
mgariepygood morning everyone13:13
HyperbyteGood morning mgariepy!13:49
stgrabergood morning15:29
highvoltagegood morning16:52
stgraberhighvoltage: do you think you can get the kubuntu folks to have their plan ready for TB approval in two weeks?21:23
stgraberhighvoltage: I'd really have preferred already knowing our LTS status for alpha-1, we can live with alpha-2 but after that it's starting to be a bit late ... for them too21:23
highvoltagestgraber: I've been poking them, and I can do some more of that :)21:24
highvoltageindeed, which is why I mentioned having a date for this, otherwise we just end up waiting for Kubuntu and it places us at some risk21:24
highvoltagebut I'll urge Darkwing to apply by then21:25
highvoltagedarkwing has been poked on #kubuntu-devel, if I don't get a response from him by tomorrow morning I'll send him an email as well21:27
stgraberhighvoltage: good, if they don't have a plan by next week, I can start nagging them with my TB hat on :)21:29

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