
huwshimipoolie: Bug tag list is live :D00:19
huwshimipoolie: I know you've only been waiting 10 months for me to do it :)00:20
rick_h_lol, congrat huwshimi00:22
rick_h_where can I see huwshimi ?00:22
huwshimirick_h_: heh, thanks :)00:23
huwshimirick_h_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/00:23
rick_h_is it the tag list on the right?00:23
rick_h_with the counts?00:23
huwshimirick_h_: Yeah00:23
pooliehuwshimi, that's awesome00:23
poolieit doesn't look like a cat threw up :)00:23
huwshimirick_h_: Not sure if you noticed, but they used to look like the left version of this: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/62993362/tag_cloud.png00:24
rick_h_ah, ouch00:24
wgrantInteresting. The sizes were meant to scale more than that.00:25
wgrantBut it shows them all as identical...00:25
pooliewgrant, in the 'current'?00:25
pooliethey did scale00:25
wgrantThat's what I thought.00:25
rick_h_huwshimi: now what about client side filtering box? :)00:25
poolieit did not work well because ...00:25
pooliewell for a bunch of reasons00:25
huwshimiwgrant: They did scale, but the top tags were all a similar size00:25
rick_h_yea, those types of tag clouds never lookd great, especially with large phrases for tags00:26
poolieone of them being the words are so wide relative to the portal00:26
pooliekeeping the same size and varying intensity would be better00:26
pooliewould have been00:26
pooliejust showing the number is pretty good though00:26
poolieso huw while you're here00:26
wgranthttps://code.launchpad.net/ has another odd (and woefully inconsistent with the rest of the site) cloud.00:26
huwshimirick_h_: Doing the tag filter would be nice, but this was an easier win as a first stage00:26
huwshimiwgrant: Yeah, from memory all those landing pages have something similar00:27
rick_h_huwshimi: oh yea, just helping you with stage 2 :)00:27
pooliewgrant, i wonder if we should just redirect that to the top home page00:27
wgrantAmusingly enough it also doesn't include distributions, so Ubuntu doesn't show up.00:27
wgranthuwshimi: No, that's the worst bit. Only code does.00:27
pooliemaybe look at the logs to see if it is used00:27
huwshimiwgrant: Oh really?00:27
pooliei think the idea was that it would show activity00:27
pooliewell, that was the idea00:27
poolieit was my idea00:27
poolieit is not actually doing the job very well00:28
rick_h_poolie: needs a color scale as well as size maybe?00:28
pooliethere are two mismatched shades of blue on that page too00:28
wgrantSome of them used to be green.00:28
wgrantIIRC those that didn't use codehosting officially.00:28
huwshimiwgrant: it seems you're right00:28
wgrantCan't quite recall, though.00:28
wgranthttps://code.launchpad.net/ also has the 1.0 buttons.00:28
wgrantTempting to remove the subdomains tomorrow, but that might be a bit controversial.00:29
rick_h_heh, #03a and blue00:29
huwshimiwgrant: yeah a few of the landing pages have those buttons00:29
lifelesswgrant: on a saturday? yes, 'might' be00:29
rick_h_hey, it's friday00:30
huwshimiwgrant: Actually all but bugs do00:30
rick_h_always good to change right before the weekend and then hide00:30
StevenKrick_h_: O hai. You haz QA.00:30
rick_h_StevenK: yep, am I holding up anything? Been afk for the holiday today.00:31
huwshimiwgrant: I'm definitely buy a beer for anyone who removes subdomains00:31
StevenKrick_h_: There's only three revisions, in the queue.00:31
wgrantThe only sticking point is the breadcrumbs.00:31
StevenKrick_h_: So I don't care much.00:31
rick_h_StevenK: ok if I get it in the morning then?00:31
wgrantEverything else is mostly a matter of deleting code.00:31
rick_h_StevenK: ok awesome, will hit it up first thing00:32
StevenKrick_h_: If you're at work on your Friday, that sounds great.00:32
rick_h_StevenK: yep, will be. New guys don't have all that banked vaca :)00:32
pooliewgrant, getting everything on one domain so that it can run from a single ip without /etc/hosts futzing would be awesome00:32
rick_h_wgrant: you know, I've used LP on and off for years and only *just* noticed the breadcrumbs the other day00:32
wgrantThe breadcrumbs have been through a few iterations.00:33
rick_h_caught me totally out of the blue00:33
wgrantThis last variety has been in place for nearly 2.5 years, and is extremely subtle.00:33
wgrantAnd confusing to an extent.00:33
wgrantpoolie: Indeed.00:33
StevenKThat requires ripping out vostok00:34
StevenKWhich might make mwhudson sad.00:34
wgrantThere's a branch for that.™00:34
rick_h_<3 I think I have a new email sig00:34
* huwshimi contemplates pie incentive to have subdomains removed by Budapest, or the end of Budapest00:34
