
brianhermanis the xen guy here?00:02
Azraelhey folks -- i just provisioned a new host via Ubuntu Orchestra.  its online and ready for login.  but... what is the user/password that Orchestra (or cobbler?) sets by default?00:02
SpamapSAzrael: try ubuntu/ubuntu .. .if you didn't change the preseeds I think thats it00:03
Azraelthought i tried that00:03
Azraelworked though00:03
Azraelthanks SpamapS00:03
brianhermanspamaps i accidently closed my irssi terminal what who was that guy who knew xen?00:06
hallynbrianherman: it's zul00:07
brianhermanwait like from ghostbusters?00:07
SpamapSbrianherman: zul, but he's out for the weekend most likely00:07
SpamapSyes he's a big staypuft marshmallow man00:07
* SpamapS hugs zul00:07
Azraelhey SpamapS ... where in orchestra/cobbler could i change the default users and passwords created on a newly deployed system?00:11
SpamapSAzrael: in the pre-seeds there is a default password hash00:17
SpamapSAzrael: kickstarts in the cobbler menu00:17
AzraelSpamapS: nice.  looks like i'd just have to make my own.00:28
jjohansenhallyn: seccomp2 in oneiric does not support seccomp, in precise it should have exec support, /me needs to verify00:33
hallynjjohansen: thanks, precise is what i was wondering about00:34
hallynjjohansen: basically whether i'll be on the hook for the lxc exploit items in the blueprint :)00:34
jjohansenDaviey, hallyn: yeah we are working on the extensions, to apparmor.  I should have a tree up next week sometime with the fake stack, and then I will focus on getting the mediation extensions00:35
jjohansenhallyn: :)00:35
hallynjjohansen: do you think you and stgraber and i should be getting together to discuss how much more coverage we'll still need then?00:36
jjohansenDaviey, hallyn: I am off monday too, can we meet tuesday00:36
jjohansenhallyn: yeah, we should talk, so things can get prioritized00:37
hallynjjohansen: sounds good, thx00:37
stgrabertuesday sounds good00:39
SpamapSAzrael: there's an open bug to make those edittable00:41
AzraelSpamapS: ahh.  i think i'd just create a new profile with a new kickstart script, based on the original.00:42
AzraelSpamapS: are newly provisioned hosts supposed to be automatically added to the Orchestra nagios installation?00:43
SpamapSAzrael: thats the dream, but I don't know if it works in 11.1000:44
SpamapSAzrael: we've been focusing a bit on using juju for that kind of thing00:45
Azraelprobably a good idea00:45
Azraelthe oneiric and oneiric_juju profiles00:45
Azraelwhats the difference?00:45
SpamapSthe juju profile has a late command that lets juju install itself00:46
Azraelnice, thanks00:48
Azraelcan juju use orchestra as a provider?00:49
Azraelooh yes it can00:49
Azraelvery very interesting00:49
* Azrael senses the power00:49
Azraelwould be cool if the XCP and VirtualBox providers were built in00:50
Azraeland KVM00:50
brianhermanso i rebooted my computer and there is this new menu with xen4.100:51
brianhermanproblem solved00:51
brianhermanin grub00:51
SpamapSbrianherman: woot01:04
brianhermanvirt manager doesnt see xen?01:10
brianhermani can use xm though01:10
the_mzdWhat anti-virus is recommened for running a 11.10 Apache2 server?02:40
arooni-mobilewhat does ubuntu rename the httpd binary to?03:58
qman__it doesn't, at least not from upstream debian -- /usr/sbin/apache203:59
shane91cIs there some kind of bug in iptables on Ubuntu Server 11.10? I upgraded my Ubuntu-based "wireless router" to it and IP Masquerading just would not work whatsoever. So I had to re-install 11.04.06:25
qman__not of which I'm aware06:26
qman__did you check whether ip_forward remained 1?06:26
shane91cYes. It was also enabled in sysctl.conf06:27
qman__it's possible your sysctl configuration was modified in the upgrade06:27
qman__did you check that your rules were enabled?06:27
qman__with iptables -L06:27
shane91cIt worked, strangely, if I connected eth0 to a "real" wireless router.06:27
shane91cBut not with eth0 connected to the cable modem/06:27
shane91cHowever the exact setup works fine on Natty06:28
qman__my router is still running lucid, but I've set up masquerading on my oneric laptop a couple times as a temporary measure while working06:29
