
genoobieI am trying to map a network drive and I am kind of stuck00:27
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Folkloretrying to get lubuntu installed in vbox03:56
Folkloreso far no dice03:56
holsteinFolklore: would you like to talk about it?04:01
Folklorefirst time I tried it had some kinda error, forced me to reboot04:01
Folklorenext time I have the cd(is iso on my computer) checked04:02
Folklorenow it seems to be installing04:02
holsteinyeah, i have had plenty of those 'some kind' of errors04:03
holsteinvbox *will* do it though... not sure what you are experiencing04:03
Folkloreyeah i'm just trying to intsall a linux that has a GUI and gcc04:10
Folkloreubuntu too slow,and unity was annoying04:10
Folkloresomeone recommend lubuntu04:11
holsteinlubuntu is ubuntu with LXDE04:18
holsteinif you have that ubuntu install with unity still around, you just install LXDE, or lubuntu-desktop04:18
Folklorenah deleted it and dang04:19
Folklorethought was more light weight than that04:19
holsteinthan what?04:21
holsteinthe other ubuntu?04:21
holsteinit is04:21
Folklorein the install I see this channel being advertised right now! yay!04:21
Folkloreholstein yeah04:21
holsteinlubuntu is very light04:21
holsteinbut its using the same repos04:21
Folklorehave you tested in vbox?04:21
holsteinFolklore: sure04:21
holsteinand on metal04:22
Folkloreyou manage to get the shared folder workin?04:22
Folkloreneed a way to get my source onto it04:22
Folklorehad trouble getting vbox to do that with other ubuntu install04:22
Folkloreinstalled its guest tools04:22
Folkloreetc... idk04:22
holsteinor dropbox04:22
Folkloreahh good idea04:23
holsteinor a USB stick passed through04:23
FolkloreI do have that installed in my host os04:23
holsteinor ssh04:23
holsteinftp... whatever04:23
Folkloreyou're clever thanks04:23
Folkloreusb install froze my host os too,idk haven't had very good luck with vbox thus far04:23
Folklorebut vmware expires in a few weeks04:24
holsteinUSB install?04:24
Folkloreyeah in vbox04:24
holsteini have only used the downloaded iso04:24
holsteina virtual CD image04:24
Folkloreno I mean't to share files04:24
Folklorefrom host to guest04:24
holsteinFolklore: you need to add that functionality to vbox04:25
holsteinUSB support04:25
Folkloremy lbuntu being installed from an iso no my host harddrive04:25
Folkloreyeah that froze my computer idk why04:25
holsteinnot sure whats up with your host04:26
holsteini have ubuntu hosts04:26
Folkloremy host is xp sp304:26
holsteinyeah, who knows04:27
holsteinis that still supported?04:27
Folklorei'd imagine so04:27
holsteinheres a good troubleshooting tip... assuming nothing04:27
Folklorei'll try it again later04:27
holsteinXP is 10 years old04:27
holsteini dont know if its still supported04:28
Folklorevbox download has xp listed04:28
Folkloreand yes xp is still Microsoft supported04:28
* holstein shrugs04:28
Folkloreand xp rocks :D04:28
holsteini liked XP04:29
holsteini couldnt imagine using it now04:29
Folklorewhy's that04:29
holsteinits just a bit dated for my needs/wants04:29
Folkloresp3 came out in 200804:29
Folkloreneither computer hardware or software has really changed that much in 3 years lol04:30
JadedJacobthe smart status on my drive says "Disk has a few bad sectors" How can I scan for bad sectors in ubuntu?04:30
Folkloremy computers old anyway, 6-9 years at least04:30
holsteinJadedJacob: you can check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SystemAdministration/Fsck04:31
holsteinyou can use a live CD... you dont want to do that while its mounted04:31
holsteini like http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/ .. but any live diagnostic CD'll do the trick :)04:32
holsteinFolklore: ubuntu 11.10 is quite different than ubuntu 10.0404:32
Folklorehow so? cause of unity?04:32
holsteini find the linux distros are able to move a litte faster04:32
