
RgCzHi, i need help installing Ubuntu Studio from CD. I don't know how to select a partition i already made in my hard drive. I'm on the partition discs screen.06:44
holsteinRgCz: its going to be like any of the alternate installers06:44
holsteinyou should just select one as /06:45
holsteinyou can also just clear out some space and let the installer use whats left06:45
RgCzOk, i want to select the 80 GB partition i have for /, but it tells me to choose the one with 633.8 GB06:46
holsteinjust tell it what you want06:47
holsteinyou'll need to elaborate06:47
holsteini would think setting whatver you want to / would do it06:47
RgCzShould i use the option "use entire disk"06:47
RgCzI had ubuntu before, but the thing is i can't find the 80 gb partition i made in the installer06:48
holsteinRgCz: you can also just get the normal ubuntu disc06:49
holsteininstall with a live GUI06:49
holsteinand convert to studio06:49
holsteinor just install what you want from studio06:49
RgCzyeah i tried that but the installer froze in detecting file systems06:49
holsteinif you want to use the entire disc, i would use 'use entire disk'06:50
holsteinno reason not to06:50
holsteinthere might be a reason why its freezing though06:50
RgCzwell i want to use entire disk of the 80 gb partition i have in my main drive06:50
RgCzyeah, i know.06:51
RgCzI'm sorry if im being annoying is just that im a little bit tired lol06:51
holsteinRgCz: nah... im tired to06:51
holsteinyou're no bother :)06:51
RgCzLook, windows and ubuntu installer already detected the 80 gb partition06:51
RgCzbut apparently studio installer is not picking the partiton06:52
holstein'use entire disc' will do that though06:52
holsteinit will use the whole disc06:52
holsteinnot that partition06:52
RgCzoh so i need to chose a different option then?06:52
holsteini would delete whatever partition you are going for06:53
holsteinremake an ext4 partition with that installer06:53
holsteinselect is as /06:53
holsteinand that should be all there is to it06:53
RgCzBut that would affect windows?06:53
RgCzI want to be able to dual boot06:53
RgCzthats why i made the 80 gb part, and thats how i installed ubuntu on my past laptop06:54
holsteinRgCz: whatever partition you made06:54
holsteinhowever you made it06:54
holsteinthe one that you are trying to install to right now06:54
holsteinif thats 'the 80gb partition' in question06:54
holsteinthen yes06:55
holsteinthat should be new06:55
holsteinyou delete that06:55
holsteinuse the installer to create a new 80gb ext partition06:55
holsteinselect it as /06:55
holsteincould be in an odd format06:55
holsteincould be that its just not showing up?06:56
holsteinwho knows06:56
RgCzwell probably, it showed up in ubntu installer06:56
holsteinbut, if was part of some other partition, and you reclaimed the space, and made an emtpy partition06:56
holsteinRgCz: ?06:56
holsteinif it showed up06:56
holsteininstall to it06:56
RgCznot in the studio one06:56
holsteinand convert to studio from that06:56
RgCzbut it froze in the ubuntu one06:57
RgCzthats why i decided to go with the cd from studio i have06:57
holsteinwhich takes me back to the idea that something is up with that disk06:57
RgCzi dont know if it has anything to do, but i tried to install it with unetbooting06:57
holsteintrying from CD wont hurt06:58
RgCzfirst i just created the partiton with windows, then after freezing with ubuntu i gave the disk a name and i dont remember in what format i saved it , i think it was ntfs06:59
RgCzcould that be it?06:59
RgCzyeah i know, but i dont have anymore cds lol06:59
holsteinRgCz: you made an ext partion in windows?06:59
holsteini dont know how windows works06:59
RgCzits an unlocated hard disk partition insid06:59
holsteini can only suggest... if you have a partition there... remove it, and remake it with the ubuntu installer06:59
RgCzoh ok07:00
holsteinRgCz: im out for the evening... im wiped07:00
RgCzcan i retake that 80 gb to my normal drive?07:00
RgCzjust hold for one sec please07:00
holsteinRgCz: ?07:00
RgCzim almost done07:00
holsteinnot sure what you mean07:00
holsteinyou should back up your data07:00
holsteinall of it07:00
holsteinwhen you are doing things like this07:00
RgCzthose 80 gb that i partitioned can i locate them back to my 630 gb drive07:01
holsteini would be resizing and making partitions with gparted07:01
RgCzyeah, gparted is better07:01
holsteinRgCz: im not sure how you unallocated them07:01
holsteini mean... i can07:01
holsteingparted can07:01
holsteinim not familiar with the tools you use in windows though, so i cant say07:01
holsteinRgCz: you can always just let the installer disc do the resizing for you07:02
RgCzok, ill try that. Thanks a lot!07:02
RgCzaparently my partition is marked as a logical unit07:02
holsteinRgCz: i say, just be careful, and make sure you are backed up07:05
holsteinand feel free to ask before you hit 'the button'07:05
holsteinyou can ask in #ubuntu-beginners if its dead in here07:05
RgCzoh ok. Thanks a lot dude.07:05
jazzzsome problems here with the config of system and sound cart07:56
jazzzcans omebody helpo?07:56
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