shane91cI even tried a fresh install.06:29
shane91cComplete format and install from scratch.06:29
shane91chostapd worked for Wi-Fi connection, dnsmasq worked for DHCP, so I was able to connect to it. But the packets simply were not being forwarded.06:30
shane91cI set up iptables through Webmin to be sure it wasn't my own fault.06:31
shane91cOh by the way something ChatZilla just reminded me of...06:31
qman__do you normally run webmin?06:32
qman__!webmin | shane91c06:32
ubottushane91c: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.06:32
qman__that's probably the issue06:32
shane91cOh, well it works 100% fine with Natty.06:32
shane91cI guess I will leave my setup as it is for now.06:32
qman__yeah, but installing webmin is kind of like cutting a "warranty void if removed" sticker06:32
qman__we can't really help you because webmin breaks things06:33
shane91cWell it's working fine for now, system has been running flawlessly for over a month.06:33
shane91cIf I ever feel the need to upgrade I will try without using webmin.06:34
shane91cAnother question, how can get my system to use my domain name as it's FQDN, as opposed to the ISP-assigned dIP-AD-RE-SS.cgocable.net06:46
shane91chostname -A shows that the server's FQDN is d67-193-84-52.home3.cgocable.net. I want it to be my own domain.06:50
shane91cIf I put "option domain-name "mydomain.com"" in /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf will that work?06:51
qman__that's up to the registrar, which is most likely your ISP07:00
qman__if you want it to say something different you'll have to buy it as a service from your ISP, or whoever owns your IP space07:01
qman__PTR records are looked up as your.ip.in-addr.arpa, which is authoritative to whomever owns the IP in question07:03
SpamapSIIIiiii been fixing multi-arch bugs... aaaaalllll the live long day08:36
billy_hi all,  I,m have'n a pxe install problems for weeks now,  when running a unattended pxe install on ubuntu 11.04 server  ( "tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard" in the preseed file) on the first reboot of the fresh install all i get is a blinking cursor. But when i change the above line in the preseed file to ( tasksel tasksel/first multiselect ubuntu-desktop ) everything works fine? ( but i get a desktop install.... ) 08:48
billy_this user has the same  issue ..... but used kickstart http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187402708:49
billy_any help would be brill08:49
SpamapSbilly_: you get a desktop install from which iso?09:03
billy_i use netboot  and then a mirror09:06
billy_the heanet.ie  mirror09:06
SpamapSweird.. well I'm passing out else I'd help :p09:16
* SpamapS falls into an instant slumber09:17
SpamapS   09:17
billy_np. thanks for you time09:20
RoyKany idea how I can list how much of a process's memory is swapped out?09:52
=== sjefen6_ is now known as sjefen6
uvirtbotNew bug: #896551 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration  cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89655111:06
crayzeeMy computer sometimes hangs at startup due to 'degraded raid array' but rebooting it (sometimes a couple of times) and it comes up fine and /proc/mdstat lists the array as [UU]14:32
crayzee/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf contains the line: ARRAY /dev/md0 UUID=f0a0371d:12376ea7:4c4ad349:XXXXXXXX [obfuscated]14:33
crayzeeblkid on the relevant partitions returns the same UUID14:33
crayzeeBut it seems to be that when /dev/sdb is detected as /dev/sdf instead then it doesn't work.14:33
crayzeeIs it an issue with grub, perhaps?14:35
crayzeeGoing to try probing the issue some more.14:39
gllerawhat is the best soft to do virtualization on ubuntu server?17:28
qman__best is a matter of opinion, but the included/supported option is KVM17:31
gllerahi, what do you recommend: virtualbox or kvm?18:09
andygraybealfor server kvm, for just your home fun computer, virtualbox18:10
glleraandygraybeal, why kvm for servers?18:12
qman__KVM is designed around running on a headless server with a bunch of VMs all the time18:13
qman__virtualbox is designed around firing up a virtual machine on your desktop to use it, then shutting it down18:13
