
Gnigelb: I = all instances? (of what? ;))00:29
=== PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes
broderScottK, Laney, tumbleweed, micahg: i've finished my draft of the new docs for backports if you guys would like to read them - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nAk3tJN_G5TOI4RucVudI0xGPqmRO2ZFWV9UEwr01qM/edit00:48
micahgbroder: thanks, will try to get to it this weekend00:48
broderi'm also happy to mail out edit links if people want them; i just didn't want to make it publicly editable00:50
nigelbLaney: Morning! Around?06:58
dholbachgood morning07:56
Laneymorning nigelb08:31
nigelbLaney: There was someone in #ubuntu-classroom looking to help Ubuntu development. I refered them to #ubuntu-motu. I thought I'd hand off to you :)08:32
Laneyi'm sure all of us in here can help out :-)08:32
nigelbThat's ankit-tulsyan in #ubuntu-devel.08:32
Laneygood, he got some help already08:34
jfiHello, universe package should be build against gtk3 instead of gtk2 if possible? (for precise)08:34
Laneythat would be nice08:34
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Laneyhm, requestbackport didn't ask me to check the package installs and runs13:32
tumbleweedthat's one of the checkboxes i nthe report you edit13:32
Laneythat's what i mean13:32
tumbleweedLaney: which package?13:32
Laney* oneiric:13:33
Laney[ ] Package builds without modification13:33
LaneyNo reverse dependencies13:33
tumbleweedit didn't see any published binaries, I'm guessing13:34
tumbleweedok, so we should add a check there13:34
tumbleweedwe should wait for packages to get trhough NEW before allowing backport requests13:35
tumbleweedis that reasonable policy?13:37
tumbleweedbroder: read your draft this morning. I'm not convinced we should be telling people how to install from backports by default13:39
Laneymaybe make sure the package has at least one published binary13:39
tumbleweedyup, that's the easy check :)13:40
Laneystill filing this request :P13:42
Laneyoh, er, HTTP Error 400: Bad Request13:42
Laneyapparently not13:42
tumbleweedpresumably that's the newline in title issue13:43
tumbleweedoh, no, that was uploaded13:43
Laneyi'll try from bzr13:43
Laneywait, it won't let me file it now13:43
Laney  File "/srv/home/laney/bin/ubuntu-dev-tools/ubuntutools/question.py", line 195, in get_report13:45
Laney    title = u' '.join(match.group(1).spit(u'\n'))13:45
LaneyAttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'spit'13:45
tumbleweedgrumble, that means I should do another ubuntu-dev-tools upload, because requestsync will also be broken14:07
* tumbleweed could have sworn he tested this14:07
tumbleweederr, no it was post 0.13614:21
verwilstUploading libjavascript-minifier-perl_1.05-1ppa1_source.changes: 1k/2k550 Changes file must be signed with a valid GPG signature: Verification failed 3 times: ['General error', 'General error', 'General error'] : Permission denied. Note: This error might indicate a problem with your passive_ftp setting.14:35
verwilsti signed it just fine14:35
Laneylaunchpad bug14:36
Laneyit'll be accepted14:36
verwilstah ok :) yeah just got the mails :)14:37
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
brodertumbleweed: i certainly wouldn't recommend it, but if somebody wanted to pin backports back to 500 i don't see any reason to stop them. i've done that before (before notautomatic) and it's  been fine15:19
broderi'm not generally a fan of omitting information from docs as a way to prevent people from doing things, because it doesn't work and they just end up getting bad information elsewhere15:20
broderand there are at least 3 different points where "the Ubuntu Backporters Team recommends that you configure Backports in manual mode" :)15:20
tumbleweedthat's a reasonable argument15:21
tumbleweedyes, it does say that quite clearly15:21
tumbleweedbroder: at any rate, no complaints from me. It looks reasonable15:24
tumbleweedand yes, it is still long-winded :)15:25
broderyeah, i'm not really sure what to do there. i may settle for the "you know, if you had read the docs <links to relevant section> you wouldn't asking this question" approach15:26
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Laney"Functionality the Backported package" → "…of…"16:21
LaneyI don't like admitting that is our standard for running, and prefer people to actually test stuff at least a bit16:21
Laneyany developer can upload a backport, and actually I'd rather not be on the hook for everything I approve16:22
Laneysimilarly can we fix the script or workflow to credit properly?16:23
Laney(the no-change script)16:23
Laneynot that it's clear what 'properly' means16:27
Laneybroder: feedback16:27
* Laney PUB16:27
nigelbHe turned into a Pub.16:28
* tumbleweed is still pretty broken from last night's pubbing16:28
broderLaney: sorry, went back to sleep for a few hours :)18:53
broderi'll fix the typos and i don't mind removing the definition of "running"18:53
broderand i originally had backport-helper give credit to the bug reporter; cjwatson asked me to change it18:53
broderi guess if there was some way to set both changed-by and signed-by....18:54
broderdid we ever figure out whether backports can be uploaded by anybody on ubuntu-dev or just motu and core-dev?18:57
micahgbroder: I still thought it was you can upload whatever you have rights to upload19:08
micahgbroder: unless ubuntu-backporters has special rights, go try to upload pidgin to -backports and see if you get rejected :)19:12
ajmitchoh, can I, please? :)19:16
cjwatsonbroder: as currently implemented, any restriction to motu and core-dev will be for packages that require overrides - so anything not in the distroseries being backported to19:47
LaneyEL PUB!21:59
* Laney swooshes his cape22:00
Laneydear doom bar, why are you so nice yet so naughty?22:31

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