
=== OffToHades is now known as BarkingFish
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
Darkwinghighvoltage: ping01:12
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
valoriehmmm, is this true? http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=97708&p=208070#p20807303:07
valorieif so, why didn't we update?03:07
highvoltageDarkwing: pong12:35
shadeslayer_Riddell: yep, I'm almost done, was about to create a precise chroot when I dropped my laptop and banged it up pretty bad ...16:08
shadeslayer_I'll finish it off tonight16:08
Quintasanyofel_: ping21:46
apacheloggervalorie: cuz upstream likes to not talk to distros23:53
apacheloggeractually that aint not even making no sense23:54
apacheloggerone-eye-rick has 2.7.023:55
apachelogger.1 was released like a week before final freeze23:56
apacheloggeralso .1 has actually introduced a bug23:56
apacheloggerso from where I am standing all be proper23:56
apacheloggernothing new that the cat likes his fud though23:57

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