
=== Epinote is now known as Epitrope
bkerensaslangasek: I assume announcement will come monday?02:00
slangasekbkerensa: planning to have it sooner than that02:01
bkerensaslangasek: Cool which mailing lists will it hit? I will  blog about it once it goes up and also ping Jono to do the same... I talked to one person at Ubuntu WA who might drive down from Seattle for it if her schedule works02:03
bkerensaAWS is irritating me lately05:25
bkerensahey nathwill06:29
bkerensawanna do me a favor?06:29
nathwillhey bkerensa06:29
nathwillwhat's the favor?06:29
bkerensassh bkerensa@cloud.ubuntu-oregon.org06:29
bkerensaand tell me any output06:29
nathwillyou running non-std port?06:30
nathwilli'm timing out on port 2206:30
nathwillshowing ip dunno if that matters06:31
nathwillyou recently move it?06:31
=== bkerensa_ is now known as bkerensa
lubotu1The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:45
TRAVISgHey guys I am going to miss the meeting tonight.16:05
TRAVISgBut I will idle during it so I can read it would love it if anything come sup that I may be able to help with that you keep me in mind16:06
TRAVISgHave a great day guys16:06
TRAVISgoh I have a friend who does server admin and she is going to try the the usb I made of 11.10 on her home PC showed her my lap top and she was really interrested16:07
=== shirgall is now known as Guest28630
bkerensaGood Afternoon Nathwill :D22:46
nathwillafternoon bkerensa, how goes it22:46
bkerensanathwill: If you want a znc acct you can have one btw22:46
bkerensanathwill: Good... You see OMG! Ubuntu! today?22:46
nathwillha! awesome22:47
nathwilli saw that on your blog, didn't know it made omg22:47
bkerensaI think this is the third time in a few months they have plugged me22:47
bkerensanathwill: You coming to the meeting tonight?22:47
bkerensanathwill: Cool... It should be brief :) I don't expect a big turnout22:49
bkerensaoh look who shows up22:50
bkerensaCanonical and their wonky servers :P22:50
bkerensawhy we have two ubuntulog bots in here I have no idea :D22:50
bkerensaredundancy ;)22:50
tgm4883log all the things!23:06
bkerensatgm4883: Your plaintext has been recorded and pinged to Canonical Central :D23:08
bkerensaHi Odysimus23:08
bkerensaHi cweber10 ;)23:09

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