lifelessStevenK: vostok can be deleted00:34
pooliewhat's a vostok?00:35
wgrantvostok is Linaro's aborted attempt at making a standlone Soyuz.00:35
lifelesspoolie: we can't run on one domain safely, ever. But we can shrink the number :)00:35
* rick_h_ is grepping around too, I know I've run into that00:35
wgrantlifeless: Well.00:35
lifelessStevenK: I was discussing nuking vostok with mwhudson the other day.00:35
poolielifeless, you're talking about librarians, ppas, etc?00:35
wgrantlifeless: The webapp can be on a single domain.00:35
lifelesswgrant: launchpadlibrarian00:35
wgrantAnd that's the main thing.00:35
wgrantlaunchpadlibrarian is not user-facing.00:35
wgrantIn the important sense.00:35
lifelesswgrant: internalxmlrp00:35
poolieperhaps for demo purposes it would be ok to have it on the same domain00:35
lifelesswgrant: and the public xmlrpc too00:36
lifelesswgrant: and apis00:36
poolieif there is no untrusted or important data00:36
pooliehuwshimi, while i've got you00:36
huwshimipoolie: Yup, here00:36
wgrantIn dev I imagine they would just run on different ports.00:36
pooliesome time i'm going to land the initial markdown thing00:36
pooliefor people and products00:36
pooliei guess i feel i want a thumbs up/down from you00:36
lifelesswgrant: perhaps; I'd be keen for dev to just use ip addresses for all the services.00:37
wgrantlifeless: Sure, but that requires lots of config unless you run everything on loopback.00:37
wgrantWhich is limiting.00:37
huwshimipoolie: A massive thumbs up for the spirit of it, is there anything in particular you want validation on?00:37
lifelesswgrant: why ?00:37
wgrantlifeless: My machine has one non-loopback IPv4 address.00:37
wgrantMy VMs, too.00:37
pooliejust that the list of 'do later' things on the bug and mp are ok00:37
lifelesswgrant: ...and ?00:37
wgrantlifeless: We can't run services on separate IP addresses if there's only one IP address.00:38
rick_h_StevenK: where do you go to see the pending QA and such?00:38
pooliehuwshimi, the other thing is00:38
StevenKrick_h_: The deployment report.00:38
lifelesswgrant: I didn't intend to imply separate ip addresses00:38
StevenKrick_h_: http://lpqateam.canonical.com/qa-reports/deployment-stable.html00:38
StevenKrick_h_: Know it, love it.00:38
pooliei was contemplating, when my current lp discretionary hacks are finished, doing a really cheap timeline that just shows all the comments on bugs i'm subscribed to00:38
wgrantlifeless: Ah, so separate ports, like I said. Sounds good, and is what I had planned.00:38
pooliein reverse chronological order00:39
lifelesswgrant: and no domains00:39
pooliethis seems00:39
lifelesswgrant: so an ip address on ec2 just works.00:39
pooliepossibly useful00:39
rick_h_StevenK: thanks, bookmarked00:39
wgrantI have 5 branches here relating to cleaning up the vhost machinery and config.00:39
pooliea toe in the water; and doesn't require db or infrastructure changes00:39
lifelesspoolie: timelines.... thanks for reminding me. I want notification to be done as a service.00:39
StevenKrick_h_: There is also db-stable.html for database stuff00:39
wgrantI should probably merge and land them at some point.00:39
wgrantIIRC one of them destroys vostok.00:39
poolielifeless, that sounds good but what exactly do you mean00:40
lifelesspoolie: I'm not 100% sure what I mean yet :).00:40
poolielifeless, ok :)00:46
poolieso like i say this seemed like a place to start00:46
mwhudsonlifeless, StevenK: sure, rip out vostok if it's causing any problems00:50
huwshimipoolie: What happens when you dump all different types of content (headings etc) into a description, does it come out looking alright?00:52
abentleywallyworld_: what particular spinner did you have in mind in your review?00:53
wallyworld_abentley: there isn't any additional spinner on the page right now, but there could be one added later and it could cause problems. so the suggestion is just to make the code more robust00:54
wallyworld_but if you don't think it's required, i can just +1 it00:55
wallyworld_it seemed worth making the change thogu, given it's just a slightly longer select expression00:56
abentleywallyworld_: There won't be a later.  Deryck is working on a different spinner that will replace this one.00:56
wallyworld_ah, ok. in that case i'll just +1 it00:56
pooliehuwshimi, in markdown?00:58
poolieit looks ok00:58
abentleywallyworld_: thanks.00:58
wallyworld_abentley: done, sorry for the confusion on my part00:58
huwshimipoolie: Yeah, ok great00:58
poolieobviously if people start putting lots of h1s it will look a bit weird but it doesn't spoil things00:58
