
=== saad_ is now known as SaadTalaat
DelphiWorldSalam all20:06
DelphiWorldhi SaadTalaat20:06
DelphiWorldEgyParadox: no tahrir channel? :)20:06
DelphiWorldSaadTalaat: :)20:08
DelphiWorldSaadTalaat: Tayeb from algeria20:09
SaadTalaattayeb is your name?20:11
SaadTalaatjust making sure :)20:11
DelphiWorldSaadTalaat: yep, and Meftah is my family name :)20:14
DelphiWorldhow are you dear omar EgyParadox !20:15
SaadTalaatDelphiWorld: Oh, Saad from Egypt :)20:15
EgyParadoxgood u?20:15
DelphiWorldSaadTalaat: happy to meet you20:15
DelphiWorldSaadTalaat: a bit pissed off... woried a lot about egypt :(20:15
* SaadTalaat is more happy to meet you :)20:15
DelphiWorldEgyParadox: awesome alhamdoulillah20:15
DelphiWorldEgyParadox: are you in cairo or alex?20:16
DelphiWorldEgyParadox: i couldn't remember :)20:18
ashamsDelphiWorld, Hi o/20:22
DelphiWorldashams: :)20:23
ashamsDelphiWorld, I wasn't here when you pinged me :(20:23
DelphiWorldashams: no, just to say hi :)20:23
ashamsok, so, hi :)20:24
DelphiWorldashams: :)20:25
DelphiWorldeveryone please tel me how i can help egypt :(20:25
ashamsheh, we can't do anything from here :)20:25
DelphiWorldashams: you're from egypt right?20:28
ashamsDelphiWorld, yep :)20:29
DelphiWorldashams: i visited egypt for 12days20:29
ashamswhen was that?20:29
DelphiWorldashams: from 3 to 15 october :)20:30
ashamsah, Egypt was calm in that days, you missed a lot20:31
ashamsonly after 6 days :P20:31
DelphiWorldashams: yep, i was playing nicely :(20:31
ashamslucky you.20:31
DelphiWorldashams: bought 99.20:33
DelphiWorldashams: bought 99.99% of my IT needs from egypt!20:33
ashamsreally, it it cheep here?20:34
DelphiWorldashams: very!20:34
DelphiWorldman, bought a macbook20:34
DelphiWorldi was crying at this time20:34
DelphiWorldashams: and i am a blind person20:34
DelphiWorldashams: i got a hell load of help from my brothers in egypt that couldn't belieuv at all.20:35
ashamsnice to hear this20:35
DelphiWorldashams: :)20:35
ashamsbut there's a different kind of egyptians you didn't meet though20:36
DelphiWorldashams: who's this rayatelecom?20:36
DelphiWorldi didn't heare about it at all20:36
ashamsDelphiWorld, I mean Cops :)20:36
ashamsoh, you mean Raya20:37
DelphiWorldashams: yup :P20:37
DelphiWorldashams: i never heare about this telecom in egypt:)20:37
ashamsit's a trade company for tech devices, it generally support Nokia cellphones20:38
ashamsnot well advertised though20:38
ashamsbut everybody here knows about it20:38
DelphiWorldashams: but you're getting internet from it ?20:39
ashamsNo, Vodaphone20:39
ashamswe have many ISPs here20:39
ashamslike tedata and linkdsl.....20:40
DelphiWorldashams: i see, strange that your ip is reported to by from raya telecom!20:41
ashamsthen Vodaphone is not really an ISP20:42
ashamsit just gets it from Raya20:42
DelphiWorldashams: yeah20:49
DelphiWorldashams: is 3G or ADSL?20:50
ashamsDelphiWorld, 3G20:50
DelphiWorldashams: ohh the bad package :)20:50
DelphiWorldi hop is unlimited!20:50
ashamsno it's very limited20:51
ashamsit's my temporary/backup connection20:51
DelphiWorldashams: i allready bought one for my iPhone when i was in egypt :)20:52
ashamsDelphiWorld, It's almost useless20:52
DelphiWorldashams: :)20:53
* DelphiWorld slaps elacheche_anis around a bit with a large trout21:12

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