qman__both can do either task, but they're better suited as I explained18:13
andygraybeali run kvm on my poop at home too.. i like it18:15
andygraybealbut i wouldn't recommend it to a friend just getting started with virtual machines :)18:15
qman__virtualbox is more about easy desktop setup, and it has fairly weak networking capabilities18:16
qman__KVM's a little harder to get going, but it's a more robust system and easier to make it run in the background18:18
=== gustav- is now known as beerbro
KurtKrautDoes anyone recomend a SNMP/MRTG tutorial for Ubuntu Server? Everything I find is outdated, the conf files even don't match.19:13
hallynkirkland: do you know of a way to do 'tmux --splitw command' and have the tmux call wait until command is finished?20:01
DuvrazhCan someone please help me troubleshooting a connectivity issue on my 11.10 server? It's hardwired to the router, sees the router at and can ping it, however it can not ping any other network devices nor can it make any connections to the internet (i.e. apt-get update completely fails)20:37
hallynkirkland: nm, think i'm all set, thx20:38
l0nDuvrazh so you mean it can't ping anything beyond the router or you can't ping anything on the local subnet?20:47
Duvrazhit can only ping the router20:47
Duvrazhbut i can ssh into it20:48
l0nand the machine has 1 NIC which is connected to a switch, everything connects to the switch including router and it's an unmanaged switch?20:48
Duvrazh1 nic, router is a WRT610N with DDWRT20:49
l0nany firewalls enabled?20:50
l0niptables -L20:50
Duvrazhnot that i know of, but ill check20:50
Duvrazhinput forward and output policies all to ACCEPT20:50
l0nmight be worth completely disabling it just to rule it out20:51
l0ni.e. remove all rules20:51
DuvrazhI was using webmin, can you help me with that command?20:52
DuvrazhI never really used iptables before and honestly I'm not sure why they're active, had to be a dependency thing or something20:52
l0nsee: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-iptables-how-to-flush-all-rules.html20:53
l0ndon't bother creating the script, just run them manually20:53
l0nsaves time20:54
Duvrazhrules flushed no errors20:55
Duvrazhping to iMac fails20:55
l0nwhat subnet mask are you using (make sure to check on both machines to ensure it's the same)? What is the IP for the mac and the machine that you're pinging from, also, does the Mac have a firewall enabled?20:56
Duvrazhmac has no firewall, same subnet, mac ip = and server is
l0nwhat's the mask?20:57
Duvrazhboth run on full auto dhcp20:58
Duvrazhno virtual networks on router20:58
l0nhmm, and the router is also acting as the switch?20:58
l0ni.e. it's got a switch built into it20:58
l0nis this a wired network or wireless?20:59
Duvrazhwired, both20:59
l0nhave you got another switch that is just a switch?21:00
Duvrazhit's a linksys wireless router but yes it's acting as the switch. the only advanced network features employed on these two devices or any others present is manually defined dhcp by MAC address to enable auto dhcp on clients to fall into a certain order (so I can remember what to ping since hostnames are unreliable for me sometimes)21:01
l0nhmm,  you said earlier you can't ping the imac, presumably the imac can't ping your computer?21:02
Duvrazhill try21:02
Duvrazhmac can ping server21:02
Duvrazhserver still can not ping mac21:03
Duvrazhmaybe it's time to reinstall the os. all data is on a 5-drive raid-5…. I could always remount that21:04
l0nhmm, shouldn't be necessary, have you tried rebooting?21:05
Duvrazhthat's what caused this21:05
Duvrazhi powered down every electronic in house because network was running slow. i wanted a fresh start, then i noticed this server wouldn't connect21:05
DuvrazhI have another 11.10 server not connecting either and it's making think I should roll back to an LTS21:06
l0nhave you tried using an 11.10 live cd?21:06
l0nif one exists...21:06
DuvrazhNo I have not. I don't think there is an 11.10 live, I think 11.04 or 10.10 is the latest… based solely on errors from unetbootin21:07
Duvrazha reinstall would not be unwelcomed21:07
Duvrazhit would help me fix a folding@home problem21:07
Duvrazhonly my ps3 has been getting work units over the past week21:08
