
itnet7bluebomber: back at ya!!01:05
bluebomberHello, all.05:55
bluebomberIs anyone there who could give me a quick hand with a simple subnetting problem?05:56
itnet7blue_bomber: possibly14:47
bfrican anyone help me hook up my tv through hdmi?16:58
blue_bomberitnet7, possibly what?20:45
itnet7You asked if anyone could help you with subnetting20:56
itnet7I guess you must have figured it out already?20:57
itnet7blue_bomber: ^20:57
RoAkSoAxitnet7: duuuuuuuuuuude ready to rumble20:58
itnet7RoAkSoAx: Soon, Very soon20:59
itnet7brb, have 2 reboot20:59
itnet7well, my session isn't going anywhere lolz20:59
itnet7so has anyone figured out how to expand your active tmux sessions when all of the dots begin filling your screen?21:11
itnet7and your active session begins shrinking?21:11
itnet7ah... Much better21:15
itnet7If you ever do have that problem with the dots, using tmux, add -d when you re-attach21:26
blue_bomberitnet7: Yeah, figured it out. I didn't know you could connect two routers LAN-to-LAN21:42
blue_bomberLater, all.21:45

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