
dholbachgood morning08:01
czajkowskiAloha 08:43
* nigelb huge paultag 12:31
cjohnstonnot nice to call paultag huge nigelb :-P12:48
nigelb./me hugs paultag 12:48
* nigelb hugs paultag 12:48
nigelbGenerally fail day today :)12:48
* paultag hugs nigelb 13:16
paultaghuzzah, greg-g!13:17
paultaghe's come to save^Wreplace me!13:17
akgranerpaultag, too funny!13:42
mhall119akgraner: I don't know how you guys keep sane driving in mountainous areas all the time14:23
akgranermhall119, hehe14:23
akgranerit's great - remember I grew up here...so flat land was weird to me...14:24
mhall119seriously, I feel like someone stuck a knife between my shoulders after just a day of it14:24
mhall119and I wasn't even on the blue ridge pkwy this time14:25
akgraneryeah it can get get like that, but driving in places like DC, Boston and San Francisco do that to me14:25
mhall119I gotta say, Bryson City was a beautiful little town 14:26
mhall119Asheville was weird though14:26
akgraner:-)  I'm glad you all enjoyed it - wish I could have driven up to see you all14:26
akgranerI love Asheville - I'm there about once a week14:26
mhall119I call it Hillbilly Hipster, for it's southern take on hipster fashion14:27
mhall119though there was also an element of punk/grunge fashion tooo14:27
mhall119like I said, weird14:27
mhall119but intersting14:27
mhall119holy crap at the cost of seeing the biltmore though, $70 per person?14:28
greg-gpaultag: :) thanks buddy16:49
paultaggreg-g: you rock, man. I'm stoked you're taking my place16:51
paultaggreg-g: ^516:51
greg-gpaultag: ^516:51
paultaggreg-g: czajkowski'll hook you up with irc access16:52
paultaggreg-g: say, you wouldn't happen to know python, would you?16:52
paultag</loco-council> :)16:53
greg-gpaultag: define "know" :)16:55
paultaggreg-g: fair enough :)16:55
paultaggreg-g: you now have +w on lp:locolint, which might be nice for someone to maintain :)16:55
paultagok, brb, lunch16:55
mhall119paultag: sad to see you step down, greg-g has big shoes to fill17:08
paultagmhall119: nah. greg-g's got it in the bag17:42
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=== sk is now known as skfin
paultaggreg-g: how's things going?23:58
paultaggreg-g: need anything out of me? docs, info, whatever?23:58

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