[12:45] Guys, it would be helpful if upstart didn't ignore jobs with whitespace-only lines in them. [12:53] lericson: ? [12:54] I don't have much further to add, this might be fixed in the latest version. [12:55] echo -e 'stop on runlevel [016]\n \nrespawn\nexec wait 100' >job.conf [12:55] should trigger it [12:55] apparently not [12:56] ok i don't really know what triggers it [12:56] this commit fixed it for me http://pb.lericson.se/p/BhCOQm/ [12:59] lericson: ? that change shouldn't make any difference. [13:02] wellp it did [13:02] also why can't I symlink job descriptions? [13:02] would be very convenient as we check our source out in /usr/local/share/ [13:03] guess I could hardlink but that seems like the wrong kind of solution here [13:31] lericson: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#symbolic-links-don-t-work-in-etc-init [13:32] lericson: please could you raise a bug if the whitespace behaviour you are seeing is repeatable. [13:33] I am convinced, thank you [13:34] the latest version of upstart does provide a --confdir=/usr/local/share but use at your own risk. [13:35] also, you *could* make /etc/init/ a symbolic link to /usr/local/share, but again, you get to keep the pieces if your system breaks :) [13:44] not doing that, thank you very much :D [13:44] perhaps I should just make it part of my deploy step to copy new configuration files [15:33] lericson: that sounds like a plan === Md_ is now known as Md