Folklorejust got lubuntu installed yay!04:33
holsteinwhich can be good or bad04:33
JadedJacobREALLOCATED SECTORS COUNT,normalized:97, worst: 97, threshold 36, value 136 sectors04:34
holsteinJadedJacob: yeah... just back up your data, and cross your fingers04:35
holsteinthats not as scary as ive seen04:35
Folklorelubuntu startup is pretty04:36
holsteinyeah, its quite elegant for how light it is04:37
JadedJacoboh yeah, there's no way i'd put anything valuable on this machine04:37
JadedJacobso is it saying i have 136 bad sectors?04:37
holsteinJadedJacob: relocated04:38
holsteinand thats fine... there should be room for some bad ones04:38
JadedJacobok I've just done a fresh install of lubuntu04:38
holsteinmabye not 136, not sure04:38
holsteindepends on the drive04:38
JadedJacobi'm a bit confused, does lubuntu detect bad sectors on the "/" partition during install?04:40
holsteinJadedJacob: i think thats baked into the drive ?04:41
holsteinnot sure...04:41
Folklorecan't get vbox04:47
Folkloreguest addtions to install it popped up a cd rom in lubuntu and has files04:47
Folkloretried right clicking and clicked execute in terminal04:47
Folklorenot doin anything04:47
Folklorenevermind got it04:50
Folklorehad to just execute not execute in terminal04:51
Joe___Ethernet adapter installed and finding live network.  Sea monkey not able to find / connect to web pages.04:52
Joe___Using wireless with wep.04:53
FolkloreLet me just say04:58
Folklorelubuntu is absolutely a piece of art04:58
Folkloreit's not destroying my harddrive and cpu like ubuntu did04:58
Joe___Finding that04:59
Folklorethis things barely using anything and runs fast, i'm very happy04:59
Folklorethank you all who've made it what it is04:59
Folkloreany know what chrome uses for its gui/05:01
JohnDoe_71RusJoe___: check up permissions /etc/resolv.conf if synaptic work fine05:09
Folkloredang trying to get gtk+ installed05:56
Folkloreand read sudo aptitude install gnome-core-devel build-essential05:56
Folkloreso changed to sudo apt-get install gnome-core-devel build-essential05:56
Folklorenow is install this behemoth thats like 400mbs :(05:56
Folklorethink sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev is all I needed05:57
markoHi, how can I enable auto-login?10:35
JohnDoe_71Rusmarko: sudo leafpad /etc/xdg/lubuntu/lxdm/lxdm.conf options autologin=user_name10:38
ubot5If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)10:38
Unit193Correct location is /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf10:39
JohnDoe_71RusUnit193: no10:41
JohnDoe_71Rusit is link10:41
markoOk, do you know if there is a GUI for autologin? I forgot what it was...10:41
Unit193JohnDoe_71Rus: Not what ls -l shows for me >_>10:42
JohnDoe_71RusUnit193: somebody do test  /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf not work. else present etc/lxdm/default.conf -> /etc/alternatives/lxdm.conf -> /etc/xdg/lubuntu/lxdm/lxdm.conf10:45
bioterrorit once was: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_to_enable_automatic_logon_in_LXDM10:47
Unit193I'll have to check the autologin, see if it works10:48
Unit1936am logic tells me that's what JohnDoe has10:48
Neosanois installing lubuntu daily okay?13:09
NeosanoI mean, would I get all of the updates every day or I would have to reinstall from time to time?13:10
icerootNeosano: updating the system with apt-get/aptitude will be ok13:26
Neosanook :)13:26
NeosanoI hope it's not that unstable13:26
icerootNeosano: 12.04 is unstable, so use 11.1013:38
icerootNeosano: daily builts are from 12.0413:38
Neosanoyeah, I know...13:42
Neosanowell I'm on 11.10 right now, but I screwed it up a little bit.13:42
Neosanodon't want to install same version :)13:42
icerootNeosano: then use unstable13:43
urisanyone gotten  windowmaker or xfce to work on lubuntu?13:53
urisi installed them from the repository, but when I can't log in to them13:53
