake este deja17:57
AlexFlower_this is the error17:57
AlexFlower_sorry it's in romanian17:57
FloodBot1AlexFlower_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:57
llutzAlexFlower_: use LANG=C sudo apt-get install ... for english errors17:57
AlexFlower_1lutz I know17:58
AlexFlower_but it won't make any difference17:58
llutzAlexFlower_: it would, people here could read it17:58
AlexFlower_I mean17:58
AlexFlower_it won't change the text17:58
JusticeZeromaybe not, but we'd be able to understand the error message...17:58
AlexFlower_it looks the exact same17:59
AlexFlower_I understand it would be better17:59
AlexFlower_but LANG=C changes nothing in the error17:59
llutzAlexFlower_: sry i see it now... odd17:59
pangolinthe rror says that the package won't be installed because there are held broken packages17:59
JusticeZeroIs that message saying...that you're trying to install an older version?17:59
AlexFlower_it basically says that18:00
JusticeZerothe held broken packages?18:00
AlexFlower_libsdl1.2-dev needs some other package to work18:00
AlexFlower_I try to install that package18:00
Triscar0We have to change a few things to make it work properly. Because Postfix runs chrooted in /var/spool/postfix we have change a couple paths to live in the false root. (ie. /var/run/saslauthd becomes /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd):18:01
Triscar0how do i make the path ?18:01
AlexFlower_and then18:01
AlexFlower_it says that the second package needs other 2 packages18:01
AlexFlower_I try to install the first of them18:01
AlexFlower_it says I have it18:01
AlexFlower_at latest version18:01
AlexFlower_I try the other one18:01
AlexFlower_it says it need the first one that is missing18:02
AlexFlower_but that one is actually there18:02
EvilResistance!enter | AlexFlower_18:03
ubottuAlexFlower_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:03
AlexFlower_ok, so the thing is it asks for a package which can not be installed because I miss 2 other packages (1 of them if I try to install it says it is the latest version, the other says it needs the first one which is missing) so there is nothing I can do18:04
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EvilResistanceAlexFlower_, now you're repeating yourself.18:04
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EvilResistanceAlexFlower_, i may have called !enter on you, but you dont need to repeat yourself... we likely saw what you said18:05
AlexFlower_EvirResistance I was just trying to make myself clear18:05
Gentoo64AlexFlower_: try uninstall and reinstalling the first one18:05
Gentoo64dno why, might pick it up18:06
=== safejav_ is now known as safejav
Gentoo64hi fab18:06
fabhi have same probleme with my GT555M18:07
Gentoo64what problem is that18:08
fabit's an graphics card with optimus18:08
Gentoo64ah ok18:08
Gentoo64i cant help there :(18:08
iamweirdiecan someone help me decipher this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/746506/ i tried using my persistent usb, this is what i get when i try to update18:08
EvilResistancefab, i dont think optimus cards work exactly right just yet...18:09
fabif i don't add "nomodeset" for boot in grub config i have an error.. but, than this option i can boot 1time/10.. i don't understand what ?18:09
fabmy probleme is, if i add "nomodeset" i can't setup my xorg more than 1280*102418:10
zykotick9fab, have you tried using Bumblebee18:10
fabyes but i don't understand what bumblebee made exactly ?18:11
fabsorry for my english :p18:11
nightwalkerkgHi,i need help with my monitor. One person told me to copy this http://paste.ubuntu.com/748456/ to X11/something/something. I cant remember the name of the folder and the file and i can't make the new folder or file in that location.I am using Ubuntu 11.10,ATI Radeon 9550 card and LG Flatron ez T710B monitor.Can anyone help?18:11
l0niamweirdie looks like you don't have your fstab setup properly, have you got an entry for / ?18:11
someonesomeoneelHow change user's name? Not username (login), but the full name which appears on login screen.18:12
iamweirdiel0n i didn't set this usb up- i was using pendrivelinux.com18:12
iamweirdiel0n is there a way to fix this through terminal?18:13
zykotick9l0n, i don't think that's actually the issue - probably something related to initrd and crypt.  iamweirdie18:13
JohnH_Can someone tell me how to change my dictionary to Russian on LibreOffice. I've downloaded one from thir website but I dont know how to make it work. Currently there is no spell checker even in English/ I want it to show me the wiggly red line when I write wrong words.18:13
os__does ubuntu server has xen by default ?18:13
iamweirdiezykotick9 fixable?18:13
tossei just updated from 11.04 to 11.10 (amd64) and now i dont get a welcome screen, how do i fix?18:13
zykotick9iamweirdie, no idea - but i don't get involved in cyrptfs issues.  Good luck.18:14
zykotick9iamweirdie, the specific issue I notice was "is /dev mounted?"18:14
tossethe updated got interrupted and i had to restart and finish it from console18:14
arlene1hi there. my system is missing libsoftokn3.so - which package should I install to get it?18:15
fabwhat do "nomodeset" exactly ?18:15
zykotick9fab, if you are asking what nomodeset does, it basically disables the kernel graphics18:16
JusticeZero!enter FloodBot318:16
fabi have this error if i boot than "nomodeset" http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=62864118:17
llutz!find libsoftokn3.so18:17
fabbut 1time / 10 the laptop boot correctly18:17
ubottuFile libsoftokn3.so found in firefox, firefox-dbg, libnss3, libnss3-dbg, seamonkey, thunderbird, thunderbird-dbg18:18
zykotick9JohnH_, you might want to try in #libreoffice channel18:18
fabi don't understand18:18
nightwalkerkgCan anyone help me?18:18
llutz!find libsoftokn3.so  | arlene118:18
ubottuarlene1: please see above18:18
SolarisBoylooks like noveau driver is crashing for you fab18:18
zykotick9fab, sorry no.  I don't have any optimus devices - so haven't played with them myself.  I've just read people here having issues, and know that Bumblebee adds support for switching somehow (i don't have any specifics sorry)18:19
fabSolarisBoy, the probleme is if i add "nomodeset" my laptop boot correctly but i can't up xorg to FULL HD18:20
SolarisBoynomodeset is limiting kernel graphics18:21
fabok but, why one out of 10 it's work ?18:21
SolarisBoybuggy driver maybe not sure18:21
SolarisBoyis this a new occurrence  for you?18:22
nightwalkerkgHi,i need help with my monitor. One person told me to copy this http://paste.ubuntu.com/748456/ to X11/something/something. I cant remember the name of the folder and the file and i can't make the new folder or file in that location.I am using Ubuntu 11.10,ATI Radeon 9550 card and LG Flatron ez T710B monitor.Can anyone help?18:22
fabyes, it's a new laptop with i7 and GT 555m18:22
genii-aroundnightwalkerkg: The file would /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:23
SolarisBoyfab assuming gt555m is the vid card,, i would check online if any talks about your ubuntu version and that card specifically,, try google18:23
fabi have already try bumblebee but no change nothing with nomodeset18:23
judhEC instance can provide free service with few spaces?18:23
nightwalkerkggenii-araound yes,and somthing like monitor.... .conf18:23
SolarisBoymaybe using a different video driver is needed?18:23
genii-aroundnightwalkerkg: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and then copy the contents in, save it.18:23
zykotick9fab, if you use "lspci | grep -i vga" does it return intel or nvidia?  i'm guessing intel right now.18:23
fab00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)18:24
judhcan any one explain how to do the tunnelling?18:24
fab01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 1247 (rev a1)18:24
judhhow to do tunnelling?18:24
SolarisBoyjudh what type of tunneling?18:24
zykotick9fab, really both? that's interesting.  Good luck.18:24
fabif i try use nvidia drivers it's crash...18:24
nightwalkerkgSaved it,thanx genii-around18:24
SolarisBoyfab yes i have seen it18:25
genii-aroundnightwalkerkg: You're welcome18:25
SolarisBoyfab i second zykotick9's update =(18:25
fabyes.. it's an switch with graphics gpu dans nvidia gpu18:25
SolarisBoyat work on my laptop this happend,, but a friend showed me nomodeset and it actually worked =)18:25
fabgraphics CPU and nvidia gpu sorry18:25
SolarisBoyfab did you set nomodeset and update-grub?18:25
judhSolarisBoy, I dont know much but I want run BNC over the any webhosting server so that I could be hidden from my insttitute server18:26
SolarisBoyjudh hmm i see making the sa's life hard at the campus huh =(18:26
fabyet i forced the startup without nomodeset for have max resolution18:26
judhSolarisBoy, what are the other tunnellings ?18:27
fabif i add nomodeset in grub the laptop boot same time but resolution max is 1280*102418:27
SolarisBoyjudh ssh ,ssl, vpn tunnels.. all types for different purposes18:27
judhSolarisBoy, how to do the ssh tunneling?18:28
fabI i tried many xorg.conf witch bumblebee / ironhide but nothing to do :S18:28
fab I i tried many xorg.conf witch bumblebee / ironhide but nothing to do :S + "nomodeset"18:29
SolarisBoyjudh: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ssh+tunneling18:29
iceroot!google | SolarisBoy18:30
ubottuSolarisBoy: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:30
SolarisBoythats a link that explains the usage iceroot18:30
os__does ubuntu server has xen by default ?18:30
icerootSolarisBoy: the usage of google18:30
os__does ubuntu server have xen by default ?18:30
SolarisBoytechnically it's showing him how to use google =)18:31
icerootSolarisBoy: give him a link where a ssh-tunnel is explained instead18:31
someonesomeoneelHow change user's name? Not username (login), but the full name which appears on login screen.18:31
icerootSolarisBoy: we dont like that here18:31
SolarisBoyi see18:31
tossewhere do i find font settings in ubuntu 11.10?18:31
fabsimply, if i add nomodeset, laptop every time boot.. And if nomodeset is not add, laptop boot sime type with full HD...18:31
SolarisBoyok *we* my bad.. nough said18:31
=== james is now known as Jarmes
zykotick9tosse, does 11.10 still have "User Settings"?  There is a "change" button in older versions.18:33
zykotick9someonesomeoneel,  does 11.10 still have "User Settings"?  There is a "change" button in older versions.  (sorry tosse, TAB fail)18:33
SolarisBoyjudh: http://www.revsys.com/writings/quicktips/ssh-tunnel.html18:33
someonesomeoneelhaha, thanks :) I checked it but failed to notice18:35
benignbalaHi, I need some help with bochs x86 emulator.18:36
benignbalaI am using this after a long time. Earlier, there used to be a command bochs-dlx to launch the default dlx linux demo.18:36
benignbalaBut I don't see that in any of the bochs packages now. IIRC, earlier it used to be part of the default bochs package. Any idea which package it goes into now ?18:37
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benignbalaSorry, forgot to mention, I am on Natty.18:38
bassem_is there better irc client than smuxi?18:39
fabi don't know who do :(18:39
zykotick9benignbala, (i'm just curious) why do you use Bochs?18:40
JusticeZeroIs there anything similar to the dash in any other non-Unity desktops other than e17?18:40
bassem_is there better irc client than smuxi?18:40
StepNjumpHi I installed hplip (the drivers for my HP printer) and just found out after deleting all the files in my ~/download folder that some of those files in there belonged to the HPLIP install.. ooops...18:40
benignbalazykotick9: Just trying out a few low leve stuff18:40
SolarisBoybassem_: i've never used smuxi but pidgin does irc18:41
benignbalabassem_: pidgin is good.18:41
jutnuxPidgin is amazing.18:41
SolarisBoy=) yes18:41
StepNjumpAs it was deleted with nautilus, there's no way to do CTRL-Z so what should I do now? Just reinstall HPLIP on top of itself or should I try to desinstall first?18:41
zykotick9bassem_, i'd personally recommend a real IRC client vs using an IM client for IRC18:42
benignbalazykotick9: Any idea where I can get the bochs-dlx ? Another problem is, the last time I used it I was on Debian(I guess Etch). But from google, I see a few references to bochs-dlx in gutsy18:43
captainjamieis there a fast way of replying to people on empathy and pidgin? (like clicking the persons name types "<name>: " in the chat window)18:43
zykotick9benignbala, sorry i have no idea, i played with Bochs a couple of years ago, but moved on to VBox and now KVM18:43
bassem_what is the better irc client zykotick918:43
benignbalabassem_: Try Emacs/erc may be :)18:43
zykotick9bassem_, do you want GUI or CLI?18:43
jutnuxeMacs is about 3945035983459038 years old18:43
jutnuxGeany is awesome.18:44
jutnuxSo i gEdit18:44
* SolarisBoy vims18:44
zykotick9bassem_, xchat (NOT xchat-gnome) is popular for GUI, irssi if you want CLI18:44
BernSamsonI have a question....how do you enable clicking on links in flash objects?18:46
StepNjumpSorry for repeating myself: Hi I installed hplip (the drivers for my HP printer) and just found out after deleting all the files in my ~/download folder that some of those files in there belonged to the HPLIP install.. ooops... As it was deleted with nautilus, there's no way to do CTRL-Z so what should I do now? Just reinstall HPLIP on top of itself or should I try to desinstall first?18:46
zykotick9bassem_, just include my NICK in your message and I'll get highlighted (you can use TAB to autocomplete Nicks)18:46