poolie... i don't think we're going to allow the animated gif background tag :)00:59
huwshimipoolie: Great, in that case I'm happy to go with what you have00:59
huwshimipoolie: Awww00:59
poolierupert murdoch can buy lp for $580M00:59
huwshimipoolie: With the cloud on the code page I wonder if we can turn that into an activity wall of sortts01:03
wgrantThat page is probably the walliest thing in LP right now.01:04
wgrantIt has the registered/changed branch feeds at the bottom.01:04
wgrantAnd the cloud showing activity levels.01:04
pooliehuwshimi, i don't know if you have time but if you want to do a sketch of a general activity wall , version 001:04
pooliei might try to implement it01:04
huwshimipoolie: I started working on this a long time ago: http://people.canonical.com/~huwshimi/profile_01.png01:06
huwshimipoolie: But I'm happy to work on this a bit with you01:07
huwshimipoolie: It would give us a chance to try a few thigns01:07
huwshimipoolie: I'm just running your markdown branch, I've enabled the feature flag ("markdown.enabled default 1 true"), but I'm not getting the markdown rendered. What else might I need to do?01:15
huwshimipoolie: Oh, all I did was grab a new lp branch, and merged your changes01:15
lifelesspoolie: so I think what I mean is a few things that all intersect01:19
lifelesspoolie: notification / walls / timelines all belong outside the main lp codebase: it requires a rather different view of the data than our main tables are structured for01:20
lifelesspoolie: it also has no requirement to be carefully modelled - in fact it has a requirement to be agile and loosely modelled, to easily be updated as other things change01:21
pooliehuwshimi, did you work it out with md?01:35
huwshimipoolie: erm, no I got distracted by other things :)01:35
pooliehuwshimi, i don't know, that should be all you need to do01:36
poolienb it only works on eg person descriptions, not on all text yet01:36
poolielifeless, i agree with those as an ultimate goal01:36
pooliemm, not quite sure about why it ought to be outside the main codebase though01:36
poolieexcept in as much as perhaps it would be nice to have a less monolithic codebase generally01:36
huwshimipoolie: Oh, I misunderstood (I thought it worked on bug descriptions too). Yes it's working perfectly01:37
pooliejust being (perhaps over) cautious01:40
pooliealso deferring making it work with edit widgets01:40
pooliehttp://people.canonical.com/~huwshimi/profile_01.png looks good01:40
pooliei will try for something like that01:40
lifelesspoolie: multiple services will need to talk to notifications; its easier to work on small codebases; nosql may well be much easier to work with; all new things should be built with SOA in mind01:43
lifelessnotification/walls/timelines are greenfield, making them 5-10 times harder by working within the big curly DB we have would be a costly choice IMNSHO01:45
lifeless[email notifications clearly aren't greenfield, the rest are]01:45
poolieif they were done externally, how would the web content be visible to the user01:46
lifelessin LP you would have a thin shim which makes API calls01:46
lifelesssame as e.g. talking to memcached, but without the potatoes.01:46
lifelessfor instance.01:49
lifelessUI and rendering is in LP01:49
poolieah, so more like01:49
lifelessstorage, graph traversal, summary snippets and a pointer back to the source document are in the service01:49
pooliethe view object makes a call to get structured machinereadable data from the wall service?01:50
wgrantPrivacy is a bit of a challenge, but not insurmountable.01:50
lifelessall modern sensible stuff and isolated from insane http headers01:50
lifelessso json blob01:50
poolieright, it will need to get it on behalf of the current interaction user01:50
lifelesssome implementation choices around whether the summary snippets are served as is or privacy-checked on the LP side etc01:50
pooliei feel like i would like to do this in a way that for version 0 talks to the lp database01:51
pooliebut with a view to eventually pointing to something else01:51
lifelessyou're welcome to scrach that locally.01:51
pooliequite isolated01:51
lifelessI'm going to reject landing anything in this space in lp proper01:51
poolie:( really?01:51
lifelessI realise this provides a barrier to entry, but I think its better overall01:52
lifelessyes, really.01:52
lifelessthe cost of setting up a microservice is fairly modest01:52
wgrantWe are yet to have a single microservice running.01:52
pooliemaybe i'll test that01:52
wgrant(but I agree it needs to be done as one)01:52
lifelesswgrant: not true; we have 3 running so far - txlongpoll, oops-tools and arguably rabbit01:52
