
lifelessjelmer: poolie: fwiw dealing with tarmac failures is ~ the same opaqueness as pqm, from my observations of nontrivial projects that have migrated :)00:19
pooliedon't know what you're smiling about00:21
lifelessor something00:23
thumperwhat does conflicting tags mean on 'bzr pull' ?01:17
spivthumper: both sides have a tag named 'FOO', but they disagree on which revid FOO refers to.01:18
thumperspiv: so how can I say 'pull and use their tags' ?01:18
jelmerthere is also bug 68179201:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 681792 in Bazaar "wishlist: bzr pull --overwrite-tags" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68179201:19
spiv(Or delete the offending tag(s) locally and pull again)01:19
thumperjelmer: thanks01:19
thumperjelmer: do you understand the package recipes? robert_ancell was asking me about them01:20
robert_ancellI'm trying again to get the logs of what goes wrong...01:20
robert_ancellsimple question: does http://paste.ubuntu.com/752089/ look correct and are the branches in the correct format?01:21
robert_ancellI tried to use lp:ubuntu/simple-scan as a packaging branch initially but I don't think it has the correct relationship to lp:simple-scan to work (it had merge conflicts)01:22
jelmerrobert_ancell: yes, though I don't think that version of bzr-builder can be entered on launchpad yet01:22
robert_ancelljelmer, yes, I subscribed to that bug01:22
jelmerrobert_ancell: the version looks a bit odd, though with {date} as the debian revision01:23
robert_ancellNow it is failing with 'dpkg-buildpackage: error: version number does not start with digit' because it pulls out the wrong version number (I was using simple-scan-VERSION tags but I'm now using just VERSION).  Any way to delete the old tags on the server?01:23
jelmerrobert_ancell: it's fine if the branches aren't related, so long as they don't have overlapping files01:23
jelmerrobert_ancell: bzr tag -d lp:simple-scan --delete TAGNAME01:24
robert_ancelljelmer, yes, been playing around with the version number, needs some work01:25
robert_ancelljelmer, I have to build with --allow-fallback-to-native - will that work on the server?01:27
jelmerrobert_ancell: yes, launchpad has --allow-fallback-to-native enabled by default01:27
jelmerrobert_ancell: alternatively, you could tag the upstream version with 'upstream-X.Y', and it would create an orig tarball for you01:28
jelmeror change the package to be native01:28
robert_ancelljelmer, any idea when 0.4 will work?  Or is there another method of getting the version number in 0.3 I can use?01:31
jelmerrobert_ancell: {debupstream-base} might do what you need to01:39
robert_ancelljelmer, the issue is that requires me to update debian/changelog right?01:40
jelmerrobert_ancell: yes, but only for upstream releases01:41
jelmerrobert_ancell: in bzr we e.g. use {debupstream-base}bzr{revno}~daily{revno:packaging} for most packages01:41
robert_ancellright.  For most of the packages I want to do I am upstream and I want to set it up and then forget about it01:42
jelmerrobert_ancell: that works for us too, because we end up updating the debian/changelog version when we do a release01:42
jelmerrobert_ancell: and then do a matching upload to debian/ubuntu01:44
robert_ancelljelmer, I know I'll forget to do it :)01:44
jelmerrobert_ancell: you're not uploading to ubuntu ? :-)01:44
jelmer(we use the same branch for ubuntu packaging as for the daily PPA)01:45
robert_ancelljelmer, no, these are daily builds to a PPA for upstream testers01:45
robert_ancellthe Ubuntu packaging has some patches, merges from Debian and may not be running the latest version01:46
jelmerrobert_ancell: in that case you'd probably indeed want to wait for the 0.4 support01:46
robert_ancelljelmer, thanks for the help02:03
poolieso apparently if you call accept from one thread and connect from another, python can sometimes deadlock in futex()04:54
lifelesson different sockets?05:00
poolieon the two sides of the same socketpair05:08
pooliesimulating a server in process05:08
poolieie this fixes it http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/2.5-client-reconnect-819604/revision/6209#bzrlib/tests/test_bundle.py05:09
pooliethe loop doesn't fix it, only changing to a nonblocking select05:10
lifelesspossibly accept isn't giving up the GIL ?05:10
poolieseems likely05:10
