
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
=== Godzilla is now known as Guest52815
zushow do i stop gwibber,  from starting up every log in? it is not working  by ticking the box in preferences01:25
cjsThe XFCE panel works different from the Gnome one in its full-screen behaviour. Maximizing a window covers the button bar, and on another machine, watching a youtube video in full-screen mode doesn't make the panel go away. Is there somethin I can do to fix this?01:29
bigredradioIs there a way to get "display" in setting to see an external monitor connect to a laptop?01:36
bigredradioIt only recognizes one display.01:36
zusin some applications i find  that  my apps open :behind:  the panel.01:36
zusbigredradio,  i used xrander...to see my 2nd monitor though i never got to fully test everything id like though01:37
zushow do i stop gwibber,  from starting up every log in? it is not working  by ticking the box in preferences01:37
cjszus: the panel seems to be acting like a regular X11 window in many cases, unlike Gnome-panel.01:39
zuscjs, when i opened some applications theyre went behind the panel i had to grab and resize the app and move it, took a while to get it  just right.  never found a solution01:43
zushow do i stop gwibber,  from starting up every log in? it is not working  by ticking the box in preferences02:28
zus??? is anyone  around  ?\02:52
asterismohi people02:52
asterismoi need some help with XFCE02:52
photonwill Xubuntu 12.04 LTS desktop version also be supported for 5 years just as the 'standard' Ubuntu 12.04?02:54
Artemis3should be03:06
asterismoi noticed some problems with usb pendrives umounting under xubuntu03:06
Artemis3what problems?03:06
asterismoits hard to notice if a usb pendrive is ejected or not03:06
Artemis3haven't noticed anything myself03:06
Artemis3easy, if you see the notification and it goes quickly away, its done03:06
asterismosome error notifications are displayed at the same time as other notification is telling that cannot be unplugged because data is being written03:06
asterismoand stuff03:06
asterismomaybe a dbus miss syncronization or some03:06
Artemis3oh that doesnt sound good03:06
asterismothis happens to me in 3 different machines03:06
asterismoone P4 3.6GHz desktop03:06
asterismoSamsung Netbook Intel Atom N45003:06
asterismoand HP 6735s buissnes notebook03:06
Artemis3is that 11.10?03:06
zushow do i stop gwibber,  from starting up every log in? it is not working  by ticking the box in preferences03:06
asterismoxubuntu 11.1003:06
asterismoi use thunar for file manager03:06
asterismoand i think thunar-volman for volume management03:06
Artemis3you mean gwibber preferences? there is a place in xfce configuration to autostart apps03:06
asterismoevery time i eject a usb pendrive i have no clearly visible feedback03:09
zusArtemis3,  yeah03:09
zuson the  gwibber app there is a start on login.... which i dont  want, it istn ticked, and  it is not showing up in the session startup  but it beins  anyways.... most annoying03:11
photonAny developers around?03:31
photonor team/project managers?03:31
bazhangphoton, whats the actual question03:41
photonwill Xubuntu 12.04 LTS desktop version be also supported for 5 years just as the 'standard' Ubuntu 12.04? I'm currently moving away from Ubuntu because of Unity and so far Debian and Xubuntu are on the table (I'm looking for a distro that is really stable and supported for a long time). Xubuntu 12.04 LTS getting security updates for 5 years would be a huge plus. AFAIK, the only thing that needs to be done is providing security updates for XFCE for 503:43
photonyears, as the rest of the packages are already taken care of by the standard Ubuntu version.03:43
zushow do i stop gwibber,  from starting up every log in? it is not working  by ticking the box in preferences03:48
bazhangphoton, my guess is yes as to the 5 year LTS desktop thing. I would need to confirm however03:57
zusok does any one  know wot is up with gwibber? seriously  ive been sasking  for  hours now \04:20
zusyes  or no at this  point owuld be  nice04:20
starnhello, can anyone help me with Ampache with Apache???05:23
cjsphoton: So Unity is a problem, but Gnome 3 isn't?05:27
