
bfreisl0n, did you manage to reproduce the problem?00:03
l0njust trying it now, not sure if this is going to work, I am just to run a VM inside a VM00:06
l0njust = trying00:06
l0nwell that's sort of good, I've got the same problem00:08
bfreisOh, I don't feel alone anymore00:09
bfreisYou got the same message from the kernel?00:10
bfreisdid you use Eucalyptus or something else?00:11
wmpi have server with only ipv6, what repository can connect with my server?00:12
l0nI just used plain old kvm with the cmd line that you pasted a while ago00:12
bfreisl0n, hmm ok00:12
l0nbfreis when you registered the image with Eucalyptus did you specify a kernel e.g. --kernel <eki-somethinghere> ?00:20
bfreisl0n this was done automatically by the uec-publish-tarball script00:21
l0nhmm, ok00:21
bfreisdoing euca-describe-images I see that the kernel is correctly published, and the image is correctly configured to use the kernel00:21
l0ndoes it have the kernel filename?00:24
bfreisi don't understand00:24
l0nwhen you do a euca-describe-images, is the filename shown?00:24
bfreisIMAGE   emi-95C322B8    ebah-ubuntu-11.10-java-tomcat-amd64-20111126-1909/oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd64.img.manifest.xml        admin   available       public          x86_64machine eki-7A4827A000:25
bfreisIMAGE   eki-7A4827A0    ebah-ubuntu-11.10-java-tomcat-amd64-20111126-1909/oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd64-vmlinuz-generic.manifest.xml    admin   available       public       x86_64   kernel00:25
bfreiswell, that's not the original image00:25
bfreisIMAGE   emi-DB271F35    oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd64/oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd64.img.manifest.xml    admin   available       public          x86_64  machine eki-94B4240C00:25
bfreisIMAGE   eki-94B4240C    oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd64/oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd64-vmlinuz-generic.manifest.xml        admin   available       public          x86_64  kernel00:25
bfreisthis is the original image00:25
bfreisyou see, it references the kernel by "kernel id"00:25
l0nhmm looks like the xml filename is derived from the kernel name - oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd64-vmlinuz-generic.manifest.xml00:27
l0nnot sure that is the right kernel, in the tar.gz that you download, you also get a oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd64-loader, have you got that ?00:28
bfreisyes, that is inside the tarball00:28
bfreisthe tarball structure is exactly the same for natty and oneiric00:28
l0nand natty works?00:28
bfreisand I used the very same uec-publish-tarball to publish it00:28
l0nah ok00:28
bfreisthe problem is specific to oneiric00:29
bfreisactually, the *-loader files are exactly the same00:30
bfreis(well, more precisely, they have the same md5 hash)00:30
bfreisdon't know if it is good or bad though00:30
l0nright, well I am now gonna give natty a go to make sure that does work00:30
l0nif it doesn't then our problems might be different00:30
bfreisit looks like it is not an issue with Eucalyptus, but something specific to Ubuntu00:35
bfreisand now, if natty works for you, I'd say it is an issue specific to Ubuntu Oneiric's cloud image00:35
l0nnatty isn't working for me so looks like I haven't yet managed to reproduce it00:36
bfreisoh damn00:36
bfreiswhat did it say?00:36
l0nnatty also says it can't mount sda100:37
bfreisholy crap!00:37
l0ndon't worry, I am just doing something silly ;)00:39
wmplol: http://wklej.org/id/63546300:39
nebajothwhy are you using eucalyptus and not openstack?00:40
bfreisnebajoth, because it is a PITA to install openstack00:42
bfreis(before you ask, I don't own lots of boxes, just 4, so no orchestra+juju)00:43
nebajothbut you lose all future compatability and support00:43
bfreisnebajoth, the boxes serve only as VM hosts, I don't mind if they are not up to date, if they serve their purpose00:44
bfreisif you know an easy way to install openstack on 4 servers, I'd be glad to know how!00:45
glleracan i work with a vm on my pc and later put it on ec2??00:49
l0nbfreis can you start up a natty VM and paste me the output from ps (prob best in a PM) to show the command line?00:49
bfreisl0n, sure, just a sec00:50
bfreisl0n, I think it's almost the same thing00:50