pooliei guess i should see if i can reproduce it and file a bug05:12
poolieit's kind of a stupid thing to do imo05:12
spivIt pretty clearly releases the GIL in 2.7.2: http://hg.python.org/cpython/file/8527427914a2/Modules/socketmodule.c#l165605:13
spivIn the past all our sockets+threads deadlocks have turned out to be bugs in our logic, not cpython05:15
pooliethat does seem likely05:15
pooliebut, strace shows one side in accept and one in futex05:15
spiv(Although arguably perhaps because the APIs offered aren't as convenient/safe as one might hope?)05:16
pooliethe futex not being released by getting eintr from accept05:16
pooliewhen i say it's stupid i mean i think running the server inprocess is a bit likely to fail05:16
spivWell, that shows that one side is in accept, and the other side is stuck in a lock — quite possibly a lock owned by pure Python code (e.g. a threading.Mutex in a Queue.Queue)05:17
pooliethat is possible05:17
spivIt would be extremely helpful if strace could magically distinguish between "Python VM internal lock" and "Lock exposed to Python application code"05:17
lifelesspytrace is pretty good at that05:18
lifeless(gdb + py* macros I mean)05:18
pooliei was excited for a second there05:18
pooliei'll try to hit it again and use gdb05:18
poolieit's inside lock_PyThread_acquire_lock05:38
poolieah inside threading.join?05:40
spivpoolie: doesn't sound like a vm bug :P05:40
poolieah :)05:41
poolieapparently closing a socket does not interrupt threads that are accepting on that socket05:41
poolieso that explains why alternating selecting and accepting avoids the problem05:42
spivThat sounds familiar.05:44
pooliespiv, so basically the patch is reasonable but the explanation is wrong07:01
vilahi all !07:31
pooliehi there vila07:31
vilapoolie: hmm, what patch and explanation are you talking about ?07:31
pooliei think i understand why that was hanging07:31
vilagreat ! I'm all ears :)07:32
poolieoops no mp07:33
vilaI can review that locally, nw07:33
poolieno apparently that's not everything07:34
vilapoolie: 'accept from one thread and connect from another' leading to hang rings a 'ipv6' bell07:38
vilawhere one side get an ipv4 socket but the other got an ipv6 one07:38
vilamay not apply but encountered several times07:38
pooliepretty sure that's not it here07:39
vilaalso, 'not being released by getting eintr from accept', *only* the main thread get interrupts07:39
vilapoolie: which test(s) is/are hanging ?07:44
poolietest_bundle test_smart_server_connection_reset07:45
poolieat least07:45
vilapoolie: will it help to focus on getting an external smart server running first and only then look at those failures ?07:46
pooliei think no, really07:47
pooliealthough i'm down on running the server in process, in this case the bug could have happened the same way externally07:47
* vila get a weird 'table turned' feeling07:47
vilagenuine surprise, no smiley there07:47
vilapoolie: I only get one failure with your branch and it looks genuine: bzrlib.tests.test_smart_request.TestSmartRequest.test_all_registered_requests_are_safety_qualified07:50
pooliewe seem to have a regression that selftest does not exit 1 on failure07:51
pooliethat might be a known bug07:51
poolievila, right that seems genuinely out of date with jelmer's changes07:53
poolievila, you ran everything and that was the only one?07:55
vilaha, spoke too soon, the second is hanging at 26507 in 4m50s, 1 failed (hanging test unknown though)07:56
pooliei wonder if we couldn't have a test fixture that sets an alarm07:56
pooliewhich one?07:57
vilaok, got it by lurking below /tmp: bzrlib.tests.test_bundle.TestReadMergeableFromUrl.test_smart_server_connection_reset07:58
pooliethat's the one i'm fixing08:08
pooliethat's the one i'm fixing08:13
poolievila, i'm adding a config option for a timeout08:16
vilafor the select ?08:18
pooliehow do i actually get a value from the command line?08:18
vilafor the test ?08:18
vilapoolie: from a config stack ? conf.get('mytimeout') but remember those are reset for tests, we may want something like -E (used for debug flags) but for test options08:20
pooliei think a regular option is ok as long as it's read early enough08:21
pooliepossibly we need a way inside tests to get the real config stack08:21
vilaif you get the option before the test is started, you're fine08:23
poolieyep, it's ok now08:23
