
holsteindavid__: what i said was, it depends on what you are doing00:00
holsteinlets say for example00:01
holsteinyou lay down guitar00:01
holsteinthen, you overdub vocal on it00:01
holsteinand you have 60ms latency00:01
holsteinaroudr *should* compensate when you are overdubbing and line everything up00:01
david__Got it.00:01
holsteinyou can and should test for that00:01
holstein*IF* you have a keyboard00:02
david__I do00:02
holsteinsome USB keyboard, or midi controller00:02
holsteinyou hit the key00:02
holstein60ms later the sound comes you00:02
holsteinthats not going to be acceptable00:02
holsteinbut, niether is 20ms00:02
holsteinif you have an internal sound card, you really cant expect much out of it00:02
david__Thank you holstein. I saved a copy of this chat so I can refer back to it.00:11
holsteindavid__: :)00:11
holsteinJACK is *not* trivial to get running00:12
david__I might check on abgogani's ppa in the future (maybe next weekend)00:12
holsteinbut, its quite versitile00:12
david__(and see what I can get out of the internal sound card)00:12
holsteinwell, its not so much what you get out of it, its what folks potentially put into the machine through them00:16
holsteinbut, if you are working with MIDI, you'll be ahead of the curve in that regard00:16
david__Any experience with recovering corrupted Ardour projects?00:18
david__(It's not going well)00:18
holsteindavid__: sure00:21
holsteinthe audio should just be there00:21
holsteinthe fles00:21
holsteinotherwise, ask around #ardour00:21
david__Okay I'm looking through the files (It looks hopeful)00:22
david__But I can't hear them in Audacious00:22
david__(The meter bars are jumping)00:23
holsteini have no idea how your sound is set up00:23
holsteintry a player you are familiar with00:23
holsteininstall audacity and import00:23
holsteinues VLC00:24
david__Sound was working with Rosegarden and MIDI keyboard00:24
holsteindavid__: cool00:24
holsteindont live in the past though00:24
holsteinyou'll need to actually troubleshoot whats going on there00:24
holsteinmy first suggestion is to try anther player00:24
david__I would need to install all the programs you mentioned00:24
holsteinsudo apt-get install vlc00:25
david__I installed VLC00:27
david__Same issue with sound00:27
david__(no sound)00:27
david__Thanks for your help, got to go eat.00:31
=== falktx__ is now known as falktx
david__Is there a troubleshooting guide to get audio playback on Ubuntu Studio?01:33
david__I'm not seeing anything on01:33
david__Ardour playback works, but not VLC or Audacious01:33
holsteindavid__: its complicated01:34
holsteintheres a general audio one, and that works01:34
holsteindavid__: could be that VLC/audacious are expecting JACK01:35
david__I've tried with and without JACK running01:36
holsteincould be that when you started ardour, JACK stared, and VLC/Audacious are expecting pulse01:36
holsteincould be that JACK is still running somewhere in the background01:36
david__I stopped and quit JACK but still the same01:37
david__(I used QJackCtrl01:37
holsteindavid__: it could still be running in the background01:40
holsteinyou can run top and look01:40
holsteinyou can restart to be sure01:40
holsteinyou can just try sudo killall jackd01:40
holsteindavid__: audacious has JACK output01:41
holsteinyou can check in it, and see01:41
holsteinyou should be able to tell it to use JACK while you have the file playing in ardour or whatever01:41
david__I just tried sudo killall jackd01:43
david__It said "jackd: no process found"01:43
holsteini think its called something else now01:44
holsteinyou can open a terminal and run top01:44
david__I've not used top before01:44
david__I don't really undersand it01:44
holsteinyou can always just restart to be cure01:45
holsteinthen, JACK is not running01:45
holsteinyou can start simple01:45
holsteinstart with audacity01:45
holsteinstart with VLC01:45
david__will do.01:45
david__I'll download and install audacity first01:45