nebajothdefine easy :P00:50
bfreisnebajoth, as easy as Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud installation on Natty 11.0400:51
bfreisShouldn't take more than 2-3 hours for someone who has never done it before00:51
adam_gutlemming: you around by chance?00:51
bfreisl0n, just sent you the kvm command line of one of my instances running a Natty image (not the original one, I tweaked it, but only slightly: installed some packages, etc)00:52
bfreisnebajoth, well, I already lost lots and lots of hours searching for a way to install it on 4 boxes with 1 nic each, but let's ignore this part :)00:54
l0nok, shouldn't be a problem, I wouldn't have thought any packages would make a diff00:54
bfreisl0n, I can launch an original natty as well, but that shouldn't change the kvm command line00:54
bfreiseucalyptus won't know that it is an original or a modified image00:54
afeijohi guys, what would be the better adduser parameters to create one user? I created one for me in a new linode server, but when I access it, it isn't reading the .bashrc file nor any file01:10
l0nafeijo how do you know it's not reading the .bashrc file or others?01:29
afeijol0n, when I log in, the prompt has only "$", and no autocomplete thru tab, no aliases, etc.01:30
afeijopretty naked01:30
l0nyeah I know what you mean, delete the user and try this.... (me looks through notes)01:30
l0nuseradd -m USERNAME01:31
l0nyou may also need to change bin/sh in /etc/pass to /bin/bash01:31
l0nfor that new user01:31
l0nsorry /etc/passwd01:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #896737 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5.6 failed to install/upgrade:" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89673701:34
afeijol0n, now it is perfect01:34
l0nnp :)01:34
l0nbtw, the reason the files don't exist is because you didn't have any .bashrc etc files, the -m creates a home directory for the new user and copies /etc/skel into it01:34
l0nok that was a bit of a broken statement but you get my meaning ;)01:36
afeijoyeah, I found that, I did try the -m yesterday, I saw a few files in /home/feijo, but the /bin/sh was the issue01:36
l0naahh ok01:37
afeijol0n, do you know how to install maria db?01:48
l0nnope never heard of it01:49
afeijol0n, it is the new mysqldb after oracle bought it, the community got the available source and made mariadb, hehe01:49
l0noh right cool01:50
afeijotoo bad we do not have an apt-get install out of the box01:51
l0nthey've got debs for Ubuntu on their site so shouldn't be too difficult01:55
afeijoI'll try again to add their deb lines into my source.list01:56
l0nor just download the debs and do: dpkg -i deb.dev01:57
afeijogot it thru apt-key :)02:15
bfreisWell, if there are people interested, l0n helped me track down the problem. Actually, Oneiric's x64 cloud image looks totally buggy. The kernel is wrong, /etc/fstab is totally broken (eg, the line that should mount the root file system lacks a mount point...), the file /etc/network/interfaces is buggy (does not configure eth0). I might be wrong, but I guess /etc/fstab and /etc/network/itnerfaces must be correctly set up for the image to work.03:26
bfreislet's file a bug...03:26
bfreisWell, where should I go to file a bug against the image?!03:28
bfreisOH YEAH, after I fixed the network, it looks like it is working!03:29
bfreisthe instance booted properly, I can ssh into it03:31
bfreisI have no idea if everything is fine though...03:31
bfreislooks like Canonical uploaded the first crap they could put together to their servers, I cannot be sure that this image is correct now...03:32
pmatulisbfreis: if you found a bug then let people know, there's no need to get vulgar03:34
bfreisAfter all, it had nothing to do with Eucalyptus...03:34
bfreisWhere should I report it?03:34
bfreisIt is not a bug on any package, it is on the image file03:34
bfreispmatulis, do you know where should I report this bug?03:37
pmatulisbfreis: against the ubuntu project03:37
bfreisdo you know where exactly?03:37
jakuplnebajoth, SpamapS: I installed dnsmasq on the server03:38
jakuplnebajoth, SpamapS: and it seems to work, when I try to use "dig www.webpage.com"03:38
jakuplnebajoth, SpamapS: But I don't quite understand... It just uses the dns server that the computer has used all the time right?03:39
