
MooDooor it's a special channel ;)00:06
* jussi sighs tiredly07:47
jussiI had very little sleep last night07:47
dholbachgood morning08:01
jussimorning dholbach08:05
dholbachhi jussi08:08
czajkowskijussi: and baby hasn't arrived yet08:35
jussiczajkowski: nope - not due till 6th Jan08:37
jussijust had a rough night08:37
jussiI also owe you an email, which I havent yet done08:37
czajkowskitis ok08:38
MooDoohello all08:54
czajkowskitodays rss feed is full of ubuntu fans and commentators going on about distro watch stats.09:01
czajkowskiugh click  *next* :)09:01
MooDoothat's gone on for a while now, people are clicking other distro links just to get their zstatus up to prove a point09:02
czajkowskiuhj the bloody bleeding horse features in my RSS feed >:( not what one needs to see at 9am09:03
bkerensaczajkowski: Indeed... LOL The Randall Horse09:07
Tm_Tjussi: get used to it09:41
* Tm_T yawns09:41
* jussi duct tapes Tm_T to the ceiling09:42
* nigelb hugs jussi 09:42
Tm_Tjussi: I always wanted to play spiderman, thanks for fulfilling my dream! <309:43
nigelbWell played :)09:44
jussiTm_T: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRScsi0fEcI09:45
Tm_Tyes please09:46
bkerensaGood Night folks!09:53
nigelbjussi: Just remember, it will get worse :D09:57
Tm_Tnigelb: you mean better!10:01
nigelbTm_T: Better eventually, yeah :)10:06
Tm_TI miss those times already10:13
czajkowskibkerensa: Iwasn't lolling tbh and neither were lots of folks I know10:13
AlanBellit is not a positive image10:19
Tm_TI'm totally out of what you're talking about, summary?10:21
Tm_Tso uh, distrowatch stats -> panic ?10:24
* Tm_T shakes his head10:25
AlanBellTm_T: http://blog.sighworld.com/2011/11/03/ubuntu-haemorrhaging-horse/10:25
Tm_Ttitle doesn't encourage to read10:27
Tm_Tbut interesting10:28
Tm_Tstill, I'm bit uncertain what's the panic I see in planet.ubuntu.com10:29
czajkowskiAlanBell: it's more a stomach churning image tbh10:30
czajkowskiAlanBell: is crunchBang developer on ubuntu-uk ?10:32
Tm_Ttime to get ready for a job interview, later all (:10:33
MooDooczajkowski: not seen him there10:34
popeyczajkowski: he pops on irc now and then10:35
popeycorenominal is his nick.10:36
czajkowskiwonder was it more than him behing CrunchBang10:38
czajkowskias a lot of the new features and removal of stuff is his personal preference.10:38
MooDooas far as i'm aware he's the core dev so make those decisions himself10:50
MooDooseems to be picking up momentum as well, he's getting some nice coverage in blogs etc10:52
popeyit goes in waves11:09
dholbachdpm, hey - how are you doing?11:11
dholbachdpm, are you OK for me and go add the platform blurb we agreed on on the platform page?11:11
dpmhey dholbach, sure!11:12
dholbachgreat, thanks11:12
dpmSorry I didn't add it myself, I got sidetracked with something else11:12
dpmyou should be able to just log in and modify the page11:12
dholbachno worries11:13
dpmlooks good :)11:14
dholbachdpm, once the guide is renamed, would you be OK to link it from there as well?11:14
dholbach(current feedback on renaming it looks OK)11:14
dholbachhahahaha, https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/375526_2757865668483_1312994254_3091424_1562468756_n.jpg - the Italian mafia as we know them :)11:15
dpmdholbach, yeah. Do you want the d.u.c/packaging to be called something else?11:16
dholbachdpm, hum11:16
dholbachnot sure yet :)11:16
dpmWe've got this page as well -> http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/tools/packaging/11:16
dholbachmaybe /packaging and /resources/tools/packaging and /platformguide should all link to the same thing?11:16
dholbachlet's hold off for now - I'm not sure yet11:17
dpmdholbach, sure, just let me know when the decision has been made. All other changes are easy, but if we want to rename the packaging url to /platformguide we simply need to contact IS, but it should be a trivial change, too11:18
dholbachthanks for your help11:18
dpmno worries, you've done all the work really11:19
dholbachdon't worry - it wasn't too much ;-)11:19
czajkowskiMooDoo: popey if ye know him, feedback, doing an article and trying to find their logo for it is imposisble. Had to use their twitter logo.11:22
popeyczajkowski: email him, corenominal at corenominal dot org11:24
czajkowskipopey: ty, we got an images via G+11:30
czajkowskibut will mail also11:30
MooDoohe's also available via g+'s chat thing, but he's away at the moment lol11:31