l0nfair enough, an LTS version would be better21:08
Duvrazhall 3 ubuntu computers plus iMac have not been getting them21:08
Duvrazhyeah… I'll just do that (I'm a quitter)21:08
l0nif you can provide SSH access I'll take a look21:08
l0nbut otherwise yeah just reinstall an LTS release21:08
guntbertl0n: may I PM you?21:11
l0nguntbert sure21:12
bfreishi, I'm trying to launch a virtual server (on eucalyptus) with ubuntu 11.10, but it fails to boot: Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)21:40
bfreisany ideas on what could I do to make it run?21:40
bfreisbefore that, it says:21:41
bfreisVFS: Cannot open root device "sda1" or unknown-block(0,0)21:41
bfreisPlease append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions:21:41
bfreis(but it lists no partitions after that)21:41
Duvrazhso you have two OSes installed on two partitions and you want to launch a 2nd partition as a virtual?21:44
bfreisI'm running eucalyptus21:45
bfreisI'm trying to install oneiric on a virtual machine21:45
Duvrazhwhat vm software?21:46
bfreisI'm running the latest Eucalyptus version in the Natty repositories21:46
bfreis(the host machines run Natty)21:46
Duvrazhoh snap. sorry, Eucalyptus is out of my limited knowledge pool. I wish you luck though.21:48
l0nbfreis I've also never used Eucalyptus but from the docs, it looks like it can use either xen or KVM, which are you using?21:51
bfreislet me check21:52
bfreis(i'm using the default, just making sure which one it is)21:52
bfreisApparently the device containing the filesystem is not /dev/sda1. However, I have no where I could change it, nor what else could it be...21:53
bfreisI've simply downloaded the cloud image from the website, published it to my cloud (doing exactly as I've done on the original and my tweaked 11.04 images, which work fine), but I can't launch an instance21:54
bfreiswell, I can launch an instance, but it won't finish booting, because the kernel fails to mount the root filesystem21:54
bfreisI don't have the slightest idea on how could I get to a GRUB menu and try to list the disks in this virtual environment...21:55
l0nwell you can change the root device using the root=/dev/device kernel parameter but I am not sure what to change it to21:55
bfreisYeah, the correct device is one problem21:56
bfreisThe other is: where could I change this parameter?21:56
l0nwell, you could boot off a live-cd, mount the disk, change the grub timeout to something other than 0 then set the root param21:57
bfreisinside the image, in /boot/grub/grub.cfg, I see this:21:58
bfreislinux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-13-generic root=LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs ro   console=ttyS021:58
bfreisit is looking for the filesystem by label21:58
bfreiswell, the kernel somehow inferred it to be /dev/sda121:58
l0nthat might just be a default that it falls back on if it can't find a partition with that label21:58
bfreisthe label is ok21:59
bfreisthe image is correctly labeled21:59
l0nin the virtual machines config, is the disk assigned to the image?22:00
l0nsomething like hd = blahblah.img22:00
bfreisIt must be, but I have no idea where this configuration is22:01
bfreisAll I do to launch an image is: euca-run-instances blahblahblha image-id, where image-id is an id given by the cloud system after I publish the image22:01
bfreis(and the procedure to publish an image is what I do exactly the same on the original Natty and Oneiric images, and it works for Natty but not for Oneiric)22:02
l0nthat's a bit tricky, have you thought about just using plain old kvm rather than kvm wrapped in something else?22:03
Duvrazhcan euca be used to distribute a single application as opposed to an os?22:03
Duvrazhsuch as folding@home?22:03
Duvrazhor the origami frontend?22:03
bfreisI have no idea how to use plain kvm... and I think it would be much more difficult to manage the distribution of virtual machines on a set of many physical machines22:04
bfreisDuvrazh, no22:04
bfreiseucalyptus is a cloud system that is supposed to work just like Amazon Web Services22:04