vanyokHello everybody. I have one small^W big note for lubuntu.net website. There is a typo on all pages including the main page: on the right side it should be written NOT 11.11 but version 11.10! Please, forward this to website maintainer. Thank you!14:20
vanyokIs it a message for #lubuntu-offtopic? I think it's a topic, not offtopic.14:22
vanyokOK, hope you've got it there. Mission completed. :) Have a nice day everyone!14:23
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Neosanovanyok, haha, I noticed it too :D14:29
vanyokBTW, who is maintaining the website now? I remember there were some discussions and nobody wanted to take this.14:31
=== Zach__ is now known as Zerxes
kaipanoiGreets! So, I've read FAQ/Guide and FAQ/Workarounds and I'm looking through the forums now, but I can't seem to configure my Lubuntu machines to leave the monitors on. They keep putting the monitors to sleep. Screensaver is disabled. Where is the power manager in Lubuntu?16:49
kaipanoiOkay, there's apparently no link in the menu to 'xfce4-power-manager-settings', which is what I was missing.17:05
david_j_rHi - I'm trying to setup setxkbmap in Lubuntu - is there an app to tell me the names of keys?20:02
david_j_re.g., by detecting keystroke?20:02
david_j_rThanks bioterror - I'm looking at it right now (the app is open, I mean)20:06
david_j_rbut I don't see how it would tell me the name of a given key-stroke or combination?20:06
david_j_rThis is for "key binding" purpose (if I have my terms right!)20:07
david_j_rOr failing that - just a list of "canonical" key names?20:10
bioterrorI really cant fill your needs as I'm using always one and same keyboard layout. sorry for that20:11
david_j_rThanks anyway - I've been googling and this may tell me what I'm trying to find out:20:12
david_j_r@bioterror - xev was what I needed! works perfectly, and already available in Lubuntu. :)20:22
=== adi_ is now known as adsworth
adsworthHi, the Lubuntu 11.10 live system and im Ubuntu minimal install with LXDM as the login manager only boots to the console on my notebook. If I log into the console I can startx. Starting lxdm via sudo also works.20:51
adsworthAny one have a tip where I can look?20:51
bioterrorsudo dpkg-reconfigure lxdm20:51
adsworthtried that. but I'll happily try again. As I metnion the Lubuntu live cd has the same problem where X doesn't automatically start.20:52
bioterrorhave you checked logs20:53
bioterrorXorg.0.log for example from /var/log/20:53
adsworthyeah, I chaecked Xorg.log lxdm.log but haven't really found anything useful.20:54
adsworthstrange thing is that a sudo lxdm will launch it fine.20:54
bioterrorhow about sudo service lxdm start?20:54
adsworthwill try that. bbiab20:55
bioterrorand remember to check logs20:55
bioterrorthose usually tells what's the problem20:55
bioterroralso startx is nice20:55
bioterroror rather: startlubuntu20:56
bioterrorinstead of startx20:56
adsworthI know, haven't found anything that piqued my interest yet.20:56
adsworthback again.21:10
adsworthreconfigure didn't help. and the Xorg.log doesn't show anything obvious for me. I pasted Xorg.log here http://dpaste.org/B2v2v/21:11
adsworthlxdm.log shows a CIRITICAL error but no info. paste is here http://dpaste.org/8pjpe/.21:12
coolmagHi does anyone know how to get that Ubuntu Software Manager thingy for Lubuntu?21:13
coolmagAnd did the Lubuntu site dissapear?21:14
bioterroradsworth, could be worth to use nvidia's closed source drivers21:14
adsworthI just find it strange that a service start lxdm works fine.21:14
adsworthand gdm or xdm work fine aswell.21:14
xsaidxcoolmag: add the lubuntu ppa  update the repo's  then sud o apt-get install lubuntu-software-center21:15
coolmagum xsaidx : I'm completely new to this linux stuff umm how do you add the ppa and update the repo's?21:16
xsaidxhang on21:16
xsaidxcoolmag: bookmark this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=184475521:22
