
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
photonwill Xubuntu 12.04 LTS desktop version be also supported for 5 years just as the 'standard' Ubuntu 12.04? I'm currently moving away from Ubuntu because of Unity and so far Debian and Xubuntu are on the table (I'm looking for a distro that is really stable and supported for a long time). Xubuntu 12.04 LTS getting security updates for 5 years would be a huge plus.03:37
photonAFAIK, the only thing that needs to be done is providing security updates for XFCE, as the rest is taken care of by the standard Ubuntu version.03:38
photonI guess my question goes to knome :)04:19
micahgphoton: we were planning 3 yrs before05:13
photonmicahg: it'd be cool if you guys reconsider since Kubuntu is probably doing the same, and the majority of the work is already taken care of by the Ubuntu team.05:45
micahgphoton: the problem is that Xfce isn't maintained for that long even in Debian05:46
micahgXfce for 3 years is a stretch, but if we're aligned with Debian, it's possible05:46
photonyou mean it's not even maintained that long upstream?05:47
micahgright, they usually only support the current stable branch05:47
micahgand 4.10 is slated for release in March05:47
photonbut 3 years is do-able?05:47
micahgwith Debian's help, I think between Debian and Ubuntu we have 3 devs ATM :)05:48
photonoh :)05:48
photonwell, that's understandable then.05:48
micahgand we only do this in our free time05:49
photonyes. right. 3 years sounds more sane then.05:49
* micahg will have to support Firefox for 5 years in security updates05:49
* micahg is an Ubuntu Security engineer :)05:50
photonoh :)05:50
photonI see05:50
micahgbut that's my day job :)05:51
photonif it's any motivation, you'll probably get some more followers in the next months, given that almost everybody I talked to runs away from Unity :) and Xubuntu seems to be a really neat alternative.05:51
micahgwe're happy to sponsor fixes from people for Xubuntu stuff05:51
micahgand anyone who's interested in contributing can usually be found stuff to do05:52
photonnice :)05:52
micahgUnity's really not that bad, I run it on my dev machine, I run Xubuntu on my other one :)05:52
micahgbut for people who are used to GNOME 2, it can be a transition that just takes a little getting used to, but gnome shell is the same story05:53
photonWould you rather recommend Kubuntu?05:53
micahgno, Xubuntu is similar to the old GNOME 2 style05:54
micahgKubuntu is a great distro as well05:54
micahgbut for those used to GNOME 2, Xubuntu is probably the easiest transition05:54
micahgit's just a matter of personal preference, that's the beauty of Linux distros and Ubuntu specifically, you can easily switch between at least 5 difference DEs05:56
photonyes, I agree :)05:59
photondo you see any chance of Xubuntu LTS support being prematurely dropped, as all three of you do that in your free time (if I understood you correctly)? I'm asking because I'm considering it for a larger deployment and getting security updates for the full 3 years is quite important.06:03
holsteinthink of it like this... the repos are maintained for 5 years06:05
holsteinall the buntu's, the official ones, get these updates06:05
micahgphoton: you'll get the core security updates regardless of our LTS status, the last official xfce CVE that I know of  was 2 yrs ago06:07
micahgwell, the stuff in main is supported for 5 years06:10
photonjust to make sure I understand you correctly, what you are saying is, everything that isn't XFCE will get security updates for 5 years anyway, and XFCE for 3 years, and in addition to that XFCE is quite unlikely to have a security flaw anyway since the last CVE was 2 yrs ago?06:13
micahgphoton: no, the core components that are shared with Ubuntu desktop will be supported for 5 years, Xubuntu stuff, we still haven't decided if it'll be 18 mo or 3yrs, but the last point is correct, also, you would be free to fix stuff and have it sponsored as well even if we're not doing it06:14
micahgalso, there seems to be a CVE on average every 2 yrs, but we can try to at least fix those if the patch is backportable06:17
micahgphoton: keep in mind, we probably won't be updating much except for high/critical fixes for the LTS due to our limited resources06:18
micahgand the support is best effort, the only thing we'd actually be committing to for the LTS status is to produce point releases for the first 2 years06:27
photonwhat are point releases? :) 06:32
micahgphoton: updated CDs with whatever updates were added to the release06:32
photonoh I see.06:33
