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pittiGood morning05:43
pittidesrt: exactly05:43
RAOFHey there pitti!05:43
pittihey RAOF, how are you?05:51
RAOFI'm pretty good.05:53
RAOFFigured out why my first test started crashing once I added a second :)05:54
pittiRAOF: ah, working on nux test suite?06:01
RAOFUnity, yeah.06:01
didrocksgood morning07:14
pittibonjour didrocks07:22
didrocksguten morgen pitti, how are you?07:31
pittiquite fine!07:31
pittijust learned about the admin -> sudo group migration in the installer, now trying to catch up07:31
pittihow about you?07:31
didrockspitti: still some sore throat, I'm eager that to finish :)07:32
didrocksotherwise, all is fine, need to prepare to go to the ubuntu party in Toulouse for this week-end07:32
didrocks(6th "ubuntu weekend" in a row if we count UDS)07:33
pittino wonder you get no rest..07:33
* pitti hugs didrocks, enjoy!07:33
* didrocks hugs pitti back, thanks07:33
didrocksbut I will surely enjoy a quiet week-end next week :)07:33
didrocksso, you are upadting the polkit rules to have the "sudo" group as well?07:35
pittididrocks: yes, that, polkit-desktop-privileges, workign on accountsservice now07:35
pittito recongnize both and set "sudo" for admins07:35
didrockshoping that's the only 2 offended places, good luck :-)07:35
pittiKDE's control center likely has that as well07:36
pittiand I'm sure that there are a number of other places which check for "admin" group only07:36
pittiquite a surprise this morning..07:37
didrocksmore than possible, indeed07:37
pittichrisccoulson: oh, mozjs wants to go to universe; you are happy about this, I take it?07:58
pittididrocks: zeitgeist-extensions wants to go to universe now; is that obsolete and should be removed, or will it be updated to current zeitgeist?07:59
didrockspitti: you mean, zeitgeist-extension-fts or just the source package, zg-extensions?08:00
pittididrocks: both08:00
pittirelated to that, I now have a process "python /usr/share/zeitgeist/fts-python/fts.py"; should I have?08:00
didrockspitti: zg-fts-extensions should still be there08:00
pittiI was hoping we could get rid of python there08:00
didrockspitti: yeah, the extensions are still in python08:01
pittiso it seems nothign pulls in zg-e-fts any more08:01
didrockslet me see if zeitgeist-fts-extension should be directly seeded or be a recommends of anything08:01
didrockspitti: I would go for seeding it directly, as debian dropped the recommends08:02
didrockshum, u-l-a should dep on zg-extension-fts08:04
didrockspitti: ^08:04
didrocksweird, why is it in component mismatch?08:06
didrocksand u-l-a still in main08:07
pittihm, weird indeed08:07
didrocksProvides: zeitgeist-extension-fts08:07
didrockshum, I need to speak to rainct08:08
pittiah, it prefers the already installed package then08:08
didrocksit doens't provide it last time I talked to mhr308:08
pittibut that seems wrong then, if core zg doesn't yet provide full text search08:08
didrocksI know it was planned, but it wasn't the case last time I checked08:08
didrockspitti: I'll check and fix one way or another today, thanks!08:08
didrocks/usr/share/zeitgeist/fts-python, seems it made it, nice08:10
pittididrocks: merci08:10
didrockswill check with upstream, if this is the case, we can even remove the other package08:10
didrockspitti: de rien, merci de m'avoir prévenu ;)08:11
pittididrocks: I hope the actual meaning of that is a lot less strong than google translate indicates :)08:23
didrockspitti: hum, it's basically, "thanks for notifying me about it" :)08:24
pittiah :)08:24
pittigoogle says "thank you for defendant", as if I was sueing you :)08:24
didrocksahah :)08:26
didrocksah, prévenu08:26
didrocksyeah, prévenu == prévenir (to notify, to warn about)08:27
didrocksbut a "prévenu" is someone you are sueing, right :)08:27
didrockshey rodrigo_08:48
rodrigo_hi didrocks08:48
didrockspitti: I'm opening a bug to remove fts extensions, after some investigation, yeah, it's the zg-core version which is the latest and greatest08:48
didrockshum, or maybe just demote, as it's still in debian08:49
didrocksand potentially, other extensions can come back08:49