coolmag:o xsaidx  THANKS21:22
xsaidxcoolmag: np21:22
cjohnstonHow do I add a a startup application to lubuntu22:04
bioterrorcjohnston, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_I_can_autostart_a_program_when_logging_in_to_Desktop22:05
cjohnstonbioterror: so I assume if I'm wanting synergy to start automatically, I need a synergy.desktop?22:07
cjohnstonwhich i dont see22:08
coolmagHow do you run a program as root?22:10
holsteincoolmag: what are you trying to run?22:10
coolmag:o ohai holstein um PPS22:11
holsteinwhen running a program as root, you really need to ask, 'why?'22:12
coolmagi see22:13
holsteincoolmag: you open a terminal and run sudo22:14
holsteinsudo apt-get update22:14
holstein^^ for example22:14
holsteinthat runs apt-get as root and updates the package list22:14
coolmagthis magical linux stuff doesn't need antivirus right22:16
holsteincoolmag: linux doesnt22:18
holsteinyou might22:18
holsteinif you run random things as root, you might want it ;)22:18
phillwcoolmag: it is an article I wrote a while back, but it does still applly http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1722:22
holsteini have a pretty strict 'do what makes you feel safe' policy for security22:23
coolmagHm is defragmenting necessary?22:25
phillwcoolmag: no, the ext4 system is pretty much self defragging22:26
phillwit is not 100%, but there is no need to shut your system down, just ensure you keep all disks below 90% full.22:28
coolmag? so I don't ever need to defrag?22:29
holsteincoolmag: correct22:30
holsteinyou leave enough free disk space, and you never need to defrag22:31
coolmagGreat and wut happened to the Lubuntu site?22:31
holsteincoolmag: i think there is an hosting issue being resolved22:32
phillwcoolmag: soz, I'm still giggling .. some one actually tried to defrag the hard drive they were working on.22:32
phillwcoolmag: they are re-desining it22:36
coolmagHey could I ask why a random program isn't working?23:20
coolmagIt seems like it was designed for Ubuntu 8.10+23:20
wxlyoure setting up a script to pick a program at random to run? ;)23:21
wxlyou know, software's not all that good with real randomness23:21
wxlok, i'll shut up now23:22
wxlwhat program coolmag23:22
coolmagit's this internet streaming thing at www.pps.tv23:22
coolmagit's called PPStream or something23:22
coolmagI always have to run it twice before it loads, and then after it does it still doesn't function properly.23:22
wxlhow did you install?23:23
wxlther's no oneiric version available23:24
wxlanychance you're on 11.04?23:24
wxlif so:23:25
wxlsudo add-apt-repository ppa:cnav/ppa23:25
wxlsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ppstream23:25
coolmag:o does that work?23:25
wxl*IF* you're on natty/11.0423:25
coolmagum oh no i'm on 11.1023:25
coolmagi think.23:26
wxlthere's no oneiric version23:26
coolmagOh there's not? :|23:26
coolmagso i can't run it23:26
wxlread and weep23:26
wxlhah! it may be gone for good too http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Linux/31266733.html23:28
wxlwish i could read chinese i might be of more help23:29
wxlthere's this23:29
coolmagDo you know anything about this : http://code.google.com/p/totem-pps/23:29
coolmagThe installation guide is crazy and I don't understand it T_T23:30
wxldon't know a darn thing about ppstream23:31
wxllooks like it may get around the need for the proprietary (?) client23:31
wxlbut it requires you to build from source which most people aren't happy with23:31
coolmagyeah exactly it looks like it gets around the required usage of the client23:33
coolmagbut how do i install it23:33
coolmagand wut is totem23:33
wxlyou follow the instructions23:35
coolmagoh and then i can install the other thing?23:37
coolmagthe PPS thing or do I need to compile somehow @_@23:37
