
bkerensaHello All02:29
bkerensaSo I noticed Ubuntu California has some sort of Origami CD cover thing? Can Ubuntu Oregon gank that and any explaination on how to fold it?02:30
jtatumbkerensa: feel free to fork the cd cover :) it's in a bzr repo if you haven't found it already. as for folding, i'm not especially good at it but if you fold along the lines, you'll eventually see that one of the ways you can tuck things in makes it kind of stay closed.14:02
nhainesbkerensa: There's folding instructions on this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/CDSleeves as well as a link to PDF/SVG diagrams of folding instructions.  The sleeves are licensed WTFPL, so yes, you can take it and run with it.21:17
bkerensaahh cool :D21:19

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