micahgthe first one is usually 3 months after release, with subsequent ones following every 6 months until the next LTS06:33
photonas in 10.04.3?06:33
micahgI think we still need to draft a proposal as to what we expect to do in terms of LTS support06:34
knomecomments? :)13:02
knomepoint to edii13:02
ochosiedii: looks nice! to me it'd be more natural though to have the available things on the left and the selection on the right13:12
ediiah, right! i never even thought about that, but now that you've mentioned it i guess it would be more natural13:14
ochosiat least that's how most other progs do it (ftp-clients etc.)13:15
ochosiknome: about the icon-theme in xubuntu:13:15
ochosii talked to danrabbit recently about the future of the elementary icon theme13:16
ediiyep, i think i'll change that13:16
knomeochosi, mmh?13:16
ochosihe's trying to reduce the DE specific icons13:16
ochosibut we can fix that mostly with symlinks as he won't really drop icons13:16
ochosiso i guess we might not have to be afraid of "losing" elementary13:16
knomedo you think it's a viable option to keep using it for the foreseeable future?13:16
ochosiwe should probably just do an xfce-addon pack13:17
ochosiyeah, i think it'll be fine13:17
knomesounds fine13:17
knomeisn't that what we've been doing anyway?13:17
knomewell not in that scale, but still13:17
ochosiand he's not planning drastic changes in the next releases it seems13:17
ochosiyeah, but if you look into the 4.0 folder in the elementary-icon themes bzr branch it can be a bit scary :)13:17
ochosii mean some nice improvements there, but rather incomplete and some changes not for the better13:18
ochosibut as i said, no reason to be afraid13:18
ochosihe'll mostly update mimetypes next13:18
ochosiwhich is a good thing imo13:18
ochosiatm mostly the "music"-mimes have changed and look a bit inconsistent with the rest13:18
ochosibut that'll be better if he updates the rest as well13:19
ochosiand it's still the best-looking most-complete theme out there13:19
ochosi(other than faenza)13:19
ochosiwe could consider renaming the icon-theme13:20
ochosibecause the name is ridiculously long atm13:20
ochosiand we could do two versions, one linking to the bright panel-icons13:20
ochosigood question :)13:20
ochosibut "elementary Xubuntu dark" is rather longish. i mean if we also do "elementary Xubuntu" for the bright variant then it might in fact be ok again13:21
ochosihaving the "elementary" tribute in the name might be fine, but we could also do as ubuntu does and just call them "Xubuntu" and "Xubuntu dark"13:22
knomeXubuntu e8y-dark13:23
ochosie8y? :)13:23
knomelike l10n or i18n13:23
ochosirather nerdy abbreviation13:24
knomeor just e-dark13:25
ochosii mean for the average joe user13:25
ochosithat's probably better13:25
knomebut then they'll be like "what e"13:25
ochosisince elementary also use "e" as their logo13:25
ochosiwe can set that in the tooltip/description13:25
ochosii actually forgot that that was there :)13:26
knomejust call them "Xubuntu dark" and "Xubuntu light"13:26
ochosithat makes dropping "elementary" a lot easier13:26
knomeand tell them it's based on elementary13:26
ochosibtw, any more thoughts on the current design of the login madnick and me have been working on? (mostly madnick ;) )13:27
ochosimostly whether you like the look13:29
knomenothing special really13:29
ochosifunctionality-wise i think it'd be good to also get the user-chooser-menu when clicking the current nickname, not just when clicking the avatar13:29
knomejust make the rounded corners less rounded13:29
ochosieverywhere or just the outside of the black box?13:30
knomeat least the outside13:30
knomehard to say if it'd look weird if there is two "levels" or roundness13:30
ochosiyeah, i want the "login" button to look like a gtk-button actually13:30
ochosior at least like a real button13:30
ochosido you think we should keep the bright/grey outline?13:31
knomedon't know13:31
knomedepends on how you want to change the things that are inside the box13:31
ochosihm, not sure. i mean personally i like the overall look of it, that's why i made it that way :)13:32
ochosiknome: btw, not sure whether it's feasible, but one item i forgot for the roadmap is "beautify xubuntu's lockscreen". maybe we can discuss this at the next meeting13:36
ochosithe technical implications might also have to be discussed13:36
knomeor we can add it as work item inside "misc. appearance"13:36
ochosibecause it might mean forking xscreensaver...13:37
knomethen maybe not ;]13:37
ochosiafaik the ugly lockscreen is hardcoded13:37
knomeyeah, add that to our meeting agenda13:37
ochosiand theming-support was never added13:37