benignbalazykotick9: Let's say I am trying a toy OS, it is much easier to create a bin file and a .bochsrc and launch bochs. Can we do it that easy with VBox as well ?18:46
zykotick9bassem_, "sudo apt-get install xchat" would be one way18:46
bassem_zykotick9: ok thanks so how to download a good irc client18:47
apctrhello every one18:47
Gentoo64same as any package18:47
zykotick9bassem_, see my message above18:47
apctrany one have idea18:47
Gentoo64apctr: you havent even asked a question18:47
apctrabout the c++ and oracle connection on ubuntu 9.1018:48
Gentoo64hello everyone, any one have idea18:48
zykotick9benignbala, sorry i don't remember bochs usage AT ALL - i basically got it working one or twice that's it.  VBox is very easy to use, and quite powerful.18:48
bassem_zykotick9: i guess i have to wait till the current install is done18:48
zykotick9bassem_, yup - you can only install one thing at a time with APT18:48
zykotick9!pm | bassem_ FYI18:48
ubottubassem_ FYI: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:48
benignbalazykotick9: Oh, ok. Will try with VBox then18:48
zykotick9benignbala, is this for testing deskstop OSs or for server use?18:49
ssfdre38hey where are the MySQL header files located at to install php 5.3.8 from source18:49
ivaliHow can i disable X on ubuntu startup? I don't need it most of the time18:50
iceroot!nox | ivali18:50
ubottuivali: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode18:50
ivalithank you18:50
benignbalazykotick9: I am just trying to create a toy os for fun. :) nothing serious18:50
zykotick9iceroot, do you happen to know, can Lightdm be disabled from /etc/init/ simply by renaming the file to foo.disabled (like you could with GDM)?18:51
zykotick9benignbala, vbox will be an excellent choice then.18:51
Gentoo64zykotick9: why not?18:51
Gentoo64if it cant find the file to start...18:51
icerootzykotick9: never tried18:51
benignbalazykotick9: Sure, Thanks.18:52
zykotick9Gentoo64, i was just wondering if it had been tried, seems a lot easier then the whole kernel nox directions18:52
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Gentoo64well the kernel line on boot would probably be easier18:53
Gentoo64or about the same amount of pain18:53
Gentoo64what about apt-get purge lightdm and just use startx?18:53
zykotick9Gentoo64, that's a little more then disabling isn't it18:53
benignbalaGentoo64: if we use insserv, cant we just edit the start/stop levels ?18:54
Gentoo64but if most of the time he dont use x18:54
Gentoo64then he might as well use startx18:54
Gentoo64its not disabling x in any way18:54
BernSamsonCould someone help me? I'm wanting to be able to click on links and such in flash objects on 11.10 Ocelot...is there a plugin or something I need to be able to do that on such sites as Blogtv?18:56
strangehey guys my box restarted and it changed ip is there a way for nmap to scan a range of ips for a specific port being open so i can find my box back?18:56
strangeor maybe a script to try and wget a specific file from a list of ips to see if its there?18:57
strangeeither would work18:57
Gentoo64strange: nmap -p 80 123.456.78918:57
Michiellllaptopi installed gnome-panel but it's not the same as the classic theme in v1018:57
strangeGentoo64,  that would scan 123.456.789.* ?18:57
Gentoo64seperate ips with commas or use 12-3418:57
Michiellllaptopany other ways i can get it?18:57
benignbalastrange: for a range of IPs do nmap Will scan to
rensonanybody who knows how to remove the lock file?18:58
Gentoo64strange: try just typing nmap with no arguments its the help screen18:58
zykotick9!aptlock | renson18:59
ubotturenson: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:59
ArmyMan007hello... I'm having a problem with my update manager, it won't update the following (look at the 1st screenshot). When I try to update the following updates, it comes up with a strange message (look at the 2nd screenshot). What should I do? http://www.mediafire.com/?w7l4one54y9ordq,aauvlqpfp63ta4318:59
bassem__zykotick9, ok i got xchat thanks18:59
=== MeQuerSat is now known as WhoIsThat
=== WhoIsThat is now known as mercury1
bassem__how can i install my web-cam driver?19:00
Quantum_IonIt's Thanksgiving most people are home with their families19:00
zykotick9ArmyMan007, have you tried from CLI?  "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade"?19:00
zykotick9bassem__, does your webcam work in "cheese"?19:01
Quantum_IonCheese is very buggy19:01
ArmyMan007zykotick9, working on it, just a sec19:01
bassem__zykotick9, what do you mean cheese?19:01
zykotick9bassem__, it's a program - that usually works with webcams OOTB19:01
bassem__zykotick9, i dont know how can i find out?19:02
zykotick9bassem__, install it and see.19:02
benignbalabassem__: Install cheese and check it out19:02
bassem__zykotick9, will it work without installing the web-cam driver?19:03
zykotick9bassem__, maybe?19:03
ArmyMan007zykotick9, nope, still the same problem19:03
bassem__zykotick9, how to install cheese?19:03
zykotick9ArmyMan007, could you pastebin the error you're getting from cli.19:03
zykotick9bassem__, "sudo apt-get install cheese" or use USC19:03
ArmyMan007zykotick9,  refer to link: http://www.mediafire.com/?w7l4one54y9ordq,aauvlqpfp63ta43 (2nd screenshot_19:04
ArmyMan007zykotick9,  refer to link: http://www.mediafire.com/?w7l4one54y9ordq,aauvlqpfp63ta43 (2nd screenshot)19:04
zykotick9ArmyMan007, ya i already saw those... well perhaps someone else can help you.19:04
StepNjumpAfter using sudo for a command, how can I tell the system to come right back at the normal user's permission (in sudo -i, one can always revert back by logout)19:05
zykotick9StepNjump, "exit"19:05
StepNjumpzykotick9 ok thanks I appreciate it19:06
mercury1<ArmyMan007> close all applications and run "sudo apt-get install -f"19:06
llutzStepNjump: no need, as soon as you're back to terminal, you're working with user-rights19:06
StepNjumpI thought it was just exiting out of the terminal19:06
ArmyMan007so, no one can help me out around here?19:06
mercury1Armyman007 I just gave you the answer?19:06
ArmyMan007mercury1, sorry, didn't notice19:07
ArmyMan007hang on a sec19:07
zykotick9mercury1, FYI you should be able to use TAB to autocomplete Nicks (will allow the other person to get highlights)19:08
ArmyMan007mercury1, ok... what now?19:08
=== bluemoon is now known as Guest3032
mercury1zykotick9, I know19:08
mercury1ArmyMan007, did the command run succesfully?19:08
file_hello, I need your help. I did an apt-get install mysql-server but its not asking me for a password and itherefore i dont know how to log into my database19:09
ArmyMan007yes, but it asks me to preform a apt-get autoremove to remove a no longer required package19:09
mercury1file_ You still have to configure the server yourself, apt-get install only installs the base files19:09
mercury1ArmyMan007, you can do that, or you can ignore it19:10
benignbalafile_: dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server ?19:10
file_benignbala: tried that19:10
mercury1ArmyMan007, I assume you want to update: then run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:10
file_benignbala: did nothing19:10
SolarisBoyyou can start with --skip-grant-tables19:10
SolarisBoymanually and set the password and flush the tables19:10
ArmyMan007mercury1, already did both of these19:10
mercury1ArmyMan007, what happens if you run those again now19:11
file_mercury1: how can i configure the password ?19:11
benignbalafile_: So, when you do sudo mysql ,it prompts for a password ?19:11
mercury1file_ Did you try sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.1       ?19:11
SolarisBoyfile_: how are you trying to connect to mysql? are you using mysql client command line with -p?19:12
file_mercury1: yay that did it thanks alot19:12
llutzbenignbala: use mysql -u root -p   , not sudo mysql19:12
mercury1file_ No problem :)19:12
ArmyMan007update - failed to fetch some packeges, upgrade - shows all 6 packeges to upgrade, with a note that index files are corropted19:12
rhizmoehow do i prevent shotwell from starting every time i plug my phone in?19:12
ArmyMan007for file ca-certufucates19:12
ArmyMan007for file ca-certificates19:13
SolarisBoyafaik mysql doesn't install a password for the root user on ubuntu it prompts you to set it after you install the pkg =(19:13
mercury1ArmyMan007, ok, do this now: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:13
mercury1it will refresh downloaded packages19:13
mercury1so you (hopefully) wont have corrupted files19:13
benignbalallutz: Oh, sudo mysql works too. when we do sudo mysql, what will be the username then ?19:13
SolarisBoyby default your username that you are i believe unless you specify -u19:13
mercury1benignbala, he already fixed it lol19:13
ArmyMan007ok.. working on it19:14
llutzbenignbala: also root, but you don't use sudo if no need19:14
benignbalamercury1: I knew that. I was responding to llutz comment.19:14
ArmyMan007mercury1, although clean command didn't give me any indication of some sort19:14
benignbalallutz: Oh, ok got it :)19:14
mercury1ArmyMan007, the clean command doesnt give any output19:14
mercury1thats normal19:14
ArmyMan007still got corrupted message19:15
mercury1Can you paste the exact output to pastebin.com ?19:15
ArmyMan007of what? or the entire terminal?19:15
ArmyMan007starting from which command?19:15
mercury1starting from the last command you ran19:15
ArmyMan007update or upgrade?19:15
ArmyMan007upgrade was last one19:16
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rensonseems not to be do anything19:16
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ArmyMan007mercury1, http://pastebin.com/WpJvCYG019:16
CharminTheMooseIs my hdd about to die soon? http://pastebin.ca/2095483 The load/unload cycles increases by 2 everytime I exit from suspend mode, which seems strange19:17
mercury1ArmyMan007, ok, I found the solution19:18
mercury1run this: sudo ls -a /var/lib/apt19:18
mercury1and paste that output to pastebin.net19:18
ArmyMan007mercury1, http://pastebin.com/wKiJtMPy19:19
rensonubottu,seems not to be doing anything19:19
ubotturenson: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:19
ArmyMan007ubottu, hello :)19:19
mercury1ArmyMan007, do you have any special software sources configured yet?19:20
trinimoseshi all19:21
mercury1ArmyMan007, or did you not yet change anything in the Software Sources?19:21
ArmyMan007mercury1, nope... just had a complete installation after deleting ubuntu 11.1019:21
trinimosesanyone here using mod_proxy ?19:21
rensonzykotick9, yes19:21
ArmyMan007mercury1, only selected best server, nothing else changed19:21
mercury1ArmyMan007, ok then, do: sudo mv /var/lib/apt/ /var/lib/apt.backup && sudo rm -f -R /var/lib/apt/19:22
recon69_lapHi everyone, got firefox not closing properly and think that java vm i installed migh be the cause, i'v removed sun java vm, can i remove java common or is it needed19:22
resistorrI'm having some issues with a makefile that used to work under 11.04.  It seems that if I use g++ and link libraries, the libraries have to be at the back of the command with the new gcc arrangement.  But my old makefiles that use LDFLAGS no longer compile things.  Any GNU make experts know what the proper makefile fix it?  I see a lot of web posts on autotools using LDADD instead of LDFLAGS.19:22
mercury1ArmyMan007, make sure to not misspell anything19:23
mercury1trinimoses, on lighttpd ?19:23
ArmyMan007mercury1, copy-paste is the only friend I need :)19:23
zykotick9renson, yes?19:23
rhizmoewhat handles the automount stuff when devices are plugged into the computer?19:23
rensonAPT crashed19:24
mercury1ArmyMan007, then do a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:24
zykotick9rhizmoe, udev eventually, but there are some higher level stuff first19:24
rhizmoezykotick9: such as? i'm trying to disable shotwell crap.19:24
ArmyMan007mercury1, I'm right now changing the main server for ubuntu updates.. it's downloading package information, holding on for a while, maybe that will work19:24
mercury1you can try that too19:25
rhizmoejust looking for places to look. i'm fine with command line.19:25
resistorrother people seem to have similar problems with completely different packages, http://osdir.com/ml/sage-devel/2011-09/msg00035.html19:25
zykotick9rhizmoe, fuse through gnome - but to disable shotwell, Nautilus - Edit / Preferences - Media tab i believe19:25
rhizmoeif you don't think you're getting enough updates, just wait a couple days and there will be 50 more!19:25
rhizmoezykotick9: i'm using gnome classic, whose nautilus does not include that tab.19:25
rhizmoe"who's?" what a drag it is getting old.19:26
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zykotick9rhizmoe, sorry - i forget about Gnome3.  I have no idea, good luck.19:26
rhizmoeanyway, that's why i'm looking for the sub-gui mechanism19:26
rhizmoethis really shouldn't be called an official channel19:27
rhizmoe(nothing personal, zykotick9!)19:27
mercury1ArmyMan007, sometimes mirror servers have errors in a file, which can lead to this19:27
ArmyMan007mercury1, working on your solution, hang a sec..19:27
mercury1ArmyMan007, but changing the main server and reloading can be the solution too19:28
mercury1try that first19:28
rensonzykotick9, help me remove the lock file pls19:28
zykotick9!apt-lock | renson19:28
ArmyMan007mercury1, it didn't, the updates were 0bytes, so that didn't help19:28
zykotick9!aptlock | renson19:28
ubotturenson: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:28
mercury1ArmyMan007, then do this: sudo mv /var/lib/apt/ /var/lib/apt.backup19:29