jakuplnebajoth, SpamapS: and all it does is to cache the queries?03:39
bfreisWow, it is REALLY hard to help...03:40
bfreisI'm trying to file the bug03:40
bfreisBut I simply can't find how to do it03:40
bfreishttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug redirects me to a huge page, with lots of texts, I just want a textarea to fill with all the information and what I did to solve the problem03:41
bfreisIsn't there any such form?!03:41
pmatulisbfreis: i have no idea what you're talking about.  the link i provided gives the most simle way to file a bug03:42
jakuplDoes anyone feel like helping me understand dnsmasq?03:42
bfreispmatulis, the link you provided me redirects me to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs03:43
pmatulisbfreis: it doesn't for me (?)03:43
bfreisif I take out the +filebug part, there's a page with a "Report a bug" link, but this is the same as the other link, and redirects me to the same wiki page03:43
bfreisWell, looks like I have a new bug to report then, now against Launchpad, hehe03:44
pmatulisbfreis: maybe inquire in #launchpad03:45
bfreisYou see what I mean when I say that it is hard to help?03:45
pmatulisbfreis: i seem to remember such a redirection03:45
pmatulisbfreis: looks like it, yes03:45
bfreispmatulis, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect03:49
bfreisThat is the trick03:49
bfreispeople at #launchpad doesn't seem to be very helpful... it is a shame.03:49
pmatulisbfreis: i wonder why i don't get redirected03:51
bfreisMaybe because your account is "special". You work at Canonical, don't you?03:51
bfreisAt "launchpad", I'm no one. I've once reported a bug against eucalyptus, that's all. Maybe I'm not trusted, so they redirect me to a page with loooooots of useless information :/03:52
pmatulisbfreis: it doesn't work that way03:53
bfreisVery strange03:55
bfreisa guy at #launchpad said: Ubuntu requested that people be forced to read the page first, because otherwise a lot of people file them improperly.03:55
bfreispmatulis, I've finished writing the bug report, but it won't accept "ubuntu" as the package. What should I use instead?04:24
bfreisIt is really a bug on the packaging of the image, it is not an specific package04:25
bfreisThe other option is "i don't know the package", which is not actually the case04:25
bfreiswell, damn it, I've lost too much time on it already. I will select "i don't know the package"04:26
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 896772 in ubuntu "Oneiric's x64 cloud image [20111124] won't boot (wrong kernel, buggy /etc/fstab, buggy /etc/network/interfaces)" [Undecided,New]04:30
* SpamapS subscribes smoser and utlemming to that bug04:41
SpamapSbfreis: utlemming and/or smoser will likely be the best resources to help fix that.04:43
SpamapSbfreis: can you try the precise images?04:43
SpamapSbfreis: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/precise/current/04:43
bfreisSpamapS, I just tested it05:18
bfreisSpamapS, apparently the kernel is ok (it finds /dev/sda1), but the /etc/fstab is broken05:18
bfreisSpamapS, it says "mount: mount point ext4 does not exist", exactly as it did with Oneiric when before I fixed /etc/fstab05:18
SpamapSbfreis: that would be a nice data point for the bug comments. :)05:28
* SpamapS disappears05:28
koolhead17hi all08:18
uvirtbotNew bug: #896818 in samba (main) "smbd crashed with SIGABRT in dump_core()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89681810:41
koolhead17hi all15:13
uvirtbotNew bug: #896723 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration  cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89672316:51
NelisI'm having a problem booting from a raid1 array. During boot it drops to initramfs saying the boot device does not exist. I have no problems booting from a degraded array.17:05
Nelislooks like /dev/disk/by-uuid does not exist, which would explain why it can't boot. No partitions showing in /dev whatsoever.17:27
terohas anyone tried to install webmin on ubuntu server? any "hiccups" ?17:28
qman__!webmin | tero17:30
ubottutero: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.17:30
dorkother than security no17:30
dorkthere's a huge negative connotation associated with webmin though17:30
dorkhas existed for over a decade17:30