ochosibut i think if we coordinate with -studio we could probably do something nice with it13:37
ochosijust generic improvement, no "xubuntu-look"13:38
knomeas long as it is committable to upstream too...13:38
Sysiare there problems with gnome-screensaver or others?15:47
holsteini dont really have a problem with it15:48
holsteini think the screen locker looks like something from a different OS15:48
holsteinlike... say... windows 9515:49
Sysiat some point there was.. on lucid there are bugs with xscreensaver15:50
holsteini dont want/need a screensaver, so im using xlockmore-gl, which has its own problems15:50
holsteinSysi: i have an 11.10 install if you need me to test something buggy15:51
SysiI have 11.10 on virtualbox15:52
micahgknome: are we having a meeting on sunday?19:55
knomemicahg, i'm not sure if i can make it21:16
micahgknome: ok, what are we doing about alpha 1 as well as our recognized derivative status21:19
knomei have to talk about that with skear21:21
knomeerr, skaet21:21
knomedo you have a suggestion?21:21
knomei mean, i'm sure it's more a question in the dev+packages side than the rest21:21
micahgwell, do we have testers lined up?  any outstanding bugs need to be fixed?21:21
knomefor alpha1?21:22
knomei'd say let's go for alphas121:22
micahgknome: also, you need to get a report in for the release meeting tomorrow21:22
knomethe testers should know we are starting soon21:22
knomemicahg, yep.21:22
knomemicahg, are you attendind?21:22
knomed=g ...21:23
micahgnot sure, if I'm around, I might lurk21:23
micahgI can't commit ATM21:23
knometo what21:23
micahgthe release meeting21:23
knomeyah, np, madnick should be taking care of that21:24
* micahg is also curious why we're writing a lightdm theming engine21:24
knomedo you have a suggestion for the recognized derivative status?21:24
micahga theme make sense, an engine, not so much21:24
knomemadnick wants to do it that way21:24
micahgknome: I think we should go for it, but we have to discuss our LTS plans21:24
knomei have no problems with that21:24
knome(re greeter engine)21:25
knomeas long as he has time for the other tasks too21:25
micahgknome: that sounds like something Robert should be doing, or at least if madnick is doing it, something that should be coordinated with robert21:25
madnickmicahg: what engine did you have in mind?21:25
knomewho is robert?21:25
madnickBecause a theme cannot really do much21:25
madnickIt can change background21:25
micahgknome: robert_ancell, author of lightdm21:25
madnickThats pretty much it21:25
knomemicahg, why wasn't this raised up before? (it's not too late now, but work has been done with the engine too)21:26
micahgmadnick: ok, but this is something that probably belongs in core lightdm or you'll end up doing a lot more work, so I'd suggest trying to work with robert_ancell to get this in lightdm itself21:26
micahgmadnick: work as in maintenance :)21:26
madnickmicahg: hmm, not sure if i understand this21:27
micahgknome: this is why I wanted to review the roadmap in the meeting :)21:27
knomemicahg, i see.21:27
madnickThe "engine" is just a binary called by lightdm21:27
madnickTo allow themeing21:27
madnickIts not acctually a library or anything21:27
knomemicahg, if engines are supported, why can't we write one?21:27
madnickIts like with GDM21:28
madnickyou could write your own binaries for that too21:28
madnickinfact most distributions did21:28
micahgknome: is that how it's set up?  to me engine sounds like core functionality, maybe I'm misunderstanding21:28
knomemicahg, maybe you are. madnick definitely knows more than me.21:28
madnickmicahg: its just a greeter, but i call it an engine because it allows external themeing :)21:28
micahgmadnick: oh, ok, just another greeter like unity-greeter21:29
micahgok, sorry, yeah, I guess that makes sense if the current greeters don't do what we want21:29
madnicksorry for confusing you, it may not have been the best use of words to put "engine" in there21:30
micahgmadnick: so, this will be something other derivatives could use as well and we'll have our own theme for it?21:30
madnickubuntu studio showed some interest21:30
micahgmadnick: sounds cool, thanks for the clarification21:30
knomemicahg, i don't really want to do too much micromanaging - if madnick is building a theme, and he wants to build a greeter engine for it... he shall pursue it21:30
knomeyeah, we are collaborating actually pretty closely with studio21:31
micahgknome: no, it's fine, I thought he was creating something that should be in core lightdm, but he's really just doing what the desktop team did and making a greeter, it's was a conflation in terminology, mostly on my part I think21:31