pooliei wonder if there should be a timeout by default08:23
poolieperhapsonly from make check08:23
poolievila does babune run make check or just selftest directly?08:26
vilaselftest directly08:26
vilawhy does the test name mentions smart server when no smart server is involved there ? (Or do I misread the test?)08:27
vilaha, silly, bzr:08:27
pooliei wonder if there should be a timeout by default08:28
vilaa timeout for what ? All socket based requests from the clients ?08:28
pooliefor tests08:29
pooliewell https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/test-timeout/+merge/8355908:29
vilahmm, lp downtime08:33
wgrantNearly back.08:34
vilaerr, weird08:34
wgrantThere we are.08:34
vilathe importer said: down, down... back.. down, down... back08:36
wgrantvila: Ah, yeah.08:37
wgrantIt went down for 35 seconds, came back because it failed, then we retried.08:37
vilaooh, thanks08:37
wgrantBut it was down for the second time when you mentioned it here.08:38
vilayeah, I lag :)08:38
vilabut the importer did cope well, not fallout failures08:39
vilapoolie: reviewed, BB:tweak08:50
pooliegot to go08:52
poolieback later maybe08:52
mgzmorning all09:06
vilamgz: _o/09:13
* jelmer waves09:34
mgzhey jelmer09:37
m1scwhat's the right way to delete a branch?09:56
mgzm1sc: delete the directory. there's also `bzr rmbranch`09:59
m1scmgz: ok. it's a shared repo - the data is garbage collected automatically?10:01
mgznope, but it's generally insignificant. if not... I don't think we have a better way than making a new shared repo, mirroring all the branches you care about, then replacing the old repo.10:02
m1scmgz: bzr rmbranch <mybranch> gives me "Not a branch.." oO special syntax required?10:03
mgzwhen `bzr info` on the same path tells you it's a branch?10:04
* mgz just deletes the directories, with shared repos there's not much that can go wrong there.10:04
m1scmgz: nope, it doesn't. must be my fault, works for other branches.. thank you.10:05
=== zyga is now known as zyga-brb
jelmerhmm, it seems that the hpss-call-count test for 'bzr verify-signatures' is spuriously failing11:07
mgzas in, some runs gives a different value and some runs doesn't?11:08
mgzrather than just the value being wrong, which wouldn't need much comment :)11:08
vilajelmer: yup, was about to mention it, could it be that some variations happens because readv groups differently depending on the compression results ?11:08
vilajelmer: in other words: if both 22 and 21 can occur, you may just relax the assertion there to accept both11:09
jelmervila: yeah, indeed11:11
vilaindeed as in related to readv grouping ?11:11
jelmeryes, and also indeed: we should just be accepting both11:13
vilahehe, double indeed then ;)11:13
=== zyga-brb is now known as zyga
vilajelmer: yup, spurious, I got 2 failures out of 3 runs locally11:19
jelmervil: https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr/verify-signatures-spurious-hpss-call-counts/+merge/8358311:20
spivjelmer: yes, that sort of thing is another reason to remove VFS calls: to make the call counts more deterministic :)11:20
denihello everyone11:21
deniam i mistaken (doing something very wrong) or does bzr ignore *.o files by default?11:21
jelmerhi deni11:22
deniand is there a way to disable that behavior?11:22
jelmerdeni: it does, see ~/.bazaar/ignore11:22
jelmerspiv: :)11:22
denijelmer: oh ok, tnx...didn't realize it11:25
mgzdeni: versioning build artefacts is a very bad idea, what's the reason behind wanting to commit a .o file?11:27
vilajelmer: approved11:28
jelmervila: thanks!11:29
jelmervila: are you going to post a followup branch to 2.5-client-reconnect-819604 ?11:35
* jelmer bumps his branch back to needs-review11:36
viladunno :-/ I see your vote *after* posting my 2 comments and refreshing the page11:36
jelmervila: I posted that vote before you commented11:37
vilayup, I realizeD that11:37
jelmervila: so, with your comments in mind, I think it would be nice to improve the branch11:37
vilaok, I'll submit one then11:38
denimgz: i know i know....it's a whole tree of bad ideas that lead to this. :D anyway, deployment reasons11:48
vilajelmer: your branch still fails test_smart_request.TestSmartRequest.test_all_registered_requests_are_safety_qualified11:50
vilajelmer: with AssertionError: These requests were not categorized as safe/unsafe to retry: ['Repository.get_stream_1.19', 'Repository.insert_stream_1.19']11:50
