
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
broderis there a tool for mass-closing bugs? i think it's probably about time to clean out the dapper-backports bug queue00:58
broder...also feisty-backports, it turns out01:00
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SpamapS * State: Failed to build04:45
SpamapS * Duration: 18 hours04:45
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JackyAlcineO.o that sucks.. :/04:52
micahgSpamapS: are you fixing gnash or should I add it back to my list?04:54
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SpamapSmicahg: I am leaving failures like that to the end.. so if you want to handle gnash.. have at it.05:28
micahgSpamapS: ok, it's the same failure as I had for the original merge which is why I haven't fixed it yet, but will try to get to it soon (it's due to Firefox 8+)05:29
SpamapSmicahg: ok thanks!05:33
infinitySpamapS: Ugh, why is MySQL still building with gcc-4.5?06:59
infinitySpamapS: Oh, nevermind.  Looking at the bug from the changelog.07:00
cjwatsonSpamapS: akonadi-backend-mysql still depends on mysql-server-core-5.1, mysql-client-core-5.1, by the looks of things; I guess the transition tracker doesn't show that09:13
cjwatsonSpamapS: (breaks Kubuntu image builds)09:14
infinitytest 1082...OK (556 out of 628, remaining: 01:08)09:20
infinity^-- Counting is hard.09:20
cjwatson  2618kB    17kB/s - Uploading data to master branch - Stage:Fetching revisions:Inserting stream:Estimate 322/10809:26
cjwatsoninfinity: ^- ditto09:26
* infinity snickers.09:27
infinity 09:31:19 up 8 days, 13:41,  7 users,  load average: 5.13, 4.47, 4.8709:31
infinity^-- Does this mean my Panda passes the "server-class" test.  It hasn't died in over a week!09:31
SpamapScjwatson: will fix akonadi09:32
cjwatsonSpamapS: thanks09:50
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* infinity apologises to the buildds.11:29
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ockham_hi, i'm trying to assign a version number to a binary package that is different from the source package's.16:48
ockham_can someone help me or point me to something?16:48
tumbleweedockham_: it's doable by passing options to dpkg-gencontrol, but obviously this is a very weird thing to do, so be careful with it :)16:50
ockham_tumbleweed: hi, thx for your reply. it's because of my pysolfc package (which you might recall) -- it's version 2.0, but it's superseding pysol 4.82 or so...16:51
ockham_tumbleweed: so if i want my pysolfc control file to provide a dummy pysol package for transition, i'd need to assign in a version number > 4.82.16:51
tumbleweedockham_: how about just Replaces + Breaks ?16:51
tumbleweedah, ok16:52
ockham_tumbleweed: i know; but does that provide a reliable upgrade path, given that version numbers issue?16:52
ockham_tumbleweed: could you elaborate at what point to pass options to dpkg-gc?16:52
tumbleweedit has a manpage16:52
ockham_tumbleweed: hm, i checked it, but i couldn't really figure it out.16:53
ockham_tumbleweed: do you think any other way would be preferrable? so far, i've even had separate source packages for the dummies, but i guess that's even worse.16:59
cjwatsonis it your own package, or a modification of one from elsewhere (e.g. Debian)?17:10
ockham_cjwatson: sry, been afk for a while. it's my package -- been in ubuntu since lucid, and searching for debian sponsorss since then :-/17:43
SpamapSaolserver's build process seems... almost totally nuts17:44
JanCSpamapS: I always wondered if anybody still uses that?  ☺18:08
cjwatsonockham_: so if you're the original packager, then TBH, I'd consider just adding a 1: epoch to the source package as the path of least resistance; only if you're certain the transition is permanent, though18:45
cjwatsonockham_: (I wouldn't suggest this if the package had a prior existence somewhere else, as that would mean you'd never be able to merge again unless you convinced the packaging-upstream to add the epoch as well)18:45
ockham_cjwatson: thx. i was considering that, but http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=519752#35 suggested the other way. but i think i'll probably really use  the epoch approach.18:49
ubottuDebian bug 519752 in wnpp "ITP: pysolfc -- A Python solitaire game collection" [Wishlist,Open]18:49
ockham_cjwatson: btw: TBH=?18:49
JanCTBH = to be honest18:49
JanCockham_: ^^^18:50
cjwatsonockham_: although it's technically an abuse of epochs, I think it's overall less confusing than using dpkg-gencontrol -v to fiddle with the version of a single binary package, so I respectfully disagree with Ariel18:53
cjwatsonalthough not enough to fight about it18:54
cjwatsonor I suppose you could add an epoch just for that binary package, which might be less confusing than adding some fixed integer to the version18:55
cjwatsonthat might be a reasonable compromise position18:55
micahgwe've got an example of that in the thunderbird source18:55
cjwatsonon rereading I guess that's actually Ariel's second choice18:55
ockham_micahg: thx, i'll take a look into that.18:56
ockham_cjwatson: i'm a bit confused. so i'd end up using the epoch field only for that transitional binary package? not the entire source package?18:57