mercury1and then do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:29
ArmyMan007mercury1, already working on your solution, still waiting for update to finish19:29
ArmyMan007btw, thanks a bunch for helping out :D19:29
mercury1I have 120mbit connection at home19:29
mercury1dont quite understand "waiting for update" :P19:29
rensonzykotick9, apt lock  yes19:29
crash82mercury1, 120mbps ?19:30
ArmyMan007I got 5mb... and it still works like a 750k..19:30
ArmyMan007hey, has anyone heard of ninja tuna?19:30
rensonubottu, that didn't work19:30
ubotturenson: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:30
mercury1crash82, yeah, if Id move a few miles I could get 500 mbps :/19:30
ArmyMan007mercury1, it's downloading stuff, I bet you're on the right track here! :)19:31
mercury1renson, ubottu is just a bot that displays information if you say a specific command ;)19:31
scorinitronubuntunoob, you their?19:32
rensonmercury1, ok19:32
rensonmercury1, but that did not work19:33
mercury1renson, can you upload the output info of the terminal to pastebin.com ?19:33
scorinitronHey everybody! Morning/Afternoon (depends on what time zone your in)19:33
ArmyMan007mercury1, http://pastebin.com/17YaKyU519:34
mercury1press y19:34
ArmyMan007mercury1, I think that was the reason it didn't work19:34
razziexcuse my ignorance, but can anyone tell me what is the easiest way to install lamp on ubuntu?19:34
scorinitronsudo apt-get install lamp ?19:34
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:34
zykotick9rhizmoe, it didn't take me long to find that option in Gnome3. It's there.19:34
razziscorinitron, how can i open a console?19:35
scorinitronCtrl Alt T19:35
scorinitronrazzi, I'm not sure about that command thou i just guessed cause it seems to work with everything else XD19:35
ArmyMan007mercury1, Jackpot baby! :)19:36
mercury1razzi: the command sudo apt-get install lamp   will not work19:36
ArmyMan007thanks a bunch! but if it happens next time? redo the process?19:36
scorinitronrazzi, I figured... let me google it I'll find it for you19:37
mercury1ArmyMan007, it will probably wont happen again19:37
mercury1razzi: read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/C/httpd.html19:37
WinCamXP-PhoneI've had a problem with KDE on ubuntu 11.10. I installed it from the software center and it starts up fine, but after maybe a minute the images on the desktop start having trouble updating19:37
ArmyMan007mercury1, ok... again, thanks a bunch! :D19:37
mercury1no problem :)19:37
scorinitronrazzi, go here http://www.linuxcandy.com/2011/11/how-to-install-lamp-in-ubuntu-1110.html19:37
mercury1razzi, thats pretty good too ^19:38
WinCamXP-Phoneanyone know what my problem is?19:38
zonemais dns zone transfer a bug that shuold newer be on, or?19:39
WinCamXP-PhoneI'm not a big fan of Unity, so I installed the kde-standard package (or was it kde-default?)19:40
Michiellllaptopany chance on getting the actual classic desktop back like in the previous version? not just this gnome-panel19:40
zykotick9WinCamXP-Phone, you might want to ask in  #kubuntu - they're probably more familiar with KDE issues.19:40
WinCamXP-Phoneit works fine until a minute or so in, when the pictures on everything stop updati g coreectly19:41
ssfdre38how can i get the mysql dev files installed/19:41
WinCamXP-Phoneahh, okay19:41
silareI like the Ubuntu 11.10's Grid effect (if you move a window to the side of the screen, it shows the outline of the window being grown), but 11.10 has lots of issues for me.19:41
silareIs there a way to get 11.10's grid effect in 11.04?19:41
scorinitronI just installed xubuntu and19:42
scorinitronwanted to know how do I install themes?19:43
dmtarmeyhello what channel can i get wine help pls19:43
dmtarmeyi tried that it said i was kicked of by chathost invotes only19:44
zykotick9!register | dmtarmey19:44
ubottudmtarmey: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:44
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norpanHow can i use samba application to stream movies to my 360 ?19:47
zykotick9!upnp | norpan i'm not sure you can with samba.19:48
ubottunorpan i'm not sure you can with samba.: To stream media to other UPNP aware devices (such as the Xbox, PS3, or iRadio) you need a UPNP server. See !info mediatomb for information regarding the MediaTomb package19:48
ssfdre38where is the mysql.h file located at19:49
norpan!info mediatomb19:49
ubottumediatomb (source: mediatomb): UPnP MediaServer (main package). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.1-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 10 kB, installed size 104 kB19:49
scorinitrondoes anyone know Gentoo6419:49
SorikanWhat apt-get package has mail? I am running 10.04, Thanks19:50
unopssfdre38, /usr/include/mysql/mysql.h libmysqlclient-dev19:50
scorinitronHow do you run a 24 hour chat?19:50
unopSorikan, exim  -- which should be installed by default19:51
mercury1scorinitron, what do you mean with 24 hour chat?19:53
scorinitronwell I have a friend rypervenche who can stay on all day all night19:53
BernSamsonIf I wanted to install GNU flash player...and have Adobe Flash...19:53
scorinitronand he somehow set it up that way19:53
BernSamsonshould I uninstall Adobe?19:54
llutzscorinitron: get a bouncer-account19:54
scorinitronwhat's a bouncer account?19:54
BernSamsonor will Adobe flash and Gnash player behave well together?19:54
llutzscorinitron: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BNC_(software)19:54
zykotick9BernSamson, having more then one flash usually leads to problems actually19:54
BernSamsonzyko: I'm noticing that on sites such as blogtv, I'm not able to click on links within the flash chat object...and was wondering if it was a settings problem or a brokenness in 11.10 thats not supporting it. is there a way to enable that or should I find nother flash handler?19:56
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norpanhow the F*** do you use mediatomb then, im in the web interface but i understand jack lol19:58
zykotick9BernSamson, sorry I wouldn't know - good luck.19:58
scorinitronThanks llutz19:58
scorinitronI wish I learned about BNC's before I walked into #backtrack's hornet's nest... I really appreciate the info19:59
drmacroHow do I get an xinput command to execute at login?20:00
killowndoes anyone know how can I get dual monitor in unity with nvidia card?20:00
zak_Hi, I run 11.10 server with xubuntu desktop via a not-so-good kvm switch. Is there a way to get ubuntu to recognize the full resolution of the monitor (1280x1024, not 1024x768)?20:00
darkstar999My keyboard mute button is good at muting, but it doesn't unmute. It worked fine on ubuntu and windows. Any ideas? (#xubuntu is dead, trying it here)20:02
BernSamsonwent in and tweaked some of the settings...hopefully auto-allow works20:03
zak_can i use xrandr to force the resolution, or do I need to edit xorg.conf?20:06
etzerdhello all20:09
zykotick9root__, FYI using IRC as root isn't the best idea (also tells us you've enabled the root account, an ubuntu no-no)20:09
etzerdhow to install ubuntu extra?20:09
zykotick9etzerd, "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" you mean?20:09
zykotick9etzerd, use tab completion on that, i'm not sure if it's extra or extras20:10
capcookwhat are the restricted extras?20:10
zykotick9capcook, codecs/flash/java/etc20:10
relikhello i need help! I have a samsung nc10 netbook and updated to the latest ubuntu version. But now my keyboard doesn't seem to work. When i type "E" i get "aer" and random things. How can i fix this? I am forced to use an external keyboard :(20:10
capcookah ok, thanks20:11
root__i need help with a wep key i decrypted and it wont connect20:11
norpanHOw do i configure ushare to work with my 360? i done according to this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Media#Configuration , but it still does not show up in xbox20:11
scorinitron...root your screwed...20:11
llutzrob__: ask you neighbour to allow you to connect20:11
scorinitronyour logged into an IRC using a root account with your IP for all the world to see...20:12
zykotick9scorinitron, they're gone20:12
relikhow can i configure/fix keyboard driver related issues?20:12
geoffmccnorpan: have you opened the ports in ufw if you have it going, also maybe port forwarding on the router too20:13
scorinitronzykotick9, I'm trying to secure my system...what would be the best way to start...20:14
norpangeoffmcc: i saw that i havent specified a port in ushare.. maybe thats whats wrong. bad part is that i always have differnet ip, so portforward will fail if my pc start up before the xbox and viceversa?20:14
CharminTheMooseIs my hdd about to die soon? http://pastebin.ca/2095483 The load/unload cycles increases by 2 everytime I exit from suspend mode, which seems strange20:14
geoffmccnorpan: give your ubuntu box a static ip20:14
silareI like the Ubuntu 11.10's Grid effect (if you move a window to the side of the screen, it shows the outline of the window being grown), but 11.10 has lots of issues for me.20:14
silareIs there a way to get 11.10's grid effect in 11.04?20:14
zykotick9scorinitron, ? that's to broad a question.  Disable any unneeded services... install a firewall... there are several options.20:14
zykotick9scorinitron, but OOTB ubuntu should be somewhat secure, without any running services20:15
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geoffmccnorpan: according to link u gave, config shows ushare should be on port 49200 with a telnet port of 133720:15
scorinitronzykotick9, thing is I just got off of windows a while back... so I don't know what to download and where to start...20:15
zykotick9scorinitron, the first thing you should understand then, if ubuntu is basically secure OOTB - you'd need to do things to make it unsecured (this is NOT windows ;)20:16
norpangeoffmcc: yes i have recently filled that out, and opened the port in router. Still gives nothing.. it was working with ps3mediaserver but that did not give me nice results.. i was unable to add movies if i downloaded a new one for instanse..that would not show up. Just the old library when i installed the server20:16
scorinitronzykotick9, ok how about hiding my connection so I don20:17
geoffmccnorpan: do you have a firewall on ubuntu?20:17
norpangeoffmcc: not that i know of, its a fresh install!20:17
scorinitronzykotick9, ok how about hiding my connection so I don't have to connect directly?20:17
zykotick9!info ufw | scorinitron20:17
ubottuscorinitron: ufw (source: ufw): program for managing a Netfilter firewall. In component main, is standard. Version 0.30.1-2ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 128 kB, installed size 820 kB20:17
geoffmccnorpan: ok, lets make sure ufw is not running. go to term and run sudo ufw status20:18
zykotick9scorinitron, do you mean in IRC?20:18
zykotick9!cloak | scorinitron20:18
ubottuscorinitron: To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.20:18
slava_hello american obama bastards20:18
slava_fuck you20:18
zykotick9!ops | slava was just a problem in #debian20:18
ubottuslava was just a problem in #debian: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!20:19
slava_i hate hate you20:19
relikcan someone please help me20:19
Flannelslava_: Good to know.  Please leave or behave.20:19
norpangeoffmcc: its disabled..20:19
relikin ubuntu latest version when i press one button 5 or 6 characters will be shown20:19
geoffmccnorpan: hmm.20:19
slava_america can give you some democratic20:19
darkstar999slava_: dude. stop20:20
slava_fuck the obama20:20
relikis there some #ubuntu support channel where i can request help?20:20
darkstar999relik: you are here. ask away20:20
geoffmccnorpan: im just trying to think of all the things it could be, are you sure the network card is eth020:20
relikdarkstar999: i have samsung nc10 and upgraded ubuntu now the keyboard doesn't work20:20
slava_obama bastard20:20
norpangeoffmcc: allthou im using wlan0 ?20:20
relikinstead of e the characters aeefs are written and so on20:20
darkstar999relik: have you checked your keyboard settings?20:21
geoffmccnorpan: ok. that link u gave had a config file in it, did u just copy paste it, or did u change their eth0 to wlan0 to suite your needs20:21
darkstar999relik: it might be set for a different language20:21
relikdarkstar999: well i checked it and it displays US settings20:21
geoffmccnorpan: also, does ushare give any errors when starts or anything20:21
relikso this is good20:21
norpangeoffmcc: i changed to wlan0 to suit my needs :P20:21
norpangeoffmcc: no it just says "ok"20:22
rewrewHey guys, I'm stupid enough to delete my /etc/skel folder. I can't find it anywhere on the internet. Could someone please tar his up and upload it somewhere? :/ Thanks a bunch!20:22
Slartrewrew: my /etc/skel has just one file.. examples.desktop   which I think you can live without20:23
geoffmccnorpan: does your router have a upnp setting20:23
darkstar999relik: Maybe try changing it to a different language then back to US?20:23
relikok i will try that20:24
relika remote keyboard works fine20:24
geoffmccnorpan: also, it looks like it may use udp, when you forwarded the ports did u happen to maybe choose tcp20:24
chavov_Slart: it has hidden files as well default .bashrc, etc.20:24
norpangeoffmcc: well, its working with ps3mediaserver and runs fine in win7 so i just belive its the ubuntu install..and i have never came cross such a setting in the router but i can check20:24
norpangeoffmcc: i choose tcp/udp...20:25
Slartchavov_: ah.. my bad20:25
