
brodermicahg: as i've said at the TB meetings, i don't think anybody understands how the backports pocket works right now. but i'm pretty sure i've seen uploads from either me or Laney for main packages01:57
broderbut i didn't think it was connected to upload rights to the release pocket01:57
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jtaylorwhat is the backport-package versioning going to do when the release names go beyond z?13:40
geserjtaylor: I assume it's not decided yet what happens to the versioning scheme to assure the monotic increase of version numbers13:45
mdeslaurjtaylor: use release numbers instead of release names?13:45
jtaylorso it wil probably change before r to get something like r14.04?13:47
gesermdeslaur: don't numbers sort before letters?13:48
mdeslaurgeser: what's the versioning scheme for backports now?13:49
geserjtaylor: or perhaps for "u" (u14.04)13:49
jtaylormdeslaur ~releasename#13:49
mdeslaurso just eventually switch to ~10.04.1 or something13:50
mdeslauroh, I see the issue, if you already have some with names13:51
geserdpkg --compare-versions 1~precise1 gt 1~12.04.1 && echo yes => yes13:51
mdeslauryes, you'll need to use versions instead of names for all releases, without mixing them13:52
geserperhaps we switch to unicode release names after "z" :)13:52
mdeslauryou're assuming release names will continue alphabetically...honestly, I don't think that's set in stone13:53
mdeslaurmaybe versions numbers should be used soon13:54
jtaylormight be a good idea13:54
jtayloras long as we still have letters left with which we can prefix the number to be compatible with the old scheme13:55
mdeslauryou don't need to be compatible with the old scheme, the next release's version is always higher13:55
geserjtaylor: it's only a problem if there are existing backports with the same upstream version13:55
mdeslaurjtaylor: do you have an example of a source package that would be problematic now?13:56
jtaylorno, but I assume it could happen13:56
mdeslaurit could, would probably just be a couple of exceptions13:57
mdeslaurso a few get named ~z12.04.113:57
geserI'm still thinking in which case one might need that (assuming nobody uses the version name instead of the release number by mistake)13:59
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l3onHi guys... how can I know the reason due a packages is no more in Ubuntu ?15:31
l3onfor example, last build of root-system is for maverick...15:32
and`l3on: check for it on Debian and look around for an RM bug, packages dropped in Debian are automatically dropped in Ubuntu as well15:32
jtaylorroot-system may be added again at some point15:33
jtaylorI think last time it was removed due to lack of a maintainer15:33
l3onthanks and` :)15:33
and`l3on: yw :) as a reference http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/r/root-system/root-system_5.18.00-2.3~lenny1/changelog15:33
jtaylorits not hard to build it yourself though15:34
and`l3on: last upload dated 2009 :)15:34
and`l3on: and http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=61001115:34
ubottuDebian bug 610011 in ftp.debian.org "RM: root-system -- RoQA; unmaintained, plenty of RC bugs" [Normal,Open]15:34
jtayloron oneiric you need to use trunk or build without as-needed15:35
jtaylor5.30 does not work with as-needed15:35
l3onmmm well.. it could be nice find out a new maintainer :D15:35
l3onI'll try to pack it for debian, we'll see...15:36
jtaylorit sort of has15:36
jtaylorpackaging root is no easy task15:36
jtaylorits a huge framework15:36
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l3onHi all.. someone aroud?20:52
l3onI'm trying to merge forked-daapd20:52
l3onbut I've some problem during configure:20:52
l3on/usr/bin/ld: cannot find crt1.o: No such file or directory20:52
l3on/usr/bin/ld: cannot find crti.o: No such file or directory20:52
l3onclang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)20:52
l3onbuild log is here: http://debomatic.debian.net/precise/pool/forked-daapd_0.19gcd-2ubuntu1/forked-daapd_0.19gcd-2ubuntu1.buildlog20:53
l3onOn 11.10 "make -f debian/rules build" does not fail at that step...20:53
Ampelbeinl3on: Yes, that's bug 79214621:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 792146 in clang (Ubuntu) "clang can’t link any programs: cannot find crt1.o, crti.o, crtn.o" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79214621:00
l3onAmpelbein, but in 11.10 configure works fine :/21:01
l3onthe problem is in precise21:02
Ampelbeinl3on: Yes, because precise wasn't added yet as a ubuntu distro.21:02
l3onAmpelbein, and so... what have I to do ? :)21:02
Ampelbeinl3on: (In clang's ToolChains.cpp)21:02
Ampelbeinl3on: You'd have to add precise in clang-2.9/tools/clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains.cpp in clang.21:04
l3onah ok, Ampelbein I'll do it :)21:05
l3onAmpelbein, in this case I've to send patch at debian, right?21:06
Ampelbeinl3on: Ideally, yes. But Ubuntu works well, too.21:07
l3onAmpelbein, one question about clang... but no-supported ubuntu releases can be removed ?21:14
Ampelbeinl3on: They could be removed, yes.21:15
l3onAmpelbein, should I add ubuntu+1 too ?21:17
l3onmmm... does Ubuntu (Q) have a name? :P21:19
broderl3on: not yet. n+1 is not generally announced until just before n releases21:19
l3onah ok :)21:20
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broderl3on: did you ever put a patch for clang together? i'd be happy to upload it23:56
l3onbroder, I did23:56
l3onbug 89669523:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 896695 in clang (Ubuntu) "Please add support for Precise in clang" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89669523:57
broderl3on: ok. i think i'm going to dupe that bug to bug #792146, tweak the changelog, double-check the patch, and upload. sound good?23:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 792146 in clang (Ubuntu) "clang can’t link any programs: cannot find crt1.o, crti.o, crtn.o" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79214623:59
l3onbroder, ok :)23:59

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