czajkowskianyone else noticed Sridhar Dhanapalan  posts keep re appearing top of the planet over the weekend and today?12:06
MooDooah thought that was just me12:07
MooDooor are they actually different posts?12:07
czajkowskia couple are12:07
Pendulummaybe he's edited some posts?12:08
nigelbThat's happened before with wordpress.12:08
nigelbIf you edit, it updates the timestamp.12:08
MooDoosilly wordpress12:09
nigelbEither RSS or Atom, one of them does the Wrong Thing (tm)12:09
czajkowskiyeah but there is a setting that doesnt make it rebublish12:09
nigelbIf you do know of it, please document.12:10
* AlanBell did not know such a setting existed12:16
nigelbzomg. Firefox Sync is nifty.12:16
nigelbI can look at the tabs on my home computer from work computer12:17
nigelb(the ones that were open when I quit firefox at home)12:17
MooDooAlanBell: i can't see anything in a wordpress install i hve :S12:19
akgranerdholbach, did you say you were running precise already?13:03
dholbachakgraner, nope, not yet - you? I was asking around who was :)13:32
akgranerdholbach, I'm setting up a new machine today and was thinking I would go that route13:34
akgranerthis will be the first time I've used a development release this early13:34
akgranerI'll let you know how it works out today :-)13:35
AlanBellso far precise is really not very broken at all13:36
DavieyAlanBell: no you've done it!13:37
MooDooi'll just wait for ambers cursing on facebook/google+ :)13:38
MooDooalthough what you playing at last one was an hour ago about the rain :)13:41
* Pici hmms13:42
akgraneryep it's raining here...and it's a cold rain13:42
akgranerbrrrr even13:42
MooDooyou're in a warm office aren't you13:42
akgranerbut it's perfect for my dad who is out deer hunting13:43
akgranerI am but I had to turn the heat up which makes some people (no names) in my house grumpy13:43
nigelbjcastro: fail. :D14:58
MooDoocan't see a thing here14:59
jcastrodpm, marcoceppi can answer your API questions15:11
dpmjcastro, ok, cool, thanks!15:12
dpmmarcoceppi, I'll play a bit with the api first, and I'll come to you when I've got some questions15:12
marcoceppidpm: Sounds good! I'll be here :)15:13
dholbachhey jono16:02
jonohey dholbach16:03
MooDooshort and sweet :)16:15
jonodpm, all set?16:31
dpmjono, yep16:31
jonodpm, one sec16:32
jonodpm, dammit, rebooting16:32
jonosound issues16:33
jonodpm, ok, one sec16:36
dpmno worries16:37
jonodpm, invite sent16:40
jcastro<--- going to lunch!16:55
alouriehow's everyone today?17:29
MooDooas it's 1 min till hometime, it's going grand thanks :)  what about your good self17:30
dholbachmy friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow17:46
alourieMooDoo: I'm not bad either17:58
alouriethe baby is going to sleep, so we getting some time finally17:59
cprofitthey alourie18:55
cprofittI added some items to the document18:55
jonojcastro, sorry will be a few mins19:00
jonowrapping a call19:00
jcastrono worries19:01
jonojcastro, ok, one sec19:07
jonojcastro, lets do skype19:08
jonojcastro, ping?19:10
jcastrojono, sec, my skype never works, it's not picking up19:10
jcastrolet me try to restart it19:10
jonojcastro, lets do G+19:10
jonomy cam is not working though19:10
jcastrothat's fine19:10
jonohangout sent19:11
jonojcastro, I lost you19:27
bkerensaso never using Identica again19:35
bkerensait spammed my twitter feed all night19:35
czajkowskiyeah I don't use identi.ca any more19:40
czajkowskipeople abused the ! tags and just filled up my feed19:40
czajkowskinow I use G+ for FOSS folks, and block ones who fill up my feed with stuff19:40
cprofittczajkowski: I can't think of anyone that does that on G+ (sarcasm)... but yes, I dropped identi.ca as well...19:44
macoreally annoying that instead of dealing with spammers, identica just emails all the mods of the group when anyone joins a group20:04
MooDooevening all20:31
alourieakgraner: hey20:52
jcastrohey jono22:31
jcastroI have been using pandora all day22:33
jcastronot a single bad song22:33
jcastroit's just on the ball today22:33
alouriesing more! sing more!22:44
alourieok, time to sleep now23:17
doctormonDoes it do kareeokee?23:37
bkerensajono: http://benjaminkerensa.com/2011/11/28/ubuntu-local-jam-debian-bug-squash23:50
bkerensathat was the thing I asked if you might plug23:50
cjohnstonjcastro: what are you doing23:57
bkerensamy xchat is blinking like a disco show :P23:59

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