
rick_h_snap-l: you sucker :P00:05
snap-lWhy am I in trouble?01:00
snap-lI did nothing01:00
snap-lI said nothing01:00
snap-lI am innocent. :)01:01
rick_h_snap-l: hah, innocent, yea right!01:19
snap-lI did nothing02:37
snap-lwe were sitting at dinner, and I said I wanted to be productive this week that I have off02:37
snap-land I said I was going to do some technical reading02:38
rick_h_yea? that's it?02:38
snap-lshe asked if it would be helpful for me to work in the living room, with another screen02:38
rick_h_heh, congrats :P02:38
snap-land then the cat was out of the bag.02:38
snap-lI literally did _nothing_02:38
snap-lShe spilled everything, including her little "network". ;)02:39
rick_h_sure, we all believe that...well congrats on the new toy :)02:39
rick_h_her "network"? She had it online already :P02:39
snap-lUh huh02:39
rick_h_well, for the record, my asking about using one to read pdfs wasn't all a sham02:40
rick_h_my wife has asked about it :)02:40
snap-lguilty conscience much? :)02:40
snap-lI appreciate it, though02:41
rick_h_hey, I think I did my job well02:41
rick_h_and I didn't give it up02:41
rick_h_how could I know she was suck of a weak link?02:41
snap-lWe both have a hard time keeping gifts secret02:41
rick_h_heh, well enjoy. I look forward to seeing it at a CHC when I get back02:42
snap-lThanks. :)02:42
snap-lAll packed and ready?02:42
rick_h_pretty much, I know I'll have missed something, but oh well02:42
snap-lThat's why they make Wal*Mart.02:42
snap-lBut yeah, I can totally relate02:45
snap-lespecially if I'm not driving on my trip, I feel doubly paranoid that I'm leaving something behind.02:45
greg-gyo yo18:34
brouschi installed ubuntu 11.10 for my dad yesterday. i had to go with unity 2d since both gnome shell and unity were not happy with his video card19:14
_stink_is that an upgrade for your dad? or new ubuntu user?20:03
brouschhe was on ubuntu 8.0420:03
brouschfinally got rid of his modem20:41
snap-lbrousch: 56K modem, or DSL modem?20:46
jjessethat good?22:42
rick_h_ugh, howdy23:52
rick_h_ok, this place is freaking amazing, but no room service fml23:59

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