bfreisyou have a bunch of machines, you install a lot of packages in one (which you call "cloud controller"), you install the node controller packages on the machines that will host the virtual machines, you exchange ssh keys (all of this is done automatically from the Natty Server install CD), then you are almost ready to go22:05
bfreisthen you have your own Amazon Web Services EC2- and S3-like cloud22:06
bfreisIt then automatically distribute the load on the worker machines for the new instances you launch, it manages the distribution of images, etc22:07
bfreishowever, there's something broken in Eucalyptus/Oneiric that won't allow me to boot it up :/22:08
l0nhave you tried contacting Eucalyptus support?22:08
bfreisIt is sad not to know how to launch an instance after you spent some hours tweaking the image...22:08
bfreiswell, not the "support"22:08
bfreisi've been to #eucalyptus22:08
bfreisbut well, it's almost useless, people won't respond there22:09
l0nand they couldn't help at all?22:09
l0noh :/22:09
bfreisthere's 37 people in there, no one will answer22:09
bfreisActually, they are quite good when they answer22:09
bfreissome months ago, when I first installed an Eucalyptus cloud, I found a bug related to time synchronization between node controllers and the cloud controller that would simply destroy the network communication on the cloud22:10
bfreisI asked there, in less then a week they have published an update in the ubuntu repositories fixing the bug22:10
l0nwell, maybe there just isn't anyone around at the moment, have you tried asking at diff times of the day?22:11
bfreisI was quite impressed acutally... but now, since 2 days ago I'm trying to talk to them without success (there's another bug bugging me, but completely unrelated to Oneiric's bug)22:11
bfreisyeah, I will keep trying though22:11
bfreisfor you who know KVM22:21
bfreismaybe the command line executed to Eucalyptus could give some hits:22:21
bfreis/usr/bin/kvm -S -M pc-0.14 -enable-kvm -m 626 -smp 1,sockets=1,cores=1,threads=1 -name i-4F5B08DC -uuid 4f437ae4-7c18-e624-c7ff-7cac9fa1c008 -nographic -nodefconfig -nodefaults -chardev socket,id=charmonitor,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/i-4F5B08DC.monitor,server,nowait -mon chardev=charmonitor,id=monitor,mode=readline -rtc base=utc -boot c -kernel /var/lib/eucalyptus/instances//admin/i-4F5B08DC/kernel -append root=/dev/sda1 console=ttyS0 -device lsi,id22:21
bfreis=scsi0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3 -drive file=/var/lib/eucalyptus/instances//admin/i-4F5B08DC/disk,if=none,id=drive-scsi0-0-0,format=raw -device scsi-disk,bus=scsi0.0,scsi-id=0,drive=drive-scsi0-0-0,id=scsi0-0-0 -netdev tap,fd=19,id=hostnet0 -device e1000,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=d0:0d:4f:5b:08:dc,bus=pci.0,addr=0x2 -chardev file,id=charserial0,path=/var/lib/eucalyptus/instances//admin/i-4F5B08DC/console.log -device isa-serial,chardev=charserial0,id=seria22:21
bfreisl0 -usb -device virtio-balloon-pci,id=balloon0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x422:21
bfreisgot it with ps22:21
bfreishmm, there it says root=/dev/sda122:22
SpamapSbfreis: what was your question exactly?22:23
bfreisWhy can't I boot an Oneiric image on Eucalyptus?22:23
SpamapSanything from euca-get-console-output ?22:24
bfreisVFS: Cannot open root device "sda1" or unknown-block(0,0)22:24
SpamapSbfreis: ugh, I'm horrible with kernel stuff. ;)22:24
bfreisI can boot a Natty image, but not an Oneiric image22:25
bfreisWell, Natty is 2.6, Oneiric is 3.022:25
bfreis(I'm not sure it should matter...)22:25
bfreisYeah, I know nothing about kernel stuff either22:25
SpamapSbfreis: I don't know if euca supports aki's .. but maybe try an oneiric image with a natty kernel?22:26
bfreisyou mean, take the 2.6 kernel from natty and use it on oneiric?22:27
SpamapSbfreis: unfortunately with Euca dropping to universe, the level of testing on it has gone down by an order of magnitude. :-P22:27
bfreisI'd be happy to try the new cloud system22:27
bfreisHowever the installation procedure is WAY TOO COMPLICATED!22:27
SpamapSWe're kind of in this weird space right now where OpenStack is just starting to grow production readiness, and eucalyptus is stagnant..22:28
SpamapSbfreis: you can try it with orchestra+juju .. much simpler that way. ;)22:28
