
bazhang* [ADildeaux] (ADildeaux@ip72-207-16-214.sd.sd.cox.net): ...03:27
bazhanggnaa alert03:27
ubottubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (sexkitten69)03:33
elkyi continue to be perplexed as to why we're allowing chatmosphere in.03:35
bazhang<l3mon> and now I go to mint  <after trolling unity>04:20
bazhangis that like jewbuntu et al?04:51
elkyi'd expect so04:54
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (wxf appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)05:05
ubottuFloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (wxf appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)05:05
bazhanghttp://www.watch-movies.net.in/  piracy site or no05:16
bazhang<jianfei> bazhanng, i am serious.. ive lost a soldier   <-- nuttiness alert06:01
Sidewinder1Can one of you wonderful folks deal with the floodbot problem in #u? They're going ape-hockey. Many thanks.11:28
Sidewinder1pangolin, can you or one of you other wonderful folks deal with the floodbot problem in #u? They're going ape-hockey.11:37
pangolinSidewinder1: I'll see if I can poke someone who has more influence than I do on them.11:37
Sidewinder1My sincerest thanks; I'm outta here..11:38
Sidewinder1pangolin, Any luck? I can't remember when they (floodbots) were this naughty, this often; 'tis almost constant.. Makes the channel a little difficult to read. :-)11:46
Sidewinder1elky, Flannel, topyli,  can you or one of you other wonderful folks deal with the floodbot problem in #u? They're going ape-hockey.11:51
pangolinSidewinder1: pinging the entire channel is not going to help, the proper people have been poked already.11:53
Sidewinder1Or perhaps it's a Freenode issue?11:53
Sidewinder1Oh, OK thanks pangolin.11:53
pangolinfor now /ignore them is my best suggestion11:54
Sidewinder1Will do..11:54
Sidewinder1Have a great day!11:54
bazhangodd. never got that survey email. perhaps ubuntu members only12:14
jussibazhang: yeah, it went out to ubuntu irc members - which begs the question... why arent you one? :)12:18
pangolinperhaps he should be added to avoid missing future emails12:18
jussipangolin: he needs to go through the normal membership process if he isnt a member...12:19
jussiubuntu-irc-members is a subteam of ubuntu members12:19
pangolinyes, I know. what I meant was added to a "check list" of extra email addies for ops who are not members12:20
bazhangjussi, ok thanks12:21
jussino - its one of the benefits of being an irc member - see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Membership - In addition to all of the benefits granted by normal Ubuntu Membership, you also gain the privilege of voting in various polls of the Ubuntu IRC community by becoming a member of the ~ubuntu-irc-members team on Launchpad. This includes voting for members of the Ubuntu IRC Council.12:21
pangolinah, well.12:21
* pangolin gives +9000 to bazhang if he chooses to apply for membership12:22
bazhangPici, he's in there and in -cn already13:37
* genii-around makes coffee15:37
Myrttioh good17:47
* genii-around slides Myrtti a delicious mug of the good stuff17:51
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (dr_willis appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)18:09
bazhangyes hello19:54
AnastasiusPardon my intrusion, but I was wondering what it takes to become an Ubuntu member.19:54
* Anastasius reads19:55
AnastasiusOne moment here.19:55
bazhangLando-SpacePimp, not the channel you want, I suspect19:56
AnastasiusOkay, I skimmed it. That seems silly.19:56
* Anastasius reads more in-depth.19:58
Lando-SpacePimpbazhang: wHY?19:58
bazhangLando-SpacePimp, this is for resolving bans, mutes, and other channel issues, not pasting random news clips19:59
Lando-SpacePimpAll work and no play make bazhang a dull boy.19:59
AnastasiusHe was dull from the beginning.20:00
Lando-SpacePimpBut I RESPECT!20:00
AnastasiusBut anyway...20:00
AnastasiusCan I get my ban lifted from #u-o yet?20:01
AnastasiusIt's been like six months or some shit.20:01
Anastasius*knock knock knock* bazhang? *knock knock knock* bazhang? *knock knock knock* bazhang?20:02