terocrap :\17:31
teroclient demands webmin17:31
qman__you can do it, but it isn't supported here17:31
terothis sux17:31
dorktero: if they're paying you to make themselves vulnerable, it just means future revenue for them17:31
qman__you will have to seek webmin-specific support17:31
dorkso if they demand it, hook them up17:31
terowell they really don't care about the OS17:31
dorki mean future revenue for you17:31
teroi guess i will have to use centos17:32
dorki've used webmin over centos17:32
dorki can't imagine it being any different than webmin over debian based oss17:32
terook thanx17:33
dorkalso 'isn't supported here' is stated in every irc channel on freenode17:33
dorkso don't worry about 'support'17:33
terowe will see what can I do17:33
dorkjust make sure you lock it down17:33
dorkit's a huge vulnerability17:33
qman__isn't supported here means just that, we can't help you if you broke your system by installing webmin17:35
dorkwhich is in the topic of every channel on this network17:36
dork i hear what you're saying though17:36
qman__we also can't help you if something else broke, but you have webmin installed17:37
dorkit basically means 'we choose to not help you and then ridicule you when that time occurs'17:37
qman__no, it means we do not help you because webmin breaks things17:37
dorkwhich can be said about anything17:38
dorkit's selective prejudice17:38
qman__no, it isn't17:38
dorkit is17:38
dorki don't mean to be inconvenient for you but that's pretty much what it is17:38
qman__there's a reason webmin is singled out17:38
dorkif you don't want to help someone with webmin just shut up and don't say anything17:38
qman__it breaks things in weird ways that are difficult to troubleshoot17:38
dorkno i realize that17:38
dorkthe same way someone might single out dovecot because it doesn't like it's pop3s implementation17:39
dorkit's selective, it's freenode horse sht17:39
dorkthat's just how it s.17:39
dorkman  need t oclean this keyboard out17:39
qman__dovecot is supported here, it's actually the default17:40
dorkwitty rebuttal17:40
dorkwho are you to determne what is and isn't supported17:41
dorkis my point17:41
qman__I am not; the ubuntu devs are17:41
qman__packages in 'main' are supported officially17:41
dorknobody comes here or any other irc channel asking 'what are your thoughts on me using *'17:41
dorkyou should define that criteria then17:41
dorkinstead of dismissing people17:41
qman__packages in 'universe' are also generally supported here, but not officially17:41
qman__webmin is neither17:41
dorkthe best policy is to just stop running your mouth if you plan to not support something because you choose not to17:42
dorkinstead of this 'x is not supported'17:42
qman__sorry if it's not posted clearly enough, but that policy _is_ defined17:42
dorkqman__: people like you ruin irc17:42
qman__you're giving bad advice by telling people to use packages that are not supported, in the support channel17:43
dorki answered his question17:43
dorkwhich you did not17:43
dorkyou gave no advice.17:43
dorkyet i'm villafied?17:43
qman__no advice is better than bad advice17:43
qman__because when he comes back here after webmin breaks his system, we can't help17:43
dorkthat's fucking stupid.17:43
dorkhe was made well aware of the negativity behind webmin17:44
dorknot sure if you just missed that part17:44
dorkor overlooked it17:44
qman__it's not about negativity, it's simple fact, webmin is not supported here, we don't help people with webmin here17:44
dorkyou don't support webmin17:45
qman__if he needs help with webmin, he needs to seek a webmin support channel17:45
oCeandork: control your language here, please17:45
dorkhe didn't ask for help regarding webmin on ubuntu17:45
dorkhe asked for input on webmin itself17:45
qman__that is exactly what he asked for17:45
dorkoCean: will do.17:45
dorkqman__: so you'd rather tell someone that webmin isn't supported versus webmin is a horrible idea?17:46
qman__I said both, and usually do17:46
dorkwah wah.17:46
qman__if they stick around, I also usually advise on what they should do, but he was dead set on webmin17:46
qman__so I told him to seek a webmin channel17:46
swharperhm - trying to connect to a media share ive setup on server.  mac is giving me the following error:  The operation can’t be completed because the original item for “media” can’t be found.19:03