vilajelmer: which is weird as there were more of them earlier this morning (but I haven't precisely tracked which version I used vs what you fixed since then)11:51
jelmervila: r6124 ?11:52
jelmervila: err, r6214 ?11:52
vilabut the last one is mine11:52
jelmertest_smart_request.TestSmartRequest.test_all_registered_requests_are_safety_qualified passes here11:52
jelmerand get_stream_1.19/insert_stream_1.19 do indeed have a categorizatin11:53
vilaurgh, it just passed 8-/11:53
vilatrying again, that was woth --parallel=fork11:54
vila(the failure was for a full run with --parallel that is)11:55
vilajelmer: hmm, I've pushed my fix on lp:~vila/bzr/819604-fix-test-bundle11:56
vilait may be easier for all involved if you just merge it into your proposal rather than me using yours as a pre-requisite11:57
vilasafety_qualified failed again11:57
vilaisolation ?11:58
vilalazy loading ?11:58
knielsenI want the result of `bzr branch -rA t t_A; bzr branch -rB t t_B; cd t_A; bzr missing --include-merges ../t_B`. A is a parent of B. Can I do it without needing to create the two branches t_A and t_B?12:00
knielsen`bzr log -n0 -rA..B` does not work when A is not the primary (main-line) parent of B12:00
knielsen`bzr missing` has --my-revision and --revision arguments, but again it seems not to work for non-mainline parents (the docs seem unhelpful for this)12:00
vilaknielsen: doesn't 'bzr log -n0 -rA..B --exclude-common-ancestry' work ?12:03
jelmervila: with the same requests?12:03
vilajelmer: yes12:03
* knielsen checking12:03
jelmervila: pulled into lp:~bzr/bzr/2.5-client-reconnect-81960412:08
knielsenvila: no, it doesn't work. `bzr log -n0 -rA..B` is missing a changeset that `bzr missing` shows (and --exclude-common-ancestry does not help with this)12:08
* vila curses complicated log implementation12:16
vilaknielsen: you know branch accepts a --no-tree parameter ? Branches are way cheaper to create this way if you have a big working tree12:16
knielsenthe obvious answer would be `bzr missing --include-merges --my-revision=A --revision=B .`, but I could not get this to work, in fact I could not get --my-revision to do anything for some reason...12:17
knielsenvila: yes, probably will need to go with explicit branches and --no-tree12:17
knielsenshould be ok, though I need to do this for a couple of 1000 revisions12:18
vilaif '--revision A --revision B' is accepted, it should translate to '-rA..B' or nothing is really wrong12:18
fullermdknielsen: Don't overlook that you don't need to keep creating new branches for all those thousand.  You can just create A and B branches once, and use 'pull' in 'em to reset their revs for each run.12:24
knielsenfullermd: right, interesting idea, might help12:24
fullermd(and with them in a shared repo with your source branch, all those resets will be cheap, since no data needs to be transferred)12:25
vilaknielsen: 1.000 revisions... I can't imagine what you're trying to achieve...12:25
knielsenhehe. I'm trying to get an overview of a very complicated merge. I have a list of commits that were merged and pushed into a tree in sequence, and I want to for each one know how many revisions were merged in that push12:27
knielsenand I just wanted to try understand how `bzr log` worked with non-mainline revision ranges. But `bzr branch --no-tree` branches several trees per second, so I think that will be plenty sufficient for my needs12:28
knielsentnx for the help12:28
vilaknielsen: did you give 'bzr qlog' a shot ? It's pretty good at showing which revisions were merged into each mainline revision12:28
* knielsen will try qlog also ...12:28
vilaIt may be slow to start (for big & complex histories), but you'll start it only once12:29
knielsenvila: the main thing is that the mainline revisions do not correspond to the pushes into the tree, as there has been no discipline about in which order to merge before pushing12:29
vilaYou can also give several branches and it gives a pretty good view of what has been merged12:30
vilaknielsen: argh, yeah, makes it hard to understand what is shared :-/12:30
knielsenso I re-constructed a list of the commits that existed in the main tree during time. Many of these commits are not mainline revision, and many main-line revisions are not on the list12:30