bfreisI've tried the live image, it was very easy but... it's just a play ground, I can't use it for real22:28
DuvrazhSince you guys are on the cloud topic, can you make a recommendation for distributing a program across multiple machines?22:28
bfreisNow, the problem with orchestra+juju is that I don't have 6 machines22:28
SpamapSbfreis: http://cloud.ubuntu.com/2011/10/ubuntu-cloud-deployment-with-orchestra-and-juju/22:29
bfreisit seems that orchestra+juju can install only one service per physical machine, which sucks, since there are services which are veeeery simple and could go together22:29
SpamapSDuvrazh: any one thread of a program will have to be on one machine at a time. If your program can do two things at once, there are about 1000 ways to get that done. ;)22:29
SpamapSbfreis: right, thats being worked on for 12.04 ... probably will land in Jan.22:29
SpamapSbfreis: it works fine for giant deployments, but for the 2 - 5 server cluster.. its useless. :(22:30
bfreisyeah hehe22:30
bfreisIt is for a test environment22:30
bfreisI have 4 machines for it22:31
SpamapSBasically you can do 1 server, or 6 ..22:31
bfreisDuvrazh, what do you mean by "distributing a program"? You mean, you are writing a software and you want to distributed the load across multiple machines?22:32
* SpamapS kind of wishes he could step back in time and play with 4 machines just to solve one problem.. instead of trying to solve the 1000+ problems in Ubuntu server. :)22:33
Duvrazhany software, particularly donating my spare cpu cycles, so anything from boinc to folding@home or origami. The goal would be one client to run on all the cores in my house…. instead of running 12 separate clients22:33
Duvrazhit would be a convenience for switching from one client to another22:33
bfreisYou want to have something like one big, fast core, made up from multiple cores?22:33
bfreisI don't think it is feasible...22:34
DuvrazhI don't either, that's why I like asking22:34
Duvrazhit's an anomaly in the back of my mind22:34
DuvrazhIt can be done but I lack the programming prowess22:34
bfreisI doubt it22:34
DuvrazhI also lack the linux skills22:34
bfreisYou simply cannot have more clock speed than your real clock speed22:34
bfreisWhat you can do with multiple cores is run more code at the same time (but at the nominal clock speed)22:35
SpamapSDuvrazh: thats really not how distributed computing works. :)22:35
DuvrazhI am mis-speaking22:35
Duvrazhlook at the FAH program22:35
Duvrazhit runs an instance for each core on each processor22:35
bfreisYeah, that's what can be done22:35
Duvrazhquadcore machine = 4 pids22:35
DuvrazhI have 15 machines22:35
bfreisYou can't "add up cores"22:35
SpamapSYou can certainly make a program detect how many cores there are and run that many threads/processes22:35
DuvrazhI total something like 76 cores22:36
DuvrazhI want one client to run on them all22:36
Duvrazh76 pids22:36
bfreisYour best bet is to write something that would connect to each machine and launch the original FAH software22:36
SpamapSyeah, you'd basically manage that the same way you manage load balanced webservers22:36
Duvrazhhow would i pipe back the status output though?22:37
Duvrazhthat part kills me22:37
* SpamapS must go afk.. will rejoin the discussion in a bit22:37
bfreisActually, this should be very simple to do22:37
bfreiswhat do you mean by status output?22:37
bfreiswhat it prints to the console?22:37
Duvrazhlike i said < linux newbie22:37
bfreisyou could try something like this22:38
bfreisssh to the server22:38
bfreislaunch a FAH instance with:22:38
bfreis nohup FAH-COMMAND > fah-instance-1-stdout.log &22:38
bfreis(launch all the instances you want)22:38
bfreisthen disconnect from ssh22:39
bfreiswhen you want to see the output, you could do:22:39
bfreisssh machine cat fah-instance-N-stdout.log22:39
bfreisNow, you just have to write some code to make it automatic22:39
Duvrazhhmm. you're right.22:39
gllerahello, how i can connect using remote desktop to ubuntu server on EC2?22:40
bfreisgllera, won't ssh be enough?22:40
DuvrazhDid you install a GUI on your ubuntu server?22:40
Duvrazhbfreis: thanks for the food for thought22:40