coolmagoh also the lubuntu screenscaver things says something about not having the screensaver packages installed how do I do that @_@ is it in the synaptic thing23:37
wxlyep yep yep23:38
wxlyou need totem23:38
wxland you need to compile totem-pps et all23:38
wxlnot for the squeamish23:38
wxland the screensaver packages are in synaptic23:38
wxllook for xscreensaver and you'll find them23:38
coolmagum is there an easy way to compile T_T23:39
coolmagi'm very squeamish23:39
coolmagvery new to this linux thing23:39
wxlthen i would in general suggest against it unless you feel adventurous23:39
coolmagaw :|23:39
coolmagso it's not as simple as following the steps in the wiki23:40
wxlwell it is23:40
wxlgive it a shot23:41
wxlit's unlikely you're going to break anything23:41
coolmagi think i already have.23:41
wxlfrom what i can tell that program is broken, period23:42
coolmagoh if i installed 9.04 would it work?23:44
KM0201Lubuntu doesn't have a version 9.0423:44
wxl11.04 would work with those directions above23:44
KM0201not to mention 9.04 is EOL.23:44
wxlSHOULD Wwork23:44
wxlthere's no guarantee of no bugs23:44
wxltechnically the program is compltely and totally unsupported by canonical23:45
phillwcoolmag: Lubuntu 9.04 never got a release, please do not use it. It was a "proof of concept", nothing more.23:46
phillwsame with 9.1023:47
phillw10.04 was really our 1st 'real' release.23:47
coolmag2Uh when I did the Totem thing I got this : Package totem-gstreamer is not available, but is referred to by another package.23:49
coolmag2(when I did sudo apt-get install totem-gstreamer)23:49
coolmag2do I include the $ sign23:49
phillwcoolmag no you do not, but what version are you using>?23:50
coolmag2Um of Lubuntu?23:50
coolmag2I think 11.1023:50
wxlgive us the output of "lsb_release" coolmag223:50
wxl(no quotes)23:50
coolmag2No LSB modules are available.23:51
wxl"lsb_release -a"23:51
coolmag2uh should i paste that somewhere will i get kicked for flooding23:52
coolmag2No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 11.10 Release:11.10 Codename:oneiric23:52
wxlso yep, 11.1023:53
KM0201youc an also install pastebinit , and paste straight from the terminal.23:53
* KM0201 really likes pastebinit23:53
coolmag2ok wut do I do23:53
KM0201what do you do for what?23:54
coolmag2installing totem23:54
coolmag2I'm erroring23:54
KM0201open synaptic23:54
coolmag2Package totem-gstreamer is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source However the following packages replace it:   totem-plugins-extra23:54
KM0201open synaptic23:54
KM0201in synaptic23:55
KM0201click settings/repositories23:55
KM0201that'll open upa  window called "software sources"23:55
wxlthere is no oneiric toem-gstreamer23:55
KM0201there isn't?23:55
wxlended with natty23:56
wxli'm confused23:56
wxltotem is based on gstreamer23:56
wxlit's a dependency23:56
KM0201yeah, that makes no sense23:56
KM0201!info gstreamer023:57
wxlyeah coolmag2 i'd just install totem23:57
ubot5Package gstreamer0 does not exist in natty23:57
KM0201hmm, yes it does.23:57
wxl!info gstreamer23:57
ubot5Package gstreamer does not exist in natty23:57
wxl!info libgstreamer23:58
ubot5Package libgstreamer does not exist in natty23:58
KM0201wxl: do you have gstreamer0.10-pitfdll   in 11.10?  it looks like it might be a replacement23:58
coolmag2it says to do that command on the totem site thing23:58
coolmag2Where can I get it? --> $ sudo apt-get install totem-gstreamer23:58
KM0201coolmag: hold on a second23:58
wxli seem to23:58
wxlcoolmag2: sudo apt-get install totem23:59
KM0201wxl: i could be wrong, but reading the description, i think thats a replacement23:59
wxl!info gstreamer0.10-pitfdll23:59
ubot5gstreamer0.10-pitfdll (source: gstreamer0.10-pitfdll): GStreamer plugin for using MS Windows binary codecs. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 77 kB, installed size 256 kB (Only available for i386)23:59

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