vilaknielsen: append_revisions_only is your friend to converge to such a workflow12:31
knielsenvila: yep :)12:31
jelmervila: do you have any plugins loaded when running the testsuite?12:55
vilajelmer: I ran with BZR_PLUGIN_PATH=-site12:56
jelmervila: found it - we override verbs in the testsuite, but don't cope with info=12:56
vilajelmer: where ?12:58
jelmervila: override_verb() and disable_verb()12:59
vilaha, right, bad cleanup, I see13:00
jelmervila: can you try again with my last commit to ~bzr/bzr/2.5-client-reconnect-819604 ?13:00
vilarevno 621713:02
vilajelmer: right fix, confirming isolation issue, note that the proper (and usual way) to do that is to overiddeAttr(request.request_handler) and populate it with a copy (out of scope for your branch)13:11
vilajelmer: run succeeded, the fix is good13:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
vilaI got one spurious failure though:13:12
vilawith a slightly different error for the client: ConnectionReset: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.13:12
vilaso reconnecting doesn't help there (despite the hopes)13:12
jelmeryeah, me too13:12
vilajelmer: reliably ?13:16
jelmervila: no, it seems to be spurious13:19
vilaright, would have been too nice13:19
mgzugh, the reconnection branch changes the way our current random failures fail?13:39
* fullermd . o O ( If they're really random, you can't tell :p )13:40
mgzthey have a limit axis of randomness fullermd :)13:40
mgzthey either pass, or fail in a specific way.13:40
mgzthey don't turn into elephants.13:40
fullermdWell, that sucks.  No wonder nobody runs the test suite.13:41
fullermdWithout a good payoff like that, it's so not worth it.13:41
jelmermgz: ugh indeed13:49
* jelmer thinks the value of elephants is widely overestimated13:50
fullermdHow else could we get revision info into pachyderm files?13:51
jelmerfullermd: zlib?14:12
=== treaves_ is now known as treaves
mgzjelmer: are you nearly done passing all your hpss branches? :)15:48
* mgz doesn't want to merge trunk for news till he's sure of getting a free slot15:51
jelmermgz: it's all in the queue now16:00
jelmermgz, vila: so, I wonder what we should do about the ~bzr/bzr/2.5-client-reconnect-819604 branch17:22
jelmeris the remaining spurious failure worse than what we have at the moment?17:22
vilathe only way to know is to land it17:23
vilawhy should it be worse ?17:23
jelmervila: for me, it *seems* to occur more often than the ones currently present, which I can't reproduce at all17:24
jelmerof course that's all totally unscientific, and I don't think we should hold that against it17:24
jelmervila: but yeah, perhaps we should JFDI and rather than let it sit there for a couple more weeks17:25
vilaas an experiment I'm running for i in {1..10000} ; do echo $i ; ./bzr selftest -s bzrlib.tests.per_interrepository.test_fetch.TestInterRepository.test_fetch_parent_inventories_at_stacking_boundary_smart_old -v InterDifferingSerializer  -Ethreads ; done for bzr.dev revno 631117:26
vilaI had 58 failures for 1837 runs so far17:26
jelmervila: ah, interesting17:26
vilamore failures when babune run jobs17:27
vilabut at least it means there is a way to reproduce, slow, painful but reproducing nevertheless ;)17:27
* jelmer does another merge of lp:bzr17:29
jelmervila, mgz: can either of you have another look at it again too?17:31
jelmervila: "merg hokk", is that Swedish for merge hook ? :P17:32
vilasry was afk (cooking), oook ? In the COVER or in the code ?17:37
fullermdWell, we wouldn't want to interrupt your cokking...17:38
jelmervila: in the cover, so not really something that requires fixing17:38
vilaarf, in the cover letter ;) Right, tyop, I thought hhtp was too last century ;)17:38
jelmerfullermd: vila is the Swedish chef?17:38
fullermdDunno.  Do you actually cook Swedes?  I thought they were better just smoked...17:42
vilatagliatelles a la carbonara, more likely to be Italian17:43
jelmervila: nice work on the po merge hook! submitted a review17:52
jelmerI wish writing these was easier..18:02
* jelmer calls it a day18:03
croephaim making some build scripts, and I was wondering if there was a way to get a revison number for just a file or a directory and the files under it? or maybe just a way to tell if thoese files have changed since a specified revision?18:27
lamalexhey bzr, im trying to do bzr lp-propose-merge but it seems to be coughing since im using pipes and colo20:04