wgranttxlongpoll and rabbit are not running.01:53
lifelesswgrant: txlongpoll only needs the rabbit config switched on in LP, and thats waiting for red to put the MP forward01:53
wgrantThey're somewhat close.01:53
wgrantBut they're not running.01:53
poolieso every lp action that does a wall-related activity will post it to the microservice?01:53
lifelessrabbit is01:53
poolieand they'll be stored redundantly there?01:53
wgrantlifeless: It's not being used for anything.01:53
lifelessgraphs and nagios are in place for prod rabbit01:53
lifelesspoolie: yes01:53
lifelesspoolie: for whatever depth of history we want to support01:53
poolieobviously there are consistency things about01:54
pooliecomments being deleted or hidden01:54
pooliefor instance01:54
lifelessthis is covered under the question 'some implementation choices around whether the summary snippets are served as is or privacy-checked on the LP side etc'01:54
lifelessbut yes01:54
lifelessthere are01:54
pooliei think a soa would be better01:57
poolieit seems a shame to block changes that give better presentation of data that is already in the db01:57
poolieperhaps it is necessary if things are ever going to improve01:57
lifelessso, you mentioned, for instance, listing all your own comments on bugs, in date order; this requires joining all messages from $user, across to all bugs, then checking for privact01:58
lifelessa few users have > 100K messages01:58
lifelessI can pretty much guarantee you'll have timeout issues in any first-draft implementation on e.g. ~janitor01:59
pooliebut https://bugs.launchpad.net/~pitti/ eg times out today01:59
lifelessthis isn't a reason not to do it, but its a demonstration of how our schema is not arranged to meet the needs of that project01:59
pooliemost bug list pages are timing out01:59
lifelesswe fixed ~pitti02:00
lifelessthats a regression02:00
poolie~mbp times out02:00
pooliei don't want to add more timing out pages02:00
lifelessgreat! :)02:00
pooliebut i guess,02:00
poolielp does have to have a general answer to "do simple select/sort queries across the bug db"02:01
pooliewhich is all this would need02:01
pooliei'm not really confident that bringing up a separate db that will scale to that size will be easy02:02
wgrantpoolie: Did you really prefer a 6 digit bug to a 4 digit one?02:02
poolie(even if it's allowed to throw stuff away)02:02
poolieyes, becaues it has a better description02:02
pooliebut i don't care if you reverse it and update stuff02:02
poolielifeless, anyhow it's kind of blue sky now02:03
poolieso i don't want to distract us with it02:03
pooliei support soaization02:03
pooliei don't want to add more timeouts02:03
pooliei do want to take a small step towards timelines02:03
pooliewhen i get to it i'll see if i can resolve those things02:03
wgrantLaunchpad is fixed!02:12
wgrant * 14 Exceptions02:12
wgrant * 2 Time Outs02:12
wgrantOur work is done.02:12
wgrantlifeless broke oops-tools, so the OOPS reports aren't as depressing as usual today.02:13
lifelesswell there is certainly *something* odd ;(02:13
pooliehi, could i get a quick scan of https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/loggerhead/240580-tarball/+merge/83364 from someone?02:44
pooliethanks lifeless02:55
lifelessjtv: you dropped off02:56
lifelesspoolie: got some time for bouncing ideas around ?03:07
poolielifeless, sure03:10
pooliecan i have some lunch first?03:10
poolierabbit just failed again; i'm glad i fixed the feature :)03:15
StevenKGrumble, storm validators suck03:29
StevenKwgrant: Can haz help?03:35
lifelesswhats up03:35
StevenKIProduct.{_owner,security_contact} both have a storm_validator of validate_person_or_closed_team.03:36
StevenKSetting the owner to an open team results in an error of "Constraint not satisfied", but setting the security contact to an open team gives "You must choose a valid person or team to be the security contact for <project>"03:37
StevenKAnd both validators are the same, so I'm not sure what is going on.03:38
lifelessis there a try:except: around the other case ?03:41
poolielifeless, hi, now?03:41
mwhudsonah i remember trying to figure out where constraint not satisfied came from03:42
StevenKlifeless: They're both in the same view, neither are checked in the view's validate()03:43
mwhudsonStevenK: storm_validator is in the model code, i bet _owner has something funky in the zope.schema/interface side03:44
StevenKmwhudson: There's a owner setter/getter, do you think that is interferring?03:45
mwhudsonStevenK: no, i think the error is probably coming 'before' that03:46
mwhudsonalthough owner is just an Attribute?03:46