cjsOr is Debian not moving to Gnome 3?05:28
cjsSeems to me that if Gnome 3 isn't an issue, you can just use the standard Gnome 3 profile rather than the Unity one with Ubuntu, can't you?05:28
cjs(I'm curious because I recently moved to XUbuntu to get away from Gnome 3.)05:29
starncan someone help me with my issues with ampache?? everything appears to be setup correctly but i go to http://localhost/ampache and it gives me a 404 error.. yet when i go to it without the /ampache it loads the page apache comes with saying it works.. so it has to be something with configurations or ampache..05:40
photoncjs: I can't answer the first two questions (haven't tried Gnome 3 yet, but it's a good point). And from what I heard you have to use Unity with standard Ubuntu 12.04.05:46
cjsOh, really? So 12.04 won't offer the regular Gnome 3 interface?05:57
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+105:57
cjsWhat fun. I'm glad I'm off that merry-go-round, even though it's introduced a whole host of new minor problems.05:58
StormStrikesIm hoping someone can help.  Just did the recent updates which included updating Firefox to v8 I believe  Now it wont launch.  Can anyone help diagnose?06:51
well_laid_lawnStormStrikes: tried launching it from a terminal to see if there are errors?06:53
well_laid_lawniirc firefox doesn't print much in the way of errors06:53
StormStrikesI tried that and it just sat there and reported no errors.06:53
Unit193Not so much, but firefox -safe-mode may also help06:53
StormStrikeslet me try that06:54
StormStrikesOkay, safe mode launched it.06:54
StormStrikesAnything I need to check while I have it up to see whats wrong06:55
Unit193Well, you can disable some addons that may cause issues (Ubufox is one I did, and may have some others too )06:55
well_laid_lawndoes -safe-mode just use a default profile or something?06:55
Unit193Last used profiole, you can add -p to pick06:56
well_laid_lawno k06:56
StormStrikesAhh, okay.  Well crap, I wish I had known I could still set up profiles in Firefox.  Its been a long time since I have used that, thought it was gone.06:57
homebrewciderHi there, fresh install of Xubuntu 11.04, but the screen res starts at 1600 x 1200, I change it to 1440 x 900, which is right for my monitor, but the changes don't stick when I restart06:59
well_laid_lawntry saving the session07:00
StormStrikeswell_laid_lawn, thank you.  Firefox is launching normally now.  Lost my profile somehow, but thank God I back up my bookmarks and speed dials regularly.07:02
homebrewcidersee if that works07:02
homebrewciderback soon07:02
well_laid_lawnStormStrikes: Unit193 had the clue ;)07:03
StormStrikesYeah, after the update, it launched to the check addon compatability with the new version and locked up.  But I could not get it to launch again to check and see which if any were causing an issue.07:03
StormStrikesBut whatever it was is not causing an issue anymore.  I only use four addons, print to pdf, speeddials, download helper and foxy proxy07:05
StormStrikesBut thank you also to Unit193 for the command to boot up into safe mode.  Whatever it was, that one launch to safemode cleared things up07:06
StormStrikesIm writing that command down so I dont forget it...07:06
=== kroschi_ is now known as kroschi
dimaxhello! I have truble with resilution on my screen i need 1280x1024 but xrandr  show maximum 1024x768  vga S3 Via Unichrome Pro, any ideas?10:53
SuibaruXHey, how is the package with all the codec plugins called? (good bad ugly)10:55
bazhanggstreamer, you mean?11:28
xubuntu329a instalação ta travada12:44
olbisome1 could jelp me with empathy13:07
olbiI change characters in names on jabber account13:07
pkundui want to boot xubuntu 11.10 in runlevel 3 by default. how to do that.thanks for help13:08
olbiwhen I type polish type: ą, ę, etc it shows bush, but on gajim it works fine13:08
olbion channel empathy, they can't help me13:08
ragnarokHey. I go at system > additional drivers and i see 2 options for my gpu: 1) ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver 2) ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver (post release updates).13:13
