
doctormonAlanBell: It's good, but I have some news.00:27
dholbachgood morning08:01
AlanBellmorning dholbach08:19
dholbachhi AlanBell08:20
AlanBelldo we know how the core design team like to collaborate?08:29
doctormonAlanBell: google docs08:45
thorwilwell, i guess being in one place rather often and using white-boards could also be mentioned08:48
AlanBellsabdfl reeled off a list of irc nicks in the last CC meeting, but I don't think there has been any comment from any of them09:37
AlanBelljust wondering if they would prefer mailing lists to IRC or something else?09:37
AlanBellgoogle hangouts perhaps?09:37
AlanBell"<sabdfl> it feels weird to me that the ubuntu design team doesn't include johnlea, mika, oren, calum, christian, mpt..."09:38
AlanBellmpt is here, the rest don't appear to be on freenode09:39
mainerrorsladen is here as well.09:41
sladenAlanBell: FWIW, I can only see mika on the Canonical internal IRC09:54
sladenAlanBell: I will poke people a little later09:55
mptAlanBell, "oren" is oreneeshy, "calum" is ckpringle10:10
mptAlanBell, what's the "CC"?10:11
AlanBellthe community council10:11
AlanBellhi oreneeshy & ckpringle o/10:15
ckpringlehi AlanBell10:15
oreneeshyhi AlanBell10:15
mainerrorOh hello. :)10:24
mainerrorSoo, is there already an official statement on this weeks meeting date and time?11:25
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doctormonmainerror: Yes, there should be in the title etc.15:32
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shnatselHi everyone! I came here following doctormon's invitation in Ubuntu Artwork mailing list.20:21
thorwilhi shnatsel20:24
shnatselhi thorwil20:25
shnatselglad to meet you!20:25
shnatseloh btw, Ubuntu Studio needs some love20:25
shnatselBoot screen and login screen background, to be exact20:25
shnatselthe mockups, to be even more exact20:26
shnatselI can code the plymouth myself, I already have some experience in that, e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75_qyL7U2ME20:26
mainerrorHello shnatsel.20:26
shnatselhello mainerror20:27
shnatsel(that thing on youtube is very old though; I've learned a lot since then)20:27
shnatselthorwil: UbuntuStudio devs humbly hope that you'll come up with something for their boot and login screens20:34
thorwilshnatsel: oh, will not happen.20:35
shnatselthat's a pity20:36
shnatselthey seem to be in the poorest state of all official derivatives :(20:37
shnatselI have to help them from time to time apart from my usual work for elementary project20:37
thorwilshnatsel: because i have several things on my list that are more pressing and/or interesting. tbh i don't think this derivative should exist. not as more than a collection of (meta-) packages20:39
shnatselthorwil: they do an amazing job shipping an OOTB environment for professional sound processing20:40
shnatselthorwil: regular Ubuntu is hardly suitable for that20:40
doctormonshnatsel: Do you have a good definition of what UBS needs?20:40
shnatseldoctormon: I think I do. You can ask ScottL in #ubuntustudio-devel for details right now if you wish.20:41
doctormonshnatsel: You should make sure you communicate with Scott how important it is to write down everythign you need in a blueprint or similar20:41
shnatseldoctormon: last time I checked they needed a boot screen mockup and a background image for login screen20:42
doctormonThink about a design breif.20:42
shnatseldoctormon: yeah, I've already converted them to blueprints20:42
doctormonIt's no good asking designers to boldly seek out the very busy ScottL for information in his head ;-)20:42
shnatseldoctormon: last time I checked they needed a boot screen mockup and a background for LightDM greeter. But yeah, good point.20:44
shnatseldoctormon: thanks!20:44
doctormonshnatsel: So 1 wallpaper and 1 plymouth? Do you have a link to the briefs for each of those?20:48
shnatseldoctormon: for Plymouth - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/Plymouth20:51
shnatseldoctormon: and examples at http://brej.org/blog/?p=23820:51
shnatseldoctormon: and LightDM is expected to look similar to GDM, but nobody really knows that yet :(20:53
shnatseldoctormon: like this: http://iloveubuntu.net/pictures_me/lightDM%200.9.2%20Oneiric.png20:54
doctormonthorwil: This is why we need a website to host designs and projects. :-)21:00
thorwildoctormon: did i miss something? i'm debugging some realtime audio software. how matching, since u-studio is the topic :}21:01
doctormonthorwil: Indeed. Although I think the branding for ubuntu studio is more important that you expressed above.21:02
shnatselMediaGoblin, anyone>21:13
thorwilshnatsel: guess who did a logo and mentioned it here? ;)21:15
shnatselthorwil: yeah, saw that on your blog :)21:15
shnatselthorwil: nice one btw21:15
thorwilgotta run, good night!21:16
mmiiccAlanBell: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/11/28/ubuntu_tv/21:21
AlanBell /o\21:21
mainerrorThe internet is serious business. :D21:22
shnatselScottL says that he would write the exact requirements this weekend21:41
mainerrordoctormon: What is the status of the design team website? Do you want to wait with it until after the meeting?21:46
doctormonmainerror: I want to wait until the meeting, consensus needs to be reached.21:47
mainerrorI see.21:47
doctormonshnatsel: That sounds great, make sure he'll be specifying tone, logos and a list of don'ts.21:48
mainerrorI will propose the use of Trello for the design team at the meeting. I feel this could really help.21:48
doctormonmainerror: Trello?21:49
mainerrorIt is like a todo list but a lot better.21:51
mainerrordoctormon: If you give me your email address I can invite you to the design team on Trello and you can play around with it.21:53
doctormonmainerror: Everyon should know my email: doctormo@ubuntu.com21:54
mainerrorSent. :)21:55
mainerrorOne day I'll get such a fancy forward email address as well. :)21:56
AlanBellthe ubuntu-tv mailing list is going wild21:57
doctormonAlanBell: lol, WHAT DID YOU DO! ;-)23:23
AlanBellit is all a bit mad23:28
AlanBellhowever, there are lots of great ideas floating about and people are doing designs and storyboards23:28
doctormonAlanBell: That's great, using Pencil or some other method?23:33
AlanBellat least three are trying pencil, I think some others are doing other things23:34
doctormonmainerror: Trying to use Trello, it's _really_ slow. Far too slow to actually use any of the functionality.23:36
doctormonAlanBell: As you run through the ideas and methods, can you report back on your perception on whether we need a formal website or not?23:37
AlanBellwill do23:37
AlanBellI can see a need for a few bits and bobs23:38

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