
LINKSWORD2BluesKaj: Hey Blue. I don't suppose you know of any existing issues with Rekong crashing?00:00
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BluesKajLINKSWORD2, no afraid not00:35
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Maceri am having problems with my tyan mboard going to sleep01:56
Maceri want it to be able to suspend and it doesn't seem to want to do so01:56
Macernot only that but sometimes shutting it down causes a reboot01:57
Macerany ideas?01:57
[Relic]does anyone else get a little squiggle thing in the bottom right hand corner on flash apps?03:06
nephtesHello, requesting help setting up internet connection sharing with kubuntu 11.1003:37
nephtesI've done this directly with iptables in the past but hoping to save some hassle this time03:37
nephteskubuntu box connects to rounter on wlan0 and a second machine via crossover cable on eth003:38
nephtesI've used System Settings/Network Connections to set the "Method" under "IPv4" address to "Shared" on eth003:39
nephtesBut as a result ifconfig shows no IPv4 address assigned to the interface, only IPv603:39
nephtesAny hints much appreciated, thanks03:40
brhad56Ever since upgrading to kubuntu 11.10, when i come back to wake up my computer, my internet doesn't work anymore until i reboot.  Help?04:26
brhad56i am on wired connection04:28
areichmanhello. I'm having some problems with my dvd drive. Any disc I put in doesn't show up in KDE06:14
areichmanthe drive shows up in lshw and in k3b but with the status nodisc06:14
areichmanI just moved it to a different SATA port (I moved it because it had already stopped working, not the other way around) but the problem is the same06:15
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mr-richareichman: Sounds like the drive went south ...06:25
areichmanmr-rich: would it still show up in lshw if the drive was bad?06:25
areichmanIt has power (open and closes and spins) but no disc is ever recognized06:26
mr-richareichman: It could .... if the read head went bad, the drive would still be seen ...06:26
mr-richbut not accessed ...06:26
areichmanand is there any way to replace the read head?06:27
mr-richbetter off replacing the whole drive ... less expensive, too ...06:27
areichmannot what I wanted to hear06:28
mr-richYou could try a head cleaner ... a dvd with tiny brushes on it06:28
mr-richbed time ...06:29
areichmanthanks for your help06:30
areichmangood night06:30
xuser1im searching for the best linux distribution for me > my system is > 1.5 ghz cpu , nvidia v.card 256 mb . 1 gb ram ; can you recomend me something?09:03
xuser1im using linuxmint 10 now09:04
xuser1but in dont like gnome 309:04
xuser1is kde better?09:05
xuser1is kde better?09:09
xuser1than gnome309:09
earlten_it's all opinion09:10
earlten_each has pros and each has cons09:11
earlten_all you can do is try for yourself and see09:11
xuser1but , does kde consume more resources than g 3?09:11
xuser1i tryed kde09:12
xuser1and i dont like it09:12
xuser1is fedora faster than ubuntu?09:14
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sudybonjour a tous10:03
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genoobiehey all11:07
genoobieI was updating pkgs11:07
genoobie270 and the machine seems to be stuck11:07
genoobieany tips?11:07
genoobiethere's some weird behavior in the kbuntu11:16
linxusergenoobie: good to know its not just me (or not good but good to know)11:18
linxuser*glad to know?11:18
genoobieconsidering a reinstall11:20
genoobieI went to add a new user I got a gray blank screen11:21
genoobieThere were some problems on the isntall11:21
linxusergenoobie: do you have a separate /home partition?11:21
genoobiewell when I partitioned the drive I installed under "/"11:22
genoobieand I had a 2gb swap11:22
genoobieshould I have created more partitions?11:22
linxuserafter several installs I opted to make a /, swap, and /home cause11:23
linxuseron reinstall /home doesn't need to be reformatted11:23
genoobiehow big was /home11:23
linxuseryou get to keep all personal files. On mine I have 500 GB total so I made my11:24
linxusermy /home 350 GB11:24
genoobieI've got 120GB11:24
genoobiebut I store everything on my NAS box11:24
linxuserI also have unused 60 GB for dual Windows 7 that I hardly ever use11:25