zykotick9rewrew, "sudo apt-get install --reinstall bash" might help20:25
geoffmccnorpan: yea, i only suggested that cause i see some other people mentioning other ports in some posts, so if there is something that should be forwarded and you missed it upnp would catch it20:25
rewrewjust a list of files would do though20:26
rewrewI could copy them from my home dir then20:26
geoffmccnorpan: i dont like to keep it on on my router though, i turn it on as needed, it shows me what connected and then i manually forward ports and turn off.20:26
zykotick9!virus > scorinitron20:26
ubottuscorinitron, please see my private message20:26
geoffmccnorpan: sorry couldnt be more help.20:26
norpangeoffmcc: :( thank you for trying!20:26
chavov_rewrew: it's .bash_logout, .bashrc, .profile, .Xdefaults and examples.desktop20:27
rewrewchavov_,zykotick9: Thank you20:27
darkstar999is there a list of ubottu commands?20:27
zykotick9darkstar999, http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi20:28
darkstar999thanks zykotick920:28
relikstill the same problem20:29
relikit seems like each character triggers multtiple keys20:29
JoeMofknDothi  i'm looking for a cheap usb video capture device that is compatible with ubuntu with easy set up20:33
darkstar999relik: do you have num lock on?20:33
darkstar999JoeMofknDot: how cheap?20:33
JoeMofknDotanything under $10020:34
norpanHow do i configure ushare to work with my xbox360? im on the edge of crying now20:34
pragmaticenigmawhat is ushare?20:34
darkstar999JoeMofknDot: anything by logitech is good and should work with no problems20:35
norpanpragmaticenigma: upnp service..20:35
relikdarkstar999: no20:35
pragmaticenigmaDoesn't the XBOX 360 support Samba file shares?20:35
lonejackhi, it is no longer possible to write on my usb key20:36
CharminTheMooseIs my hdd about to die soon? http://pastebin.ca/2095483 The load/unload cycles increases by 2 everytime I exit from suspend mode, which seems strange20:36
lonejackany idea?20:36
pragmaticenigmalonejack: how old is the USB drive?20:36
magikfingerzlonejack: delete some files... :)20:36
darkstar999relik: I can't find anything to help you with, but here's the wiki dedicated to your netbook https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NC1020:37
pragmaticenigmanorpan: Have you checked the wiki's available out there?20:38
JoeMofknDotdarkstar999: ok have you seen the usb video capture card from monoprice i was also wondering if anyone has tries it because it has linux in the name20:38
norpanpragmaticenigma: yes! i have followed a nice guide, but i still does not make it work : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Media#Configuration20:38
pragmaticenigmalonejack: Your drive is either full, damaged, or no longer can be written to because the chips maxed out on the number of writes20:38
darkstar999JoeMofknDot: nope. are you looking for video capture or a webcam?20:39
brontosaurusrexJoeMofknDot, blackmagic maybe?20:39
meerkatshow do I apply a patch to a source file?20:39
pragmaticenigmanorpan: what about the developer site? http://ushare.geexbox.org/20:39
lonejackpragmaticenigma, isn't full(50% used)20:39
hc96Hi! Is there some functionality that shows me which system files differ from the default version in the packages? (meaning I have modified them)20:39
pragmaticenigmalonejack: How old is the drive?20:40
llutzhc96: config files?20:40
lonejackpragmaticenigma, I suppose at least 4 years20:40
pragmaticenigmalonejack: It is possible if you use the drive to move a lot of files around that you have maxed out it;s life... USB drives and solid state drives have a finite number of times you can write data to it20:41
hc96llutz: yes, mainly those in /etc20:41
JoeMofknDotdarkstar999: video capture i just looked at it it doesn't say linux but here's a link http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=108&cp_id=10810&cs_id=1081003&p_id=1882&seq=1&format=220:41
llutzhc96: dpkg-query -W -f='${Conffiles}\n' '*' | awk 'OFS="  "{print $2,$1}' | md5sum -c 2>/dev/null | awk -F': ' '$2 !~ /OK/{print $1}'20:41
pragmaticenigmalonejack: However, have you trried the usb drive on another computer, or in another USB port?20:41
hc96llutz: ok... gonna try that20:42
brontosaurusrexJoeMofknDot, http://www.blackmagic-design.com/products/intensity/techspecs/20:42
lonejackpragmaticenigma, no I'll do in a minute20:42
JoeMofknDotbrontosaurusrex: thanks i'll look now20:43
koo1does anyone use a monochrome crt with colorful console programs?20:43
lonejackpragmaticenigma, but what I want to do are operations that I did hundreds time in the past...20:43
pragmaticenigmalonejack: like what?20:44
brontosaurusrexJoeMofknDot, what kind of signal do you need to capture btw?20:44
timmyhow old is xchat 2.8.6?20:45
pragmaticenigmatimmy: if it works, why worry?20:45
lonejackpragmaticenigma, connect the key, download files, delete, etc...20:45
llutztimmy:  11-Jun-200820:45
pragmaticenigmatimmy: 2.8.8 is what I am running20:46
timmylol because i do not want an obselete version20:46
timmyim running ubuntu 10.0420:46
pragmaticenigmalonejack: I'm guess you have worn out the ability of your USB drive to have files written to it... you will need to purchase a new one20:46
hc96llutz: what does the '*' in the command do? seems dpkg-query also works without it?20:46
magikfingerztimmy: pragmaticenigma is right... unless you are looking for a new feature not included in your version, or a critical patch, there is not valid reason to upgrade...20:46
timmyi understand that20:47
JoeMofknDotbrontosaurusrex: it would be most convenient if it was hdmi20:47
timmythis version works fine20:47
timmyi might uprade to ubuntu 10.1020:48
lonejackpragmaticenigma, flash memories can be written at least 100000 times20:48
pragmaticenigmatimmy: the latest version may have a new feature to it... but you really shouldn't worry... Ubuntu developers will make sure any security patches are applied if needed20:48
timmybut that isnt lts20:48
llutzhc96: then its obsolete. its not _my_ command, i just found it somewhere some time ago20:48
relikhow can i change keyboard driver?20:48
pragmaticenigmalonejack: You have had the drive for 4 years... it is possible that if you move a lot of files on and off your drive that you have exceeded that limit20:48
hc96llutz: ok. cause I'm currently trying to understand it :)20:49
relikwhen i type a character multiple characters will be shown. i think this is a low level error on samsung nc10 +latest version ubuntu20:49
=== gloomer is now known as whereswaldo
* relik is thinking about going back to windows XP :20:49
magikfingerzrelik: the multiple characters are the same? or different...20:49
of2vilhello, is there any chance to find a package for thunderbird 8 compatible to ubuntu 11.10 without compiling it myself?20:49
timmythat should be in the repos20:50
relikmagikfingerz: for each character you have a different set of characters20:50
of2viltimmy: no there is only thunderbird 7 or 9beta20:50
timmyadd the thunderbird stable repos then20:50
pragmaticenigmaof2vil: they will release a new version of thunderbird in the repos when they have finished making a compatible version for Ubuntu20:50
timmyvia ppa20:50
lonejackpragmaticenigma, anyway.. thank you20:51
timmyim running firefox 820:51
magikfingerzrelik: it sounds me like a keymap problem... What keyboard distribution you have? english, spanish, greek?20:51
timmyon 10.0420:51
pragmaticenigmatimmy: the thunderbird ppa is only for 10.04 and older20:51
relikmagikfingerz: i have samsung nc10 and i have english US20:51
of2vilpragmaticenigma: yeah, but i am wondering since thunderbird 8 has been in the precise repository for some time20:52
of2vilare there any snapshots of older package versions?20:53
timmyhey how do you install the latest java20:53
pragmaticenigmaof2vil: that is because 12.04 is still in developement and it doesn't make sence for them to start with 7 if 8 is available20:53
timmythe recomend version20:53
hc96llutz: unfortunately that does not relly work, e.g. /etc/hosts is not in the list20:53
pragmaticenigmathey just released firefox 8 in the last week, when mozilla released it a few weeks ago20:53
hc96llutz: dpkg-query even does not write it to stdout20:53
pragmaticenigmaof2vil: Ubuntu will release Thunderbird 8... I don't see any reason to try and force an install, there isn't anything major between 7 and 8 that you are going to need this exact moment20:54
Quantum_Ionpragmaticenigma, Yeah I know20:54
llutzhc96: it only works if the config file was shipped with a package and listed in *.conffile20:54
Quantum_IonPeople should wait a while on upgrades20:54
silareI like the Ubuntu 11.10's Grid effect (if you move a window to the side of the screen, it shows the outline of the window being grown), but 11.10 has lots of issues for me.20:54
silareIs there a way to get 11.10's grid effect in 11.04?20:54
of2vilpragmaticenigma: in fact i do since i have some compatibility problems with thunderbird7/lightning and an davical server20:54
Quantum_Ionsilare, Just wait for the LTS releases20:55
llutzhc96: /etc/hosts is dynamically generated at installation-time20:55
timmycan anybody help me?20:55
magikfingerzrelik: OK, what desktop do you have...? GNOME, XFCE?20:55
silareQuantum_Ion: There's basically no way to move Compiz plugins back and forth?20:55
benjibHi, is anyone willing to help me with an nfs issue?20:55
pragmaticenigmaperhaps someone here can help solve the issue.. upgrades don't necassarily mean it will get fixed20:55
of2vilpragmaticenigma: but ill just wait :)20:55
reliki have standard ubuntu20:55
relikso gnome20:55
pragmaticenigmaof2vil: I use Thunderbird 7 with lightning, perhaps I can help you20:56
hc96llutz: hm... but in my opinion if there were a package that wants to change /etc/hosts I'll be asked what I want to do, since I have changed it manually. If I had left it at original state, I would not be asked.20:56
llutzhc96: less /var/lib/dpkg/info/netbase.postinst20:56
pragmaticenigmasilare: The feature you are looking at was something added for 11.10... it is not available in previous versions20:57
magikfingerzrelik OK, so go to gnome control center and look for the keyboard option and check if there is the right keyboard chosen...20:57
relikmagikfingerz: i did20:58
magikfingerzrelik: In this case, US keyboard (Generic US Keyboard is OK)20:58
relikUS keyboard is selected20:58
hc96llutz: same goes with /etc/ssh/sshd_config20:58
johnnyhi there20:59
=== johnny is now known as Guest1801
of2vilpragmaticenigma: it just fails to create an event on that server and the log on the server doesnt say anything specific about the error - and it works fine with the newer version of thunderbird20:59
magikfingerzrelik: OK, have you tried to check if this problem is present in console mode too?21:00
Quantum_Ionsilare, Compiz plugins take up too much power21:00
pragmaticenigmajohnny / Guest1801 ... please pick a more unique name21:00
relikyes the same problem occures in console mode21:00
Guest1801yeh ! i will come with real one.. :))21:00
silarepragmaticenigma / Quantum_Ion : Hmm... So it's not so easy as just moving a few files back and forth? :/ Is there a way to make it so moving a window to the side gets that outline effect (not like 11.10's, but I lost my 11.04 one too).21:01
llutzhc96: that only works with packages coming with a <package>.conffiles   file. i'd suggest to use etckeeper/changetrack21:01
Guest1801! register21:01
pragmaticenigmaof2vil: Are you by chance trying to use your own DAV server?21:01
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:01
of2vilpragmaticenigma: i am21:01
pragmaticenigmasilare: you cannot just transfer files back and forth to get a feature... each program is compibled agasint the system kernel, and 11.04 and 11.10 do not use the same kernel21:02
Guest1801! register21:03
pragmaticenigmaof2vil: does your server acknowledge that a connection was made when you try to update the calendar?21:03
silarepragmaticenigma: Ah... Figures. Though I think 11.04 had a feature where if I move my window to the top of the screen it'd show the orange outline of a maximized window; I don't have that anymore. How do I re-enable it?21:03
M4rc3lTo register your nick type in /msg nickserv register PASSWORD EMAIL  into the text box replacing PASSWORD and EMAIL with your own email and password.21:03
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:03
=== Guest1801 is now known as Exxon
pragmaticenigmasilare: it is in the compiz settings... I don't use Ubuntu Unity desktop (I use Xubuntu) so I don't know where that feature is located21:03
Exxonpragmaticenigma, now i am real :))21:04
of2vilpragmaticenigma: yes, reading the calender works just fine, but i am not able to create any events21:04
pragmaticenigmaExxon and soon to sink :-)21:04
hc96llutz: well, my problem is the following: I want to install to a new version of ubuntu, but I do not want to throw away my configuration I've done, so I have to save it before formatting. So I need to know what I modified :) As I read, etckeeper only shows what was changed since it's installed21:04
Exxonpragmaticenigma, simply forgot was on other distro now back..21:05
pragmaticenigmawhat version of lightning are you using?21:06
magikfingerzrelik: have you tried this:? http://nc10ubuntu.wordpress.com/2008/11/11/what-i-did/21:06
llutzhc96: correct, so it won't help you now. best to have a log-file where you keep all your changes written down.21:07
hc96sure, next time :)21:07
llutzhc96: i guess you have to diff new config/old config now21:07
