
philipballewHappy Thanksgiving Everyone!01:59
nhainesReminder: birds are dinosaurs.02:01
philipballewDoes that mean they are as scary as a t-rex nhaines02:02
nhainesIt means that you may have sat down to roast dino tonight.02:11
philipballewI wonder if putting killed a dinosaur on a resume would look good... lol02:13
broderwhatever they are they're delicious04:15
* philipballew agrees and high fives broder 04:16
broderhappy thanksgiving :)04:16
bkerensahappy thanksgiving!07:29
=== ryaxnb is now known as androidfan
=== androidfan is now known as ryaxnb
=== ryaxnb is now known as ecthatis
=== ecthatis is now known as notthesame
=== notthesame is now known as asan
=== asan is now known as androidtrue
=== androidtrue is now known as tablet
=== tablet is now known as ryaxnb

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!