linxuserOh, on your NAS is OK11:25
linxuserI've more partitions I haven't mentioned 5 to 10 GB each11:26
genoobieokay, so I want two users11:27
linxuserseparate / for different linux installs11:27
genoobieand I've got a 40GB part for winxp11:27
genoobieand I wanted to use another 40gb for kubuntu11:27
linxusermy other linux installs share the same /home via symlinks11:27
genoobiethe live version seemed to work better than the install11:28
linxuserit happens11:28
linxuserI also keep symlinks from /var/cache/apt to archive on the same /home partition so it11:29
linxuserdoesn't have to redownload updates its done before11:30
linxuserI'm just throwing out ideas I've been playing with11:31
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genoobieas soon as the install is done, and the cd is ejected11:32
genoobiedo I have to put that cd back in after the grub loads for post-install?11:32
genoobieI wonder if I would have been better off with the amd64 install11:32
frantaHi guys! Anyone experiences the kde theme go black on every login except for the first one on 10.04 using kdm ?11:33
frantaI think it's a problem in kdm since when I use gdm it works fine ...11:33
linxuserI didn't notice any performance improvement with amd64 so I reverted to i38611:33
genoobielinxuser, and you are using a amd chip?11:34
linxuserno sorry its an intel 6411:34
linxuseramd64 install on it11:35
genoobieif you had an amd64 would you use the i386 or the amd6411:35
linxusernever had a genuine amd64 so I don't know11:36
linxuserknowing me I'd probably have tried11:36
genoobieI ran into a problem when I updated the computer11:37
genoobieit crashed and then flaked out11:37
genoobieso I am reinstalling with hopefully better luck11:37
linxuserhense the reason I discovered the /home thing11:37
genoobieoh so you ran into the same problem11:37
genoobieI wonder if I should try 10.0411:38
linxusermy problems were back in 2009/2010 - best of luck11:38
genoobiethis install seems to be going more smoothly11:39
linxuserdid you see the thing about kdm working?11:39
linxuserfranta posted it back at 05:3311:39
genoobieyep I saw that11:40
genoobiewell, dunno what to make of it.  I know this time the computer appears to be downloading more stuff11:41
linxuserI've been using kubuntu 10.04 w/kde3 trinity the last year so I'm all screwed up11:41
genoobiehopefully 11.04 is "fixed11:42
linxuserhopefully, I don't recomend trinity cause I got a bug up this last week11:43
genoobieI like the idea11:43
genoobievery "shiny" os11:43
genoobiestupid language packs11:43
linxuserdecided to update to the new tde and had to reinstall 5 times finally reverting to kde3 trinity11:43
genoobiealmost makes you want to use a bought OS11:44
linxuseryeah, the language pack :/11:44
frantalinxuser: I wasn't here at 05:33  ...11:44
genoobiefranta, they means 6:3311:44
linxuserfranta: sorry I must be in different TZ11:45
frantaso what's the time now ?11:45
genoobieI wonder if I should just go ubuntu11:45
genoobie6:45 eastern11:45
linxuseror is this GMT? its not my time11:45
linxuser5:46 Central11:46
frantaoooh you were referencing my post :) Now I get it ... sorry :)11:46
linxuserthat is my time. its dark here, I forgot11:47
genoobiewas looking for a distro that was faster than xp11:47
genoobieso far it's a tough find11:47
linxuseronce its installed and running good I believe it is faster11:47
genoobieI dunno, there is probably some tweaking that needs to be done11:48
genoobiethe big advantage is that it won't need much maintenance in the future11:48
genoobieor rather as much maintenance as xp11:48
linxusertheres definately that I don't update my windoze11:48
genoobieand it is far less prone to get sick11:49
genoobiewith virii and crud11:49
linxuseryeah, mine hasn't got sick cept when I mess it up11:50
genoobieand this machine was equipped with vista. the xp downgrade was a bear11:51
genoobiethe install of kubuntu was far easier11:51
linxuserI wasn11:51
linxuserI wasn't able to downgrade mine cause manufacturer didn't support xp for this machine11:52
genoobielikewise I had to go hunting for xp drivers11:52
genoobieespecially cause the OS is like 11 years old11:52
linxusercame with vista but I was in school in 09 so got free access to legal win711:53
genoobievista sucks11:53