bazhangAnastasius, I'm not able to help you there, sorry20:03
bazhangLando-SpacePimp, was there something you needed? please don't idle here otherwise20:03
Anastasiusbazhang: Okay, who can help me?20:03
Lando-SpacePimpEveryone else seems to be idling here20:03
Lando-SpacePimpubottu seems to be idling.20:03
ubottuLando-SpacePimp: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:03
Lando-SpacePimpubuntulog seems to be idling.20:04
Anastasiusubottu: Don't worry, we won't.20:04
ubottuAnastasius: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:04
AnastasiusJeez, and they say ubnotu is retarded.20:04
bazhangok then. if there is nothing further, please don't idle here, thanks.20:05
AnastasiusWell you never answered my question.20:05
Lando-SpacePimpbazhang: Who can help him?20:06
AnastasiusWho do I have to talk to in order to get my #ubuntu-offtopic ban lifted? Check your bantracker, I know you love to do that.20:06
AnastasiusIt makes me wet just thinking about it, so I can only imagine how it makes you feel.20:07
bazhangLando-SpacePimp, please exit the channel , we really dont allow idlers here20:07
AnastasiusNah, he's with me.20:07
MyrttiLando-SpacePimp: do you know what heckling means?20:08
AnastasiusI think he's probably going to stay until my question is answered.20:08
Myrttiwe don't like heckling.20:08
AnastasiusMyrtti: It probably means that if all Finnish women are like you no wonder most of the sane Finnish men hang out in ##club-ubuntu.20:09
AnastasiusUnless you're a lesbo or something. That's okay, too.20:09
MyrttiAnastasius: great job on ad hominem attack. good luck on your chosen path.20:11
AnastasiusMyrtti: Hardly ad hominem, my dear. Can you answer the question I posed?20:11
AnastasiusOr more importantly, will you?20:12
AnastasiusWell I'm just going to idle away until I get an answer. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?20:14
Myrttiwell there are a few problems in that, most urgently that I am momentarily technologically restricted to perform all the actions needed to address the problem with 100% effort20:14
FlannelAnastasius: You're not interested in changing the way you behave in #ubuntu-offtopic, you've made this explicitly clear in the past.  As such, I don't see any reason to remove a ban, considering you'll get just banned again soon thereafter.20:15
Myrttiie. on my mobile phone, with limited amount of patience for both the issue and the medium of it20:15
AnastasiusOh Flannel, you're such a fuddy-duddy.20:15
AnastasiusWhen did that happen? You used to be cool. Sort of.20:16
FlannelAnastasius: I'm just trying to keep you from wasting your time.20:16
AnastasiusYeah, you're probably right there. It is a waste of time.20:17
AnastasiusBut then it's a holiday weekend and I have nothing better to do at the moment.20:18
FlannelAnastasius: Is there anything else for today?  If not, please part from here so we can move on to the other folks.20:18
AnastasiusBut there are no other folks. If they decide to show up I'd rather hang out here and chime in when necessary.20:19
AnastasiusIt's part of my contribution to become an Ubuntu member.20:19
FlannelAnastasius: There are, Lando-SpacePimp and em both are here.  And you chiming in really isn't necessary.20:19
emIm not here.20:19
Anastasiusem: Did you have an issue you would like to discuss? Lando?20:20
Lando-SpacePimpYeah, who can help get Anastasius become unbanned?20:20
FlannelLando-SpacePimp: Anastasius can help Anastasius become unbanned.20:20
AnastasiusI haven't had much luck with that path so far!20:20
FlannelLando-SpacePimp: Unfortunately, Anastasius isn't interested in changing behavior.20:20
Lando-SpacePimpFlannel: He's a brand new guy.20:21
emMy own view is that during the holidays people should come together and let bygones be bygones.20:21
AnastasiusYeah, it's true. I'm not a big fan of the Bureau of Behavior Management. Maybe you can pepper spray me or something.20:21
Flannelem, Lando-SpacePimp: I'll ask you to please part if you have no business here.  This isn't a place for a peanut gallery.20:22
AnastasiusWell it kind of is.20:22