horseatingweedsI'm trying to run perl as cgi using this guide: http://www.blog.highub.com/perl/install-configure-apache-localhost-perl-on-linux-ubuntu/  But when I try accessing a .pl file, I get a 403 Forbidden. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I chmod 755 the .pl file.21:08
hc96llutz: well, I could install the new system in Virtual Box and then do a diff21:08
cloolussPlease help!  Trying to access data on a laptop that will no longer boot into Ubuntu. I have booted from a live CD, and I can see the folders I need, but when I try to copy them it tells me that I don't have permission. Have tried it from command line with sudo but it makes no difference.21:08
darkstar999clooluss: have you tried chmodding the files?21:09
Quantum_Ionclooluss, Why wont it boot into Linux21:09
cloolussWon't boot because it comes up with some rubbish about "please correct gdm configuration." I've lost the sudo password for this machine21:10
guntbertclooluss: the sudo passord is your own password21:11
pragmaticenigmaclooluss: what was the last thing you did to your machine?21:11
silareDoes anyone know where in the Compiz settings the configuration to change the outline colour for the Grid plugin is?21:11
cloolussMy wife's machine. She was using as usual, next day, wouldn't boot. It needs a new OS anyway, I just want the data off it to reinstall but it won't let me have it!21:12
Quantum_Ionclooluss, You can repair it with the Linux DVD live disk21:12
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do21:12
cloolussQuantum_Ion: Go on...21:12
pragmaticenigmaclooluss: boot al ive cd and you will have access to the data on the drive and can transfer it to a new location21:12
=== darkstar999 is now known as darkstar999-away
cloolusspramatice; Trying that, it won't let me have the data because of file permissions21:13
wolframnHappy Thanksgiving #Ubuntu!21:13
pragmaticenigmaclooluss: are you able to view the files at all?21:13
zykotick9clooluss, is this some sort of encrypted filesystem or home directory?21:14
Exxonzykotick9, even if its encrypted with live dcd/cd we can retive the files.21:14
zykotick9Exxon, that's good - i just want to know if "I" want to get involved or not.21:15
cloolussnot encrypted. I just tried sudo chmod of a single file, it allowed me to copy it over to an external HD. Will try that with the other files. Is there a way to mass-chmod everything in a folder and all subfolders? Also, as a live CD user, am I u, g or o?21:16
guntbertclooluss: when you chmod them all they will stay that way - might be a lot of work later21:17
pragmaticenigmaclooluss: use this command:   find ./ -type f -execdir chmod a+rw {} \;21:17
pragmaticenigmamake sure you execute that from the home directory you are trying to recover21:17
guntbertpragmaticenigma: why not just chmod -R ... ?21:18
cloolussguntbert: Not a problem - because I have the same stupid problem with my external drive (can't write to the EXT partition because of file permissions) I will copy everything to a FAT partition, which will strip all the unixy file permissions off it.21:18
pragmaticenigmaclooluss: plug a sudo in front too21:18
pragmaticenigmaguntbert: because that will also affect directories21:18
guntbertclooluss: I see ..21:18
Exxonclooluss, do you have the prblem with the grub did you dual install..just asking21:19
guntbertpragmaticenigma: good idea, didn't see it :)21:19
cloolussI am certain the file permission system is broken in later versions of Ubuntu.... I find it impossible to move / share files between users despite doing everything by the book21:19
cloolussnot a dual boot. This machine has been running Ubuntu 7.10 since... well since 7.1021:19
pragmaticenigmaguntbert: I made that mistake before and then wondered why I couldn't access my directories... directories require execute permission for some reason21:20
guntbertpragmaticenigma: yes, x on directories means "can enter"21:20
cloolussso...  is      find ./ -type f -execdir chmod a+rw {} \;     still the recommended command?21:21
pragmaticenigmaI use the chmod command I posted a moment ago to make sure all my video files are in readonly mode... and they are all stored in subdirs... makes it reall fast and easy21:21
llutzpragmaticenigma: chmod -R a=rwX ./21:21
pragmaticenigmayes clooluss21:21
pragmaticenigmallutz: how does that work?21:22
llutzpragmaticenigma: man chmod , X (uppercase) works only on directories (or files already have execute-bit set)21:23
pragmaticenigmallutz: neat... thanks for the tip21:24
cloolussfind; missing argument to '-execdir'21:26
nils_seems like the update-grub script for grub1 always sets "quiet splash" in the kernel commandline. Any way to override that?21:27
pragmaticenigmaclooluss: try the command llutz just posted:  sudo chmod -R a=rwX ./21:28
pragmaticenigmanils_: yes there is a way to override this ... give me amoment to find the config file21:28
guntbertnils look at the top of /etc/default/grub, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT...21:28
Exxonclooluss, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:29
nils_guntbert:  don't have that file, seems that's only there for grub221:29
horseatingweedsI'm trying to run perl as cgi using this guide: http://www.blog.highub.com/perl/install-configure-apache-localhost-perl-on-linux-ubuntu/  But when I try accessing a .pl file, I get a 403 Forbidden. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I chmod 755 the .pl file.21:29
guntbertnils_: thats true, I misread your statement21:30
pragmaticenigmaguntbert: is just way too fast at this21:30
pragmaticenigmanils_: I think thre is a settings file /boot/grub  but i could be wrong21:31
genii-aroundnils_: /boot/grub/menu.lst21:31
pragmaticenigmanils_: here is a site with exactly what you are looking for : http://www.foogazi.com/2007/10/27/remove-the-ubuntu-splash-screen/21:33
pragmaticenigmahorseatingweeds: the file needs to be under the same ownership as the servers user21:34
nils_yeah but I suspect that update-grub will add those lines again when I install a new kernel. I'll best go fiddle with the script.21:35
pragmaticenigmahorseatingweeds: I believe the user needed is www-data21:35
pragmaticenigmanils_: When you get a new update... usually you will be prompted that there are changes to the current config and update manager will ask if you want to overwrite the changes21:36
pragmaticenigmaat least it wuld for me, I had to always run mine with the i915.modeset=1 option21:36
nils_yeah this box doesn't work with grub2 else I'd be happy with grub2 and /etc/default/grub21:36
Exxonraimedia_score, what addons are you looking for21:38
pragmaticenigma!flood | raimedia_score21:38
ubotturaimedia_score: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:38
Exxonpragmaticenigma, give him the time to explain..21:39
famgodcan anyone tell me which kernel has the new power ACPI (that drastically improves batter power) ???21:39
MissingNH2Anyone know how to change the hotspot for the Unity sidebar?21:39
pragmaticenigmafamgod: What version of Ubuntu are you currently running?21:40
zacariasmy mouse cursor goes off the visible desktop to the right side (but not to the left). Some of my sticky notes too. How do I correct that?21:40
yagoofamgod, powermanagement still premature on linux.. if you want to have a look check out the latest about suspend2/tuxnice project21:40
pragmaticenigmazacarias: Your possibly using an unspported resolution for your display, try a lower one and see if it improves the problem21:41
yagoofamgod, at least according to me linux powermanagement -- if it works for you great.. if not then it's either posible or very experimental21:41
wunnlehey guys.21:42
Spyhey wunnle21:42
wunnleanyone using an alternative for plowshare? it is buggy and doesn't have features for safelinking and proxy tunnel.21:43
zacariaspragmaticenigma: but it works with everything else. If I try to move a panel applet to the right, for instance, it won't move21:43
pragmaticenigmaIt's possible the notes application has a bug and doesn't recognize the screen edge as a boundry21:44
inashdeen_hi everyone, just an enquiry. what is an author's signing key? how do i get them?21:44
pangurOn my LibreOffice, I have an icon for Print File directly(generic printer) and I can also choose File->Print.  I am using Ubuntu 11.10.  Why does the icon sometimes work whereas the File->Print can sit there doing nothing?21:44
pragmaticenigmainashdeen_: It's a certificate you apply to your programs to digitally sign them to prove that you were the author and it is your own work21:45
inashdeen_pramaticeningma : how do i do it?21:45
Danny33496Hey Does anyone know why my HTC evo 4G all of a sudden turns off and dosnt turn on? it was plugged into the computer charging...21:46
Danny33496And it just turned off21:46
pragmaticenigmainashdeen_: depends on what you need it for... it's really only necassary if your going to run your applications on an environment that requires application signing like Android... it's not needed for PC programs21:46
Danny33496can anyone answer my question?21:47
pragmaticenigmaDanny33496: this is a forum for Ubuntu... not mobile devices... I reocmmend you contact your wireless service provider support line21:47
inashdeen_pramaticenigma: im a recompiling a vala file21:47
yagooDanny33496, just did. oomachookaloobahooba21:47
ExxonDanny33496, its a mobile phone..??21:47
pragmaticenigmainashdeen_: I am not familiar with vala, please explain21:47
inashdeen_Danny33496: how me help you?21:47
yagooExxon, it's a plane!!21:47
Danny33496Yes its a HTC EVO 4G Flashed to metro21:47
MissingNH2And you're on the ubuntu channel...21:48
Danny33496Im just wondering if anyone has any idea21:48
Danny33496who should i call?21:48
inashdeen_Danny33496: is it plugged on a ubuntu? i mean if it is an HTC question, we cant help you. seriously21:48
wunnleKeep wondering.21:48
MissingNH2Try removing the battery and reinserting21:48
Danny33496I have done that21:48
wunnleDanny33496, ghost busters?21:48
pragmaticenigmaDanny33496: I wouldn't recommend charging our phone with your computer... try plugging in using the wall adapter... if it still doens't turn on then you need to contact Sprint for warrenty service21:48
Danny33496i took out the battery and put it back in21:48
MissingNH2Did you hold the power button after you put the battery back in? Try holding it down for a few seconds21:49
Danny33496and also it turns on but as soon as i let go the power button it turns off21:49
MissingNH2Plug it into a wall socket thing21:49
MissingNH2for about 20 mins.21:49
Danny33496i feel like the battery is done21:49
MissingNH2And then try again.21:49
pragmaticenigmaDanny33496: Charge the phone using the wall adapter, not your computer21:49
Danny33496i know thats what im doing21:50
Danny33496im only using wall adapter now21:50
MissingNH2Also, take the battery out, plug it in and hold the power button21:50
pragmaticenigmaDanny33496: it will take awhile for the battery to charge.. leave it alone for a while21:50
BesogonDoes someone compile Apache+php by himself? If I update the system Shall I recompile Apache and php again?21:50
MissingNH2if its a battery problem, then it will work perfectly21:50
Danny33496i got so pissed -__-21:50
inashdeen_pragmaticenigma: elementary OS got a program named exe-wrapper. i want to install it on ubuntu. it is a ppa only by the way. the problem is, it is written inside there Elementary. i wanna change it to ubuntu. so i edit the source. and now i want to compile it again. it is easy, just using debuild. but they require those "keys".21:50
pragmaticenigmaDanny33496: if it still doen't work then you need to contact your wireless carrier for further support21:50
Shirakawasunahi folks! Running xubuntu 11.10, when I select 'shut down' it puts me back out at the lightdm login and I can't find a shutdown option in the lightdm interface, so I end up switching VTs and manually running 'poweroff'. Is this a general ubuntu issue / xubuntu issue and does anyone know a fix?21:50
Danny33496but i flashed the phone to metro21:50
pangurWhy are you asking in ubuntu rather than in a channel for mobile phones, Danny33496?  Would you not get more focussed help elsewhere?21:50
Danny33496will they still help me?21:50
MissingNH2again, if its a battery issue, then taking the battery out and turning it on while its plugged in will make it work.21:50
MissingNH2i have no idea what 'flashed the phone to metro' means.21:51
Danny33496it dosnt turn on without the battery either21:51
ShirakawasunaDanny33496: try ##hardware21:51
MissingNH2then its not a battery issue.21:51
pangurIt means that he has had it chipped21:51
ShirakawasunaDanny33496: they're usually pretty helpful21:51
pragmaticenigmaDanny33496: No, you have voided the warrenty and pssibly briked your phone in the processs21:51
Danny33496Like the evo is for sprint i made it go to metro service21:51
yagoopoor Danny boy..21:51
MissingNH2doesn't that void your warranty?21:51
yagooDanny33496, you can try to get away with it.. just never mention you did it21:52
topoloHello here, i'm a new unity GUI user and i need a tips21:52
pragmaticenigma!ask | topolo21:52
ubottutopolo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:52
Danny33496Ok ill call them but i think im gonna let it sit for a while21:52
Danny33496because it turns on but it turns off right away ....21:52
MissingNH2Oh yea, speaking of unity, I had a question too which wasn't answered21:52
MissingNH2Anyone know how to control the unity sidebar hotspot? So it'll come out only when I move my mouse to the bottom left vs the whole left side?21:52
Danny33496I have no clue21:52