swharperit sees the machine and the share19:03
wolflkoderhabe ein Problem bei der installation vom mt-daapd19:11
cloakableswharper: what server software?19:21
swharperit is most likely a basic network issue19:22
swharperi am able to connect to my mac from the server via afp but not vice verca19:22
swharperid like to set up a samba share that is accessible to the rest of my network19:22
cloakable-are you using Samba or netatalk?-19:23
cloakableAnd if you're using a modern version of Mac OS, you can just use Samba.19:24
NelisWhen trying to boot from raid1 my system drops to initramfs saying it can't find the boot device, which makes sense since the /dev/disk/by-uuid path does not exist and no partitions are available in /dev. Any ideas on how I can solve this?19:24
swharperwell i installed ubuntu desktop - when i go to "sharing options" and check that box, I assume that is samba?19:24
swharperyeah i am...19:25
swharperit is odd because it isnt recognizing the root or admin username/password combos19:25
swharperand guest access throws up an error19:25
cloakableDoes the user 'nobody' have read access to the shared directory?19:26
cloakableAnd you can't connect to Samba as Root for security reasons iirc.19:26
swharperah i see19:27
swharperwell as my user account, the same applies19:27
swharperwhen i check the media properties, it shows my user account as the owner, and i have folder access set to "create and delete files" but it won't let me change the file access19:27
swharperwell i guess thats only for files19:28
swharpernot folders19:28
swharpergroup is my user name19:28
swharpercould be the issue there19:28
cloakableYeah. All that means is samba will let the guest account change stuff. Doesn't mean the underlying unix permissions will allow that.19:29
swharperwhat should the group be then?19:29
swharpernobody isnt an option in the dropdown19:29
swharperi should probably just go back to the cli19:30
cloakableCheck the permissions on the folder. Is it something like rwxrwx---, or rwx------?19:30
cloakableswharper: The guest account on samba, by default, is the 'nobody' unix user.19:30
swharperpermission is drwxrwxrwx19:31
cloakableUnderlying permissions are good then.19:32
cloakableAnd you have allowed the guest account access?19:32
swharperid prefer to not have guest allowed19:32
swharperbut my user isnt being granted access either19:32
swharperso i tried guest19:32
swharperim about 80% sure this is related to group permissions19:33
swharpersince my user isnt being granted access19:34
swharperand im the creator19:34
cloakableYou can't get more permissive than rwxrwxrwx19:34
swharperright…ok so how does it work from the client side?  the server doesnt show up at all when i browse the network19:35
swharperfrom the client19:35
swharperon the other hand, the server sees afp shares i have set up19:36
cloakableThat -sounds- like a samba problem, honestly.19:36
cloakableIs samba running?19:37
cloakableCan you browse to smb:// on the desktop?19:37
swharperchrist i hope its not that basic…checking19:38
swharperi had samba install when i installed the server19:42
swharperyes i can19:45
swharpershows the media share19:45
swharpernow when i try to open the media share the same issue arises19:45
swharpermy username/password combo doesnt work19:45
swharperthis is locally19:45
NelisWhen trying to boot from raid1 my system drops to initramfs saying it can't find the boot device, which makes sense since the /dev/disk/by-uuid path does not exist and no partitions are available in /dev. Any ideas on how I can solve this?19:59
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
stiv2kfor some reason i cannot write to all of my samba shares other than the homes share20:47
stiv2kall my shares have guest ok = yes and20:48
patdk-lapguest ok = yes != writable20:48
patdk-lapyou have to make sure the linux guest user that guest gets mapped to, has write permissions20:48
stiv2kwritbale = yes20:48
patdk-lapand that in samba, the guest user also has write permission20:49
stiv2kthat sounds unnecessarily complex20:49
stiv2kok let me see the guest user info20:49
stiv2khm my config file must not have all the params in it20:51
stiv2kpatdk-lap: do you know what parts of smb.conf are for the guest user20:51