cjwatsonVERSION := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/^Version:/ { print $$2 }')18:58
cjwatsonnear the top of debian/rules18:58
cjwatson        dh_gencontrol -Npysolfc18:58
cjwatson        dh_gencontrol -ppysolfc -- -v"1:$(VERSION)"18:59
cjwatsonassuming you're using dh, anyway18:59
* tumbleweed likes that approach18:59
ockham_cjwatson: yup, using dh. thx, sounds good.19:00
ockham_cjwatson: just to make sure i'm doing this correctly: this will make the pysolfc binary package version 1:2.0-1, which is greater than pysol's 4.8.something19:21
ockham_but my dummy pysol will then be 2.0-1 which is less than 4.8.19:21
ockham_so don't i have to use dh_gencontrol for pysol (not pysolfc)?19:22
tumbleweedockham_: yes19:29
ockham_tumbleweed: and what about breaks/replaces/conflicts?19:30
tumbleweedockham_: Breaks + Replaces, yes19:33
mneptokanyone have any ideas why a machine with a clean Xubuntu install to a dedicated / while preserving an exisiting /home from a previous version fails to allow a login?19:36
mneptokcredentials are correct, but supplying them just returns to the LightDM login screen19:36
mneptok(also, it seems Xubuntu took it upon itself to encrypt that existing /home, without ever asking if it was OK to manipulate the data. Bad. very, very Bad)19:37
lifelessno bikkie for xubuntu19:37
mneptokdo NOT encrypt my data without my permission. it's mine. i'll decide.19:38
Ampelbeinmneptok: What installation iso did you use? I didn't have that problem while testing xubuntu.19:39
penguin42mneptok: I'd check the .xsession-errors of the user you're trying to log in as for errors and the lightdm logs19:39
mneptokalt-F2 is not getting me an alternate TTY19:42
mneptokand i cannot seem to get a GRUB menu :(19:44
penguin42mneptok: Have you ever noticed there are some days when computers just don't want to work with you?19:44
mneptokpenguin42: not really. Debian is fairly predictable. >:)19:45
mneptokit's very clear that the existing $HOME was encyoted without permission19:46
mneptokYAY! GRUB menu at last!19:47
penguin42mneptok: Might be worth checking the logs from the installer - they should be somewhere19:47
mneptokthe only thing left in this user's $HOME is "Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop" and "README.txt"19:50
mneptokand yet df -h reports the partition as 20GB used. so the data is there, it's just the installer decided to encrypt it without permission19:51
mneptokis there an easy way to reverse this encryption?19:53
mneptokkirkland: hjalp?19:58
lifelessmneptok: what sort of encrpyiotn?19:59
lifelessmneptok: should be a simple unmount to get back to the original data19:59
mneptoklifeless: ecryptfs $HOME19:59
mneptoklifeless: /home/$USERNAME that exisated from a previous install was encrypted with ecryptfs without prompting. to say i am disappointed is a massive understatement.20:00
* mneptok tries to find out how to decrypt this from a command line20:02
cjwatsonockham_: sorry, yeah, I mixed up pysol and pysolfc20:02
ockham_cjwatson: np. just got a little confused...20:02
cjwatsonmneptok: can you post /var/log/installer/cdebconf/questions.dat somewhere?20:02
ockham_i'm building it right now...20:03
mneptokcjwatson: can try20:03
cjwatson/var/log/syslog wouldn't hurt either but is secondary20:03
mneptokbrb. need USB key20:04
mneptokcjwatson: http://birdhouse.org/~mnep/cjwatson20:10
mneptokbleh. fixing perms20:10
lifelessmneptok: its not really encrypted20:13
lifelessmneptok: the existing data is just masked by the ecryptfs layer20:13
cjwatsonmneptok: um, sorry, I meant /var/log/installer/syslog not /var/log/syslog20:13
mneptokcjwatson: oh, of course you did. my bad. brain fart.20:13
cjwatsonIRC scrollback suggests my bad, in fact ;-)20:14
mneptokcjwatson: but i should have interpreted it20:15
ockham_my pysolfc build failed:20:16
ockham_dpkg-genchanges: error: badly formed line in files list file, line 220:16
ockham_dpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-genchanges gave error exit status 2520:16
ockham_E: Failed autobuilding of package20:16
mneptokcjwatson: the correct syslog is now there20:16
mneptoklifeless: the "ecryptfs layer" should not even exist unless i was asked if i wanted it at *all*20:17
ockham_btw, what does the -N arg to dh_gencontrol do? couldn't find it in the manpage.20:17
cjwatsonmneptok: 40320:17
cjwatsonockham_: man debhelper20:17
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mneptokcjwatson: grah. fixed.20:18
cjwatsonthat is very odd.  as best as I can tell, the installer did nothing with ecryptfs at all, and should have configured it off20:19
lifelessmneptok: I agree; I"m not arguing that. I'm noting that recovery should be easy.20:19
mneptokcjwatson: and yet the user's existing $HOME is devoid of anything that was there before20:19
cjwatsonno trace in the logs, and it didn't hit the ecryptfs paths in user-setup20:19
cjwatsonI believe you, I'm just trying to figure out *how*20:19
cjwatsonas lifeless said, though, a umount should correct this at least temporarily?20:20
mneptokcjwatson: this happened on 2 subsequent installs, too.20:20