pittididrocks: either is fine with me09:05
didrocksI went the demotion way :)09:05
pittiSweetshark: on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt there is a bunch of java OO.o related libs which want to go to universe; is that ok? I didn't see a LibO upload recently, wonder what changed09:07
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:48
pittihey chrisccoulson09:49
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?09:50
pittiI'm fine, thanks! how about you? flu gone for good?09:50
chrisccoulsonit's almost gone now :)09:51
didrockshey chrisccoulson!09:53
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks09:53
glatzorhello mvo, could please have a look at the two merge proposals for aptdaemon: prettyrepos and cached-changelogs?10:06
rodrigo_mvo, just upgraded my branch, with a test program and several fixes10:13
rodrigo_and fixing the systemd comments, as per seb's comments10:13
mvoglatzor: will do10:46
glatzormvo, thanks10:50
mvoglatzor: commented inline, awsome work, but two tiny remarks11:00
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Sweetsharkpitti: hmm, strange. dunno either.11:12
pittiSweetshark: do any of these look like you'd miss them?11:12
pittiwell, we can always re-promote them of course11:12
Sweetsharkpitti: they are transitional only anyway, right?11:13
pittiSweetshark: not e. g. libformula-java-openoffice.org11:15
* didrocks knows show the flag for reaching 101 manual test cases for unity & compiz11:15
pittididrocks: wow! was that the goal?11:21
pittididrocks: OOI, how long do you estimate will it take to run through that once as a tester?11:22
* ogra_ thoguht they were automated tests running at build time11:22
didrockspitti: there is no goal, but I think I covered most of launcher/panel/dash/alt-tab and window functionnality11:34
pittididrocks: you rock!11:34
* didrocks hugs pitti11:34
didrockspitti: I think it will take approx. 3 hours11:35
didrocksand 1h30 once you know the tests well, most of them are short11:35
didrocksogra_: the manual tests are the distros one11:35
didrocksogra_: for accepting to release a new version11:35
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GunnarHjrodrigo_: Hi Rodrigo, wondering if you noticed https://bugs.freedesktop.org/4285712:15
rodrigo_GunnarHj, yes, pitti told me about it12:16
rodrigo_not about the bug, but about you working on it :)12:16
GunnarHjrodrigo_: Ok. With that bug I try to make them apply the code upstream, which would benefit GNOME just as much, I think.12:17
rodrigo_GunnarHj, although not sure about it, we have the SetLocale interface in systemd, which this branch implements -> https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/system-service/new-interfaces/+merge/8330812:19
rodrigo_that's what GNOME upstream uses to set the system locale settings12:19
GunnarHjrodrigo_: Do you possibly know how to best get in contact with Ray or Matthias?12:19
rodrigo_it saves all the LANG and LC_* vars in /etc/default/locale12:19
rodrigo_GunnarHj, matthias is in #control-center in gimpnet, most of the time (he's in USA)12:20
GunnarHjAha, thanks.12:20
rodrigo_and he's usually here -> mclasen afaik12:20
pittirodrigo_: ah, so that's what we should use now, instead of adding /etc/default/locale writing to accountsservice?12:21
rodrigo_pitti, I think so12:21
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rodrigo_GunnarHj, what apps would use that interface in accountsservice?12:21
pittiso far that's language-selector12:23
GunnarHjg-c-c, I suppose. We are not only talking about the system wide (/etc/default/locale), but the per-user settings.12:23
pittibut if that goes away, and g-c-c uses systemd, it'll be obsolete12:23
rodrigo_g-c-c already uses the systemd interface for setting /etc/default/locale12:23
rodrigo_so yes, I don't think we need it12:23
pittiGunnarHj: oh, right; the system-wide thing is l-s' own dbus backend, ignore me12:23
pittirodrigo_: ^12:23
pittiso we only need it for per-user, yes12:23
pittiit feels a bit weird to split that up between "per user" and "system" between accountsservice and systemd, but *shrug*12:24
rodrigo_per-user? we already do that in the region panel12:24