genoobiewas thinking of registering for a class and then dropping it11:53
genoobieafter I picked up a win711:53
genoobiebut then I figured I'd like to make a clean break with windows11:54
linxuserdon't know if that'd work, but it might. I'd go with CISCO11:54
genoobieso I've been searching for a nice distro11:54
genoobieregister for a cisco class?11:54
linxuserI'm running kbuntu 8.04, ubuntu-studio 9.10 - 10.04, and this trinity kbunt 10.0411:55
genoobiewhat's ubuntu studio?11:55
genoobiemusic related?11:55
linxuseryeah, I was going for cisco and was talked into full class load for student loan11:56
genoobieoh hah11:56
linxuserstudio multimedia related11:56
genoobiethey're good at pushing the hard sell11:57
linxuserI quit after 1 semester and paid off the loan. I could've took cisco 1,2,3, and 4 for less11:57
linxuserIt was state comm tech college11:58
genoobieonce upon a time I thought I watned to write device drivers11:58
linxuserI thought I'd be good at programming in '73 could've gotten into control data's school back then11:59
genoobieso do you program now?11:59
linxuserthe days of basic, fortran, cobol. Now no, I played with C and C++ but gave it up12:00
genoobieheh, that's going back a ways.12:01
genoobieI entered into it when basic pascal and some fortran was around12:01
genoobieC was exploding12:01
linxuserweird it seems just a while back.12:01
linxuserI'm for sure getting old12:01
genoobiewhy do you like kubuntu over ubuntu?12:02
linxuserdon't really know12:02
genoobieIt's got a nice look to it12:02
linxuserI first tried kubuntu 6.06 and had it installed for 1 and 1/2 years before I did much12:03
genoobiemy hope is to ween the family off of windows12:03
linxuseryeah, but unfortunately I've found the need to have it around to get online if linux fails for some reason12:04
genoobieugh this installation seems stalled12:04
linxuserstalled where?12:04
genoobie"restoring previously installed packages"12:05
linxuserI thought you were doing fresh reinstall12:05
genoobieI was12:05
genoobieso I don't even know what that means...12:05
genoobieb/c I deleted the partition12:06
genoobieand all that...12:06
linxusercan you see it downloading or something and hd light activity12:06
genoobieyeah there's some activity periodically12:06
linxuserbe patient12:07
linxuserif it needs some stuff from the server it can seem lifeless for a bit12:07
genoobieI suppose12:08
linxuserI hate to waste time my .0212:08
genoobieI just don't want the screen to go black on account of acpi stuff and have it ruin something in the install12:08
genoobieotherwise I'd go to bed12:09
linxuserkeyboard or mouse activity keeps screen from blanking12:09
genoobieright but then I have to stand here...12:10
linxuserthey enable screen saver by default12:10
linxuserdo you know about the alternate ttys?12:10
genoobiesort of12:10
genoobiebut like I said, I don't want to interrupt it12:11
linxuserctrl+alt+f1 ...f2 , etc?12:11
genoobieso I just move the mouse every now and then12:11
linxuseryeah, the only program I know in terminal to monitor network is idtop but its not12:12
linxuserinstalled by default12:12
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genoobiedo you use "owncloud" ?12:13
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linxuserowncloud not familiar12:13
genoobiemeh, some kind of cloud thing they are touting12:14
linxusernot a program in my synaptics manager12:14
genoobieman, this is dragging...12:14
linxuserdo you see network indication?12:14
genoobieI'm afraid the CPU is going to overheat and shutdown12:14
genoobiethe hdd light is flickering12:15
linxuserwifi or ethernet?12:15
genoobienetwork has stopped12:15
linxuserif light on eth is not blinking its not communicating. is hd still working?12:16
genoobieyeah, I mean it's working, the cd spins up every now and then12:16
genoobieit's doing something...12:16
linxuserthat usually a good thing12:16
genoobieokay finally..12:17
genoobiethis time the install appears complete compared to last tiem12:17
genoobieI sure as heck hope this works...12:17
linxuserinstall from cd, or usb?12:18
linxuserdoes it spin up occasionally?12:18
genoobieugh, the bootloader had "previous linux versions"12:19
genoobieokay seems better12:19
linxuseris it still installing bootloader?12:19