gllerabfreis, yes but is only to know ;)22:40
bfreisDuvrazh, you're welcome!22:41
bfreisDuvrazh, if you ever write this code, be sure to publish it somewhere, people could benefit from it!22:41
jakuplHey people. I'm trying to setup a DNS server, but I need some clarification on the zone files and how it all works.22:41
bfreishmmmm, coming back to my boot problems, I see that some of my EC2 instances (in AWS) have /dev/sda1 as the root filesystem, and others have /dev/xvda1... What is xvda? never seen it...22:44
Duvrazhxvd a is a virtual address is it not?22:45
Duvrazhdamn you autocorrect22:45
DuvrazhI know that when using Xen I had to boot my kernel from /dev/xvda but it was a virtual image and a virtual disk22:46
Duvrazhpart of a retarded event of seeing how many machines I could load inside of each other to piss off an old desktop I had sitting around22:46
Duvrazh(I removed the fans before that test)22:47
DuvrazhPASTE: Boot Configuration22:48
DuvrazhEnter Linode Configuration Profile in your Linode Manager. Change Kernel to pv-grub-x86_32 or pv-grub-x86_64, depending on installed kernel and userspace. Unless you developed a complex configuration set your root device to /dev/xvda.22:48
Duvrazhfrom a google22:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #896715 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89671522:50
* SpamapS returns22:53
SpamapSjakupl: what do you want to do with said DNS server?22:53
jakuplSpamapS: Well, I have used the DNS benchmark utility from grc.com to find the fastest dns server, and all that is well and good, but I thought that it would be faster if I used a local dns server.22:57
SpamapSjakupl: thats fine for *local* requests, but what matters for DNS is latency. are all of your clients local?22:58
SpamapSbfreis: re your ec2 question.. EC2 is all xen.. euca is kvm.22:58
SpamapSjakupl: yes, the things that will be asking your DNS server questions.22:59
jakuplSpamapS: yes. It will only be used locally, but I don't need local domains. I only want the dns server to handle external dns.22:59
jakuplSpamapS: and altso, I really like DHCP, so I still want that. I have rules in my router so that the ubuntu server always has the same IP.23:01
jakupl(router is dhcp server.)23:01
bfreisin case someone has a brilliant idea :D23:04
SpamapSjakupl: so your clients are.. your home machines?23:06
SpamapSjakupl: and they will just be using the dns server to query external domains?23:06
jakuplSpamapS: exactly right23:07
jakuplis that a bad idea?23:08
SpamapSjakupl: honestly, I get better speed just pointing all my machines at google's DNS servers23:08
SpamapSsince they almost *never* have cache misses23:08
nebajothdnsmasq is good23:09
nebajothit basically just forwards name requests to other servers you specify (including google if you so choose)23:10
jakuplSpamapS: hmh. That's so boring23:10
nebajothand layers in your local stuff as well23:10
nebajothin fact, you just add it to the hosts file23:10
nebajothand you get local name resolution23:10
nebajothits very lightweight23:10
jakuplSpamapS: however. local dns server would be faster for cached domains.23:11
jakuplnebajoth: yeah, i've heard other people mention dnsmasq. Maybe I should look into it.23:12
jakuplSpamapS: right?23:12
SpamapSyeah dnsmasq is pretty cool23:20
SpamapSjakupl: somewhere in the last 6 or 7 years I stopped thinking it was cool to run my home network like a business network... so yeah, my home network is boring.23:20
bfreisoh great... now my google searches for my problem with booting oneiric in eucalyptus all return my unanswered question on server fault23:32
bfreisI simply can't believe there's nothing else on the internet about this issue!!!23:33
l0nbfreis where did you get your oneiric image from, I am just seeing if I can reproduce the problem?23:44
bfreisl0n, from here: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/oneiric/current/23:46
bfreisI'm using the x64 version23:46
afeijohi guys, what would be the better adduser parameters to create one user? I created one for me in a new linode server, but when I access it, it isn't reading the .bashrc file nor any file23:53

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