
ikthead_victim: did the planet update fix the main page?00:23
iktthe last 4 blog posts added to the front page of ubuntu.org.au seem to still be from a long time ago00:23
head_victimWhat was wrong with the main page?00:23
head_victimI just don't think anyone has added content since then00:25
head_victimOh the planet block on the front page, that's never really worked as far as I can tell as the cron job isn't running.00:25
head_victimBut that should be fixed with the drupal upgrade that should go live soon00:26
sagacichristmas is soon too :P00:26
iktoh sweet00:47
iktPeople overestimate the value of the reward if the reward is imminent, and increasingly discount the value of the reward, the further away it is in time. In other words, your perceived utility of an outcome increases with temporal proximity.00:49
iktdamn brain00:49
sagaciless than 19,000 to go, thus 95%+ done, thus less than 5% to go01:36
sagaciwiki.ubuntu.com down?02:03
sagaciah no, maybe not02:04
sagaciless than 18,000 to go02:39
iktnice :D02:55
sagaciwe're so close03:38
sagacijaddi27: got some spare time today?03:38
sagaciless than 17,000 to go04:32
sagacijaddi27: head_victim, if you use firefox for translations, it won't check for single line strings, so if you go into about:config, then chang layout.spellcheckDefault to 2, it'll check them07:24
sagacithanks to #firefox for that07:25
head_victimsagaci: yep I found that a while ago, sorry, I thought I'd passed that one on07:44
sagaciit's only in firefox, which I only use on one computer, so it hasn't been an issue until this weekend07:45
sagaciunder 16,00008:07
sagaciunder 15,000 and less than 4% to go08:50
sagaciwhenever the stats are fixed, it'll drop by about 10k08:59
sagacishould be finishing it a bit before my expect goal, which was mid January09:03
head_victimAt this rate you'll be finished tomorrow, early afternoon ;)09:03
sagacibut I need sleep :)09:04
sagaciunder 14,00009:46
sagacihead_victim: ping11:16
head_victimsagaci: pong11:58
sagacihead_victim: still up?12:37
head_victimsagaci: about to disappear13:12
sagacirighteo then, no worries13:12
head_victimIf I'm gone just shoot me a PM or email13:12
sagaciless than 13,00022:31

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