topoloI've start an applicaiton and i can't find how to pout the mouse focus out of it, "i'm blocked in it" Is there any shortcut ?21:53
MissingNH2topolo: alt + tab?21:53
MonkeyDustMissingNH2  try CCSM21:53
gislikarlhas anyone tried Linux Mint Debian? if so how is it compared to the Ubuntu based mint?21:53
topoloAlt+TAB no21:53
wunnleMishkaEchoes, yes, and also when you press super-key.21:53
MissingNH2MonkeyDust: Is that part of the Compiz thing? Isn't Compiz buggy?21:53
pragmaticenigmaMissingNH2: You would need to add the feature to the Unity code base to get that feature21:53
MonkeyDustMissingNH2  yes it's compiz config etc21:54
pragmaticenigma!mint | gislikarl21:54
ubottugislikarl: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:54
topolodo you mean super key + alt + atb > no21:54
przemek_hi there. does any of you uses apache mod_layout? because I cant get it to work on my server.21:54
MissingNH2pragmaticenigma: I was hoping it was already implemented. I'm not that familiar with Ubuntu code. :/21:54
theborgeranyone recommend a decent browser? low mem use?21:54
topolobut long pressure of super key only show number in icons21:54
MissingNH2MonkeyDust: Is compiz stable enough for regular use?21:54
theborgeralso good to run over ssh tunneling?21:54
kmtheinQuestion: I installed Postfix on Ubuntu 11.10, and I was surprised that there was no file even in /usr/bin/mail and /bin/mail. Should mail file exist out of the box installation of Ubuntu?21:54
ic3b3rghey guys, i have a quick question. I'm attempting to change the order for my grub menu. It says to look for a menu.lst file on the internet. All I can find is a menu.lst.save... is this the same thing?21:54
wunnleMissingNH2, i use compiz, and it's stable.21:55
pragmaticenigmaMissingNH2: sadly it's what would be considered a power user feature and Ubuntu developers haven't had time to add those enhancements yet21:55
gislikarl@theborger I recomend Google Chromium or Chrome21:55
nalle_Got some problems with my dual-monitors. Anyone wanna be a pro and help me? :)21:55
MissingNH2I'll try out compiz then21:55
MonkeyDustMissingNH2  i don't like/use compiz, just know ccsm is to configure it21:55
BesogonPeople! Does compiz-config work with gnome3???21:55
gislikarlyou can get chromium from the software center21:55
pragmaticenigmaMissingNH2: compiz has been around for a long time now... it's stable21:55
MissingNH2I'll try it out. I don't like how the sidebar comes out whenever I move towards my browser's back button21:56
pragmaticenigmaic3b3rg: what version of grub are you using and what version of ubuntu are you using?21:56
pragmaticenigmaMissingNH2: You should be able to re-position the bar to the bottom of the screen I would think21:56
Exxontheborger, the inbult browser is decent..what you expect for other21:56
ic3b3rgmsot recent version of ubuntu 11.10? i think21:56
ic3b3rgand I have no clue what version of grub21:57
MissingNH2pragmaticenigma: Nope, there was a bug report filed, and the devs said it didn't go with the idea of Unity or somesuch21:57
wunnleMissingNH2, you'll get used to move your cursor to right side of back button :P21:57
MissingNH2even though many people wanted it. a hundred or so.21:57
yagooic3b3rg, that's grub221:57
ic3b3rgok. is editing that different?21:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:57
pragmaticenigmaic3b3rg: there is no menu.lst  in ubuntu 11.10...21:57
MissingNH2wunnle: Haha. That'll require very precise mouse movements. I'll just try compiz.21:57
alex_mayorgais there a way to fully reset the theme, login, scroll bars, etc21:57
ic3b3rghow do i change the default if there's no menu.lst?21:58
yagooic3b3rg, grub2 modifying different.. don't edit grub.cfg directly21:58
pragmaticenigmaMissingNH2: LAME!21:58
pragmaticenigmaic3b3rg: Just a sec21:58
nalle_Anyone got a clue why i can't use dual monitors?21:58
wunnleMissingNH2, it takes 2 days exactly  (:21:58
ic3b3rgok, thaanks21:58
MissingNH2pragmaticenigma: I'll see if I can get a link to it. Twas the longest bug report I've ever seen.21:58
pragmaticenigmaic3b3rg: I have the same setup on my machine21:58
nalle_Anyone got a clue why i can't use dual monitors?21:58
alex_mayorgaI upgraded from Natty, but the theme doesn't look like a new fresh install21:58
MissingNH2wunnle: You're using compiz though.21:58
ic3b3rghow did you get it to work?21:58
yagooic3b3rg, /etc/default/grub21:59
pragmaticenigmaic3b3rg: the folder /etc/grub.d has the scripts that help generate the menu... what are you trying to change and I will help you best I can21:59
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy21:59
wunnleMissingNH2, i use both. now i'm on unity. it looks fantastic at first, but it's usefull.21:59
yagooic3b3rg, then update-grub2, to update grub.cfg21:59
nalle_required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(3840, 1080), minimum=(320, 200), maximum=(1920, 1920)21:59
MissingNH2Ideally I'd use Gnome, but it messes up my touchpad21:59
pragmaticenigmaMissingNH2: I switched away from Ubuntu to Xubuntu awhile ago when Gnome was getting too bloated and didn't even want to think about unity21:59
wunnleMissingNH2, left click locking problem?22:00
ic3b3rgawesome. ok thank you guys so much!22:00
kmtheinQuestion: Should I expect to see /usr/bin/mail or /bin/mail with out of the box installation of latest Ubuntu?22:00
MissingNH2wunnle: No, the touchpad works till login, and stops working right after I log in.22:00
MissingNH2pragmaticenigma: I don't know what xubuntu is, I'll look it up22:00
ExxonMissingNH2, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad22:00
* pangur is away: Gone away for now22:00
wunnleMissingNH2, woa, i like my left click locking problem then.22:01
pragmaticenigmaMissingNH2: Xubuntu is all the same as ubuntu but uses the Xfce window manager...22:01
wunnleXfce = ugly22:01
MissingNH2Exxon: I'll try that out, but it happens even when the touchpad is not suspended. Thanks for the link though. I'll see if that fixes it22:01
topoloUP - ubuntu - unity - I've started an application and i can't find how to put out the mouse focus, "i'm blocked in it" Is there any shortcut ? (super key > no, alt tab > no)22:01
MissingNH2Exxon: touchpad is not disabled*22:01
lcbhi. how to install iceweasel and not firefox, when apt-get install iceweasel on a minimal installation setup?22:01
ExxonMissingNH2, i would rather suggest google first instead ..:))22:02
pragmaticenigmawunnle: Xfce = functional for me22:02
omidhi , i use kubuntu 11.04 how can i format a USB memory stick ?22:02
MissingNH2Exxon: I did try Google. There was a bug report filed somewhere with many people chiming in with their solutions. I just went back to Unity. :)22:02
wunnlepragmaticenigma, Xfce = [functional, ugly] than.22:02
pragmaticenigmalcb: Iceweasel is built on the same libraies as firefox... that's why it installs both22:02
lcbomid: gparted, for instance22:02
omidlcb:  kubuntu has KDE . and KDE has not Gparted .22:03
lcbpragmaticenigma: hmm but it installs firefox only22:03
yagoolooking for a treepane file manager, one knows of one?22:03
lcbomid: any artition tool22:03
pragmaticenigmalcb: probably because iceweasel isn't developed anymore?22:03
lcbpartition either22:03
omidnothing is included?22:03
lcbpragmaticenigma: probably22:03
ExxonMissingNH2, i really want you to understand it first and try it out..if any failure then..22:04
MissingNH2Exxon: I have a fair idea of why its happening. A gnome service stops the touchpad but doesn't restart it.22:04
yagoo(there's nautilus of course but i hate it.. looking for alternative)22:05
ExxonMissingNH2, can you link me to the Snyptic bug report as you claim22:05
yagoo(gnome if possible)22:05
MissingNH2Exxon: Sure22:05
* pangur is back.22:06
famgodwhats the apt-get command to purge a package?22:06
pragmaticenigmayagoo: Thunar perhaps?22:06
pragmaticenigmafamgod: apt-get remove packagename22:07
ExxonMonkeyDust, we are all rejoicing ..:))22:07
theborgerhow do you launch chrome from the command line?22:07
theborgergoogle-chrome is not working22:07
theborgernor is chrome etc22:07
genii-aroundfamgod: sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename22:07
pragmaticenigmatheborger: are you sure you have google chrome installed and not chromium?22:08
theborgeri got it22:08
pragmaticenigmatheborger: what happends if you enter chromium-browser?22:09
Exxontheborger, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138518222:09
theborgeryea i got it working, thanks22:10
zykotick9pragmaticenigma, i think the executable is "chromium" and the package is chromium-browser (or used to be, to avoid conflict with the game, i think they've renamed the game now)22:10
pragmaticenigmazykotick9: no idea... I just know from the command line if I tab complete mine wants to use chromium-borwser22:10
pragmaticenigmaspelling errors not withstanding22:11
zykotick9pragmaticenigma, oh, well guess i was wrong then22:11
MissingNH2Exxon: I'm trying to find the bug report I was looking at a few weeks back, but theres quite a few Gnome-touchpad bug reports. This is one thats similar to mine, and relevant:22:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 868400 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Synaptics touchpad stops working" [High,Confirmed]22:12
ExxonMissingNH2, that bug is already solved.. so the report vanished try the link- xubuntu22:13
moxiedoes anyone know where the linux mint channel is22:13
pragmaticenigma!mint | moxie22:13
ubottumoxie: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:13
MissingNH2Solved? 17 hours ago someone posted:22:14
MissingNH2"Does anyone know if thee is any solution to be seen soon?"22:14
MissingNH2Its not marked as Solved either22:14
fellowlinguistwhats the apt command to list dependencies for a package22:15
T0mMI have destroyed my task bar any way i can restore it?22:15
T0mMit is not showing the applications in the task bar22:15
zykotick9fellowlinguist, "apt-cache depends foo"22:15
arcskysudo: unable to resolve host vbox-server22:15
arcskyi takes ages when i do sudo -i22:15
arcskywhat doese that mean ?22:15
zykotick9arcsky, did you change your hostname since installing?22:16
arcskyzykotick9: sure in /etc/hostname22:16
zykotick9arcsky, did you also change /etc/hosts?22:16
zykotick9!hostname | arcsky22:16
ubottuarcsky: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.22:16
pragmaticenigmafellowlinguist: I usually just use the install command wait fo the list to come up then tell it no22:17
T0mMplease i need help badly22:17
esmirlinhi guys! i have a problem, when i use gnome shell, every gnome app (like nautilus or gedit) at launching show a glich in the menu, like it dissapeares for a moment and then reappeares, does anyone else noticed it?22:18
arcskyzykotick9: its an ubuntu server (virtual one)22:18
zykotick9arcsky, that doesn't answer my question.  Did you read what !hostname said about the two files?22:18
exploitshi all22:19
MissingNH2I set Compiz to show the sidebar when I press control + space, and this doesn't work. Do I have to restart or something to get this to work?22:19
exploitshow to install blackbuntu in hdd?22:19
zykotick9exploits, blackbuntu is not a supported version here22:20
T0mMnvm fixed it22:20
exploitstnx zykotick922:21
alex_mayorgaFWIW, this http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome helped me to get back to plain oneiric, or so I believe22:21
pragmaticenigma!blackbuntu | exploits22:21
exploitsIs there a way to install22:21
borisbI've just installed 11.10 and it keeps asking me for *root* password (not my *user* password) for everything system related, even connecting to wireless. Also upgrade manager did not work, I had to upgrade from console (and via wired conn.)22:21
T0mMi needed to add window list22:21
pragmaticenigmaexploits: We don't support that version here... you will have to go to their site for assitence22:22
exploitsEasy to install in vmware22:22
pragmaticenigmaexploits: IT IS NOT SUPPORTED HERE, PLEASE STOP ASKING22:23
arcskyzykotick9: it takes ages to ssh to the box22:23
zykotick9arcsky, i don't have an answer for that sorry.  Good luck.22:23
exploitstnx pragmaticenigma22:23
MissingNH2exploits: Its installed the same way as regular ubuntu. Try their forums.22:24
ExxonT0mM, please elobrate what window manager are you using22:25
CharminTheMooseIs my hdd about to die soon? http://pastebin.ca/2095483 The load/unload cycles increases by 2 everytime I exit from suspend mode, which seems strange22:25
T0mMExxon, Window lis22:26
joansirleyhello everyone22:26
pragmaticenigmaExxon: T0mM is using gnome 2.x... he needs the taskbar app that lists the open programs22:26
ExxonT0mM, http://www.ehow.com/how_8228594_reinstall-taskbar-ubuntu-gnome.html22:26
MissingNH2Yea, I cant get the changes in Compiz (with the Unity plugin) to stick22:26
joansirleyI would like someone to help me in a important question for me22:27
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:27
ben_What is the equivalent directory on Ubuntu to Apache2.2/cgi-bin on Windows?22:27
shiphtHello. Newb question here. In 11.11 I don't seem to have a .Xdefaults file in my home directory. I'm trying to add lines for 256 color support in my terminal. Has the config file changed or something?22:27
MissingNH2I've always wanted to use that22:27
joansirleyhow to clone a harddisk22:27
mdq3_join #8bc22:27
scorinitrontheir's an 11.11?22:27
joansirleydd is extremely slow22:27
jribshipht: there is no such thing as 11.11.  If you want to use ~/.Xdefaults, just create it.22:27
joansirleyclonezilla didn't work22:27