lamalexbzr: ERROR: file:///home/alex/Code/unity/.bzr/branches/rip-out-ap/trunk/ is not registered on Launchpad20:04
lamalexany ideas?20:04
lamalexdo i just need to push my first pipe (which is just a clone of trunk) to lp?20:04
Noldorinhi poolie, jelmer21:10
Noldorinhas Markdown support landed on LP yet?21:10
jelmerhi lamalex21:21
jelmerhi Noldorin21:21
jelmerNoldorin: this isn't really the right channel for that question21:21
lamalexhola jelmer21:22
jelmernoldorin: the lp folks are working on markdown support?21:22
Noldorinjelmer, true, but it's not that inappropiate either ;-)21:24
Noldorinjelmer, they are indeed. poolie for one21:24
Noldorinjelmer, how are you coming along on bzr-git anyway? i'm looking forward to the repo fix i want as a christmas present :-)21:25
jelmerNoldorin: sorry, lots of other more important stuff to fix first..21:25
Noldorin:( :-(21:26
Noldorinjelmer, what's so much more important, i want to know?21:26
Noldorinthis seems like a MAJOR bug...it prevents the most basic functionality of bzr git on some repositories21:26
Noldorinand not even very special repositories21:26
Noldorinfor me, this would be #1 priority... i struggle to think of a more important one21:26
Noldorinsorry, i just find it hard to believe :-S21:27
jelmerNoldorin: push support in bzr-git is still experimental, the focus is on importing from git into bzr at the moment21:27
Noldorinjelmer, oh is that right?21:27
jelmerNoldorin: in addition, you're hitting a particular corner case21:27
Noldorinjelmer, sorry didn't know21:27
Noldorinjelmer, i'd dispute calling it a "corner case" (seems fairly simple), but i can accept that git -> bzr importing is more important :-)21:28
jelmerNoldorin: I use dpush on a regular basis and I've never hit that particular issue.21:36
Noldorinjelmer, oh well. maybe i'm jsut strange ;P21:36
jelmerNoldorin: I'm not trying to say the bug doesn't matter, but there's more things that deserve attention. This is just one.21:36
Noldorinjelmer, no no, i concede that. now that you've stated that git to bzr importing is your main goal21:40
Noldorinjelmer, i'm going to hope, but not expect, for new year :-P21:40
fullermdNoldorin: There's a good chance there'll be one in a month or so  ;p21:49
Noldorinfullermd, oh yes? that's good to know :-P21:51
Noldorinfullermd, you work on bzr-git too huh?21:54
fullermdNever touched it.21:54
Noldorinhow do you knwo good chance ina month or so then? :-P21:55
fullermd15:40 <Noldorin> i'm going to hope [...] for new year21:56
fullermd'cuz I can read a calendar   ;p21:56
Noldorinfullermd, yeah but that's making the bold assumption that my hope is a liklihood :-P21:56
fullermdWell, unless the world ends, it's going to be hard to NOT wind up with a new year in about 5 weeks.21:57
fullermd(I don't rule that out, to be sure.  I just hope there's enough warning to make popcorn.)21:58
Noldorinfullermd, oh dear. you were making a cheesy joke by taking my sentence out of context. i just saw :-P22:00
Noldorinfullermd, makes sense now at least.22:00
fullermdIt does?  That should worry you...22:00
Noldorinbut not too much22:03
pooliehi all22:15
Noldorinhi poolie22:17
pooliejelmer, the reconnect thing still has some  logical conflicts with your new hpss verbs22:32
pooliei'll try to fix them up and send it22:32
jelmer'evening poolie, GRiD22:43
jelmerpoolie: the ~bzr -owned version? That merges lp:bzr fine here22:43
lifelessjelmer: logical, not textural22:46
jelmerlifeless: oh, right.. logical and logical conflicts...22:47
pooliespecifically some tests fail because your new verbs do not specify whether they can be safely retried22:49
poolieanyhow i will finish it today22:49
jelmerpoolie: are you sure you have the last revision? vila and I had it pass the full testsuite today, including the HPSS stuff22:50
pooliejelmer, no i probably don't22:51
pooliei was just talking about my last result yesterday22:51
poolieif you guys fixed that, do land it22:51
poolieor perhaps you already did22:51
jelmerah, cool22:51
jelmerpoolie: actually, vila had some follow-up to your blocking-accept fixes, and I did some conflict resolution22:52
jelmerpoolie: it should be ready to land, but if you'd like to have another look at the recent changes, that'd be great22:52
poolieok i will22:53

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