
mrskankoi need a help with juju10:41
mainerrorHello mrskanko.11:50
mainerrorWhat is the problem?11:51
mrskankoi'm using Juju on openstack11:53
mrskankoi have configured the environment11:54
mrskankobut when i bootstrapping it11:54
mrskankoand i do juju status11:54
mrskankoi received a SSH ERROR11:54
mrskankoand i can't connect to the machine11:54
mrskankobut if i run in terminal ssh - i ubuntu@boostraped_machine11:55
mrskankoit run correctly11:55
mrskankohave you understood?11:58
mainerrorOh right, didn't see that yet. Sorry11:58
mainerrorPhew. I have no idea, sorry. I'm sure someone will get back to you as soon as he reads this tough.11:59
mrskankodon't worry11:59
mrskankothank you12:00
mrskankoWhat juju.control package contains?16:33
roganyone around, by any chance?18:22
rogi can't quite work out how in the bootstrap process the zookeeper daemon actually gets run.18:28
rogi can see how the zookeeperd package gets installed, and how the initial zk hierarchy is created, but can't find the actual exec of zookeeperd18:28
rogit's something in juju/providers/common/cloudinit.py that i'm missing, i'm sure18:29
rogwhy i'm doing this on a sunday night, i'm not quite sure :-)18:30
TheMuerog: hehe, not a good time to get support18:35
TheMuerog: i'll start to dig deeper next week. right now first reedings in the wiki18:35
rogTheMue: first reedings?18:38
rogTheMue: have you started yet?18:38
TheMuerog: eh, reading18:39
TheMuerog: no, i'll start on thursday18:39
rogTheMue: cool! looking forward to working with you.18:41
TheMuerog: yep, me too. and listening to your music. *smile*18:43
TheMuerog: i think we'll meet in budapest18:44
rogTheMue: wonderful.19:06
hazmatrog, ping19:55
hazmatrog, the zk instance is started as a consequence of installing the pkg19:55
hazmatthat's fairly common for daemon packages19:56
roghazmat: thanks, that's useful20:15
roghazmat: i thought the packages were just the equivalent of apt-get packages20:15
rogwhich don't run anything... i think. right?20:16
rogif the packages passed to cloud-init aren't apt-get packages, what are they?20:16
hazmatrog, they are apt-get packages20:17
hazmatrog, daemon packages will install upstart files that can start the relevant software20:17
hazmatrog, ie if you apt-get install nginx or apache, it will actually start the daemon20:17
hazmata daemon package is just a semantic distinction i'm making on what software is being installed20:18
roghazmat: i never realised that apt-get stuff could actually run the programs you're installing20:19
TheMuedoesn't they just install the scripts in /etc/init.d and set the links in rc0.d to rcS.d?20:25
TheMueso everything is starting fine with the next boot and additionally the first time directly by apt?20:26
hazmatTheMue, indeed that's one way.. the newer way is to use upstart20:29
hazmatwhich does an inotify listen on the files in its dir and executes new ones20:29
hazmatit also monitors the the rcX.d dirs20:29
hazmatTheMue, http://upstart.ubuntu.com/20:29
hazmatSpamapS, looks like that sites need a new news item re the new releases20:30
hazmatSpamapS, actualy the downloads there don't correspond at all to the ones in the distro20:31
hazmat1.3 vs 0.6.x20:31
TheMuehazmat: ah, will take a look at it21:03
hazmatTheMue, welcome aboard ;-)21:31
TheMuehazmat: thx, i really appreciate it21:59
SpamapShazmat: upstream upstart is not like ubuntu upstart23:47
SpamapShazmat: though I believe the delta is quite small as of 1.323:47

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