knomemicahg, heh, yeah. nope :)21:31
knomemicahg, no problem. good to have it cleared out21:32
knomemicahg, is there something else in the roadmap you want to ask about?21:32
micahgknome: I"ll have to review it over the weekend, I've still got to get thunderbird out today21:32
knomedo you have any insight to the derivative status thing?21:33
micahgknome: well, I think we should definitely go for it, I think 3 yr, with a best effort attempt for high/critical bugs and security fixes sounds about right21:33
knomemicahg, the criteria is easy to fulfill?21:34
knomemicahg, or if not easy, at least possible?21:35
micahgknome: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecognizedDerivatives, most of this we were doing already, it's just making a firm commitment for images I think, the rest we decide21:36
knomemicahg, yeah, i have that page open. i was just making sure it is doable21:36
knomemicahg, i have to ask skaet about the lts cycle, like what does "support plan" mean, eg. does it need to be a complete report or something else21:37
micahgknome: that's just how much effort we think we'll be putting into supporting the stable release21:38
knomemicahg, do you think the plans we've been thinking of would be sufficient?21:38
knomemicahg, with the shortest possible LTS cycle and so21:39
knomewho would be the support contact21:39
micahgmr_pouit: any word yet on whether Debian will take 4.8 or 4.10 for wheezy?21:39
knomewheezy? sounds like a humorous debian version21:40
micahgknome: good question, do we have a bug triager?  mr_pouit and charlie-tca were handling this before21:40
micahgknome: toystory :)21:40
knomei suppose charlie-tca is the main bug triager21:41
knomebut does that suffice?21:41
knomei mean, he probably can't fix any21:41
micahgyeah, I think that's fine, it just needs to be someone the release team can poke for updates/discussion21:42
knomecould you put up a really brief suggestion re: the regocnized stuff and lts stuff based on this discussion?21:43
micahgwhere? xubuntu-devel?21:43
knomewe could vote on that on the next meeting, and we could start focusing working on precise rather than think about bureaucracy21:43
knomethat would be great21:44
micahgok, will add to my list of things to do21:44
knomeokay, thanks A LOT :)21:45
knomeif we keep the meeting on sunday, will you be able to attend?21:45
micahgbut we still need to coordinate for alpha1 if we want images :)21:45
knomeokay, i'll try to find out if i can make it too.21:45
micahgplease send out an announcement for the meeting though21:45
knomeand announce21:45
knomei'll mail xubuntu-devel21:45
knomeso what about alpha1?21:45
knometbh, i don't know much about bugs that should be fixed :)21:46
micahgplease add a note that w/out testers, we can't have an alpha 1 and we'll be organizing what's needed at the meeting21:46
knomei will21:46
micahgwell, hopefully not many :)21:46
knomethe topic says the testing starts at 2011-11-2821:47
knomei think charlie is going to get back at around that time21:47
micahgright, I was wondering if anyone is testing the daily ISOs ATM21:47
madnickGridCube and me will probably, atleast test the images21:47
knomemicahg, should they be tested?21:47
madnickI've not done that daily21:48
madnickBecause I didn't know that we were supposed to :\21:48
knomeme neither.21:48
micahgwell, I don't know that we've done alpha 1 releases before21:48
knomewe did21:49
micahgThe alternate CDs have an issue ATM, but the live CDs appear fine21:49
madnickI was acctually told that testing begins december 1st :P21:49
knomeisn't the only criteria "it builds" :P21:49
knome(for alpha1)21:49
knomes.kaet told me that21:49
micahgknome: used to be21:49
micahgI don't think that's enough anymore, but I could be wronf21:50
micahgI think we're in pretty good shape though since we haven't made any major changes21:50
knomeunless the debian imports broke things21:50
knomebut if madnick has done any tests, it should be mostly okay i think21:50
madnickNo, I've hardly done any testing, just installed 3 images. When people have said stuff in #xubuntu :P21:51
madnickBecause charlie said: Testing begins Dec 121:52
Sysido they need to be tested on real hardware or would vbox do?21:56
micahgvirtualbox is fine21:57
micahgmadnick: idk if charlie was planning on us releasing alpha121:57
madnickoh oka21:57
micahgbut can whoever attends the release meeting please find out how much testing we need for alpha121:57
Sysihum, I *could* test images directly on this macbookpro.. help for mactel-support team22:11

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