StevenKIt's a PersonChoice03:47
mwhudsonah yeah03:47
mwhudson            vocabulary='ValidPillarOwner',03:47
StevenKmwhudson: The error isn't coming from the vocab, though03:47
mwhudsonand i see security_contact is the same anyway03:48
mwhudsonStevenK: only difference i see is PublicPersonChoice vs PersonChoice ?03:48
StevenKOh, which is done via IHasSecurityContact03:49
mwhudsonStevenK: constraint not satisfied is raised in the form validation code in some frustrating way that blocks you from finding out why03:49
mwhudson        if value not in vocabulary:03:50
mwhudson            raise ConstraintNotSatisfied(value)03:50
StevenKAh ha03:50
StevenKIs that in zope guts?03:50
StevenKmwhudson: I don't like the idea of rummaging around in self.errors in the view's validate() just for a better error.03:52
mwhudsonStevenK: i can't remember what i did last time i got angry about this03:52
mwhudsonStevenK: i'll notice that security_contact gives a nice error, maybe you can see why? :)03:53
mwhudsonwell, slightly nicer03:53
mwhudsonone that's from the launchpad tree at least :)03:53
StevenKmwhudson: That's what I'm trying to figure out! :-)03:53
mwhudsonStevenK: heh03:54
mwhudsonStevenK: i hope this pointer helped a bit at least03:54
StevenKThe ConstraintNotSatisfied exception is in self.errors for owner when it's an open team03:54
StevenKRight, there is a bunch of machinery around security contact04:01
StevenKWhereas there is none around owner04:01
StevenKmwhudson: I've added a block before the OMG-Zope-gave-us-errors-must-return section and that works.04:11
mwhudsonStevenK: i'm not sure what that means, but i'm glad it works :)04:16
StevenKmwhudson: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/748928/04:17
mwhudsonStevenK: ah04:18
* StevenK shakes fist at NameAlreadyTaken04:20
huwshimiwallyworld_: Hey mate, would you be around in about an hour to have a chat about getting the manage-disclosure mockups ready for testing?04:33
wallyworld_huwshimi: i have to go to the post office quickly after school pickup so i'll be a little later than normal getting home. i'll be back around 4:45 AEDT04:35
huwshimiwallyworld_: Sure, that's fine04:35
wallyworld_excellent. i'll ping you04:36
huwshimiwallyworld_: Cheers04:36
wallyworld_huwshimi: ping :-)05:37
huwshimiwallyworld_: Hey, mumble?05:46
wallyworld_huwshimi: yep, assuming it starts this time without locking up :-(05:46
huwshimiwallyworld_: skype, phone etc. are fine too if need be05:47
pooliewhy is lp.dev giving me a sad face?05:49
poolieoh ok now05:50
pooliei'm going to send through the update to loggerhead in the lp tree06:05
=== wallyworld_ changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugtasks: 292
pooliehuwshimi, i wonder if we could usefully autosave in progress typing into local html5 storage07:26
poolieperhaps if your browser crashes it will be lost anyhow07:26
pooliei don't know07:26
pooliemaybe it's the browser's job not to crash :)07:27
jtvwgrant: help, I'm stuck!07:28
jtvwgrant: remember bug 876594?07:28
_mup_Bug #876594: rejected builds for synced packages send mail to Debian maintainer <derivation> <qa-untestable> <regression> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by jtv> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/876594 >07:28
jtvI'm trying to reproduce the problem in a test, but I need something like 4 layers of objects that we don't have LaunchpadObjectFactory methods for.07:29
jtvOr 5.07:33
poolieadd em?07:33
nigelbYak shaving weekend? :)07:33
pooliepersonally i'm doing all the bzr reviews07:34
poolieis there a tasteful place to hold an object for the duration of the current request?08:01
wgrantjtv: SoyuzTestPublisher08:21
wgrantpoolie: No, but there are some distasteful ones. What do you want to store?08:21
pooliere https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/391780-markdown/+merge/82832 i was going to cache the markdown converter object for later reuse08:21
pooliebut, it turns out not to be all that expensive to just make a new one each time its wanted08:22
poolieso, nm08:22
pooliehow does the 'incremental fix' thing work?08:28
nigelbmultiple fixes for the same bug. I think the flag is --incremental for ec2land08:28
nigelbThe bug isn't set Fix Committed.08:28
nigelbbut you get the qa tags on it.08:28
pooliethat sounds like just what i want then08:29
pooliei'm sending up the markdown branch as a limited beta08:29
nigelbahh. Nice.08:29
nigelbAlso, the new Beta thing is pretty cool.08:29
jtvwgrant: that's the answer I feared… I hope SoyuzTestPublisher gives me a say over the changes file.08:30
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