linxuserlast thing my install did12:20
genoobieit used "previous installs" for stuff12:20
linxusero of12:20
genoobieI'm going to bed12:20
genoobiethis sucks12:20
genoobienice chatting, but I'm po'ed12:20
linxuserwell good try12:21
linxuserhadn't noticed its am12:22
MMloshHi!  Is it still possible to get gnome-keyring unlocked on login in kubuntu 11.10?  All my tries have failed (for this release, older releases are fine)12:25
linxusergenoobie: if you're still up, next time do install without net connected12:25
linxuserMMlosh: I've not ventured beyond 10.04 ... can't help  ... google found nothing for me12:32
MMloshlinxuser, that suggests that I tried searching first.. thanks for confirmation12:32
linxuserMMlosh: figured you had but I tried too. hey someone out there might know12:33
linxuserafter reading about it I'm glad I stayed behind12:37
linxusersheesh! I'm gettin old12:37
tatierefreshing software list - stuck at 95%13:11
tatiecan't install anything because of that it seems. what would be a solution?13:11
BluesKajHey all13:26
linxusertatie in maybe a source is offline. if you can tell what server its stuck on13:51
linxuseryou might try ping -c 1 THAT_SERVER'S_ADDRESS to see if its down.13:52
linxusertatiefrom a terminal13:53
linxuserping -c 1 THAT_SERVER'S_ADDRESS13:54
linxuserdidn't see [07:20] <-- tatie has left13:56
b-realalguien puede ayudarme con la conexion wifi?14:05
Peace-b-real: english14:09
linxuserb-real: lo siento, yo no sé español tampoco.14:10
TImewarperwhere can i get the shred utility from?14:11
b-realsomeone can help me cuz i have some troubles  with  the wifi connection14:11
b-reallinxuser pero si lo escribes bien eh?? ;)14:13
Peace-b-real: iwconfig in konsole14:13
Peace-!pate | b-real14:13
Peace-!paste | b-real14:13
ubottub-real: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:13
linxuserTImewarper: my synaptics reports its part of coreutils14:14
TImewarperlinxuser, ok and how about the frandom14:15
TImewarperanother random generator tool14:15
TImewarperin what package is that?14:15
b-realpeace accep a priv?ateconve14:16
linxuserTImewarper: not showing in my install14:16
TImewarperlinxuser, http://sourceforge.net/projects/frandom/14:17
TImewarperany idea how to install that?14:17
b-realpace http://paste.ubuntu.com/751430/14:18
linxuserb-real: utilizando translate.net lento eh?14:18
b-realno estoy traduciendo...14:18
Peace-b-real:  usb or internal wifi ?14:19
b-realsolo intentando k me ayudeis14:19
Peace-!english | linxuser b-real14:19
ubottulinxuser b-real: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:19
b-realpeace internal wifi14:20
Peace-b-real: lspci  on konsole14:20
linxuserTImewarper: don't know. anyone help Timewarper with a build/install14:21
b-realpeace http://paste.ubuntu.com/751437/14:21
linxuserTImewarper: I'm not familiar with source code installs14:22
Peace-b-real: so you have this 0b:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)14:22
Peace-!broadcom | b-real14:22
ubottub-real: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:22
linxuser*not familiar i.e. don't understand how to14:22
linxuserubottu: sorry I was using translate.net I'm english only14:24
ubottulinxuser: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:24
Peace-linxuser: ubottu is a program.14:24
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hustler2are there kde 4.8 beta packages for kubuntu ?15:44
PaulW2Uhustler2: afaik, 4.8 will only be available to precise users and backported to oneiric when released15:47
lnxslckApart from that, if used with a newly created Nepomuk database, KDE 4.8 Beta 1 is the most stable and fast KDE ever created, even if it has some Nepomuk problems. KWin 4.8 is a lot faster than KWin 4.7 and, for the first time ever, I can fully use blur in my GeForce 6150SE. Dolphin 2 is simply awesome, even though it's not finished. QML Plasmoid replacements are working a treat.15:51
lnxslckkde 4.8 looks good15:51
hustler2that's why i would like to beta test it15:52
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lnxslckhustler2, you can get it from svn or something15:56
phoenix_firebrdis there a ppa for digikam 2.3.0 64 bit16:07
phoenix_firebrdis there a ppa for digikam 2.3.0 64 bit16:16
GirlyGirlHi, are packages of KDE 4.8 beta available for Kubuntu or will I have to build from source to test it?16:20
