
rockmandash26 m lima02:16
paultag02:16 < rockmandash> 26 m lima17:47
paultagerm, lulwut?17:47
Unit193I think it's called A/S/L :P17:55
paultagit is :)18:10
paultagbut why ASL on irc, that's just silly18:11
Unit193I have no idea... But what do you expect from Lima? :D18:12
paultagoooh, burn18:13
paultagcanthus13: is about to get all up on your shit.18:13
paultagcanthus13: you're from lima, right?18:14
paultagwho the hell's from lima18:14
paultagoh jeebus18:14
Cheri703when folks give/ask a/s/l in u-women, fur starts flying...it's good times ;)18:14
* Unit193 joins18:14
paultagAhhh, right18:14
Cheri703"this is NOT a dating service!" etc etc18:14
paultagI wish there was an irc network that literally didn't give a shit :)18:15
paultagI need to get in on apathy-net18:15
Unit193Don't be too harsh, that's the only time a girl will ever get even close to talking to her18:15
canthus13ASL? Why sign language on RIC anyway?18:16
paultagI don't speak sign language, thanks :)18:17
* canthus13 always blows punch lines with a typo. :/18:17
Unit193Cheri: How is your Weds looking? :P18:17
canthus13Wow.. this is the most conversation in here in a week. :/18:17
Cheri703much better! I'm going to email the list for our 3 potential folks18:17
paultagcanthus13: :\18:17
Cheri703I just got up for the day >.>18:17
paultagcanthus13: I miss locohoho18:17
canthus13paultag: so do I.18:18
Unit193Act +118:18
paultagerm, butchered hio18:18
Cheri703locohoho? is that christmas loco? ;)18:18
Unit193Cheri703: I'll contact Eric if I remember :P18:18
Cheri703kk Unit193, thanks :)18:18

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