[00:25] Hey, everyone. === LoyalWolf is now known as LoyalWolf-AFK [01:21] * LoyalWolf-AFK is away: sleeping, or out. [03:19] Hey, flocos! [03:19] Does anyone know if there's a way to restore the "old" alt-tab behavior in 11.10? I don't want alt-tab to cycle through apps on ALL workspaces... [03:31] bluebomber: Unity is not workspace aware at present. That was discussed at UDS, and there seemed to be agreement that it should be in Pangolin, but I don't think that was ever set a defenitive goal. [04:48] Wait, wait... wasn't it workspace aware in 11.04?! [04:48] I don't remember this alt-tab behavior then... [08:46] govatent! [12:30] * LoyalWolf-AFK is back (gone 11:08:29) === LoyalWolf-AFK is now known as LoyalWolf [20:17] Good afternoon, everyone! [20:17] Philosorapter asks: maxolase1squad and maxolasersquad_h.... same person? [21:45] Philosorapter: indeed