
* ChinnoDog makes turkey induced yawn00:29
ChinnoDogTo everyone that suggested Stratego as a game to gift last year, it is indeed fun.00:36
ChinnoDogI won twice.00:36
ChinnoDogThe second time I tore through the enemy ranks with my colonel while he chased me around with his own colonel until most of his pieces were gone.00:38
jedijfused to play for hours00:48
jedijfmaybe started late 70's00:49
MutantTurkeystratego is for loseers00:53
MutantTurkeyits all about risk00:53
InHisNameI played back late 60's, nice game stratego.02:24
waltmanUno. It's all about games that can pit brother against brother and tear families asunder.03:30
waltmanI guess Risk fits that too. As does croquet.03:30
ChinnoDogI like croquet. Not a game for the winter.04:30
MutantTurkeywatching miracle sight04:43
rmg51morning JonathanD09:39
JonathanDhi rmg5109:40
JonathanDhow are ya?09:40
* InHisName woke up medium, not stuffed and not hungry.13:20
teddy-dbearI wake up stuffed all the time :-D14:43
jedijfwalmart ac/dc commercials get me rockin'14:55
jedijfi wonder if i can request hell's bells14:56
waltmanspeaking of which, wxpn is inexplicitly playing "Black In Black"14:57
waltmanI think it's a cover...14:58
waltmanDaniella Cotton. OK, it's still XPN... :)14:58
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
jedijfwaltman: so we both listen to XPN.....15:23
jedijfi was thinking about doing a 'blues show' black friday in the office15:25
* rmg51 listens to mp3's all day15:37
rmg51or internet radio15:38
rmg51xpn is the backup15:38
waltmanjedijf: they've got beru revue and tommy conwell on free at noon today!16:40
jedijfwaltman: it's on in the background all day at the office...van goes kyw17:00
jedijfjust welcomed tc17:01
* waltman saw Tommy a lot back in the day17:03
JonathanDI just found a nice bluetooth keyboard for my phone18:02
InHisNameHi, anyone awake yet?      Does ubuntu come default with "packet socket" in it ?19:27
InHisNameUgghhh, I finnally got to bottom of mystery of my device's telnet behavior.22:15
waltmanPeople still use telnet?22:22
InHisName I finally made a script that will play and work with that telnet service.22:37
InHisNameSeems this device needs EXTRA slow typing for it to understand what was typed at it.  Makes scripting it tedious and messy.  But I got it running now.22:38
waltmanEr, couldn't you send the messages through a subroutine that inserts a delay after each character?22:39
InHisNameI have an analog telephone adapter that is easiest to find out if phone line is registered with VoIP via the telnet access summary.22:39
* ssweeny reads the internet using telnet to port 80 and a vivid imagination22:39
InHisNameI finally slowed it down ehough to discover that that was the problem.22:40
waltmanInHisName: Do you know about expect? It's a great tool for doing stuff like that. And I'd be surprised if it didn't have some facility for throttling output.22:41
InHisNameI 'tested' 3 other telnet sites, devices etc. and they all were fine with full speed script typing.22:41
InHisNameIts not expect.  its the typing of the response on my side.   i.e. the password needed at least 1.1 seconds tween each char typed.   1 wasnt good enough.!!22:42
InHisNameOutput didn't need throttling,  it was the input that needed SEVERE throttling.22:43
waltmanWell, from your point of view, what you type is output, and what it sends back is input! That's what I meant.22:44
InHisNameI had been doing delays of up to 20 seconds between strings.  I just never tried between chars.22:44
InHisNameCheap hardware design.  No one on the net noticed either.  I may be one of a just a few to even try using telnet.22:45
InHisNameI wanted to scrape info off it for use in nagios monitor.22:46
InHisNameNow I can do that.22:46
InHisNamewaltman: do you know much about snmp protocol  and apps to use it ?22:46
waltmanInHisName: not a thing23:24
InHisNamepshaw !23:25

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