qman__guest write is usually a really bad idea so it's difficult to enable20:53
qman__do you actually want guest write, or do you just want users to be able to write?20:56
RoyKstiv2k: it's NOT unnecessary complex, it's how unix is built. If you want to break security etc, just chmod 777 /whatever/dir/is/shared/with/samba20:59
* guntbert whistles a warning tune21:00
stiv2kRoyK: qman__: well, samba is not accessible outside my LAN, so how is it so dangerous?21:13
qman__it's dangerous because of anyone or anything that can get inside your LAN21:14
stiv2khmm ok21:14
qman__common vectors include wireless access points, or especially if it's a laptop21:14
stiv2kso ill just stick with guest read and user write21:15
stiv2kbut i think i am actually already logged in21:15
stiv2ksince i see my home directory share21:15
qman__less common but equally possible are viruses and similar attacks21:15
stiv2ki still cannot write to other shares21:15
swharperwhat is the advantage of configuring ldap with samba as opposed to simply setting up users/permissions within samba?21:15
qman__in order to write to the other shares, your user needs to have local write access to the shared folder locations21:15
qman__you can fix that by changing the permissions or owner/group-owner of the directory21:16
stiv2kokay let me check that21:16
stiv2kone sec21:16
stiv2kyeah that must be it21:16
stiv2kthe shares are owned by debian-transmission:debian-transmission21:16
qman__in this particular case, I suggest one of two solutions21:17
stiv2kgroup which i am not a part of21:17
qman__either change the group-owner of all the files to your user's group, or add your user to the debian-transmission group21:17
qman__the latter is preferable for usability since new files are probably going to be created with those permissions21:17
stiv2kthanks for the tip :)21:18
qman__you may have to log out/log back in for the change to take effect21:18
qman__in the case of samba, that'd mean disconnecting from the server and reconnecting with it asking for login21:18
stiv2kqman__: in this case do you think a file permission of 660 is safe21:20
qman__swharper, the advantages of ldap include one set of users/passwords, eliminating smbpasswd, and being able to use the same users and passwords across the network on multiple servers and clients, single-sign-on21:20
stiv2kand directory permission of 77021:20
qman__to be reasonably secure, you just want to make sure guests can't write, and can't get to private data21:21
qman__and that system accounts like debian-transmission can't log in over the network21:21
qman__which they can't by default21:21
stiv2khere is how i set up the shares http://fpaste.org/mVRo/21:22
qman__looks good, one trick you may want to use is the 'force group' option21:22
qman__if you have more than one user using files, that causes new files to be created with a specific group owner, so other users can then read and possibly write to files and folders created that way21:23
stiv2kwhere can i read more about this21:24
qman__IIRC the samba manual explains it pretty well21:24
stiv2ki wonder if i need to end my screen session to make the group add to take effect21:24
stiv2kok that worked, now to log out from the windows session21:29
stiv2kqman__: either i cant terminate the windows connection or... i still cant write21:39
qman__stiv2k, have you restarted samba?21:40
stiv2ki guess thats a good way to do it21:42
stiv2kqman__: it works :)21:50
stiv2kthank you21:50
srk9Why doesn't ubuntu-10.04.3-server-i386.manifest exist?21:51
stiv2kqman__: i noticed a share called 'homes' showed up22:03
stiv2kcan i make this not show up, as there is already a share with my user name that is my home directory22:04
qman__probably a mistake in your configuration file, it doesn't normally show22:04
qman__if you pastebin the whole thing I can probably find it22:05
stiv2kit just appeared i think22:17
stiv2kis it the browseable = yes of the home directories share?22:20
NelisI can't seem to boot from my software raid1 array unless it's degraded. When being dropped to initramfs blkid only lists sda:"promise_fasttrack_raid_member" and /dev/disk/by-uuid/ does not exist. Any ideas on how to solve this?23:02
chronoshow I can set my ubuntu server to use a wireless connection?23:47

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