DarthFrogGirlyGirl: Doesn't look like it.  I can't find them on kubuntu.org or kde.org.16:27
DarthFrogMind you that doesn't mean they don't exist or are forthcoming. :-)16:27
daviddoriaI ran some software updates. It seems to have stuck at "Running post installation trigger man-db" I can't logout or shutdown because if I try it says "cancelled by muon-updater. What should I do?16:35
DarthFrogHow long has it been running?16:36
daviddoriait has been there for an hour or so, it is clearly not doing anything16:36
DarthFrogFrom the terminal, you can run these commands: ps aux | grep muon16:37
DarthFrogThat will give you the PID (process ID) of the muon process.s16:37
daviddoriaok got it16:38
DarthFrogthen: sudo kill -15 <muon PID>16:38
daviddoriaok, i can kill it, i was just afraid of killing an update process16:38
DarthFrogIt may bork your system, yes.16:38
daviddoriahaha, so no other option?16:38
phoenix_firebrdhe may also need to kill qaptworker16:38
DarthFrogWait till it finishes? :-)16:38
daviddoriaok i killed it, let me restart16:39
phoenix_firebrdyofel:  is there a ppa for digikam 2.3.0 64 bit16:40
yofelphoenix_firebrd: not that I know of16:42
daviddoriaphew, not borked haha16:46
kbroulikbut this time there will be beta packages for 4.8 not like with the last time at 4.7? :)16:47
daviddoriaanother question - I am trying to add things to the panel. I right click -> panel options -> add widgets. Then I drag the "application launcher" to the panel. The cursor changes to indicate that I can drop it there, but when I drop it, nothing happens - no icon appears. I've tried with "network monitor" as well. How do I get these to add to the panel?16:47
DarthFrog daviddoria: Now I would run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a".16:47
kbroulikdaviddoria: you have to move it around a bit till a grey rectangle/sqare appears, then you can drop it16:48
kbroulik(and they marked my bug report as WorksForMe because they say it works but I also have to fiddle around when adding widgets to the panel)16:48
daviddoriaah kbroulik i see, thanks16:49
daviddoriaDarthFrog, ok16:49
daviddoriaDarthFrog, it is asking me about settings for whole bunches of packages - are you sure this was a good plan :) ?16:54
DarthFrogYour call.  It's your system. :-)  Since you interrupted dpkg, I would think there are some things left hanging.16:55
DarthFrogYou could terminate that process and try "sudo apt-get -f install" instead.16:56
DarthFrogThat might suit your focus better. :-)16:56
turingEverytime kdedaemon after logging in asks for kwallet password. Is there a way to let it remember and not ask again and again after login?17:01
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memeemeeehello. I installed my ubuntu 11.10 system with a separate partition for / and  /home if I install kubuntu on the / partition will it work with the /home partition automatically?18:56
en1gmadoes the cd or dvd kubuntu 11.10 come with wireshark?18:58
anathema_Do anyone know how to permanently disable one of the two sound cards?19:02
linxusermemeemeee: you have to pick the partition with /home without formatting /home19:08
linxusermemeemeee: but telling it about it calling it /home at install19:08
memeemeeelinxuser: k. and #ubuntu chanel said i could just instll kubuntu-desktop from apt and remove gnome and unity for the same effect19:09
linxusermemeemeee: ok, I thought you were reinstalling19:10
memeemeeei was, but only so i could get rid of unity and gnome19:10
memeemeeei should've started with kubuntu but didn't19:10
linxusermemeemeee:  I'll have to google it but the install kubuntu-desktop might be right19:11
memeemeeethx linxuser, if i can avoid doing a clean install it'd be better19:12
memeemeeeat #ubuntu they said kubuntu is just ubuntu minimal install plus kubuntu-desktop is that true?19:14
linxusermemeemeee: I ran across this http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde19:14
linxusermemeemeee: I was looking for something else this morning and remembered having seen this19:15
linxusermemeemeee: I found it in my browser history. Maybe someone else can verify if its good19:16
anathema_what is the default driver for ati cards?19:18