holsteinsudo apt-get install audacity01:45
holsteinits in the repos01:45
holsteincheck out #opensourcemusicians too01:46
=== david is now known as Guest84829
david__holstein: After I restart it reloads all the programs I was using from before, so I'm not sure it is a good way of zapping JACK (If indeed it is still running)01:55
david__I presume Xfce did it.01:56
holsteinif you are using XFCE, and you choose to 'save session' at the end, thats what you get01:56
holsteinthe session saved and relaunched01:57
holsteinthat'll take some getting used to when i suggest restarting ;)01:57
holsteinread that link though, and just see if jack is running or not01:57
david__I actually had the "save session" unchecked the second time and but it still restarted everything, but no matter I am looking through the ps | less list02:01
david__It's a long list, but I don't see anything called JACK02:03
holsteini wouldnt expect to sort it out in one night02:05
holsteinJACK is *not* trivial02:05
holsteinalso, there might be codecs you need to play an mp3 for example02:06
david__Just WAV02:06
david__(plus I assume VLC can play anything on Linux like it can on Windows )02:07
holsteindavid__: did i say assume nothing?02:07
holsteinmaybe that was someone else...02:07
holsteinanwyays, whats the problem?02:07
holsteinyou cant get anything but ardour to play the .wavs from a broken session?02:07
holsteinhave you tried other audio?02:08
holsteinsomething in the browser?02:08
holsteinhttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/1172535/groove.ogg should play in the browser02:08
david__No luck with the browser (firefox 8)02:10
holsteindavid__: what works?02:10
holsteinand what doesnt?02:10
holsteinnow you have no audio at all?02:10
david__Ardour playback works02:10
holsteinthats JACK02:11
holsteinardour uses JACK02:11
holsteinso, JACK is running02:11
holsteinand pulse is suspended then02:11
david__MIDI keyboard through Rosegarden02:11
david__That was before I restarted02:11
holsteinso, *nothing* will play except in JACK right now02:11
holsteindavid__: ?02:11
holsteinwhat about now?02:11
holsteinright now02:11
holsteinthis minute02:11
david__Let me try ardour again02:12
david__(Is that what I should do?)02:12
holsteindavid__: sounds like a plan02:12
david__Ardour (without starting JACK first) does not playback02:15
david__But it does record02:15
david__Audacity same thing (records, but no playback)02:16
holsteini would go as far as suggesting to you to make a new user account, log in there, *dont* start JACK, and mess with the audio02:16
holsteinjust normal stuff02:16
holsteinplaying files02:16
holsteinmake sure the sound works at all02:16
david__I'll try, see you on the other side :)02:18
guest-UGFWFCholstein this is is david__ again02:24
guest-UGFWFCno luck with the new accound02:24
holsteinin what way?02:24
holsteinno sound?02:24
guest-UGFWFCno sound02:24
holsteinmaybe you have no sound02:24
holsteinmaybe you have something muted02:24
holsteinmaybe its something in alsamixer that JACK bypasses02:24
guest-UGFWFCThe system volume is max and the VLC volume is 100%02:26
guest-UGFWFCHow do I view the alsamixer?02:26
holsteinguest-UGFWFC: also, install pavucontrol02:26
holsteini find it helpful02:26
holsteinguest-UGFWFC: you can open a terminal, and run..02:26
holsteinsudo apt-get install pavucontrol02:27
guest-UGFWFCIt looks like I can't sudo from this user account02:29
holsteinguest-UGFWFC: control+alt+F7 will get you back where you are02:29
guest-UGFWFCAlsaMixer shows Master 100, Headphon 100, Speaker 7102:29
holsteinyou can do control+alt+F102:29
holsteinand you can sudo install, or sudo add yourself to the sudoers02:29
holsteinOR, you can just go back, since we kind of know what it is now02:30
holsteinguest-UGFWFC: dont trust any of those labels02:30
holsteini would go back to the other account02:30
holsteininstall pavucontrol02:30