lifelessnigelb: poolie: actually, thats not what happens09:41
lifelessthe qa process wiki page covers it I think; your revision will be skipped09:42
poolieis qas not updating or something?09:42
pooliei have something landed a while ago that's not on http://lpqateam.canonical.com/qa-reports/deployment-stable.html09:42
wgrantpoolie: A while ago?09:54
wgrantpoolie: Has it been through buildbot yet?09:54
allenappoolie: Thanks for looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/894045. I was on quite the wrong tack!09:56
_mup_Bug #894045: sending pgp inline in plain text causes apparent crc errors <confusing-ui> <email> <gpg> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/894045 >09:56
jtvWhere did the statuses on the translations-import-queue pages go?10:03
poolieallenap, you're welcome, thanks for the tip about rabbit10:07
pooliei hit the same error case today and i got a useful message10:07
pooliewgrant, 3.5h ago10:07
pooliewhere is the buildbot again?10:08
allenappoolie: Ah, the service details stuff? You rule for sorting that out.10:10
jtvdpm: do you still see the status of entries on the import-queue pages?  They no longer show up for me.10:12
dpmjtv, on which distro/project?10:12
dpmjtv, oh, I don't see them either :(10:13
jtvThat's pretty shocking.  I'm filing a bug.10:13
dpmjtv, could you please subscribe me to it when you do?10:14
nigelblifeless: Oh. Ew. Sorry for the misinformation!10:14
jtvdpm: bug 89469010:21
_mup_Bug #894690: Translations import queue pages no longer show statuses <critical> <regression> <rosetta-imports> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> <Ubuntu Translations:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/894690 >10:21
jtvYou're subscribed.10:21
dpmjtv, got the e-mail, thanks10:21
wgrantpoolie: buildbot takes 4-6 hours10:22
jtvdpm: the information is still there, but it's hidden.  Maybe it's a simple mistake in the HTML template.  I'll see what changed.10:23
dpmok, cool, thanks jtv10:25
poolieah ok10:25
rvbaJust checking: If I have a branch visible by user a, I can be sure that all the branches in the chain of branches on which this branch is stacked on is also visible by user a right?10:34
jtvhuwshimi: I see you replaced a class="hidden" with a style="display:none" in the translations import queue macros.  Are you quite sure we don't have something in the code that removes the "hidden" class to make it visible?  Now it stays hidden, which is a bit of a problem.10:35
jtvrvba: it sounds dubious… AIUI Launchpad doesn't even really notice the stacking — it's purely internal to bzr.10:36
jtvBut poolie will know more.10:37
pooliethe access control is all on the lp side10:37
rvbaI'm pretty sure branch.visibleByUser goes up the stacked on chain.10:38
rvbajtv: Unless I'm mistaken Huw changed a bunch of "display:none" into class="hidden" and not the other way around.10:40
* rvba wonders why the preview diff is empty on this page…10:40
jtvAh yes, it's "hidden" know.10:40
jtvI think sometimes the diff for the latest update happens to get computed after the merge.10:41
jtvAnnnd the javascript does a setStyle('display', '').10:42
rvbapoolie: so, if I have a branch that user a can see, can I be sure that all the branches on which this one is stacked on are also visible by user a ? (I want to prefetch the chain of stacked on branches for a list a branches but I don't want to fetch non visible branches).10:42
rvbajtv: a bug it is then.10:43
jtvThe probable cause of bug 894690.10:43
_mup_Bug #894690: Translations import queue pages no longer show statuses <critical> <regression> <rosetta-imports> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> <Ubuntu Translations:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/894690 >10:43
rvbaVery probable indeed.10:44
rvbaAlso means that a test is missing.10:44
jtvThat's the nasty part.  This kind of change is hard to predict, so it's easy to write a decent unit test that passes.  And a full-on browser test would be overkill.10:45
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
rick_h_does anyone have an IE browser handy for a quick QA thing?12:21
jmlrick_h_: I wish.12:29
jmlhey, what tag should I use to file bugs on the new bug listing thingummy?12:29
rick_h_heh, thanks12:29
rick_h_hmm, good question. sec.12:30
rick_h_what's the bug?12:30
rick_h_probably just buglistign12:30
rick_h_errr, buglisting12:30
jmlrick_h_: I have a few different ones, actually :)12:30
rick_h_jml: heh, ok12:30
rick_h_jml: nvm, looks like it's bug-columns that everyone is using12:41
jmlrick_h_: yeah, thanks. Found that due to post-filing editing12:41