joansirleywhat's an alternative for me?22:28
pragmaticenigmaben_: That depends on your configuration file... typically /var/www/cgi-bin but I'm not certain on that22:28
pragmaticenigmashipht: you might just need to add the fil yourself...22:28
joansirleywhat's an alternative for exemple from a Live Ubuntu?22:28
joansirleyI use dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=102422:29
joansirleyextremely slow22:29
zykotick9joansirley, are you imagining to an external USB?22:29
joansirleyno internal22:30
pragmaticenigmajoansirley: Clone any harddrive is going to take as much time as your system hardware supports... if you are running on an older machine it's going to take longer than a newer machine... also, if you have a lot of data, it's goin to take longer to transfer 1Tb of data versus 10GB of data22:30
Exxonjoansirley, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/19141/clone-a-hard-drive-using-an-ubuntu-live-cd/22:30
shiphtjrib: 11.10 sorry. Can I create the file with just the lines I need? Or will it need to be a proper config file with everything else?22:30
pragmaticenigmajoansirley: there isn't a magic program that is goin to speed things up... it's strictly your hardware capabilities22:30
jribshipht: just create the file with the settings you need.  Depending on whether or not your current setup reads the file when you login, you may need to add « xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults » to your startup scripts22:31
pragmaticenigmajoansirley: the fastest method is going to be dd, anyother program is going to add it's own overhead in the process and make it take longer22:31
shiphtjrib: Ok, thanks for the help.22:31
DarkLinux7Anyone need help, pm me22:32
DarkLinux7Anyone need help, pm me22:32
jribDarkLinux7: please don't do that22:32
DarkLinux7jrib: why?22:32
pragmaticenigmaDarkLinux7: all questions should be posted and answered to in the main chat so others can benefit22:32
joansirleythat link helped a lot22:33
pragmaticenigma!question | DarkLinux722:33
ubottuDarkLinux7: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:33
zykotick9pragmaticenigma, fyi !ask is a lot faster to type then !question22:33
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:34
pragmaticenigma(even faster ;-))22:34
CharminTheMooseWhere in either /proc or /sys can I find the system time? Well, I assume it be viewed there.22:34
zykotick9pragmaticenigma, ya, but it's a different factoid -- !ask and !question are the same thing22:34
basixanybody successfully using virtualbox 4.1.6 with linux kernel version 3.1.2?22:35
pragmaticenigmazykotick9: like programming and everything else with computers... there is always more than one way to do the same thing22:35
MissingNH2Okay. So rebooting fixes issues with Compiz.22:35
Exxonpragmaticenigma, every one is typing that fast again give them some time ..:))22:35
darkstar999-awayCharminTheMoose: you can't just use the 'date' command?22:35
=== darkstar999-away is now known as darktstar999
pragmaticenigmabasix: are you running the VB from the repos or from oracle's repos?22:36
basixpragmaticenigma, oracle's22:36
basixpragmaticenigma, ubuntu's repos are behind imho22:36
pragmaticenigmabasix: I'm not sure which version I have on mine but I'm guessing it's the ubuntu repos... and it works with the latest avaialble kernel22:37
MonkeyDustvbox ose is 4.1.222:37
bindihi, not really #ubuntu question but I need  this quickly - how can I read lines starting from N to M?22:37
zykotick9basix, ya, who needs software that works - when there is a newer version out there </sarcasm>22:37
pragmaticenigmabasix: ubuntus repos are going to be tested and proven to work... oracles may or may not work and we can't support them easily here22:37
basixpragmaticenigma, what version of the kernel & VB do you have? I need the PUEL version22:37
CharminTheMoosedarktstar999, well, I could, but I'm testing some stuff that requires the hdd to be asleep and not woken up by a read or write. Date seems to wake it up anyway. :/22:38
zykotick9basix, starting with vbox4 there is no longer a OSE and PUEL version - they are the same22:38
pragmaticenigmaI'm running VB 4.1.4_UBUNTU22:38
CharminTheMooseOn the other hand, I need the date/time printed to the console.22:38
basixpragmaticenigma, i understand. But then again i'm using a mainline kernel with my ubuntu install.22:38
demon_lewiatan poland?22:39
basixzykotick9, hmm..what about the usb and other things that used to come with the puel?22:39
zykotick9basix, all included with vbox4+22:39
basixzykotick9, apt-cache search virtualbox shows virtualbox-ose22:39
pragmaticenigmabasix: there usually isn't anything better in a dot release... it's usually a small bug fix that may or may not affect you... however the version in ubuntu's repos are going to be guaranteed to work22:39
zykotick9basix, what ubuntu are you using?22:39
bindihow can I read lines starting from the line N to the line M?22:39
basixzykotick9, 11.0422:40
pragmaticenigmabasix: I would recommend updating to 11.1022:40
ExxonCharminTheMoose, http://www.codeunit.co.za/2010/06/14/ubuntu-how-to-view-the-current-date-and-time-via-command-line/22:40
zykotick9basix, perhaps that was before vbox4 entered repo?  perhaps backports has it?22:40
basixpragmaticenigma, i dont want to upgrade to 11.10 - i use gnome.22:40
jribbindi: you can use sed for example22:41
bindijrib: i'm actually looking for working solutions and not more manual bashing :(22:41
jribbindi: sed -n 'N,Mp' file22:41
basixzykotick9, perhaps...i'll check the backports..22:41
bindijrib: thanks22:42
basixzykotick9, but i am running a mainline kernel that  makes it complicated...even the official version may not work with the latest mainline kernel.22:42
zykotick9basix, perhaps a trip to #vbox would shed some light?  good luck.22:43
basixzykotick9, yeah i am there22:43
computa_mikeI'm getting an error when trying to run virtual box machines - I'm running ubuntu 11.10.  The error is : Kernel driver not installed - it says to install virtualbox-dkms and execute modprobe vboxdrv as root - any ideas.22:44
computa_mikeneedless to say - I have tried the advice offered by virtual box22:45
irulehi, I have a headless 11.10 that halts on grub waiting for ENTER, how may I make sure it will never stay like that?22:46
inashdeen_jsz'_: i do remember someone gave me a workaround, they put the code into a brackets or something.'22:46
Exxonirule, simply update it will literally solve the problem, if its fresh install22:48
iruleExxon I had a 11.04 CD, installed that and right after install I proceeded with the upgrade22:51
zykotick9irule, you might want to check /etc/default/grub -- be sure timeout isn't set to 0 (wait forever)22:54
daviddoriaA library I am building says I am missing mpi.h. In the software center, I see that mpi-default-dev is insalled - which other package would I need?22:54
irulezykotick9 it is 10, should it be 1?  ..still, if it is 10, why is it acting like 0?22:55
zykotick9irule, 10 would be fine.  Why it's behaving like 0 i have no idea.22:55
irulezykotick9 btw I just TESTED 0 and it started right away as I wanted, no waiting for imput :s whazap/fyi :s22:56
irulepiece of ubuntu hahaha22:57
iruleis there a way to choose ubuntu classic theme within .vnc/startx? I dont have a monitor for this pc he network access only22:58
* Qoray Say : Good night guys... see u tomorrow22:59
iruleQoray see ya later23:00
milamberdaviddoria: libopenmpi-dev maybe?23:00
daviddoriamilamber, I have that installed too23:00
milamberdaviddoria: what are you trying to build? is it maybe just not looking in the right spot? can you explicitly tell it where to look for it?23:01
terninjasis ubuntu 11.10 stable now?23:01
rebeccaPretty sure23:01
rebeccaI am here to answer all your questions.23:02
rebeccaBut dont blame me if I dont know some of them23:02
rebeccaI'm just a kid!23:02
rebeccaHeres something you should know23:03
daviddoriahm the library seems to have the right include path..23:03
daviddoriaand I do have that file in /usr/lib/openmpi/include23:03
daviddoriai'll try to figure it out - i thought i might have just been missing a  package23:03
rebeccaabout:config dom.max_script _run_time 2023:03
guest69is it possible to install ubuntu on a usb key?  what about installing it on a usb key that's currently running it?23:03
rebeccaGuest69: you do not need to reinstall ubuntu on a usb key if it is already there. It wasted memory. I am not sure if Ubuntu can be installed throughout different versions; but I think 10.10 and 11 is available.23:05
milamberdaviddoria: did you manually build any of the libraries? maybe you just need to run: sudo ldconfig23:05
pragmaticenigmaguest69: To install Ubuntu to a USB you must use an OS installed to the system harddrive... you cannot install a new version onto the same USB drive that you are running from23:06
darktstar999rebecca: an irc server got disconnected and just now reconnected. it's called a netsplit23:16
rebeccaYes... and?23:16
=== root is now known as Guest1760
johnficcais there a media center like program and if so is there a amazon instant video plugin?23:16
somsipcomputa_mike: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-dkms; sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup23:16
computa_mikesomsip: thanks - I'll give that a try23:16
peteslaptopHello everyone23:16
peteslaptopIs this where I might find support/23:16
cebrereis there a website anyone would recommend to learn some terminal commands?23:16
=== white_sh1dow is now known as wh1te_shadow
rebeccaall you need to do is install kernel drive and virtual box maybe even check out support. the message should clear up it might be missing a script part or harddrive essential that perhaps you deleted. or maybe ubuntu leaked and is now containing a half-virus infection.23:17
=== diggyhole is now known as derp
peteslaptopI'm a noob to Ubuntu23:17
=== wh1te_shadow is now known as white_shadow
computa_mikesomsip: I get : /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: command not found23:17
rebeccaMake sure your computer signal isn't being overrided by Ubuntu hacker.23:18
peteslaptopAnyone? Help with installing a printer?23:18
aeon-ltdpeteslaptop: yes support is in here23:18
aeon-ltdpeteslaptop: descirbe your problem in detail to the channel23:18
somsipcomputa_mike: sorry - that was from memory which clearly isn'23:18
rebeccaOh just sync the printer link with the PC Linux link and make sure they are connected wireless or wired?23:18
somsipcomputa_mike: t right... I shall try to find it23:18
computa_mikesomsip: well - I was impressed - that was darned fast....23:18
somsipcomputa_mike: I had to do the same thing 2 days ago :)23:19
peteslaptopWell. I'm a noob,  and have a Brother HL-2080DW network printer23:19
peteslaptopI can see the printer to add it23:19
computa_mikesomsip: could that be for a previous version of ubuntu?23:19
jrib!enter | peteslaptop23:19
ubottupeteslaptop: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:19
peteslaptopI downloaded a .deb file , actually two of the,23:19
=== tdubellz is now known as Guest76135
rebeccaOk you should be able to find printer code if you look for it in range or if it is in the manual or sticker. It should be able to find it if the printer type is wireless. Wired? Just plug it into your computer and set up the wizard.23:20
peteslaptopso I have these two .deb files in my downloads folder and no idea how to 'run' or install the drivers23:20
CharminTheMooseThe kernel is outputting times to dmesg like: [27166.230635] Is there any way to make it more human readable?23:21
somsipcomputa_mike: I was close: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115041423:21
aeon-ltdpeteslaptop: if it's deb usually double click then it starts the rest by itself23:21
pragmaticenigmaCharminTheMoose: that is a time code, it doesn't mean anything23:21
peteslaptopHmmm.. It appears to be a compressed file that needs to be extracted23:22
computa_mikesomsip:  I did try the forums first - honest... well - to be accurate I tried google, but the latest results were from last year...23:22
geoffmccpeteslaptop: to install the .deb files just run dpkg -i packagename.deb23:22
somsipcomputa_mike: I my experience they still apply.23:22
milamberpeteslaptop: what do you mean by drivers?23:22
somsipcomputa_mike: but I have to go now so can't help more23:22
computa_mikesomsip: no worries - thanks for your help...23:23
peteslaptopgeoff, this command is in the terminal, correct?23:23
geoffmccpeteslaptop: yes23:23
milamberpeteslaptop: the only other thing i would suggest is check the repos first23:24
peteslaptopI'm really inexperienced at the terminal. I'm way new to this. I assume I have to :cd to the downloads directory, then use the command you just gave me?23:24
geoffmccpeteslaptop: correct23:25
zykotick9peteslaptop, "cd ~/Downloads" then you need "sudo dpkg -i foo.deb" x223:25
geoffmccpeteslaptop: or can do from wherever u are, and just do sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb23:25
rebecca you wont believe what just heppened23:26
rebeccamy dad thought i was a hacker XD23:26
peteslaptopgeoff, where am I entering that command?23:26
happyfacedoes Wubi support software RAID?23:26
L1nuxRulesReal hackers use Linux not crackers23:26
geoffmccpeteslaptop: in terminal23:26
aeon-ltdrebecca: run, cops comin'23:26
peteslaptopok.. let me give it a shot23:27
L1nuxRuleshcking is learning cracking is being bad23:27
jribpeteslaptop: are you sure you need to install a deb for this printer...?23:27
aeon-ltdL1nuxRules: not always, penetration testing as a form of cracking is good23:27
