
jibelstgraber, the new tracker is down08:09
brendandmvo - hi09:22
mvohey brendand09:26
brendandmvo - you guys are working on more tests for software-center, right?09:29
mvobrendand: yes09:29
brendandmvo - where can i see what you're working on at the moment, in terms of coverage?09:30
mvobrendand: we use python-coverage for the reporting, but we have no (automatic) way of uploading it currently, I can upload the current state or you can do "bzr co lp:software-center; cd tests; make" and wait for it to run, it will create a coverage_html dir in tests with the index.html09:32
mvobrendand: are you interessted in writing tests :) ?09:32
brendandmvo - can't make any promises, but yes09:34
brendandmain barrier is getting time to understand the workings of sw-center09:34
mvoyeah, its a bit complicated currently, but I'm happy to help where I can to make it easier09:39
brendandmvo - do you have any priorities of where coverage needs to be enhanced first?09:44
brendandmvo - or is everything equal?09:44
mvobrendand: no priority currently, I would go for the low-hanging fruits first, maybe even the non-ui stuff as this is much easier to test09:47
brendandmvo - there is no code that is 'dead' as it were?09:49
mvobrendand: I need to double check, but I don't think so, at least not in sizable amounts09:51
mvofor some of it we probably also want to annoate that it does not need coverage, i.e. the exception handler in spawn_helper.py that just logs the exception09:53
brendandmvo - that would be a good first task, as least to help me ;)09:55
mvobrendand: heh, yeah! its "# pragma: no cover" at the start of the exception block09:58
brendandmvo - in the 'db' component a lot of functions seem to expect a db. how do i create one and which one should i use? a test one?10:09
brendandmvo - say in DebFileApplication.get_details. that needs to be passed a db10:27
brendandmvo - is it meant to be a StoreDatabase?10:29
mvobrendand: ys10:46
mvobrendand: check softwarecenter/testutils.py10:47
brendandmvo - thanks. i managed to find an example in another test10:47
mvobrendand: there is a get_test_database function10:47
brendandmvo - great! now i know that i should be able to get rocking with some tests10:55
mvobrendand: awsome, let me know about blockers, the testutils.py stuff is relatively new, everytime you need to do repetitive tasks we probably want a helper in there11:00
brendandmvo - sure, i'll let you know11:02
brendandjibel - alpha 1 starts early next week right?11:02
jibelbrendand, right, first candidates usually land on Tuesday. Meanwhile you can test dailies and review the new tracker at (when it's back online of course :))11:07
MechanisMhello where to download testing 12.04? I'm always start testing since alpha and sending bug-reports11:11
MechanisMnow I can't see any testing versions at ubuntu.com/testing11:12
brendandMechanisM - There is no candidate for alpha1 yet I guess11:14
MechanisMalready found some http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/11:15
MechanisMalso if someone can investigate. I'm 2nd time reinstalling ubuntu because of skype crashed it and I have a lot of unmet dependencies problems because of skype. maybe after microsoft bought skype they wanna crash linuxes with skype for linux11:18
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
stgraberjibel, cjwatson: tracker is back online, it ran out of diskspace because of the LP integration script caching thousands of bugs on disk (a few hundreds of megs worth of .json files ...)14:37
jibelstgraber, thanks14:42
cr3stgraber: I think it would be worthwhile to parameterize launchpadlib so that it won't cache requests, but still cache credentials of course, I've seen this use case more than once14:47
cr3stgraber: if you use Launchpadlib.login, instead of login_with or login_anonymously, you can override the cache directory as an argument. if you set it to None, lazr.restfulclient will create a temporary directory which will be removed atexit14:52
stgrabercr3: oh, good, guess I'll do that then14:58
stgraberjibel, cjwatson: I'll be flushing the database on now to re-import the production DB. I'll drop all the changes that were done on it except for the daily builds (so I can test my export/re-import script :))15:18
cjwatsonah, that explains it15:24
stgrabercjwatson, jibel: Tracker is back online15:37
cjwatsonstgraber: says "currently on an invalid subdomain"15:45
stgrabercjwatson: that sounds like a caching problem... turning it off15:46
stgraberfixed (turned off caching for that page)15:48
cjwatsonOK, great, my security fix works15:53
cr3cjwatson: out of curiosity, might you happen to know where get-build-deps might've gone to?15:58
cjwatsonubuntu-dev-tools (0.131) unstable; urgency=low16:26
cjwatson  get-build-deps was removed from ubuntu-dev-tools. The newer mk-build-deps in16:26
cjwatson  devscripts is equivalent (with the -ir options).16:26
cjwatsoncr3: /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-dev-tools/NEWS.Debian.gz16:26
cjwatson -- Stefano Rivera <stefanor@debian.org>  Sat, 10 Sep 2011 00:13:18 +020016:26
cr3cjwatson: thanks! cyphermox, ^^^, you might also be interested16:36
=== RobinJ1995 is now known as RobinJ

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