pittirodrigo_: trough accountsservice, I guess?12:24
GunnarHjrodrigo_: But that involves g-s-d, if I remember it correctly.12:25
rodrigo_pitti, yes12:25
GunnarHjrodrigo_: per-user region settings through accountsservice? How?12:26
rodrigo_GunnarHj, when you unlock the permissions in user accounts panel, you can set each user's language, and that's via accountsservice's SetLanguage12:27
GunnarHjrodrigo_: language, yes, but that's something else. I'm talking about regional formats now.12:28
rodrigo_hmm right, I got confused, this new method in accountsservice is for the specific user interface, not for system-wide, right?12:29
GunnarHjrodrigo_: yes12:30
rodrigo_ok then yes, I guess it makes sense12:30
rodrigo_sorry, I was confused :)12:30
GunnarHjrodrigo_: no problem. We all get confused once in a while when discussing locales and such. :)12:31
rodrigo_so, formats_locale stores the LC_ALL variable?12:32
* rodrigo_ looks at the patch deeper12:32
GunnarHjrodrigo_: Not LC_ALL, but LC_TIME, LC_CURRENCY etc.12:32
GunnarHjBut that you don't see in the patch.12:33
rodrigo_ok, then I guess it would be better as a "as" in the dbus interface12:33
rodrigo_that is, an array of strings?12:33
GunnarHjDon't think so. It's just one value, that is used for a bunch of env. variables.12:34
rodrigo_or even better, we could have SetLanguage renamed to SetLocale and make accept an array of strings, hence no need for 2 method calls from the region panel12:34
rodrigo_but yes, let's discuss with mclasen later, ping me when you ping him also, please12:35
GunnarHjwill do.12:35
rodrigo_systemd does that, SetLocale (as), so that it gets all the vars12:35
rodrigo_we could get it to accept just a string, but I think it makes sense to do the SetLanguage->SetLocale renaming12:36
GunnarHjHmm... haven't thought about that. For 'pedagogical' reasons I wonder if it isn't better to have two properties, after all. People tend to mix up language and regional formats all the time...12:38
GunnarHjNeed to stop now. See you later.12:38
rodrigo_ok, later12:39
pittirodrigo_: FWIW, I agree that keeping SetLanguage() and adding SetRegion() is better12:42
pittirodrigo_: it's less confusing, how to map those to LC_* is an implementation detail, and it keeps API compat of SetLanguage()12:42
pittirodrigo_: how does 'as' work? the individual strings look like 'LC_FOO=bar'? i. e. they include the var?12:43
rodrigo_pitti, yes12:43
pittior do they have to have a particular order? (that would be sick)12:43
rodrigo_no, no order12:43
* rodrigo_ lunch13:25
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pittitaking a break, back for release meeting14:28
didrocksRiddell: hey, not sure you saw my email about the fact that I fixed pyromaths :)15:17
Riddelldidrocks: no, where was that?15:19
Riddelloh, it's in my inbox :)15:19
didrocksRiddell: thanks :)15:23
didrocksok, will take the train now, I'll probably enjoy the 4 hours of train to Toulouse to add test cases to oneconf :)15:35
didrockssee you on monday everyone!15:35
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pittiSweetshark: would it be possible to do a rebuild of LibO in precise against teh current libraries?17:13
pittisanbar: or is that an inordinate amount of work?17:13
pittisorry sanbar, I meant Sweetshark17:13
MrChrisDruifpitti; I thinkn sanbar likes the attention ;-)17:16
* bryceh waves18:36
desrtbryceh: hello18:52
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Sweetsharkpitti: what exactly do you mean by rebuild? just retriggering the build, or a new upload with new version number but without changing the package itself? both wouldnt be too much of a hassle ...19:41
kenvandineSweetshark, i would suspect a no change upload19:47
Sweetsharkkenvandine: thats easy. it only gets tricky with changes which is like playing mikado ;)19:49
Sweetsharkkenvandine: luckily everthing will be better with 3.519:50
* Sweetshark still uses his illusion as Guns'n Roses once told him to ...19:50
micahgSweetshark: I think he was asking more about whether or not you think it'll build20:36
micahgdch -R is the easy part :)20:36
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