
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Noldorinjelmer, how's progress on work?02:47
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odin_hi I am getting some bzr error, "ERROR you have edited foobar.install instead of foobar-huh.install, please undo/merge changes"14:37
odin_makes no sense, "bzr status ." does not indicate anything on these files14:37
odin_I just want it to accept the current tree as the new version and commit all14:38
odin_no one else is working on this tree, and as far as I know this is the only copy that has been checked out14:39
jelmerodin_: I don't think that's an error from bzr itself. Perhaps it is from a plugin you have loaded?14:39
odin_well I am only using normal commands14:39
odin_it will be a ubuntu package management plugin14:40
jelmerodin_: can you pastebin the output of "bzr plugins" ?14:40
jelmerthat error message isn't in the bzr codebase, so it must be from some plugin14:41
jelmerodin_: do you mean bzr-builddeb?14:42
odin_pastebin.com/WkNcZdik  (typed in)14:42
odin_I am not using bzr-builddeb at this time, just status/add/commit/push14:42
odin_bzr status .  # is clean14:43
jelmerwhat's the eaxct error message you get, and for which command?14:43
odin_opps my bad14:45
odin_there is a safety measure in the script that stops you from editing the wrong files14:45
odin_the script front-ends  status/add/commit/push to allow 1 debian/* to target 4+ versions of ubuntu14:46
jelmerno wonder the error string wasn't in the bzr codebase :_)14:50
Wellarkwhere can I find documentation how daily PPA's are configured in launchpaD?17:00
jelmerWellark: hi17:10
jelmerWellark: see https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/GettingStarted17:10
Wellarkjelmer: thanks!17:14
LeoNerdCan there -please- be a flag to  bzr up  something like  --abort-if-diverged  so that  bzr up  becomes an error on divergant history, rather than doing a reverse merge..?18:08
LeoNerdI get very annoyed by this latter behaviour18:08
LeoNerdThen I can put that in my aliases file, and on divergant history it'll require me instead to rebase18:09
darKoramhowdy from Austin Texas.  My first time on #bzr18:29
lifelessLeoNerd: you can use bzr pull instead, which has that behavior18:40
LeoNerdHrm.. hard habit to get out of I guess. I tend to just "bzr up" most of the time18:40
LeoNerdMostly because after "bzr co", up will work whereas pull will not18:40
LeoNerdBecause you have to type the URL a total of 3 times before all the commands remember it18:41
lifelessLeoNerd: well, if you want to rebase rather than merging, you explicitly don't want bzr co to work after pull does anything, right ?18:42
LeoNerdNo, usually I  bzr co  to make my checkout initially18:42
LeoNerdrather than branch18:42
lifelessI didn't suggest you stop using bzr co18:42
LeoNerdIf you co then a plain "bzr pull" claims it doesn't know what to pull from18:42
LeoNerdSo the first time you type it you have to put the URL in again18:42
lifelessthats true18:43
LeoNerdI've started to get into a habit of immediately after bzr co, cd'ing into the workdir, then doing bzr missing <Alt+.><Enter>bzr pull <Alt+.><Enter>bzr push <Alt+.><Enter>18:43
LeoNerdjust to reuse the bash history of the URL, and save some typing18:43
LeoNerdOtherwise it's an annoyingly inconvenient  bzr info  then copypaste the URL off the screen18:43
LeoNerdI still don't know why those can't be prefilled18:43
jelmerLeoNerd: doesn't "bzr pull :master" work?18:54
LeoNerdI've never heard of that.. what does it do?18:55
jelmerLeoNerd: sorry, :bound18:55
jelmerLeoNerd: see "bzr help location-alias"18:55
jelmerLeoNerd: it's an alias for the location of the master branch18:55
jelmerLeoNerd: that said, I agree we should fix "bzr up". The current behaviour might be useful in some cases, but is also a bit surprising.18:56
darKoramI recently created a bzr repo for my development work and uploaded it to Launchpad.  I'm now having serious problems with the drive it was on and need to re-format it.  Is there anything i need to do to make sure pulling back down from lp goes smoothly afterwards?18:56
jelmerdarKoram: no, you should be able to just run "bzr branch lp:YOURBRANCH /local/path" later, presuming you pushed the branch to launchpad before your disk was corrupted.19:00
darKoramok... gonna try it.  Thanks!19:03
pooliehi all21:27
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poolielifeless, incidentally the auto reconnect stuff should now be landed in bzr trunk23:08
pooliei think it will need to be tested there for a while before it can go into stable series though23:08
pooliebut, that should make things a bit easier for lp23:08
jelmerpoolie: it hasn't yet, that's the branch that's making PQM23:32
pooliemaybe pqm ought to run it under a timeout23:33
jelmeryeah, that would help for cases this like23:43
jelmerotoh, it's not really common for this to happen23:43
jelmerpoolie: and we're migrating to tarmac anyway, right ? :-)23:44
pooliemaybe i should pilot it this week23:48

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