emFlannel: In the Occupy Wall Street protests there are legal volunteers who come to the marches to observe. They are there to make sure that the police don't hurt the protesters.20:23
emSomething like that could be useful for #ubuntu-ops and it might improve the reputation of this channel.20:23
Flannelem: I don't see how that's relevant.  I cannot physically harm Anastasius, and besides, we have published logs for public viewing for the longest time.20:23
AnastasiusThat probably doesn't matter when all the super secret stuff happens in the unlogged channel.20:24
emEspecially since many Linux projects try to create an atmosphere of openness and transparency.20:24
AnastasiusWhy don't you log that stuff?  Not like I don't see it anyway, but...20:24
emyeah the secret channel doesn't seem very compatible with the open source spirit of Linux or Ubuntu. What can people do about that?20:24
Flannelem: That's a fine viewpoint, but the policies of this channel are not open for debate at this time.  If you'd like to bring them up, please do so at an IRC team meeting.20:24
AnastasiusOh for fuck's sake.20:25
AnastasiusWhy don't you do the right thing and pull the stick out of your ass?20:25
AnastasiusIt must be painful.20:26
FlannelAnastasius: I don't follow you.  Having a discussion with the entire team is the proper way to change policy.  If you'd prefer to not wait until the next meeting, you can bring it up on the IRC Team mailing list20:27
AnastasiusBy the way, "I was just following orders" isn't a good excuse.20:27
AnastasiusFlannel: That doesn't work if they're all in lockstep groupthink mode, sir.20:28
emI have heard many Ubuntu members and respected people confide with me that they do not feel the processes for bringing a problem to light or improving things is very effective or democratic.20:29
AnastasiusBesides, this is IRC, not some political hellhole of bureaucracy.20:29
emIt leads to a sense of disenfranchisement that is harmful to morale and typical of closed door societies.20:29
FlannelAnastasius: I think you'll find that there isn't any sort of lockstep groupthink.  Just because folks agree on some things doesn't mean they agree on everything.  Although I have a feeling that if you bring it up and it doesn't change you'll cry foul and brainwashing and conspiracy anyway.20:29
AnastasiusFlannel: Oh please.20:30
AnastasiusBelieve me when I say this is probably the last fucking thing on this Earth that I care about. It's not that important. YOU are not important. Do not inflate your egos to the point that you think it is important.20:31
FlannelAnastasius: Anyway, we're getting off the subject.  If you're truly interested in getting back into -ot, you're going to have to change your behavior in such a way that I don't think you'll wind up banned again within a couple of hours.20:31
AnastasiusFlannel: Why should I?20:31
FlannelAnastasius: In our past discussions, you've admitted that not to be the case.20:31
FlannelAnastasius: You don't need to.  You only need to if you're interested in having the ban lifted.20:32
FlannelAnastasius: You're entirely able to remain unchanged, but I'm entirely able to not lift that ban.20:32
AnastasiusThat's just ridiculously funny to me.20:32
AnastasiusLet me just ask you this. Why?20:33
FlannelWhy what?20:33
AnastasiusDo you even think about why?20:33
AnastasiusI guess you don't.20:34
AnastasiusThink about it for a few minutes. Take ten deep breaths and ask yourself why.20:34
FlannelAnastasius: Well, there's a few "why"s you could be asking.  If you're actually curious about an answer, you may wish to clarify.20:35
AnastasiusI'm asking you, directly, why you think censorship is a good idea.20:35
emI cannot speak for Anastasius but I think he is posing an existential question.20:36
AnastasiusI don't care about policy, I'm just asking you, as a person.20:36
FlannelAnastasius: This isn't censorship.  This is removing a problematic individual who has time and again refused to show the slightest semblance of respect for the rest of the members of a channel.20:37
AnastasiusThat's censorship, sir.20:37
AnastasiusAnd I'm sure I'm not the only "problematic individual" on the roster. Am I?20:37