kirklandinstalls of what version of ubuntu?20:20
cjwatsonare these logs from the first such install?20:20
cjwatsonkirkland: it's all in the logs20:20
mneptokcjwatson: second20:21
cjwatsondo logs from the first exist?20:21
mneptokcjwatson: sadly, no20:21
cjwatsonin fact, the installer AFAICT didn't even install ecryptfs-utils here20:22
mneptokis there an easy way for me to decrypt this dir from a shell, rsync the data to another location, and see if i can login as a new user? my ecryptfs experience is limited20:22
cjwatsoncan I see the output of 'mount'?20:22
mneptokcjwatson: correct, the -utils pkg was not installed20:22
ockham_any clue what's the reason for those errors? ^^^20:22
cjwatsonockham_: hard to say without the full og20:22
cjwatsonand preferably a copy of the source package for reference20:22
ockham_cjwatson: i'll pastebin the log20:23
cjwatsonmneptok: I'm wondering if a finger-fumble selected encryption on the first install, but then not on the second install20:23
cjwatsonis that at all possible?20:23
cjwatsonthe bug is then that you get left in a confusing intermediate state20:23
mneptokcjwatson: neither install ever asked me about encrypting homes20:24
mneptokcjwatson: output of "mount" now in that same dir20:24
cjwatsonso it deliberately doesn't ask if a home directory already exists20:25
cjwatsonbut AFAICT it then doesn't configure encryption20:25
cjwatsonis it possible that the prior state of the system, before this sequence of installs, in fact had an encrypted home directory there?20:25
cjwatsonthat would explain the symptoms20:25
mneptok /home is/was a separate partition. i told debian-installer to use that partition as /home, but not format it20:25
ockham_log is at http://pastebin.com/erF4K6ha20:25
cjwatsonmneptok: understood; is it possible that ecryptfs was in use beforehand?20:26
cjwatsonI do see a bug here that in that situation we don't arrange for ecryptfs-utils to be installed so that it can decrypt the home directory20:26
mneptoknot likely20:26
cjwatsonbut possible?  it does explain things perfectly20:27
mneptokand i just created a new user, who also gets thrown back to a GUI login after entering credentials20:27
cjwatsonbecause in that case, you'd have /home/$USER/.ecryptfs and no arrangements for mounting it in the new system20:27
cjwatsonI just can't find any other way this could have arisen20:28
cjwatsonif that is the case, then installing ecryptfs-utils and ensuring that the user has the same password as before should be enough20:29
mneptokOK, i'll try it20:30
cjwatsonI'm not sure why the new user login doesn't work; it's not entirely obvious to me that that has the same cause20:31
cjwatsonmight be worth trying from a console to reduce possibilities20:31
mneptokcjwatson: installing ecryptfs-utils allowed me to login20:33
mneptokcjwatson: my deep and abiding affection for you has somehow become deeper20:34
* mneptok backs up to an external drive and prepares to do a 100% clean install20:34
cjwatsonI don't know how to convert from an encrypted home to an unencrypted home20:36
cjwatsonexcept of course by rsyncing everything off and back on again20:36
mneptokcjwatson: exactly what i'm doing. rsync to an external. do a complete re-partiton of the disk, re-install and NOT use ecryptfs.20:37
cjwatsonand this is definitely a bug in user-setup for failing to install ecryptfs-utils when /home/$USER/.ecryptfs exists, which at the very least was true in the second and subsequent installs20:37
mneptokone of my new personal rules is "Never send FUSE to do dm-crypt's job."20:37
cjwatsonthough my hypothesis about the original cause is probably unprovable either way at this point20:38
mneptokcjwatson: i would always cover my tracks sufficiently to ensure PEBKAC can only be a theory ;)20:44
kirklandmneptok: fyi, ecryptfs is not FUSE20:50
kirklandmneptok: its an in-kernel filesystem20:50
kirklandencfs == fuse20:50
kirklandencfs != ecryptfs20:50
mneptokkirkland: when i was a whippersnapper we configured dm-crypt by hand. in a blizzard. while walking 25 miles to vote against Hoover. AND WE LIKED IT!20:57
mneptokkids these days ....20:57
brodercould i get somebody to accept the sru nominations for bug #629646?21:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 629646 in libgweather "Locations using bom.gov.au for forecast data no longer can no longer retrieve forecast data" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62964621:03
tumbleweedbroder: doing it21:06
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ockham_cjwatson: about pysolfc... ^^^21:38
ockham_cjwatson: can you take a look at the log?21:40
tumbleweedockham_: the error looks unrelated22:01
ockham_tumbleweed: really? i don't think it's been there before22:01
tumbleweeddpkg-genchanges: error: badly formed line in files list file, line 222:01
tumbleweedockham_: sorry, can't be any more help without the source22:02
ockham_tumbleweed: one moment...22:03
ockham_tumbleweed: would you suggest i just push this faulty state of affairs to the games team git repo?22:05
ockham_tumbleweed: or is that a bad idea?22:05
ockham_ok, i'll just do it...22:11
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