
Noldorinhi poolie03:41
Noldorindoes anyone know if Markdown support has landed yet?03:42
andylahi everyone, can someone please help me with this question: we are using bzr for a software project at uni. someday, I accidentally  checked in a huge (~1.5gb) data file. nobody really noted that so we kept working on the project and kept committing new code. But now, everytime we want to branch the repo it takes ages to get it - probably because of this data file.13:13
andylaof course I remove the file from version control when i noticed it's in there - but as this doesn't  remove the file from history, it still takes forever to get a branch. Is there a way to get rid off the file in history but to keep every other change?13:14
andylaI looked for that nearly everywhere, but didn't find a "nice" solution. I would really appreciate your help with this.13:15
beunoandyla, there isn't a nice solution for this15:46
jelmerhi beuno, andyla15:49
jelmerandyla: you should be able to uncommit until the revision from before the big file was added, and then replay the other revisions15:49
andylathanks jelmer - sorry i didn't reply immediately, i almost gave up hope. im gonna find out if your solution16:14
andyla works for me. thanks a lot16:14
Noldorinhi poolie20:41
jelmerhi Noldorin21:30
KombuchaKipjelmer: Heard back from Adam: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-gtk/+bug/79743822:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 797438 in Bazaar GTK+ Frontends "nautilus-bzr plugin does not hook rename" [Medium,Triaged]22:00
jelmerKombuchaKip: thanks22:01
KombuchaKipjelmer: np.22:01
jelmerKombuchaKip: to be honest, I think for nautilus-bzr we should first be focussing on actually getting nautilus-bzr working properly before we look at fixes like this22:01
KombuchaKipjelmer: True. Launchpad is patient enough and that bug can sit there until someone is ready to deal with it, like dirty dishes.22:02
Noldorinhi jelmer22:12

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