ragnarokwhich to select?13:13
olbiyou should take the newest13:14
olbicheck in info after mark one of them13:14
ragnarokwhat is post release updates about?13:14
ragnarokthe info is the same13:15
olbipost release updates - updates after release of main release like patches13:15
olbitake second and try13:15
ragnarokso this is enabled13:15
ragnarokat the same time as the first?13:15
ragnarokor disables it13:16
olbidisable one of them13:16
someone6546Hi, I recently switched from Ubuntu to Xubuntu and some windows (e.g. audacious or pavucontrol) are really hard to resize by grabbing them at the corner, because the area where you can do this is very small (1 pixel?). Is there a way to fix this?13:37
knomesomeone6546, press the super(windows) key, right-click and drag13:38
someone6546hmm, doesn't work13:38
knomedid you keep both the super key and right mouse button down while dragging?13:39
knometry alt13:39
someone6546that works13:40
someone6546but is there no way to make the area, where you can grab the window larger13:40
knomesomeone6546, not withtout changing the xfwm theme13:44
knomesomeone6546, or modifying the current13:44
someone6546ok, thanks13:44
samuel_hi. i recently installed the latest xubuntu and now i15:37
samuel_am already running out of disk space. how to free up some space?15:37
samuel_i wonder how could i already be using >5gb even though i have only installed wine15:38
olbihow much space do you have on hdd and what partiton you create?15:40
samuel_76 mb free space currently15:41
samuel_i don15:41
samuel_not want to fix this by repartitioning, i just want to remove all the stuff that i do not need15:41
samuel_just found the "delete packages after installation" which freed up some 600 mb15:44
olbiso do it :D15:45
olbisudo apt-get autoremove15:46
olbihow much space do you add for root partition?15:46
samuel_well. i guess that solved my problem for now. 600mb is enough i guess. so autoremove is the same as that gui option i mentioned?15:51
samuel_i stil feel puzzled why xubuntu takes all that space. i installed this because i thought this was lightweight, but not sure about that15:52
holsteinyou can find lighter... its still relatively small considering what all is there15:53
samuel_also this seems quite slow. x11vnc server running and moving one window around desktop gives me 100% cpu util15:53
holsteinyou can fire up *any* package manger and remove what you like15:53
holsteini just use vino since i am used to it15:53
Sysisamuel_: I think vnc just is like that15:55
samuel_well considering removing apps from the synaptic is slow. i had to check multiple boxes just to remove gimp. removing software from the "ubuntu software center" is even slower as it refreshes itself after a single package removal and gives 5-10 sec 100% cpu util again15:55
Sysiyou could try ssh-X-forwarding or something15:55
holsteinor nx15:56
samuel_also as said i do not know what is there to uninstall anymore. uninstalling "mail" will cause the soft center to suggest removing bunch of essential looking xfce packages...15:56
holsteinsamuel_: yeah... when you remove software, things change15:57
samuel_i'd suggest a checkbox for installation: "bloat" on/off :)15:57
samuel_so vino is more lightweight than x11vnc?15:57
holsteinsamuel_: sure, and i suggest maybe checking out lubuntu, or maybe starting with a CLI install and adding what you want15:58
holsteinadd XFCE or LXDE and go from there15:58
Sysinone of that matters, it's still probably VNC issue15:58
holsteinsamuel_: i just used vino because thats what i know how to use15:58
holsteini think like Sysi suggests, i find its just not very effecient to fo VNC15:59
Sysibut yeah, if you want really minimal, you need to start with minimal15:59
holsteinto do*15:59
samuel_is ssh-x-forward is based on x11vnc as well?15:59
holsteinsamuel_: no15:59
Sysino, it's ssh15:59
holsteinis this a laptop? you can usually find older PATA drives stupid cheap these days16:02
samuel_holstein, laptop16:02
samuel_well thanks for the help. i will look into those remote desktop keywords you gave me16:02
holsteinyou'll want to look for 'forwarding X' instead of 'remote desktop'16:03