linxusermemeemeee: you know about that /home partition can be unformatted on fresh install19:18
linxusermemeemeee: keeping all your /home and its settings intact. just programs need fresh install19:19
linxusermemeemeee: but previous settings for those programs is retained19:19
memeemeeelooks good linxuser. yes i know that /home can remain unformated, but if i can get to 'pure kubuntu' without doing that it'd be easier for me. save me from setting up my ssh keys, fstab and ifconfig again.19:21
memeemeeeI'll go through those apt remove suggestions one by one and make sure they're things i want to remove19:22
linxusermemeemeee: no confirmation from anyone else out there in #kubuntu?19:24
linxuser*I like more opinions myself but its not been easy to get over the years19:25
linxuserI'm noob to irc ( < week ) ;)19:26
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linxusermemeemeee: wow I just cut-pasted the stuff from http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde into kate19:31
linxusermemeemeee: thats a huge task doing all those removes one by one19:31
linxusermemeemee seems doing sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and using -s option19:33
linxusermemeemeee: sudo apt-get -s install kubuntu-desktop will show what it would do without doing it19:33
rorkmemeemeee: you're home directory should be mounted on system level, not on desktop environment level, so just installing kubuntu-desktop so I don't think that's a problem. The commands from psychocats to remove desktops worked fine for me on older systems.19:36
memeemeeei'm reviewing the list. curious why I'm uninstalling python for example19:39
linxuserI have copies of /etc/fstab and /etc/network/* but I haven't used ssh just know its secure shell19:39
linxuseron reinstall I've had to edit in missing fstab stuff and /etc/network/ files19:40
memeemeeeis it a mistake to install kubuntu-desktop while logged in with gdm? should I have logged out and done it from the CL?19:42
linxusermemeemeee:  don't know. anyone else got input?19:42
rorkmemeemeee: no, it's fine to install it when logged in, if you install kdm besides gdm it will ask you which you want to use, choose kdm if you plan to remove gdm later.19:43
memeemeeek that's what i did. it just occured that i might have made a mistake19:43
linxuserrork: 's what I thought. thx for input19:44
rorkyou can also use gdm to run KDE if you like it better19:44
memeemeeeyeah... no! i'm done with gnome and unity. used both on dif pcs for the past few years, but at this point i'm done19:45
toumboIs there any way to beutify gtk gui on kde?19:45
=== max is now known as Guest38924
linxuser beautify????? I thought gtk was gdm19:51
OerHeksgnome theme on QT kde ..19:52
linxuseroh, Im using kde hardy theme on kde19:53
linxusernot as pretty but I resist change19:54
TheBunTugeting a error mesage install smooth-task... I installed cmake...   http://pastebin.com/6XTA1JsM19:55
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Timewarperhey how can i run a program from terminal as another user?22:17
Timewarperusing su?22:17
linxuseris su same as sudo22:19
linxuserTimewarper: wild guess is login as other user then sudo su?22:25
linxuserTimewarper: I've done it as [sudo su  and  su] as myself. I don't have other user to try.22:27
linxuserTimewarper: never mind. question must be over my head22:31
phoenix_firebrdis akonadi backup and restore working in 4.8?22:33
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Timewarperi want to run    dd /dev/urandom /dev/sdb       but also see the progress of the proccess. any ideas?22:51
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pedahzurHaving an interesting problem with blue devil.  I can connect to a device, but when I browse to that device, the "Loading folder..." goes to 94% or 96% and just hangs, and doesn't load any more.  I've used file transfer on this phone before...just can't get it to work on this computer (Kubuntu 11.04)23:10
=== l is now known as Guest95105
linxuserTimewarper: sounds like random trash output to me23:18
Timewarperlinxuser, dude23:21
Timewarperquit talking about things you dont have a fucking clue about23:21
Timewarperyou might break someones sytem23:21
=== dad_ is now known as Guest64737

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