jmlreally should fix that bug about tags not auto-completing on filing12:41
jmlwould save everyone a heap of time12:41
* jml makes a note to dig that up12:41
jmlmrevell, rvba, matsubara: I think I'm done with my bug filing spree.13:23
nigelblol, spammer :P13:23
mrevelljml, Thanks, much appreciated :) I'm leaving some comments13:23
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: bac | Critical bugtasks: 292
jmlit's a very exciting feature13:25
jmland I like the direction that the new look is taking13:25
nigelbWhen I saw the Beta "bar", it almost looked modern.13:28
nigelbI'm hoping with some of the features mrevell was talking about at UDS, Launchpad will be much much much better ;)13:29
mrevellnigelb, Well, it's a slow march.13:29
mrevelljml, I believe the new bug listing look came out of your discussions with Huw, right?13:30
jmlmrevell: did it really? I can't recall.13:30
matsubarajml, some of the bugs you filed I found out during ET and told Deryck about. Developers are aware of those issues. Thanks for filing those bugs!13:30
mrevelljml, That's what Huw said :)13:30
mrevelljml, I hate to ask, because it's a hard one to answer, but do you have a suggestion for how we can make the "Edit your visible info" cog more prominent? Originally, we had a "Edit visible information" link but it was kinda ugly and still not that noticeable.13:31
rick_h_I was just looking at that one, the problem is that you don't use it much right?13:32
rick_h_you'd set your preference and not need it again13:32
jmlwell, that's not quite right, actually13:32
rick_h_so making it more prominent just gets distracting after first use?13:32
jmlbecause different projects have different listing needs13:32
jmland I haven't really explored the personal listing pages yet13:32
jmlmrevell: tbh, I'd just make it more high-contrast13:32
matsubaramrevell, maybe make it a bit darker would help?13:33
mrevellYeah and something we deemed out of scope for now was the ability to save multiple listings.13:33
mrevellTwo people saying the same thing; I take that as meaning it is the truth.13:33
matsubarajml, personal listings don't have the sorting widget or the cog13:33
matsubaradon't have yet, I meant :-)13:33
mrevellmatsubara, It's a bug.13:33
matsubarayep, I know. I filed it13:33
jmlmrevell: maybe make it a little bigger, and make the grey a shade darker? *shrug*13:33
mrevellbug 89443713:33
mrevelljml, Sounds about right13:33
mrevellmatsubara, heh, right13:34
jmlmrevell: can't we just punt that to Huw? :P13:34
mrevelljml, Sure :)13:34
jmlalso, one of your earlier comments reminded me of this quote13:34
matsubaramrevell, stand up?13:34
mrevellIs a cog obvious enough13:34
mrevellmatsubara, Yus, Skype okay?13:34
mrevellEkiga hates me atm13:35
matsubaramrevell, sure. logging in13:35
jml(It's about the waters of a fictional heavenly river) "When you have drunk of it you forget forever all proprietorship in your own works. You enjoy them just as if they were someone else's: without pride and without modesty."13:35
mrevellExcellent :)13:35
jmlI think a cog icon is a fine metaphor13:39
jmlI'm surprised Huw hasn't replaced the edit icon in a fit of whim & fancy yet :)13:39
mrevelljml, We've been talking about it; he'd like to wait until the rebrand, so he doesn't have to do two versions.13:40
rick_h_heh, it took me forever to figure out that was edit13:44
rick_h_looked like an exclamation point, I kept thinking "hmm, this is important"13:45
mrevellMorning flacoste!14:11
rick_h_anyone know if I'm going to break anything if I just change the dev apache config virtualhost all to *:80/443 vs the set up and such?14:22
flacostervba: i'd suggest you make all bugs on the bugs-columns feature 'High'14:23
flacostervba: remember that we use High for feature work to indicate bugs we'd like to fix before release14:23
flacostervba: when we need to reduce scope, we review the HIgh list14:24
flacostewhereas we are less likely to review the Low list14:24
flacostenot a big deal, but a little time-saver14:24
rvbaflacoste: ok, thanks for the heads up.14:26
flacostervba: thanks for doing triaging!14:26
mrevellHey abentley, bug 887232: the sort order widget and cog don't appear on person/team pages. Do you know what's causing that bug?14:33
abentleymrevell: OTP14:36
rick_h_abentley: http://sorescode.com/2010/09/12/benchmarks.html14:40
abentleymrevell: It looks like the ajaxification is completely broken on those pages.14:45
abentleymrevell: may be related to bug #88721414:46
mrevellabentley, Okay, thanks. Is it something the Orangery are working on?14:47
abentleymrevell: it wasn't, but it looks like it warrants it.  I think the pages will still be usable, just in non-ajax mode.14:48