=== xubuntu969 is now known as trucklover
zushappy  thanksgiving (should any observe it,)18:50
zusis there an XFCE partitioning tool or is gparted the standard program? also in any linux not just for ubuntu or its spin offs?18:51
Sysixfce doesn't have any own partition tool, use gparted18:52
zusthanks - is that pretty much the standard program for partitioning? regardless as which distro?18:53
Sysiit should be available on most distributions18:54
TheSheepyes, gparted and fdisk are the standard partitioning tools18:54
zusG as in GNU not necessarily a Gnome  app right?18:56
TheSheepg as in gtk18:56
SysiGwenview id KDE app you know :)18:56
TheSheepSysi: that's an exception, not a rule18:57
SysiTheSheep: exactly18:57
zusgood day all!.19:10
sidneyIs there a key combo to stop unresponsive programs?19:21
darkstar999-awayMy keyboard mute button is good at muting, but it doesn't unmute. It worked fine on ubuntu and windows. Any ideas?20:02
=== darkstar999-away is now known as darkstar999
holsteindarkstar999: mine does that too20:03
holsteindid it work in the same version of ubuntu?20:04
holsteini didnt have time to test that20:04
holsteinlike, is it the kernel? is it XFCE vs. gnome/unity ?20:04
darkstar999holstein: yes, I can switch my session to ubuntu and it works fine20:04
darkstar999it seems to be xfce20:04
darkstar999and switch to win7 (dual boot) and it works20:04
holsteininteresting... that saves me some time though20:04
holsteindarkstar999: you find a bug report?20:04
holsteinif you do, link me, or if you start one, and i'll mark myself20:05
darkstar999this was my first attempt at getting it fixed. i'll let you know if I find a report20:05
darkstar999holstein: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1871357&highlight=xubuntu+unmute20:08
darkstar999holstein: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-volumed/+bug/88644720:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 885956 in xfce4-volumed (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #886447 unmute doesn't work anymore" [Medium,Confirmed]20:10
darkstar999where do I set default applications in xubuntu?20:45
aesonCheck out this website--http://rationallyparanoid.com21:39
knomeaeson, please do not advertise.21:39
housiemousie2Hello.  My Dad's machine and mine have both lost the right-click menu on the desktop.  Anyone have this issue, or possibly know how to fix it?  The problem is not present in a Guest session...23:49
wapiflapiyou can set that in the settings23:50
wapiflapiwait a sec, i'll tell you exactly where23:50
housiemousie2The option is and has been set.23:51
wapiflapioh :/23:51
wapiflapithen I dont know sorry :/23:51
housiemousie2lol Thanks for trying!23:51
wapiflapiright click works fine every where else I supose ?23:51
wapiflapiany particular software running that could alter that behaviour ?23:52
housiemousie2Dad has some kde mouse behavior tool, but I don't have it23:52
housiemousie2Both of our machines are xfce and gnome over kubuntu...23:53
housiemousie2Right click wotks in both gnome and kde23:53
housiemousie2works, even23:53
wapiflapihum sorry i cant help you , haven't been using xfce for so long my self :/23:54
wapiflapibut keep searching / asking23:54
Artemis3what is the problem?23:55
housiemousie2I am thinking that it has to be a xfce user specific setting... just not sure where the xfce user configs are23:55
housiemousie2Hello.  My Dad's machine and mine have both lost the right-click menu on the desktop.  Anyone have this issue, or possibly know how to fix it?  The problem is not present in a Guest session...23:55
housiemousie2Sorry, just up arrowed to the first post23:56
Artemis3go to settings desktop23:56
Artemis3second tab says menus23:56
Artemis3there you can enable disable right click thing23:57
wapiflapitaht is what i sugested Artemis3 ;) he said he had done that23:57
housiemousie2lol Yep, it is set the same in my (and my Dad's) user accounts and in the guest session, works in guest, not in our user sessions23:58
housiemousie2.../facepalm, let me try disable and re-enable23:58
Artemis3how about check process and see if killing one restores it?23:59

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