geoffmccpeteslaptop: you know, im too command line oriented. Apparently you can also just double click it and select install package, lol23:28
L1nuxRulesaooen-ltd you are correct wouldnt be needed if there went crackers23:28
zykotick9happyface, Wubi is installing into a file inside windows, i doubt it has to even know you have RAID23:28
RichiieHello im having some issues whit the guide provided here, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185386823:29
rebeccagotta go bye!!!!!!!23:29
happyfacezykotick9: I know the linux image will install fine, but I'm worried about grub23:29
Richiiei dont know if im doing anything wrong, but as far as i can tell from the log file it failes on some points.23:29
L1nuxRulesgrub is easy to fix23:29
geoffmcchappyface: wubi does not use grub23:29
happyfacegeoffmcc: ah, never used it before23:30
L1nuxRulesyou can always use a live cd at worst case23:30
happyfaceyea I can definitely get windows back, just wondering if it suports software raid23:30
geoffmcchappyface: yea, think of wubi as a way for you to try ubuntu without having to worry about data loss or any changes to your pc23:30
L1nuxRuleswubi ooh sorry windows > /dev/null "&123:30
peteslaptopgot an error, no command 'run' found23:30
bazhang!who > L1nuxRules23:31
ubottuL1nuxRules, please see my private message23:31
L1nuxRules"was suposed to be 223:31
StepNjumpPlease.. I downloaded a executable file from the internet and I was wondering in which folders should I put it?23:31
geoffmccpeteslaptop: did u see my last chat to you in channel. Aparently you can just double click and install it23:31
geoffmccpeteslaptop: but if your already in term its just "sudo dpkg -i package.deb" no quotes23:32
bazhangStepNjump, what file23:32
L1nuxRulesbazhang sorry forgot that23:32
StepNjumpHDSentinel bazhang.. It doesn't have an extension23:32
StepNjumpIt says X-executable in the properties bazhang23:32
bazhangStepNjump, got a link? what does it do23:32
StepNjumpHere it is bazhang http://www.hdsentinel.com/thanks_for_downloading.php?file=http://www.hdsentinel.com/hdslin/hdsentinel.gz23:33
XwarlokX82anybody here ever set up an irc daemon before?23:33
bekksXwarlokX82: Yes.23:33
XwarlokX82bekks, how hard is it? I'm looking to install one on my server23:34
pragmaticenigmageoffmcc: wubi does use grub,,, but it modifies Microsofts boot loader to add an entry to it23:34
RichiieIm having some issues installing teamviewer as a service. on ubuntu 10.0423:34
Richiiethe documentation im following is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185386823:34
Richiiebut it seems to me that some points are failing from the .log file anyone wanna help me? :)23:34
L1nuxRulesnever but xwarlok82 alot of hosts block yhe ports needed for security reasons23:34
XwarlokX82well, damn.23:34
bekksXwarlokX82: The installation / the setup isnt hard at all. The hardest part is to secure the daemon and the server itself in a way to make it pretty hard to be exploitable.23:35
XwarlokX82I'm trying to think of some fun stuff to do with my old server other than just file storage23:35
XwarlokX82bekks, i see23:35
geoffmccpragmaticenigma: my bad, been a while since i used it, i thought it was just microsofts bootloader23:35
vulpixI have tried everything to fix my grub2 but nothing will work?23:35
=== vulpix is now known as Guest77238
pragmaticenigmaRichiie: Team Viewer is a MS program... you can use the client in linux, but you will not be able to run the service23:35
bekksXwarlokX82: Dont setup a public service like IRC unless you do know what you are doing pretty well.23:35
L1nuxRulesxwarlok82 do it to your own box thats  the real way!23:36
Richiiepragmaticenigma: i know it's a windows application but look here..23:36
pragmaticenigmageoffmcc: No biggie... Wubi modifies windows bootloader to point to grub, then grub handles the rest :-) grub is the only ay to get the kernel image to load from a FAT/NTFS partition23:36
XwarlokX82true enough... i was just wondering about it is all. I think it'd  be neat to have an always on IRC connection though :)23:36
L1nuxRulesnever trust wind0se23:36
Richiiepragmaticenigma: the documentation that i linked, tells that there are ways of starting an virtual desktop, and afterwards launch the teamviewer binary file.23:36
bekkspragmaticenigma: You are WRONG. Team Viewer is availiable as a full version for linux too. http://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/index.aspx23:36
happyfaceXwarlokX82: irssi?23:37
L1nuxRulesthey do everything they can to put Linux out at the min23:37
XwarlokX82happyface, that might work23:37
Richiiebekks: The client version is available that's true.. but it does not affect the fact that it cant be "normally" runed as a service in the background.23:37
bazhang!windoze | L1nuxRules23:37
ubottuL1nuxRules: Please don't use silly misspellings to denigrate other operating systems. It makes users of that system feel attacked and hurts Ubuntu advocacy by making the community look unreasonable.23:37
pragmaticenigmabekks: This was a topic last night... the "linux" version is symply the windows version wrapped in a wine script23:37
Richiiethat's the issue im having to try solve that as this guide here says http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185386823:37
happyfaceXwarlokX82: it does work, that's what I use :p23:38
L1nuxRulesbazhang understood sensi :)23:38
XwarlokX82happyface, i've used it before as well... I just didn't know it had that kind of functionality23:38
bekksXwarlokX82: personally, having a server myself, I am running irssi in a screen session so I can a) stay online 24/7 and b) connect from everywhere just using an ssh client.23:39
pragmaticenigmaRichiie: when I see virtual desktop I think of them running VMWare, Xen, or Virutal Box...23:39
Guest77238does anyone have any suggestions besides the ubuntu help bootloader fixes?23:39
happyfaceXwarlokX82: run it in a screen, then ssh into the machine and re-attach the screen23:39
XwarlokX82bekks, that is pretty much what I'm looking for23:39
=== Guest77238 is now known as joltik
Richiiepragmaticenigma: yes i know.. but that's not the topic of my issue, just want to know how i can solve this on a good way :)23:39
bekksXwarlokX82: Then just open up an up a ssh session, start screen, start irssi within the screen session. Afterwards, reconnect another ssh session and start "screen -DR". Done.23:40
Richiieim not a big fan of virtual desktops based on software emulation / vnc4server but maybe someone here know's how to handle my issue.23:40
L1nuxRulesThis is the busiest Linux channel and Ubuntu is doing good stuff desktop wise +1 Ubuntu23:40
pragmaticenigmaI unfortunately cannot launch links ATM... so I can't see the website you linked to23:40
bazhang!ot | L1nuxRules23:40
ubottuL1nuxRules: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:40
L1nuxRuleswhats croping mmy txt ffs23:40
L1nuxRulessorry bazhang23:41
happyfacebekks: or put that in .profile!23:41
bazhangL1nuxRules, please stop with the random commentary23:41
L1nuxRulesno one is asking though?23:41
bekkshappyface: Well, that would be the way for doing that with a dedicated irc user account on the server, yes.23:41
bazhangL1nuxRules, that does not make this the chat channel; #ubuntu-offtopic is for that23:42
pragmaticenigmaL1nuxRules: This is a support forum, people will ask when they are ready... idle commentary makes it hard to follow support help others are offering23:42
bekkshappyface: But thats a good point, I have to separate my user accounts a bit more :P23:42
L1nuxRules^^ I understand23:42
Richiiebekks: maybe you could help me to solve the issue im having ?23:42
bekksRichiie: Please summarize your issue again.23:42
Richiiebekks: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185386823:43
Richiiebekks: the summary is that i followed the documentation there, but i cant give it a go i dont really know if i typed somethign wrong based on the output on that link.23:44
Richiiebut determine from the log files i think something is failing do you want me to paste them ?23:44
Richiiebekks: i did not set up another user like the guide said, i ran it on my standard user.23:44
happyfaceand I was right, wubi doesn't boot with software RAID :(23:44
bekkshappyface: Well, ubuntu doesnt at all using a windows based software raid :)23:45
happyfacebekks: it does in the live cd23:45
bekkshappyface: I know that it doesnt - it cant, technically :)23:45
L1nuxRulesrichiie not read it all yet but the link you gave you wanted to start a service on boot? But you used the old skool and need to use init23:45
bazhangL1nuxRules, you mean upstart23:46
bazhang!upstart | L1nuxRules23:46
ubottuL1nuxRules: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/23:46
happyfacebekks: well I can see my RAID parition with the live CD. Maybe the intel controller is really really good?23:46
RichiieL1nuxRules: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185386823:46
theborgerok so i am reading this.  http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Displaying_Ubuntu_Linux_Applications_Remotely_(X11_Forwarding) added the ForwardX11Trusted yes23:47
L1nuxRulesI dont know the formalities I learn by playing Bazhang23:47
RichiieL1nuxRules: the link there refers to the usage of vnc4server to start an virtual desktop23:47
theborgerwhen i add that, i am unable to connnect via ssh23:47
bekkshappyface: well, lets start over. Which controller do you use exactly? did you setup the software raid using windows or ubuntu?23:47
RichiieL1nuxRules: and it surely does, but i dont know how i can access the virtual desktop to really see whit my eyes that TW is launching23:47
StepNjumpWhat should be the attributes for my ~/user/Documents?23:47
bazhangL1nuxRules, dont give advice if you dont know23:47
bekkstheborger: why dont you just use ssh -X ?23:48
L1nuxRulesbazhang ok sorry I dont think on that because I wouldnt follow if I dont know but alot do23:49
=== X_ is now known as FreeNET
happyfacebekks: well it's using intel rapid storage technology. I meant to asy "firmware RAID" rather than hardware/software RAID23:49
bekkshappyface: thats a clearly windows based technology.23:50
geoffmcctheborger: im not seeing at text in that page, but i had this in a bookmark from when i did it.. http://www.craigryder.com/linux-ubuntudebetc/x11-forwarding-and-ssh-for-remote-linux-ubuntu-desktop/23:50
bekksUsing it, will result in seeing at least two devices with identical "raid partitions".23:50
L1nuxRulesbazhang I know Linux , not as much Ubuntu but I thought your last comment was harsh.23:50
happyfacebekks: from wikipedia: "Linux supports Matrix RAID through device mapper (DM-RAID) and MD-RAID"23:51
bekkshappyface: matrix raid is another thing than rapid storage by intel ;)23:51
nils_I thought that Intel thing was some kind of add on card you can stick on some ASUS boards?23:51
happyfacebekks: I probbaly don't know much about RAID, but that was from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Rapid_Storage_Technology23:52
bekkshappyface: So which controller do you use exactly?23:52
L1nuxRulesthats hw raid isnt it?23:53
soreauwhat the heck is wrong with gimp. If you try to open a jpeg image without .jpg extension, it says unkown file type23:53
bekkshappyface: first sentence in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Rapid_Storage_Technology23:53
bekksL1nuxRules: No.23:53
geoffmccsoreau: might need to talk to the folks over at gimp23:54
happyfacebekks: intel P67 chipset23:54
[vbm]how can I find out which process deleted a directory/file?23:54
bekkshappyface: Thats not hardware raid at all :)23:54
bekks[vbm]: Impossible.23:54
happyfacebekks: I know, I thought it was software23:54
happyfacebekks: but wikipedia says it's "firmware"23:55
=== jakemp-laptop is now known as jakemp
bekkshappyface: Yes it basically is. There a firmware part which is used by some windows userland application.23:55
UngaHungaHi.  Ubuntu 11.04.  Easy question... how long will 11.04 be supported with updates?  I know it isn't LTS but I am curious...thanks!23:55
L1nuxRuleserrr widows23:55
happyfacebekks: so how does linux see the partition? Because it definitely does23:56
bazhangUngaHunga, 18 months23:56
UngaHungabazhang, ok thanks.23:56
bekkshappyface: Well, then startup your live cd and nopaste the output of "fdisk -l".23:56
[vbm]bekks: thanks. the watch and incomplete directories I use with transmission sometimes disappear. I kind of wanted to make sure it is not something else before logging it with transmission23:56
L1nuxRulesWhen I leaRNED lINUX IT WAS USE gOOGLE LMAO23:57
stoufasalut à tous23:57
cautionwhy is karmic gone from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/?23:57
happyfaceL1nuxRules: take your arrogance elsewhere23:57
jrib!karmic | caution23:57
ubottucaution: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.23:57
jrib!upgrade | caution23:58
ubottucaution: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:58
jribcaution: it's time to upgrade to a supported release :)23:58
cautioncan't upgrade23:58
MonkeyDustL1nuxRules  when i learned DOS, there was no google23:58
bazhangMonkeyDust, lets move on please23:58
cautionjrib: when does 10.04 expire?23:59
szalpeople should think about support lifetimes before installing software..23:59
bekkscaution: After 5 years, server version.23:59
jribcaution: 3 years desktop support, 5 years server23:59
theborgerwhat is the option for adding multiple ssh ports is it port,port ?23:59

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