FlannelAnastasius: No, you're free to be rude to people in many other channels.20:38
FlannelAnastasius: No, you're not.20:38
emCamus and Sartre would want to know why certain policies get enforced given the absurdity of reality (much less IRC), and our ability to choose among various options each of which seem to lead to the same lack of meaning.20:38
emThat is the spirit in which I felt he was asking, "Why?"20:38
AnastasiusPeople like you want to police the planet, don't you? I don't really get that sort of mentality, but whatever makes your dick seem bigger I suppose...20:39
FlannelAnastasius: No, I would prefer it if I never had to ban anyone.  Some people, however, feel the need to act out.20:39
emI think Camus would have rejected the appeals to dick length. I am unsure about Sartre.20:40
* Anastasius pats em on the head20:40
AnastasiusFlannel: Why do you have to ban anyone?20:40
FlannelAnastasius: In your case, because you refuse to act like a decent person in -ot.20:41
AnastasiusWhy do you feel compelled to do so, even if it's against your nature?20:41
AnastasiusFlannel: Well I'm not a decent person in real life, why should I have to act like one in there of all places?20:42
AnastasiusIt's just because I ask elky to marry me frequently and call tonyyarusso a douche, isn't it?20:42
FlannelAnastasius: Regardless of whether you are or are not a decent person, in real life or otherwise, no one is forcing you to act like one here.  However, you will have to face the consequences of your actions.20:43
AnastasiusYou take this way too seriously. Are you aware of that?20:43
emI would like to explore the value of 'decency' when it is not authentic. That is, does decency as a result of forced behaviour have the same value as decency that is freely chosen?20:44
AnastasiusIs it possible that you're *not* aware of that?20:44
Anastasiusem: Excellent point.20:44
Flannelem: No one is forcing him to act in any particular manner.  He just may be forced out of certain channels due to his behavior.20:44
AnastasiusAnd someone missed the point. Again.20:45
Flannelem: People are free to choose their own channels, to associate with, and not associate with, whomever they choose.20:45
AnastasiusFreedom of thought should be a concept to be spread, not quashed. Consider that.20:46
AnastasiusOr are you actually that dense?20:46
emFlannel: well the best explanation for why 'decency' is valued in a community is because it is an outward signal of respect for others. I would argue that unless that decency is freely chosen it becomes a false signal.20:46
AnastasiusAnd now we will go back to, "Why?"20:46
Flannelem: Even if a portion of the people there are lying through their teeth, it enables those who aren't to participate freely.20:47
emFlannel: Yeah but I think you can see how that creates a Disneyland experience. You can't have an authentic community when a portion of the people are insincere.20:49
emDisneyland is predictably pleasant and conflict free but it is not a real community. If you get me.20:49
AnastasiusBut they'll sell you a Coke for $8.20:49
emAnd surely the best explanation for why it is not a real community is because all the standards of behaviour are forced.20:50
Myrttiit has worked for 50+ years, tho20:50
emOnly in an environment of freedom can people interact with one another as they are, worts and all, and when that happens to work, then you have something.20:50
Flannelem: I'm not here to debate the merits with you.  You're welcome to not participate if you find this situation not to your liking.  Or, as I said earlier, take the discussion to the proper medium.20:51
emMyrtti: yeah because people go there for entertainment, just like when you go to a movie you are paying to be lied to. Everyone knows its not real but you suspend your disbelief.20:51
emI am open to the argument that ubuntu ops control various channels in order to help people suspend their disbelief in 'community'.20:52
AnastasiusOr to make their dicks feel better.20:52
emSartre disagrees.20:52
AnastasiusOh, sorry. Was that out loud?20:52