holsteinand see if you can sort it out from there02:30
david__Is there an UbuntuStudio equivalent to: "Go to System > Preferences > Sound ("Multimedia Systems Selector" in earlier editions of Ubuntu)02:42
david__(I'm working through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems )02:43
david__@holstein: sorry I pressed Ctrl+Alt+F1 and wasn't able to get back to the desktop, so I had to switch the computer off and start over02:45
holsteindavid__: its the same02:57
holsteinits just not gnome2 anymore02:57
holsteindavid__: control+alt+F7 returns02:57
holsteinyou can sudo reboot from there if needed02:57
holsteintry install pavucontrol02:57
holsteinthat is similar to multimedia system selector02:58
david__I ran pavucontrol (turns out it was already installed)03:03
david__Everything is at 100%03:03
holsteindavid__: so, open a terminal03:04
holsteinrun this03:04
holsteinaplay -l03:04
holsteinwhen you see output about your card, then you know you *should* be getting sound03:05
holsteinif you dont, then, your card is not being recognized by alsa or something trickier03:05
holsteinif you see if listed there as a playback option, then you know its something fiddly like what i am talking about03:05
david__Yes it lists information03:05
holsteindavid__: you can also just install main normal ubuntu03:05
holsteinif that is what you are comfortable with03:06
holsteinubuntu = ubuntustudio = xubuntu etc...03:06
holsteinthere are just some pre-configured packages that you might be more used to in normal buntu03:06
david__I was using Ubuntu last week but I broke it (ardour stopped working on Ubuntu main)03:06
holsteindavid__: OK03:07
holsteinthat sounds related to me, no?03:07
holsteinmaybe your sound card is dying?03:07
david__gosh, I hope not03:07
david__Windows is fine03:07
holsteineither way, i personally would disable it in the bios and get something more appropriate03:07
holstein^^ thats like 20 bucks US03:08
holsteinless hassle03:08
holsteinbetter latency03:08
holsteincleaner signal03:08
holsteinthat all sound related to me.. maybe its something with the latest kernel and your hardware03:08
holsteindavid__: have you checked for, and applied all upgrades?03:08
david__Yes, I applied all updates03:09
holsteindavid__: im not kicking you out of here, but...03:09
david__does the "U-control" support MIDI?03:09
holsteinyou can also try #ubuntu, #ubuntu-beginners03:09
holsteinthis is really *not* ubuntustudio specific03:09
holsteinyou can cast a wider net in the #xubuntu pool03:09
holsteinor general buntu channels03:10
david__Except I'm using a fresh install of UbuntuStudio03:10
holsteinbut, if i want an audio rig, i *never* use the internal card03:10
holsteindavid__: yeay03:10
holsteinwith upgrades applied03:10
holsteinubuntustudio = ubuntu03:10
holsteinsame kernel03:10
holsteinsame alsa versions03:10
holsteinsame pulse03:10
holsteinif you applied an upgrade that broke soething ubuntu main ubuntu03:10
holsteinthat same thing will happen with ubuntustudio03:11
holsteinor ubuntu03:11
holsteinor xubuntu03:11
david__Sound worked on Ubuntu main just Ardour was broken03:12
david__(after a few days)03:12
holsteinyeah, and that makes no sense03:13
holsteinyou use JACK for a few days, and break it?03:13
holsteinwhat did you do?03:13
holsteinwhy did you leave it?03:13
holsteinwhatever is going on, you have some trouble shooting to do03:14
david__It stopped working during normal use (switching between Rosegarden and Ardour). After troubleshooting for a while I hoped a fresh install would help, but I ended up with different problems.03:18
holsteinits a drag03:18
holsteindavid__: i think you should get the LTS03:18
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dboltonholstein: I was able to get Ardour working on the regular Ubuntu (it was still installed on a separate partition)04:01
dboltonIt was some corrupt Ardour files causing a problem04:02

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