mrevellabentley, Is it not fixable so that the ajax works?14:48
abentleymrevell: I mean until we fix it, it should be usable in non-ajax mode.14:49
mrevellabentley, I'm not sure I understand. Does that mean there's some way I can see a non-ajax version of the sort ordering and cog widgets on personal bug pages?14:51
abentleymrevell: No, there's no non-ajax version of the sort ordering and cog widgets.  I was talking about the basic batch navigation.14:52
mrevellOkay, thanks for clarifying.14:52
abentleymrevell: FWICT, the Person bug pages are not even trying to ajaxify the listings, so it's probably an easy fix.14:55
mrevellThat's good to hear :)14:55
gmbbac: I have a simple one for you, if you've got the time: https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/launchpad/archive-subscriptions-bug-823473/+merge/8340715:12
bacgmb: sure15:30
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bacgmb: done15:40
rvbaHi bac, could you please have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/launchpad/activereviews-bug-867941-eagerload3/+merge/83389 ?16:05
bacrvba: will do16:05
rvbaThank you.16:05
bacnice branch rvba16:27
rvbaThanks for the review bac!16:29
abentleybac: could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/person-bug-listings/+merge/83418 ?17:01
abentleybac: nm.  hold on.17:02
abentleybac: okay,  https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/person-bug-listings/+merge/83418 is ready for review.17:16
mrevellNight all. I shall be retiring for the weekend.17:57
bacabentley: yes, i can now18:10
abentleybac: excellent.  I'm just back from lunch.18:11
bacabentley:  me too  :)18:11
bachope yours was as good18:11
abentleyIt was nice.18:11
bacabentley: is custom bug listing enabled in production only for some projects?18:12
abentleybac: No, it's enabled for all projects, but at their "+bugs" view, not their home page.18:12
bacah, gotcha18:12
abentleybac: But for project *groups*, the +bugs view *is* the home page.18:13
cr3why do launchpad tests run with xvfb?19:54
baccr3: was needed when we used windmill19:57
rick_h_guessing at some point we use a headless browser from the cmd line, like phantomjs type of thing that requires that to run19:57
rick_h_or like windmill :)19:57
flacostebac: still needed19:58
cr3bac: thanks, I know about sinzui's html5-browser but curious to know if there are still signs of windmill in launchpad. has it all been migrated?19:58
flacostefor the JS tests19:58
flacostewebkit requires a display19:59
bacflacoste: i suspected so.  didn't mean to say it was no longer needed.19:59
flacostecr3: windmill has been gone for a couple of months19:59
flacostebut the xvfb is still needed for html5-browser19:59
cr3flacoste: thanks, I've been running my tests interactively but now I know what to do for ec2 :)20:00
flacostecr3: yes, we only use xvfb when running in ec220:00
flacosteor other simlar headless environment20:00
flacosteit shouldn't be needed on a local workstation20:00
flacosteunless you are one of those crazy developpers who have emacs as their init program20:01
cr3flacoste: I don't use the emacs operating system myself :)20:01
flacostegood for you :-)20:02
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
abentleybac: could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/mandatory-bug-title/+merge/83446 ?21:23
bacabentley: shirley21:23
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
bacabentley: done21:32
abentleybac: thanks.21:37
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugtasks: 292
pooliewell now22:00
mtaylorhey all - I'm having odd problems with ppa uploads22:46
mtaylorhttps://jenkins.openstack.org/job/glance-ppa/label=build,series=lucid/273/console for instance22:46
mtaylorthe files are, in fact, being signed by the gpg key that is on the account of that user in launchpad22:46
mtaylorso wtf?22:46
lifelessbug 798957 perhaps ?22:48
mtaylorlifeless: ah. so potentially clock skew... that would be reasonable given the machines... lemme see if I can fix22:49
lifelessmtaylor: its a server side glitch22:51
lifelessmtaylor: cosmetic,t he uploads are still processed22:51
lifelessmtaylor: freaking annoying to reproduce / fix22:51
mtaylorlifeless: ah. lovely22:51
lifelessworks for days, then boom stops.22:52
mtaylorlifeless: well, fwiw, it seems to be hitting all of our ppa uploads from openstack's jenkins22:52
lifelessrestart the service. Works.22:52
mtaylorso - for now I should just "dput blah || echo true" to avoid it looking like all of my uploads are failing?22:53

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