AnastasiusYou should all reconsider what you're doing, lest what's left of the "community" flies apart at the seams. Think about it.20:53
AnastasiusAlthough I'll say that you've generally done a bang up job of driving people to other distros so far.20:54
AnastasiusThe world, as a whole, isn't full of puritans. ;)20:56
AnastasiusThink about that in depth, if possible.20:58
FlannelAnastasius, em: I think it's safe to say that this discussion has run its course.  As there's nothing else, please part this channel to keep it clear for other people who may need to use it.  Thanks.20:58
AnastasiusI don't want to. I think I'll stay on as an advisor.20:58
AnastasiusHi LjL!21:01
jribhello LjL guy21:02
AnastasiusThis place is deader than heaven on a Saturday night.21:02
emHey jrib21:04
LjLAnastasius, em: were your problems here solved or otherwise dealt with?21:05
AnastasiusLjL: No, not at all.21:05
LjLAnastasius: feel free to explain briefly to me if you want, then21:05
Myrttioh boy21:05
Myrttihere we go again21:05
LjLi did say briefly, i'm not looking for drama21:05
AnastasiusWell initially I came in to complain about my ban from #u-o, which is sort of irrelevant. And then the discussion became about "Why?"21:06
AnastasiusAnd I think we decided that Myrrti is the reason Finnish men want to flee Finland.21:06
bazhangthats enough.21:06
LjLAnastasius: that's not relevant at all. that part about Myrtti.21:07
AnastasiusNeither is anything else.21:07
LjLAnastasius: your ban will not be lifted, at least not unless you agree to follow the rules, which aren't going to change. my understanding is that you don't21:07
LjLAnastasius: so that would end it there, unless my understanding is wrong21:07
AnastasiusNo, I think you're pretty much right.21:08
LjLAnastasius: in that case you do need to leave this channel, because of the no-idling policy21:08
AnastasiusBut I want to hang out here as an advisor anyway, since the real stuff happens in an unlogged channel.21:08
LjLAnastasius: sorry, that's not possible21:09
AnastasiusAnd hence this doesn't matter.21:09
pangolinPlease part now.21:09
funkyHatActually we mostly talk about cookies in there21:09
jribthat's actually amusingly true...21:09
Anastasiuspangolin: I so love it when you pull out your op dick.21:09
pangolinAnastasius: You are forcing me to.21:10
henuxwhat happens here?21:10
pangolinem: You must also part the channel at this time.21:10
LjLhenux: oh lord, not you too21:10
LjLplease, enough spectators already -_-21:10
empangolin, sure thing.21:10
AnastasiusBut I wasn't done yet.21:10
Flannelhenux: This channel is for discussion and resolution of IRC related administrivia.21:11
AnastasiusHe means it's full of horseshit.21:11
emThere are some channels that I do not allow to idle in my IRC client.21:11
emSo is there anything further before I exclude this channel from those I view?21:12
LjLem: no21:12
emOkay then, Happy Holidays to everyone!21:12
henuxLjL: so you are an ubuntu op these days?21:12
LjLhenux: depends who you ask21:12
LjLhenux: but i'd say technically at least yes21:12
pangolinhenux: if there is nothing else, please part the channel.21:13
tonyyarussoGuest44296: Might want to check your nick ;)22:23
funkyHatwhois Guest4429622:25
tonyyarussoWhile we're at it, should beuno be voiced or not, and who is mquin?22:27
bazhangmquin, is staff22:28
tonyyarussoaaah, so he is22:29
bazhanghe has a special do not voice mode he once mentioned22:29
funkyHatshowoff staffers!22:30
pangolinyou can set the umode also22:31
mquinIt's not exactly special, nor staffish. '/msg nickserv help set noop'22:31
bazhangwhoopsie! sorry!22:32
* funkyHat stands on his head (⢁22:32
Flanneldoes that make you funkySlippers?22:33
tonyyarussoIf that's what your face looks like while standing on your head, I think your neck is broken.22:33
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (chachin appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)23:01
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (chachin appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)23:01

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